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GUIDES Flydotfish Henkie Altena
Where, What & When
Karoolskraal Fly Fishing Camp offers a perfect combination of diverse and challenging fishing conditions, very good fish stocks and privacy.
Our fly fishing safari camp allows exclusive access to walk the banks and rock shelves in front of the camp, where we often have grunter tailing and garrick chasing mullet. Deep water for kob is accessible off rocky points. All in all, the 3 different species offer 3 unique fly fishing challenges and therefore, collectively, make this venue a fascinating fishing experience. Allowing fly fishermen to attempt the Grand Slam – catching and releasing Grunter, Garrick and Kob on fly in 24 hours!
Contact Person: Contact Number: Website: Email: Facebook:
Henkie Altena +27 (0)82 782 4452 www.flydotfish.com henkie@flydotfish.com flydotfish
Additional Services
We offer day trips were Henkie will cover basic techniques, such as line control and casting in the wind, spotting fish and reading a saltwater system, and the preferred means of presenting and retrieving the fly for the different target species.
Flies: If there is an interest. Henkie will present a fly tying demonstration and explain why he find those flies so effective. Guests are welcome to bring their own fly tying kits.
Other Information
Karoolskraal Fly Fishing Camp is a 3h30 drive from Cape Town, a 2h30 drive from George and 6km from Witsand.
Flydotfish is the vision and dream of master fly angler and fly tyer, Henkie Altena.