_Design Studio - ( 3 & 6 ) _Gallery- Engaging the people with activity. _Atelier- An Sculptor house.
North south university mun club, _The club recruitment booth _NSU model united nation club _NSU zero point Structure. ___PAGE 11
___PAGE 01
Module Mania:a primary school.
_ Design Studio - 6 _ A primary school which 'design' helps as guardians itself for students.
Design Of A Dream House _ Design Studio - 4 _ It's a challenging project to
satisďŹ ed the demand of imaginary client. ___PAGE 03
Design Of A Commercial Highrise _ at Hatirjheel ,Dhaka . _ The Design of A Highrise on this commercial zone ___PAGE 04-05
Institute of Film,Television, Photography & Media
ORTFOlio ppORTFOlio Md.Saiful Islam Md.Saiful
B.sc. in Architecture B.sc. in Architecture North South University North South University
Professional Works
___PAGE 02
Design of a Triplex House _Interior ,Exterior & Consultancy _at Norshindi, Dhaka. _with Luxurious facilities. ___PAGE 12
Exterior Design Of Various Duplex & Triplex Residence _Exterior & Consultancy _at Comilla, Noahkhali, Dhaka. _with Luxurious facilities. ___PAGE 13-16
Stall Design At DITF 2020 Dhaka International Trade Fair _Design _For Bombay Sweets & Co. Ltd. _Dhaka , Bangladesh. ___PAGE 17
Interior & Exterior_
_ Thesis Project. _ This site located at Kallyanpur,Dhaka _ An Institution for Digital Media sector.
|Sunny Mart| Super Shop _Design _For Bombay Sweets & Co. Ltd. _Dhaka , Bangladesh. ___PAGE 18
___PAGE 06-10
Academic Works
Design of a Pop-Up-Gallery & Atelier.
Photography & Graphics work_
_At Jinda park Photography _At Purbachol, Dhaka, Bangladesh. _ Interests in Graphics work ___PAGE 19-20
MD. SAIFUL SAIFUL ISLAM ISLAM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Degree Subject Board Institution Result Year of passing
S.S.C (Secondary School Certificate) Science. Chittagong. Chittagong Collegiate School. GPA 5 out of 5. 2009.
H.S.C (Higher Secondary School Certificate) Science. Chittagong. Govt.Hazi Mohammad Mohsin College, Chittagong. GPA 4.5 out of 5. 2012
Subject Board Institution
“A stronger believer in the ability of the Architecture and Research combined with the design thinking for the strengthening our society and having a positive effect of the world. " DATE OF BIRTH 16 December, 1994. ADDRESS Road 2, Block C, House 36, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh. CONTACT INFORMATION Safunislam1@gmail.com Facebook.com/safunz Instagram.com/ar.safun Linkedin.com/in/safun +8801724226825
Result Year of passing
Bachelor Of Architecture North South University GPA 3.02 out of 4 August 2019 Id-(AI-221),Institute of Architects Bangladesh
Degree Intern Architect Institution At Volumezero Limited, Result Architecture, Consulting Agency. Year of passing September '17- December '17 Associate Worked as Junior Architect Member in Story Of Idea Architecture, LANGUAGES Interior & Consultancy Firm February ‘19 to August ‘20 Bangla Personal Work Hindi Design of a Triplex House Professional English Proficiency Interior & Exterior (Building & Consultancy) ABILITIES Norshindi, Dhaka Team Work
BASIC INFORMATION Father’s name Occupation Mother’s name Occupation
Md. Abdul Malek Engineer Tofura Khatun House wife
Date of birth Gender Nationality Marital status Religion
16 december,1994 M ale Bangladeshi. Single. Islam
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Former Senior Member At North South University Model United Nation Club. 2016 to 2017
Leadership Design
Perseverance Concept Creativity & Problem Solving
HOBBIES Traveling Photography Sketching Watching Movies Listening Music Performing ‘Beat Boxing’ At NSU Annual Musical Event ‘DRUPOD’ 2016 (as a Professional Beat Boxer)
Former Member Former Main Designer (Recruitment booth & all Structure) At North South University At International Model United Nation Conference 2016 Shangskritik Shangathan Club 2014 to 2015 At North South University
Design of a Pop-Up-Gallery & Atelier.
Professional Project
Atelier Design For A Sculptor
Name :Design of a Pop-Up-Gallery & Atelier. Design Studio - ( 3 & 6 ) Gallery- Engaging the people with activity. Atelier- An Sculptor house.
Conceptual Sketch
Design of a pop-up-gallery is a gallery design which is located in a urban busy area . there is a 3 storied and 4 storied building both side of the gallery. in between then there is a recreational space created by this g a l l e r y .
Some Images From Different Angle Md.Saiful Islam B.sc. in Architecture North South University
Design concept phase 2
Design of a atelier house is actually
Axonometric View
made for the sculpture .it is two storied building. in first floor there is a studio for the sculptor and in the first floor there is a bed room and a dinning space for the sculptor.in between them there is a connecting bridge to connect the two building. Design concept phase 2
Ground Floor Plan
Design concept phase 1
First Floor Plan
Section AA’
Section BB’
Site Plan of Atelier Design
Page 01
Professional Project
Design of a Dream House
Design of a Atelier house is actually made for the sculpture .it is two story building. in first floor there is a studio for the sculptor and in the first floor there is a bed room and a dinning space for the sculptor. In between them there is a connecting bridge to connect the two building.
Name :Design of a Dream House Design Studio - 4 During this Design I have face some site based problem and I it's a challenging project to satisfied the demand of imaginary client.
Modified Design After Phase 1
Final Design
C o n c e p t
Everyone has a dream house. Here in my design I use my own concept.
Design Concept Phase 2
Perspective Phase 1
Modified Design After Phase 1
From the beginning till my design end process, I use some various types of simple method to reshape my design. From there |ROTATION| of Form is m y m a i n c o n c e p t i o n . In my dream house project, I use rotation Formula.
Axonometric View
Top View
Ground Floor Plan
First Floor Plan
Section AA’
Section BB’
Section CC’
Page 02
Professional Project
Module Mania : A Primary School. Name :Design of a Primary School Design Studio - 5 Designed a primary school to engaged the students with a guideline as like as the guardians want to guide their children.
Perspective view
Design concept phase 2
Perspective view
A design for the primary level class one to five. it has a spacious playground.for the upper floor have a connecting bridge to create a relation between the ground floor and the first floor. The playground is 10' under from the ground which creates a basic guideline for the primary level students. this design has taken from the concept of the human eyes.This concept has create a 10' down level from the ground and also creates a basic guideline for the students. Master Plan
Perspective view
Page 03
Design Of A Commercial Highrise
At Hatirjheel,Dhaka,Bangladesh.
Student Project
Site location : Hatirjheel,Dhaka,Bangladesh. Site Area : 48 khata.
pORTFOlio Md.Saiful Islam
B.sc. in Architecture North South University
Design of a Commercial Highrise at Hatirjheel is a 30 multistoried building. It has 2 basement at the ground. In the first floor there is a small Restaurant, Atm Booth etc. In the first floor there has a Bank, Gallery space etc. And In the 2nd floor there has a Rooftop Restaurant which is open to the Sky. Electro-mechanical room is 16' height and others are Typical floor plans.
pORTFOlio Md.Saiful
Legend Commercial Area
B.sc. in Architecture North South University
Water Body
Existing Site Map
All Floor Plans Page 04
Design Of A Commercial Highrise
Professional Project
At Hatirjheel,Dhaka,Bangladesh. Site location : Hatirjheel,Dhaka,Bangladesh. Site Area : 48 khata.
pORTFOlio Md.Saiful Islam
B.sc. in Architecture North South University
Section BB’
Section AA’ Design of a Commercial Highrise at Hatirjheel is a 30 multistoried building. It has 2 basement at the ground. In the first floor there is a small Restaurant, Atm Booth etc. In the first floor there has a Bank, Gallery space etc. And In the 2nd floor there has a Rooftop Restaurant which is open to the Sky. Electro-mechanical room is 16' height and others are Typical floor plans.
pORTFOlio Md.Saiful
Legend Commercial Area
B.sc. in Architecture North South University
Water Body
Existing Site Map
West Elevation
East Elevation
South Elevation Page 05
Institute of Film, Television, Photography & Media.
Professional Project
At Kallyanpur, Dhaka. Location: Darussalem, A W Chowdhury Road, Kallyanpur in Dhaka city. Site area: 7.5 acre / 326700 sq.feet. Client : Ministry of information, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. Total buildable area: 1306560 Sft. Total built area estimated: 272214 sft
What Is The Issue ?? “In our country ,We need an Standard Ins tute for Digital
Media sector.”
Why I Want To Work On This Issue ?? Growing of Digital media and Broadcas ng Industry Bangladesh
Sectors of Digital media and Broadcas ng Industry Bangladesh
• Photography Sector • Television Industry
Broadcas ng.
Post Produc on + Edi ng • Cinematography Videography
Existing Condition • Southeast wind force • Existing Lake Near Site • Existing Trees • Exiting Site 7.5 acre / 326700 sq. • Nimco Building • Exiting Road • Exiting Green Field • Exiting Entry
Print media Film
• Digital Filming
Bangladesh Digital Media
Animated + Commercial Films films & others.
Photography Anima on
North South University
Md.Saiful B.sc. in Architecture North South University
Existing Land Use Map
Local Context
Need a professional working place
To creat a platform for students, professional & researcher in digital media sector. To create inter diciplinary interaction.
Can produce some trained ar st
International Context Career oriented profession
Need mark quality Ins tu on
Aim Of The Project Make an institution for the Digital Media sector.
Radio Channels
B.sc. in Architecture
Make a new window of ins tu on
Foreign students will be a racted Opportuni es Of Digital media ins tu on in Bangladesh Compe ve atmosphere for Be er studies.
Opportuni es Of Digital media ins tu on in Bangladesh Making own Produc on of film, anima on photography
Need a professional lab for the professionals Can enrich the digital media sector of Bangladesh.
Create awareness and promote new talent.
Page 06
Institute of Film, Television, Photography & Media. At Kallyanpur, Dhaka.
Professional Project
5 1
3 (Conceptual Sketch) Landscape Design in between the Campus Area.
(Conceptual Sketch) The Attachment with the Landscape & Water body makes this campus area more lively, students can also enjoy their leisure time there.
2 (Conceptual Sketch) An Amphitheatre adjusting with the water body behind.
1 Programs Administrative Block Academic Block (Conceptual Model) Visualizing the concept of tv, ďŹ lm , Photography & Animation Institute.
Department Of Television Department Of Film Department Of Photography & Department Of Animation
Page 07
Institute of Film, Television, Photography & Media. At Kallyanpur, Dhaka.
Professional Project
Research Findings & Design
Page 08
Institute of Film, Television, Photography & Media. At Kallyanpur, Dhaka.
Professional Project
Institute Of Film, Television, Photography & Media At Kallyanpur ,Dhaka is my Thesis Project during my undergraduate studies. I n o u r c o u n t r y The quality Film is also needed for our country for the purpose of our culture or the purpose of our need. Now at this moment people are deprived of our TV, Film,Natok, Tvc etc.And besides this they accept the foreign culture, foreign TV, commercial, Tvc etc. So that why we need quality film, Tvc etc. for capturing our market value in this sector. S t r e n g t h A newly proposed area in Dhaka city and a scope of a new dimension of urban development. W e a k n e s s Small infrastructure around the site. New area and inviting people at the first phase can be a little difficult. O p p o r t u n i t y A new way to invite people for learning. Surrounded nature is a opportunity of treating the whole p r o j e c t . T h r e a t Water level from pond can rise in any season can be a threat. No other road for entering this beautiful site. Page 09
Institute of Film, Television, Photography & Media. At Kallyanpur, Dhaka.
Professional Project
Breathing Space of Digital Media.
A Connecting Pathway Between Two Building Mass. Department Of Television
Department Of Photography
Department Of Animation
Institute of Film, Television, Photography & Media. Department Of Film The Connecting Main Path.
The Cafeteria Area.
An Amphitheater Which use as a place of A Connecting Pathway &Top view of the Building. Performing their Creative Aspects.
Main Entry of the Institute.
Page 10
Nsu Mun Club Recruitment Booth Design & Zeropoint Structure At North South University.
Professional Project
N orth South university is a renowned university and one of the best private university in bangladesh. It’s also as popular as the extra curriculum activity as well. It has various categories club. beyond them NSU Model United club also familier club of this university. during my study, I got an offer from my friend and hopefully this one my first professional work which is very memorable a s w e l l .
NSU Mun Club Recruitment Booth Design
NSU Mun Club Zero Point Structural Design Design and Construction Phase 2
At Zero Point of NSU.
Final Construction
Recruitment Booth Design At NSU.
Final Construction
here I use the sense of ‘speed’ concept of the club . my design sense grow toward this concept of their club. in my design first I pick a cube , then use some subtructive and addictive method on it , and finally I got my desire design.
Page 11
Exterior & Interior of A Triplex Residence, Norshindi, Dhaka - Rendering.
Professional Project
D e s i g n O f A Tr i p l e x Residence In Norshindi, Dhaka is quiet a challenging because of its client requirements and all pre-requestion for this triplex R e s i d e n c e . It has ground Floor and First Floor with a community space facilities in the roof top space.
Perspective View
A Beautiful Front View
A Swimming Pool
Can Enjoy The Beautiful Sky Which Protected With Glass
A Luxurious Kitchen
The Dining Space.
The Roof Top
In ground floor plan , I provide A Dining space, Living space a guest room and toilet facilities. In first Floor plan , there are 3 Bed room, with 2 attached toilet and a common place where everyone in the floor can meet with one another. Besides this there are some Gathering space where the owner can enjoy their L e i s u r e t i m e . It has also have some common facilities like Swimming pool Facilities , Out door Garden Facilities with green Landscape And other like Car parking Facilities etc.
The Dinning Space.
Page 12
Exterior Design of Various Duplex & Triplex Residence, Comilla, Noahkhali & Dhaka - Rendering. A Beautiful Front View
Professional Project
Perspective View
Can Enjoy The Beautiful Sky Which Protected With Glass...........
Design Of several Duplex & Tr i p l e x R e s i d e n c e i n Noahkhali And Dhaka are also a quiet challenging because of their clients requirements and all pre-requestion for these Duplex Residence. Both Resedences has Ground Floor and First Floor with community space facilities in the roof top space.
Final Design Noahkhali. The Noahkhali Residence,
Design Phase 1 Noahkhali. The Noahkhali Residence, The Community Space The Roof Top.
The Roof Top Gardening.
The Community Space facilities.
The Roof Top
In the First floor plan , there are also Bed room, with attached toilets and a Common place where everyone in the floor can meet with one another. Besides this there are some Gathering space where the owners can enjoy their L e i s u r e t i m e .
The Roof Top Gardening.
Consultation and preparing for Shading Device Facilities.... The Part of Landscape Design . A Swimming Pool
The Landscape Design facilities .
In Construction Phase........ The Comilla Residence, Comilla.
The Part of Landscape
The Parking Facilities
In all of this Residences I provide Ground Floor Plans, A Dining space, Living space,a Guest room and Toilet facilities.
In Design Phase The . Nasir Group Managing Director’s Residence
In Noahkhali and Comilla Residence, both have also some common facilities like Swimming pool Facilities , Out door Garden Facilities with green Landscape And other like Car parking Facilities etc.
Page 13
Perspective View
3 Site Analysis and design phase
Can Enjoy The Beautiful Sky which is protected with glass .....
Professional Project Site Analysis and design phase
Noahkhali, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Site Analysis and design phase
Exterior Design of Duplex Residence,
Final Design The Noahkhali Residence, Noahkhali.
Design Of A Residence in Noahkhali are also a quiet challenging because of their clients requirements and all pre-requestion for these Duplex Residence This Resedence has Ground Floor and First Floor with community space facilities in the roof top space. In all of this Residence I provide Ground Floor Plans, A Dining space, Living space, a Guest room and Toilet facilities. In the First oor plan ,there are also Bed room, with attached toilets and a Common place where everyone in the oor can meet with one another. Besides this there are some Gathering space where the owners can enjoy their Leisure time.
pORTFOlio Md.Saiful
B.sc. in Architecture North South University
In Noahkhali Residence, both have also some common facilities like Swimming pool Facilities , Out door Garden Facilities with green Landscape And other like Car parking Facilities etc.
First Floor Plan
Ground Floor Plan
Page 14
Exterior Design of Triplex Residence, Comilla, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Perspective View
The Comilla Residence, Comilla, Chittagong.
Professional Project
Design Of A Residence in Comilla are also a quiet challenging because of their clients requirements and all pre-requestion for this Triplex Residence.
This Resedence has Ground Floor and First Floor with community space facilities in the roof top space.
B.sc. in Architecture North South University
First Floor Plan
In this Residence I provide Ground Floor Plans, A Dining space, Living space, a Guest room and Toilet facilities. In the First oor plan ,there are also Bed room, with attached toilets and a Common place where everyone in the oor can meet with one another. Besides this there are some Gathering space where the owners can enjoy their Leisure time.
Ground Floor Plan
Roof Plan Page 15
Exterior Design of A Duplex Residence, Nasir Group of Industries, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Perspective View
Professional Project
In Design Phase The . Nasir Group,Dhaka, Bangladesh Managing Director’s Residence
Design Of A Residence The Managing Director Of Nasir Group, Bangladesh is also a quiet challenging because of their clients requirements and all pre-requestion for this Triplex Residence.This Resedence has Ground Floor and First Floor with community space facilities in the roof top space. In this Residence I provide Ground Floor Plans, A Dining space, Living space, a Guest room and Toilet facilities.In the First floor plan ,there are also Bed room, with attached toilets and a Common place where everyone in the floor can meet with one another. Besides this there are some Gatheringspace where the owners can enjoy their Leisure time.
Ground Floor Plan
Page 16
Stall Design at Dhaka International Trade ( DITF ) Fair 2020, ( proposed )
Professional Project
Bombay Sweets & Co. Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Perspective View
1 Proposed Design Phase 1____ Floor plans : Ground & First Facilities ____ Ground : Display & wall Gondola Reception Area A Sculpture from ground to first floor Staircase & Hanging lights First : Display & wall Gondola Kids Play zone area Staircase up to roof & Hanging lights
Proposed Final Design Phase Stall Design at Dhaka International Trade (DITF) Fair 2020. The . Bombay Sweets & Co. Ltd,Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bombay Sweets & Co. Ltd ( BSCL ) is a name associated with consumers for snack food for more than 5 decades in Bangladesh and abroad. Here I was the main designer and construction instructor for my office |Story Of Idea| design studio, Dhaka. Here we had to follow the company required requirements that we had to make a Premier Mini Pavilion which size is 25’x 25’.We had to make the first floor as a sales zone and the 2nd floor for the kid's zone. And also we had to provide a rooftop warehouse theirs. By considering all of their requirements, we tried to make a proposed design for their installments in Dhaka International Trade Fair 2020. We also selected for the design group but al the last time we didn’t provide construction facilities f o r t h e i r l o w b u d g e t .
Proposed Design Phase 2____ Floor plans : Ground & First Facilities ____ Ground : Exterior Design change Reception Area relocate Highlights company logo First : Ceiling decoration change Kids Play zone area relocate
Page 17
Professional Project
Interior & Exterior Design For |Sunny Mart| Super Shop At Zakir Hosain Road_South Banasree & Banasree D block _ Dhaka, Bangladesh for Bombay Sweets & Co. Ltd. Perspective View
The Entry Point
3D Floor Plan Layout
1 Final design for Sunny Mart Super Shop At Zakir Hosain Road_South Banasree & Banasree D block For Bombay Sweets & Co. Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bombay Sweets & Co. Ltd (BSCL) is a name associated with consumers for snack food for more than 5 decades in Bangladesh and abroad. Here I was the Co-designer and construction instructor for my office |Story Of Idea| design studio, Dhaka. Here we had to follow the company required requirements that we had to complete this Project with due time. Firstly, we create some design steps and find our desired design after finishing the clients then. We actually face some challenges to complete these projects in due time. For that reason, we create a clear strategy to finish those design projects with the client's satisfaction. We had to design their more than 50 stalls for their up-coming |Sunny Mart| stall, and between them I and my whole team design their South Banasree & Banasree D block projects along with partially Zakir Hossain roads stall design. And we successfully completed our journey through it.......
Super Shop Design ____ Floor plans : Ground Facilities ____ Ground : Wall Gondola Display Gondola Reception Desk Ceiling Hanging lights Ceiling Board design yellow & green Refrigeration area The central air conditioning system
pORTFOlio Md.Saiful
Display Area With Roof Ceiling Finishing
The Front Reception Area
B.sc. in Architecture North South University
The |Ceiling| captured from the construction Area.
The |Construction phase| side visit captured.
Page 18
Photography for me
Beauty of Nature __ At Jinda Park Purbachol,Dhaka.
Beautiful Landscape __ At Jinda Park Purbachol.
The Bamboo trees touches the sky__
Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky__
Kodom Flowers___An invitation to the Nature
They protects the jungle's life__ At Jinda Park
|The Dahuk|_A waiting place when it is in the Rains come___
A beautiful Lake beside the jun__ At Jinda Park
A school by an architect __ At Jinda Park Purbachol.
|Beautiful Mosque_______| Perspective | at Jinda Park, Purbachol,Dhaka Architecture is the reaching out for the truth _______ Louis Kahn.
is not looking, it’s feeling. If I can’t feel what I am looking at, then I never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures. The best thing about a the picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do. The picture that I took with My c a m e r a is the imagination I want to create with reality. I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn’t photograph them.
A beautiful inside the jungle __ At Jinda Park
Page 19
Graphics work
“A good designer finds an elegant way to put everything you need on a page. A great designer c o n v i n c e s you half that shit i s u n n e c e s s a r y. ” - Mike Monteiro
pORTFOlio Md.Saiful
B.sc. in Architecture North South University
“Color does not add a pleasant quality to design - it reinforces it.” - Pierre Bonnard
“No design works unless it embodies ideas that are held common by the people for whom the object is intended.” - Adrian Forty
Page 20
Sketching for me is like anything beneďŹ ts from character logic. I just wanted to paint and sketch and tell stories by drawing. When I sit down to make a sketch from nature, the ďŹ rst thing I try to do is to forget that I have ever seen a picture. What I would do is when I was younger I would draw in a sketchbook something that happened in my life and then write a little something on the side about what happened or what the s t o r y .
A Park __ I love the fact that there is now a skate park in almost every city, but it will always have a underground edge to it because it is based on individuality ____ Tony Hawk.
A Restaurant beside the lake__ Fame itself... doesn't really aord you anything more than a good seat in a restaurant __ David Bowie.
Community Activities Central Gathering Space__________ Much like a painted masterpiece, architecture is an art form that has the ability to delight, inspire, and transform.
Roadside sitting area in a community Park__
A beautiful Landscape with Soft paved Roads __________ The good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape more beautiful than it was before the building was built________________Frank Lloyd Wright
Page 21
Thank You _________
H i ! I am Md. Saiful Islam. I completed my Bachelor of Architecture degree from North South University, Bangladesh. As I am an Aspiring Architect___________Here I Share My portfolio which contains my academic credentials and the selected projects during the course of my studies And also some Professional works.