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1. Villa Ali

5. Cybex showroom

8. Sun Glasses

2. Residential Building

6. Elitis Stand

9. Tap Design

3. Villa Arconati Installation

7. Barrati & Milano showroom

10. Furniture

4. Martyr's Memorial

1.Villa Ali

Muscat, Oman


house for a young family in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, in a dense neighbourhood, combines the site conditions and local’s tradition way of living in a contemporary way into a new typology. In this project I was responsible for landscape design, facade design, some interior design and the principal detail drawings.

VMXArchitects, Amsterdam, 2021




2.RESIDENTIAL DESIGN A Building as a piece of Art

Milan, Italy


he site is located in 5 Vie, historic zone of Milan which is a very dense district with organic narrow streets, traditional facades elements such as narrow long terraces and long vertical opening with wooden shutters, old fashioned pavements, and beautiful small central courtyards. There are many old restaurants, bars, art exhibitions and handcraft workshops in the area. The 5 vie thanks to its artistic identity is one of the most important part of Milan design week. Designing a building like a piece of art, which is flexible and changes by the users, having the maximum elements related to the identity of neighborhood would be the best solution to respect this historical area of city.

Residential Workshop, DAS master, 2017






Old fashioned pavement

Central courtyards

Adding green in facades

Narrow streets with traditional elements

Art & handcafts exhibition

Old fashioned signs

SIGNIFICANCES OF DESIGN IDEA -Unveiling the courtyard by having this inviting diagonal corridor providing a beautiful perspective of the yard. -Facade as an urban furniture, a bench to sit, rest, or drink -Facade as a huge artistic frame with beautiful and dynamic composition (moving slider shadings) -Facade as an exhibition for showing handmade Italian tiles produced in 5Vie area. -Facade as a game for social interaction of passersby


SIGNIFICANCES OF GROUNDFLOOR DESIGN - Old fashioned stone pavement of the street continues along the corridor and connect the courtyard and street for more invitation - Artistic identity of building by using handcraft Italian tiles in interiors of bar and facade - A peaceful space which can help the employees of many offices in area to refresh during lunch break or after work, and also can be rent for different artistic events and exhibition. Using the old fashioned sign for bar to follow the identity of area CENTRAL COURTYARD

RESTART BAR INTERIOR REST+ART= RESTART CAFE’ an artistic bar decorated by handcraft tiles (done by the artisans in the neighborhood) on all the tables and the walls


SIGNIFICANCES OF FACADE DESIGN - Customizing part of facade by passersby through moving the tile as a game (social aspect) - Using many traditional elements such as: Narrow corridor terraces, windows, wooden shutters

architectural vertical


- Brick as main traditional facade material (cultural aspect) - Adding Green element to facade to compensate the lack of green area in this dense part of city (environmental aspect) - Transparent stair box with smart louvre to provide more visual connection between street & courtyard.

Customizing the Facade by Passersby as a Game


SIGNIFICANCES OF ROOF DESIGN - Solar pannels as shading - Multifunctional furniture which is roof light catchers , flower box ,and bench. - Providing green elements in facade with flower box as parapet - Playing the role of private yard for building - Providing natural light for second floor



3.VILLA ARCONATI Installation Bollate, Italy


he Villa Arconati, also known as the Castellazzo degli Arconati, is a rural palace and gardens, located in the district of Castellazo of the town of Bollate, northwest of Milan, Italy. Built in a grand Baroque style over the 17th and 18th centuries, it now functions as a museum and host people for events and meetings. After a precise research about villa Arconati and its garden, I decided by use of related concept to the identity of this villa, design something to transform the empty courtyard to an unforgettable public space, a green area, a fun space to spend time and socialize, to experience new spaces which reminds always in mind of visitors with focusing on the unique features of Villa Arconati: Illusuin & Perspective.

Hospitality Workshop, DAS Master, 2017

THE MAIN ENTRANCE AXIS, from Lions street to Diana theatre There is a very long axis which starts from the 4 stone lions in the beginig of Lions street, passing through the entrance yard, the main enterance gate, wide empty entrance courtyard, Dolphin Fountain, water Tower, Limonaia, Tritoni Fountain and finally in the end of the garden reaches to Diana Theater.

For emphasizing on the importance of the main long perspective, I decided to design a second frame for it in the big empty entrance courtyard which also provides some green and sitting area for the visitors.

This instalation which is like a illusionistic corridor in one side leads to the Diana Theatre and in the other side leads to the entrance gate and farther, the Lions street and functions as a second gate which frames the infinite perspective of the entrance and tries to highlight it as much as possible.

CHARACTERISTICS OF VILLA ARCONATI TROMPE-L'ŒIL (French for "deceive the eye", is an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that the depicted objects exist in three dimensions. This technique is used a lot in the interior of this amazing villa as is one of its main characteristics. In villa Arconati, perspective is playing an vital role. In the garden dramatic artifice and plays of perspective created the illusion of infinite space,

INSPIRATION Illusion was the mail inspiration for me to reflect in my design for reviving the original identity of this villa and the tool that I chose for creating this illuson is the mirror and its reflection.

CULUMN FOREST: The mirrors with infinite reflection of culumns, buildings and surrunding make a magical memorable space, like the illusion of a forest of culumn.

Diana Theatre, the end point of entrance axis

THE CONCEPT First I designed a rectangular green space in the middle of the courtyard then I cut it along the main axis and then pushed the edges up to let the people pass under it. So it become a fantastic corridor passage with possibility to sit under its shadow and enjoy the intresting experience of the reflective materials. Also on the green roof of the corridor, people can sit, lie down and enjoy the sun and view. It creats a nice place for socializing instead of the huge empty yard.

4.MARTYRS’ MEMORIAL Cenotaph Design

Nowshahr, Iran


he subject of the competition hold by municipality, was to design a monument in order to remind people of soldiers who were killed in war and their body never have been found or recognized. A monument designed in the memory of the valour and the sacrifice of all Iranian soldiers who gave their lives in the Iran_Iraq 8-years War starting in 1980. To defend their country, around 500,000 soldiers died. I designed a completely symbolic monument which each piece of it has a meaning behind. I received an acknowledgment for the conceptual design I did.

Municipality of Nowshahr, Iran

CONCEPT: The whole monument consists of three main parts, each each with a symbolic meaning: SPIRIT: Two white wings are symbolize the sprit (soul). The spirit is likewise an immaterial component of a person, coming from sky and turns back to it when departs from the body at death. (Made of white cement)

BODY: Two black wings are refering to human’s body. The body is the corporeal or physical aspect of a human being which comes from earth and after death returns to the earth. (Made of black marble)

HUMAN BEING: The gray figure in the middle shaped by white & black wings indicates that the human being is formed by two previous components: material (body/ flesh) and spiritual (soul/spirit). (Made of concrete)

PLAQUE: The head of this gray statue is reminiscent of the plaques of soldiers on which their identities are engraved and may be the only remained part of some martyrs. For more emphasis, a chain similar to the one on which the plaque hangs is hung from a hole that is also the eye of the figure and is brought to the lower platform.

IMMORTALITY: The whole element is surrounded by a curtain of water created by a ring mounted on top of it. Water is a symbol of the clarity and purity of the souls of and its current and flow is a symbol of immortality of the martyrs souls.

MATERIAL: The choice of materials has been made according to the climate of Mazandaran and moisture-resistant materials have been used and are economically viable and durable against vandalism and the passage of time. The texture and the color of the material of each part is presenting the meaning of that part.


Bayreuth, Germany


YBEX is made for big dreams. Fashionable fantasies, creative experiments. High quality demands on material and workmanship are combined in all CYBEX products to make a statement of stylish joie de vivre. Fresh, unconventional designs that are fun - that’s what CYBEX is all about.” This explanation about the brand identiy made me to design a stage which seems dreamy, magical, illusionary, unconventional. SPACE ROCKET collection by ANNA K inspired by the endless expanses of space, in which stars, planets and galaxies beyond time and space move to an eternal dance of gravitation.

Freelance, Milan, 2018

INSPIRATION One of the main ideas behind my design is to present perfectly the DNA of brand with the characteristics of SPACE ROCKET collection. The suspended products and the suspended small lightings which are symbols of galaxy and stars are creating a work of art togheter for having the maximum impression. The soft material of the walls and floor is represeting the soft world of children, and the unity of material represents the ininifty of the space.


Milan, Italy


n the corner unit of the architect at work temporary exhibition, I designed a stand for ELITIS company which produces very creative wall papers and textiles, to present their new products in the most attractive way to the visitors. The characteristic of the Brand are colorful patterns inspired from different cultures discovered during the travelling of its designers around the world. The challenge was to show many wallpapers in this small space.

Temporary Shop & Retail Design Workshop, Polidesign, 2017


VIEW MASTERS Suggestions during trips around the world in the history of company and Products like poetic journeys that emotionally stimulate the senses, were the main idea behind the “view masters” attached to the wall. On the reels there are photos of different texture and patterns of their products. This tool reminds visitors their childhood toys and also the trips in the past since tourist attraction and travel views predominated in View-Master’s early lists of available reels.



pening a confectionery shop and bakery in Turin in 1858, Baratti & Milano is part of the history and tradition of Italian confectionary. Since start the quality of Baratti & Milano obtained important recognitions so as to be able to be the proud holder of the coat of arms as purveyor to the Royal Household. From the historic café in the heart of Turin,which is nowadays known as a historic place in Italy, his reputation developed. After more than 150 years it is one of the most prestigious Italian brands in the world of chocolate and confectionary, and its creations are valued refinements.

Retail design Workshop, DAS master, 2017


CONCEPT (CIRCULATION LINE) Golden lines in pavement show different circulation possibilities in the shop ,starting from entrance passing through the shop, arriving in cash desk, and finally ending in the exit. Using golden material is matching our elegant mood for brand.

Chocolate Displays


Cash desk

Chocolate Displays

Staff 's area Chocolate Displays


DISPLAYS: The displays are designed very simple with gold color on a black bakcground, divided in different parts for keeping different kinds of products. Central table matches with lighting in ground floor.



“Our Quality Has Made History”

HISTORY WALL is a very important part of the shop because of their very rich background and glorious history, telling the story of the company starting from the foundation to creating the CREMINO, GIANDUIOTTO,for the first time in history of chocolate to their recognitions and awards so as to be able to be the proud holder of the coat of arms as purveyor to the Royal Household., and the poem LE Golose,... and many other things that made them one if the most prestigious Italian brands in the world of chocolate.

The Motto of Company: Our Quality Has Made History.

History Wall

Studying their existing windows, it is obvious that ELEGANCE AND SIMPLICITY are their keywords. So I kept the same black and gold material and tried to simplify their ancient windows in an elegant way. Also I designed minimal lighting in between of two windows as their old one.

The new window is a modern interpretation of their classic windows.

Baratti & Milano Pastry Shop Windows, Galleria San Federico, Turin, Piedmont

Chocolate Vending Machine: Before the entrance door, in the recessed entrance there is a vending machine to serve the clients 24-hours and sell the chocolate when the shop is closed because there is no limit for chocolate!

Via San Sisto

Entrance Bridge: For entering the shop people have to pass a bridge with glass railing to create a different entrance which reminds in mind.

Entrance Bridge


The hanging golden GIANDUIOTTO shapes objects in the shop window are making an amazing threedimensional sculpture inspired by Suspended Charcoal Installations done by Korean artist Seon Ghi Bahk. He recreates man-made structures by repurposing natural resources, charcoal in particular, and suspending them with transparent nylon. Here I create similar concept with GIANDUIOTTO shapes which are very important in the company history. Emphasizing on the brand name in the back wall of the cash desk, a golden hanging frame in the middle is with perspective of an empty corridor.

GOLDEN AREA OF THE SHOP Great First Impression




Presentation of Persia


he idea was to design the sunglasses to present my country, a presentation of Persia. So I chose Persian Calligraphy as the main tool of my design. I tried to find a relation between sunglasses and Persian literature. I found a line of poetry by the Iranian poet Fazlollah Nekooi which is talking about the beauty of eyes of his love which makes everyone crazy. This gave me the Idea of designing the unique Persian sunglasses to protect the eyes by using some main words of this line. So, I wrote those selected words in Nastaliq and I shaped the whole structure of the sunglasses.

Furniture Design Workshop DAS Master, 2017


The charming eyes of my lover mess up the tavern a line of a persian poem written by Fazlollah Nekooi

‘YAR’ is the word that shapes the arm of the glasses and means sweetheart (paramour) in a very literary and romantic form. ‘Mey’ which shapes the glasses is used in Persian old poems and means wine but in a mystical term, the wine of Divine manifestation, which is the epitome of the truth of the mystics. These two words together shape the whole structure of the sunglasses.

INSPIRATION FOR MATERIALS AND COLORS Turquoise as a color and also material in Persian handcrafts and architecture is playing a vital role. Turquoise as a mutation of blue, widely present in the masterpieces and in all manifestations of the culture of Iran, it is the symbol of heaven and spirituality, beautifully represented in the sophisticated decorations. Copper, the shiny red-brown metal used for jewelry, tools, sculpture, vessels, lamps, dishes, among other things. Have been found over thousand pieces of ancient Iranian copper art dating from 3000 BC to AD 700.




The glasses can have different colors and materials.

SUNGLASSES CASE KALAM(reed pen) is the main tool of Persian calligraphy. It is made of reed or bamboo so it is used as the concept of sunglasses case. The case has a mirror built-in and also a seperated space for cleaning tissue.

The hidden mirror turns and comes out

Secret space for putting tissue or other tiny objects like earrings


Milan , Italy


he main idea behind the tap design was to have a minimal and simple tap at the same time a challenging one. The taps I designed in the first glance seem a unique piece with no handle to open the water. The user himself has to discover the way to use it which is very easy to discover. It makes the tap memorable and unique.

Studio Simone Michelli, Milan, 2017


Milan, Italy


he objective was to design innovative furniture for Neture Design Company. What gives life to Nature Design is Wood. The raw material, respect for the environment. Here, from the idea of revitalising the wood, begins, or better, restarts a story that, one element after another, brings back to newly designed homes the value of wood. Recovered, reassembled wood is for Nature Design a raw and unique material in all senses: time has enriched its natural patina, layered day after day by atmospheric conditions. Each surface has its own “skin”, upon which the artisans intervene in different ways, depending on the signs that time has left on it. Each decor accessory becomes special because it is created from unique pieces, shaped by the care and the passion of their artisans.

Studio Simone Micheli, 2017




he otehr design was outdoor furniture for the Barel company which is specialized in the furniture field and in particular in forged iron; Barel brand became synonymous with quality and reliability. My idea is to design new outdoor furniture for them, innovative in shape and function.


Studio Simone Micheli, 2017


I appreciate the time you have taken to review my portfolio and look forward for your response. Sincerely , Sahar Salimi

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