BRIEF The intent of the project was to make a packaging design that reflects the innova�on in design and experience for the user. The brief was to design a packaging for consumer goods, toy or hand tools. We were asked to understand the company and the product, understand the target audience, pin down the packaging requirements, clarify the produc�on details, choose the right materials, and set the right design direc�on, keeping in mind forms, shapes, material, branding, shelf impact, stack ability and surface graphics.
BRAND Johnson & Johnson is an American mul�na�onal medical devices, pharmaceu�cal and consumer packaged goods manufacturer founded in 1886. It is headquartered in New Jersey, USA. Johnson & Johnson's brands include numerous household names of medica�ons and first aid supplies. Among its well-known consumer products are the Band-Aid Brand line of bandages, Johnson's baby products, Neutrogena skin and beauty products, Clean & Clear facial wash and Johnsons’ ear buds. The corpora�on includes some 250 subsidiary companies with opera�ons in 60 countries and products sold in over 175 countries. Johnson & Johnson had worldwide sales of $70.1 billion during calendar year 2015 and the figures only seem to go up every year.
PRODUCT The product that I chose for my project is the packaging for earbuds by the brand Johnson & Johnson. These earbuds come in packaging of various shapes and sizes, depending on the buds’ quan�ty.
ear buds
Category Sector Tagline/ Slogan USP
Health care product and Pharma Consumer goods The Family Company Innova�ve healthcare products and trusted brand
Segment Target Group Posi�oning
Health care segment Mostly urban families and hospitals and clinics Promise to healthcare
Baby Oil Clean & Clear Band-Aid Purell
Baby Shampoo Ear Buds Savlon Listerine
Baby Powder Neutrogena Caladryl Stayfree
Recki� Benckiser
• Johnson & Johnson is one of the World’s Most Admired Companies. • Brand presence in form of adver�sing and print media for a number of products. • Excellent distribu�on network as the brand is supplied to remote areas. • Has an excellent product por�olio and high quality offerings.
• Maintaining a global brand can be tough as retailers might sell expired products. • Being a global brand means opera�ons are disturbed by market fluctua�ons.
• Acquisi�ons of other smaller companies and increasing broad brand presence. • Bringing out a range of more portable products for economy class. • Increasing rural penetra�on.
• Excessive promo�on of any product making it almost generic. • Spurious brands with the name similar to exis�ng brand name. • Availability of cheap subs�tutes and low priced compe�tors.
CONCEPT The current packaging for the ear buds is not user friendly at all. In order to take out just one or two ear buds, the user has to open the whole package and expose all the buds, which is not recommended as these buds are supposed to be clean and dust free. Opening the package and exposing all the buds may also cause the buds to fall down and get dirty if the user is not very careful, which may cause the buds to be useless, because they’re only supposed to be used if they’re clean. One more major problem with the current earbuds packaging is portability. Usually when the user wants to pack things for travel, its very difficult to carry the whole plas�c box because of its shape, and the smaller packages are flimsy and the buds usually just fall out and sca�er all over. Therefore, in order to get rid of these problems, I came up with this simple idea to place the buds in a rigid plas�c box and make an easy to use slide-to-open mechanism for the lid of the box. This would not only help the user to control the amount of buds coming out of the box but also make it impossible for the buds to fall out of the box accidentally. This box would also be very light and portable and it also wouldn’t increase the produc�on cost that much.
PROTOTYPE For the prototype of the package, I decided to go for MDF as the principal material. MDF, short for Medium-density fibreboard, is an engineered wood product made by breaking down hardwood or so�wood residuals into wood fibres, o�en in a defibrator, combining it with wax and a resin binder, and forming panels by applying high temperature and pressure. MDF is generally denser than plywood. It is made up of separated fibres, but can be used as a building material similar in applica�on to plywood. It is stronger and much denser than par�cle board. The reason I chose MDF as the prototyping material for my package is because of its physical proper�es and easy availability. It is also very cost-effec�ve and making forms and shapes using MDF is rela�vely less �me consuming than other material like plas�c.