ATB Holidays 2010 Biblical and Pilgrimage Tours

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WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF ATB HOLIDAYS Dear Travellers, A very warm welcome to Turkey; Asia Minor. At ATB Holidays, authenticity and honesty is our main priority: We are devoted to providing you with professionally planned itineraries with a “local touch” and an international level of service. Our programs offer a life time experience on this spiritual and emotional Biblical Journey in Anatolia. Throughout these precious moments, we assure you that we will participate and be committed to this journey as much as you are. As well as our highly personalized services we also aim to give complimentary additions such as Sunday services, bonus site visits at no extra charge (time permitting), supplimentary feasts and fasts-permissions for specific practices during site visits and travel directories throughout

the programs coordinating all logistics. We are aware of the heritage of our land... being home to all seven of the churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation, the ancient roads where St. Paul and many other disciples and saints (Mark, Barnabas, Phillip, Peter, John, Mary, Luke etc.) once stepped. While sitting in the great amphitheatre of Ephesus, you can imagine the events which occured hundreds of years ago and be witness to the capability of men who struggled to share their love of God. With our outstanding and experienced tour guides, we will take you on this chronological journey of our biblical geography, enhanced by Turkey’s natural beauty, a nation that is a product of a melting pot of the civilizations of centuries. We wish you happy and faithful travellings,

ATB Holidays, where the world’s at hand.


1st Journey: Antioch, Seleucia, Cyprus (Salamis and Paphos), Perge, Antioch in Pisidia, Konya (Iconium), Derbe, Lystra, Antalya, Antioch. Duration Best Season

9 days From April to November

stones and the remains of a Byzantine church. After the tour, you will pass by Egridir Lake and arrive in KonyaIconium for dinner and overnight. Breakfast Lunch & Dinner

St. Paul travelled for about 20 years and during that time he also accomplished his first missionary journey to Asia Minor, partly on foot, partly by boat. After Jesus Christ, St. Paul is definitely the most important person in the history of western Christianity (even though there were other preachers, such as St. Thomas and St. Andrew that carried the message of Christ to other parts of the Roman Empire). Christianity would have died out when the Jewish Rebellion of 66 AD was crushed and Jerusalem burned if it had not been for St. Paul and his preaching. At the time Paul preached, the life of Jesus had not been condensed into the present day Bible; even the four ‘gospels’ or short biographies, which form the main part of the Bible weren’t finalized until after 100 AD so Paul had no standard text; he also had never met Jesus personally. As he was a Roman Citizen and from Tarsus, he was a product of the Greek-speaking Hellenistic tradition, and probably educated, which was shared by everyone living around the Eastern Mediterranean. It was because of this universal state and culture that travel was so comparatively easy, thus, so did Christianity.

DAY 1 ISPARTA Take a late evening flight from Istanbul to Isparta. Arrival in Isparta and transfer to your hotel, check in and stay overnight. No meals

DAY 2 ADADA-ANTIOCHEIA Today, after a rich breakfast at the hotel you will depart on tour. This area is also known as second longest trekking route in Turkey and quite popular among trekkers. We will visit Yalvac, a beatiful village and Adada, an ancient city in the Pisidia. Adada is one of the few ancient cities in Turkey that has managed to survive to our day with very little damage. Antioch in Psidian (Yalvac) is where St. Paul opened Christianity to the world. Yalvac’s history goes back to 280 B.C. and during St. Paul’s time the population was a mixture of Jews, Romans and Greeks. Very little is left of Psidian Antioch today. We can still see the acropolis with a number of carved 2

the last name “Derbes” began to be expressed with the connotative meaning, “man from Derbe”. The name is still expressed as a surname to this day. Drive to Antalya, check in your hotel to stay overnight. Breakfast Lunch & Dinner

DAY 3 KONYA-LYSTRA-DERBE Konya-Iconium, became an important Christian city after St. Paul’s preachings. A Phyrigia legend says that Konya was the first city to be founded after the flood. St. Paul and Barnabas came here in 47 A.D. and their preachings were accompanied by many miracles. On his first missionary journey here in Lystra, city officials of Iconium plotted to stone them (Acts 14:6-21). St. Paul made two more stops here on his second and third journeys. Today the city of Konya is quite new but the center of

the city is very old. After a lunch in the centre, we drive to Lystra and Derbe where St. Paul also visited on his journeys. Lystra is known for being the hometown of St. Timothy, who St. Paul wanted to look after the church in Ephesus. Here, St. Paul preached on his first missionary journey (Acts 14:6-22). After he healed a lame man, the superstitious citizens immediately assumed that he was Hermes (messenger of Zeus) and Barnabas was Zeus himself (same as the Roman god Jupiter). Continue to Derbe, where a distinctive church ruin is believed to be the home of the last Bishop of Derbe, circa A.D. 1001. In ancient times, Derbe was one of a few Christian cities, and was used as a refuge for traveling Christians. It’s church was burned and buried under a mountain of soil by the Roman Emperor Diocletian during the Diocletian Persecution just prior to the year 300 AD. After the destruction of Derbe, there was a mass exodus of the population. Many went to Western Europe, settling in modern day France. It is during this time that

DAY 4 PERGE-ASPENDOS Enjoy a late breakfast at the hotel before our visit to Perge, a very important port city in ancient times. Perge seems to have been one of the earliest centers for the spreading of Christianity in this region. St. Paul visited the city on his first missionary journey, in 47 AD, together with St Barnabas and John Mark. “..St. Paul and his companions took ship from Paphos, Cyprus, and made for Perge in Pamphylia; here John Mark had left them, and went back to Jerusalem. They passed on from Perge, and reached Antioch in Pisidian, where they went and took their seats in the synagogue on the Sabbath day.” (Acts 13:13-14) “They preached the word of the Lord in Perge, and went down to Attelia, taking ship there for Antioch on the Orontes.” (Acts 14,24). Your next visit will be Aspendos. As the name of the city, Aspendos is not Greek but Anatolian, it seems likely that the newcomers did not found the city, but merely took over an existing settlement. The theatre of Aspendos is the most perfectly preserved Roman theatre in existence. Designed by the architect Zeno during the reign of the Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius (AD 161-180), it was given to the city by two brothers, Curtius Crispinus and Curtius Auspicatus and they dedicated the building to “the Gods of the country and to the Imperial House”. After the tour, you will drive to Antalya city centre and have some free time explore the old town. Breakfast Lunch & Dinner

DAY 5 ALANYA-CYPRUS (Hydrofoil on Mondays and Thursdays only) After an early breakfast at the hotel, you will depart for Alanya where you will embark for your hydrofoil to Cyprus. Such a charming island located among three continents where East meets West. Words cannot describe how enchanting the island is with its inviting golden beaches,


adada Konya


perge alanya KYRENIA

pine-clad mountains and gothis castles. In Cyprus you will be fascinated by the history of the Middle Ages, which is very unique to Mediterranean area. The journey will take approx. 5 hours and on your arrival in Kyrenia, you will be taken to your hotel to check in, enjoy some time at leisure and stay overnight. Breakfast Lunch & Dinner

DAY 6 KYRENIA AND SURROUNDINGS Kyrenia –Girne is the most attractive city on the island with lovely piers and sightseeing options. Start your day by the Castle located at the pier. This well preserved Castle dates back to the 7th Century, Byzantine period and was ruled by the Lusignans, Venetians and Ottomans. With its amazing shipwreck museum and picturesque old harbour, Girne Castle is definitely worth a visit.

because of the colour of their robes. They were the first to be sent to the Holy Land, where they arrived as early as 1131. When Jerusalem fell to Salaaddin in 1187, they fled to Cyprus and founded this monastery, which they named Abbaye de la Paix (“Abbey of Peace”), shortened over the years to Bellapais (pronounced bella-pie-ees). Cyprus was absorbed by the Ottoman Empire in 16th Century and turned the monastery over to the Greek Orthodox Church. The Orthodox continued to use it as a place of worship until as recently as 1976. Now it is open to the public as museum. After a delicious lunch in Bellapais, head up to St.Hillerion Castle through the Nicosia-Lefkosa- Road. The Castle is accessible over a draw-bridge from the North west entrance. Located in Northern Cyprus, St Hilarion Castle is thought by many to have been named after St Hilarion the Great, who founded monasticism in Palestine, but this castle is actually named after a later saint. This saint is thought to have sought refuge in Cyprus after Arab raids and attacks on the Holy Land, and many of his relics were kept and preserved in St Hilarion Castle. After visiting the Castle we drive back to the hotel and enjoy the rest of the day at leisure. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 7 FAMAGUSTA HIGHLIGHTS On the 6th May 1191, King Richard I arrived in Cyprus during the third crusade and captured the city. Guy de Lusignan of France bought the island in the 12th Century and the Lusignan Dynasty began on the island and lasted until 1489. During the wealthy reign of the Lusignans, the urban fabric of the major cities were transformed, a process which was marked by the construction of great Gothic cathedrals. These buildings were a statement of the triumph of the Latin Church over the Greek Orthodox Church. After visiting the castle, enjoy a cup of coffee at the harbour and continue to Bellapais Monastery, one of the most wellpreserved and important examples of Gothic Architecture in the world. Bellapais was founded by a monastic group called Premonstratensians, also known as the White Canons,

Enjoy the day exploring the sites of Farmagusta. Our first visit of the day is to the tomb of Saint Barnabus. In terms of early Christianity, Barnabas is a very important character as he joined the apostle Paul to spread the Gospel through Cyprus and Asia Minor. In AD 75, the Jewish community in Salamis objected to his missionary work and had Barnabas stoned to death. It is accepted that his cousin and companion John Mark along with other followers secretly buried his remains in a tomb beneath a carob tree to the west of Salamis, John Mark placing a copy of Mathew’s Gospel on his cousin’s chest where it was destined to remain undisturbed for the next 400 years. That tomb was part of the Salamis necropolis and lay undiscovered until the 5th C AD, when in 477AD, Bishop Anthemios had a dream in which he saw the location of the long lost grave. After his dream,

the Bishop ordered the opening of the tomb. There they found a body, which was identified as Barnabas by the Gospel of St Mathew lying on his chest. June the 11th is the Barnabas’s feast day and the site gets very crowded during the visits. Next we visit the Salamis Ruins. Surrounded by mimosa forests, pine and eucalyptus trees, the ancient city of Salamis became the capital of Cyprus as far back as 1100 BC. The ancient site covers an area of one square mile extending along the sea shore. There is still a large area awaiting excavation. On your way down to city centre, you will pass through the Othello Tower, which is a fortress built in the 13th Century as part of the old city wall and still encloses the Old Town of Famagusta, to defend the city’s harbor. Inside the fortress one can see the Great Hall, the kitchen and the dining hall, whose massive stone walls and vaulted roofs have withstood the tests of time. After having lunch in view of St. Nicholas Cathedral -built in 1298 by the de Lusignans, it is one of the most impressive churches in Cyprus- you will have some free time for strolling down the historical streets of Old Famagusta and visiting the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. St. Nicholas Cathedral was converted into a mosque after the Ottomans invasion in 1571and renamed Lala Mustafa Pasa Cami. The spectacular ruins of Salamis outside the city offer an insight into ancient civilizations and you can appreciate magnificent amphitheatre, Roman baths and royal tombs. After the tour, you will return to your hotel in Girne and stay overnight. Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner

DAY 8 FREE DAY Today is a free day to explore the island. Girne is such lovely city with dozens of cafes, souvenirs shops and touristic attractions to enjoy. Stay overnight in Girne. Breakfast & Dinner

DAY 9 DEPARTURE After breakfast at the hotel, you will check out and be transferred to Ercan Airport for your Istanbul connected homebound flight. End of our services. Breakfast



330 AD Basil set the pattern for monasticism in the Eastern Church “Messalian” movement, which comes from the Syrian word meaning “to pray”. Those who were influenced by this spiritual movement though that no human activity should be undertaken apart from prayer. Among those who adopted this attitude, some remained within the Church, others left. In the 4th century Basil tried to lead them and the ‘encratists’ back to orthodoxy.

DAY 1 ARRIVAL IN CAPPADOCIA Arrive in Kayseri or Nevsehir. Meet with your host and be transferred to your hotel in Cappadocia. Stay overnight in Cappadocia.


4 DAYS From April to JUNE, September to October

Early Christians escaping Roman persecution nearly 2000 years ago were sheltered in Central Anatolia. Even though the model of Monasticism appeared in Greek based cultures in 700 BC, early Christianity brought a totally different aspect. From monk cells to monasteries, Cappadocia witnessed amazing historical changes throughout the ages. Gomeda Valley is a quiet and unique place for asceticism. For this reason the valley is fully decorated with Chapels and cells. St. Basil Church is one of them and located on the skirts of a tufa heap and observes total silence.

DAY 3 BYZANTINE ART “READING WALL PAINTINGS” Cappadocia’s churches provide a unique view into the history of art, especially the Greek influence on the Byzantine form. For example the Scene from Anastasis; Hades take Judas down to hell; Here Hades is depicted in chains and Jesus Christ asks him “What happened to your glory ? ”. This Anastasis scene shows the influ-

Red Valley is probably the most amazing route among all valleys in Cappadocia. Walking along the labyrinthlike formations you can spot monk cells in every corner and come across a friendly smile from a local who works in the fields. The colour of the valley comes from iron oxide and provides the back drop for an amazing sunset. This enjoyable trek takes us to Cavusin Village where will we will visit St. John The Baptist Church. St. John the Baptist church is the oldest and the biggest church in the Cappadocia triangle so we will have the opportunity to study it in terms of early Christian art. By looking at the church it is obvious the way they have Christianized the Roman ‘basilica form’. In the 4th Century, Christians wanted to build larger edifices for worship. Architectural formulas of pagan temples were associated with pagan belief so they didn’t want to use the same system. But as emperor Constantine the Great wanted to memorialize his imperial piety, they already had useful model at hand, the Basilica. The Basilica was originally a very classic model of Roman meeting halls with high platforms and large columned halls. After having lunch in Sinasos Village , we will continue our journey in history.


ence of Greek mythology in Iconography. Early Christians adapted Roman motifs and gave new meanings to what had been pagan symbols. Among the motifs adopted were the peacock, grapevines, and the good shepherd. Early Christians used the same artistic media as the surrounding pagan culture. After a fascinating tour of the Goreme Open Air Museum, we will continue to Gulsehir and visit the Open Palace Ruins. Even though the complex is dated back to a later era in history, it is well worth a visit to the area. Gulsehir has been the centre of Christianity for centuries. It is stated in the bible that the apostle St. Paul migrated with his supporters to the Cappadocia region after fighting with the Jews in Tarsus. It is evident through Philipus, Mathaus and Jacobus how important the Open Palace setting was. This is where the apostles begun their mission journeys from to Europe and Asia. We continue our tour to the Opposite Church in Gulsehir to explore and understand more about the wall paintings. Early Christian art not only



Göreme Uchisar nevsehır



used Roman forms, it also used Roman styles. The later classical style included a proportional portrayal of the human body and impressionistic presentation of space. Another important occurrence in history of Christian art was image-breaking” the deliberate destruction within a culture of the culture’s own religious icons and other symbols or monuments. The two Byzantine outbreaks during the 8th and 9th Centuries were unusual in that the use of images was the main issue of dispute, rather than a by-product of wider concerns. For iconoclasts, the only real religious image must be an exact likeness of the prototype -of the same substance- which they considered impossible as they saw wood and paint as empty of spirit and life. Thus for iconoclasts the only true (and permitted) “icon” of Jesus was the Eucharist, which was believed to be his actual body and blood. For this reason, churches got back to basics and used only early figures to indicate their beliefs in geometrical forms. On our way back to hotel, we stop to view the beautifully colored valleys, relaxing with a glass of wine.



DAY 4 EXPLORING KAYSERI AND DEPARTURE On your final day in Cappadocia, we will visit the city of Kayseri, which is heart of Anatolia. Kayseri has been a

continuous settlement since 3000 BC. The city has always been a vital trade center since it is located on the major trade routes, particularly along what was called the Great Silk Road. One of the oldest cities founded in Anatolia, Kultepe, lies nearby. The castle in Kultepe is almost 1500 years old and built itinially by the Romans and then enlarged by the Seljuks and is still standing in good condition in the centre square of the city. The short-lived Seljuk rule left a large number of historical landmarks and historical buildings such as the Hunad Hatun complex, and the Kilij Arslan Mosque. The Grand Mosque and the Grand Bazaar dates from the latter part of the 1800s, but the adjacent Caravanserai (where merchant traders gathered before forming a caravan) dates from around 1500 A.D. Our final visit will be the Archeological Museum which will summarize for us the remains of the Anatolian Civilizations. Before being transferred to Kayseri Airport for your flight to Istanbul, you will have a chance to taste the famous dish, “Manti”. Arrive in Istanbul and transfer to your hotel. End of our services.



11 DAYS Throughout the year


DAY 1 ARRIVE ISTANBUL Arrive at Istanbul Ataturk Airport, meet at the airport, transfer to the hotel. Free time at leisure (according to your arrival time). Overnight at Istanbul.

DAY 2 ISTANBUL Pick up from your hotel to begin an exciting day of exploration of one of the great world capitals. Once Constantinople, this magical city was the symbol of imperial and religous power until the mid-11th Century and remained as the strongest and most prestigous power in Europe. Firstly, we visit the Hippodrome, the centre of the city’s social life during the Byzantine period. Huge amounts were bet on chariot races and four teams took part in these races. In 532 AD,it was here that the Nika Revolt broke out unexpectedly over the course of a week and it was the most violent riot that Constantinople had ever seen. Nearly half of the city was burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people were killed. Continue to the Haghia Sophia Church, particularly famous for its massive dome, it is considered to be the zenith of Byzantine Archicture. Haghia Sophia remained as the largest church in the world for almost one thousand years. This unique masterpiece contained a large collection of holy relics and a 50 foot silver iconostasis (a wall of icons and religious paintings). The church was turned to a mosque after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and also served as a model for many of the Ottoman mosques in Istanbul. Next, we visit Haghia Irene, which is located in the 1st courtyard of Topkapi Palace constructed by the Emperor Lustiniaus in VI. century. The church shows all characteristics of a typical Byzantine structure and was tused as a weapon storage during Ottoman period. After lunch, we drive to the Church of St. Savior in Chora. Built in the 11th Century, it contains the best-preserved collections of Byzantine mosaics and wall paintings in Istanbul. Inside the church there are about 50 mosaic panels dating back from about 1310 and most in excellent shape. Virtually all the subjects of the mosaics derive from the New Testament and they are presented in roughly chronological order. After the tour, you will be transfered to your hotel. Stay overnight in Istanbul. Breakfast & Lunch


Today, you will depart for Iznik and tour the city ruins. It was here in 325 AD, the great Council of Nicea was called by Constantine the Great, who had converted to Christianity a decade earlier and replaced official persecution of Christianity with official support. The council asserted that Jesus, the Son, was equal to the Father, one with the Father, and of the same substance (homoousion in Greek).The Council of Nicea was the first ecumenical (worldwide) council of the church and the first of Seven Ecumenical Councils recognized by most Christian denominations as having doctrinal authority. Around 300 bishops from across the Christian world attended. After the tour, we drive to Bursa and check-in to our hotel. After refreshments, you will have a short orientation drive around Bursa before enjoying thermal facilities of the hotel. Stay overnight in Bursa. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

logical site, the traditional location of Homeric Troy, in Turkish, Truva. It lies close to the seacoast in what is now the Canakkale province of Northwest Turkey, Southwest of the Dardanelles under Mount Ida. After a refreshing lunch break on the road, enjoying some local food, we depart for Alexandria Troas, where St. Paulmet St. Luke. The site was one of the major sea ports in the Aegean, connecting the trade routes in Asia Minor to Neapolis in Macedonia by sea and then to Rome by road. As it was mentioned several times in the bible, Alexandria Troas is an important site for the history of Christianity. It was where St. Paul, on his second missionary journey had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” And this was where he first left Asia to take the Gospel to Europe (Acts 16:6-11). After the tour we will depart for Assos-Behramkale, checkin our hotel and stay overnight. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 4 BURSA HIGHLIGHTS Bursa, is a city in North Western Turkey with a population of 2 million people. It is Turkey’s fourth largest city, as well as one of the most industrialized and culturally charged metropolitan centres in the country. The city is frequently mentioned as “Green Bursa” in a reference to the beautiful parks and gardens located across its urban tissue, as well as to the vast forests in rich variety that extend in its surrounding region. The mausoleums of early Ottoman sultans are located in Bursa and the numerous edifices built throughout the Ottoman period constitute the city’s main landmarks. Bursa is also home to some of the most famous Turkish dishes, especially candied chestnuts and Iskender Kebab. The Silk Market in the covered Bazaar, “Ulu Camii” Mosque, Muradiye Complex and the Shadow Puppet Museum will be the other highlights during your tour of Bursa. After sightseeing we depart for Canakkale. Arrive in Canakkale and check-in your hotel and stay overnight. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 5 ALEXANDRA TROAS AND TROY After breakfast at the hotel we visit Troy, a legendary city and the center of the Trojan War as described in the Epic Cycle, especially in the Iliad, one of the two epic poems attributed to Homer. Today it is the name of the archaeo-

DAY 6 PERGAMON - TYATIRA - IZMIR (SMYRNA) THE CHURCH OF PERGAMON And to the angel of the Church in Pergamum write; These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; After an early breakfast at the hotel, drive to Pergamon, the magnificent Hellenistic city of Lysimachus. Visit the sites of the area, including the steepest theater of Anatolia with 10.000 seats, a 330m high acropolis, foundations of the Zeus altar, temples and the remains of the second largest library of the Hellenistic world which originally possessed 200.000 rolls of books and this is the place where the parchment paper was first invented.

CHURCH OF THYATIRA And unto the angel of the Church in Thyatira write; These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet [are] like fine brass; Next we drive to Thyatira which became an early center of Christianity and was a a famous commercial town in antiquity. Apostle Paul visited the city on a number of occasions during his missionary travels. Thyatira was one of the Seven Churches of Revelation (Rev. 2:18-29). From testimony


ıznık bursa


pergamon ızmır


ephesus kusadası

given by St. Epiphanius at the beginning of the 3rd Century we can learn that almost all of Thyatira was Christianized. After the tour arrive in Izmir and check in your hotel. Stay overnight in Izmir. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 7 SMRYNA-AND FREE TIME THE CHURCH OF SMYRNA “And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; These things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive…” Today you will have a orientation drive in Izmir and visit St.Policarp Church (Visiting order can be changed according to church’s availability) Saint Polycarp Church is the oldest church in Izmir and represents ancient Smyrna’s role as one of the Seven Churches of Revelation. Saint Polycarp was converted by John the Apostle and became bishop of Symrna. He was martyred by the Romans at age 86 in 155 A.D at Kadifekale, which was atop the hill nearby modern Izmir. According to tradition, when they tried to burn Polycarp at the stake, the flames wouldn’t touch him. They finally stabbed him to death. The Church of Saint Polycarp in Izmir was reconstructed in 1620. After visiting the church, you will visit Asansor for a magnificent panoramic view of Izmir. On your way back to centre, you will also visit the Izmir Archaeological Museum, where you will view some of the best samples of Hellenistic and Roman Art of the Ionian World. If time permits, you will also have opportunity to spend time in the Kemeralti-Open Bazaar in the Konak area. At the day’s end we will return to the hotel. Stay overnight in Izmir.

THE CHURCH OF PHILADELPHIA And to the angel of the Church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; Our next destination will be Philadelphia (Rev 3.7-13), where the remains of the city walls and the church are still to be seen. Ancient Philadelphia was the sixth of the Seven Churches of Revelation (written around 100 AD). In Revelation 3:12, the believer who overcomes is compared to a pillar in the temple of God. During ancient times, Philadelphia was a dangerous place to live due the many earthquakes experienced by the region. Because of its location, the city was in constant danger of earthquakes and experienced shocks as an everyday occurrence so many of the inhabitants lived in huts outside the city. The Church also represents the Modern missionary era of church history. Arrive in Pamukkale-Hierapolis and stay overnight. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 9 HIERAPOLIS-LAODECIA-KUSADASI THE CHURCH OF LAODECIA “And unto the angel of the Church in Laodicea write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God..” After visiting the natural

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 8 SARDES-PHILADELPHIAHIERAPOLIS THE CHURCH OF SARDES And unto the angel of the Church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. After an early breakfast at the hotel, we will depart for Sardes (Rev 3. 1-6) which was the capital of Croesus, where the first coins were minted. Visits include the gymnasium, synagogue and shopping street.

wonder of the white Cotton Travertines and the city of Hierapolis - the site of the Martyrdom of St.Philip and home to one of the largest and most diverse necropolis (graveyards) in the world, we continue on to Laodecia. During ancient times, hot water flowed from Hierapolis from the wealth they had from its natural hot springs it was a chanelled Laodicea.. John the Revelator used this natural phenomena to illustrate the “lukewarm” faith of the

Laodiceans who were losing their initial vital Christian faith, and becoming quite complacent in their spiritual commitment. After visiting the site, we will drive up to Kusadasi and stay overnight. Breakfast, lunch & Dinner

DAY 10 EPHESUS CHURCH OF EPHESUS Unto the angel of the church in Ephesus write; “These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walked in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks…” After breakfast at the hotel, drive to the unforgettable remains of Ephesus. The great theatre of the site is the most marvellous and largest in Asia Minor. It is where St. Paul was dragged to face the crowds because of his famous letter to Ephesians, but rescued by the security corps of the city. Next visit of will be to the Seven Sleepers Cave, where the Roman Martyr logy mentions the Seven sleepers of Ephesus under the date of 27th of June, as follows: “Commemoration of the seven Holy Sleepers of Ephesus, who, it is recounted, after undergoing martyrdom, rest in peace, awaiting the day of resurrection.” The Byzantine Calendar commemorates them with feasts on the 4th August and 22nd of October. They are also regarded as pious in Islam and are known as the “People of the Cave” After having lunch in a local restaurant, we will drive to Virgin Mary House. It is believed by many Christians and Muslims that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken to this stone house by Saint John and lived there until her Assumption into Heaven (according to many Catholics), or the Dormition (according to the Orthodox). Our final visit will be to the Basilica of Saint John which is located near the center of Selcuk, just below the fortress. Emperor Justinian (527-565 AD) believed that a tomb here dating from the 300s was St. John’s and therefore built a great church above it. St. John is identified as the apostle, evangelist (author of the Fourth Gospel) and prophet (author of Revelation). After the tour, we drive back to the hotel to stay overnight. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 11 DEPARTURE After breakfast at the hotel, you will be transferred to Izmir Airport to take your flight to Istanbul. Arrive in Istanbul ready for your departure flight home. End of our services.


“st. paul’s vısıons” Turkey & Greece Duration Best Season

13 DAYS Throughout the year

DAY 3 DEPARTURE FOR IZNIK/NICEA DAY 1 ARRIVE ISTANBUL Arrive at Istanbul Ataturk Airport, meet at the airport, transfer to the hotel. Free time at leisure (according to your arrival time). Overnight at Istanbul.

DAY 2 ISTANBUL Pick up from your hotel to begin an exciting day of exploration of one of the great world capitals. Once Constantinople, this magical city was the symbol of imperial and religous power until the mid-11th Century and remained the strongest and most prestigous power in Europe. Firstly, we visit the Hippodrome, the centre of the city’s social life during the Byzantine period. Huge amounts were bet on chariot races and four teams took part in these races. In 532 AD, it was here that the Nika Revolt broke out unexpectedly over the course of a week and it was the most violent riot that Constantinople had ever seen. Nearly half of the city was burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people were killed. Continue to the St. Sophia Church, particularly famous for its massive dome, it is considered to be the zenith of Byzantine Archicture. St. Sophia remained the largest church in the world for almost one thousand years. This unique masterpiece contained a large collection of holy relics and a 50 foot silver iconostasis (a wall of icons and religious paintings). The church also served as a model for many of the Ottoman mosques in Istanbul. Next, we visit St. Irene, which is located in the 1st courtyard of Topkapi Palace constructed by the Emperor Lustiniaus in VI. century. The church shows all characteristics of a typical Byzantine structure and was also turned to a mosque after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and was used as a weapon storage during Ottoman period. After lunch, we drive to the Church of St. Savior in Chora. Built in the 11th Century, it contains the best-preserved collections of Byzantine mosaics and wall paintings in Istanbul. Inside the church there are about 50 mosaic panels dating back from about 1310 and most in excellent shape. Virtually all the subjects of the mosaics derive from the New Testament and they are presented in roughly chronological order. After the tour, you will be transfered to your hotel. Stay overnight in Istanbul. Breakfast & Lunch


Today, you will depart for Iznik and tour the city ruins. It was here in 325 AD, the great Council of Nicea was called by Constantine the Great, who had converted to Christianity a decade earlier and replaced official persecution of Christianity with official support. The council asserted that Jesus, the Son, was equal to the Father, one with the Father, and of the same substance (homoousion in Greek).The Council of Nicea was the first ecumenical (worldwide) council of the church and the first of Seven Ecumenical Councils recognized by most Christian denominations as having doctrinal authority. Around 300 bishops from across the Christian world attended. After the tour, we drive to Bursa and check-in to our hotel. After refreshments, you will have a short orientation drive around Bursa before enjoying thermal facilities of the hotel. Stay overnight in Bursa. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 4 BURSA HIGHLIGHTS Bursa, is a city in North Western Turkey with a population of 2 million people. It is Turkey’s fourth largest city, as well as one of the most industrialized and culturally charged metropolitan centers in the country. The city is frequently mentioned as “Green Bursa” in a reference to the beautiful parks and gardens located across its urban tissue, as well as to the vast forests in rich variety that extend in its surrounding region. The mausoleums of early Ottoman sultans are located in Bursa and the numerous edifices built throughout the Ottoman period constitute the city’s main landmarks. Bursa is also home to some of the most famous Turkish dishes, especially candied chestnuts and Iskender Kebab. The Silk Market in the covered Bazaar, “Ulu Camii” Mosque, Muradiye Complex and the Puppet Museum will be the other highlights during your tour of Bursa. After sightseeing we depart for Canakkale. Arrive in Canakkale and check-in your hotel and stay overnight. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 5 ALEXANDRA TROAS AND TROY “During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them” (Acts 16: 9-10).

After breakfast at the hotel we visit Troy, a legendary city and the center of the Trojan War as described in the Epic Cycle and especially in the Iliad, one of the two epic poems attributed to Homer. Trojan refers to the inhabitants and culture of Troy. Today it is the name of the archaeological site, the traditional location of Homeric Troy, in Turkish, Truva. It lies close to the seacoast in what is now the Canakkale province of Northwest Turkey, Southwest of the Dardanelles under Mount Ida. After a refreshing lunch break on the road, enjoying some local food, we depart for Alexandria Troas, where St. Paul met St. Luke. The site was one of the major sea ports in the Aegean, connecting the trade routes in Asia Minor to Neapolis in Macedonia by sea and then to Rome by road. As it was mentioned several times in the bible, Alexandria Troas is an important site for the history of Christianity. Troas was where St. Paul, on his second missionary journey had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” And this was where he first left Asia to take the Gospel to Europe (Acts 16:6-11). After the tour we will depart for Assos-Behramkale, checkin our hotel and stay overnight. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 6 PERGAMON-SMYRNA-KUSADASI After breakfast at the hotel, we will drive to drive to Pergamum, the magnificent Hellenistic city of Lysimachus and one of the major seven churches of the Revelation. Here we will visit 330 meter high acropolis, foundation of the Zeus altar, temples, the steepest theater of Anatolia with 10.000 seats, the remains of the second largest library of the Hellenistic world after the one in Alexandria which originally possessed 20.000 rolls of books and where the parchment paper was first invented. Arrival Izmir, we will visit St.Policarp Church (Visit order can be changed according to church’s availability) which is the oldest church in ancient Smyrna.It used to be symbolising the community of Seven Churches of the Apocalypse. Saint Polycarp was converted by John the Apostle and became bishop of Symrna.He was martytred by the Romans at age 86 in 155 A.D at Kadifekale,which was a top hill nearby modern Izmir.According to tradition, when they tried to burn Polycarp at the stake, the flames would’t touch him.They finally stabbed him to death.The Church of Saint Polycarp in Izmir was reconstructed in 1620. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


ıznık bursa


pergamon ızmır





DAY 7 EPHESUS After breakfast at the hotel, we will drive to the unforgettable remains of Ephesus. The great Theather in the site, is the most marvellious one and largest in Asia Minor; where also St. Paul was dragged into this theather to face the crowds because of his famous letter to Ephesians, but resqued by the security corps of the city. Next visit of will be Seven Sleepers Cave, Where the Roman Martyrology mentions the Seven sleepers of Ephesus under the date of 27th of June, as follows: “Commemoration of the seven Holy Sleeper of Ephesus, who, it is recounted, after undergoing martyrdom, rest in peace, awaiting the day of resurrection.” The Byzantine Calendar commemorates them with feasts on 4 August and 22 October. They are also regarded as pious in Islam, and are known as “People of the Cave” After having lunch in a local restaurant, we will drive to Virgin Mary House. It is believed by many Christians and Muslims that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken to this stone house by Saint John and lived there until her Assumption into Heaven according to many Catholics, or the Dormition according to the Orthodox. Our final visit will be The Basilica of Saint John which is located near the center of Selcuk, just below the fortress. Emperor Justinian (527-565 AD) believed that a tomb dating from the 300s was St.John’s, therefore built a great church above it in the 500s.St. John, who is identified as the apostle, evangelist (author of the Fourth Gospel) and prophet (author of Revelation).After tour, you will drive back to hotel to stay overnight. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 8 DEPART FOR ATHENS According to flight time, you will be transfered to Izmir Airport to catch Athens flight.Arrival in Athens and check in the hotel to stay overnight. Breakfast

DAY 9 ATHENS-CORINTH Athens lies on a small plain extending southward to the Saronic Gulf, a branch of the Aegean Sea. The city center, seven miles from the coast, forms a single metropolitan area with the port of Piraeus : Today we will discover this unique site before head to Corinth.

World famous Acropolis will be the highlight of the day. St. Paul saw the acropolis as we can see it today and in the synagogue and in the agora (the market place) he spoke to many people about the new doctrine of salvation. By the time of Paul, Athens was considered a university town and seat of intellectualism.Here Paul, gains limited success. Continue with Corinth, where Paul worked as a tent-cloth maker to support his missionary activities.There was a large Jewish community in the city and he wrote his first letters to Thessalonioans here. We will visit Corinth Canal here ;In 66 AD, 16 years after Paul first came to the city, Nero began cutting a canal through the isthmus utilizing 6,000 Jews recently captured by general Vespasian (later emperor) in the Jewish War. After visiting Corinth Ancient Site and Kehrias city ,we will drive back to Athens tos tay overnight. Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner

After our enjoyable orientation drive and spot few ruins, we will drive to our hotel to check in and stay overnight. Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner

DAY 11 APOLLONEIA-PHILIPPI-NEAPOLIS “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 3:20) After breakfast at the hotel, we will drive to Apollonia, a maritime city of Macedonia located 38 miles east of Thessaloniki on the Via Egnatia; its name means “belonging to Apollo. ” Apparently Paul did not preach here or in Amphipolis because neither had a significant Jewish population. After this visit,we will depart for Philippi : Philippi is site of the first church on Europeran soil.Unlike his other visits, Paul here did not follow his common patterns like starting with Jewish Synagogues.Philippi had no synagogue anyway, and it is assumed the Jewish population was small. Of all the churches he established, Paul had a special bond with the Philippians. No church supported him with more genuine love, prayers and gifts. Before we drive back to Thesseloniki, our final visit will be Neapolis(Kavala).In Byzantine days it was called Christopolis after city became bishopric of Phillippi,undoubtedly in commemoration of St. Paul’s visit.Here in Neapolis, a local tradition identifies a Roman cistern as the place where St. Paul was imprisoned. After tour, we will drive back to the hotel to stay overnight. Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner

DAY 10 ATHENS-BEREA-THESSALONIKI On arriving [in Berea, Paul and Silas] went to the Jewish synagogue.” There, Paul found sympathetic ears for his ideas, presumably because the synagogue included upperclass Greek converts (God-fearers), both male and female.” According the the history, Paul and his fellow Silas immediately went to Berea.Jews here seemed more accepting. During St.Paul’s teaching Gospel in Berea, Jews from Thessalonica came to the city inciting the crowds. (Acts 17:1015). During our visit Berea, we will also see a smal monument enshrining a beautiful modern mosaic depicting the Apostle.We will continue with Thessaloniki, which was a port city about 100 miles west of Philippi. Importance of the city is, Paul established the second Christian community in Europe after Phillippi.

DAY 12 THESSALONIKI-ATHENS Today we will have long but enjoyable drive back to Athens. On our way, we will pay a visit to Vergina Tombs. The town became internationally famous in 1977 when burial site of the Macedon kings including the tomb of Philip II –father of Alexander the Great. Arrival in Athens and check in our hotel to stay overnight. Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner

DAY 13 DEPARTURE After breakfast at the hotel, you will be transferred to Athens Airport to take your flight home (Not included in price). End of our services. Breakfast


Asia MiNor “ following St. Paul” Duration Best Season

DAY 1 Arrive in Ankara Arrive Ankara, meet at the airport and transfer to your hotel. Stay overnight in Ankara. Breakfast, Dinner

18 DAYS Throughout the year

Basilica of St John the Baptist offers panoramic views of the village. Stop for lunch in Pigeons Valley and then continue on to see the marvelous construction that is the Kaymakli Underground City, the widest underground city in the Cappadocia region. You will also visit the Ortahisar Natural Rock Castle, a 90m high naturally formed castle and prominent landmark in the region. Stay overnight in Cappadocia. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 2 Ankara-Cappadocia

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Breakfast will be served at the hotel. After breakfast visit Anitkabir (The Mausoleum of Ataturk) and Museum of Anatolian Civilizations. After lunch, we will drive through Galatia where once St. Paul and St. Peter traveled. The continue along the Salt Lake to Cappadocia. On the way, stop at Agzikarahan Caravanserail. Stay overnight in Cappadocia.

DAY 8 Konya-Yalvac-Antalya

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 3 Cappadocia

DAY 5 Cappadocia-Tarsus-Adana

After breakfast, depart from your hotel for a tour of one of the most amazing parts of Cappadocia. On this full day tour you will visit: Devrent Valley and Zelve Open Air Museum which was once home to one of the largest communities in the region. An amazing cave town honeycombed with dwellings, religious and secular chambers. We continue with Monk’s valley (Pasabagi) where you will find the world famous fairy chimneys. Break for lunch in Avanos and then explore the Goreme Open Air Museum a complex of medieval painted cave churches carved out by Orthodox monks. Depart for a panoramic view of Goreme from Esentepe and then on to Uchisar, a natural rock castle. After the visits, we will drive back to our hotel. Stay over night in Cappadocia.

After breakfast, check-out our hotel and depart for Tarsus. Our first stop will be made at Gumusler Monastery dating back to 11th. Century; where you can see the frescoe of ‘Smiling Mary’. After lunch, we drive via famous Cilician Gates on Taurus Mountains where once famous kings, Saints and Prophets passed. Arrive in Tarsus in the afternoon, visit excavation sites of ancient city dating back to the time of Paul. Paul’s well can be seen here and drawn water with a bucket. Stay overnight in Adana.

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 4 Cappadocia Breakfast is served at the hotel. After breakfast, depart from your hotel to begin this exciting daily excursion with a 4km hike through the Rose Valley. There are some beautiful formations with hidden churches carved from rock. Afterwards, we take a visit to the old Christian village of Cavusin, one of the oldest settlements in the area which has been largely eroded and partially collapsed. Part of the village has risen in tiers on the slopes of the cliff. At the top, the


DAY 7 Adana-Konya After breakfast, check-out and drive to Konya. Before arrival to Konya, our bus will drive up to Goksu where Frederick Barbarossa was drowned when he was leading Crusader’s Army. Next we will stop at Lystra, a Biblical City where Paul and Barnabas worked some miracles. Arrive in Konya (Iconium) where Paul and Barnabas were threatened by being stoned (Acts 15:5). We will visit St. Paul Church. Mevlana (Jelaladdin Rumi) Museum is also to be visited.Stay overnight in Konya.

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Breakfast will be served at the hotel. After breakfast, we depart for Antalya. On the way, a visit to Yalvac (Pisidia in Antioch), a town where St. Paul stayed for quite a long time and used it as a base while spreading Christianity in the region (Acts 13:14-50). Then we will continue to Antalya, arrive the city, check-in hotel. Stay overnight in Antalya. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 9 Perge-Aspendos After breakfast, a visit to Perge, where St. Paul and Luke stayed long enough to preach and talk with people on their return from Antioch (Acts 14:25). Then we visit Aspendos, one of the most well preserved ancient sites in Turkey. In the afternoon, those who wish, may come to the Archeological Museum (One of the finest) or explore the cith on your own. Stay overnight in Antalya.

DAY 6 Adana - Antakya

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Breakfast will be served at the hotel. After breakfast, we drive a beautiful route known as Coa Plain in the Old Testament. We see the battle-field of Issus from the bus. Arrive at Antioch; the city where the disciples were called “Christians” for the first time (Acts 11:26). We will visit St. Peter’s Church – the first Church in the world; Antakya Museum of Mosaics, the most impressive one of this kind, second biggest mosaic museum in the world. In the afternoon, a brief coach ride to Samandagi (Seleucia Pereira), the port from where Paul and Barnabas sailed to Cyprus on their first journey (Acts 13:4). After visits, we will return back to Adana. Stay overnight in Adana.

After breakfast, we check-out hotel and drive Colossae which Paul did not visit but sent a letter saying “to the Saints and faithful brothers of Christ who are at Colossae; grace be on you, and peace from God and Jesus Christ” (Colossians 1:2). Then continue to Laodicea, last of the 7 Churches which received letter from St. John. Then proceed to Pamukkale to visit Hierapolis Ancient City, the center of Epaphra’s work (Colossians 4:13) when Paul was writing to strengthen his preachment. A visit to the white chalk cascades of Pamukkale. Stay overnight in Pamukkale.

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 10 Colossae-Laodicea-Hierapolis


ıznık bursa



pergamon SMyrna

sardes Cappadocia

ephesus Konya





DAY 11 Philadelphia-Sardes-Smyrna

DAY 13 Thyatira-Pergamon-Assos

After breakfast, check-out our hotel and drive to the beautiful town of Philadelphia (Alasehir in modern). Visit the Church of St. John, and read the letter of John written to this very Chuch. After lunc, continue to Sardes. Now it is the time to see one of the greatest cities ever built, where money (coin) was first minted by the Lydian Kings. Visit the Church, where we will read the letter of the Revelation sent to this Church. Also we will visit one of the biggest and oldest ancient Synagogues of the world which is still in a perpect condition. After visits, drive to Izmir. Stay overnight in Izmir.

After breakfast check-out hotel and drive to Thyatira, one of the 7 Churches. Then proceed to Pergamon, that became the capital of the Kingdom of Pergamon during the Hellenistic Period. Here you will be delighted to visit the Asclepion and Health Centre which was a famed ancient medical center built in honor of Asklepios, the god of healing. It was also the world’s first psychiatric hospital. As you make your way to the acropolis, the Red Basilica, originally a temple of Serapis, can be viewed. The most spectacular structure is certainly the theatre, a remarkable piece of engineering built into the steep hillside. After lunch we will continue to Assos, where we will spend the night. Stay overnight in Assos.


vive. We then continue to the Blue Mosque, which owes it’s name to the exquisite tiles adorning it’s interior, and the famous Grand Bazaar one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world. After lunch we visit the amazing Topkapi Palace, which from the 15th to the 19th Century was the principle residence of the Ottoman Sultans for 400 years of their 600-year reign from 1465 to 1856. After the tour, transfer to your hotel. Stay overnight in Istanbul. Breakfast

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 14 Alexandria Troas-Ancient Troy-Bursa Breakfast is served at the hotel. After breakfast we will drive to Alexandria Troas where Paul had begun his journey to Greece. We will continue with the most legendary city of Troy. After lunch we will continue to Bursa, once the capital of Ottoman Empire. Stay overnight in Bursa.

DAY 12 Ephesus Breakfast is served at the hotel. After breakfast we will make a day trip to Ephesus. First visit the ruins of the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. There were previous temples on this site, where evidence of a sanctuary dates back as early as the Bronz Age. We then proceed to the Ancient City of Ephesus where you will explore some of the best preserved theatres, fountains and buildings in the world. Ephesus was one of the twelve cities of the Ionian League during the Classical Greek era. In the Roman period, it was for many years the second largest city of the Roman Empire, ranking behind Rome. A definite must while in Turkey. Not to be forgotten is the House of the Virgin Mary on top of Bulbul Mountain, a pilgrimage site for many people of all denominations. According to belief Mary may have spent her last days here. Indeed, she may have come in the area together with Saint John, who spent several years her spreading the Christian faith. Basilica of St. John will be also visited on this day. After tour, transfer back to Izmir. Stay overnight in Izmir. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

DAY 15 Bursa-Iznik-Istanbul After breakfast, a short visit to the monumental Mosque and its famous silk bazaar in Bursa. We will continue to the famous town of Iznik (Nicea). This is the town where Nicean Creed was established in 325 A.D. during the first Ecumenical Council. As we are standing inside the very Church of St. Sophia; we will read out the Creed where it was first read. After visiting other ruins in the town, we continue to Istanbul. Arrive Istanbul, check-in our hotel. Stay overnight in Istanbul. Breakfast

DAY 16 Istanbul Old City Tour After breakfast, enjoy a full day tour of the Sultanahmet district, the heart of old Istanbul. Firstly we visit Chora Church, the magnificent Hagia Sofia, famous in particular for its massive dome. It was originally constructed as a church between 532 and 537 A.D. The Hippodrome; the stadium of ancient Byzantium, where an Egyptian obelisk and a bronze sculpture of three entwined serpents from Delphi still sur-

DAY 17 Full Day Bosphorus Cruise with two Continents Breakfast is served at the hotel. In the morning we take a brief visit to the fascinating 17th Century Spice Bazaar which is one of the oldest bazaars in the city full of spices, nuts, dried fruits, seeds and lokum (Turkish delight). Located in Eminonu, it is the second largest covered shopping complex after the Grand Bazaar. We then embark on our ferry for a breathtaking cruise along the Bosphorus, the beautiful strait that divides Europe from Asia. After lunch, we drive across the first Bosphorus bridge and head for the summit of Camlica Hill, which reveals fantastic panoramic views of Istanbul. From here, a short drive brings us to the Palace of Beylerbeyi on the shore of the Bosphorus (short visit). The palace was commissioned by Sultan Abdulaziz (1830–1876) and built between 1861 and 1865 as a summer residence and a place to entertain visiting heads of state. After the tour we transfer you back to the hotel. Stayovernight in Istanbul. Breakfast

DAY 18 Departure After breakfast, transfer to Ataturk International Airport, the end of our services.



For those who have limited time… Duration Best Season

2-3 DAYS From March to June Mid Sept. to November

but quickly rescued by the security corps of the city. Next visit of will be to the Seven Sleepers Cave, where

DAY 1 IZMIR AND THE SURROUNDINGS After an early departure from your hotel in Istanbul, we will drive to Ataturk airport to catch your flight to Izmir. Upon our arrival in Izmir we visit St.Policarp Church (Visiting order can be changed according to church’s availability) Saint Polycarp Church is the oldest church in Izmir and represents ancient Smyrna’s role as one of the Seven Churches of Revelation. Saint Polycarp was converted by John the Apostle and became bishop of Symrna. He was martytred by the Romans at age 86 in 155 A.D at Kadifekale, which was atop the hill nearby modern Izmir. According to tradition, when they tried to burn Polycarp at the stake, the flames wouldn’t touch him. They finally stabbed him to death. The Church of Saint Polycarp in Izmir was reconstructed in 1620. From there we drive to the unforgettable remains of the city of Ephesus. The great theatre of the site is the most marvellous and largest in Asia Minor. It is where St. Paul was dragged to face the crowds because of his famous letter to Ephesians,


the Roman Martyr logy mentions the Seven sleepers of Ephesus under the date of 27th of June, as follows: “Commemoration of the seven Holy Sleepers of Ephesus, who, it is recounted, after undergoing martyrdom, rest in peace, awaiting the day of resurrection.” The Byzantine Calendar commemorates them with feasts on the 4th August and 22nd of October. They are also regarded as pious in Islam and are known as the “People of the Cave”

DAY 2 IZMIR-ANTAKYA After checking out from the hotel we return to Izmir Airport to take a flight to Antakya (via Istanbul). On the way we will visit the Basilica of St. John. The Basilica of St. John (St. Jean Aniti) was a great church in Ephesus constructed by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century. It stands over the believed burial site of St. John, who is identified as the apostle, evangelist (author of the Fourth Gospel) and prophet (author of Revelation. After arriving in Antakya we drive to our hotel, check-in and stay overnight.




DAY 3 ANTAKYA - ISTANBUL - DEPARTURE After an early breakfast at the hotel, we drive through the biblical city of Antioch. This city was the headquarters of St. Paul’s missionary journeys. St. Peter, one of the twelves, also remained for a time at Antioch. The

Christian community of Antioch was founded by Christianized Jews who had been driven from Jerusalem by their Roman persecutors. It was the third largest city of the Roman Empire rivalled only by Rome and Alexandria. St. Peter, St. Paul, St.

Barnabas and St. Timothy all preached here. The New Testament Book of Acts of the Apostles specifically declares that Jesus’ followers were first called Christians here. Visit the cave church where St. Peter first celebrated mass. South of the church, the Iron Gate was one of the actual entrances of Biblical Antioch. Strolling through the old part of the city, you cannot help recalling that all the saints walked these old streets, for little has changed since that time. After lunch, drive to Seleucia Peria which is mentioned in the New Testament as the port from which St. Paul and St. Barnabas set sail for Anatolia on their first missionary journey (45-46 AD). Visit the Temple of Zeus and take a bird’s eye view through to the first missionary harbour and then visit the famous Titus water tunnel. After the tour, we will drive to Hatay airport to catch your Istanbul flight. If time permits, we will also pay a quick visit to world famous Antakya mosaic and archaeological museum. Arrive in Istanbul for your international departure flight.

This program also can be extended upon request.


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