9/28/22, 3:06 PM
Popular Technology Focused YouTube Channels | Sahr Ngegba | Technology
a Popular Technology Focused YouTube Channels by sahrngegba | Sep 28, 2022 | Blog, Sahr Ngegba, Technology
With how much technology changes and evolves, it can be tough to keep up with it all. How do we go about figuring out what the latest and greatest tech is when there are so many different options? Will this be obsolete in a year? Is it worth my money? Is this piece of tech easy to pick up if I’m not particularly tech-savvy? These are all important questions to ask, especially if you’re not knowledgeable on the subject. One great way to learn about tech and get lots of different opinions on the latest tech is by watching YouTube videos. There are countless YouTube channels out there that are dedicated to discussing the latest and greatest technological advancements and letting you know if a piece of tech is worth your time. Here are a few of the best tech-related YouTube channels.
Marques Brownlee Marques Brownlee created his Youtube Channel over a decade ago and is now one of the biggest names in tech on the platform. On his channel, you’ll find a variety of tech-related https://sahrngegba.org/popular-technology-focused-youtube-channels/