What AAP students say about the program:
“I really improved and developed as an effective critical reader and thinker; the skills I have gained will stick with me throughout the remainder of my courses at SAIC (and even beyond that).”
“It’s all extremely challenging, but well worth the effort.”
“These courses pushed me to become a better writer and strengthen the depth of my ideas.”
“I have gained knowledge, maturity, and time to develop and learn what is best for me as a student.”
“AAP courses were extremely rewarding. I have become more confident in my writing skills and my ability to present my ideas to others.”
“My AAP courses challenged me in every possible way—writing assignments, thinking assignments: I saw myself growing throughout the year.”
Q. Do these courses apply toward my 120-credit degree requirement?
A. Yes! Academic Access courses earn liberal arts credit within the Bachelor of Fine Arts program.
Q. Can I still graduate in four years?
A . Yes! You are earning the same amount of credits towards your degree as all first year students and are on pace to earn your degree in four years.
Q. How are students selected to participate in the program?
A. Students are placed after a holistic review of their application materials—including school transcripts and writing samples—to determine the best first year academic course placement.
Factors we consider when making these placements include grades lower than a “B” in key high school courses; test scores below our minimum for FYS I placement; and application materials that indicate a student would benefit from foundational writing and reading instruction.
For questions about placement, contact the Executive Director of Admissions: Asia Mitchell, amitchell7@saic.edu
For questions about the courses, contact the program coordinator: Jennie Berner, jberner1@saic.edu
We know that receiving a solid liberal arts and studio education is one of the reasons that you chose the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). We designed the Academic Access Program (AAP) to help you accomplish your educational goals.
AAP courses are intensive critical thinking, reading, and writing seminars, designed to provide you with the means to strengthen the skill set you need to excel in your future coursework at SAIC.
Benefits of the program:
» Class sizes are small: no more than 12 students are enrolled in any AAP class. Your instructors, as well as the program coordinator, are available to meet with you whenever you have questions or concerns about your studies.
» The AAP provides an in-class orientation during the second week of the semester with strategies for a successful college experience.
» The AAP has an innovative curriculum developed specifically for art and design students , and AAP instructors embrace a range of teaching and learning styles.
» The AAP offers opportunities for students to develop lasting relationships with peers, mentors, and instructors. Former AAP students serve as Peer Mentors for current students, sharing skills and knowledge they’ve learned, creating community, and supporting a positive first-year experience.
Success rates for AAP participants exceed those for students who do not participate in the program: that is, former Access Program students pass their English and art history survey courses at a higher rate than students who do not participate in the program.
You’ll be taking two AAP courses in your first semester and one targeted First Year Seminar in your second semester:
Reading Art:
Students advance their critical reading and thinking skills while investigating the formal and contextual elements of artworks.
Foundations Writing Workshop:
Students engage in the writing process, learn strategies for exploring topics, and develop their knowledge of the language of art and design.
First Year Seminar (AAP):
Students develop their critical reading and writing skills in these theme-based courses inspired by literary, historical, anthropological, and sociological discipines.
First Semester:
Core Studio I
Research Studio I
Studio Elective
Reading Art
Foundations Writing Workshop
Second Semester: Core Studio II
Research Studio II
Studio Elective
Art History
First Year Seminar I (AAP)
Once students successfully complete these courses, they go on to complete their English and art history survey requirements.
Sungmin Hong, At the Moment