Next Steps Fall 2025 (Mandarin Translation)

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Welcome to SAIC

Important Dates (重要日期)

March 1 Housing Invitations Sent to –ongoing Admitted Students (学生将收到邮件版宿舍邀请函


April 5–6 Attend Artbash on Campus (April 5) or Virtual Artbash

May $450 Tuition Deposit Due (截止日:450美元学费押金)

May 1–ongoing Registration Begins (选课开始)


July TBA International Student Move-in for Undergraduate EIS Students (EIS国际学生新生入住宿舍

July 7 International Student Orientation for Undergraduate EIS Students and English Confirmation Test (EIS国际学生新生迎接会及英语水平测试)

Mid July Tuition and Fee Information Available through Self Service (学费和相关费用可在学校网站自助查询)

Tuition and Fee eBills Available on Transact (学费和相关费用账单寄出

Early August Students Receive Room and Roommate Notification (学生将收到房间和室友安排通知

Academic Calendar (学期日历) Highlights 2025–2026


Important Next Steps


Activate Your ARTIC Account



August 25 First Day of Fall 2025 Classes (2025秋季开学)

September Labor Day (No Classes) 假期:劳动节)

November 27-30 Thanksgiving Break (No Classes) (假期:感恩节

December 15 Fall 2025 Classes End (2025秋季课程结束

January 5 Winter Interim 2026 Classes Begin (2026冬季开学)

January 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No Classes) (假期:马丁路德金纪念日

January 23 Winter Interim 2026 Classes End (2026冬季课程结束

January 26 Spring 2026 Classes Begin (2026春季开学)

March 16-22 Spring Break (No Classes) (假期:春假

May 16 Spring 2026 Classes End (2026春季课程结束

May 19 Graduation (毕业典礼)

Academic calendar dates are subject to change.


Please visit for confirmation.




n Activate your account at and receive your SAIC email account. (请于此网站激活你的帐号从而获取你


n Once activated, visit to access SelfService and your email through Google Apps. (激活帐号后可 登陆SAIC自助服务,也可从谷歌网站登陆你的电子邮件)

Make Your Enrollment Deposit (支付学费押金)

n To accept your admission and secure your place, we require that admitted students pay a non-refundable $450 enrollment deposit.(如确认入学,学生需要支付450美元学费押


Apply for On-Campus Housing (申请在校住宿)

Housing invitations are sent on a weekly rolling basis to admitted students after March 1. Your invitation letter provides your username and password information for the Residence Life application site. A $550 prepayment and a signed contract are required to secure housing.

(住宿邀请将于3月1日起向录取学生每周滚动发出并包含申请所需信 息。申请在校住宿须要提交550美元的押金和住宿合同。)

Schedule a Registration Appointment (办理选课预约)

Beginning April 1, contact the Admissions office between 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (CT) at 800.232.7242 or 312.629.6100, to schedule a registration appointment. Registration will begin May 1, and appointments are available on a firstcome, first-served basis with earlier dates reserved for Early Action applicants. Other registration options are available at (4月1号开始,请致电入学部办理选课预约,于 美国中部时间早上8:30至下午4:30。选课将于5月1号开始, 而预约 则是先到先得,优先录取学生有优先选课权。)

Prior to registration, you must submit a $450 tuition deposit. (请于选课前提交450美元的学费押金) Make Payment Arrangements (提交学费)

n Make payment in full or enroll in a payment plan by the set payment due date before each semester (学费可一次性付清, 也可分期付款)

n Payment options include: credit card, check, wire transfer, and ACH (Automated Check Handling) (付款方式包括:网上 信用卡支付,支票,现金和ACH支票)

Immunizations and Health Insurance 免疫证明和医疗保险

n llinois State law requires proof of immunization if you are enrolled in six or more credits per semester. 若学生注册大 于等于6个学分一学期,伊利诺伊州法律要求学生提交免疫证明。

n Health insurance is required for all full-time international students. (若学生注册大于等于12个学分,必须 购买医疗保险。)

n If you have comparable health insurance, visit healthinsurance for information about waiving coverage. 如果你有类同的医疗保险请于此网站了解关于如何免除校内医疗 保险的资料)

Laptop (笔记本电脑

n You will be required to have a laptop computer. (学生需要拥有一台笔记本电脑)

n You will receive information in the coming months about SAIC’s laptop requirements, including details on technical specifications, price, and purchase options. (学生在接下来 的几个月中会收到关于笔记本电脑的具体要求, 其中包括技术指 标,价格和购买选择)

n You can find more details about the SAIC Laptop Program at (可以在此网站获取更多的关于 笔记本电脑项目的更多细节资料)

Send Final Transcripts (寄出最后成绩单)

n Final official transcripts are due by August 15. For detailed instructions, visit (最后成绩单必 须在8月15日之前寄往上述地址)

Attend New Student Orientation and Welcome Week in August

国际学生欢迎会 新生欢迎会

n All new undergraduate students are required to complete virtual New Student Orientation and attend Welcome Week programs, and an orientation fee will be assessed to your account.

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