Important Dates (주요 일정) Academic Calendar Highlights 2025–2026 (학사일정)
TBA International Student Orientation for Undergraduate EIS Students and English Confirmation Test (EIS
Mid July Tuition and Fee Information Available through Self-Service
Tuition and Fee eBills Available on Transact (등록금 고지서 발송) Early
TBA Summer 2025 EIS Classes Begin (2025년 여름 EIS 수업 개강)
TBA Summer 2025 EIS Classes End (2025년 여름 EIS 수업 종강)
August 25 First Day of Fall 2025 Classes (2025년 가을 학기 개강)
September 1 Labor Day (No Classes) (노동절 - 휴강)
November 24-30 Thanksgiving Break (No Classes) (추수감사절 - 휴강)
December 15 Fall 2025 Classes End (2025년 가을 학기 종강)
January 5 Winter Interim 2026 Classes Begin (2026년 겨울 학기 개강)
January 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No Classes)
(마틴 루터 킹 데이 - 휴강)
January 23 Winter Interim 2026 Classes End (2026년 겨울 학기 종강)
January 26 Spring 2026 Classes Begin (2025년 봄 학기 개강)
March 16-22 Spring Break (No Classes) (봄 방학 - 휴강)
May 16 Spring 2026 Classes End (2026년 봄 학기 종강)
May 18 Graduation (졸업식)
Activate Your ARTIC Account (이메일 계정 등록)
n Activate your account at password.artic.edu and receive your SAIC email account. (password.artic.edu에서 계정을 열어 SAIC 이메일 계정을 받으세요.)
n Once activated, visit saic.edu/students to access SelfService and your email through Google Apps. (계정을 활성화 시킨후, saic.edu/students 에서 Self-Service
Make Your Enrollment Deposit (학비 예치금 지불)
n To accept your admission and secure your place, we require that admitted students pay a non-refundable $450 enrollment deposit. ($450의 예치금 선납 필수)
Apply for On-Campus Housing (기숙사 신청)
Housing invitations are sent on a weekly rolling basis to admitted students after March 1. Your invitation letter provides your username and password information for the Residence Life application site. A $550 prepayment and a signed contract are required to secure housing.
Schedule a Registration Appointment
(수강 등록을 위한 면담 신청)
Beginning April 1, contact the Admissions office between 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (CT) at 800.232.7242 or 312.629.6100, to schedule a registration appointment.
Registration will begin May 1, and appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis with earlier dates reserved for Early Action applicants. Other registration options are available at saic.edu/ugnext
(4/1일 이후 Admissions Office로 연락하여
Academic calendar dates are subject to change. Please visit saic.edu/academic-calendar for confirmation. (학사일정은 변경될 수 있으니, saic.edu/academic-calendar 로 가셔서 확인하시기 바랍니다.
Immunizations and Health Insurance (예방접종
n Illinois State law requires proof of immunization for all college students enrolled for six or more credits per semester. (일리노이
n Health insurance is required for all full-time international students.
n If you have comparable health insurance, visit saic.edu/healthinsurance for information about waiving coverage.
Laptop (노트북)
n You will be required to have a laptop computer.
n You will receive information in the coming months about SAIC’s laptop requirements, including details on technical specifications, price, and purchase options.
n You can find more details about the SAIC Laptop Program at saic.edu/laptop (웹사이트에서 더
Send Final Transcripts (최종 성적 증명서 제출)
n Final official transcripts are due by August 15. For detailed instructions, visit saic.edu/ugnext (8월 15일까지 최종
Attend New Student Orientation and Welcome Week in August (신입생 오리엔테이션)
n All new undergraduate students are required to complete New Student Orientation and attend Welcome Week programs, and an orientation fee will be assessed to your account.
Prior to registration, you must submit a $450 enrollment deposit. (수강
Make Payment Arrangements
n Make payment in full or enroll in a payment plan by the payment due date before each semester.
n Other payment options include: credit card, check, wire transfer, and ACH (Automated Check Handling).
Get detailed information at saic.edu/ugnext. (saic.edu/ugnext에서