PEDIATRIC DENTISTS ARE ABLE TO CALM NERVOUS CHILDREN I've never known a child to get excited when he finds out he's going to the dentist. Practically all children will experience something from slight anxiety to outright terror once they know they have a dental appointment. Some kids will even go to extremes to miss their appointment by pretending to be sick or 'disappearing' at the appointed time and making it very difficult for their mother to find them. Thankfully, the modern pediatric dentist has been extensively trained in the dental care of children and he'll know how to keep your child at ease. The thing to remember when visiting a pediatric dentist Lakewood CA is everything about the practice is geared towards children. The dentist has been specifically trained to work with kids as well as his staff. Anyone who works with a pediatric dentist likes to be around children, otherwise they would choose to work in a general dentist's office. Additionally, the décor of the office will present a calming, soothing atmosphere to any children who enter the office. It's highly unlikely, considering the above mentioned factors that support a pediatric dental office, that a child will not feel comfortable and at ease once he or she spends some time with the dentist. Pediatric dentist Lakewood CA know many techniques for calming a nervous child. One of them is praise. Whenever a child does something right, the dentist will praise the child and so will his staff. Praise is one simple method for making a child feel more relaxed in any environment. Another technique is called the Tell-Show-Do technique. The dentist will show the child an instrument and explain what the instrument is used for. He may even let the child hold the instrument and examine it.