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Incorporating Plant Spaces | Plans Revision & Design Flexibility

Previous First Floor Layout


Previous Exterior Visualisation

Revised West Perspective Section

In my previous iterations of plans, I had not devised a space for the access to building services such as boilers, electric and heating/cooling systems, which are necessary to house the buildings mechanical systems

Revised First Floor Layout

In the exterior of the building, I utilise different heights of spaces to create visual interest to an otherwise “boxy” building. This is evident through the ancillary coor having a lower ceiling height than the main public space.

Revised Exterior Visualisation

The section further demonstrates the implementation of the plant space on the first floor above the breakout room. This only leaves one space at a smaller ceiling height, but still adds variation to the buildings shape.

Revised East Perspective Section

As my building has two separate cores, ancillary core and a public one, I was able to extend the ancillary core to include a plant room, whilst minimising lost void space in the mezzanine. As a result I only had to extend the mezzanine by 1200m to fit space for the door, as the plant space sits ontop of the ancillary core.

As I had to extend the ancillary core to incorporate the plant space on the first floor, this does slightly diminish the varying heights of the spaces, but it isn’t as noticeable as I first envisioned when adding the plant space

The section on the East side of the building shows that the mezzanine void space remains largely uninterrupted due to separating the building into two separate cores, as the first floor only needed to be extended by 1200mm to include the door into the plant space.

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