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Sai Kiran Kanuri
A tough one to answer.. I am a bit of stranger to myself... A bit of nature freak, i imagine myself as a fitness freak (don´t look at me while you are reading this) .. mad about computer games... dogs.. snakes (yes.. i want to catch a cobra one day with my hands).. tigers.. many many more.. lost track of them.. used to be a philatelist. I prefer to be left alone at time.. be in the centre at other times.. kind of proud of myself.. ( i stop short of worshipping myself.. Just Kidding).. like to tease a lot.. used to one of the fav past time.. the professionalism is killing it.. Like to smile a lot .. I like the road less taken.. like to do things a bit hatkey.. I believe this is a dog eat dog world.. survival of the fittest, etc... believe in efficiency .. want to do things in the best possible way.. strive to be very efficient.. procrastinating at times.. well most of the time ;).. Kind of contradict myself at times.. A lot more and lot less.. I don really understand myself :)