Be insured A handy checklist to help you navigate Hong Kong’s insurance industry
Know your options and make the right choices There’s never been a more important time to consider insurance for yourself and your family. With Covid-19 still a real concern in the community, there’s even more reasons to dive in and navigate the plethora of options that are available. One thing you should know right from the start is that insurance in Hong Kong can be tricky at the best of times. It’s an
8 Hong Kong Family Guide |
ultra-competitive industry with options that can leave you bewildered and quickly out of pocket. But insurance, be it medical, home, personal accident, income protection, life insurance or critical illness is well worth having, if only for peace of mind in today's increasingly complex world.
Do your homework It will come as no great shock that
healthcare in Hong Kong is among the most competitive industries in town. The likes of HSBC, AIA, FWD, Cigna, Bupa, AXA, Zurich, Manulife and Prudential are just some of the many options around for families. Depending on what level of coverage you are looking for, pricing can range wildly - as do the types of insurance packages that are available. Our number one tip is to do your homework, understand the finer