At Canadian International School of Hong Kong, we nurture every student’s potential from their first steps in our bilingual nursery programme through to their graduation day. Our unique approach combines academic rigour with a supportive, caring environment, ensuring students grow into confident, well-rounded individuals.
From Nursery to Grade 5*, our bilingual programme immerses students in both English and Mandarin, giving them a strong foundation in two global languages. This early exposure to multilingualism opens doors to diverse cultural perspectives and prepares them for success in our Upper School.
*Our bilingual programme currently serves students from Nursery through Grade 1, and will expand to include one additional grade level each academic year, extending to Grade 5 by the 2028/2029 school year.
In Grades 9-12, our students have the opportunity to graduate with two distinct diplomas: the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and the prestigious IB Diploma Programme. This dual-diploma approach provides our students with a robust and well-rounded education, equipping them with the academic knowledge and real-world skills to thrive at the world’s top universities.
With a curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and global citizenship, our students excel not only in academics but also in sports, the arts and leadership roles.
Explore endless opportunities across our campuses, from our cutting-edge collaboration with teamLab and state-of-the art art studios, to our championship-winning sports teams and vibrant extra-curricular clubs and activities. At CDNIS, we believe in nurturing the whole child, providing a holistic education that prepares students for success in the 21st century.
Discover the Joy of Learning at CDNIS. Join us for a campus tour or learn more at www.cdnis.edu.hk
Harrow International School Hong Kong opens a brand new purpose-built Early Years Centre in Kowloon. Since opening its gates to the first pupils in September 2012, Harrow International School Hong Kong has secured its reputation as one of the top schools in the world, with pupils gaining places at prestigious universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford, all eight Ivy League schools as well as the University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua, Beijing.
As the only British boarding school in the territory, Harrow Hong Kong has grown in popularity and has announced that it will be opening a satellite Early Years Centre “Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak” to meet demand for places from August 2025. The new development will accommodate over 200 early years children in Nursery and Reception who will have priority entry to Year 1 at the Gold Coast site.
Hong Kong Schools Guide | 2025 Chinese International School
Dear Parents,
As a mum of a four-year-old, I know firsthand how daunting navigating the sea of school options in Hong Kong can be. Like many of you, I’ve spent countless hours researching, visiting schools, and talking to other parents, all with the hope of finding that perfect fit where my daughter will truly feel at home.
Now in its 11th edition, this guide was born out of that shared experience. Whether your child is just starting their early years or preparing for secondary school, we all want the same thing: a nurturing environment where they can grow, learn, and be inspired.
Hong Kong’s schooling landscape is as diverse as its vibrant city, with a variety of curricula, approaches to learning, and unique opportunities for children. As you flip through these pages, my hope
is that you find practical insights and heartfelt advice to help make the search easier.
There’s no one-size-fits-all, but with the right information and a little patience, I’m sure you’ll find a school that feels just right for your family.
Juliana Loh
Freelance journalist Juliana covers education, play, and technology in Hong Kong’s international schools. As a mother of a four-year-old, she emphasises inclusivity, innovation, and balancing screen time with outdoor activities.
Celine Lim
Born in France, Celine is a mother of three boys with over a decade of luxury industry experience. Passionate about dance, wellness, and self-development, she promotes a balanced lifestyle.
Editorial director
Gemma Shaw
Contributing writer
Juliana Loh
Senior designer Jason Lau
Business development
Head of sales
Celine Lim
Publisher Tom Hilditch
Published by Hong Kong Living Limited Unit B, 8/F., 235 Wing Lok Street Trade Centre, 235 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Printer Apex Print
Cover by Jason Lau. Photos contributed by CDNIS, Harrow International School Hong Kong, NIS, SISHK & City Kids Preschool.
D i s c o v e r o u r f a m i l y c o n c e p t s t o r e s a n d v i b r a n t p l a y r o o m i n H o n g K o n g , f e a t u r i n g a c u r a t e d s e l e c t i o n o f s u s t a i n a b l e , h i g h - q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s d e s i g n e d f o r m o d e r n f a m i l i e s O u r p l a y r o o m o f f e r s e n g a g i n g c l a s s e s a n d w o r k s h o p e x p e r i e n c e w h e r e c h i l d r e n c a n e x p l o r e t h e i r c r e a t i v i t y t h r o u g h h a n d s - o n a c t i v i t i e s , f o s t e r i n g i m a g i n a t i o n a n d s o c i a l i n t e r a c t i o n I t i s a l s o a g r e a t v e n u e f o r
h o s t i n g p r i v a t e e v e n t s , p e r f e c t f o r b i r t h d a y p a r t i e s a n d s p e c i a l c e l e b r a t i o n s . C e l e b r a t e f a m i l y l i f e
w i t h s t y l i s h a n d f u n c t i o n a l i t e m s t h a t n u r t u r e b o t h c h i l d r e n a n d h o m e a t B i m b o C o n c e p t !
S h o p 6 - 1 2 B , T o w e r 1 , T h e T w i n s , 1 2
C o n c o r d e R o a d , K a i T a k , K o w l o o n ( O p e n i n g 1 5 - N o v 2 0 2 4 )
L G 2 8 , L G / F , T h e S o u t h s i d e , W o n g C h u k H a n g T e l : ( 8 5 2 ) 5 1 3 7 5 8 2 5
S h o p 7 0 8 , S O G O C a u s e w a y B a y S t o r e , 5 5 5
H e n n e s s y R o a d , C a u s e w a y B a y T e l : ( 8 5 2 ) 5 5 6 5 9 6 5 9
S h o p 2 2 5 , 2 / F , L e e G a r d e n T w o , 2 8 Y u n P i n g R o a d , C a u s e w a y B a y T e l : ( 8 5 2 ) 6 0 8 8 1 0 9 0
B I M B O C O N C E P T C H I L D R E N ’ S R E S I D E N C Y ( P L A Y R O O M )
3 7 0 5 , 3 7 / F , P a c i f i c P l a c e A p a r t m e n t s , 8 8 Q u e e n s w a y , A d m i r a l t y T e l : ( 8 5 2 ) 9 6 1 8 9 9 4 0 | ( 8 5 2 ) 2 6 8 2 8 7 5 1
Hong Kong consistently features high on global education barometers, but understanding the system behind the hype is crucial before you begin your school search. The process can be complex, with various factors such as different admission criteria, curricula, and costs.
Schools like ESF base their Primary One admissions on the calendar year (children born from January to December), while others like Kellett go by the academic year (September to August). This distinction can affect when your child is eligible to start school, so it’s important to know which system each school follows.
Broadly, schools in Hong Kong fall into two categories: local and international. Local schools teach the Hong Kong curriculum, mainly in Cantonese and Mandarin, and are often free or heavily subsidised. International schools, on the other hand, offer global curricula. Many international schools may have two language streams: one in English and another in a native language.
Beneath the umbrella of international schools lies a subgroup known as the English Schools Foundation, or ESF. Comprising 22 schools
that serve students from kindergarten through secondary education, ESF accommodates approximately 18,000 learners, making this acronym familiar to parents seeking educational options in Hong Kong. ESF institutions provide a blend of English and international curricula.
School places in Hong Kong are highly sought after, so time and research are your best allies. The earlier you start, the better your chances of securing a spot at your preferred school. However, if time is limited, research becomes critical. Make a list of potential schools, then contact them directly to inquire about space availability and admission criteria. Be prepared for the possibility that your first-choice school may not have openings, so it’s wise to have backup options.
Once you’ve identified a few potential schools, it’s time to visit them. School selection is a personal process—what works for one child may not be the best fit for another. While recommendations from other parents can be helpful, nothing beats seeing the school firsthand and determining whether it aligns with your child’s needs and your family’s values.
Although hearsay should be taken with caution, advice from experienced parents can provide valuable insights. Facebook groups such as “Hong Kong Schools” or nationality-specific groups (e.g., “British Mums in HK”) are great platforms for asking questions and learning from those who’ve already navigated the system.
Hong Kong schools often use different terms for the same levels of education, so it’s important to familiarise yourself with each school’s
terminology. For example, what one school calls Year 1 might be known as Kindergarten, K3, or Prep elsewhere. Clarifying these terms is crucial to ensure your child is enrolled in the correct year group.
Where you live in Hong Kong should factor into your school choice. While Hong Kong is relatively small, daily commutes can be challenging. For instance, living on an outlying island like Lamma could make attending schools in the New Territories difficult. Since housing is generally easier to arrange than school places, securing a school spot might be a priority before choosing your residence.
Considering newly opened schools can sometimes simplify the selection process. Since their admissions lists are newer, they may have more spaces available compared to more established schools. This could increase your chances of getting in, especially if you’re open to a less established option.
Lastly, one of the biggest considerations for international schools in Hong Kong is the financial structuring, particularly debentures. In Hong Kong, debentures can play a key role in school admissions. Some schools require a debenture payment, either as a refundable deposit or an annual fee. As with all other aspects of selecting a school, thorough research into financial commitments is crucial.
In summary, choosing a school in Hong Kong requires time, research, and careful planning. With many factors at play—from curriculum choices and language options to location and costs—it’s essential to gather all the information you need before making a decision.
Hong Kong’s education system is renowned for its diversity, catering to a population that is a blend of local and international students. This dynamic environment has led to the development of various curriculum options to meet students’ different educational needs and aspirations. Whether you’re a parent looking to enrol your child in a local or international school, understanding the available curriculum options is crucial. Here, we highlight the main curriculum options offered in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) is the standard curriculum offered by local public schools in Hong Kong. It was introduced in 2009, replacing the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE). The HKDSE is a three-year programme that begins in Secondary 4 (equivalent to Grade 10) and culminates in a public examination in Secondary 6.
Key Features:
Core Subjects: Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, and Liberal Studies are mandatory.
Elective Subjects: Students can choose from various elective subjects, including sciences, humanities, arts, and technical.
University Admission: The HKDSE is recognised by universities in Hong Kong and many institutions abroad.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) programme is one of the most popular choices among international schools in Hong Kong. It offers a globally recognised education encouraging critical thinking, creativity, and international-mindedness. The IB programme is divided into three levels: Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and Diploma Programme (DP). Some schools, like ESF, offer the IB Career-
related Programme (IBCP) for students with a specific career path in mind. This programme enables students to specialise in fields such as engineering, design, or sports, allowing them to explore their interests in greater depth. The IBCP integrates elements of the IB Diploma Programme while also adhering to the IB’s educational philosophy and mission.
Key Features:
Holistic Education: The IB emphasises a wellrounded education, balancing academics with arts, physical education, and community service.
International Recognition: The IB Diploma is widely recognised by universities worldwide.
Inquiry-Based Learning: The curriculum is inquiry-based, promoting active learning and independent thinking.
Several international schools in Hong Kong offer the British curriculum, which includes the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (A-Levels). The British curriculum is known for its rigorous academic standards and is highly regarded worldwide.
Key Features:
Two-Stage System: Students typically take IGCSE exams at age 16 and then proceed to A-Levels, completed over two years.
Subject Specialisation: A-Levels allow students to specialise in three or four subjects, providing depth of knowledge in chosen areas.
Global Recognition: Universities in the UK and other countries recognise A-Levels, making them an excellent option for students aiming for higher education abroad.
The American curriculum is another popular choice among international schools in Hong Kong. This curriculum is based on the US education system and is designed to be flexible. It emphasises the development of a broad range of skills and knowledge.
Key Features:
Grade-Level System: Students progress through grade levels from Kindergarten to Grade 12, focusing on continuous assessment rather than final exams.
Wide Range of Subjects: The curriculum offers a broad spectrum of subjects, including Advanced Placement (AP) courses that can earn college credit.
Holistic Development: The American curriculum emphasises extracurricular activities, sports, community service, and academics.
In addition to the IB, British, and American curricula, Hong Kong is home to schools offering other international curricula, such as the Canadian, Australian, and French systems.
Canadian Curriculum: The Canadian curriculum follows the educational standards of different provinces in Canada. It offers a balanced education with a strong emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
French Curriculum: The French International School of Hong Kong offers the French National Curriculum, leading to the French Baccalauréat. This highly structured curriculum emphasises language proficiency and critical thinking.
Australian Curriculum: This curriculum is based on the Australian educational system and is known for its flexible and comprehensive approach. It includes a mix of academic and vocational subjects.
Hong Kong offers Montessori and Waldorf schools for parents seeking alternative educational approaches. These schools focus on child-centred education, promoting creativity, independence, and a love for learning.
Montessori: This method emphasises hands-on learning and collaborative play, allowing children to learn at their own pace.
Waldorf: The Waldorf approach integrates academics with arts and practical activities,
focusing on the child’s holistic development.
Given Hong Kong’s multilingual environment, many schools offer bilingual (usually English and Chinese) or trilingual programmes (English, Cantonese, and Mandarin). These programmes are designed to help students become fluent in multiple languages, preparing them for a globalised world.
Key Features:
Language Immersion: These programmes immerse students in different languages through subjects taught in multiple languages.
Cultural Awareness: Bilingual and trilingual programmes often include cultural studies to enhance students’ understanding of different cultures.
In conclusion, whether you are looking for a curriculum that follows a local, international, or alternative approach, Hong Kong has something to offer. Choosing the right curriculum depends on your child’s learning style, future educational goals, and your family’s long-term plans. With the variety of choices available, parents can find a curriculum that best supports their child’s academic and personal growth.
Learning together: Family classes and the importance of play in early development
We dive into expert insights on outdoor play, innovative play spaces, and toys that nurture young minds
Play is widely acknowledged as central to children’s growth and development, providing them with opportunities to explore, acquire new skills, and foster creativity. However, it goes beyond simple entertainment—play is crucial for children’s cognitive, emotional, and physical development. To gain a deeper understanding of its significant impact, we spoke to four leading experts, who shared their insights into the key ways play influences a child’s development in a changing world.
Derek Pinchbeck, Principal at accredited Forest School Leadership Centre, ICHK Hong Lok Yuen, advocates for outdoor play as a vital aspect of a child’s growth. He explains, “Outdoor play builds confidence, social skills, and curiosity. It allows children to take ownership of their play. If they aren’t making decisions, it’s not truly play.”
The environment at forest schools like ICHK Hong Lok Yuen turns nature into a playground, encouraging creativity and imagination.
Children often use natural objects like sticks to fuel imaginative play. “A stick can be anything—a sword, a wand, or a tool. The point is that they’re in control,” says Pinchbeck. This freedom fosters autonomy and creativity in ways structured indoor play may not.
“Climbing, digging, and getting muddy are vital parts of growing up. Outdoors, children are more confident and willing to explore,” adds Pinchbeck. As forest schools grow in popularity, he envisions a future where children develop a deeper connection with nature, fostering a sense of environmental responsibility—especially important in today’s increasingly urban world.
Carsten Rakutt, the engineer and visionary behind Rakoon Design, has created some of Hong Kong’s leading play spaces, working with schools like Canadian International School of Hong Kong and ESF. He’s also responsible for the design of Playdot at Lee Gardens, and the Baumhaus family centre, which he co-owns with his wife, Crisel Consunji.
Rakutt critiques typical urban playgrounds that often overstimulate children with bright, artificial structures. “Most playgrounds focus
on active play, but children also need spaces for quiet play, collaboration, observation and imagination,” he says.
His innovative approach emphasises creating environments that foster creativity, collaboration, and adaptability—skills that are essential as the world becomes more complex. He envisages these spaces helping children develop the skills needed to thrive in a constantly evolving, diverse and interconnected society.
Elaine So-Girardi, founder of Bimbo Concept, a children’s store specialising in toys and lifestyle products, emphasises the importance of choosing toys that support a wide range of developmental skills. For example, play kitchens encourage children to develop imagination, language, and social interaction through role-playing. “When children play with others, they learn to interact, share, and communicate,” she explains.
In recent years, parents have become more conscious of sustainability in toy selection. SoGirardi observes a growing preference for wooden and silicone toys, which are durable, eco-friendly, and provide an alternative to screen time.
Lisel Varley, parent and family coach and founder of Our Flourishing Families, underscores the value of play as a way for parents to connect with their children. “Parents and children often ‘coexist’ in a household, speaking different languages. Childled free play is a powerful tool for parents to enter their child’s world, follow their imagination and better understand their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.”
As we look to the future, the emergence of forest schools, nature-inspired play spaces, and sustainable toys signals a deeper appreciation for the boundless potential that play offers. By providing children with environments and tools that nurture imagination, creativity, and collaboration, we equip them with the essential skills to navigate and thrive in an ever-evolving society.
Baumhaus, 1/F, Kar Yau Building, 36-44 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai 2321 5898
As Baumhaus nears its 10th anniversary in 2025, this family-focused space in Wan Chai continues to flourish under the innovative leadership of founders Carsten Rakutt and Crisel Consunji. Far more than just a playroom, Baumhaus has become a community hub that nurtures creativity, growth, and connection among families. Crisel’s secret to success? A genuine commitment to nurturing happy, healthy lives through shared experiences and progressive educational practices. Baumhaus also stands out for developing talent within its community—supporting both educators and parents through workshops and activities that encourage holistic development.
Baumhaus vision:
Since opening its doors in 2015, Baumhaus has set itself apart by offering an innovative approach to early childhood education that prioritises music and interactive learning. Crisel, an educator and artist, envisioned a space where children’s creativity could flourish, and families could grow closer. The Baumhaus curriculum integrates music and arts into its core, providing a foundation for cognitive, emotional, and social growth. Baumhaus’s educators undergo weekly training to develop their skills in both early childhood pedagogy and musicianship. This commitment to professional growth is a key reason why
Baumhaus is known for having educators who excel in musical expertise, even showcasing vocal skills that create an enriched, immersive experience for the children.
At the heart of Baumhaus’s offerings is its music programme which follows the globally recognised Kindermusik curriculum. Kindermusik, founded in the United States over 40 years ago, is a music and movement programme designed for children aged 0 to 6. Baumhaus stands as one of the leading Kindermusik centres globally, ranking #1 in Asia and #3 worldwide. These classes offer more than just musical exposure—they provide a holistic approach to early education, using music as a tool to support overall child development.
Kindermusik classes are crafted to stimulate children’s senses, foster emotional expression, and build social skills through interactive musical activities, encouraging young children to explore rhythm, melody, and movement, which are critical for brain development and emotional well-being. The benefits of these music classes extend beyond mere enjoyment—research shows that music education can enhance language skills, improve memory, and even support better academic performance as children grow.
One of Baumhaus’s central principles is the idea that learning is most impactful when it involves the entire family. The space is designed to be inclusive and engaging for both children and their parents, emphasising learning as a shared journey. Whether attending a music class, participating in a family workshop, or spending time in the playroom, families at Baumhaus experience learning together. Parents and caregivers are not only participants but also empowered through workshops and activities that allow them to deepen their understanding of their child’s development. This extension of Baumhaus’s educational philosophy ensures that families remain active contributors to the learning experience. By encouraging family involvement, Baumhaus promotes the importance of lifelong learning and helps strengthen family bonds.
At Baumhaus, the approach to education is rooted in progressive methods and best practices, focusing on the holistic development of each child. The team is dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment that supports both the child and their family, rather than rushing through educational milestones. By sharing innovative strategies and insights, Baumhaus ensures that each child receives thoughtful, impactful engagement in their learning journey.
This commitment to nurturing each child’s individual development sets Baumhaus apart as a leader in early childhood education.
As Baumhaus prepares to celebrate its 10-year anniversary, the focus remains on fostering a vibrant, thriving community. Crisel and her team continue to innovate within early childhood education, expanding and enriching the music and arts programmes that have defined Baumhaus over the years. The future promises further growth and a continued dedication to creating a space where families can connect, learn, and flourish together.
Baumhaus values meaningful partnerships with schools, clubs, and family organisations that share a commitment to enriching educational experiences. Whether through collaborative programme development, knowledge sharing, training, or other professional collaborations, they are open to exploring opportunities that benefit the wider community. To enquire about potential partnerships or to book a trial Kindermusik class, get in touch and discover how Baumhaus can enrich your learning journey.
Start off on the right foot at some of Hong Kong’s best preschools
Growing curious minds and happy hearts
City Kids Preschool and Little Stars, 2/F East Wing, 12 Borrett Road, Mid-Levels 2522 4446 citykidshk.org
A colourful community that welcomes families from around the world, City Kids Preschool and Little Stars celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. We visited its enchanting campus surrounded by lush greenery in Mid-Levels to learn more about its unique charm.
Founded in 1984 by a group of enthusiastic, dedicated, and loving parents, City Kids may have evolved over the years, but community and parent involvement is still at its heart. Housed in a Grade II-listed historical building, its iconic red-brick premises on Borrett Road date back to 1901, when the British Garrison used it as the British Military Hospital. With a stellar reputation, the school offers a comprehensive preschool education for children aged ten months to 5.5 years.
Children can enrol in the school’s playgroup programme, Little Stars, from 10 months old. It is an accompanied programme conducted in English, where parents or carers can connect and support children as they explore indoor and outdoor activities such as arts and crafts, sensory play, trampolines, sand pits, and water activities. Sessions feature fun and energetic ‘circle time’, a social setting for children to enjoy songs, movement, stories, musical instruments, and puppets.
Once children reach 2.8 years old, they can join the preschool programme. City Kids offers both morning and afternoon sessions with three classes: Bumblebees (2.8-3.5 years), Ladybugs (3.4-4.5 years), and Butterflies (4-5.5 years). With a rare ratio of 16 children to two adults (one teacher and one assistant, both English-speaking), the school prioritises hiring those who put children’s learning and play first. Children have the chance to learn Mandarin twice a week with a native Mandarin teacher.
The philosophy at City Kids is simple: all children are competent. The school believes in creating a safe and happy community, positive relationships and enabling environments in which children are actively encouraged to explore and discover. Learning is inquiry and play-based and follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum which is underpinned by four fundamental principles: a unique child, positive relationships, enabling environments, and learning and developing. The curriculum embraces ‘best practice’ in early childhood education, so it often includes other frameworks, as appropriate, such as the Reggio Emilia approach from Italy and Te Whariki from New Zealand.
Thanks to the architecture of the historical building, City Kids classrooms are bright and spacious, boasting high ceilings, brick exteriors, indooroutdoor flows, and lush green surroundings.
A standout feature of the campus is its beautiful covered back balcony, where children enjoy
daily access to various activities regardless of the weather, fostering a love for the beauty of its environment. Come rain or shine, children can go outside daily for at least 30 minutes to explore sand, water, construction and other play equipment. The school also has access to a large shared playground downstairs, where they often finish the week with active play.
City Kids is a school that values diversity of cultures. Its students come from more than 15 different countries, including Australia, England, USA, Canada, Sweden, Nepal, China, Hong Kong, India and Japan. The school, managed by a parent board, encourages active parental involvement in various capacities. For the school’s calendar of fundraising and community activities, there are plenty of passionate volunteers. From off-site sports days to Christmas concerts and festive fairs, author visits, class reader sessions, theatre outings, and occasional trips to the beach or park, there are many ways for children and families to connect in and outside of school.
City Kids has a well-established relationship with Castle Brothers, a reputable school bus service that provides transportation from different areas such as Pok Fu Lam, Mid-Levels, Causeway Bay, and Happy Valley. The dedicated school bus service is used by children as young as 2.8 years old, and warm and welcoming bus mothers are on hand for the whole journey. The number 9 minibus from IFC conveniently stops right outside the school.
City Kids is known for its strong sense of community, colour, spirit and fun. Children love coming to school and it’s easy to see why. This is a rare jewel of a school where play is paramount,
is Principal at City Kids Preschool
teachers are valued, and the pursuit of curiosity is to be celebrated. We highly recommend you book a tour; City Kids needs to be experienced to be truly appreciated.
Can you share a little about your career?
I’ve worked in early childhood education for 20 years, but my experience stems back as far as I can remember. My mother was a kindergarten teacher, and my maternal grandmother ran a playgroup, so I was always helping out with young children. Throughout my career, I’ve worked as a kindergarten teacher, playgroup teacher, curriculum coordinator, head teacher, mentor, director of school development, and principal. I have loved every single role.
The moment I stepped into City Kids, I fell in love with it; it is nearly impossible not to - the community, the beautiful and unique building, the play-based approach and the fact that the children are really at the heart of everything! It is a privilege to lead the wonderful way for City Kids.
I encourage families to research, reflect on their priorities and visit schools to find the right fit for their family. It’s so important to get a feel for the school’s culture and ‘’feel’’. There is no such thing as ‘’the best school’’; it’s what is best for each child’s needs, priorities and personality.
There is something extraordinary about City Kids. We are a not-for-profit school governed by a parent board so as a small community you really get the sense of partnership and shared vision, and that we all truly want what is best for our children.
Almost all of our City Kids children move on to international primary schools in Hong Kong including ESF (Peak, Glenealy, Kennedy & QBS), Kellett, FIS, HKIS, AIS, and GSIS. We maintain strong relationships with these schools and are always pleased to hear feedback that they believe City Kids prepares children well for their next steps.
Fostering multicultural growth and learning in a warm and nurturing environment
Fairchild Nursery & Kindergarten, G/F & 1/F, Kong Chian Tower, Block 1, 351 Des Voeux Road West, Sai Ying Pun
Fairchild Junior Academy, 22/F Park Commercial Centre, 180 Tung Lo Wan Road, Tin Hau fairchild.academy
Fairchild Canadian Academy (FCA) offers a dynamic multicultural environment for children and families to grow and succeed together. Founded in 2016, the school caters to students aged eight months to six years, focusing on nurturing curiosity, creativity, and confidence through an inquiry-based method.
At its campuses in Sai Ying Pun and Tin Hau, FCA is known for its high’ smile index,’ and happiness is visible. Students build confidence and welcome new challenges, and staff members are committed to developing each child as a whole.
Learning is rooted in the Reggio Emilia Approach, which originated in Italy over 70 years ago. This inquiry-based approach emphasises the child as a competent, resilient individual full of curiosity and potential. Each child’s innate sense of wonder drives their desire to explore and comprehend the world around them. Learning and play are viewed as the same, and children are encouraged to use their senses and ‘languages’ to learn and express themselves.
In Tin Hau, Fairchild Junior Academy is a 4,600-square-foot playgroup for children ages eight and 36 months. This purpose-built campus features floor-to-ceiling windows with sweeping views of Causeway Bay, Victoria Park, and Victoria Harbour.
Children under 15 months participate in 60-minute accompanied sessions, while those aged 15 to 23 months enrol in 60 or 90-minute sessions one to three times weekly. Following the Reggio Emilia Approach, children are encouraged to explore areas like the tree house, discovery loft, and vertical garden. Within these environments, they engage in hands-on activities like digging, planting, watering, and caring for various plant species and animals in the class aquarium and terrarium.
Children aged two to three transition to prenursery classes at the Sai Ying Pun campus, progressing through K1, K2, and K3. The programme accommodates children aged two to six years, offering three-hour sessions five days a week, with flexible morning, afternoon, or full-day attendance options.
Spanning 8,000 square feet, the Sai Ying Pun campus has been meticulously designed with input from early childhood experts, architects, and researchers to promote creativity, exploration, curiosity, and sensory learning. Children are encouraged to interact with natural materials like wood, water, sand, and soil in gardens, sand and water tables, cooking and arts sections, and an indoor play area. The team frequently introduces outdoor concepts such as worms, butterflies, turtles, and geckos to encourage exploration.
FCA is a happy multicultural community where children and families from around the globe gather, grow, and develop. Families can opt for the International Stream or Dual Language Stream (English and Mandarin) to encourage bilingualism. Native teachers lead classes while the school is overseen by principal Betty Yau, an incredibly passionate Early Years Educator who has been with FCA since pre-opening.
In K1 to K3, the school integrates the Ontario Kindergarten Program and the Hong Kong Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide alongside the Reggio Emilia Approach. This three-year programme caters to children aged three to six, emphasising learning through play and inquiry-based on current knowledge of child development. It ensures a seamless transition from home or childcare environments, establishing a solid educational groundwork for future learning and fostering lasting knowledge.
Meanwhile, FCA also adheres to four fundamental principles: Belonging and Contributing, Self-Regulation and Well-Being, Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours, and Problem-Solving and Innovating. These areas focus on fostering children’s sense of connectedness, emotional regulation, literacy and maths skills, and problem-solving abilities through innovative thinking.
The team’s caring culture, passion, and dedication are second to none. FCA works closely with families to enhance every child’s overall wellbeing and growth. An online platform ensures that parents are well-informed with weekly updates on their child’s academic achievements, and they can arrange one-on-one consultations to discuss their child’s progress and receive guidance on topics such as selecting the right primary school. Families are also encouraged to partake in enriching activities related to their children’s education, including school trips, sharing cultural traditions, and celebrating birthdays in the classroom.
Fairchild facilitates access to prestigious international institutions, local schools, and overseas educational options. Most Fairchild graduates attend esteemed international schools, including ESF, Hong Kong International School, Canadian International School, and French International School.
Both campuses offer a warm and nurturing environment where students have every opportunity to develop and flourish. We wholeheartedly recommend visiting Fairchild Canadian Academy to explore its incredible facilities.
Fairchild Canadian Academy offers an exceptional education experience. The school’s commitment to academic excellence, coupled with a nurturing and inclusive environment, ensures that students receive a well-rounded and globally competitive education. With its Canadian roots and international outlook, FCA is ideally positioned to meet the needs of children in Hong Kong and prepare them for a bright future.
Harrow Hong Kong set to expand in 2025 with a dedicated Early Years Campus in Kai Tak
Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak, 55 Kwun Tong Road 2824 9099
Harrow International School Hong Kong, renowned for its rich heritage and excellence in education, is set to expand with the opening of its new campus, Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak, in 2025. Located in the vibrant Kai Tak area, the campus will exclusively focus on early years education, offering a first-class learning environment for children aged three to five. This exciting addition will follow the same curriculum and uphold the high standards set by Harrow Hong Kong’s Early Years Centre located at the school’s main campus on the Gold Coast, ensuring a seamless and enriched educational experience for young learners.
At Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak, children will follow the AISL Harrow Early Years Curriculum (AHEYC), specifically designed for the AISL Harrow Schools network, which includes seven campuses across China, one in Japan and one in Thailand. Drawing on the best practices from early years programmes globally, the AHEYC integrates Harrow’s core values of courage, humility, fellowship and honour.
The curriculum is centred around ten Learning Domains and five Learning Disciplines. The Learning Domains focus on the essential knowledge and skills children need to develop effectively, laying the foundations for lifelong learning. The Learning Disciplines guide pupils in mastering essential behaviours, such as problem-solving and critical thinking, which will enhance their ability to apply what they learn in various contexts.
Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak will offer a balanced mix of structured play, guided discovery, and focused learning activities, all designed to stimulate young
children’s natural curiosity while fostering their cognitive, social and emotional development.
The new Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak campus will be located in the rapidly developing Kai Tak district. Classrooms will be spacious and equipped with age-appropriate materials, fostering both structured learning and free play. In addition, the indoor play areas will provide safe and imaginative spaces for children to develop their motor skills and spatial awareness.
Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak will implement the same evidence-based teaching methods that have made Harrow Hong Kong’s Early Years Centre a leader in early childhood education. The school will be led by Head, Nikki Street, who brings experience from her previous role at Harrow Little Lions Zhuhai as well as Wellington International Shanghai. She will spend the coming months preparing for the new campus’s opening, ensuring a smooth transition and exceptional learning experiences for the first intake. The highly qualified educators at Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak will create engaging, enjoyable learning experiences through play-based activities, thematic units, and inquiry-led projects.
Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak will place a strong emphasis on the social and emotional development of its pupils, in addition to their academic growth. The school’s pastoral care system will ensure that children feel secure, valued, and supported, helping them to build confidence and social skills through group work, circle time, and individual attention. Alongside the core curriculum, the school will offer a range of
extracurricular activities designed to suit young children’s interests. From music and art to physical education and environmental studies, these activities will help pupils explore their talents and develop a well-rounded skill set in a stimulating and supportive environment.
The opening of Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak in 2025 marks an exciting new chapter for Harrow Hong Kong, continuing its legacy of excellence in early childhood education. With its purpose-built facilities, innovative curriculum, and commitment to nurturing well-rounded, inquisitive learners, Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak is set to become a leading choice for early years education in Hong Kong.
Families seeking a nurturing and dynamic start to their children’s educational journey can register interest in the Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak programme at harrowschool.hk/admissions.
Tess Baguio, Principal at Small World Christian Kindergarten
Small World Christian Kindergarten, 10 Borrett Rd, Mid-Levels
2525 0922
Small World Christian Kindergarten is a wellestablished early childhood education centre that has been nurturing young learners since 1986. With a focus on providing a caring, faith-based environment, the school blends Christian values with a play-based curriculum designed to foster creativity, social development, and academic readiness.
My aspirations of becoming an educator began in childhood. I had a joyful childhood with lots of playful experiences growing up with my siblings and many cousins. Although my career initially started in the Sciences, I rediscovered my love for early childhood education as a parent at Small World Christian Kindergarten. This ignited my passion for teaching and led me to study Montessori Education, Early Childhood Education (PGDE, Master’s Degree), and Special Education (PGDE).
When I first visited Small World as a parent, I felt an immediate connection—it was love at first sight! The school focuses on love, care, and community, values that remain strong as we prepare to celebrate our 40th anniversary.
What sets Small World apart is its holistic approach to learning, supporting children’s cognitive, physical, spiritual, and emotional growth. The school emphasises kindness and confidence through relationships with God and friends. Our unique campus, in a historic building, offers daily outdoor play in our garden and playground, where children explore nature and learn through joyful, hands-on experiences.
My day starts early with emails and reading articles, followed by classroom visits and greeting children as they arrive. It is always good to note how children feel when they arrive, and I always find time to chat with parents or caregivers, making them feel welcome and part of our Small World. I conduct learning walks to ensure all
children are supported and engage in various meetings and celebrations with students. Observing teaching practices, interacting with children, and participating in their activities are highlights of my day. Weekly, I engage in reflective practices with teachers to enhance learning.
Can you tell us about the curriculum?
We are proud to be Hong Kong’s first International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) accredited school. The IEYC uses international best practices, holistic enquiry, and play-based approaches that cover all curriculum areas, including personal, social and emotional development.
How is the Christian faith integrated?
We welcome children from all backgrounds, fostering growth in wisdom, stature, and socioemotional development. As such, students are not required to have a Christian background. We aim to help children grow in wisdom (cognitively), in stature (physically), in favour with God (spiritually), and in favour with man (socio-emotionally), just like Jesus Christ did. Journey 2:52 (Biblical Foundation Curriculum) is an integral part of the school curricula, telling stories from the Bible and how God loves each one of us.
Can you talk us through the admissions process?
Small World has a rolling admissions policy, accepting applications year-round. Children apply to the Junior (K1 equivalent) or Senior (K2/K3) Kindergarten Programme according to birth year,
and they can also enrol as soon as they turn two years eight months old under early admissions. Interviews are conducted as informal play sessions to better understand the applicant and their family. Regular school tours and personalised visits help prospective families learn more about our school.
The Small World community is like one big family, with a network of current and alumni families united by their love and appreciation for the school. Each year, we take great pride in honouring our international community through our “Taste of Culture” event, during which we come together to explore diverse cultures and traditions. It’s a great learning opportunity and community-building experience, made even more popular because parents prepare and share lots of delicious food from all over the world!
The Mandarin programme is integrated daily, and a Mandarin-speaking teacher facilitates the class for approximately 30-40 minutes of a three-hour session. Our Storybook Approach gives children a stimulating way to learn a new language through listening, speaking, reading, meaningful play, exchanging conversations, and developing positive relationships. Traditional Chinese characters are used to connect meaningfully with the children’s daily life experiences in Hong Kong.
Nearly all our graduates attend international primary schools in Hong Kong or overseas. Around 30-40% move to ESF primary schools, while the rest participate in respected international schools. We support families in preparing children for their chosen primary schools.
What excites us most is our community of amazing young learners, who continually delight us with their curiosity and joy in learning with one another! We are privileged to have many of our alumni return as parents of Small World children, and we look forward to welcoming further generations into our school and exploring their world together!
Children can enjoy a seamless experience at these schools which offer both preschool and primary
This world-leading forest school has been ensuring children flourish since 1983
ICHK HLY, 3, Twentieth Street, Hong Lok Yuen, Tai Po, New Territories 3955 3000 ichkhly.edu.hk
In 1983, a small group of parents in a beautiful leafy area of Hong Kong united with a shared vision to create a school at the heart of their green and spacious community, a world away from the bustle and crowds of the city.
Today, ICHK Kindergarten and Primary (ICHK HLY) is an IB World School accredited by worldwide bodies for the strength of its education programme and for attracting children from all over the world.
With around 400 students, ICHK Kindergarten & Primary is more than just another international school - it is a community of learners. It’s small enough that everyone knows each other by name yet big enough to offer incredible opportunities for children to flourish throughout their learning journey.
Students can join the kindergarten programme unaccompanied from two years eight months old, and most children continue through their primary years. ICHK HLY students get priority places at International College Hong Kong Secondary, located in Sha Tau Kok in the New Territories.
The sense of community is tangible. Families regularly have opportunities to bond and get to know each other through BBQs, movie nights, overnight camping experiences, and community-wide events such as the very popular ‘Party in the Park’.
Located in a valley in an accessible part of the New Territories, ICHK HLY offers the kind of outdoor learning opportunities that most families in Hong Kong can only dream of.
As Hong Kong’s first Forest Schools Leadership Centre, ICHK HLY is a world-leading site for forest school education. There is abundant space and fresh air for children to thrive. The giant natural playing field offers primary students unrivalled opportunities for active play and sports. There’s also an allotment where children grow herbs, vegetables and flowers, a mini forest, a school playground, an outdoor forest classroom and a nature area called “The Woods”—the kindergarten benefits from spacious gardens at the front and back and outdoor play apparatus.
Children enjoy sessions in the outdoor forest classroom. Shelter building, gardening, outdoor science, fire lighting, and woodworking are just a few of the special skills children will acquire during these sessions. Activities are planned in conjunction with each year level’s units of inquiry so students can make meaningful connections with their indoor class learning.
“ ”
Derek Pinchbeck has been Head of School since 2020. Originally from the UK, Derek has over 30 years of teaching experience, having worked at international schools worldwide, including the Dominican Republic, Papua New Guinea, Brunei, Italy, China and Singapore.
He says, “Our approach is to give students the best outdoor learning environment available in Hong Kong so they can learn happily and flourish. Regular time in natural environments brings immense benefits to mental and physical health and is an essential part of wellbeing, and a wealth of research recognises this”. Children are encouraged to get outside and get muddy, “If it’s raining, we simply put on our raincoats,” he adds.
There are plenty of opportunities to explore the New Territories with age-appropriate day and overnight camping trips. “These memorable outdoor excursions connect a wide range of subject areas, such as geography, history and natural sciences, and further opportunities to develop independence and encourage children to stretch outside their comfort zone,” says Derek.
Since 2010, ICHK HLY has been an accredited IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) school that follows the PYP framework.
The curriculum is emergent, meaningful, engaging and delivered through play-based methods in kindergarten, setting the stage for inquirybased learning throughout the primary years and beyond. Lessons are conducted in English alongside a solid Chinese programme, and all students learn Mandarin as a language using traditional characters.
ICHK HLY is also the only Bilingual and Multilingual Learners (BML) Smart School in Hong Kong and, impressively, one of just six worldwide. This
recognition means that the school is committed to better understanding and supporting bilingual and multilingual learners; all teaching staff are trained in best practices and approaches for bilingual and multilingual students.
Part of the outdoor learning programme involves caring for the school’s mini forest, which contains over 350 local trees planted by students using the Miyawaki method. This type of forest grows up to ten times the natural rate.
ICHK HLY was also recently awarded the Sustainability Award at the 2023 International School Awards in recognition of its Miyawaki tree planting scheme, which helps students take ownership of the natural world and understand their role in sustainability.
ICHK HLY is well-connected to the city by MTR (the closest station is Tai Wo). Hong Lok Yuen is just a few minutes off the Fanling Highway, making the drive from areas such as Sai Kung and Clearwater Bay just over 30 minutes. The school is also wellserved by nine bus routes that frequent places such as Kowloon, Sai Kung, Gold Coast, Tuen Mun, Tai Po and Kowloon Tong.
We have no doubt that ICHK HLY will continue to lead the way for other kindergartens and primary schools in Hong Kong. As a community school operating on a not-for-profit basis, the staff regard themselves as guardians of the traditions that have enabled ICHK HLY to flourish since 1983 . We highly recommend visiting ICHK HLY to witness its remarkable and breathtaking qualities firsthand.
Derek Pinchbeck is Head of School at ICHK Hong Lok Yuen
ICHK Hong Lok Yuen is the only Bilingual & Multilingual SMART School in Hong Kong. Head of School, Derek Pinchbeck, discusses the advantages of children receiving an education underpinned by BML principles.
What is a BML SMART School?
Accredited BML SMART Schools are committed to better understanding and supporting the needs of their bilingual and multilingual learners. Teachers receive training in best practices and approaches for bilingual and multilingual students. This training helps them anticipate BML students’ needs and deliver material accordingly. Teachers also better understand different cultural backgrounds and how to approach topics meaningfully. We view the ability to speak multiple languages as a benefit and consider students learning to speak more than one language as incredibly competent learners, even if their English is imperfect.
ICHK Hong Lok Yuen is a very happy school, which stems from children feeling valued and accepted for who they are. We celebrate diversity; students are encouraged to teach each other about their cultures. Children feel settled and happy; they can excel academically and socially from these roots. Our statistics show this; for example, students make faster than anticipated progress with their reading abilities whether they be native English speaking or bilingual or multilingual.
We plan lessons with an awareness of the issues that BML students may encounter. Sometimes, we slow lessons down to allow more time for students to process information. For example, perhaps a
BML student may be translating a maths problem into their native language and back again before answering; in this case, we anticipate that they may need a little more time. Lesson plans and structures accommodate this.
We also emphasise understanding students’ unique cultures and identities. For example, when teaching a concept that might not exist in the child’s native language, the teacher will offer additional explanations and resources to better aid learning.
are native English-speakers impacted?
BML teaching principles benefit everyone, including monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual students. We often use the phrase ‘useful for all, essential for some’. Slowing things down and
providing further explanations on vocabulary development is helpful for all students, including our native English-speaking students. However, it’s essential for BML students.
What motivated ICHK
to strive for this accreditation?
Most children at ICHK HLY are bilingual; many are multilingual. We want to ensure that the teaching happening in every classroom suits every student, so by training every single teacher in BML teaching strategies, we ensure that students receive information delivered in a meaningful and digestible way for all of our children.
Understanding Montessori education: A pathway to lifelong learning
IMS operates four campuses across Aldrich Bay, Mid-Levels, South Horizons, and Stanley 2772 2468 ims.edu.hk
Dr Maria Montessori developed a child-led learning approach where children explore and learn at their own pace in a prepared environment. This hands-on method, using age-appropriate materials, helps children grasp concepts naturally. Montessori classrooms feature mixed-age groups, fostering peer learning and social development. Older children mentor younger ones, building a sense of community and encouraging problem-solving.
“The gift Montessori gave to the world is recognising that there are different developmental stages,” says Anne Sawyer, co-founder of The International Montessori School (IMS). The Montessori method matches what the brain is doing at each stage of development, allowing children to learn at their own pace, follow their curiosity and change their own environment.
“A Montessori education sets up children to be lifelong learners, cultivating a love for learning and the problem-solving skills essential for 21st-century life and work.”
Established over twenty years ago, IMS is a pioneering Montessori school in Hong Kong. It has expanded to four campuses: Stanley, Aldrich Bay, Mid-Levels and South Horizons. We visited the Stanley campus, located near Stanley Plaza and the beach, offering children aged 1-12 a beautiful natural setting for discovery walks and outdoor learning.
IMS stands out as Hong Kong’s first throughtrain Montessori school, offering a seamless educational journey from Nursery to Elementary. With a team of highly skilled AMItrained teachers, IMS boasts Greater China’s only fully accredited bilingual Montessori curriculum, setting a new standard in Montessori education. Each classroom is led by one English and one Putonghua teacher, and every class has at least one AMI trained teacher to ensure authenticity and quality. IMS graduates are confident bilingual learners with a proven track record of admission to top international secondary schools.
Founders Anne Sawyer and Karin Ann, who launched the school in 2002, remain at the helm. “We considered what type of school we were interested in for our children, and we all wanted a method of education that would equip students with skills that enable them to adapt and stream into any school in the world. We also wanted them to be fluent in Chineseable to speak, read, and write at a local level,” says Sawyer. This vision laid the foundation for IMS, introducing Hong Kong families to the Montessori approach from early childhood learning and beyond.
IMS prepares children for life by fostering collaboration and hands-on learning, in a fully bilingual environment. Montessori education tailors learning to each child’s pace and interests - by upper elementary, IMS students have developed critical thinking skills to choose their projects and partners, are more engaged in problem solving through hands-on activities, and have a deeper understanding of complex ideas in subjects like maths, science and language. “The academics never stop - in both languages. Children choose their work, and teachers guide them with the next challenge, learning in the child’s native language while acquiring a new one. We constantly assess students to set them up for success,” explains Sawyer. “Our job is to unlock each child’s passions and help them excel. Once we have their interest and attention, the magic happens.”
Sawyer emphasises that most of the learning happens in the classroom, leaving little need for
homework. Even in elementary school, Chinese homework is minimal, with 20 minutes a day being sufficient, given the immersive bilingual environment in every classroom, plus 45-minute daily Chinese language lessons in small groups. “ Our IMS curriculum is dense and rich, allowing for a truly differentiated, individualised learning experience that challenges the child’s executive functions. Our AMI teachers are comprehensively trained and have deep knowledge of Montessori philosophy and child development, ensuring they have the skills necessary to provide an effective learning environment at each stage of the child’s growth. We avoid rushing outcomes, which makes the learning process more natural and engaging,” says Sawyer.
She also highlights the importance of the threeyear age grouping (e.g. 3-6 years old) and threehour work cycles in the classroom, which is similar to an adult work environment. Through peerto-peer learning, older children are encouraged to teach younger ones, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. Leadership and mentoring are also essential skills acquired through this mixed-aged environment, promoting responsibility and confidence. Children as young as two learn to take turns, collaborate, and return
materials to the shelves, ready for the next child to use, thereby gaining a sense of independence, responsibility and community.
Sawyer emphasises that Montessori education can change the future by starting with the child. Montessori teaches children to appreciate diversity and understand the world beyond their immediate surroundings. “Dr Montessori believed that children should learn about geography, food, and people from different cultures, fostering a sense of sameness and unity.”
Reflecting on her own experience, Sawyer shares how attending a Montessori school in Germany ages 9-11 (one of 13 different schools in England, Europe and the US) transformed her view of education. “It changed the way I thought, and gave me the skills to successfully navigate and adapt to a variety of schools in different countries. And I wanted that for my own children. When we opened IMS, seeing what our students at IMS are capable of at such a young age is truly inspiring.”
IMS students participate in the Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN), where nine- and ten-yearold elementary students compete with teenagers from other schools. Learning about different cultures, governments, and global issues ensures a deeper understanding of our world. “Our kids are making a difference. The older ones help the younger ones. It’s an ecosystem on its own, fostering teamwork and social skills. Montessori is an extension of real life, where problem-solving
and collaboration are key from the very start.”
Sawyer encourages parents to experience Montessori elementary education, where everything comes together in the upper years. “Our students understand real-world concepts like return on investment because they apply their learning practically. They create meaningful products for sale and even use spreadsheets for things like tracking earnings for donations to charity.”
How parents support their child’s early development is absolutely critical. Babies and young children explore through all of their senses, and learn by putting things in their mouths, and touching things. “Many Hong Kong parents worry about hygiene, especially post-Covid. However, if a child isn’t getting their hands dirty, it can actually hinder their development and create anxiety.”
Sawyer believes Montessori education nurtures curiosity and a love for learning, leading to adaptable, entrepreneurial adults. “A child is truly present in their learning. If we continue nurturing this curiosity, we will raise future-ready, innovative individuals.”
IMS offers regular open days and campus tours at each campus introducing families to the Montessori environment and approach. To find out more call 2772 2468 or email info@ims.edu.hk.
As we arrive at Norwegian International School (NIS) on a bright afternoon in May, it quickly becomes apparent that this is one of the most joyful educational institutions in Hong Kong.
Founded in 1994, NIS celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Initially established as a kindergarten by the Norwegian Lutheran Mission and the Norwegian Mission Society to educate the children of Norwegian missionaries, the school’s success prompted growth. This growth included welcoming students from diverse international backgrounds, transitioning to English as the primary language, and eventually establishing a primary campus in the neighbouring village of Kam Shan.
With kindergarten and primary school campuses in Tai Po, NIS remains a not-for-profit school operated under the Generations Christian Education umbrella, along with Small World Christian Kindergarten located in the Mid Levels on Hong Kong island.
Fostering multicultural growth and learning in a warm and nurturing environment
Kindergarten campus
175 Kwong Fuk Road, Tai Po 2638 0269, kinder@nis.edu.hk
Primary campus
170 Kam Shan Road, Tai Po 2658 0341, office@nis.edu.hk
Kindergarten students at NIS are enveloped in a nurturing and engaging environment, providing a sense of security amidst the bustling surroundings of Tai Po. The campus, nestled within a historic bungalow atop a hill, was once the magistrate’s residence, adding a touch of history and charm to the learning experience.
Set amongst large, shady trees, this is an outdoor kid’s paradise of climbing frames, swings, and Wendy houses with plenty of space for running around, playing and exploring. Children are encouraged to get their hands dirty with sensory activities such as building mud kitchens and discovering the wonders of plant growth through planting and observing seeds.
We begin our visit here, and as we ascend the hill with the school principal, Mr Luis Mak, students eagerly approach us to share their artwork from the morning and discuss the games they are playing, with Mr. Mak attentively listening to each of them.
Inside, the airy classrooms are just as chock full of enticing corners devoted to dressing up, painting
and science experiments. The educational approach emphasises inquiry and play through the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC), integrating social studies, science, technology, and art. It also incorporates the Biblical Foundations Curriculum to foster a biblical worldview and Christian faith. Specialised Physical Education and Mandarin classes further enhance the children’s educational journey.
At NIS, the focus is not just on academic excellence, but also on the holistic development of each student. Eight learning objectives are designed to foster traits such as collaboration, respect, communication, adaptability, resilience, ethics, empathy, and critical thinking. These objectives are seamlessly integrated into the curriculum, ensuring that each student’s unique needs are met.
A Biblical Worldview encourages students to develop a relationship with God. All students are considered beloved children of God and have a place and a purpose in this world; it’s NIS, the school’s privilege and responsibility to help them grow.
At NIS, community is not just a word but a way of life. The primary campus, situated in the neighbouring village of Kam Shan, boasts a large soccer field and various play areas, encouraging outdoor activities and fostering a sense of togetherness. A notable feature is parents picking up their children directly from the classroom doors, further strengthening the bond between the school, the students, and their families.
Key features of NIS include a focus on the Christian faith, with no requirement for students to have a Christian background. NIS actively welcomes children of all religions and encourages students to understand and respect each other’s uniqueness. The school’s mission is centred around educating students in a nurturing international community, developing individuals with strong character and compassion, and inspiring future generations to be global citizens with a Christian foundation focused on serving others.
We offer:
Rigorous academic programmes
Faith-based, holistic education
Spacious outdoors
Close-knit community
English is the primary instruction language, with Mandarin incorporated into the curriculum and used whenever possible. The school promotes language learning, and Mr Mak, who has been with the school for just over a year, is noteworthy for his fluency in seven languages and extensive research on language acquisition in young children.
A few minute’s drive away in the neighbouring village of Kam Shan, NIS’ primary campus features bright, airy classrooms that open onto a large outdoor sports field surrounded by lush greenery. As we enter the main hall, the lively buzz of students getting ready for their yearend performances fills the air. During our tour of the school, the children eagerly present their classroom projects and excitedly discuss their summer plans with Mr Mak. The enthusiasm of these students is truly captivating.
NIS’ primary school is accredited by the International Primary Curriculum (IPC). Following the IPC framework, subjects are introduced through ‘Entry Points’, leading to a ‘Knowledge Harvest’, subject-specific learning tasks, and concluding with ‘Exit Points’ that prompt children to reflect on their learning journey. These Exit Points frequently celebrate students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities to display their learning outcomes, like visits to museums and exhibitions.
Kindergarten students have priority interviews for admission into NIS’ primary section well before external applicants, and those with older siblings already attending the primary campus are given additional priority.
NIS provides a holistic education that moulds students into compassionate global citizens, mirroring Christ’s values. NIS graduates consistently achieve high academic results, demonstrating their readiness for the opportunities that lie ahead. Students are wellequipped for life at secondary schools in Hong Kong and globally, commonly progressing onto ESF, International College of Hong Kong (ICHK, and Malvern College, among others.
NIS has two beautiful campuses in Tai Po, each about a five-minute drive away. Tai Po Market MTR is just a few minutes walk, and a private school bus company operates across the New Territories.
The sense of community at NIS is tangible; there’s genuine excitement for learning in the air, and every student we encountered was happy and confident to be themselves, something of a rarity.
With 30 years of experience, this unique school perfectly captures the joy of learning. We recommend visiting in person to truly appreciate it, and we assure you that you will be impressed.
The sky’s the limit at these all-through schools
A close-knit learning environment that fosters creativity, innovation and confidence
American International School, 125 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong 2336 3812 ais.edu.hk
Centrally located in Kowloon Tong, the American International School has provided a rigorous academic program to local and international students since 1986. AIS graduates are accepted to prestigious universities in the United States, Hong Kong, and worldwide each year.
AIS boasts a family-centred, close-knit school community where students, parents, and teachers share a collective sense of belonging and purpose. The school is organized into three divisions—Elementary, Middle, and High—and serves a student population of approximately 750 students from Early Childhood to Grade 12. The school is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) in the United States and has been for over 30 years.
AIS’ founding Core Values of Justice, Knowledge, and Love remain the hallmark of an AIS education. Expected School-wide Learning Results, or ESLRs, articulate what all students should know, understand, and be able to do as Empowered Thinkers, Effective Communicators, Well-rounded Individuals, and Global Citizens. Meanwhile, the school’s Social, Personal, and Applied Learning Model is supported by Essential Practices; these are key learning strategies used in every class, from Early Childhood to Grade 12. Above all, AIS builds student confidence, which is the key outcome of its Future Framework.
The challenging academic program at AIS is enriched by broad and highly diverse extracurricular offerings, vibrant visual and performing arts opportunities, an extensive intramural and varsity sports program, unique experiential learning opportunities, challenging leadership programs, dedicated community service, and a schoolwide commitment to supporting student success. Families can enjoy regular events throughout the year, including the Winter Fair, Band Slam, talent shows, drama performances, art shows and more.
As an Apple Distinguished School, the team believes in harnessing the power of Apple technology to empower students.This approach instils in them the Creative Confidence they need to move beyond consuming information to creating new content and ideas to share with the world. The school’s commitment to inspiring innovation and creativity is strong, and education at AIS ensures that graduates have unique opportunities and specialized skills that few other students can claim.
From Early Childhood to Grade 12, AIS delivers an affordable and comprehensive program that develops students academically, socially, and personally. Graduates are academically prepared and ready to face the world with confidence and optimism. They are equipped to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Come and see the difference that an education at AIS makes.
CDNIS sets a new standard in early childhood education with its innovative Early Years Centre
Canadian International School of Hong Kong
Main Campus: 36 Nam Long Shan Rd, Aberdeen Early Years Centre: Shop Units G21-24, G/F, THE SOUTHSIDE, 11 Heung Yip Road, Wong Chuk Hang 2525 7088 cdnis.edu.hk
Canadian International School of Hong Kong (CDNIS) is a renowned, non-profit institution offering comprehensive education for students from Nursery through Grade 12. With a strong commitment to both academic excellence and personal development, CDNIS follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum at both the Middle Years Programme (MYP) level and the Diploma Programme (DP) level in the Upper School. These are seamlessly integrated with the highly complementary Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) awarded to all CDNIS graduates.
Known for fostering a diverse, inclusive community, the school equips students with the tools needed for success in an interconnected world. Situated in Aberdeen, CDNIS is recognised for its state-of-the-art facilities and its commitment to developing well-rounded global citizens who excel both academically and personally.
CDNIS recently expanded its presence with the opening of its new Early Years Centre, marking the first time the school has ventured beyond its main Nam Long Shan Road campus. Conveniently located at THE SOUTHSIDE, this cutting-edge space is designed to nurture curiosity, creativity, and a love of learning in young children. The centre stands out with its integration of the world’s first-ever educational collaboration with the Japanese arts collective, teamLab. Under the leadership of Dr Wil Chan, Lower School Principal at CDNIS, this innovative environment offers an exceptional start for the school’s youngest learners.
The CDNIS Early Years Centre spans 14,000 square feet and has been meticulously designed to promote creativity, curiosity, and independent learning. Designed by Hong Kong based architect, Thomas Chow and Associates, the school also enlisted renowned engineer Karsten Rakutt to design the central play structure, known for his innovative and forwardthinking approach to children’s environments in Hong Kong and beyond. Open, flexible areas encourage movement and exploration, while the abundance of natural light creates a warm, inviting atmosphere.
A standout feature of the new facility is CDNIS’s collaboration with teamLab, a world-famous Japanese arts collective known for blending art, technology, and education. CDNIS is the first school globally to partner with teamLab on an educational project. This collaboration allows students to see their artwork come to life in a dynamic digital landscape, providing an interactive and engaging way for children to connect with their environment.
At the heart of the CDNIS Early Years Centre is a curriculum built on inquiry-based learning, a central tenet of CDNIS’s IB continuum school framework. Even for students as young as two, the curriculum emphasises exploration, problemsolving, and discovery, helping children engage with their surroundings and develop critical thinking skills from an early age.
A defining feature of the curriculum is the school’s bilingual immersion programme, which has become increasingly important as families seek
educational experiences that prepare children for a globalised world. This year, CDNIS introduced its new half-day bilingual Nursery Programme for 2-year-olds, expanding upon its highly popular bilingual Early Years 1 (EY1) programme for 3-yearolds. These programmes provide a unique duallanguage learning environment where students are immersed in both English and Mandarin. Through this bilingual platform, children develop receptive and expressive language skills in a warm, engaging setting led by experienced and qualified teachers.
As Dr Chan explains, “Recognising the growing demand for bilingual education, we have launched a new bilingual nursery programme at CDNIS. This initiative allows us to cater to the diverse needs of our students, equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive in a global society.”
While many early childhood centres focus on play-based learning, CDNIS takes this concept further by integrating play with technology, art, and bilingual immersion. The inquiry-based curriculum encourages children to ask meaningful questions and find their own answers, nurturing independent thought from the very start. Additionally, the centre introduces critical STEM concepts, laying a foundation for future learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Another key element that sets CDNIS apart is its commitment to small class sizes and individual attention. With experienced educators guiding the way, each child is supported in their personal learning journey, ensuring they feel confident and engaged at every step.
Students who complete Early Years 1 continue their studies at the CDNIS main campus, just a short walk away. Here, students follow the Primary Years Programme (PYP), maintaining continuity within the IB framework. This progression allows students to build on the solid foundation established during their early years, ensuring that their educational experience is cohesive and comprehensive.
Students progress through CDNIS’s continuum of programmes—from PYP to the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the IB Diploma Programme (DP), eventually overlapping with the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). These programmes allow CDNIS students to graduate with dual diplomas, which makes their university
applications more competitive, while developing the critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills necessary for success in an increasingly globalised world.
The new CDNIS Early Years Centre is more than just a school; it’s a place where young children can begin their educational journey in a space specifically designed to inspire and engage. With its unique combination of bilingual immersion, cutting-edge technology, and an inquiry-based curriculum, CDNIS is setting a new standard for early childhood education in Hong Kong.
For families seeking a forward-thinking, dynamic learning environment that prepares their children for the future while nurturing creativity and a love of learning, the CDNIS Early Years Centre at THE SOUTHSIDE offers an unmatched educational experience. The application period for Nursery will be open from November 1 to 30, while for EY1 to Grade 2, the application deadline is October 2.
Dr Wil Chan is Lower School Principal at Canadian International School and oversees the new Early Years Centre
After serving as Principal in Minnesota, HKIS, and HK Baptist University Affiliated Schools in Hong Kong, I retired after 45 years in education. Nearly two years ago, the CDNIS Board approached me about helping create a ‘state-of-the-art’ bilingual early years centre. The opportunity to broaden CDNIS’ service to Hong Kong families excited me, and I was eager to join the project.
What inspired the new CDNIS Early Years Centre?
CDNIS is committed to serving Hong Kong’s community. The current campus has limited space for expansion, so the Board explored an off-site extension. The new SOUTHSIDE mall, close to the Nam Long Shan campus, was ideal and allows us to continue supporting families on the south of the island.
What features differentiate the new space?
A major feature is our convenient location in THE SOUTHSIDE mall, which may make us the only large international school-sponsored Early Years Centre in a mall. The mall setting also provides added value through other child-focused activities offered by mall tenants. Our open, spacious layout sets us apart as well. Instead of maximising student numbers and classrooms, we’ve dedicated two thirds of the 14,000-square-foot space to large open areas. Additionally, we’re the only school to partner with teamLab, integrating interactive and immersive art as part of our pedagogy, opening new dimensions of learning.
The biggest advantage is that children can grow and develop from as young as 2-years-old through to the IB Diploma, all under the same vision and mission. This continuity of a familyschool relationship is truly rare. We’ve also launched a dual language Nursery Programme for 2-year-olds alongside the Early Years 1, which has been well received.
A family survey several years ago highlighted the importance of language for future success. Recognising the opportunities for children in Hong Kong and beyond, we decided to build a strong foundation in Mandarin. CDNIS is now fully bilingual from Nursery through to Grade 1, with plans to expand up to Grade 5 by 2028.
advice do you offer parents considering preschools in Hong Kong?
The wide range of school options can make the decision stressful. My advice to families is to start by reflecting on their own values and their child’s learning style. Once you have clarity, consider schools’ offerings, costs, and relationships with families. Most importantly, trust the comfort and connection you feel during a school visit – not just the “stuff” a school has, but the warmth of the staff.
Sean Lynch is Head of School at Chinese International School
Chinese International School, 1 Hau Yuen Path, Braemar Hill 2510 7288 cis.edu.hk
Chinese International School (CIS) offers the first bilingual and intercultural education of its kind in Hong Kong. Mr Sean Lynch, who has served as Head of School for the past six years, shares insights on the immense benefits of an education at CIS.
I’ve had the immense honour of leading CIS since August 2018, after having worked as a Head of School in New York City for seven years and as an educational leader in Paris for 15. As for my personal background, it’s complex! I was educated in Austria, England, France and the United States, grew up speaking three languages, and now consider Hong Kong to be home, all of which has given me a lifelong passion for plurilingualism, intercultural understanding and global citizenship, values which both CIS and our city deeply cherish.
Pursuing a career in bilingual education, I’d been following CIS for years. Yet it’s when I heard the
school’s song being sung for the first time in English and Chinese that I fell in love with the community. “We come from the East; we come from the West; we learn from each other, and that way is best” go our lyrics. The opportunity to bring these principles alive each and every day is something I find to be extraordinarily noble, particularly in the 21st century.
Approximately one third of CIS students begin with us at age four and continue all the way through Year 13, which means that we’ve a great deal of stability. Fortunately, we also have two structured entry points, one in Reception, where we have 96 openings, and another in Year 7, where we’re able to add 58 new places. Academic potential, cocurricular interests and personal motivation matter in our admissions process, but a commitment to bilingualism, international-mindedness, and service to the greater good is equally prized.
We’re renowned across the globe for the exceptional bilingual English-Chinese curriculum we’ve been continuously refining in our Primary School since our founding 41 years ago, as well as for the superlative International Baccalaureate Middle Years and Diploma Programmes in Secondary which we were among the very first to offer in Hong Kong.
Each of our classes in Primary is co-taught by an English-language and a Chinese-language specialist, with bilingual teaching assistants providing further support. In Secondary, a larger share of teaching and learning takes place in
English, yet all of our students continue with Chinese through Year 13. Starting in Year 7 and continuing through Year 10, our students also engage in extensive experiential learning experiences on the Mainland, from Xian and Nanjing to Yantai and Yangshuo, without forgetting Hangzhou, where everyone in Year 10 spends a whole year.
It would be difficult to find another school anywhere in the world whose students do as academically well as ours do, but what may be most distinctive about CIS is the profoundly caring, inclusive, positive learning environment we provide, wherein student agency and community support combine to ensure that every learner feels a sense of belonging at our school, as well as an intrinsic motivation to make a difference for our planet as a whole.
We’re ardent believers in technology’s capacity to enhance all facets of the learning experience. At the moment, our team is working especially hard to harness the power of artificial intelligence to provide personalised support for our students’ diverse needs, passions and journeys. Regarding their own use of digital tools, we’re committed to ensuring that it’s always balanced, be it at school or in the home environment, so that CIS learners
Cultivating Global Citizens
Scan to learn about CIS and our admissions process
reap the benefits of technological progress, while doing so safely, appropriately and responsibly.
We offer hundreds of co-curricular activities across Primary and Secondary, from sports and debate to the arts, entrepreneurship and more, in keeping with our students’ interests and initiatives. Our goal is to help them discover the activities they most appreciate and then to nurture their development in those activities as they progress through our school. We’re delighted to know that CIS students have not only excelled on their IB examinations, but have simultaneously triumphed as Olympic athletes, award-winning scientists, and successful start-up founders.
Can you explain how Vision ‘33 will shape CIS’s future?
A little more than two years ago, our community came together to co-create CIS’s strategic plan for the period leading up to 2033, when we’ll be celebrating our 50th anniversary. Called Vision ‘33, this transformative roadmap lays out three main priorities for the decade ahead: a. student well-being and agency (in the language of our strategic framework: “Each Learner Flourishing”); b. 21st-century teaching and learning, including STEAM for all (“New Paths Discovered”); and c. social and environmental responsibility (“Bridges for Good”).
Can you share more on CIS’s Year 10 boarding programme in Hangzhou?
Our entire Year 10 cohort spends 10 months in Hangzhou. This experience has four pillars, the first of which is “China,” and refers to the complete
immersion of our students into all dimensions of Mainland life, which become their main sources of learning and inspiration throughout the year. Our other three priorities are “Character,” “Challenge,” and “Community,” each of which is made possible by a world-class boarding school environment, one that’s purposefully designed to nurture independent, enterprising, compassionate young people. It’s no small wonder that this life-changing programme, currently in its 12th iteration, is beloved of them all.
Every day in Hangzhou starts and concludes with “Family Time,” five minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night, when students sharing the same residential suite gather to build community. Studies take place from 8am through approximately 5pm on weekdays, with a half-day on Saturday mornings. On Wednesday afternoons, all of our students engage in service activities across the city and neighbouring areas in Zhejiang Province. Built into our schedule, there’s additional time for self-directed learning and co-curricular interests, as well as flexibility for the experiential learning projects our students carry out across China. At 9pm each evening, it’s worth noting that they hand in their digital devices for safekeeping until the following morning, underscoring our dedication to the thoughtful use of technology.
We’re fortunate to have a very talented and experienced team of five full-time university counsellors working with our students, beginning in Year 10. However, we also consider that preparing them for admission to and success in higher education around the globe is a wholeschool responsibility, so everyone collaborates towards that important end: faculty, co-curricular leaders, advisors, and more. In terms of destinations, roughly 15% of our Graduates stay in Hong Kong, while 50% head to the United States, 25% to the United Kingdom, 5% to Canada, and 5% to other countries, including Australia, Ireland and Singapore.
An international school programme with the local Hong Kong curriculum and a broad offering of experiential learning activities
Creative Secondary School, 3 Pung Loi Road, Tseung Kwan O 2336 0233 css.edu.hk
Creative Primary School, 2A, Oxford Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon 2336 0266 creativeprisch.edu.hk
Creative Primary School’s Kindergarten, 2A, Oxford Road, Kowloon Tong 2336 1212 cpskg.edu.hk
Nestled in Tseung Kwan O, Creative Secondary School (CSS) has earned a strong reputation for its holistic, student-centred approach to education. Established in 2006 as a non-profit, coeducational institution, CSS became Hong Kong’s first Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) school to offer the IB Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) in 2009, followed by the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) in 2010. This innovative approach has helped set new educational standards in the city.
CSS is part of the Creative Schools Continuum, which includes Creative Primary School (CPS) and
its kindergarten, forming an integrated learning path for students aged 3 to 18. This network of schools blends Chinese and international educational values, creating a unique philosophy that supports lifelong learning.
A visit to CSS reveals a warm, welcoming environment. Students exude happiness, engaging warmly with teachers and staff, reflecting their excitement for the new academic year. Recognised as a “Happy School Campus” by both the UNESCO Hong Kong Association and the Chief Happiness Officer Association, CSS places a strong emphasis on student well-being, fostering confidence, self-worth, and resilience in its students.
CSS offers a flexible dual curriculum that combines the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) with the Hong Kong Junior curriculum from Form 1 to 3. In Forms 4 to 6, students can choose between the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) and the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP). This allows for a wide range of electives in arts, technology, sciences, and humanities, ensuring students are well-prepared for further education.
CSS is home to a diverse international community, with staff and students from over 12 countries. More than two-thirds of the teachers are native English speakers, while over half are also qualified to teach in Putonghua. The school offers a harmonious blend of local and expatriate families, enriching the community with a wide range of perspectives. With class sizes of 25 to 27 and a teacher-student ratio of 1:9, CSS provides personalised learning in a nurturing environment.
Specialised facilities like labs and workshops further enhance the academic experience. Under the Direct Subsidy Scheme, the school offers equal opportunities for students and provides comprehensive support for diverse learning needs. Gifted students also receive guidance to pursue their individual goals.
CSS’s trilingual programme is delivered in English, Putonghua, and Cantonese, blending the best of Chinese and international educational traditions. By Form 4, students choose between the HKDSE or IBDP, while enjoying a rich array of over 80 co-curricular activities that cover arts, sports, leadership, STEAM, and more. Cultural activities such as Chinese chess, painting, and calligraphy bring Chinese language learning to life, combining tradition with modern learning.
CSS emphasises experiential learning through initiatives like Creative Week, where students venture beyond the classroom to engage in
outdoor adventures, community service, and cultural immersion. The school also organises international study tours to destinations such as Germany, Italy, and Japan, allowing students to explore history, art, and technology in diverse settings. Student exchange programmes with schools in China, the UK, and Singapore provide further opportunities for global learning, preparing students to thrive in a multicultural world.
CSS is part of a wider educational ecosystem that includes Creative Primary School and its affiliated kindergarten. This continuum ensures students are nurtured from early childhood through secondary education, benefiting from a consistent philosophy that combines the best of international and Chinese educational practices.
Families interested in joining the CSS community are warmly invited to visit the school and meet the dedicated team. The school’s innovative curriculum and holistic approach have nurtured students who excel in academics, music, the arts, and sports. With an emphasis on environmental responsibility, many students choose to bike to school, enjoying the natural beauty of the surrounding area.
CSS serves families from Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung, and beyond, with easy access via minibus from Hang Hau MTR station and a school bus service covering wider Hong Kong, making it convenient for families across the city to join this vibrant community.
3 Pung Loi Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Hong Kong
2336 0233
2A, Oxford Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
T: 2336 0266 E: cps@creativeprisch.edu.hk
2A, Oxford Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
T: 2336 1212
E: admin@cpskg.edu.hk
Mr Stephen Hindes is Principal at Creative Secondary School
Can you tell us about your career?
I was raised in Hong Kong, educated within the ESF, and later studied in the UK. My family and I now live in Sai Kung. My first years of teaching were in an international school in Hong Kong before I moved into a newly opened DSS school. During my time there, I developed curriculum areas, coached teachers, developed our holistic education programmes and introduced Positive Education to our school community.
What attracted you to join CSS?
CSS is a unique school in many ways. Its foundations in Invitational Education and its emphasis on putting children first naturally aligned with what I have been striving for in recent years. It is perfect for families looking for a balance between international schooling coupled with a firm grounding in Chinese culture, and it’s the kind of place I wanted my children to attend. CSS offers a great option that many people in Hong Kong have yet to be aware of; our student-teacher ratio of 9:1 means we can deliver an incredibly personalised learning experience.
What distinguishes CSS from other schools in the region?
CSS fills a specific niche. As a DSS school, we are provided substantial funding from the EDB that goes towards each child’s education, yet we also offer an international school experience. Our students receive an exceptional international education without breaking the bank. Few other schools will blend Chinese and international ideals so effectively. Our stakeholders are extremely positive and supportive of one another and their school experience, which leads our students to enjoy a fulfilling and vibrant journey.
you describe the school culture?
Creative Secondary School is an incredibly welcoming place to learn and teach. We have many diverse talents here, and with the specific learning spaces on campus, we can cater to unique interests and strengths. Our motto is ‘Through this place, we thrive, we serve and find our place in the world’, and we strive towards this every day.
How are students prepared for higher education globally?
Our Higher Education & Careers Guidance team helps students with their career aspirations and apply to universities and other educational destinations worldwide. Our graduates have successfully entered renowned universities, including the University of Hong Kong, Oxford University, Imperial College, University College London, the University of Miami, the University of Oregon and the University of San Francisco. We also have graduates studying worldwide, including Canada, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
Next year (2025) marks the 40th Anniversary of our Creative Primary School and Kindergarten, which feeds into our Creative Secondary School’s 20th Anniversary in 2026. We are incredibly excited to celebrate these auspicious anniversaries.
From kindergarten through to secondary school, English Schools Foundation offers an unparalleled and seamless education journey for your child
English Schools Foundation (ESF) is the largest English-medium international school organisation in Hong Kong with 22 locations. To find out more visit join-us.esf.edu.hk
Among the myriad of educational options available, the English Schools Foundation stands out as a prominent and reputable choice for families seeking a high-quality international education.
The English Schools Foundation (ESF) is the largest provider of English-medium international education in Hong Kong. Established in 1967, ESF operates 22 schools, including kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, and a special education school, catering to over 18,000 students from more than 60 nationalities. ESF’s mission is to provide a world-class education to every student, empowering them to be confident, knowledgeable, and adaptable individuals ready to thrive in a global society.
Choosing ESF ensures an outstanding education for your child, helping them achieve the best possible outcomes. The results speak for themselves, and the education provided at every stage from K1 to Y13 is designed to help students discover their passions, preparing them for happy and successful lives. Additionally, ESF offers outstanding experiences in sports, the arts, and leadership, ensuring that your child is happy, kind, and always learning. The exceptional team of educators, led by world-class principals, has the greatest impact on your child’s education, providing unparalleled support and guidance.
ESF schools follow a robust curriculum that fosters academic excellence, critical thinking, and holistic development. For primary and secondary education, ESF schools offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme, including the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP), and the IB Diploma Programme (DP). This internationally recognised curriculum
is known for its rigorous academic standards and emphasis on developing students’ intellectual, personal, emotional, and social skills.
Established three decades ago, ESF Explore, formerly known as ESF Sports & Language, plays a crucial role within the ESF framework by offering exceptional extracurricular activities to support the growth and development of young individuals in Hong Kong. The team at ESF Explore is dedicated to providing opportunities for students to explore interests and passions outside the traditional classroom setting, aligning with ESF’s commitment to holistic education for over fifty years.
Whilst the diverse range of courses and activities offered is accessible to all students in Hong Kong, not limited to those enrolled in ESF schools, ESF students are encouraged to take advantage of the extensive array of opportunities available at every opportunity. Additionally, the vast network of ESF schools across Hong Kong provides students with a unique opportunity to participate in inter-school events such as the ESF Art Exhibition, the ESF primary choral concert, and the ESF e-sports tournament.
One of the standout features of ESF schools is their diverse and inclusive community. With students from diverse cultural backgrounds, ESF schools provide a rich, multicultural environment that broadens students’ perspectives and fosters global-mindedness. This diversity is complemented by a strong community and collaboration among students, parents, and staff, ensuring a supportive and nurturing educational experience.
ESF schools are equipped with state-of-theart facilities designed to enhance the learning experience. Modern classrooms, well-equipped science and computer labs, extensive libraries, and comprehensive sports facilities are just a few examples of student resources. These facilities support various extracurricular activities, from sports and performing arts to technology and environmental clubs, encouraging students to explore their interests and develop new skills.
The teaching staff at ESF schools are highly qualified and experienced professionals committed to delivering the best possible education. Many teachers come from international backgrounds, bringing diverse teaching methodologies and perspectives to the classroom. ESF also invests in continuous professional development, ensuring staff remain at the forefront of educational best practices and innovations.
The admissions process for ESF schools is competitive, reflecting the high demand for places. ESF schools are non-selective. The criteria for admission is that students must demonstrate sufficient English language skills so that they can benefit from a mainstream English-medium learning environment. Applicants will be placed on a waiting list and will be invited to an interview or assessment when vacancies become available. Overseas passport holders (not BNO) will receive priority over local passport holders for the ESF Schools. Priority for an interview or assessment will be based on the 12 ranked criteria which are listed on ESF’s website.
ESF proudly recognises students’ high academic and wider achievements. In 2024, the school celebrated an exceptional 98.1% pass rate in the IB Diploma exams with 24 ESF students achieving the perfect score of 45 points in the IB DP. The school’s ‘FUTURE READY’ campaign honours the outstanding achievements of students at ESF who have surpassed expectations to reach their full potential. Going beyond academic achievements, these students’ talents acknowledge the profound impact of education in moulding their future goals, enabling them to contribute positively to society and excel in their respective fields and beyond.
With its strong academic programmes, diverse community, excellent facilities, and dedicated staff, ESF schools provide a well-rounded and enriching educational experience. Investing in an ESF education can yield lifelong benefits, equipping students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in a globalised world. Contact the ESF schools team to discover more.
Shaping leaders of tomorrow for more than 60 years
French International School has campuses in Chai Wan, Blue Pool Road, Tseung Kwan O and Jardine’s Lookout.
2577 6217 fis.edu.hk
Established in 1963, there is no international school like it in Hong Kong, the French International School of Hong Kong (FIS) is a model of academic excellence and cultural diversity. The school offers two streams, French and International, the latter being delivered in English by native English-speaking faculty; these exist in a cohesive environment where pupils can thrive and be themselves. With its strategic vision aimed at fostering global citizens, FIS is much more than a school for French families but also a melting pot of nationalities, languages, and perspectives. You do not need French to join.
One of the most remarkable aspects of FIS is its diverse student body. The school enjoys a genuinely international community catering to 2,800 students from more than 45 nations. This multicultural environment enriches the learning experience, fostering mutual respect and understanding among students from different cultural backgrounds. Their curriculum fosters cross-stream collaboration between the bilingual
French Stream, and their English classmates in doing collaboration and sharing projects on a consistent basis.
FIS caters to students aged three to 18 across its four expansive campuses at Jardine’s Lookout, Blue Pool Road, Tseung Kwan O and Chai Wan. Each campus offers state-of-the-art facilities and outdoor spaces to encourage a healthy school life for the children. Modern classrooms are enabled with key technology to help assist effective learning. The school also has sport facilities and creative arts spaces, including two swimming pools, two 350 seat auditoriums, three gymnasiums, and a newly renovated early years outdoor playground. A central pillar of the school’s strategic vision is to provide a supportive and academic learning environment in order to enable quality learning.
There is absolutely no requirement for you or your child to be French or a native French speaker to join FIS
FIS is committed to cultivating sustainable practices in its operations and in the lives of its students. The school is a pioneer in sustainability. It is a founding member of The Alliance of Sustainable Schools. With a range of age-appropriate activities to raise student awareness about environmental issues, including large eco-gardens on campus, collaboration with environmental NGOs, on-site gardening clubs, and impressive recycling and composting programmes at its campuses. The school’s eco/ sustainability garden projects enable students to learn about horticulture and their standing as global citizens and how they impact the environment. It will also be undergoing a schoolwide sustainability audit this year that will help it to craft its next steps for how to increase its activities towards ESG initiatives.
There is absolutely no requirement for you or your child to be French or a native French speaker to join FIS. The school offers a unique dual curriculum, allowing students the flexibility to join either the French or International Stream. FIS provides the best of both worlds for French speakers, ensuring that students maintain an excellent standard of written and spoken French while learning English intensively in class and during extracurricular activities. To call it a French stream is somewhat misleading as it is bilingual. Meanwhile, the International stream is conducted in English, allowing students to join without prior French knowledge. French is introduced as a foreign language (FLE) from the beginning of student life at FIS. Fulfilling our promise to provide coherent and consistent pathways to multilingualism. The international stream is composed of faculty that are international professional educators. They are experienced educators who are typically Native English speakers, coming from the UK, Australia, and the US.
Students from non-French-speaking families also have the option to join the French stream, being brought up to speed through the school’s French Accelerator programme. Graduates typically leave FIS with proficiency in both English and French, with some students proficient in three or four languages—popular additional languages include Mandarin, Spanish, and German. This multilingual approach enhances cognitive abilities and opens doors to global opportunities.
FIS was the first school in the region to receive the International Baccalaureate accreditation. This programme is highly regarded worldwide and aligns perfectly with the school’s mission to provide a holistic, internationally-minded education. Today, it remains the only school in Hong Kong that offers the IEYC, IPC, IGCSE, and IBDP curriculum.
Students in the French Stream follow the French national curriculum set and accredited by the Ministry of Education, from kindergarten to Terminale. Teachers have worked in France or other French international schools, meaning that students receive a similar education to those living in France and gain the same qualifications.
Students in the International Stream follow a programme based on the English National Curriculum. The two streams coexist on shared campuses with plenty of interaction, creating a cohesive school community that provides invaluable opportunities to learn from each other.
Last year, to mark its 60th anniversary, FIS unveiled its strategic vision, a route map for the years ahead that goes far beyond traditional education. This strategy is organised around the school’s five petals of vision (students, team, learning environment, community, and governance) and centred on three key cultural levers (collaboration, growth and accountability, and sustainability). It details close to 20 strategic objectives that will ensure FIS remains extraordinarily ambitious when designing the education of future graduates. The strategic vision is the framework that the school leadership uses to integrate its different initiatives. This enables collaboration and a shared language cross-departmentally working towards the benefit of the students.
FIS places a strong emphasis on community engagement and social responsibility. Through various service projects and partnerships with local and international organisations, students are encouraged to develop a sense of global citizenship. These experiences instil values of empathy, leadership, and a commitment to making a positive impact in the world.
FIS recognises the vital role that parents play in the educational journey. The school fosters a collaborative relationship with parents, involving them in school activities, decision-making processes, and community-building events. This strong partnership enhances the overall school experience and ensures that students receive consistent support at school and home.
FIS has a proud past, a dynamic present and an exciting future. The French International School Hong Kong is more than just an educational institution; it is a vibrant community dedicated to shaping well-rounded leaders of tomorrow. With its strategic vision focused on global citizenship, a diverse and inclusive environment, and a commitment to academic and personal excellence, FIS stands out as an excellent choice for families of all nationalities seeking a worldclass education in Hong Kong.
A prestigious British international boarding school that seamlessly integrates tradition with innovation
Harrow International School Hong Kong,
38 Tsing Ying Road, Tuen Mun 2824 9099
Established in 2012, Harrow International School Hong Kong is the first and only British boarding school in Hong Kong, offering a unique blend of traditional British education within a pioneering learning environment. Serving students from Early Years (age three) to Sixth Form (age 18), the school has earned a reputation as one of the top international education options for families seeking high academic standards and character development.
British curriculum with a holistic approach
At the heart of Harrow Hong Kong’s educational philosophy is its rigorous, British-based curriculum. The school follows the UK National Curriculum, progressing through GCSEs during the middle years and culminating in A-Level qualifications for
Sixth Form students. This structure is designed to encourage critical thinking, creativity, and independence in students, providing them with a strong foundation for future academic success.
However, academic achievement is just one aspect of the school’s mission. Harrow Hong Kong also prioritises leadership development, character building and community service, all aligned with its Social Vision of creating compassionate global citizens. Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles within the school, and community service plays a significant role in fostering empathy and social responsibility.
Located in the Gold Coast, the campus is not only an architectural homage to its British heritage, with a crescent-shaped design inspired by the Royal Crescent in Bath, UK, but it also offers world-class facilities. These include modern classrooms, science laboratories, a state-of-the-art STEAM Centre and a wide array of specialist spaces designed to enhance both academic and personal development.
Harrow Hong Kong has a strong commitment to the arts, boasting a purpose-built ‘black box’ drama theatre equipped with professional lighting and sound systems. This space is used for drama, musical theatre, and public speaking, with annual productions becoming highly anticipated events in the school calendar. The school’s fully equipped art
studios support a wide range of disciplines, from traditional painting and sculpture to digital design.
Harrow students also excel in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) through the school’s STEAM Centre which is equipped with cutting-edge resources for coding, robotics, and design technology, enabling students to engage in hands-on projects and competitions. The integration of STEAM across the curriculum fosters a problem-solving mindset and prepares students for future challenges in our rapidly changing world.
Sport is another key component of life at Harrow Hong Kong, with the campus offering extensive facilities such as a 25-metre swimming pool, tennis courts, multi-purpose sports halls, and vast sports fields. Extracurricular activities range from professional golf coaching to chess and horse riding, many of which are offered on-site.
Harrow Hong Kong is the only British boarding school in the region. The pastoral and boarding system follows the British ‘House’ model, creating a close-knit community where students from different year groups can build strong relationships. Whether day pupils or boarders, all students are part of a House, reinforcing a sense of belonging and mutual support.
Boarding is offered on a weekly basis, with students staying from Sunday evening to Friday afternoon, allowing them to maximise family time during weekends. The House system fosters a family-like atmosphere, where older students mentor younger ones and everyone learns valuable life skills such as independence, resilience, and teamwork. House Masters and House Mistresses provide crucial pastoral care, ensuring students’ emotional and academic well-being.
Under the leadership of Ms Ann Haydon MBE, the first female head of a Harrow school, Harrow Hong Kong has flourished since her appointment in 2017. Ms Haydon has overseen significant innovations, while maintaining the school’s high standards of academic excellence and pastoral care. Her forward-thinking approach has ensured that Harrow Hong Kong remains at the forefront of international education in Asia.
Looking ahead, the school’s expansion continues with the planned opening of the Harrow Little Lions Kai Tak campus in August 2025, dedicated to Early Years education. This new campus will offer a nurturing environment for the youngest learners, helping them embark on a learning journey that aligns with Harrow’s commitment to holistic development.
Harrow International School Hong Kong offers an exceptional education that blends British tradition with modern international perspectives. With a strong curriculum which delivers top public examination results, excellent facilities and the unique distinction of being the city’s only British boarding school, Harrow provides an outstanding environment for nurturing well-rounded, confident, and compassionate individuals.
Mr Kasson Bratton recently joined HKA as Head of School
Hong Kong Academy, 33 Wai Man Rd, Sai Kung 2655 1111 hkacademy.edu.hk
Hong Kong Academy (HKA) is a non-profit, International Baccalaureate (IB) continuum school that emphasises an inclusive, holistic education and strong sense of community. Offering yearround admissions, HKA is known for helping students excel both academically and through extracurriculars. We spoke with the new Head of School, Kasson Bratton, who joined HKA in August 2024, to learn more about his vision for the school.
Though I’m from the United States, my career has largely been in international education. I began more than 20 years ago as a teaching assistant for the AmeriCorps “I Have a Dream Foundation” in rural Oregon, where I discovered my passion for teaching. After earning my Master’s degree in education, I embarked on an international journey with my family. We’ve lived in various countries, including Haiti, Scotland, Qatar, China, and now Hong Kong.
I first learned about HKA when I moved to Nanjing in 2014. I even attended a conference at HKA around the time the campus opened. Over the years, through professional networks and exchanges, I gained a deeper understanding of the school’s ethos and community. When the opportunity arose to join HKA, it felt like a natural fit. Personally, I was also looking for a school where my son, now in Grade 8, could thrive in a supportive and inclusive environment during his teenage years.
HKA’s educational model is centred on belonging and inclusion, fostering academic success as well as holistic development. There is a common misconception that rigorous academics and inclusivity cannot coexist. However, HKA’s valueadded proposition is that these elements are deeply interconnected. Our students achieve academic excellence within our IB Continuum
programme, and they also excel in sports and extracurricular activities. In today’s world, where students often experience anxiety, the sense of belonging and social connection becomes critical. This focus on inclusion and belonging is not a compromise to academic standards, but rather a key driver for success.
Historically, inclusion in education meant providing access to the curriculum for all students. While that remains important, today we’ve expanded the definition to include identity, equity, and access. Movements like “Black Lives Matter” and “Me Too” have deepened this conversation. HKA was founded to offer a more inclusive approach to international education in Hong Kong, and nearly 25 years later, the school’s mission now revolves around fostering a sense of belonging—a fundamental human need and a vital condition for learning. Students are more successful when they feel like they belong, and this is what excites me as both an educator and a parent.
We’ve highlighted several key areas for development, in line with our strategic priorities. These include promoting multilingualism, enhancing access to education through the Universal Design for Learning framework, and maintaining our role as an innovative hub for professional learning. Additionally, we are always looking for new ways to utilise the beautiful natural surroundings of Sai Kung to enrich our educational programmes.
My long-term vision for HKA is to continue breaking down misconceptions about inclusive education and academic rigour. I want families to understand that these can coexist. I also aim for HKA to remain a leading school in this regard, setting an example not only in Hong Kong but also in the wider region and beyond.
ITS co-founder & director, Danny Harrington discusses alternatives to mainstream schooling
4/F, BOC Group Life Assurance Tower, 134-136 Des Voeux Road Central 2116 3916 itseducation.asia
Choosing the right school for your child is a deeply personal and sometimes challenging decision. Many of us have strong opinions about what makes a school “good,” whether it’s based on academic results, extracurricular achievements, religious values, or leadership styles. This can lead to a variety of perspectives on what school should be and, sometimes, to passionate debates.
As a parent, you’ll likely follow your own beliefs about what constitutes a “good” school and strive to enrol your child in such an environment. Ideally, if every child could attend the school that best fits their needs and thrive there, everything would be ideal. However, sometimes reality presents a different picture.
It’s not uncommon for children to struggle in their current school setting. This can be due to a range of factors, and it’s important to remember that what works for one child might not work for another. Each child is unique, meaning they will flourish in different environments.
For younger children, switching from one mainstream school to another can be a helpful step, as socialisation and varied group activities are crucial at this stage. For older students, though, the situation can be more complex. Identifying why your child isn’t thriving is key. For
instance, with the rise in ADHD diagnoses over recent years, some students may find traditional schooling challenging. In such cases, exploring alternatives may be necessary. If you find that your child isn’t thriving in their current school, it’s worth considering whether an alternative approach might be better. Home schooling can be a viable option for younger children if you feel confident in your ability to teach, have the necessary time and resources, and can connect with a supportive community of homeschoolers. For older students, particularly those nearing graduation, home schooling may be less practical due to the complexity of high school curricula.
This is where organisations like ITS can provide valuable support. ITS offers a range of personalised educational approaches, including one-on-one teaching, flexible schedules, and tailored exam preparations. This can help create a learning environment tailored to your child’s needs.
If your teenager is having difficulties at school, feel free to reach out and have a conversation with us. We understand that our approach might not be the perfect fit for everyone, but exploring different options can be a positive step in finding the right solution for your child.
Kellett School recently welcomed Paul Tough as its new Principal and CEO
Kellett School: Kowloon Bay Prep and Senior, 7 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay.
Pok Fu Lam Preparatory, 2 Wah Lok Path, Wah Fu, Pok Fu Lam.
3120 0700 kellettschool.com
Paul Tough, Principal & CEO
Kellett School recently welcomed Mr Paul Tough as its new Head of School. His return to Hong Kong follows a five-year tenure as Principal at The British School in Tokyo. Before his role in Japan, Mr Tough served as Principal at Discovery Bay International School, where he was well-regarded for his leadership within the English curriculum. Mr Tough’s appointment comes at a significant time for Kellett School, having recently been named a finalist for the Independent School of the Year Award in Environmental Achievement for 2024, a recognition reflective of Mr Tough and the school’s strong commitment to sustainability and dedication to future generations of Kellett students.
Returning to Hong Kong was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I lived and worked here for 20 years before moving to Japan in 2019. Hong Kong feels like a second home to me, and I have a deep appreciation for its culture and people.
When the opportunity arose to return and join such an outstanding school community as Kellett, I couldn’t let it pass.
Kellett School has an exceptional reputation globally for its educational excellence, innovation, and creativity. It has a nearly 50-year history and a strong sense of community, making it a cornerstone of international education in Hong Kong. The school’s commitment to a rigorous curriculum combined with innovative teaching practices makes it a standout choice. The idea of contributing to Kellett’s next chapter was incredibly appealing to me.
One of my proudest moments was developing the Middle Years Diploma at West Island School, which provided a tailored curriculum for secondary students. Another significant achievement was
setting up the Senior School at Discovery Bay International School (DBIS) with A-Level and BTEC programmes. These experiences helped me understand the nuances of curriculum development and school leadership.
How was your experience leading an international school in Japan?
Leading The British School in Tokyo was an enriching experience. A major highlight was the opening of a new Primary School campus next to Tokyo Tower, which was designed in collaboration with the British architect Thomas Heatherwick Studio. This project was a thrilling challenge. Additionally, navigating the complexities of the COVID-19 pandemic was a significant part of my tenure. It was a tough period, but it was inspiring to see the strong sense of community and mutual support from our staff, students, and parents.
What distinguishes Kellett from other leading schools in the region?
Kellett School’s distinguishing factors are its comprehensive and diverse curriculum, its deep sense of community, and its long-standing reputation as one of Hong Kong’s premier educational institutions. The combination of a rigorous academic programme with creative and innovative teaching methods sets Kellett apart. This is a school that is always striving for excellence, and I admire its strong sense of community.
What are your goals for your first year at Kellett?
My main goal is to build strong connections with the Kellett community. I plan to engage with students, teachers, staff, and parents through various events and daily interactions. Understanding the school’s culture and values will be crucial, and I aim to take a hands-on and visible approach. Ensuring that every decision is centred around the best interests of our students is a top priority.
How will you approach parent involvement in your new role?
Given that Kellett was founded by parents and remains parent-governed, parent involvement is vital. I intend to be approachable and responsive. Being actively involved in school life from the outset and maintaining open lines of communication with parents, staff, and students will be essential. I want to ensure that everyone feels heard and that we work together to support the students effectively.
What are you looking forward to in the year ahead?
I’m looking forward to immersing myself in the Kellett community, championing the school’s mission, and collaborating with everyone to drive its success. Building relationships and contributing to the school’s ongoing achievements are aspects I’m particularly excited about.
Daniel Hilton is Principal of the International Stream at Korean International School
Korean International School, 55 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong 2569 6600 kis.edu.hk
The Korean International School (KIS) stands as a beacon of educational excellence, offering a unique blend of Korean culture and a rigorous international curriculum. At the helm of the International Section is Principal Daniel Hilton, an experienced educator with a diverse background that spans from UK Grammar and Independent schools to renowned international institutions in Asia. Since 2022, Hilton has led the International Section at KIS, bringing a wealth of expertise and a deep-rooted passion for education.
I was drawn to KIS by several factors. Having worked with talented Korean students in Beijing and Shenzhen, I developed a deep appreciation for their strong mathematical abilities, which is highly valued in Korean culture. Additionally, Hong Kong’s high standards in Mathematics align well with my expertise. However, what truly captivated me is the vibrant and welcoming culture at KIS, which perfectly matches my strengths and experience.
The International Section follows the UK curriculum, starting with Early Years and advancing through the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) Mileposts. Students then transition to an advanced version of the British Key Stage 3 Curriculum, leading to the Cambridge Checkpoint exams. Older students pursue the i/GCSE pathway with Cambridge and AQA, followed by A-level courses. We also offer select BTEC courses at both GCSE and A-level stages. The Korean Section operates independently towards the Korean Diploma, with opportunities for collaboration between the two streams, particularly in Performing Arts and Sports.
We aim to make the enrollment process straightforward and user-friendly. Families can start the process via our website or by scanning a QR code, with our admissions staff assisting them through each stage. The process includes customised assessments based on the applicant’s age and academic level, providing crucial information on their readiness. Interested
families can also schedule a campus visit for a detailed tour, allowing them to experience our vibrant environment and world-class facilities.
What distinguishes KIS from other leading schools in the region?
KIS’s strong foundation in Korean culture provides students with unique opportunities. The school fosters a highly positive environment, contributing to high retention rates among staff and students and steady enrollment growth. We offer a variety of qualifications during the GCSE and A-level years, recently adding subjects like Classical Civilisation and Marine Biology. Families find great value in our school, and we do not impose debentures or capital levies.
How does Korean culture influence the curriculum?
Students participate in Taekwondo as part of their Physical Education programme, and we are currently establishing a new Taekwondo display team. We actively promote a vibrant K-pop and dance culture, recently hosting an on-campus performance by the emerging K-pop group NXD. In our International Section, students can learn Korean from the Primary level, a programme we aim to expand. We also host TOPIK exams, an internationally recognised qualification for Korean students.
How would you describe the school culture?
KIS prides itself on being an inclusive, caring, and supportive community, focusing on holistic growth over academic outcomes. We emphasise academic excellence, personal development, emotional well-being, and a love for learning, aiming to create well-rounded individuals capable of making a positive impact on society. I encourage prospective families to visit our
campus and observe our students’ enthusiasm and engagement in learning—this truly reflects the spirit of KIS.
How does KIS assist students in university preparation?
Our team works closely with students to help them navigate the complex process of researching and applying to universities worldwide. Our rigorous academic programme equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel at top-tier universities, supported by comprehensive university counselling services. KIS alumni have gained admission to prestigious universities globally, demonstrating our commitment to preparing students for success on an international level.
A tradition of excellence: Preparing global citizens for a dynamic future
Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong, Island West Campus: G/F and 1/F Viking Court, 165-166 Connaught Road West, Sai Ying Pun.
Coronation Circle Campus: G09-12 Coronation Circle, 1 Yau Cheung Road, West Kowloon malverncollege.hk
Malvern College Hong Kong, 3 Fo Chun Road, Pak Shek Kok, New Territories 3898 4668 malverncollege.org.hk
Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK) and Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong (MCPS) are part of the prestigious Malvern Family of Schools, offering a seamless educational journey from early childhood through to secondary school. With a focus on academic excellence, entrepreneurial education, and holistic child development, Malvern stands out as a leader in international education in Hong Kong.
The journey at Malvern College Pre-School begins in two outstanding campuses: Coronation Circle and Island West. Both follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum from England, a play-based framework designed to foster holistic development in young children. The learning environment at both preschools is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, treating the environment as the “third teacher” to stimulate curiosity, independence, and engagement.
“Our classrooms are designed to encourage children to explore and learn through play, with teachers guiding them in real-time, making ‘in the moment’ decisions to deepen their learning experiences,” explains Natalie Gleeson, Principal of Coronation Circle. Both campuses integrate bilingual education, offering instruction in equal parts English and Mandarin to develop strong linguistic skills from an early age.
In their final year (K2), children at both MCPS campuses are carefully guided through the transition to primary school. This includes visits
to Malvern College Hong Kong, where they meet future teachers and explore their new learning spaces. As Ms. Gleeson notes, “We ensure that the transition to primary school is seamless, with consistent practices, visits to the main campus, and opportunities to build relationships with future teachers, helping our children feel secure and ready for their next step.”
From Prep 1, pupils enjoy regular Forest-Beach School sessions led by Level Three trained Forest-Beach School Leader, Ms Emma Dean. These sessions allow children the opportunity to explore nature in local parks and areas like Sai Kung. Emma-Jane Ritchie, Principal of Island West, remarks, “Children flourish in the natural environment, building confidence, resilience, and creativity as they climb trees, play in mud kitchens, and explore the forest”. “During the colder months, they might harvest vegetables and herbs to prepare and cook soup over a campfire, complemented by a warm cup of hot chocolate,” she adds.
A well-rounded curriculum for a complex world
Malvern College Hong Kong follows the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum from primary through to the Diploma Programme.
Known for its academic rigour, the IB framework focuses on fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and adaptability. Headmaster Paul Wickes highlights the importance of the IB curriculum: “The transdisciplinary nature of the IB programme prepares pupils by developing a flexible mindset and cultivating the transferable skills that will be vital in such a fast-moving world.”
At Malvern College, education extends beyond academics. The Signature Programme offers students enriching experiences in performing arts, sports, and entrepreneurial education. These opportunities nurture passions and help students develop leadership and communication skills. Mr Wickes adds, “Our bespoke Universities and Careers service ensures pupils are guided through the complexities of university applications, supported by strong global connections to institutions in Hong Kong, the UK, the US, and beyond.”
A hallmark of Malvern College Hong Kong is its British-style pastoral care. The school’s House system assigns students to a House where they are supported by a Housemaster or Housemistress throughout their journey, creating a sense of belonging and identity. Malvern’s eleven core qualities—such as open-mindedness, ambition, and self-awareness—are central to their character education. “We aim to instil these qualities in our students so they can become wellrounded individuals, ready to face the challenges of life beyond school,” says Wickes. A dedicated counselling team is also available for students needing extra support.
Malvern College provides various mentorship programmes to cater to students with diverse talents. For gifted and talented learners, tailored academic pathways and mentoring ensure their abilities are nurtured. The Centre of Excellence in Entrepreneurial Education helps students develop an entrepreneurial mindset from an early age,
including lessons in financial literacy and realworld business projects. The newly opened Sixth Form Centre offers resources for independent study and group collaboration. “Our new Sixth Form Centre provides dedicated spaces for study and socialising, supporting both academic and social development,” says Wickes.
MCHK is part of the Malvern Family of Schools, which connects students to a global network through exchange programmes, collaborative projects, and cultural learning. The school holds Candidate Status from Round Square, a global organisation promoting character education through leadership, service, and cultural exchange.
“Our relationship with Malvern College UK is very close, and we often collaborate on initiatives that benefit both staff and students,” says Wickes. “Malvern pupils enjoy the full benefits of being part of this global family, with opportunities to connect, collaborate, and grow beyond the classroom.”
Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong (MCPS), caters to children from PreNursery to K2, with all graduating pupils guaranteed a place in Prep 1 at Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK), providing they meet the admissions requirements We provide our pupils with a clear and progressive pathway from pre-school through primary and secondary education, leading to graduation.
Malvern College Hong Kong (MCHK) is an IB World School offering the PYP, MYP, and DP curriculum from Prep 1 (Y1) to Upper Sixth (Y13) MCHK provides a holistic education that nurtures pupils' ethics, global understanding, critical thinking, leadership, and teamwork, alongside academic success With small class sizes, dedicated tutor time, an active house system, and an extensive co-curricular programme, MCHK offers an environment where pupils can grow and thrive. Admissions are now open for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 academic years
Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong (MCPS) excels in integrating English and Mandarin. Virginia Liao, Principal (Chinese) at MCPS, emphasises the significance of this balanced approach: “Malvern College Pre-School Hong Kong provides equal exposure to both English and Chinese, enhancing pupils’ linguistic abilities and deepening their appreciation for Chinese heritage. This balanced approach complements our British-based curriculum and supports cognitive development, problem-solving skills, and creativity.”
The bilingual curriculum creates an immersive environment where children use both languages throughout the day, fostering language skills and cultural sensitivity. “Bilingual education offers numerous benefits, including improved cognitive skills and increased problem-solving abilities,” Liao explains. “Our approach involves equal instruction time in both languages, with nativespeaking teachers ensuring authentic language use and a truly integrated learning experience.” This thoughtful integration of languages at Malvern College Hong Kong prepares students for future academic challenges and equips them with skills to thrive in a globalised world.
Malvern College Hong Kong is entering a new and exciting chapter, with the school poised for continued growth and innovation. “One of the
most exciting developments this year has been the tremendous growth of our Sixth Form,” shares Wickes. “I am absolutely delighted that we have just opened a bespoke Sixth Form Centre where pupils can study independently and in groups, but also have spaces to socialise together.” In addition to this milestone, the school’s successful application to become a Round Square Candidate School is set to provide even greater opportunities for academic and character education that extends far beyond Hong Kong. As Mr Wickes looks ahead, he is eager to build on the strong foundation established by his predecessor, Dr Lister, and take the school to even greater heights. With its commitment to excellence and a global vision, Malvern College Hong Kong is wellpositioned to thrive in the years to come.
Ms Pamela Yoong is Principal at Singapore International School (Hong Kong)
Singapore International School (Hong Kong), Preparatory Years and Primary Campus, 23 Nam Long Shan Road, Aberdeen, 2872 0266, Secondary Campus, 2 Police School Road, Wong Chuk Hang 2919 6966 singapore.edu.hk
Established in 1991, Singapore International School Hong Kong (SISHK) operates across two campuses in Wong Chuk Hang, offering education from kindergarten through secondary levels. Supported by Singapore’s Ministry of Education (MOE), SISHK follows the Singapore curriculum for Primary Years, progressing to the IGCSE and IB Diploma Programme in Secondary Years.
SISHK is my fourth school as Principal and my first overseas posting. This experience is unique as SISHK is the only overseas school supported by the Singapore MOE. Before joining SISHK in December 2022, I was the Founding Principal of Tampines Meridian Junior College after the merger of two junior colleges. I’ve also been Principal at Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ School and held various leadership roles that shaped my approach to education.
Our Preparatory Years (PY) programme offers a holistic foundation in Chinese and English while fostering students’ physical, intellectual, moral, emotional, and social growth. Many PY students move on to our primary and secondary programmes, leading to the IB Diploma. Our primary section follows a Singapore-styled curriculum balancing academic rigour with character development. In secondary school, students progress from the IGCSE to the IB
Diploma, equipping them with essential life skills and a global mindset.
Our uniquely Singapore-styled curriculum, particularly our rigorous Mathematics and Science programmes, sets us apart. Students also benefit from a two-week immersion in Singapore. We balance the advantages of an international school with strong values and character education. Our students are creative, confident, and uphold values such as respect, responsibility, and integrity.
Our Class of 2024 achieved outstanding results in the IB Diploma examinations. Three students scored a perfect 45, placing them among the top globally, while another four scored 44, and ten earned 43. In total, 55.6% of our students secured at least 40 points, showcasing the strength of our academic programme.
As we approach our 34th year, I’m excited to see our students continue learning and growing. In 2025, Singapore will celebrate its 60th year of independence, and SISHK will mark this milestone with 60 community-focused projects.
Insights from Stamford Elementary School Principal, Ms Rae Lang
Stamford American School Hong Kong
25 Man Fuk Rd, Ho Man Tin 2500 8688 sais.edu.hk
Ms Rae Lang, a seasoned Cognita educator with 20+ years of early childhood and elementary education curriculum expertise, joined as Elementary School Principal in 2023. She shares what she’s most excited about at Stamford American School Hong Kong (SAS-HK) in the year ahead.
Can you tell us about your career?
I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, inspired by my childhood play with a makeshift classroom for my toys. My career spans over 32 years, including 20 years in New Zealand, where I led literacy programs and served as Head of School in two primary schools. My international experience
includes roles in London, Vietnam, and Hong Kong, with a notable achievement being the dual accreditation of International School Saigon Pearl where I was Deputy Head of School. I joined SAS-HK in August 2023. I was drawn to the school’s authentic focus on the well-being of both students and staff. The sense of community here is palpable, with warm welcomes from parents, students, and staff.
sets SAS-HK apart from other leading schools in the region?
Our holistic approach, particularly in our Elementary programs, distinguishes us. We integrate play-based and inquiry-based learning to support smooth transitions for young learners. Our K-12 journey ensures a consistent educational experience, with programs like STEMinn promoting critical thinking and creativity. This comprehensive approach prepares students to tackle global challenges and fosters a strong community spirit.
How does the school’s inquirybased approach benefit students?
Inquiry-based learning puts students at the centre of their education. As Elementary Principal, I’ve had the pleasure of observing our classrooms transform into vibrant hubs of active learning,
The British International School in Hong Kong
Kellett School, The British International School in Hong Kong established in 1976, provides an English National Curriculum to students from Reception to Year 13.
Find out more about our outstanding education as evidenced by a recent BSO inspection, plus our exceptional examination results.
where students are actively participating in their learning. The teacher’s role is to provide the necessary resources and support, encouraging students to delve deeper into subjects they are passionate about.
Can you tell us about the school’s unique STEMinn program?
Our STEMinn program is a signature curriculum element designed to integrate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with an innovation component that challenges students to tackle real-world issues. It starts in lower elementary grades and focuses on practical applications of theoretical concepts, preparing students for a technologically advanced world. Projects conclude with a popular showcase event during which students present their projects to the school community, including parents.
How does SAS-HK support bilingual education?
Our newly launched Elementary Bilingual Program is uniquely structured to integrate
bilingual education seamlessly into the students’ learning journey from Pre-primary to Grade 5. Our innovative approach includes a fully immersive bilingual curriculum where instruction is delivered in both English and Mandarin. By paralleling the rigorous standards of our mainstream curriculum, the program ensures that students not only achieve linguistic proficiency but also maintain academic excellence across all subjects.
What are you looking forward to this school year?
I’m excited about the launch of both our Bilingual Program and our enhanced Accelerated Language Program (ALP), a semisheltered class designed for children who require intensive English daily support in core subjects, including English Language Arts, Math, and STEMinn. I look forward to seeing how these initiatives support linguistic development and community engagement, while continuing to integrate our STEMinn program and foster a positive learning environment.
Tuition centres, language programmes and SEN resources, including support services and therapy
Effective exam preparation sets the foundation for success, helping students tackle key assessments with a focused approach
Established in 2008, British Tutors has offered the highest standard of tailored home tuition by top tutors over the last 15 years. They have teams in Hong Kong and Singapore teaching a wide range of subjects and courses, from English Literature and Language to Latin, History to French to Maths and Science for A-level and IB and beyond. British Tutors specialises in UK school entrance preparation, offering academic assessments and consultations to create pathway plans for prospective students and full academic preparation for interviews and exams. Their lessons cover ISEB, UKiset and Common Entrance exams and those set by individual schools. britishtutors.com
Established in 2005, ITS Education Asia offers personalised tutoring and educational services, with a range of support from primary through to university level. Specialising in exam preparation, ITS focuses on international curricula such as the IB, IGCSE, and A-Levels, helping students achieve their academic goals with tailored programmes. With a centre in Sheung Wan, the team of experienced tutors provides both inperson and online sessions, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for families across Hong Kong and beyond. Alongside subject-specific tutoring, ITS also offers admissions consulting and career guidance, making it a comprehensive resource for students seeking academic success. itseducation.asia
Since 2008, Aegis Advisors’ team of experienced admissions consultants, academic tutors, and test prep tutors have been providing comprehensive academic and admissions support to students of all ages in Hong Kong. Their team offers a full range of educational
support and guidance, including advisory services for admissions to boarding schools and universities in the UK and US, as well as international schools in Hong Kong. They also provide test preparation services for entrance exams such as the SAT, ACT, ISEB Common PreTest, MAP, Common Entrance and UKiset, along with academic tutoring for students studying the IB, AP, IGCSE and A-level curricula. The team offers private or semi-private sessions at their centre in Causeway Bay or online. aegis-advisors.com
Established in 2003, HK Education Tutoring Services (HKETS) offers a comprehensive range of educational support to Hong Kong’s Englishspeaking community including personalised and small group tuition, teacher referrals for schools, guidance on overseas education, assistance with school placements, and university application support. HKETS tutors are highly qualified, with all holding degrees and many possessing postgraduate diplomas. The team is well-versed in a variety of curricula, including the UK (IGCSE, A-Level), IB (MYP and DP), as well as the US (AP), Australian, and Canadian systems. HKETS’s oneto-one tutoring sessions provide tailored support for international school students, with sessions available at their learning centre in Central, in students’ homes, or via Zoom. hkets.net
In an increasingly globalised world, language skills open doors to new cultures, opportunities, and connections
L’Alliance Française de Hong Kong has been a prominent French language school since 1953, offering a diverse array of courses tailored to all ages and proficiency levels. The institution is known for its highly qualified native French teachers and its commitment to preparing students for recognised language proficiency exams, such as the DELF (Diplôme d’Études de Langue Française), DALF (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française), required for HKDSE candidates choosing French as a Category C subject, and the TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français). Besides preparing students for these exams, Alliance Française de Hong Kong is also the official centre organising these exams in Hong Kong. Additionally, L’Alliance Française hosts various cultural workshops that immerse students in French culture. afhongkong.org
Spanish World Hong Kong is the official Spanish language and culture centre in Hong Kong and the only institute that bears the Instituto Cervantes quality seal. Whether you are seeking to learn Spanish—the official language of 21 countries and spoken by over 500 million native speakers globally—or to enhance your academic credentials, Spanish World offers comprehensive programmes tailored to your needs. Spanish World’s internationally recognised DELE certification courses are designed to bolster your
academic and professional portfolio, with exam preparation led by certified DELE examiners, ensuring you are fully equipped for success. spanishworld.hk
Established in 1934, the Dante Alighieri Society is a charitable organisation dedicated to promoting the Italian language and culture on a global scale. The Society collaborates closely with the Consulate General of Italy, the Italian Cultural Institute in Hong Kong, the Italian Chamber of Commerce, and other Italian and local associations. It boasts a team of native and certified Italian instructors who offer a wide range of Italian language courses and private lessons for all ages and proficiency levels as well as many cultural events. Notably, it is the only authorised centre in Hong Kong for PLIDA, the official certification of Italian language proficiency recognised by the Italian government. ladante.cc
Founded over 60 years ago in Hong Kong, the Goethe-Institut, Germany’s official cultural institute, provides a comprehensive range of globally accredited German language courses and examinations, catering to learners from kindergarten through to high school. From next year, the Goethe-Zertifikat will become the exclusive qualification recognized for the HKDSE German examination. goethe.de/hongkong
Inclusive learning environments ensure that every student, regardless of background or ability, has the opportunity to thrive
SPOT Children’s Centre offers a wealth of services dedicated to child development in Hong Kong. The trilingual team works collaboratively with parents and schools to create tailored solutions for each child. Their multidisciplinary team includes psychologists, counsellors, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, and specialist teachers. With centres in Central, Wong Chuk Hang, Kowloon Bay, and Discovery Bay, SPOT offers services for children from birth to 18 years, including autism and dyslexia assessments, ADHD evaluations, and individual or group treatments. spot.com.hk
Founded in 2013, Sprout in Motion is the ultimate one-stop child development centre. With an experienced bilingual team and a bespoke holistic approach in a homey environment, the centre offers services such as psychological assessment, counselling, coaching, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, art therapy and special educators. Their team has assisted more than 4,000 children and partnered with 100 international schools across Hong Kong and the Greater Bay area, offering consistent and unwavering support to both children and their families throughout their developmental journey. sproutinmotion.com
For nearly 50 years, the Child Development Centre (CDC) has been a pillar of support for children with additional needs in Hong Kong. At the CDC, a child’s learning journey in their Tin Hau/ Fortress Hill centre may comprise assessments as well as small group programmes (from 12 months up) fostering social skills, sensory, attention or general developmental growth and/or individual therapy services delivered by the CDC’s interdisciplinary team (OTs, STs, ABA Therapists, SEN Teachers, SCCWs, psychologists), providing seamless early intervention in English or Chinese. Their holistic, play-based approach supports not only the child but also their family. The CDC also runs an Early Education Training Centre (EETC) in North Point and are well-versed in guiding families through and/or referring them to governmentsubvented early intervention services such as EETC, SCCC and OPRS. cdchk.org
five decades of excellence: Empowerment through SEN Early Childhood
Fortress Hill: Room 7, 4/F, Victoria Centre, 15 Watson Road, Fortress Hill 2849 6138
North Point: 3rd Floor, North Point Welfare Services Facilities Building, 123 Java Road, North Point 2849 2018 cdchk.org
For nearly half a century, the Child Development Centre (CDC) in Hong Kong has been a crucial support system for families facing early childhood development challenges. This non-profit organisation, located in North Point and Fortress Hill, offers individualised care in English and Chinese, assisting children with various developmental needs. Through an interdisciplinary, play-based approach, the CDC promotes children’s growth with services such as in-depth assessments, speech therapy, occupational therapy, social skills or attention/ sensory related classes, and early literacy and numeracy support. As the CDC nears its 50th anniversary, it exemplifies its enduring commitment to growth, resilience, and community spirit. We met with Chief Executive Dr Yvonne Becher to discuss CDC’s ongoing contributions in Hong Kong.
Founded in 1976 by occupational therapist Sarah Roe, the CDC has evolved from a modest initiative into a cornerstone of child development in Hong Kong. Roe was instrumental in creating the ESF Jockey Club Sarah Roe School (JCSRS), the first English-language institution in Hong Kong dedicated to special education. Over the decades, the CDC has incorporated the latest research and
best practices to ensure that each child receives the support they need to thrive.
Since joining the CDC in 2004, Dr Yvonne Becher has advanced the Centre’s mission to support children with diverse developmental needs. With expertise in child psychology and developmental disorders, Dr Becher ensures that each child receives personalised support. She conducts diagnostic assessments, leads workshops, and provides consultations on early childhood and special needs, integrating scientific insights into the CDC’s approach. Dr Becher emphasises the importance of early intervention, stressing that this is vital for children with special needs and points out the enduring societal benefits.
One of the CDC’s core strengths is its ability to provide a comprehensive range of services in a single location. This integrated approach ensures a seamless experience for children and their families, from the initial assessment through to ongoing therapy and educational interventions. The CDC’s interdisciplinary team, comprising specialists in education, speech and language
therapy, occupational therapy, and psychology, works collaboratively to develop tailored plans for each child. These plans are formally reviewed every six months to ensure consistent support for the child’s development. The level of support varies, from a few individual sessions for minor developmental issues to full programmes of group and individual classes for those with more significant needs.
From the moment a child enters the centre (which can be any time throughout the year), their entire family becomes part of the community. The Centre recognises the deep connection between a child’s development and their family environment, offering a holistic approach that supports not only the child but also their parents and siblings. The dedicated team assists families in navigating government resources and provides trial group classes to assess each child’s needs. The CDC also supports families through the school application process, offering advice and guidance. To ensure inclusivity, the Centre provides both subsidised and self-financed options, making its services widely accessible.
Understanding that children benefit from both group and individual sessions, the CDC offers
Robin’s journey with CDC began when he was two and a half years old, when he was diagnosed with global developmental delay. Through our early intervention programmes, including occupational therapy, social groups, and speech therapy, Robin received individualised support tailored to his needs. Now a Grade 8 student at an international school in Hong Kong, Robin continues his training at CDC while also giving back to our community. As a mature member, he mentors younger children and has even set up a snack bar at the centre. Robin’s progress highlights the transformative power of personalised programmes and the collaborative support of his school and CDC.
a flexible approach with group classes that are unique in Hong Kong. This balance allows for focused one-on-one attention to address specific challenges while group sessions provide opportunities for social learning and peer interaction. Children attend group sessions two to five times a week, depending on their needs. These 2- to 2.5-hour sessions, led by trained Special Educational Needs (SEN) teachers/ Special Child Care Workers and therapists, are structured and thematic, much like mainstream early childhood classes. A typical session includes free play, circle time, station time with specialised therapists, group activities, snack time, story time, and sensory activities. Parents are welcome to stay in the waiting area to catch up on work or chores
while their child attends the session or to join the session to learn from the professionals’ expertise.
And it’s not just the humans who are working hard to support the children. CDC continues to build on its legacy, consistently participating in leading initiatives—it is currently involved in an EduHK research-based trial, where an AI robot named Moxie is being used to help children develop social-emotional skills.
The CDC also offers a wide range of workshops designed to equip parents with the knowledge and tools to support their child’s development at home. These workshops cover topics like communication strategies, behavioural management, and sensory integration. Parents also have access to individual counselling sessions, enhancing their ability to effectively support their children.
Community is central to the CDC’s philosophy. The Centre provides materials and guidance to mainstream schools and kindergartens on best practices for supporting individual needs. They regularly host events that bring together families, educators, and professionals for family fun days, seminars on the latest child development research, or support groups meeting; these gatherings create a supportive network for families and the wider community.
As the CDC approaches its 50th anniversary, the future looks promising. The Centre plans to celebrate this milestone with events that honour its history and achievements while looking forward to the future. These celebrations will unite the CDC community to share stories and reaffirm their commitment to supporting every child’s developmental journey. Over the years, the CDC has helped thousands of children reach their potential and remains dedicated to continuing this vital work for future generations.
From Sports to STEM: Nurture young minds with the best after-school enrichment activities
Blu Jungle offers a vibrant art programme that nurtures creativity in children aged 2.5 to 15. With expert instructors experienced in art and design, Blu Jungle’s unique “Mind-Driven Technique” approach enhances students’ artistic expression and aesthetic sense. Courses cover art history and professional knowledge, providing a creative space for students to express themselves. With trilingual instruction in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese, Blu Jungle has a proven track record, with students consistently winning awards in international and local art competitions. blu-jungle.com
Little Pianest
Founded with a mission to redefine piano education for children and adults in Hong Kong, Little Pianest specialises in fun, creative and holistic approaches to inspire a lifelong passion for piano and music. They provide private lessons for students aged five and older, as well as pre-piano group classes for children starting from 3.5 years old. littlepianest.com
CreativeKids is an award-winning studio dedicated to fostering creativity and character in children and young adults, from 1.5 to 18 years old. With 35 years of experience, CreativeKids has become a trusted name, offering a dynamic and evolving curriculum in art, design, and architecture. Many parents in Hong Kong value CreativeKids as an essential part of their children’s creative and personal development. creativekids.com.hk
Curiosity Kids offers engaging after-school programmes across Hong Kong, Singapore, and India fostering a love for science and exploration in children aged 3-11. Through hands-on experiments and interactive activities, kids develop critical thinking and problemsolving skills while having fun. These classes are perfect for nurturing young scientists and sparking curiosity in a supportive environment. Curiosity Kids provides CK Lab sessions tailored for kindergartens and primary schools, along with STEM after-school programs, birthday celebrations, term-time classes, and holiday camps. curiositykidshk.com
Since 1975, Harry Wright Swim School has been Hong Kong’s leader in aquatic education. The school offers tailored programmes for all levels, from infants to Olympic medallists, taught by certified coaches. Explore their infant aquatic programme, Learn to Swim, Competitive Stream, and engaging Adult programme. Lessons available at various clubs and schools across Hong Kong. harrywright.com.hk
Cheung Do Kwan
Calling all Taekwondo fans! Hong Kong’s leading Taekwondo school Cheung Do Kwan hosts camps and courses at its Fortress Hill, Shek Tong Tsui, Discovery Bay, Wong Chuk Hang (Marina 8), and Central branches. Through this traditional Korean martial art, students can learn respect, discipline, and self-defence. hongkongtaekwondo.com
PSG Academy Hong Kong
PSG Academy Hong Kong, where future football stars shine, offers world-class training rooted in the prestigious Paris Saint-Germain philosophy. The academy’s expert coaches focus on developing players’ technical abilities and tactical awareness, creating a clear pathway for young athletes to excel in football. By joining the academy, players become part of a legacy of excellence. psgacademyhongkong.com
Established in 1999, Faust runs drama and musical theatre workshops for children aged four to 19 at venues across Hong Kong. In fun, lively sessions, their programme introduces children to the world of theatre and creativity, developing performance skills, theatre knowledge, teamwork, individual expression and confidence. Faust also organises productions at Hong Kong
Red Shoe Dance provides a variety of classes, including Classical Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical, Hip Hop, K-Pop, and Musical Theatre. The school offers international dance examinations and participates in both local and international competitions. With studios in Central and Wong Chuk Hang, Red Shoe Dance is dedicated to offering exceptional dance training to young children in Hong Kong, equipping them with essential tools for a future in dance and the performing arts. redshoedance.com
Join Dream Sport Academy today and take the first step towards achieving excellence in your chosen sport!
Get in touch at dreamsports.com.hk
Dream Sport Academy is committed to nurturing talent and passion in young athletes through comprehensive training in volleyball, basketball, and badminton. The academy offers opportunities to enhance skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship at various locations across Hong Kong. With a team of experienced coaches and state-of-theart facilities, Dream Sport Academy is committed to nurturing talent and fostering a love for sports from a young age.
Experience the excitement of volleyball, where agility and teamwork come together. Expert coaches at Dream Sport Academy guide players through fundamental techniques and advanced strategies, helping each athlete build confidence both on and off the court. Participants will engage in dynamic drills and competitive play to refine their skills.
In the fast-paced world of badminton, Dream Sport Academy focuses on footwork, agility, and precision. With personalised coaching, players work on improving their techniques and participate in friendly matches, fostering a love for the sport and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Shoot for the stars with Dream Sport Academy’s basketball programme! Focusing on skill development, teamwork, and game strategy, the programme includes drills designed to improve dribbling, shooting, and defensive abilities, ensuring that athletes are prepared for both recreational and competitive play in a supportive environment.
Global classrooms, limitless futures
Chan, CEO
of Britannia StudyLink, connects families in Hong Kong with the UK’s top schools and universities
28/F, Chinachem Leighton Plaza, 29 Leighton Rd, Causeway Bay 3184 0362 britannia-study.com
Choosing the right school in the UK can be a daunting task for families from Hong Kong. At Britannia StudyLink, we specialise in guiding families through this intricate process, ensuring that each child’s personality, interests, and age are considered. It’s crucial to look beyond lists of so-called ‘best schools’ and understand what truly makes each institution unique.
Location plays a crucial role in the school experience. Schools like Shrewsbury School benefit from their picturesque settings along the River Severn, enhancing activities like sailing, while schools in urban settings such as Whitgift School in London, offer a multicultural experience due to the city’s diversity.
In British English, a ‘public school’ usually refers to a fee-charging institution, while in American English, it denotes a government-funded school. This distinction arises from the historical context of UK schools, many of which were originally charitable organisations serving the public. While prestigious powerhouse names carry a legacy of success, it’s essential to consider if they could also be the ‘right fit’ for your child.
A significant differentiator among UK schools is whether they are day schools or boarding schools. Some institutions, like Abingdon School, have a rich history but only a modest number of boarding houses. In contrast, Harrow School has a robust boarding community, with 12 houses catering to students. This distinction influences daily schedules and the level of integration for international students. Abingdon also does not offer Saturday school.
For entry at 13+, urban schools might be more appealing due to the vibrant social scene they offer. Dulwich College in the south of London stands out for its exceptional blend of academic, sporting, and artistic excellence, all within a serene environment just 25 minutes from central London. Loretto School near Edinburgh combines a leafy campus with easy access to the city, making it a great alternative for families seeking both tranquillity and access to an engaging city life.
The school selection process requires careful consideration. At Britannia StudyLink, we are committed to helping Hong Kong families navigate this complex journey. By understanding the unique attributes of each school, you can find the perfect match that not only meets your child’s academic needs but also nurtures their personal growth in the vibrant UK educational landscape. Get in touch with us to start your journey.
24 Phan Bá Phiến, Tân An, Hội An, Quảng Nam, Vietnam +84 235 6518 518 admissions@hais.edu.vn hais.edu.vn
As parents in Hong Kong explore the best educational opportunities for their children, Hoi An International School (HAIS) in Vietnam emerges as a compelling option. Situated in the picturesque town of Hoi An, HAIS is a Cambridge-certified institution renowned for its comprehensive educational offerings, spanning from Early Years to A Levels. With a diverse student body representing over 35 countries and a strong commitment to academic excellence, HAIS provides a unique and enriching environment appealing to families seeking a world-class education outside of Hong Kong.
Founded in 2018, the success of HAIS is deeply tied to the vision and determination of its founder, Ms Hanh An. As a mother of five, Ms Hanh An’s personal experiences and passion for education inspired her to establish HAIS from the ground up. Her journey reflects a profound commitment to creating an inclusive and nurturing educational environment. Through her dedication, HAIS has become a leading institution that excels academically and fosters critical thinking, creativity, and global awareness.
HAIS offers two concurrent streams: International and Bilingual for Early Years and Primary, and International for Secondary, catering to children aged 18 months to 18 years. The school’s youngest learners follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, a play-based approach which nurtures creativity, social skills, and foundational academic knowledge.
Primary students in the International Stream follow the Cambridge Primary Curriculum, emphasising
core academics with room for exploration in arts, sports, and technology. Bilingual Primary students spend 70% of their time with International students, and 30% studying the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) curriculum, ensuring fluency in both languages and a smooth transition between international and local educational systems.
Students progress to study the Cambridge Secondary programme, including IGCSE and A-Level courses, with a focus on preparing for studies abroad. HAIS’s World Languages programme also offers the opportunity to study French as an Additional Language.
The facilities at HAIS are designed to enhance both academic and personal development. The campus features a modern gymnasium, two swimming pools (including a separate pool for kindergarten students), extensive sports fields, lab rooms, music studios and a spacious garden with chickens, a fish pond and areas for gardening and growing herbs. The cafeteria provides nutritious meals to support students’ well-being, and the library offers a wealth of resources and comfortable study spaces. HAIS also places a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability, with a green campus that fosters respect for nature and creates a serene learning environment.
One of the school’s most appealing attributes is its diverse student body. With students from over 35 countries, the school offers a rich cultural tapestry that enriches the learning experience. This multicultural environment prepares students to
become empathetic and informed global citizens, which is a significant advantage for those aiming to provide their children with a well-rounded international perspective.
For families in Hong Kong, Hoi An International School offers several advantages. The lower cost of living in Hoi An offers a more affordable lifestyle in a tranquil environment. The cultural richness of Hoi An provides a unique global perspective, and HAIS’s small class sizes ensure personalised attention for each student. This combination of financial, lifestyle, and educational benefits makes HAIS an attractive option for families seeking a world-class education in one of Vietnam’s most vibrant cities.
HAIS is deeply committed to community involvement, with annual charity events that bring together students, parents, staff, and local residents to support meaningful causes. These activities instil a sense of responsibility and compassion in students, further enriching their educational experience.
Under the visionary leadership of Ms. Hanh An, HAIS continues to set the standard for international education in Central Vietnam. The school is committed to being truly child-centred and small-scale, delivering meaningful and engaging programmes and allowing students to find their passion and realise their dreams. For families considering relocation, HAIS offers a nurturing, dynamic educational environment that prepares students to excel in a globalised world.
Exploring educational opportunities at Soneva Academy in the Maldives
For more information, visit soneva.com/experience/soneva-academy
Soneva Academy is not your typical educational institution. Nestled in the heart of the Maldives on the pristine island resorts of Soneva Fushi and Soneva Jani, Soneva Academy offers children aged 12 and up unique educational experiences that blend luxury with learning.
Soneva Academy fosters a deeper connection to the environment and local culture through its diverse and immersive programmes. Designed specifically for families visiting Soneva, these programmes emphasise sustainability, environmental responsibility, and cultural understanding. They offer a unique opportunity for guests to connect with the local environment and heritage, reflecting Soneva’s broader commitment to responsible luxury.
Sustainability is at the core of Soneva Academy’s philosophy. Academy programmes educate guests about the environment and empower them to make more sustainable choices in their daily lives. The holistic approach encompasses everything from energy conservation and waste management to the sustainable sourcing of food and materials.
Soneva Academy offers a wide range of initiatives crafted to be both enlightening and transformative, enabling children to learn while developing a profound relationship with nature and the surrounding community.
The Adventure of the Corbin
Following a 17th-century French galleon shipwrecked off the coast of the Goidhoo Atoll. This course includes one night on the uninhabited island of Innafushi, during which students learn how to make a fire and discover how to navigate using the stars.
The Night Sky in the Maldives
Children learn about the night sky. Looking at what is beyond our atmosphere, they grasp the concept of a star, learn how planets form, and what the next missions beyond Earth’s atmosphere entail.
Focusing on the lifecycle and conservation of sea turtles, children can take advantage of this unique opportunity to assist marine biologists in their turtle conservation efforts, which include monitoring nesting sites and understanding the challenges that face turtle populations.
Soneva Academy emphasises experiential learning, encouraging students to engage directly with the environment. Whether it’s exploring the intricate ecosystems of the mangroves or understanding the impact of climate change on coral reefs, programmes are designed to foster a greater appreciation for the natural world.
One of Soneva Academy’s standout features is its ability to customise educational experiences based on the interests and needs of the guests. Whether a family is looking for a bonding activity, a couple is interested in marine conservation, or an individual wants to deepen their understanding of sustainable practices, the Academy offers tailored programmes that cater to specific interests.
The educational experiences at Soneva Academy are designed to have a lasting impact. Participants often leave with a renewed sense of responsibility towards the environment and a deeper understanding of sustainable living. The lessons learned extend beyond the resort, encouraging guests to implement what they’ve learned in their lives and communities.
From early years to secondary education: A comprehensive directory of schools to help you choose
American International School
Age: 3-18 years
Location: Kowloon Tong Website: ais.edu.hk
Curriculum: American Common Core, Advanced Placement (AP)
Canadian International School of Hong Kong
Age: 2-18 years (Nursery to Grade 12 (16 grade levels)
Main campus: Aberdeen Early Years Centre: Wong Chuk Hang
Curriculum: IB PYP, IB MYP, IB DP and Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) Website: cdnis.edu.hk
Age: 10 months to 5.5 years old
Location: Mid-Levels Website: citykidshk.org
Age: 5-18 years
Location: Tai Po Website: ashk.edu.hk
Curriculum: US Common Core Curriculum and IBDP
Age: 4-18 years
Location: Braemar Hill, Hong Kong, and Hangzhou (Year 10 only)
Curriculum: CIS Curricula, IB MYP, IB DP Website: cis.edu.hk
Curriculum: EYFS
Age: 3-18 years
Secondary School: Tseung Kwan O Primary School & Kindergarten: Kowloon Tong
Local & International, IB PYP, IB MYP, IB DP, HKDSE Website: css.edu.hk (CSS), creativeprisch.edu.hk (CPS), creativeprisch.edu.hk (CPSKG)
School Hong Kong
Age: 5-13 years
Location: Mid Levels Website: dshk.edu.hk
Curriculum: International StreamDalton Plan, American and Mainland Chinese
Discovery Montessori School & Discovery Montessori Academy
Age: 1-12 years
Location: Discovery Bay, Central Website: montessori-ami.edu.hk
Curriculum: AMI Montessori, IB, PYP, AMI Elementary Montessori
Canadian Academy
Age: 8 months to 6 years
Location: Sai Ying Pun & Tin Hau Website: fairchild.academy
Age: 3-19 years
Location: Discovery Bay Website: dbis.edu.hk
Curriculum: British international, (I)GCSE, A Level, BTEC
Age: 2-18 years
Location: 22 campuses across Hong Kong Website: join-us.esf.edu.hk
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate (IB)
Curriculum: Reggio Emilia Approach, Early Learning Framework, Kindergarten Program (Ontario, Canada), Kindergarten Education Curriculum (Hong Kong)
Age: 3-18 years
Location: Happy Valley (Blue Pool Road), Jardine’s Lookout, Chai Wan, Tseung Kwan O Website: fis.edu.hk
International Stream: English National Curriculum; IEYC, IPC, IMYC, IGCSE, IB.
French Stream: Diplôme National du Brevet" & "Baccalauréat Français", "Baccalauréat Français International" (BFI)
German Swiss International School
Age: 2.8-18 years
The Peak & Pok Fu Lam
Website: gsis.edu.hk
German International Stream -
German International Abitur (DIA)
Diploma and English International Stream - IGCSE and International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
Harrow International School Hong Kong
Age: 3-18 years
Location: Gold Coast and Kai Tak (opening 2025) Website: harrowschool.hk
Curriculum: Little Lions Curriculum, National Curriculum for England, UK National Curriculum, IGCSE & GCSE, A-levels & Extended Project Qualification
Age: 3-18 years
Location: Sai Kung
Website: hkacademy.edu.hk
Curriculum: IB World School. Fully accredited for IB PYP, IB MYP & IB DP
Guidepost Montessori Hong Kong
Age: 0-12 years
Location: 13 locations across Hong Kong
Curriculum: Montessori Website: guidepost.hk
Age: 18 months to 18 years
Hoi An, Vietnam Website: hais.edu.vn
Curriculum: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), Cambridge International Curriculum
Age: 4-18 years
Lower & Upper Primary: Repulse Bay Middle & High School: Tai Tam Website: hkis.edu.hk
Curriculum: American Curriculum; Advanced Placement (AP) courses available in High School
Age: 2 years 8 months to 10 years
Location: Tai Po
Curriculum: IB Primary Years Programme Website: ichkhly.edu.hk
Age: 15-18 years
Location: Sheung Wan and online
Curriculum: UK IGCSE and IAL Website: itseducation.asia
Age: 4-18 years
Locations: Pok Fu Lam (Prep), Kowloon Bay (Prep & Senior)
Curriculum: British National Curriculum (I/GCSE, A-Levels) Website: kellettschool.com
Age: 0-12 years
Location: Stanley, Aldrich Bay, South Horizons & Mid-Levels
Curriculum: Bilingual Montessori Website: ims.edu.hk
Age: 4-11 years
Location: Tai Po Website: es.jis.edu.hk
Curriculum: IB World School (PYP)
Age: 4-18 years
Location: Sai Wan Ho
Curriculum: UK Curriculum (IGCSE & A-levels) Website: kis.edu.hk
College Hong Kong
Age: 5-18 years
Pak Shek Kok, New Territories
IB PYP, IB MYP, IB DP Website: malverncollege.org.hk
Oaks International Nursery & Kindergarten
Age: 2-6 years
Location: Kennedy Town and Wong Chuk Hang
Website: mightyoaks.edu.hk
Curriculum: Character educationfocused trilingual school-based curriculum, integrating PATHS® Social Emotional Learning.
Age: 2 years 8 months to 11 years old
Locations: Tai Po Website: nis.edu.hk
Curriculum: IPC, IEYC, Biblical Foundation Curriculum (Journey 2:52), Mandarin Programme
College Pre-School Hong Kong
Age: 2-6 years
Island West Campus:
Sai Ying Pun
Coronation Circle Campus: West Kowloon
Curriculum: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Website: malvernpreschool.hk
Anglia International School Hong Kong
Age: 3-18 years
Sai Kung (Early Years), Lam Tin, Kowloon (Primary) Kwun Tong, Kowloon (Secondary)
English National Curriculum, IGCSE, IB DP Website: nais.hk
Age: 4-11 years
Locations: Mui Wo
Website: silverminebayschool.edu.hk
Curriculum: EYFS, Modified version of English National Curriculum
Age: 4-18 years
Preparatory Years and Primary Campus: Aberdeen Secondary Campus: Wong Chuk Hang
Curriculum: Singapore Syllabus, IGCSE, IB DP Website: singapore.edu.hk
Age: 5-18 years
Location: Ho Man Tin, Kowloon Website: sais.edu.hk
Curriculum: Inquiry-based learning approach, American Diploma, IB Diploma
Age: Grade 1 to Grade 12
Location: Aberdeen
Curriculum: International Baccalaureate Website: vsa.edu.hk
Age: 2 years 8 months to 6 years old
Location: Mid-Levels Website: smallworld.edu.hk
Curriculum: International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC), Biblical Foundation Curriculum (Journey 2:52), and Mandarin Programme
Age: 5-18 years
Location: Ap Lei Chau Website: ths.edu.hk
Curriculum: American Curriculum
Age: 5-13 years
Location: Aberdeen Website: was.edu.hk
Curriculum: National Curriculum for England and Wales
Since 1963, 60+ Years of Excellence in Education.
Through-train international school with English and French Streams.
4 Campuses (Chai Wan, Blue Pool Road, Jardine's Lookout, Tseung Kwan O)