3 minute read
Written in the stars
Letao Wang, The Kingdom Healer shares his insights on what the stars hold for you this month
You may feel emotionally and mentally isolated from others, Aquarius. It seems that everyone criticises everything you do and prevents you from expressing yourself freely and enjoying social interactions. However, this is a trap of your mind filled with insecurities, Aquarius. Use this time to work on your self-esteem and self-confidence. You are going to excel in every single task you set out to do, Pisces. You will need to assert your personality, so activities related to power and leadership will be welcome. Your sensitivity and empathy will connect you with new people. Your charm and loving personality are contagious and everyone will want to be by your side. Enjoy your popularity to the fullest.
You will have a strong need to design the right structure for your professional goals. These new challenges are exciting and you will have enough determination to overcome all the obstacles in your way, Aries. However, beware of any authoritarian attitudes you may have towards your colleagues. Remember that the end does not justify the means.
The path to your independence, both financially and emotionally will be clear. You will prioritise freedom in all activities you perform, Taurus. Therefore, you will not allow any social or family dictates to rule your life. However, keep in mind that eagerness may sometimes beat you in the race. So be careful not to prioritise individual needs over those of the group along the way. Sensitivity and intuition will guide your actions and prospects during this time. Creative or artistic pursuits will bring you much satisfaction, as you are connected to a higher vision of life. However, be careful not to project a confused and distorted image of your own reality onto others. Try to detach yourself from the rest when emotions get the better of you, Gemini. The planetary energies encourage you to achieve professional and financial goals, Cancer. Your great perseverance, objectivity and self-confidence will lead you to success. Therefore, trust in your wisdom and expertise to undertake new projects. Don’t forget to aim high because you’re ready for it.
Although you tend to have an outgoing personality, you will need to get away from the hustle and bustle to find yourself. It is not a good time to take on new responsibilities or start new projects. However, you will be able to connect with your intuition and your inner self. Honor your sensitivity and tap into your creativity, they will be your allies in the future.
You may feel shy or insecure about expressing your ideas at this time Virgo. However, the astral configuration encourages you to trust yourself and reveal who you are, with no fear of being different from others. Your originality and creativity will captivate everyone around you, promising new projects that will fulfill you in the future.
Your romantic relationships will take an unexpected turn, Libra. You are going to look for new ways to express your affections. New people will become part of your life, although it will feel like you already know their souls. However, beware of excessive control and power struggles. Keep in mind that you must learn about freedom in your relationships during this period of time.
You will undertake independent projects that promise good fortune. Your ambitious and energetic spirit will be supported by beneficial planetary influences, Scorpio. This will provide a solid foundation for a stable and happy future. If you are looking to buy a new property withyour partner, this is the ideal opportunity to do so. You may feel disoriented during this time, but it is because you are going through a paradigm shift. A cycle in your life has ended, so it will be necessary to leave behind old patterns. It is time to release the shackles of the past and focus fully on your future. You may not know exactly how to continue, but your mental creativity will light the way forward. Conventional methods provide you with security and comfort. However, changes are imminent, Capricorn and resisting them will only generate more suffering. Therefore, it’s time to venture into new programmes and jump into the unknown. Far from being a negative experience, this is the path that will bring you closer to your dreams.