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A-Z of Loving Hong Kong Right Now The
26 reasons to love this city during COVID-19. By Becky Love
If it isn’t already obvious to our readers (we’re pretty sure it is) we love Hong Kong! Nothing could ever stop us from loving this amazing city we get to call home. During the worst of times, we think it’s even more important to highlight all of the positives around us. So, whilst we are so ready for this virus to be behind us, we take a look at some of the good things that are right in front of us right now.
Art – You know all of that street art you’ve never been able to get a clear shot of without crowds of people walking past it? Now is the time to snap or just stand back and admire it.
Bus seats - Rest those weary legs! Extended school holidays mean you’re more likely to grab a seat on the bus during that usually busy 3.30pm ride home.
Cinemas - Chances are, you may have the cinema all to yourself. Grab a group of friends, support your local cinema and have your very own private screening. (Some cinemas require you to wear a mask - so be sure to check before!)
Discounted rent - Now is a great time to negotiate rental prices and lock in a sweet deal before prices peak again.
Empty streets - When else can you stand in the middle of a usually busy Hong Kong street and admire the buildings around you?
Flights - Now is a good time to lock in that future holiday as airlines are currently slashing their prices.
Golf - There’s no need to rush through your game! Take your time on the golf course and perfect your swing without crowds of players behind you.
Photo credit@Twinkle Dance
Ho Lee Fook - Now is the time to support local businesses… and finally get a seat at your favourite hot spot restaurant, like Ho Lee Fook, inspired by old-school Hong Kong.
Instagram worthy pics - If you’ve been waiting to get a great shot at Yick Fat Building or Choi Hung Estate, now is the time to get the perfect shot.
Jumpstart your fitness - As we near the warmer months, get a head start on your summer bod and take in Victoria Harbour with a waterside run – without the crowds slowing you down.
Kindness – Take a close look at those around you. You’ll see snippets of kindness sprinkled here and there. Actively look for the positives and you’ll find they’re still all around us.
Lights – No virus is going to stop the bright lights of our beautiful neon’s and buildings from shining. Stop and admire them tonight.
MMTR – Sardine can trains at rush hour are a little less sardine filled. N Noise – Those living above busy, bustling streets can take in some quiet time before families return from school holidays and streets return to normal. O Old Hong Kong – Get nostalgic and take a look back at old Hong Kong. We suggest checking out the Blue House in Wan Chai, built in the 1920s or Kowloon Walled City Park.
Resilient people - We’ve been through a lot this past year and remained resilient throughout. Here’s to the people of Hong Kong - that includes you!
Safety - Not only are we resilient, but we are reminded of the extreme measures Hong Kong people take to keep themselves and others around them safe and healthy – and that’s to be admired.
Tourist spots - Whilst we hate the fact that less people are currently travelling over to enjoy Hong Kong, use this time to head to those often-busy tourist spots… it won’t be long before they’re packed out again!
Parks and picnics - Been meaning to grab a blanket and enjoy the beauty of the Botanical Gardens? Now is a great time to do so with less crowds.
Quality time with kids - With school holidays extended until mid-March (at the time of writing), enjoy the extra quality time spent with the kids before they get back to the books.
Unexpected deliveries - Is your delivery from AliExpress taking ages? Forget about it, and enjoy a nice surprise when it finally arrives.
VVigilant – Masks and sanitizer have been sold out since word spread of the virus. We couldn’t live amongst a more vigilant group of people. W Work from home – If your work has allowed you to work from home until things cool off, make the most of it and enjoy a couple of Netflix episodes during your lunch break. X Xpats – Okay, doesn’t exactly start with ‘X’ but you know what we mean. Loving the way the expat community is helping one another via Facebook groups and mom chats. Y Yoga classes - Haven’t been able to bag a spot in your preferred time slot at yoga class? Support your favourite bendy studio, take a breather and relax. Or check out our guide to outdoor yoga classes on page 30. Z Zzzz - Be safe, stay healthy and use some downtime to catch some well-deserved Zzz’s so that you’re ready to get out and enjoy this vibrant city when the worst is over. LOVING HK