A new era for Ocean Park The Hong Kong Government has announced its proposed plans for transforming Ocean Park into a leisure destination. Edward Yau, The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development believes that the waterfront park should put more focus on its education and conservation efforts.“The park should steer away from the conventional development model of theme parks, cut down on facilities and related expenses which are not costeffective,” said Yau. Part of Ocean Park’s proposed transformation includes nonticketed entry and entertainment zones for
guests to visit anytime they wish. “The operation mode of the park will change by outsourcing part of its park area or facilities for development and operation to become financially sustainable in the long run,” said Yau. Having struggled financially over the past few years, Ocean Park received a loan of $5.4 billion from the Hong Kong Government last year to support the operation of Ocean Park over a twelve month period and hopes to increase its traffic once parks are allowed to open again.
Unlicensed woman sells dogs in Tai Po Videos submitted by Tai Po residents last month showed a lady stationed in Tai Po centre selling mongrel puppies for $200 each. The woman carried the dogs around in a paper box and a trolly, making several stops around Tai Po Market to find potential buyers. Being an unusual scene, the old lady soon attracted a crowd. Several who showed interest in buying negotiated for a bargain. It is still unknown if she had malign intent but it is certainly illegal to breed or sell dogs unlicensed. In Hong Kong the penalty for breeding or selling dogs without a licence is $100,000. On top of illegality, it is also unsafe to purchase live animals from unofficial retailers. Such unlicensed and illegal acts should also be reported to respective authorities immediately.
Redress design awards are now open The world’s largest sustainable fashion design competition is now open to applicants who are passionate about design and sustainability. Applicants must submit three ready-to-wear outfit sketches to the competition by March 15. Finalists will have the opportunity to debut one of their designs at the Grand Final fashion show and stand a chance of winning from a prize pot of $80,000. All finalists and semi-finalists will receive educational and career enhancing prizes.