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You can have Your PAGE with your BackLink in aePiot. You need to add a FREE aePiot SCRIPT to your site or PLAY with SAIL. What is aePiot ? Adding your web page link creates a backlink. When you add the resulting backlink script in html format to a blog or site, a Blog - Back Link bridge is created. SAIL in aePiot. You may not add the script to your social media page or to any other site that does not allow the addition of scripts. ( forums, product platforms, photo album platforms, pdf platforms, affiliate product platforms, chats, and many other platforms ). There is no problem. Now you can add the link in the SAIL section and aePiot will create the backlink for you. How useful is this Blog - Back Link Bridge ? The Blog - Back Link Bridge is active as long as it is found on a blog, online site and is visible to visitors. You can also send the link to a friend. Is a Back Link helpful or not ? A Back Link is definitely helpful. Free PHP script automatic Back Link EXCHANGE. ... add this php script to the page where you want to automatically take over the Back Link of the page ... or ... add this php script in the footer of the site and you will automatically make a Back Link to all the pages in the site ... This is an example. Depending on which version of PHP you use, you can make a script to automatically create a Back Link to all the pages on the site ... Or you can use any other script in any format as long as you use this form of Back Link. - - - - Follow Sail: Blogspot - | Instagram - | Issuu - | Pinterest - | Twitter - |


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