Edition 11 july 16th (hr)

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Newsletter Edition 11, July 16th 2015

Photo by Derek O’Leary

From the Principal Welcome back to Term 3!

Coming Events Term 3 July Sun 19th College Production ‘Hairspray’ Rehearsal Mon 20th Year 10 Debating Tues 21st Year 12 VCAL Excursion Tues 21st Year 9 LOTE Italian Excursion Tues 21st College Production ‘Hairspray’ Rehearsal Wed 22nd Year 11/12 Girls Basketball Wed 22nd Year 12 Parent Information Night Thurs 23rd Year 10 Enviro Excursion Thurs 23rd Year 9 ‘Bench to Bus’ Excursion Fri 24th School Trees Day A more detailed calendar is on the last page.

I hope our students have had a restful, enjoyable and productive break from classes and are ready and eager to make the most of the opportunities that will be available this term. I am pleased to report that our groups that travelled to East Timor and Southern India for Immersion Trips during the last week of term two and the first week of the holidays have returned safely with many interesting stories. Two groups travelled separately to East Timor and one to Southern India. I congratulate the students on the very positive feedback I have received from the teachers who accompanied the groups. I have also spoken to a number of the students and it seems that the overall feeling is very positive about their experiences. I have asked each Teacher Team Leader to provide an evaluation report to the College’s Leadership Team. I thank the staff who generously helped provide these wonderful opportunities for Years 10 and 11 students. Currently we have another Immersion trip underway - an Indigenous immersion at North Stradbroke Island, Queensland.

I expect representatives from each trip will share with our school community information about their experiences through speaking at the next full school assembly and articles in a future newsletter. I can also report that the Year 10 Work Experience Program held in the last week of term two seems to have been very successful. I have spoken to a number of Year 10 students about their work experience and the overwhelming impression I received was very positive. Well done to the Year 10 students and thank you again to Mr. Bruce Connor (Work & Further Education Coordinator) for his work to organise this valuable program for our students. One of the exciting events to look forward to this term is our college production of “Hairspray.” It would be great if all college families and friends came along to one of the performances at the Playhouse Theatre (GPAC.) So please see if you can pencil in to your diary your attendance. The performances will be held in early September (Thursday 3rd – Friday 4th.) The hardworking production team reports that the cast and crew are very busily rehearsing for what promises to be a very entertaining performance. ....continued on Page 2

A Jesuit Partner School

In Brief

From the Principal (cont.)

This Page: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’

Semester One Reports

Page 3: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ Page 4: Faith Matters Page 5: 2015 Year 12 Winter Formal Page 6: 2015 Victoria Equestrian Interschool Championship Photos Page 7: Equestrian Team News Page 8: Year 7 GISSA Football Page 9: VCE Physical Education Page 10: Canteen Roster and Parents and Friends’ Association Page 11: Wool4Schools Competition Page 12: Student Leadership Application Page 13: Club Italia Excursion Page 14: Year 10 News and Year 9 Liturgy Page 15: ‘The Final Cout Down’ Page 16: ILC Happenings and Teaching and Learning News Page 17: Teaching and Learning News Page 18: ILC ‘An evening with James Phelan’

As you are aware, Semester One Reports were available from the Parent Portal from July 6th. Except for Unit 3 subjects, there are no formal Parent-Teacher interviews scheduled to follow-up these reports, however, you are most welcome, and I encourage you, to please make contact with any subject teachers regarding academic concerns or the Homeroom teacher if there are any pastoral concerns. Please phone the teacher to discuss this over the phone or organise a time for a meeting.

Unit 3 VCE Parent-Student-Teacher interviews There will be follow-up Parent-StudentTeacher interviews for Year 12 students and Year 11 students undertaking a Unit 3/4 VCE subject on Tuesday 4th August 2015 (4pm 6pm & 7pm - 8.30pm.) Booking instructions will accompany the reports.

Support for parents of current Year 12 students Our Year 12 and VCE Coordinators have organised a valuable opportunity for parents and their Year 12 daughter or son to listen to speakers about managing the remainder of the year. The evening is entitled “The Final Countdown” and will be held on Wed. 22nd July (7.30pm) at St Thomas Church. A past student and a parent of a past Year 12 student will speak about their personal experiences. One of our Student Wellbeing Officers will speak about a “Parent’s Guide in Preparing for Exams.” There will be sessions on the “Nuts & Bolts” of managing Year 12 and an opportunity for questions and discussion.

Page 19: Mega Raffle 2015

Subject selection for 2016

Page 20: PFF Trivia Night

During term three students in Years 8 - 11 are asked to indicate their preferences for elective subjects for the following year.

Page 21: Further Education Expo Page 22 & 23: Tertiary Institutions Open Days Page 24: ‘Teach your kids about time and place’ by Michael Grose Page 25: Community Notices Page 26: School Calender

Whilst considering options at this time it is important to discuss with your daughter / son her / his strengths, interests and post school options and review this every so often. The Semester One reports would be a helpful springboard into this type of discussion. Our Work and Further Education Coordinator, Mr. Bruce Connor, is also available by appointment to help in this area.

And students are welcome to access our Career Centre resources (located in the VCE Centre) by seeing Mr. Connor first.

Two important Information Evenings for Parents of Year 10 Students Wednesday 29th July Year 11 2016 Parent Information Night (7pm) Wednesday 5th August Yr 11 2016 VCAL Parent Information Night (7pm)

College Feast Day Friday 31st July is a special day for our college community - the day we celebrate the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola, the college’s patron saint. All students are expected to attend school on this day and join in the spirit of the day by fully participating in the special activities that have been organised. Parents are most welcome to attend the Full School Assembly on this day. Please report to the office at 9.00am so that seating can be organised for you. This assembly in the gym will finish at about 10.30am. We have a formal college assembly once each term. This term’s assembly date has been especially chosen to coincide with our feast day. At the assembly we will acknowledge staff service (10, 15, 20; or 25 continuous years) to the college community and hear from the students who attended one of the four different recent Immersion trips. Following the assembly there will be a variety of activities organised for students to participate in for the rest of the day. As some of these activities may be of a sport nature all students are required to wear their correct Sport Uniform on this day. The canteen will be open at both recess and lunch times. Students can order lunch (“red” foods allowed on our celebration day) from the canteen and there will be a variety of food vans present on the day as well. Previous years’ feast day celebrations received overall very positive feedback. We are hoping that this day will continue to be a special one in the culture of the college over the years and indeed a day the students and staff look forward to and celebrate - a very positive community building event. ....continued on Page 3

A Jesuit Partner School


Performing Arts Evening

Staffing update

Congratulations to the VCE Unit 3 Music class on their performance evening held on the Thursday of the last week of term two.

Welcome back to the following staff members:

Along with a number of staff, I attended this very enjoyable evening held at the Potato Shed. The students entertained us with singing and music. At the same time they were being assessed by their teacher, Mrs. Pape. Well done and thank you to the students and thank you to Mrs. Linda Pape (Head of Music), Ms. Marina Sinadinos (Music Tutor) for accompanying some of the students and the Instrumental Music tutors for their support.

Ms Katie Self (Student Well-being Officer) - returning from Parental Leave: Mrs Fran Kealey (Teacher) - returning from Long Service Leave; and Mr Terry Tolan (Teacher) - returning from Long Service Leave. There has been a change to the arrangement for covering Mrs Sarah Purnell (Teacher) while she is on Long Service Leave for six weeks.

I am pleased to report very strong interest in the college continued again this year with many more applications than places available for next year.

The replacement teacher we had organised informed me during the holidays that she could not take up the position. I am grateful to Mrs Purnell who rearranged her leave to commence one week later to provide me with time to find another replacement.

The support provided by the students, staff and parents for the Open Day and enrolment promotion program was a valuable / vital contribution to this success - thank you.

I am pleased to inform you that Mr Max Green will commence next week in this role. Mr Green is very familiar with our College having undertaken several replacement positions here over the years.

Year 7 enrolments 2016

The very positive reputation of the college is a commendable result of the commitment of our students, staff and parents to our college community and its continual improvement. As in the past three years, I have enrolled 225 students (113 girls and 112 boys), for year 7 next year.

Best wishes,

Michael Exton Principal

A Jesuit Partner School


The Five Steps of the Ignatian ‘Examen’ Prayer Thanks I give thanks for the graces, benefits and good things of my day. Help I ask the Holy Spirit for help to discern my day with openess. Review I review my day, hour by hour, to see how God is working in my life. Response I respond to what I felt or learnt in the review of my day. Resolve I resolve with hope and grace to amend my life tomorrow. ‘Examen’ adaption by Fr. Michael Hansen SJ)

Faith Matters Gratitude He entered Jericho and was passing through it. A man was there named Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was rich. He was trying to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was short in stature. So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore tree to see him, because he was going to pass that way. When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today.” So he hurried down and was happy to welcome him. All who saw it began to grumble and said, “He has gone to be the guest of one who is a sinner.” Zacchaeus stood there and said to the Lord, “Look, half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor; and if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four times as much.” Then Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he too is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost”. Luke 19:1-10 You are probably familiar with the account of Zacchaeus from the Gospel of Luke. The story narrates Jesus’ interaction with the chief tax collector Zacchaeus who although respected because of his position is not accepted by the community for his greed and misuse of his position. As Jesus enters Jericho he is greeted by a large crowd who want to see him and Zacchaeus being short climbs a Sycamore Fig tree so that he may see Jesus also. Jesus’calls Zacchaeus down and requests to stay at Zacchaeus’ house, the grumbling of the crowd and the change in Zacchaeus are traditionally viewed as an example of forgiveness and His seeking out those society reject. I however would like you to consider the following alternate interpretation. In our lives we interact with many different people. We live and work in multiple frameworks; family, employment, sporting, leisure and community support activities. Like Zacchaeus we are always observing things around us. We notice those things that interest us, those things that amaze us and the things that we hope to experience that add to our lives. Like Jesus we support people where we can. This support is especially apparent when a colleague, friend or family member encounters a crisis. In turn those around us also support us in a similar way. The account of Zacchaeus illustrates a specific desire to see Jesus. Word of His actions and teaching had spread. Zacchaeus is an important, although maligned, member of the community with Jericho. His is rich and does not require anything, or so it seems. Once he sees Jesus and when He seeks him and calls him there is a dramatic change.

Jesus touches his spirit and sparks Zacchaeus’ conscience. Zacchaeus is inspired to not only change his ways, but resolves to make good the wrong he has done. Jesus has accomplished his mission; the teaching of seeking the lost is made. We can accept this and use this teaching in our lives and also seek out the lost. We have the ability through the Church and our own actions to make good the wrong that we cause. To do so however we need God’s spirit of humility and love to access the courage needed. In our lives the people who support us are not the lost that Jesus speaks of. These people often forgive us freely, as they love us enough to offer us this gift without expectation. However the link to the account of Zacchaeus is this: how do we offer gratitude to those who support and forgive us? There are times when we are “the lost”. Through our own actions there are at times when we choose to behave in ways that hurt others. We sometimes fail to offer thanks to people when they have supported us. Life is busy. Their actions may not seem extraordinary. Their actions are sometimes viewed as being no more than what is expected. However, when we are supported by another, especially when we are given the gift of forgiveness, we are able to see God. Or as St Ignatius advocates, “God in all things”. Our purpose is to seek God at all times, in all situations and especially in those He made in His image and likeness. I finish by offering you this. Seek out someone who has supported you in some way. Be like Zacchaeus. Open your heart and be watchful for the times you are forgiven by others. Most importantly be gracious as Zacchaeus was. Show your gratitude to those people, and do it often. You may not “pay back four times as much” as Zacchaeus was prompted to do, but you can show your gratitude and open your heart by giving thanks. Then in private offer the same thanks to God. Pray for that person, thank God who created all things and therefore is the reason for your prayer of thanks. Do your best to be like Christ, forgive those who need your forgiveness, seek the lost and welcome them. Change the world by your spirit of peace, your words of affirmation and giving of thanks. Offer the world God’s love through your ability to love like him and freely offer others your forgiveness and thanks. I would like to conclude by offering my thanks to you for reading this article and considering my train of thought. I will pray for you always, Brendan Nicholls Liturgy Coordinator

A Jesuit Partner School


2015 Year 12 Winter Formal As per the last 3 years, the Year 12 Winter Formal was held again this year; an opportunity for students from the 4 Catholic Colleges (Saint Josephs College, Sacred Heart College, Clonard College and ourselves) to come together for one special evening and celebrate the half way mark of Year 12. Furthermore to raise awareness and funds for the local headspace agencies of Geelong and Drysdale in an effort to support an organisation that does so much for youth in the area. This year it was held on June 24th, the last Wednesday of school. It was a tremendous success to say the least our school contributed to a record high participation with 66 students getting involved in the evening and a total of over 350 students from all of the 4 schools. After a short introduction from, Malcolm Scott, a representative from headspace Geelong our first DJ for the night took the stage.

Zane Micallef (an ex-student at Saint Ignatius) who had travelled down from the Gold Coast just to support the event managed to get the whole crowd to their feet on the dance floor and set the mood alight. Zane was followed by a year 12 Student from St Josephs, Mitch Loughnan who was also great and wrapped the night up well. Everyone had a great time, the feedback we heard from students was tremendous and they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. It was also a great opportunity for year 12’s across the four Catholic Geelong schools to interact and meet new people. The photo booth was a hit with many great photos of students captured with props and costumes on. A big thankyou to all the teachers who were took part in taking these photos. The total money raised has not been officially added up yet but is estimated to be around $6,000, which was well in excess of our goal.

This was a great achievement from all of the students who raised this money for headspace. This donation will be of very good use to youth all around the Geelong region struggling with their mental health and may visit headspace. A big thank you to everyone involved in the organising of this event - the Year 12 student leaders who brought a plate of sweets on the night and all the teachers who gave up their time to come along and support us; especially to Mr Alexander for his awesome photography and Mr McLean for his continued support and effort to making the event possible. We would also like to thank the school, namely Mr Exton for supporting the event but most importantly to all the students that took part and made the evening so enjoyable! Genevieve Nicholls and Harry Stannard College Captains

Thursday September 3rd and Friday September 4th 2015 @ GPAC Booking details to follow shortly. A Jesuit Partner School


2015 Victorian Equestrian Interschool Championships

Photo by Derek O’Leary

Photo by Derek O’Leary

Photo by Derek O’Leary

Photo by Derek O’Leary

Photo by Derek O’Leary

On behalf of the Saint Ignatius Community I would like to congratulate the Saint Ignatius Equestrian Team on their recent success at the 2015 Victorian Equestrian Interschool Championships at Werribbee Park National Equestrian Centre. The Championships have a long-established history and include some of Australia’s finest young riders, many who have won the Championships and have gone on to represent Australia. Ms Marina Brown

A Jesuit Partner School


Equestrian Team News On behalf of the Saint Ignatius Community I would like to congratulate the Saint Ignatius Equestrian Team on their recent success at the 2015 Victorian Equestrian Interschool Championships at Werribbee Park National Equestrian Centre. The Championships have a longestablished history and include some of Australia’s finest young riders, many who have won the Championships and have gone on to represent Australia. Of the 504 riders, 641 horses and 193 Victorian Schools, Saint Ignatius College rode masterfully and competitively in a combination of Dressage, Showjumping, Showing and Combined Training classes to place 6th overall. I would like to thank and congratulate the following riders for the many hours that was spent in preparation for the event, the high level of skill that was demonstrated and their overall pride in representing the college team: Edwina Lumsden (7 Miki), Latish Laney (7 Claver), Ella Berry (7Ward), Lucy Moate (8 Realino), Grace Walter (10 Koska), Gemma Bottrell (10 Andres), Mikayla Warby (11 Moore) and Lilly Herzer (12 Garnett). I would also like to extend this thanks to the students parents, friends and families who spent a large majority of the week up in Werribee supporting the team.

Some noteworthy results are as follows:

Edwina Lumsden

Lucy Moate

Secondary Prelim Dressage Championship - 1st Place

Secondary Senior Novice Dressage 1st Place Secondary Elementary Dressage Championship - 5th Place Secondary Senior Novice Dressage - 4th Place Secondary 75cm Showjumping - 4th Place

Secondary Show Hunter Championship - 1st Place Secondary Intermediate Novice Dressage Championship - 2nd Place Winner of the 2015 Nan McArthur Award Ella Berry

Secondary Intro 80cm CT - 4th Place

Secondary 60 cm Combined Training 5th Place

Mikayla Warby

Grace Walter

Secondary 75cm Showjumping - 4th Place

Secondary Prelim Dressage Championship - 5th Place

Secondary CT Intro 80cm - 8th Place

Secondary Intro 80cm CT - 3rd Place

Lilly Herzer

Gemma Bottrell

Secondary Advanced Dressage Championship - 4th Place

Secondary 75cm Showjumping - 7th Place

Tori Fair Secondary Prelim Dressage Championship - 9th Place Secondary 110cm Showjumping Championship - 5th Place Secondary 75cm Showjumping - 5th Place

Edwina Lumsden, winner of the 2015 Nan McAthur Award riding ‘Double TT Debonair’.

All students rode particularly well especially Edwina Lumsden riding Double TT Debonair, who at the end of the week long interschool event, gained the most points of all secondary riders and was awarded the prestigious Nan McArthur Award as the best all around rider of the event. Edwina’s results also qualified her for nationals and I look forwarded to following her progress in this event and supporting the future development and success of our college team and its riders. Ms Marina Brown Equestrian Team Manager

Photo by Derek O’Leary

A Jesuit Partner School


Year 7 GISSA Football Football at Saint Ignatius is in good hands for the next six years judging by the results and the efforts of our Year 7 boys involved in the winter football season.

Max Annandale was another good player as were unsung heroes Harrison Middleton, Joel Raymer and Seb Monahan.

A squad more than 45 players began training in late term 1 and was reduced to a playing squad of 30 by the time Round 1 was upon us.

Nicholas Nadile and Ben Stephenson contributed in every match that they played. Ethan Scott was a creative onballer who ran himself into the ground each game.

Players were rotated through and during the games to even the playing load for all. The standard of play was extremely high and the commitment and efforts of all of the boys was enormous. Our captains Will Kilpatrick and Will Howard dominated quarters and seemed to always be in the best. Their attack on the ball was matched by Jeremy Caine and James Keast. Their hard work allowed the creative Matt McFarlane, Flynn Young and Anthony Muscat to find space closer to goal and they were often our main goalkickers. Alexander Bonner also marked strongly in front of the big sticks.

The evenness of the squad was a real strength and the way all players shared and cared for each other during each game was also a highlight. Our effort against Christian College Bellarine was amazing as the opposition team was a combination Year 7 and Year 8 team. The season finished with a big away win against St. Joseph’s College Geelong. A big thankyou to the commitment of each player, their great communication with each other and myself and the way they always represented the school so well. This group of boys will carry the school football program a long way forward in the next few years.

Well done. Scores from all matches are below. Round 1 SICG 10.9.69 defeated Christian College Geelong 2.2.14 Round 2 SICG 11.9.75 defeated Geelong Grammar School 3.2.20 Round 3 SICG 4.5.29 were defeated by Grovedale SC 12.9.81 Round 4 SICG 8.1.49 were defeated by Christian College Bellarine 8.8.56 Friendly Match SICG 8.18.66 defeated St Josephs College. 2.6.18 Mr Brendan O’Brien.

A Jesuit Partner School


VCE Physical Education On Thursday 25th of June students studying VCE Unit 3 and 4 Physical Education had the opportunity to visit and experience the unique sporting and testing facilities at Exercise Research Australia Melbourne. Exercise Research Australia (ERA) engaged our students for a four-hour period by using an interactive approach based around the curriculum covered in Unit 3 and 4. The students participated in three sessions; Theory, Energy Systems Testing and Training Methods Laboratory. The purpose of the excursion was to allow students to gain ďŹ rst hand experience of how to apply key concepts to athletic performance, to further enhance their understanding of school assessed coursework using laboratory activities and to work with leading Australian sports scientists in a nationally recognised testing facility. Many thanks to Harry Stannard (VO2 Max Test), Ryan Wilson (Body Composition) and Spencer O’Connor (Anaerobic Analysis) for participating and allowing the class to assess their fitness. All achieved excellent results for all the students to study and to the students for representing the College in a pleasing manner. Many thanks to Anna Oliver (VCE Coordinator) for attending and supporting the students in gaining further knowledge in this area. Joe McLean Year 12 Coordinator Health and Physical Education Learning Area Leader.

2015 College Production need Parent helpers in the Costume Department Please contact Kerry Horbowsky if interested via email: horbowskyk@ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School


Canteen Roster

Parents and Friends’ Association:

Starting 20th July Monday 20th A Brown, J. Chainski, B. Rees, E. Hammond Tuesday 21st L. Vella, C. Carey, T. Mifsud, T. Tormey, C. Duncan Wednesday 22nd J. Laney, A. Schneider, M. Sideris, B. Downey, A. Cassels-Rantall, S. Clark Thursday 23rd P. Bakker, M. White, N. Lowther, M. Van Loon Friday 24th E. Stokie, D. Byron, S. Smith, L. Hart, S. Anson Starting 27th July Monday 27th T. Kevich, C. Dumarezq, N. Van Vliet, S. Schwaiger Tuesday 28th T. Mifsud, R. Morrison, L. Vella, Needed Wednesday 29th M. Sideris, B. Downey, A. Cassels-Rantall, S. Crawley Thursday 30th M. White, M. Gill, L. Eastwood, T. Wagener Friday 31st V. Durbidge, C. Lyons, Needed, Needed If unable to attend, please make sure you get a replacement.

Sandra Woodall Tel: 0417 050258

Meetings for 2015 The Parents & Friends’ Association cordially invite all those interested to their meetings for 2015 held from 7.30pm onward in the Food Tech Centre on the following dates:

We need your support can you assist by offering: Goods - Vouchers Services

Meeting schedule: August Tuesday 11th September Monday 14h October Tuesday 13th November Monday 9th AGM December TBA

Suggestions - Workplace Vouchers, Sponsorship Restaurant Meals, Wines, Experiences, Gifts. All donations will be gratefully received and acknowledged. Thank-you. Please contact our Parents and Friends’ Association Rep: Erin Carpenter email: sicgpandf@ignatius.vic.edu.au Supporting Performing Arts Deptartment and

The Musical

2015 Parents and Friends Contact List

The Minutes for all meetings can be found on the College website in the Parents and Friends’ Portal when available. The Agenda for the up-coming meeting is also available from the website just prior to the meeting date.

Uniform Shop The uniform shop is located behind the office and is open Monday mornings between 8.30 and 9.30am, and Monday afternoons between 2 and 3.30pm.

It is the start of a new year and time to update the Parents and Friends Contact list…

We have a wide variety of uniform in stock and we also sell new socks.

If you are an existing Member of the 2014 Parents and Friends list, please email Kristi (Secretary) to ensure all your details are still correct.

Please email uniform@ignatius.vic. edu.au for any enquiries regarding buying or selling uniform.

If you would like to have your name added to the Parents and Friends Contact list and you have never been on this contact list before, please email: Kristi Papp (Secretary, Parents and Friends’ Association) on sicgpandf@ignatius.vic. edu.au with your name, email address. There are many events and activities throughout the year which you may like to support or be a volunteer for. You do not need to attend any or all of the Parents and Friends’ meetings in order to assist with Working Bees, Open Day, or other Fund Raising Events. Every small contribution is highly valued and greatly appreciated.

We are also looking for volunteers to help out once a month, either mornings or afternoons. If you are interested contact us on: uniform@ignatius.vic.edu.au

Kristi Papp - Secretary

A Jesuit Partner School


Wool4Schools Competition Imagine, the opportunity of a lifetime to have your own outfit featured on the pages of Girlfriend magazine and all over the Australian Wool Institute website? For this year’s Wool4School competition students have been asked to design their perfect winter outfit that showcases their personal style and reflects their chosen destination in a winter climate in either; New York, Tokyo, Paris, Moscow or New Delhi? What would you wear? Tilda Sturman

Bailey Kelly

Normally a design assessment task for year 8’s in Textiles, this prestigious Australia wide design competition set by the Australian Wool Institute, has been opened up to the rest of the school year groups 7-11 (unfortunately there is currently no group set for year 12’s). We have had some pretty good entries all hoping to be in with a chance to win between $600-$1800 (depending on year group). Don’t just take my word for it, see for yourself? Emily Jones

Rachelle Spadoni

Kianne Mitchell-Falce

Zoe Kontogeorgis

Georgina Coutts

Sophie Skuza

A Jesuit Partner School


Student Leadership Positions 2016 Below are the senior leadership positions available to students for 2016. Applications will open on Friday 24th July and close at 1.00pm on Monday 3rd August. Applications must be co-signed by a parent/guardian. Forms can be collected from the Front Office. School Captains (two from Year 12) School Vice Captains (two from Year 11) Academic Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) Arts Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) Environment Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) Justice Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) Liturgy Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) Sport Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) Ignatian Leaders (from Year 11 or 12) House Captains (two per house from Year 12) House Vice Captains (two per house from Year 11) Students are encouraged to apply. The process of applying is excellent experience. Students who are successful then have the opportunity to act out the school’s mission statement and motto and to assist the school community in it’s quest for constant improvement. Mr Gravener Student leadership development coordinator A Jesuit Partner School


Club Italia Excursion On Friday the 5th of June 2015 the Year Eight Italian Excursion has seen the students of Italian language being actively involved in various activities under the guidance of the Club Italia members. Students had great fun in learning and playing bocce with Mario and Luigi... … who taught them the right rules and technique. Students enjoyed bocce competition and after that gave their assistance to the Italian chef Carmela during the making process of pizza, gnocchi and Italian sweets. It has been a great opportunity for our students to have conversations in Italian and listen to some life stories from the Club Italia members. After a delicious lunch, students brought home the gourmet pizza they prepared for their families, although most of it ended in the year 8 student stomachs before they could even hit home... Congratulations to all of the students for having shown excellent manners, great team work during the activities and high confidence when engaging themselves in spontaneous Italian conversations with the club members. Francesco Melli Here some student comments: Shaun: “The day was a huge success that gave us (the students) a good chance to see what Italy would be like.” Tilda: “I think Club Italia was a great excursion for the students learning Italian!! We learnt a lot about their culture and their way of living. It was a great experience and I had a lot of fun with my friends!!” Chloe: “I think Club Italia was an intriguing experience with lot of cultural learning. It was enjoyable when we were able to cook traditional biscuits, pasta and pizza! I had a blast!” Kia: “My favorite part of the day at club Italia was playing bocce with my friends, it was a lot of fun and was very different comparing with the way we play at school!

A Jesuit Partner School


Year 10 News Well done to all of the Year 10 students who took part in the recent Work Experience, Immersion and/or World Challenge programs. Hopefully these experiences have been educational and fulfilling for you all. Also a big congratulations to Greg Lewis (10 Andres) who recently undertook a 100km walk from Point Nepean to the Shrine of Remembrance to raise money for the charity SoldierOn. During Term 3, Year 10 students will embark on the senior pathways selection process set out over various stages. Families should have received a letter recently outlining this process. If you have not yet received this letter, please contact our school reception to access a copy. Also please note that as part of a review of semester one reports, some students’ progress may be reviewed as part of a targeted assistance program in the lead up to this selection process.

I strongly urge all Year 10 students and parents to attend the information evening scheduled for Wednesday 29th July commencing at 7.00pm in the Saint Thomas Church. This evening will be invaluable and support your decision making through this process. In addition, David and Katie Kobler from Your Choicez will be speaking to the Year 10’s about Manhood & Womanhood. Their seminars explore how to navigate growing up in a hypersexualized society. There are many issues facing teens today. Issues such as Relationships, Sexual pressures, Sexting, Body image, Identity, Purpose, Self-Control, Sex-Drive, Pornography and the list goes on.

David and Katie have been presenting seminars to tens of thousands of students every year across Australia and New Zealand. They are engaging, thought-provoking communicators who capture the attention of their audience time and time again. To see feedback of how their seminars are received go to www.yourchoicez.com/ feedback Best wishes. Mr Bill Miles Year 10 Coordintor

This aim of Your Choicez seminars is to open discussion, provide answers and change culture in regards to these very important topics that young men and women can be facing.

Year Nine Liturgy During Term Two Year 9 Religion classes have been studying ‘Redemption and Hope’. This has enabled students to examine and explore the treatment of Indigenous Australians and what National Sorry Day represents. At the conclusion of this unit 9 Faber commemorated with two liturgies, using the themes of Redemption and Hope. Students took control of the liturgies, organising the music, readings, prayers, props and a class activity. All items and activities were carefully selected and appropriate for the liturgy. 9 Faber displayed an excellent commitment to their faith and a responsiveness to their unit. Mrs Davis

A Jesuit Partner School


The Final Count Down Topics to be discussed: General Advice for Students and Parents in the final weeks of Year 12 Past Student and Parent sharing their experience of Year 12 in 2014 Expected and Unexpected challenges and solutions Structure and format of End of Year Examinations Hosted by: Joe McLean Year level Co-ordinator and Anna Oliver VCE Co-ordinator

Date: Wednesday July 22nd Time: 7.30pm to 8.30pm Venue: St Thomas Church A Jesuit Partner School


ILC Happenings Join us for an Evening with James Phelan. James is a Melbourne author who mainly writes thrillers and teenage novels but has also written short stories and non-fiction. James will speak about his own work as well as how to inspire a love of reading and promoting literacy. James’ novels include The Last 13 series, Alone series, Fox Hunt and Patriot Act.

An Evening with James Phelan is a free event on Tuesday 21st July from 6pm - 7.30pm in the Information Learning Centre. Refreshments available. Bookings are required. Book at http://www.trybooking.com/IFCP

Teaching and Learning News Welcome back to Term 3! This is going to be an extremely busy and important term for all students at Saint Ignatius College. Years 8 - 11 students will be making some important decisions in terms of selecting subjects for 2016. Years 8 and 9 students will be selecting subjects from our vast selection of elective subjects. This information will be available on the College website in late August. More information will be given to students and parents in the near future. Year 10 students will be deciding on their future pathway at SICG, whether that be the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) pathway or the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) pathway. Before year 10 students engaged in their work experience placement at the end of term 2, they had a half day course seminar where they were presented with information relating to their future learning’s. Parent will have the opportunity to attend a Parent Information Evening on Wednesday July 29th in St Thomas Church commencing at 7:00pm. The Year 11 2016 information booklet will be available between July 21st and August 12th; Parents and students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with its content.

This booklet is located on the College website under the Teaching and Learning tab within the category Course Booklets 2016. The booklet itself provides general information concerning the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Vocational Education and Training (VET) and the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) as well as samples of the VCAL application form and/or VCE subject selection forms to be completed once decisions have been finalised. In addition, the booklet has a brief outline of all VCE and VET subjects that Saint Ignatius College will be offering in 2016. A Course Counselling Day will follow on Tuesday the 11th of August between 8:30am and 4:30pm. Provision times will be distributed to students shortly. Year 11 students will be deciding on their studies for their final year at Saint Ignatius College. Most Year 11 students will need to reduce their current studies from 6 subjects to 5 subjects.

Term 3 also means that the end is fast approaching for our Year 12 students. In order to support families through this potentially stressful and hectic time of the year, an additional VCE Parent Information Evening entitled “The Final Count Down”. This evening is designed to provide information to parents on how families can best support their son/ daughter in the coming weeks. It will be held on Wednesday July 22nd from 7:30 – 8:30pm in St Thomas Church. I trust that everyone had an enjoyable break and that all students are well rested and ready to tackle Term 3. Anna Oliver VCE Coordinator

Our Year 11 VCAL students will potentially move from foundation/ intermediate level to intermediate/ senior level of VCAL.

A Jesuit Partner School


Teaching and Learning News (Cont.) My Learning Trial Having introduced a more comprehensive student information and learning management system in January 2014, we are now ready to explore further features of this Xtreme software system. A controlled trial using the student and parent portal will be conducted during Semester 2 to enable teachers to provide students and parents with more immediate and accessible feedback on course progress and course content as well as enable parents to monitor the completion of this content at any time. During Semester 2 2015, six staff at the College, along with two of the classes that they teach, will participate in this trial. The staff and classes are as follows: Mrs. Annette Chidzey Year 12 English Mrs. Anna Oliver Year 11 Religious Education & Year 11 Physical Education Mr. Brendan Nicholls Year 10 and Year 8 Science [10 Ogilvie and 8 Xavier] Ms. Jess Vandermark Year 9 Food Technology [elective] Year 10 Food Discovery [elective] Mr. Byron Mitchell Year 11 Outdoor Education & Year 10 GenYES [B] elective class Mrs. Leonie Stephenson Year 7 Personal E-Learning [7 Ward and 7 Ricci] At the conclusion of the trial period, students, staff and parents who have been involved will be invited to complete a qualitative and quantitative feedback survey to share the strengths and weaknesses of the software. Letters will be distributed to students involved in the control trial in the week beginning July 20th and it is expected that the trial will continue until Friday November 27th. As a committed learning community, we look forward to undertaking this ‘hands on’ investigation and thank Mr. Paul James, Network Administrator and Mr. Bernie Lowes, ICT Manager for assisting staff in the organization and introduction of this trial.

As a committed learning community, we look forward to undertaking this ‘hands on’ investigation and thank Mr. Paul James, Network Administrator and Mr. Bernie Lowes, ICT Manager for assisting staff in the organization and introduction of this trial.

Year 8 Information Literacy Trial: Term 3 2015 An Information Literacy program will be trialled at Year 8 during several Personal Learning sessions during the course of Term 3 this year. This trial has come about as a result of a formal proposal presented to the Leadership Team by the Information Learning Centre [ILC] staff seeking to improve information literacy skills in our junior students at the College.

The trial itself will be evaluated at the end of the term using the following methods: l Post testing of all Homerooms l Consultation with and survey of Year 8 Homeroom teachers l Statistical evaluation by the ILC staff The College extends its thanks to the Information Learning Centre staff and those assisting them with the preparation and completion of this trial. We look forward to hearing more about the outcomes obtained when the team presents its evaluation report early in Term Four. Mrs. Annette Chidzey Acting Deputy Principal [Learning and Teaching]

ILC staff members Leonie Stephenson and Rosemary Kelleher will oversee the trial in conjunction with Freda Gray, Literacy Coordinator and Deb Hodge, Year 8 Level Coordinator as well as all Year 8 Homeroom teachers. The specific sessions have been designed to develop key information literacy skills considered necessary in all curriculum areas and collectively reflect the educational outcomes contained in the Australian Curriculum through its stated focus on ICT Capabilities and Creative Thinking Capabilities embedded in that curriculum. The lessons themselves will require no additional work outside of the PL sessions and as a result of the program, we hope to see evidence of improved understanding and skills in the following areas related to information literacy: 1. Brainstorming and organization of ideas 2. Identification of keywords needed for an effective search 3. Critical evaluation of the usefulness and relevance of a range of research information presented on a topic or theme

A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College presents

An evening with author

James Phelan

James writes thrillers and Young Adult Fiction and will speak about promoting literacy and inspiring a love of reading as well as his own personal experience with writing.

James Phelan was born on the 21st of May, 1979, in Melbourne. His creative spirit was nurtured from a young age, and he credits his overactive imagination to being exposed to authors such as Roald Dahl, Paul Jennings and works such as The Hobbit, Treasure Island, The Jungle Book, Tale of the Punjab. He is passionate about promoting literacy, and providing young and reluctant readers with fun and entertaining stories to inspire a love for reading. After high school James went to RMIT to study Architecture, and worked on the Federation Square Design team. He then attended the University of Melbourne to study Creative Writing, culminating in an MA and PhD (on Young Adult Literature) at Swinburne University of Technology.

“James Phelan is one of the hottest thriller writers to arrive on the scene in years. His hero, Lachlan Fox, is just the kind of gritty man the world needs in a time of crisis.” Vince Flynn “Alone is a fast-paced page-turner that is sure to be a favourite with teens but which can be enjoyed equally by adults.” Cairns Post

Date: Tuesday 21st July Time: 6pm - 7.30pm (6-6.30pm - Wine and Cheese; 6.30-pm -7.30-pm - James speaking)

Venue: Information Learning Centre This is a free event but we ask you to please book

Bookings: http://www.trybooking.com/IFCP A Jesuit Partner School


Combined Colleges Raffle

All raffle tickets - both sold and unsold - must be returned to the College office no later than Monday 27th of July. Raffle drawn 3.30pm Thursday July 30th. A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College Geelong Parents & Friends Association

Saturday 1st August

7:00pm for a 7:30pm start

T F E L G N I T A E S D E T I M I L Y R R U H ! ! W O N S T E K C I T R U O GET Y LESS THAN 3 Weeks to go



Pioneer Room, StMary’s 150 Yarra St. Geelong et k c i T r e $15.00 P people 0 Tables 1 Tickets via www.trybooking.com/HXOG ks n i r D & d BYO Foo or School Office ided v o r P a e T (cash sales only) Coffee &



Supporting Performing Arts Dept & the Musical A Jesuit Partner School


Further Education Expo Further Education Expo Participants Australian Catholic University Australian College of Applied Psychology Deakin University Deakin College Federation University JMC Academy La Trobe University Monash University Navitas College of Public Safety RMIT University Swinburne University of Technology The Gordon The University of Melbourne Victoria University William Angliss Institute of TAFE

Deakin Waterfront Campus 1 Gheringhap Street Geelong

Monday 20th July 2015

4:00pm - 8:00pm A Jesuit Partner School


OPEN DAYS 2015 INSTITUTION Australian Catholic University Melbourne Campus Ballarat Campus Australian National University




Sun 9 August Sun 30 August Sat 29 August Sat 25 July

10am – 4pm 10am – 3pm 10am – 4pm 2pm – 8pm

Sun 23 August Thurs 13 August

TBC 2pm – 6pm

Sat 22 August Sun 2 August Sun 9 August Sun 23 August Sun 30 August

11am – 3pm 10am – 3pm 9am – 3pm 9am – 4pm 10am – 3pm

16 July 13 August 17 September 22 October 19 November Sun 22 August

10am – 6.30pm

La Trobe University & La Trobe Melbourne Shepparton Campus Melbourne (Bundoora) Campus Bendigo Campus Mildura Campus Albury-­‐Wodonga Campus Monash University Berwick Open House Peninsula Campus Clayton & Caulfield Campuses Parkville Campus (Pharmacy Focus) RMIT City, Bundoora & Brunswick Campuses

Fri 7 August Sun 9 August Sun 16 August Sun 19 August Fri 28 August Wed 29 July Sat 1 August Sun 2 August Sun 16 August Sun 9 August


4pm – 8pm 10am – 4pm 10am – 4pm 10am – 4pm 10am – 4pm

1800 666 274 www.monash.edu.au/openday

Swinburne University Hawthorn

Sun 2 August

10am – 4pm

1300 275 794 www.swinburne.edu.au/openday

University of Melbourne Parkville & Southbank Campuses Burnley Campus Victoria University Footscray Park campus William Angliss Institute of TAFE

Sun 16 August Sat 5 September Sun 23 August Sun 9 August

9am – 4pm 10am – 2pm 10am – 3pm 10am – 4pm

1800 801 662 https://futurestudents.unimelb.edu.au/exp lore/events/victoria_and_interstate/victori a/university_of_melbourne_open_day

Bond University Box Hill Institute Central Queensland University (Melbourne) Chisholm Institute Deakin University & MIBT Warrnambool Campus Geelong Campus (Waurn Ponds & Waterfront) Melbourne (Burwood) Campus Federation University of Australia Mount Helen Campus; SMB Holmesglen Institute Open Thursday’s – all campuses

JMC Academy

10.30am – 3.00pm

1300 ASK ACU Email: opendayvic@acu.edu.au www.acu.edu.au/openday http://www.anu.edu.au/study/events/anu-­‐ open-­‐day-­‐2015 1800 074 074 https://bond.edu.au/future-­‐ students/study-­‐bond/see-­‐yourself/open-­‐ day-­‐bond-­‐university 1300 269 445 www.boxhillinstitute.edu.au https://www.cqu.edu.au/calendar/event-­‐ items/graduation/melbourne-­‐open-­‐ day?SQ_CALENDAR_DATE=2015-­‐08-­‐13 http://www.chisholm.edu.au/open 1800 334 733 http://openday.deakin.edu.au/ 1800 333 864 http://federation.edu.au/future-­‐ students/study-­‐at-­‐feduni/open-­‐day 1300 MY FUTURE http://www.holmesglen.edu.au/open

1300 410 311 http://www.jmcacademy.edu.au/events/o pen-­‐days/register-­‐for-­‐our-­‐next-­‐open-­‐day-­‐ 2015.aspx 1300 135 045 http://www.latrobe.edu.au/openday

9925 2260 www.rmit.edu.au/openday

1300 VIC UNI www.vu.edu.au/open-­‐day 1300 ANGLISS http://www.angliss.edu.au

Addresses of tertiary institutions are available via VTAC on www.vtac.edu.au or by ringing the institution directly or visiting their website. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are encouraged to go along to Open Days

A Jesuit Partner School


OPEN DAYS 2015 Getting the most out of an Open Day Most institutional Open Days are held in late July and August (see over the page for Open Day dates). However, you are more than welcome to contact an institution to arrange a visit any time.

What happens on an Open Day? On Open Day you can visit an institution when it’s at its best. Everyone is there – academics, lecturers, current students and information officers. More importantly, you can talk with academics, lecturers and current students about what certain courses are actually like, and what is required to get into them.

Who should attend an Open Day? Anyone who is considering studying at a tertiary level in the next few years should attend.

Why should you attend an Open Day? Apart from the opportunity to obtain course information there are many other reasons why attending an Open Day is a good idea: •

You are going to feel more comfortable arriving at a university or TAFE institute on the first day of classes if you have been there before.

What is really involved in the course or courses you are interested in?

If you have to move away from home, where are you going to live?

Will you be happier studying in a large metropolitan institution or a smaller, perhaps rural institution?

What does the place ‘feel’ like? Is it a bustling environment with lots of activity or a quieter, more relaxed campus set in landscaped grounds?

How are you going to get there? Is it close to public transport or should you start saving now for a car?

If you don’t know the answers to any of these questions, then you should attend an Open Day!

How to make the best of Open Days To make your Open Day visits fun and informative, here are some pointers: •

Write down a list of questions you would like to ask about particular courses

Be there early. Crowds tend to develop as the day progresses

On arrival, get a map from a central point and ask for directions to the relevant faculties or schools

Ask questions!

Don’t spend the day collecting printed information only. Use the opportunity to speak directly with academics before applications close

Introduce yourself to selection officers if you feel it is appropriate, but don’t be pushy

Check out the residential colleges, if available. After all, it is you that will be living there.

Walk around the campus. Have a good look! See what sporting facilities and other services are available.

Enjoy the visit!

Not everyone can attend every Open Day and various Institutions hold their Open Days on the same date! If you can’t attend an Open Day and you are interested in a particular institution, you may visit at other times. If you wish to speak to a particular person, it is essential to make an appointment first. Addresses of tertiary institutions are available via VTAC on www.vtac.edu.au or by ringing the institution directly or visiting their website. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are encouraged to go along to Open Days

A Jesuit Partner School


INSIGHTS Building parent-school partnerships

Teach your kids about time and place

WORDS Michael Grose

My mum used to tell me, “There’s a time and place for everything Michael, and this is not the time and place to behave like that!” My mum’s words came back to me as I watched three kids (tweens and early teens) try to out-wrestle and out-shout each other while they waited in an airport queue with their parents. Their noise and wrestling quite obviously disturbed and interfered with fellow travellers, but their parents made no attempt to rein in their behaviour. I couldn’t help thinking that there is a time and place for this type of behaviour and THIS WAS NEITHER OF THOSE!

Time and place is a brilliant socialisation lesson for children of any age or era to absorb. It starts by asking yourself as a parent: “What does this social situation reasonably require of my children at their age and stage of development?” In the above case it’s reasonable to expect tweens and teens to be able to stand in a queue without disturbing others for the ten minutes that it took to get service. It’s should be easy for that age group to show some self-control and consideration for others. That timeframe maybe a stretch for under fives, but some parental attention to distract them from being bored may do the trick. The principle is the same regardless of age or a child’s developmental stage, but the application varies.

Socialising kids It’s a parent’s job to socialise your kids. That is, it’s your job to develop a sense of OTHER so that they become aware of how their behaviour impacts on others. Many kids have L Plates when it comes to behaving in public so they need your assistance to behave according to the requirements of the situation – or according to the time and place. You do this by:

1 Giving your kids social scripts There are times when kids don’t know what to say or how to act in different social situations. “Here’s what you can say when you meet Mrs. Smith…..” is the type of preemptive social scripting that benefits most boys, kids on the autism spectrum as well as kids who need extra help to get on with others.

2 Regular behaviour rehearsal Practise appropriate social behaviours at home so kids know how to behave around others. For example, you can role-play a restaurant situation by serving your kids’ meals at the dinner table and expecting them to use their manners.

3 Just-in-time prompts It helps to remind in positive terms how kids should speak and act around others before entering a social situation or a special place

such as a church, airport or restaurant. “In church most people…….”

4 Teaching good manners Manners are social guidelines that teach kids how to behave around others. While some conventions change over time, basic good manners such as saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ never change. They are the basis of a civil society. Kids are never too young to start learning manners.

5 Respectful use of consequences While the best discipline happens before an event (through behaviour rehearsal, prompts and teaching manners) there are times when the only way to get a message across about time and place is to DO something if the kids’ behaviour thoughtlessly or deliberately impinges on the rights of others. And the best action may be WITHDRAWAL from the place or activity that they are doing. That may mean that the kids (and you) miss out on an activity or being in a special place but such lessons are rarely forgotten and reinforce your important messages.

Time and place is a great parenting message for kids to learn. It’s about consideration for others; it’s about selfcontrol and above all else, it’s about fitting into different social situations.

e from Michael Grose. Join Stay one step ahead of your kids with great ideas & expert advic b.com.au. You’ll be so glad you did. Michael’s NEW Parentingideas Club today at parentingideasclu


© 2015 Michael Grose


4 4pm-5pm th


Monday 17 August 5 week program

12-20 yr olds only

Be more relaxed and flexible Stressed?

Come have laugh Exams coming up? Great for sports

Great for mental health Look after your body

Grovedale Neighbourhood Hub: 45 Heyers Road Grovedale Open to young people ages 12-20 years old. Registrations & permission forms required Contact Karina kdonkers@geelongcity.vic.gov.au or 5272 4699

A Jesuit Partner School


School Calendar July 2015

July 2015

Sunday 19th College Production ‘Hairspray’ Rehearsal 1.00pm to 5.00pm

Tuesday 28th College Production ‘Hairspray’ Rehearsal 3.30pm to 5.30pm

Monday 20th Year 10 Debating Geelong Grammar School: Secret Topic

Wednesday 29th Year 10 Choicez Welfare Program Venue and time to be announced

Tuesday 21st Year 10 Swimming Garnier

Wednesday 29th Year 10 Swimming Andres

Tuesday 21st Year 12 VCAL Excursion Geelong Animal Welfare

Wednesday 29th Year 7/8 GISSA Basketball Championship

Tuesday 21st Year 9 LOTE Italian Fox Classic Car Collection, Docklands Tuesday 21st College Production ‘Hairspray’ Rehearsal 3.30pm to 5.30pm Wednesday 22nd Year 11/12 Girls Basketball Albert Park Wednesday 22nd Year 12 Parent Information Night St Thomas’ Church Thursday 23rd Year 10 Enviro Excursion Werribee Open Range Zoo Thursday 23rd

Year 9 ‘Bench to Bus’ Excursion

Friday 24th

School Trees Day

Sunday 26th College Production ‘Hairspray’ Rehearsal 1.00pm to 5.00pm Tuesday 28th Year 11 VCAL Excursion State Library of Victoria Tuesday 28th Year 9/10 and 11/12 GISSA Boys Soccer Championship Tuesday 28th Year 10 Swimming Loyola and Garnier

Wednesday 29th Year 11 2016 Parent Information Night St Thomas’ Church Thursday 30th Year 12 TIS Excursion Deakin Waterfront Thursday 30th Year 10 Swimming Morse Thursday 30th Year 9/10 and 11/12 GISSA Girls Soccer Championship Friday 31st Saint Ignatius of Loyola Feast Day Liturgy and Assembly followed by Feast Day celebrations

August 2015 Monday 3rd Year 10 Swimming Ogilvie Monday 3rd Year 10 Debating Geelong Grammar School Tuesday 4th Year 10 Swimming Loyola Tuesday 4th Year 9/10 GISSA Boys and Girls Basketball Championship Tuesday 4th

Year 9 Marine Science Excursions

Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN

Saint Ignatius College Geelong

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School


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