Edition 2 February 22nd 2018 (hr)

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Edition 2, February 22nd 2018

From the Principal Welcome!

Coming Events February 2018 Sun 25th Year 7 for 2019 Scholarship Applications Close Tues 27th Year 10 Outdoor & Environment Camp Feb 27th to Mar 2nd Wed 28th House Swimming Sports at Kardinia Park Pool

March 2018 Mon 5th Year 12 Retreat Mar 5th to 7th Group 1 Mar 7th to 9th Group 2 Mon 12th Labour Day Public Holiday Tues 13th Whole of College Assembly Sun 18th Open Day 2018 11am to 2pm See our website for details A more detailed calendar is on the last page.

As you are aware, we have just completed three weeks of classes. I am pleased to inform you that all seems to be going very well. Now the excitement, and perhaps anxiety for some, associated with the new year has probably settled, all reports indicate that there is an overall atmosphere of positivity and diligence in classes. Well done to our students. We have had a smooth start to the new academic year. Thank you to parents for your support to ensure that your daughter/son was well organised and guided to make the most of the opportunities the new year will provide.

Supporting student wellbeing and learning It will come as no surprise that research highlights the importance of appropriate and positive relationships to a student’s wellbeing. Andreas Schleicher, in Teacher Magazine, 15 May 2017 (cited in CEM Director’s News, Vol. 8, No. 19) who is the OECD’s Director for Education and Skills, says that PISA data indicates the significant role schools have on student attitudes and behaviour in life:

“Beyond acquiring academic skills, schools help students become more resilient in the face of adversity, feel more connected with the people around them, and aim higher in their aspirations.” At Saint Ignatius College we are very mindful of this and, this is reflected in our aim to develop the whole person and the programs we provide. Of the four big themes that Schleicher identifies (three focus on the school environment), one focuses on the influence of a student’s perception of how interested her/ his parents are in them and in their school life on the student’s attitudes towards education and her/his motivation to study. What emerges from the PISA data is the importance of a strong school community where parents, students and staff work collaboratively to foster a safe and respectful school climate. This obviously will promote student wellbeing and lead to better outcomes for all students. At Saint Ignatius, let’s all work together to promote a positive learning culture by placing the priority on supporting student consistent attendance, diligent application, positive attitude and making the most of the opportunities available at school. ....continued on Page 2

A Jesuit Partner School

In Brief

From the Principal (cont.)

This Page: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ Page 3: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ Page 4: Faith Matters Page 4 and 5: Beginning of Year Masses Photos Page 6: Scholarships Open for Year 7 2019 students and Jesuit Social Services Annual Dinner Page 7: Year 7 ‘Meet the Homeroom Teacher’ Photos Page 8: WIRED! Page 9: New College Website on the way! and House Swimming Carnival Program Page 10: House Swimming Carnival Wednesday February 28th Information Page 11: CLOGS Launch at Saint Ignatius College and Picking Up and dropping Off Children Page 12: Open day 2018 Page 13: Canteen Roster and Parents and Friends’ Association Page 14 and 15: Canteen Price List and Helpers form Page 16: Financial Assistance Information for Parents Page 17 and 18: “Helping children who struggle with learning” by Michael Grose Page 19 to 23: Community Notice Board Page 24: College Calendar

Lent On Wednesday last week, we commenced the Lenten period in the liturgical calendar of the Church year with ‘Ash Wednesday.’ Lent is a period of forty days leading to the high point of the Church’s year, Easter. During Lent, we are encouraged to reflect on our lives in the light of the example of Jesus. How are we travelling with our faith life? How can we improve our spiritual life and our relationship with God? What about our prayer life, worship and praise involvement, level of charity and service to others? We are encouraged to make Lent a special time to reflect on and redirect our lives where necessary so, we are in better alignment of our ways to the values, actions and truths of the Gospel. On Ash Wednesday we conducted our usual Homeroom liturgy, involving the distribution of ashes. Each student was marked on the forehead with the Sign of the Cross in Ashes as part of this prayerful liturgy as a call to ‘Repent and believe in the Good News.”

Launch of Project Compassion 2018 As has been our practice, with the beginning of Lent last week we launched our schoolwide Project Compassion appeal in support of Caritas Australia. Project Compassion is supported by Catholic communities across Australia during Lent to help end poverty, promote justice and uphold dignity. In 2018 the focus is on young people globally and providing them with a just future.

Online safety and countering bullying Given the national spotlight on the impact of cyberbullying in recent weeks, schools have been encouraged to ensure that staff, students and families are reminded about how to use technology in a safe and responsible way. I encourage parents to discuss with their daughter/son how she/he should behave appropriately online and what she/he should do if they are worried about something they see online or something that is sent to them electronically. Our College’s internet and use of electronic devices policies are published in the front of the “Student Planner 2018.” Parents are asked to please read these and discuss them with their daughter/son. A parent and her/his daughter/son are required to sign the planner in the designated place to acknowledge that this has been done. In this way, we are clear as a community about our expectations.

Parent Information Evenings We have conducted Parent Information Evenings for all year levels over the last two weeks. I have received very positive feedback from many parents about the evenings, and I thank all parents who were able to attend for their support of our college. We welcome feedback about College events to continually improving what we offer.

The 2018 Project Compassion theme is: ‘A Just Future’.

You can write, ring (Ph. 52511136) or e-mail the college (info@ignatius.vic.edu.au) any constructive comments.

Money raised for Project Compassion goes towards Caritas Australia’s humanitarian and long-term development programs in 27 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Pacific and with Australia’s First Peoples.

Please address the comments to the chief organiser; in the case of the information evenings this would be the relevant Year Level Coordinator (YLC.)

Last year Project Compassion raised $11 million. Students across the College will be encouraged to donate ‘loose change’ to the Project Compassion Boxes placed in their Homeroom and around the College. This is one way they can support the call to almsgiving during the Lenten period.

Thank you to the YLCs, Ms Tory Wood (7), Ms Deb Hodge (8), Mr Ben Collyer (9), Mr Brendan O’Brien (10), Ms Kristin Williamson (11) and Mr Joe Mclean (12), and their staff teams for providing these evenings.

....continued on Page 3

A Jesuit Partner School


Beginning of Year Masses Our three opening school Masses (Tuesday 13th February) at St Thomas Church were special opportunities to thank God, pray for God’s blessing on the new school year and encourage students to respond positively to God’s gifts and the opportunities the school year will bring. Thank you to Fr Gerry Healy (Years 8 & 10), Fr Michael Richardson and Fr Gerry Healy (Years 9 & 11) and Fr James Puppady and Fr Charles Balnaves (Years 7 & 12) for celebrating Mass for us. Thank you to Mr Paul Lewis, Mr Brendan Nicholls and our Liturgy Captain, Sophie Thorley, for their work to organise these Masses. Thank you also to Mrs Linda Pape, Ms Marina Brown and our choir students and some musicians who led the singing and music for us.

Youth Mass this Sunday The liturgical year of 2018, beginning on the first Sunday of Advent (3rd December 2017), has been declared by the Australian Bishops as a national Year of Youth. The Year of Youth invites the church into dialogue about the importance and life-giving presence of young people in the Church and society. Last year, Fr James (Parish Priest for Drysdale, Leopold, Portarlington and St Leonards) met with students from his Parish to discuss ways youth can be better involved in the Parish. A survey was conducted as well. A significant initiative arising from this consultation is a monthly ‘Youth Mass.’ The first of these Masses will be held this Sunday at St Thomas Church, Drysdale. The commencement time is 5:30 pm. It would be great to see as many students as possible take this opportunity to nourish their faith and support this Mass.

Parents and Friends’ Association (PFA) The PFA is very positive and important support for our community. They held their first meeting of the year on Tuesday 13th February. I want to recognise the generous and valuable contribution parents can and do make to our school community through membership of this group.

Thank you to all members of this group and in particular the current office bearers:

Thank you for your support in prioritizing the road safety of all those in and around the College.

Ms Rebecca Hay President Ms Cathy Dykes Secretary Ms Sandi Clark Treasurer Ms Lisa Bell Board Representative

Recent construction and maintenance works

Please consider coming along to the next PFA meeting on Tuesday 6th March. Many of the members of this group have given generous service to the school community for a number of years, and it is obviously vital that we have new parents join this group each year to replace those who finish up. So I encourage all parents to please consider joining this group - a strong PFA will strengthen our school community and improve outcomes for all students!

You may have noticed two changes to the College grounds as a result of works that commenced during the summer break and are nearing completion now. Firstly, the installation of a new larger communications mast on top of the Science/Art building to connect the College to Australia’s Academic and Research Network (AARNet.) AARNet will provide us with a very high-speed online network. Thank you to our Director of Infrastructure, Mr Bernie Lowes, Mr Paul James (IT Manager) for their initiative and follow-up coordination of the installation. (Approx. $100,000.)

There are a variety of ways parents can help out. The College canteen helpers are vital to helping us provide a canteen service to our students. Many parents and friends of the College have put their name down to help in the canteen, and I encourage you to consider contacting our Canteen Manager, Mrs Sandra Woodall, to offer your services. Some of the ways the PFA supports our school community include: running fundraisers and social events, helping out at school functions, organizing working bees, encouraging and supporting a sustainable school environment, running a second-hand uniform shop and a second-hand book sale. I ask all parents to please support the PFA where you can, this group’s work benefits all students.

Road Safety

I also express the College’s gratitude to Deakin University for its support of this initiative that will improve the College’s ability to deliver online educational programs and improve teaching and learning for our students.

All drivers travelling to and from our College are reminded of the need to adhere to traffic sign requirements at all times.

Secondly, the installation of ten additional car parking spaces in the Administration carpark and associated landscaping.

To promote safety, I remind our community that the speed limit on Andersons Road is: 40 km/h (morning and afternoon); and 60 km/h (all other times.)

Some of these extra spaces will be reserved for visitors and parents making a quick visit to the office. Thank you to Mr David Fitzgerald and Mr Andrew Humphrey (Grounds & Maintenance) and the Maintenance Team for their coordination and work on this project. (Approx. $35,000)

The speed limit on Peninsula Drive is 40 km/h (all times.) Please approach the intersection of Andersons Road and Peninsula Drive with care and in particular when approaching the school crossing near this intersection. When attending after-hours events at the College, please do not park in the St Thomas Primary School carpark.

Best wishes,

Michael Exton Principal

A Jesuit Partner School


The Five Steps of the Ignatian ‘Examen’ Prayer Thanks I give thanks for the graces, benefits and good things of my day. Help I ask the Holy Spirit for help to discern my day with openess. Review I review my day, hour by hour, to see how God is working in my life. Response I respond to what I felt or learnt in the review of my day. Resolve I resolve with hope and grace to amend my life tomorrow. ‘Examen’ adaption by Fr. Michael Hansen SJ)

Faith Matters Church Last Tuesday we celebrated our Beginning of Year Masses. As St Thomas church can only accommodate a little over 400 people we offered three masses, with year levels paired together.

The Gospel reading was of the Rich Young Man from Matthew and the homily reminded us as a community of the importance of following Jesus, caring for each other and that a Christian life is sometimes challenged by the many distractions.

We were again fortunate to be led in song by Marina Brown, Linda Pape and the College musicians and choir.

Most importantly we were reminded that our faith is nourished in and by community and that we find God present in all people we meet.

The highlight of the day was the Year 7 and 12 mass in the afternoon where the senior students met with their Year 7 ‘buddy’ prior to the mass and sat with them throughout.

So we enter into this year with a vision of community, a goal of following Jesus and caring for others.

We were very fortunate to have a number of priests concelebrate each mass: Fr Michael Richardson PP, Fr Gerry Healy SJ, Fr James Puppady PP and Fr Charles Balnaves PP all in attendance.

I hope that your children have spoken with you about the wonderful celebration we had and of their inspiration to be active within our community this year. Yours in Christ, Brendan Nicholls Liturgy Coordiantor

Beginning of Year Masses Photos

A Jesuit Partner School


Beginning of Year Masses Photos

A Jesuit Partner School


Scholarships Open for Year 7 2019 students The College Scholarship Application Link is now open on our College Website. The Scholarship which provides $1200 towards the yearly fees if successful is open to students looking to enrol in Year 7 2019. If you are interested in having your child sit the scholarship exam go to the College website: http://www.ignatius.vic.edu.au/ enrolments-Scholarships and click on the scholarship link. An application fee of $60 is payable with the College funding the remainder of the cost. The Scholarship test date will be Wednesday March 14th, 2018

The Scholarship Selection Test (SST) we will use is produced and marked by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). Scholarship level - LEVEL 1 is Year 7. Please drop your child at the College Office by 3.45pm on the day of the test and pick them up from the office at 6.40pm. Candidates will have a 10 minute break during the examination.

Close of online Scholarship Applications will be Sunday February 25th, 2018.

Results Parents will be informed via mail as to whether their daughter/son has either been awarded or not awarded a scholarship.

It is anticipated that letters will be mailed around mid June 2018. If after registering, your child is unable to attend the SST, please inform our office on 5251 1136 as soon as possible. The SST is quite costly to the College and we would need to inform ACER immediately so we are not charged for your child. Please note this application is for a Scholarship Test only, you must still apply for a College Enrolment for 2019 through the normal process (Please see our College Website for details). Saint Ignatius College Enrolment applications for 2019 close on Friday May 18th, 2018. Mrs Gail Myers Registrar

JESUIT SOCIAL SERVICES ANNUAL FUNDRAISING DINNER Saturday 17th, 7pm Members Dining Room, MCG Please join Jesuit Social Services for an evening of entertainment and celebration of a shared desire to build a just society. Rosie Batty, 2015 Australian of the Year is this year’s guest speaker delivering the annual Frank Costigan QC Address. Rosie, as CEO and Founder of the Luke Batty Foundation is an outspoken and dynamic crusader against family violence. MC Tom Gleisner will preside over a night that will feature insights into the work of Jesuit Social Services, fundraising as well as entertainment to ensure a truly stimulating and enjoyable event. Cost: $175 per person. Tables of 10 available. Bookings: TryBooking on www.trybooking.com/TMKA RSVP: by Monday 5th March

A Jesuit Partner School


Year 7 ‘Meet the Homeroom Teacher’ Photos

A Jesuit Partner School


WIRED! “The more you Read, the more Things you will know. The more that you Learn, the more Places you’ll go” Dr Seuss

We encourage parents/ guardians to ask their child about the program, discuss what they are reading and their book choices. You may even like to read with your child or recommend titles you feel they may like to read.

The WIRED Literacy Program is a new initiative, between Literacy, Information Learning Centre (ILC), and English, introduced into Year 7 and 8 this year.

Students will keep a reading log which will be monitored and tracked as well as setting a reading goal and reflecting on this goal and their time in WIRED.

We strongly encourage all students to continue to reading outside of the WIRED class. Lesley Falconer Literacy Coordinator Leonie Stephenson Information Learning Centre Coordinator Gemma Etherington English Learning Area Leader

The program has been adapted from St Patrick’s College, Ballarat model in which students are encouraged to read for pleasure, not for marks. The program is designed for teachers to model reading, students to share their reading experiences and to get students to read for pleasure and can create a ‘reading culture’ within our College. As has been advocated through countless studies, reading success is one of the best predictors of potential achievement in all aspects of life. By focusing on this vital skill, we hope to see long lasting positive outcomes for our students’ literacy skills across all curriculum areas and in life. The Aim of WIRED; l

To improve literacy


To improve writing outcomes


To improve vocabulary


To improve concentration skills

l To provide students with their own personal choice to read l To improve understanding of the written form including texts and novels Students will be ably assisted by the ILC staff to ensure they are reading novels that interest them and are also age and reading level appropriate.

A Jesuit Partner School


New College Website on the way! After six years of service our old website is soon to be replaced with a new one and there are plenty of changes coming. The College website has undergone a total redesign with the new site scheduled to be in place at the end of Term 1. There has been a number of major improvements but one that will be immediately obvious is that the new site will reformat itself to any device, from computer to smart phone, to present the best possible result no matter the screen width. This responsive styling will mean no matter what sort of device you are viewing on you will get easy access to all of the functionality of the website. All of the information on the site is being edited, re-written and re-organised to make it easier to read and navigate for busy parents and to be more in keeping with current online reading trends.

Part of the website upgrade will be an all new ‘Parent Portal’ landing page that will give parents ‘one click’ access to Xuno, CareMonkey and a library of forms and policies than may be needed during the College year. Additionally there will be series of ‘Quick Links’ that, again, will give ‘one click’ access to the most visited areas on the site, quickly and without having to go through a number of pages to find them. The College is currently doing all new photography as part of this update and this will progress over the course of Term and in to Term 2 so that we have a bank of new images that better represent the College as it is today. I personally would like to thank all those students who are giving up there valuable time to achieve this - it is much appreciated. The College calender will also be getting a major upgrade. Parents will be able to see up to 3 months in advance with the College being able to deliver more

information on major events than is currently possible. The delivery of the newsletter is will be getting a major overhaul. Rather than the current ‘book view’ form the new newsletter will appear more like a news website where readers can choose the articles they want to read in any order they choose rather than having to flick through page after page to find what they are looking for. There will be a navigation side bar with the title of each article and the new website architecture will make it easier for us to deliver photo galleries of events covered in the newsletter. In the next few editions of the newsletter I will update our community on further changes and on our progression toward our ‘go live’ date. Tony Berryman-Long Communications Officer



Events in this pool carry the most amount of points for your House. Students wishing to be in the running for ‘Age Champions’ will need to compete in as many events as possible. GISSA Swim Team members are also chosen from these races. Open to all students. 9.45 14 Years 50m Freestyle 15 Years 50m Freestyle 16 Years 50m Freestyle Open 50m Freestyle 13 Years 50m Freestyle 11.30 13 Yrs-Open Breastroke 12.00 13 Yrs-Open Backstroke 12.30 13 Yrs-Open Butterfly 1.00 13 Yrs-Open Freestyle FINALS (Fastest 2 swimmers per age group per House) 1.30 4 X 50m Freestyle Relays 2.00 Age Champion Presentation & Overall House Winners announced…..


Year 7 students will complete their ‘swim competency’ in this pool to determine their ability to swim in the 50m competition pool. Swimmers who can swim well in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly should not choose these events over the main events in the 50m competition pool. § BOOGIE BOARD RELAYS § NOODLE MADNESS § INFLATABLE MADNESS § UNDERWATER GAMES 9.30 YEAR 7 COMPETENCY SWIM (ALL STUDENTS) 10.30 YEAR 9 11.00 YEAR 10 11.30 YEAR 11 & 12 12.00 YEAR 7 12.30 YEAR 8


The twist and turns in this slide will create a ‘Wow!’ moment for everyone wishing to get a thrill ride on House Carnival day! Swimmers who can swim well in freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly should not choose the slide over the main events in the 50m competition pool. 10.00 YEAR 11 & 12 NOTE: Not advisable that House Leaders attend this session. House Leaders will be busy recruiting their 4 X 50m Freestyle Teams…… 10.30 YEAR 8 11.00 YEAR 10 11.30 YEAR 9 12.00 YEAR 7 ** ALL STUDENTS WILL BE IN THEIR HOUSE AREAS FROM 1.00PM TO CHEER ON THEIR SWIMMERS IN THE FREESTYLE FINALS & 4 X 50M RELAYS **

What an event this has turned out to be in past years! Students can register their interest to compete in the House Diving Championship by completing a special registration form organized by Mr Philp via this link https://goo.gl/forms/E4LxQLsOXk LWntQu1 10.30am – 11.30pm


‘NEW’ in 2018 From 12.00pm year levels will be called to compete in House Water Polo competitions in the diving pool area. 12.00-12.15: Year 7 12.15 – 12.30: Year 8 12.30 – 1.00: Year 9 1.00 – 1.15: Year 10 1.15 – 1.30: Year 11/12


A Jesuit Partner School


Swimming Carnival Wednesday February 28th There is currently great excitement around the College as the Annual House Swimming Carnival draws closer. This is the first of three whole school sporting events this year. These events provide students with an opportunity to compete against their peers and they assist coaching staff to identify potential members for different sporting teams. By now, students should be familiar with the ‘Age Group’ to which they belong. I have provided all Home Room Teachers with student House allocations for 2018, as well as ‘Age Group’ allocations. They are recorded here for your reference and clarification: 13 Years (Born 2004, 2005) 14 Years (Born 2003) 15 Years (Born 2002) 16 Years (Born 2001) Open Years (Born 2000, 1999, 1998) House Swimming Carnival Event List The Sports Department has finalized the House Swimming program for the Swimming carnival. There will be a range of fun novelty events to take part in as well as the more serious events such as: 50m Freestyle: Nominations taken on the day 50m Breaststroke: Nominations taken on the day 50m Backstroke: Nominations taken on the day 50m Butterfly: Nominations taken on the day 4 X 50m Freestyle Relays: House leaders to select team lists after all 50m freestyle races have been completed. The Waterslide will be open at various times for each year level throughout the day Diving Competition: Nomination forms via the ‘Google Docs’ are sent out to students or distributed via the sports office. No student can nominate on the day. Nominations are now OPEN for the Diving Championship event to be held from 11.30am-12.30pm on the day of the sports. Students wishing to be included in the Diving Championship need to fill out a nomination form via a ‘Google Docs’ form sent to student email addresses or via the sports office prior to the day. No student can enter the diving championship without completing the nomination form before Tuesday 27th February. Attendance: There is an expectation that all students will attend the Swimming Carnival. There are many events that cater for all levels of swimmers and if you are not able to get into the pool you will be expected to cheer on your housemates. If students do not attend they are requested to produce a note via their student planner by Friday 2nd March.

Student Travel Arrangements: After the morning Homeroom period, students will board buses to take them to Kardinia Park Pool. All students will return to school by bus in time for the afternoon Homeroom period before being dismissed from school. Variations to Student Travel Arrangements: It is expected that all students will travel to and from school as normal on the day of the Carnival. If a parent/guardian would like to make another arrangement for their daughter/son to leave the pool at the end of the day a note must be provided to the Homeroom teacher prior to Wednesday 28th February. Attire: We ask that students enter into the spirit of the day and dress-up in the colour of their House, to add to the atmosphere. However, students are reminded they are expected to be suitably dressed. No bikinis or low cut board shorts are permitted. Streamers, dyes, body painting, zinc and balloons will not be permitted within the facility. Students are to arrive to school in their PE uniform. Students who wish to get changed into their ‘dress up’outfit are to do so at school. Students may wish to have their swimming outfit underneath their PE uniform or get changed for swimming events at the Kardinia Pool on arrival. Please ensure your daughter/son attends in a “Sunsmart” way sport uniform with hat and sunscreen applied. Photography: As part of the terms and conditions associated with the College hiring the Kardinia Aquatic Centre, we remind both students and parents that any form of “Photography, Video or DVD recording” within the centre is prohibited. Ms Samantha Windmill and Mrs Claire Hewitt will be taking official photos on behalf of the College during the Carnival. Canteen: The canteen will be accessible for students this year at certain times throughout the day. No glass can be brought into the Centre. No food is to be ordered / delivered from ‘outside’ eg pizzas, fish and chips. We trust that all students will have an enjoyable day and make the most of the activities offered. You will find the Event Program (on the previous page) to this article so that parent/ guardians may be able to know when to attend to see particular students in action. Regards Andrew Philp sports Coordinator

Parental /Guardian Permission: Please approve the parent/ guardian consent form via your Caremonkey account. Parental /Guardian Attendance: Parents/Guardians and other family members are invited to attend the Carnival. A section of the pool area will be reserved for non-students.

A Jesuit Partner School


CLOGS Launch at Saint Ignatius College Afterschool on Monday 19th February, Saint Ignatius hosted the annual CLOGS launch dinner. CLOGS (Catholic Leaders of Geelong Secondary Schools) is a group of students, generally College Captains and College Vice Captains. In previous years the group has worked on events such as the Year 12 Ball, Geelong West Op Shop, Triumph and other community occasions.

College Principals and student leadership coordinators were also in attendance. The launch dinner was a great way to get to know other like-minded people who I am sure we will have great connections with this year, and beyond secondary school. We started off with getting to know each other over dinner, and then moved onto formalities with why we are here and what we expect to achieve this year.

We were very proud to show them around Saint Ignatius and explain the unique nature of our school. We have many great ideas on how we can further connect the four secondary Catholic schools in Geelong, and we are very excited to see what this year brings for the 2018 CLOGS team. Kerry Kingsbury College Captain

Students from each college presented a slideshow of their school’s history, leadership models and traditions.

CLOGS 2018 Picking up & Dropping Off Children around schools For the safety of children, parents are reminded to take care and obey parking signs when picking up or dropping off children around schools. Council’s Parking & Information Officers regularly patrol school areas during start and finish times and motorists detected breaching parking regulations risk being issued with a Penalty Infringement Notice. Remember, as soon as you stop to let your children in or out of the car, you are deemed to be parked.

You do not have to leave your car or turn the engine off to be fined so please ensure you are parked in a legal parking area. At children’s crossings, you must remain stationary at the stop line while any person (including an adult or the supervisor) is on the crossing or the stop sign is displayed. Do not let your child alight at this time, ensure that they wait until you are safely and legally parked.

If you breach a parking regulation the Parking & Information Officer assigned to monitor the crossing will usually record your registration number and details, and the Penalty Infringement Notice will be posted to you within the next three days. Rebecca Morphett Business Support Officer School Crossings Health and Local Laws

A Jesuit Partner School


Open Day 2018 Sunday 18th March

Open 11am to 2pm with Information Sessions 11am and 12.15pm Tours of Facilities Course Information Presentations and Exhibitions Meet our Staff and Students

Saint Ignatius College Geelong is unique in the region as the only co-educational Catholic secondary college where young women and men engage intellectually and work collaboratively as equals. Our students reap the benefits of the time-honoured Ignatian Tradition of Education, which nurtures academic excellence and empowers students to develop Competence, Conscience and Compassion. Visit www.ignatius.vic.edu.au Download an enrolment application form and view our online College Prospectus. Contact our Registrar for further enquiries: registrar@ignatius.vic.edu.au

St. Ignatius. Inspiring me to be a leader.

Saint Ignatius College Geelong 27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale 3222. T: 03 5251 1136


Enrolments: Year 7 2019 Applications close on Friday 18th May, 2018.

Canteen Roster Starting February 26th Monday 26th C. Dumaresq, N. Van Vliet, T. McMurray, Needed Tuesday 27th R. Murray, V. Durbidge, C. Duncan, L. Vella Wednesday 28th Swimming Sports, Needed, Needed Thursday March 1st S. Jenkins, M. White, Needed, Needed Friday 2nd D. Kennedy, M. Kelly, K. Engler, Needed Starting March 5th Monday 5th B. Brinfield, C. Ford, N. Russell, K. Walpole, J. McMahon Tuesday 6th L. Tigani, B. Downey, L. Vella, Needed Wednesday 7th V. McKee, J. Mercado, Needed, Needed Thursday 8th A. Rose, M. White, L. Eastwood, Needed Friday 9th T. Dowd-Hamilton, M. Binion, E. Carpenter, Needed If unable to attend, please make sure you get a replacement.

Sandra Woodall Tel: 0417 050 258

Parents and Friends’ Association: After much deliberation it has been decided that due to the Open Day being a week earlier, we cannot proceed with the Working Bee before Open Day this year. It will be deferred until Spring, when the College can be spruced up, and flowers and other items can be planted.

Sunday March 18th - Open Day BBQ

This is a big day for us all - our time to show everyone what we are all about, and we really need your help to make it a success. We’re trialling a new Volunteer Roster system SignUp.com (the leading online SignUp and reminder tool) to organize our upcoming Open Day Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps: 1) Copy this link into your browser of choice to see our SignUp on: http://signup.com/go/ECWCJwq 2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like. 3) Sign up! It’s Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password onSignUp.com. Note: SignUp.com does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact us and we can sign you up manually: sicgpandf@ignatius.vic.edu.au

Secondhand Uniform Shop

Term 1: Uniform Shop Open Hours are: Wednesdays 2 - 4pm You can still drop off items to the Office for processing, if you are unable make it in on Wednesdays, but we would love to see you between 2 - 4pm.

Uniform Shop Opening Time: Open Day - Sunday 18th March 10:00am until 2:00pm We will be opening our door during the College Open Day, for prospective families to see what we have to offer, and will only sell to existing families at the College.

We Need Your Help! To open the doors of the Uniform Shop we need you to volunteer your help. We are trialling a new Volunteer Roster SignUp and ask you to please copy and paste this following address in the URL bar of a new tab, to directly access the Uniform Shop Open Day Roster, and SIGN UP to help http://signup.com/go/qthYsoM Note: SignUp.com does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact us and we can sign you up manually: uniform@ignatius.vic.edu.au

New Members are always welcome Becoming involved with this the Parents and Friends’ Association is one of the best ways to meet new friends, and help our College community thrive. We would like to invite you to join us – get to know us, what is going on within the school and voice your ideas or concerns because your opinion and input matters. Our next meeting is on: Tuesday March 13th at 7.00pm – in the Food Tech. Room. For more information - or to indicate interest please email us at: sicgpandf@ignatius.vic.edu.au If you have indicated interest previously, or have not heard from us in a while, please email us with your current address to help us correct this problem.

A Jesuit Partner School


Canteen Price List Saint Ignatius College – Geelong

Canteen open Monday to Friday Price list Effective: Thursday 1st February 2018 Hot Food (Sauce 20c Extra per sachet) Mrs Mac Good Eating Cruizer Pie Mrs Mac Good Eating Sausage Roll Snack Pie Four’n Twenty Traveller Pie Routleys Wholemeal Vegetarian Pastie Routleys Cheese & Vegetable Pie Routleys Spinach & Ricotta Roll Routleys Wise Pie Routleys Vegetable Roll Routleys Tuna/Corn/Asparagus Pie Chicken Burgers Veggie Burgers Hot Dogs with Sauce Steamed Dim Sims (or 3 for $2) Egg & Bacon Roll/Sandwich (recess only) Routleys Pizza Chicken Tender Wraps

$4.50 $3.00 $1.50 $4.00 $4.50 $4.50 $3.00 $4.50 $3.00 $4.50 $5.00 $5.00 $4.00 $0.70 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00

Toasted Sandwiches Ham, Cheese & Tomato Ham & Cheese Cheese & Tomato Cheese Chicken & Cheese Ham & Tomato Chicken & Avocado Baked Bean or Spaghetti

$4.50 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $4.50 $4.00 $4.50 $2.50

Foccacia’s / Turkish Bread Ham & Cheese Ham, Cheese & Tomato Cheese Chicken & Avocado Chicken, Cheese & Avocado Cheese & Tomato Chicken & Cheese

$4.50 $5.00 $3.00 $5.00 $5.50 $3.50 $5.00

Cheese & Bacon Rolls Cheesymite Scrolls

$1.50 $1.50

Frozen Treats Juicies: Fruit Juice Varieties Cooli-yo Frozen Yoghurt

$0.70 $4.00

Rolls & Sandwiches Roast Chicken & Salad Cheese & Salad Ham, Cheese & Salad Roast Chicken & Mayo Egg & Lettuce Cheese Ham & Cheese Ham, Cheese & Tomato Cheese & Tomato Buttered Roll Chicken & Lettuce Chicken & Cheese Chicken & Avocado Tuna & Salad Chicken & Salad Pita (Half) Cheese & Salad Pita (Half)

$5.50 $4.50 $5.00 $3.50 $4.00 $2.00 $3.50 $4.00 $2.50 $1.50 $4.00 $4.50 $4.50 $5.00 $4.50 $4.00

Salad Plate (Large) Ham, Lettuce, Cheese, Egg, Tomato Carrot, Beetroot & Crackers Above with Roast Chicken

$6.00 $6.50

Salad Plate (Small) Cheese, Egg & Salad


Fresh Food Fresh Fruit Cups Yoplait Lite Yoghurt Varieties Fruit: Apple, Orange, Pear

$2.50 $3.00 $1.50

White, Wholemeal or Gluten Free Available

Drinks Quench Big M (Small) Big M Berri Juice 100% Just Juice Up & Go Water Emma & Tom’s Flavoured Milk No added sugar

350ml 300ml 600ml 350ml 200ml 250ml 600ml

$3.00 $3.50 $4.50 $3.00 $1.50 $2.50 $1.50



Please write your child’s LUNCH ORDER on a paper bag and hand in WITH MONEY to Canteen by the end of recess. Lunches can be picked up from Canteen at lunch time. Canteen will open at recess and lunch for over the counter sales.

All students are encouraged to put lunch orders in so they get what they want.



A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College Geelong A Jesuit Partner School

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Vic. 3222 T: (03) 5251 1136 F: (03) 5251 3547 E: registrar@ignatius.vic.edu.au W: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au ABN: 59 345 224 293

Canteen 2018 Dear Parent / Guardians The College requests your help with the canteen roster for the coming year.

Mrs Sandra Woodall Canteen Supervisor

Five helpers will be needed each day. Helpers will need to be at the canteen by 9:00am and will generally be finished by 1:30pm. If you can only be there part of the day, your help is greatly appreciated. Canteen duty provides a much appreciated service to the school. It gives you the opportunity to meet and talk with other parents and also enables you to see your child’s school in action.

Mrs Annette Chidzey Deputy Principal

If you are able to assist, please fill in the form below and return it to the school as soon as possible. Any queries please contact Sandra Woodall at the college on 5251 1136. Thanking you

# Canteen Helper Roster Student Name:

Year Level:

Day and Week preferred (e.g. 1st Wednesday, 3rd Friday etc.) l 1st preference: l 2nd preference: Are you available as an emergency:




Parent/Guardian Name: Telephone: Mobile: Email: Signature: Please return this form to the College Office or scan and email to: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au

A Jesuit Partner School


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Closing Date Completed applications can be lodged with the College from the start of Term 1 (2 February 2018) closing date is 29 June 2018. A copy of your current concession card must be attached to your application.


insights Helping children who struggle with learning by Michael Grose

Parenting is easy when you have a child who is talented and finds learning relatively easy. You can marvel at their performance and feel some measure of parental pride. On the other hand it’s frustrating and, at times, heartbreaking to watch your child struggle to attain even mediocre levels of success at school, in sport or in leisure activities. It’s even more difficult if your child repeats a year of learning. When your child has difficulty at school, your approach as a parent makes huge difference to their self-esteem, the relationship with their teachers and their attitude to learning. Here are some ideas to keep in mind if you are parenting a child for whom success at school, or in other highstatus areas such as sport, just doesn’t come naturally. 1. Avoid using other children as benchmarks Benchmarking your child’s progress against that of other children is not a wise parenting strategy. Inevitably it will lead to frustration as there will always be a child who performs better than your own on any scale you use. Each child has his or her own developmental clock which is nearly impossible to alter. There are slow bloomers, early developers, bright sparks and steady-as-you-go kids in every classroom. It’s the first group that can cause the most concern for parents who habitually compare the slow bloomer to siblings, friends’ kids and even themselves when they were in school. The trick is to focus on your child’s improvement and effort and use their results as a benchmark of progress and development. “Your spelling is better today than it was a little while ago” is a better measure of progress than “Your spelling is the best in the class!” 2. Focus on your child’s talents Be mindful that many successful people including Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg struggled at school. Traditional learning wasn’t for them. However they each had supportive adults in their lives who helped them find their interests and fostered their talents. Help your child see beyond any limits they put on themselves (“I’m hopeless at school”) to see the many other talents and strengths they have. 3. Develop a growth mindset

We're a Parenting Ideas school


Recent research shows that people who believe they can increase their intelligence through effort and challenge actually do get smarter and do better in school, work and life over time. It’s exciting to know that your child’s talent and smarts aren’t fixed. Their brain can always learn more, continue to grow and be stretched. Communicate a growth mindset to your kids by focusing your praise more on their level of effort rather than on their natural abilities of talents. Praise the strategies they use and look for opportunities to stretch their capabilities. 4. Be your child’s cheerleader Kids who have to work really hard to achieve need someone in their lives who is able to boost their selfconfidence, particularly when they are struggling. Make a fuss over small successes so your child can puff up their chest every now and then. Many adults find it easy to encourage the kids who do well but baulk at encouraging kids who struggle or find learning difficult. But it’s these children who really need encouragement. As much as humanly possible, comment favourably about your child’s effort, contribution and improvement in all areas of life. You can do it! 5. Increase their time in activities where they experience success As a young teacher I remember when a father banned his son from playing football as his school results were poor. I was incensed. This boy found school learning very difficult and football was one area where he was able to shine. I suggested to the father that his son should spend more time, not less, playing football, as this was the activity where he experienced the most success. Children who struggle at school benefit from spending more time in environments where they feel confident and capable, as those feelings can eventually transfer over to other areas – including the classroom. 6. Be mindful that persistence pays off Children who have to work hard and persist learn an important life lesson: that success in most endeavours takes effort. Those kids who sail through their childhoods without raising a sweat can struggle when eventually they do have to work long and hard to succeed. Raising kids who find life a breeze is easy. However, parenting kids who take longer to mature, or kids that must put in a 110% effort to achieve, is challenging for any parent. Parenting a child who struggles, or has to repeat a year level, requires you to develop a growth mindset, focus on kids’ strengths, be liberal with encouragement and have realistic but positive expectations for success.

Michael Grose Michael Grose, founder of Parenting Ideas, is one of Australia’s leading parenting educators. He’s the author of 10 books for parents including Thriving! and the best-selling Why First Borns Rule the World and Last Borns Want to Change It, and his latest release Spoonfed Generation: How to raise independent children.

We're a Parenting Ideas school


Community Notice Board




Learn more & register for FREE at www.walkforjohno.org Proudly supported by: Club of Drysdale

A Jesuit Partner School


Community Notice Board Season 2018 Is Here

Junior Footballers – LFNC welcome junior girls & boys!

We are encouraging junior girls & boys to train with Leopold Football Netball Club – all ages from U09 to U17 Training Nights: U09-U13 Wed nights U12/U15 Girls Wed nights U15 – Pre-season Wed & Fri nights U17 – Pre-season Mon & Wed nights Contact: Junior Football Director –0409 026 965 Junior Secretary – 0400 425 801 Email – admin@leopoldfnc.com.au Facebook – Leopold Lions FNC




Monday 19 March 2018


7.00–8.30pm Light supper available from 6.30pm


Moolap & Barrabool Hills Baptist Church 4–32 Province Boulevard, Highton


Please register at: https://michaelcarrgreggparentingforum. eventbrite.com.au


Designed for parents/carers of young people aged 10-16 years

Dr Michael Carr–Gregg exclusively represented by Saxton.

Dr Michael Carr–Gregg is one of Australias’s highest profile adolescent and child psychologists in private practice. He is also the author of 12 books and is the resident parenting expert on several television and radio programs.



100 Brougham Street, Geelong VIC 3220 8:00am – 5:00pm

PO Box 104, Geelong VIC 3220 P: 03 5272 5272 E: contactus@geelongcity.vic.gov.au www.geelongaustralia.com.au

LATEST NEWS: CityofGreaterGeelong




A Jesuit Partner School




Barwon Heads FNC is proud to be one of ten clubs chosen to field a Seniors Women’s team in the 2018 AFL Barwon competition and we are looking for people to join us on this exciting journey.

Our BHFNC Women’s Football approach is modeled on the successful program the club has in place for its current football and netball teams. In 2018, a newly created role of Director of Women’s Football will join our Committee and work with the Director of Men’s Football and Director of Junior Football to further create an integrated “one club” approach to football.

Our Mission is to be recognized as a competitive, community and value orientated, professional, fun and successful sporting club, equally admired for on-field and off-field achievements and we see Women and Girls Football as integral to our ethos.

CALLING ALL PLAYERS Right now, we are very keen to hear from potential U18 and Senior Women’s players who are interested in playing with BHFNC Seagulls in 2018. If you are interested in getting involved or would like more information, please send an email to admin@barwonheadsfnc.org.au and we will get back to you quicker than a stab pass. Thanks to Marcel Berens Sports Photography for the action photos and Paul Kelly Creative for the ….creative!





membership first year

When we become parents we find ourselves in a new role and a new set of circumstances. Most parents learn the skills they need “on the job”, and at times it can feel like one is learning at the “deep end”. How can two parents describe their differences, talk about them in a calm and constructive way, and then work out a common approach that is consistent, that works, and satisfies both parents? The four week program looks at: •

Reflecting on our own upbringing

Importance of understanding the differences in parenting styles

The importance of approaching difficult onversations in a constructive way

Knowing that it is normal to experience some level of frustration or disagreement about the “correct” way to parent your children.



Geelong 100 Brougham Street, Geelong VIC 3220 8:00am – 5:00pm

PO Box 104, Geelong VIC 3220 P: 03 5272 5272 E: contactus@geelongcity.vic.gov.au www.geelongaustralia.com.au


Commences Wednesday 28 February 2018




Ariston House, 245–249 Pakington Street, Newtown


Regional Parenting Service on 5272 4741


All ages



JUNIORS - boys and girls Interested in giving tennis a try? Want to play in a team? ... and have practice hitting a couple of times a week? Like some coaching? Beginner players very welcome


MOOLAP TENNIS CLUB inc. Wills Crescent (near school)


Practice and coaching Wednesday and Friday from 4.00 pm





- ask for Jake, Phil or Fran

366 545 Call Fran 0409 3002 51 52 or Phil l Emai laptc.org.au phil.hunt@moo c.org.au www.moolapt

A Jesuit Partner School


Community Notice Board

CALLING ALL YOUTH AGED BETWEEN 11 & 21 YEARS The Bellarine Training and Community Hub’s Bi-Annual

13th April to 15th April 2018@ 1 John Dory Drive, Ocean Grove



Register by 29th March 2018


Drop off artwork 10th or 11th April 9am –3pm.

6PM to 10PM

For more information, please contact the Bellarine Training and Community Hub on 5255 4294.

Exhibition open Saturday & Sunday from 10am to 2pm Selected artwork for sale

Artworks will include: Sculpture, Photography, Graffiti Art, Graphic Art & Painting / Drawing

Save the Date 1. Thursday 8 March 2018 Maeve Heaney Merging Music and Theology 2. Thursday 17 May 2018 Sarah Afshar Baha’i Faith 3. Thursday 23 August 2018 Fr Richard Leonard SJ ’Why express faith at all?’ 4. Thursday 18 October 2018 Naomi Wolfe Indigenous Spirituality 7.00pm start Celies Dining Room Sacred Heart College

Sacred Heart College Geelong presents

WHERE WORDS FAIL: MUSIC AS AN EXPRESSION OF FAITH The presentation will seek to present, in words and music, why and how music may be essential to our own faith understanding and that of the generations to come.

Dr Sr Maeve Louise Heaney Dr Sr Maeve Louise Heaney VDMF is a consecrated member of the Verbum Dei Community and Director of Theological Formation for Ministry at ACU. A theologian, musician and composer, she has worked in Spain, England, Ireland, Italy and Australia leading schools of evangelization, spiritual exercises and teaching theology. She writes and presents on themes of theological aesthetics, music and spirituality, as well as lecturing in Systematic Theology at ACU and at Holy Spirit Provincial Seminary, QLD. In 2014 she released her 4th CD: Break the Crystal Frame, with Willow Publishing, Australia and is currently working on her next book and CD.

Thursday 8 March 2018


7.00pm to 8.30pm Light refreshments provided afterwards Celies Hospitality Centre | Aphrasia Street entrance RSVP Rita Chiavaroli by email rsvp@shcgeelong.catholic.edu.au or phone 5222 0467 by Friday 2 March 2018

Still to come in the 2018 Circle of Mercy Calendar: Expressions of Faith Thursday 17 May

Sarah Afshar

Baha’i Faith

Thursday 23 August

Fr Richard Leonard SJ

‘Why express faith at all?’

Thursday 18 October

Naomi Wolfe

Indigenous Spirituality

Thursday training times: 4:00pm - NetSetGO &11/U 4:30pm - 13/U & 15U 5:15pm - 17/U & 19/U

A Jesuit Partner School


Community Notice Board Celebrating ,- years and 1.3 million Aussies helping to beat blood cancer in ,-1; Leopold residents Ossie Le Marquand and Phil Hayden joins 20th Anniversary Shave Team Leopold resident Ossie Le Marquand and Phil Hayden will join more than 20,000 Aussies in 2018 as the Leukaemia Foundation celebrates the 20th birthday of the iconic World’s Greatest Shave campaign. Ossie and Phil will join more than 1.9 million extraordinary Aussies of all ages who have helped beat blood cancer over the past two decades by getting sponsored to shave, colour, wax, cut pony tails, banish beards and trim top knots. Leukaemia Foundation CEO Bill Petch is encouraging anyone who has been thinking about shaving for some time to make 2018 their year to sign up. “Whether you have a personal connection to blood cancer or simply want to have fun and raise money for a good cause, we’re asking Australians to join the World’s Greatest Shave for our big 20th anniversary,” said Mr Petch. “With your help we’re aiming to raise $16 million so more people survive their blood cancer.” Money raised will give families facing blood cancer including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma the free emotional and practical support they need as well as help fund vital research. For the first time, the World’s Greatest Shave is ‘going green’ in 2018 thanks to a partnership with Sustainable Salons Australia. This means ponytails snipped from those taking part in the event will now be turned into wigs for cancer patients, shorter hair clippings will be transformed into compost and floating booms to absorb oil spills at sea and empty cans of coloured hairspray will be diverted away from landfill back into recycled resources. My name: School: My age: Suburb/town: My suburb/town: Contact details: My contact details: My goal:

Phil [typeHayden here] 80 oldhere] ugly and bad tempered [type Leopold [type here] $10,000+

Why I’m we’re taking part Why taking part [Is there a personal connection at your school? A student, teacher, parent or sibling living with blood

I spent 46 years teaching. In that time I lost 4 children from my classrooms to cancer. Over the years I cancer? Do250 you units want of toblood/plasma support someone going through treatment? Justfind likeahaving to helpI know have given and hoped that researchers could cure.. fun Simplistic others? Include anything else that’s special about your school – maybe a student might have really but certainly life expectancy has improved out of sight. long hair and plans to cut or shave! Remember media get lots of approaches – what makes you Where different?] and when I will be making my hairy sacrifice March 17th 2018 we will be at Gateway Plaza in Leopold. We will start at 9.30am. By that time I will have green hair out of respect for the Irishmen in the area and to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Ossie and I have already donated $500 each so we are off to a flyer. Hopefully I will have a face painter to do a patch job on all those who shave or have their hair colored. So bring the kids and some cash to donate. Let’s have some fun!!!

For more information and World’s Greatest Shave images please contact: Gail Heritage from our Marketing and Communications team on 0410 755 514 or gheritage@leukaemia.org.au

A Jesuit Partner School


College Calendar March 2018

February 2018 Friday 23rd

Schools Surf League Carnival

Sunday 25th Year 7 for 2019 Scholarship Applications Close See our website for details

Tuesday 13th ATSI Students Excursion Clonard Tuesday 13th Year 11 Studio Arts Excursion NGV

Monday 26th

GISSA Tennis and Cricket

Wednesday 14th GISSA Swimming Championships

Monday 26th

Year 11 Music Excursion

Wednesday 14th Year 11 Building & Construction First Aid Training

Tuesday 27th Year 10 Outdoor & Environment Camp Bushwalking and cycling in the Otways 27th February to 2nd March Wednesday 28th House Swimming Sports All day at Kardinia Park Pool

March 2018 Thursday 1st

Year 11 VCAL Excursion

Wednesday 14th Year 7 / 8 Girls AFL Week 1 Thursday 15th Year 11 VCAL Excursion Anglesea Thursday 15th Timor Immersion Information Evening 7pm to 8.15pm Friday 16th Year 12 History Excursion Sovereign Hill

Monday 5th Year 12 Retreat (Group 1) 5th to 7th of March

Friday 16th Year 9 Marine Science Excursion Marine Discovery Centre

Tuesday 6th Parents and Friends’ Association Meeting 7.00pm in the Food Tech building

Sunday 18th Open Day 2018 11am to 2pm See our website for details

Wednesday 7th Year 12 Retreat (Group 2) 7th to 9th of March Thursday 8th Year 11 VCAL Incursion Food Handling / Barista Friday 9th Year 10 ‘Mental Health: Stress and Anxiety’ Johnny Shannon (morning) Friday 9th Year 8 ‘Mental Health: Stress and Anxiety’ Johnny Shannon (afternoon) Monday 12th

Labour Day Public Holiday

Monday 19th Year 9 Leadership Day Anglesea: Faber, Regis & Mangin Tuesday 20th Year 9 Leadership Day Anglesea: Gonzaga, Arrupe & Kisai Tuesday 20th Year 7 Science Incursion Widlife Xposure Tuesday 20th Year 8 Excursion Kryal Castle

Tuesday 13th Whole of College Assembly 10.46pm to 12.32pm College Gym

Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN

Saint Ignatius College


27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School


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