Newsletter Edition 12, July 31st 2014
From the Principal Welcome! College Feast Day
Coming Events August 2014 Fri 1st Year 12 History Excursion Mon 4th Year 11 REACH Seminar Tues 5th Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp Tues 5th Year 11 VCAL Excursion Tues 5th GISSA Year 9/10 Basketball Tues 5th Year 7 Girls Time and Space Meeting Wed 6th Year 10 Cheap Thrills Wed 6th GISSA Year 7/8 Cross Country Invitation Wed 6th Year 9 BTB Excursion Wed 6th GISSA Year 7/8 Basketball Round 2 A more detailed calendar is on the last page.
Today was a special day for our school community - the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola. We held a full school assembly in the middle of the day to celebrate our identity as a Jesuit Partner School, St Ignatius as a role model for us and the Christian values that inform our actions as an Ignatian school .
As has become our tradition on Feast Day, we finished the assembly with an acknowledgment of long serving staff members. The staff attended a special afternoon tea after classes to celebrate our colleagues’ milestones of service to the college community. Congratulations and thank you to the following staff members.
The photographs on page 4 of the newsletter hopefully give you some indication of the presentations at the assembly. It was great to see that a number of parents were present. The assembly started with a liturgy led by Fr Gerry Healy SJ and well supported by our choir and musicians under the guidance of Mrs Pape and Ms. Marina Brown. Fr Healy reinforced in his homily that being an Ignatian school gives us an identity, a role model and values that animate our College life as a Christian school. Our special guests for the assembly included members of the Jesuit Order – Frs. Gerry Healy and Quyen Vu, and Brs. Ezekiel Ribeiro, Joao dos Sanots, Dionisio Sarmento, and Sidelizio Pereira.
Bernie Lowes 35 Years Service
Anthony Fitzgerald 15 Years Service
Mary-Anne Hawkins 15 Years Service
Joe McLean 15 Years Service
....continued on Page 2
A Jesuit Partner School
In Brief
From the Principal (cont.)
This Page: Page 3:
St Ignatius Feast Day Assembly Photos
Page 4:
Fr Kevin Dillon Comment
Page 5:
Ignatian ‘Examen’ Prayer and Reflection
Paul O’Brien 15 Years Service
Andrew Humphrey 10 Years Service
l l
Page 6:
Xavier College Prep, California visit photos
Page 7:
Parents and Friends’ Association
Page 8:
Canteen Roster and Equestrian Team News
Paul James 10 Years Service
Bill Miles 10 Years Service
Tory Wood 10 Years Service
Ben Zanghi 10 Years Service
Performing Arts News
Page 10 & 11:
Timor Leste Immersion and Photos
Page 12:
Year 10 Choicez Welfare Workshop Wellbeing and Old Ignatians
Page 14:
Year 7 Aboriginal Paintings
Page 15:
Community Service Student Profile and VCAL Success Story
Page 16 - 18:
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data information
Page 19:
Geelong regional Information Expo
Page 20 & 21:
Open Days 2014 - 2015
Page 22:
ADF Information Sessions
Page 23:
Beatriz’s War- Special Movie Screening
Page 24:
Community Notice Board
Page 25:
School Calender
Ignatian Leader (a number from year 12) House Captains (two per house from Year 12) House Vice Captains (two per house from Year 11)
Choir visit form the USA
Page 9:
Page 13:
Arts Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) Liturgy Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) Environment Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) l Justice Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) l Sport Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) l Academic Captain (one from Year 11 or 12) (all of above automatically members of Student Council) l l l
Continuation of ‘From the Principal’
Charlie Robinson 10 Years Service
Student Leadership 2015 It is that time of the year when we start the process for determining next year’s College Captains, Year 12 and 11 Student Leaders and House Captains. This year’s leaders have been great role models and carried out their duties very well and next term they will hand over their roles to the new leaders from this year’s Year 11 and 10 students. Can I please ask parents of Year 11 & 10 students to encourage their daughter/son to apply for a leadership position if you think she/he meets the criteria? It is vital for the strength of our school community that we have a capable, committed and enthusiastic student leadership group. And of course there are many benefits for the leaders themselves in taking on the challenges these positions will provide. Applications are now open and close on Friday 8th August. The positions available for next year are: l School Captains (two from Year 12) l School Vice Captains (two from Year 11)
Last week we were delighted to host the choir from Xavier College Prep, Palm Desert, California, USA. The group of 20 senior secondary students and three staff were billeted with Saint Ignatius College host families for three nights. Thank you to those families who were able to welcome one or two of our American visitors into their homes. Most of our students had the opportunity to attend a performance by the Xavier Choir and interact with our guests. A highlight of the visit was the “Xavier and Ignatius Downunder” music evening held at Terindah Estate Winery, McAdams Lane, Bellarine. The audience of over two hundred were entertained with a variety of tremendous performances by our students, some of our families (including parents), some of our staff and of course the Xavier students and their teachers. We are very grateful to the proprietors of Terindah Estate, Peter and Cate Slattery, for our use of this wonderful venue. As you would understand, a lot of effort needs to go into organising such a visit and on behalf of our community I extend our gratitude to our Performing Arts Learning Area leader, Mrs. Linda Pape for all she did to coordinate this visit. Thank you as well to the many staff who helped out.
Sympathy On behalf of the College community I extend our sympathy to Mrs Sharon Robins and her sons Timothy and Jarod (Yr. 9) on the very sad loss of their dearly loved husband and father Peter. Please keep the Robins family in your thoughts and prayers at this very sad and challenging time. May Peter rest in peace. Best wishes,
Michael Exton Principal
A Jesuit Partner School
St Ignatius Feast Day Assembly photos Photography by David Alexander
A Jesuit Partner School
“We live in a hell beyond hell. Our babies are not here with us - we need to live the act of horror, every day and every moment for the rest of our lives. No one deserves what we are going through. Not even the people who shot our whole family out of the sky. No hate in the world is as strong as the love we had for our children, for Mo, for Evie, for Otis. No hate in the world is as strong as the love we have for Grandad Nick. Not hate in the world is as strong as the love we have for each other. This is a revelation that gives us some comfort. So far, every moment since we arrived home, we’ve been surrounded by family and friends. We desperately pray that this continues... We want to continue to know about your lives, all the good and all the bad”. “The Age”, Thurs. July 24
From Fr Kevin Dillon Tianamin Square, 1989 - a lone protester confronts a tank. Bali 2002 - a young woman supports a young man soon to die from blast burns. New York 2001 - a scared firefighter climbs the stairs of the World Trade Centre while all others are going down. Boxing Day Tsunami 2004 - wide-eyed beachgoers stare at a tidal wave soon to engulf them. And Black Saturday 209 - an exhausted CFA volunteer shares water with a koala. These are some of the defining images which will forever illustrate some extreme events of death, sadness, pathos, courage, outrage and compassion in some of the momentous events of recent years. The destruction of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 has, and will continue to have a different image. It will be of three happy kids - Mo, Evie and Otis Maslin - whose lives were snuffed out in a moment last Friday morning. The immediate questions are obvious enough, and totally understandable. Who is responsible? Was it deliberate? Was it a mistake? But the underlying question, as we look at three beautiful children who never made it back to school last Monday morning, is surely: Why? Why does their mother have to carry, for the rest of
Financial Hardship At a recent College Board meeting concern for those affected by the recent job losses across the region was expressed. One outcome of our discussion was that I would mention in the newsletter the College’s willingness to meet with parents/ guardians who find themselves in such circumstances to discuss what support we can provide to alleviate family concerns about being able to continue at the College. This also applies to other cases where a family encounters financial hardship. As you would expect, such matters are managed confidently and respectfully. Please contact our Business Manager, Mr David Fitzgerald to make an appointment to discuss such matters.
her life, the memory of last Friday and the loss of her three children and her father? As distressed onlookers, we can experience at least some of her distress, while knowing that we really cannot even begin to imagine the stress and emotion of her loss. Yet from time to time, the extraordinary toughness and resilience of the human spirit emerges from horrific events to encourage others as they face their own challenges. Rosie Batty displayed this when she had to face the murder of her 12 year-old son Luke by his father. The Maslin family has responded with similar extraordinary grace and dignity, reminding us all that “no hate in the world is as strong as the love we have for our children”. That is truly, as the time-honoured hymn says, ‘Amazing Grace’. And in an extraordinary way, how sweet is its sound
Fr Kevin Dillon, Geelong Deanery Coordinator and Association of Canonical Administrator President, OAM
Important Note: Head Lice While children are at school many families will have contact with head lice. Head lice have been around for thousands of years. As with any insect, they learn to adapt to their environment in order to survive. We are never going to be completely rid of them, but we can make managing them easier. Could all families please be vigilant and check your child’s hair. We have extra information sheets titled “Frequently asked questions” and “Scratching for answers” that can be posted out. If you would like further information please contact the College Office on 5251 1136
A Jesuit Partner School
The Five Steps of the Ignatian ‘Examen’ Prayer Thanks I give thanks for the graces, benefits and good things of my day. Help I ask the Holy Spirit for help to discern my day with openess. Review I review my day, hour by hour, to see how God is working in my life. Response I respond to what I felt or learnt in the review of my day. Resolve I resolve with hope and grace to amend my life tomorrow. ‘Examen’ adaption by Fr. Michael Hansen SJ)
Ignatian Spirituality Reflection This week we celebrate the feast day of our patron - Saint Ignatius. One facet of his life which can be overlooked, when so much emphasis is placed on his wonderful legacy of spirituality and wisdom, is his love of the beauty of creation. The source of his appreciation for nature was the place of his birth. He was born in the beautiful Basque country in the western Pyrenees that spans the border between France and Spain. His great love of the beauty in creation is reflected in The Spiritual Exercises. Following his example of rejoicing in created beauty, the great English poet and Jesuit, Gerald Manly Hopkins (1844-1889) also praises God for creation. In his famous poem ‘Pied Beauty’ he exhorts us to glorify God because he has given us dappled, spotted, freckled, checkered, speckled, things. He goes on to give examples. We should praise God because of the skies with two colours, like a two-coloured cow; and the little reddish dots on the side of trout; and the way fallen chestnuts look like red coals in a fire; and the blended colours of the wings of a finch; and landscapes divided up by humans into plots for farming; and for all the different jobs that humans do. In short, the poet exhorts us to praise God for everything that looks a bit odd or unique, everything that looks like it doesn’t quite fit in with the rest. All these beautiful, mixed-up, ever-changing things were created or “fathered” by a God who never changes. The speaker sums up what he believes should be our attitude in a brief, final line: “Praise Him.”
Pied Beauty Glory be to God for dappled things – For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim; Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings; Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plough; And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim. All things counter, original, spare, strange; Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?) With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim; He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change: Praise him. One response to this poem, comes from our Australian poet, Peter Steele SJ (1939-2012) who gives us an insightful reflection on the “dappled” character of our world. Here is a segment‘The truly dappled things of course are the people: and I’m not referring to the fact that some people are yellowish, some brown, some black, and a fairly small percentage what we call, rather inaccurately, ‘white’. I’m referring to the fact that God has never made any two of us with the same ‘tint’ or shade of personality. Psychologists and sociologists and anthropologists may generalize to their heart’s content about similarities – but no single one of them, for example, believes he or she is just a replica of somebody else. God not only broke the mould when he made each of us: he broke the palette. … We are in part enigmatic to others, and we are in part enigmatic to ourselves – we are part of the ‘dappledom’ of things. PRAISE HIM.’ Reference: Sean Burke (ed.) A Local Habitation: Poems and Homilies Peter Steele S.J. Newman College, Melbourne 2010.
A Jesuit Partner School
Xavier College Prep, California visit (Article on Page 9)
A Jesuit Partner School
Parents and Friends’ Association:
Parents and Friends’ Kicking Goals for the College
Meetings for 2014 The Parents & Friends’ Association cordially invite all those interested to their meetings for 2014 held from 7.30pm onward in the Food Tech Centre on the following dates: Meeting schedule: August Monday 18th September Monday 15th October Monday 20th November Monday 17th AGM December TBA The Minutes for all meetings can be found on the College website in the Parents and Friends’ Portal when available. The Agenda for the up-coming meeting is also available from the website just prior to the meeting date.
PFA Fundraiser As per last year the Parents and Friends’ Association are ‘Fundraising with Entertainment’. The Entertainment Book has over 400 offers valued at $20,000 which are valid until 1st June 2015 for businesses in Geelong, Surf Coast and Ballarat. Things like 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the best local restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more. 20% of all memberships purchased will be returned to the College. Please see the advert on this page or for more details contact Helen Benjamin on 5251 1136 or benjamin241@iinet.net.au A copy of the 2014/2015 Entertainment Book is on display in the College office. To go directly to the online purchasing page go to: www.entertainmentbook.com.au/ orderbooks/11317f0
Throughout the year the Parents and Friends’ Association allocate monies raised through fundraising to various projects and areas in the College. Recently, based on a proposal put forward by Mr. Andrew Philp, the Sports Co-ordinator, the Parents and Friends’ purchased a set of portable soccer goals and nets.
Pictured above along with the participants in the College’s recent Teacher/Student soccer game, the soccer goals will allow the main College oval to used for games during the soccer season. During the year the Parents and Friends’ Association have contributed financially to a number of projects which will be detailed in future newsletters.
Join the Parents and Friends’ Association and make a difference The Parents and Friends’ Association is about enhancing the school and wider community. We achieve this through: Meeting regularly to share ideas - Third Monday evening each month at 7.30pm (currently) l Building a school community that is supportive of each other l Developing innovative projects/programs l Focusing on creating a sustainable environment l The organisation of social activities to ensure the opportunity to build relationships l Ensuring that we address issues relating to Social Justice l Being environmentally aware in all our actions and decisions l
If you are interested in joining this dynamic group and being part of the ongoing development of the College contact Kristi Papp, the PFA Secretary at Kristi.Papp@isispc.com.au
A Jesuit Partner School
Canteen Roster Starting 4th August Monday 4th K. McMaster, V. Durbridge, M. Wheatland Tuesday 5th P. Tyquin, M. Rav-Wig, N. Elliott Wednesday 6th V. McKee, T. Gibbs, T. Mifsud Thursday 7th S. Jenkins, J. Gannon, J. Tarleton Friday 8th S. Roberts, M. Sideris, B. Downey Starting 11th August Monday 11th C. Hunter, S. Hammond, G. Gould, J.Wilcox Tuesday 12th M. Dunstan, K. Lazzaro, M. Heffernan, S. Crawley
Equestrian Team News Congratulations to the Saint Ignatius Equestrian Team on their recent successes at local and state inter school competitions.
I would love to create a successful and enthusiastic equestrian team at the college and we are always looking for new riders.
During the first week of the holidays Chelsea Farrugia (10 Koska), Tori Fair (7 Borgia) and Lilly Herzer (11 Denn) competed at the Equestrian Victoria Interschool State Championships at Werribbee Park National Equestrian Centre.
If any students are interested in competing in the 2014/2015 series please feel welcome to contact me at brownm@ignatius.vic.edu.au.
It was a very tough competition and all girls rode well in their classes, particularly Tori Fair who placed 5th in Dressage and 9th in Showjumping and Lilly Herzer who rode her Warmblood gelding ‘Grand Flemingho’ to receive a 2nd and 3rd place in the Medium level dressage as well as receiving Reserve Champion and qualifying for Nationals.
All levels from Novice to Experienced are catered for and students can compete in a range of classes from Showjumping and Dressage to In-hand led classes. Mrs Marina Brown Equestrian Team Manager
Last weekend the students also competed in the Barwon Interschools competition at Elcho Park and received the following outstanding results: Lily Herzer (11 Denn) Medium Dressage 1st place. Shamley Woodhouse (12 Garnett) Progressive Show-jumping 1st place. Gemma Bottrell (9 Regis) Show-jumping 4th place. Tori Fair (7 Borgia) Show-jumping reserve champion.
Wednesday 13th C. Ford, D. Thomson, K. Walker, T. Mifsud Thursday 14th M. White, M. Gill, L. Eastwood Friday 15th S. Anson, K. Rawson, J. Marles If unable to attend, please make sure you get a replacement.
Fran Lakey Tel: 0409 366 545
A Jesuit Partner School
Performing Arts News Much has happened in the Performing Arts department with the recent visit of the staff and students of Xavier College Prep, California. Also, the final weeks of June were very much alive with much music making and performances in most year levels.
Year 7 Music Program After many weeks of instrumental lessons, the Year 7 music classes performed to proud parents in the Potato Shed.
Erskine Falls is filled with song. Kelly Wilson, Stephanie De Prez, Linda Pape and Phil Epstein visit the Great Ocean Road.
Alex Cross sings to the appreciative audience. Kurt Fear performs an impressive drum solo.
It was certainly an evening to remember. Many of the students have formed friendships and are keen to visit the US as soon as possible.
Xavier and Ignatius Downunder
VCE Music Soirees Both the Unit 1 and 3 music classes performed recently to family and friends at the VCE Music Soirees which were held in the Potato Shed.
The Performing Arts staff and students have been so very excited to meet the staff and choral students from Xavier College Prep, California. The Xavier students performed to many of our staff and students and answered the many questions about the US and movie stars! Weetbix and vegemite became favourites for the guests. Last Thursday, I had the pleasure of taking the visiting staff and students down the Great Ocean Road to Lorne. A wonderful moment occurred when the entire choir started to sing a beautiful hymn in the rain forest at Erskine Falls. I thought we were in heaven.
Year 11 student, Courtney Devereux, performs at the VCE Soiree.
One of the highlights of their visit was the joining of both choirs singing “Waltzing Matilda” at the concert at “Terindah”.
Many thanks to the staff who assisted in the success of this visit. Special thanks to the Performing Arts Staff who got together and with Marina Brown as vocalist, performed “Blues in the night”. What a performance! Also thanks to Ms Michelle Chambers for teaching the students from both colleges to dance in “The Happy Song”. A truly happy ending to a very happy visit!. The Performing Arts students are now busy rehearsing for: Lots of practical assessment tasks, Feast Day, Instrumental Night, Vocal Night, VCE Soirees, Leopold Concert and of course Mosaic. Looking forward to seeing many parents and friends at our coming events. Regards, Linda Pape Performing Arts Co-Ordinator.
A Jesuit Partner School
Timor Leste Immersion During the last week of Term 2 and the first week of the school holidays, Harry Stannard and I had the privilege of travelling to East Timor as part of the annual Jesuit Province Immersion along with 14 other students from 7 other Jesuit schools around Australia. East Timor is a small and young nation situated about an hour and a bit north of Darwin and is home to approximately 1.2 million people. Timor has endured a very unforgiving and violent history that resulted in the death of a third of their population, before they finally achieved restored independence from Indonesia in 2002. Our adventure began on the 23rd of June. We gathered as a group in Darwin, before making our way to Dili, the capital of Timor Leste. Our first day in Dili was spent visiting local icons such as the Resistance Museum where we leant about the Timorese history and struggle to freedom. Our next four days were spent at NOSSEF or Our Lady of Fatima Senior High School in the village Railaco, 2 hours out of Dili in the mountains. We were greeted by Sr Rita; a truly inspirational Australian Good Samaritan Sister, who has devoted the last 14 years of her life to the development of the school and surrounding communities. The students of the school had been waiting hours for our arrival and certainly gave us a warm welcome, applauding us as we walked into their school armed with bags of donations including sporting equipment, stationery and laptops. During our time in Railaco, we got involved in the various mission work, spearheaded by the resident group of Jesuits. Our first venture was to the small village of Teraco with Fr. Bong and his mobile medical clinic. A few stayed to take the manual blood pressure of patients, while the remainder continued to a local primary school. Here, we gave each child a toothbrush, toothpaste, stickers and school supplies. It was uplifting to see their gratitude towards receiving something as simple as a pen and their joy in spending time with us talking, playing soccer and chasey. It made us realise how little they really did have. Especially when we were told that any donations had to be given directly to the students, because the teachers
couldn’t be trusted as the temptation to keep the things for their own family was too great. The most confronting experience for the week in Railaco; and possibly the whole immersion was being part of the ‘Feeding Program’ run by Fr. Bong and Brother JP. The aim of the program is to support the physical needs of the Timorese by taking meals to malnourished children in many villages. We were welcomed with spectacular traditional Timorese dancing and singing, before the food was distributed. The bowls were piled skyhigh, awaiting the small portion of rice, stew and a boiled egg each starving child would receive only three times a week. And to think we reckon we’re ‘starving’ between breakfast and recess! It was overwhelming to see the children savoring the morsel that would provide them with the energy to get through the next two or three days. Yet there were no complaints, just gratitude and ear-to-ear smiles. The remainder of our time was spent planting trees with novice nuns at a convent, playing volleyball and soccer with the inmates of a prison in Gleno, and teaching a computer-based English class to the students of NOSSEF. Any spare time was spent playing soccer with the local kids until dinnertime, before retreating to our luxurious accommodation, consisting of a classroom floor and mosquito net. The final stretch of our immersion was spent in the secondary school in Kasait, Colegio de Santo Inacio de Loiola or better known as CSIL, which is situated 25km outside of Dili. Kasait is a very new school in the area; it has been built gradually over the last three years and it was finally completed earlier this year thanks to the dedication and hard work of Fr Quyen beginning in 2012.
To finish of the day we usually played games or music, but we found that the kids there were so keen to learn that they often wanted to do more maths instead! In our last few days in Timor, it was very hard to say goodbye to all the students that many of us had formed close relationships with. For some of us, our goodbyes involved a lot of tears; but the one thing that touched me were the final words of all children to me; “Please don’t forget me friend.” This made me realise how much my relationship with all these children really means. For more information about our immersion experience, I encourage you to access the daily blog written by students in our group which can be found on the college website in the coming days. It is a great insight into the thoughts and feelings of our group. The blog can be found at: http://timorlesteimmersion.weebly.com/ During the lead up to our immersion, we worked hard to raise as much money as we possibly could to help the Timorese communities. With the support of our college community, we raised over $2300 and more than $10,000 collectively as a group. We would like to thank the Leopold Lions Club, PortarlingtonDrysdale Lions Club, Bendigo Bank Drysdale and the Saint Ignatius College Parents and Friends Association for their generous contributions to our fundraising endeavours. Timor is a very special place with a unique history, and so many people with amazing stories. In reality, though we gave so much, we gave very little compared to what we got back from the Timorese people and the experience. As Sr. Rita said, ‘Sometimes its not about what you can do for Timor, its about what Timor can do for you.’ Emily Harwood and Harry Stannard
Throughout our time there, we were responsible for teaching classes with 25-30 students in years 7 and 8. We started each day at 8.30 with sport in the morning before it got too hot later in the day. Our group would split up into pairs usually and teach a class of English and or maths in 1-hour blocks until lunch.
A Jesuit Partner School
Timor Leste Immersion photos (Article on Page 10)
A Jesuit Partner School
Year 10 Choicez Welfare Workshop On Wednesday 23rd July, Year 10 students took part in the Choicez welfare workshop presented by David Kobler.
The information presented and group discussions undertaken revolved around many of the following important issues: l Understanding and developing better relationships l Sexual decision-making from a Catholic perspective l Understanding pornography and its impact l The value and dignity of the human person l Strategies for building a positive sense of womanhood and manhood l Creating a better sense of personal value and worth
Feedback from students and staff has been extremely positive and it is gratifying to witness students embracing these realistic messages. Other reminders: Wednesday, 6th August VCAL Information evening (follow up to Parent Information evening) Tuesday, 12th August Course counselling day. Wednesday 20th August Year 10-11 Subject Selection forms due. Mr Bill Miles Year 10 Coordinator
A Jesuit Partner School
Wellbeing If you make the effort to brave the cold once this term, it should definitely be to attend the Small and Snotty to Tall and Spotty free evening at Simonds Stadium on Tuesday 12th August. Leigh Bartlett is an uplifting, honest and engaging speaker, that we have had the pleasure of having present to parents in our community in the past. Her practical advice and information will give you the confidence to better support your son/daughter through the ups and downs of adolescence. Katie Self Student Wellbeing Officer
Tuesday 12 August 2014 at 7 – 9 p.m.
The Old Ignatians’ Association is gaining momentum and hopes to be a really vibrant part of the College community in the very near future. It is important for us to be able to enable all former students aware of reunions, other functions and provide information about the group. It’s about keeping connected, staying in touch and reflecting on our old school days. It would be great if you could update your current contact details with the college especially your mobile numbers and email addresses. These can be updated: via the Portal - Old Ignatians’ Association on the College website or email details to connoleya@ignatius.vic.edu.au Contact details include: Name, address, year left the college, home phone number, mobile phone number, email address. Looking forward to catching up with soon. A reunion in September will be held at The Royal Geelong Yacht club mid-September, 2014. An invitation will be mailed to you if your address is current. Tell your friends and bring them along! Check out the Alumni facebook page for the details as well facebook.com/saintignatiusalumni The Old Ignatians’ Steering Committee and Development Team
A Jesuit Partner School
Year 7 Aboriginal Paintings Here are some year 7 Aboriginal Paintings, students created their own mythical aboriginal creatures inspired by their own writing of a Dreamtime story. They studied both traditional and modern Aboriginal art. They used traditional methods such as dot painting and symbols when designing the following works. Alex Carmody
Ben Davis
Ben O’Brien
Charlie Wall
Chloe Parisi
Ella Bambrook
Gemma Bell
Lochlan Jeffers
A Jesuit Partner School
Community Service Student Profile Name: Montana Hillman Homeroom: 7 Carroll
I wanted to do something special for my community service so I started a “ Show you care, Donate a spare” drive.
I have got another drop-off ready to go and I am so thankful for the generous community we live in.
My mum owns a shop in Portarlington and in recent years has contributed to different drives that ask for donations for the poor and homeless. This year I decided to do it by my self. I painted signs and stuck them on to a basket and put it out the front of mum’s shop. The signs requested donations of coats and blankets.
I believe it is important to always think about people that are worse off than us.
I have already done some drop-offs to people in need. The Salvation Army helped me find places for them to go. My drive started at the star of June and goes until the end of July. I have already done around 5 hours.
A lot of people take that for granted but no matter what there will always be people in the world that are worse off than us. This is the first of the Community Service Action Team’s (CSAT) student profiles. The CSAT will try to include a student profile in most newsletters. The aim is to continue to promote “participation in activities that reflect our College motto: ‘Amare et Servire’ (To Love and To Serve).
A VCAL Success Story - A parent’s point of view I thought you would be interested in a recent achievement of one of your ‘ex’ VCAL students! I believe that these little (or big for us!) achievements only highlight the importance of having a Year 11/12 option like VCAL in secondary schools. If there wasn’t a different option offered for a student like Jack, then I’m not certain that young adults like him (not interested or motivated by traditional forms of education courses), would follow successful pathways like he has.
1st Lieutenant Steve Gibbs, 2nd Lieutenant Adam Wakeling and New Recruit of the Year - Jack Ness
Jack signed up as a CFA volunteer on his way home from his last day of Year 12 VCAL at the Ocean Grove fire station. He has committed himself to the weekly training sessions every Monday night and participated regularly in community activities that the CFA are involved in across the Bellarine region such as; Royal Children’s Hospital Appeal, markets and community barbeques. Last Saturday night at the annual CFA dinner, Jack was named as the 2014 Recruit of the Year. A very proud moment for him and and us! I believe that the school has played a significant role in supporting Jack along his journey and we thought you might enjoy hearing about his success. Thanks, Angie Ness
A Jesuit Partner School
Information for Parents/Carers Schools across Australia are taking part in a new national data collection on school students with disability. The data collection is being introduced in stages over three years, and started in 2013. From 2015, this information will be collected in every school across Australia, every year. All Australian governments have agreed to this.
WHAT IS THE BENEFIT FOR MY CHILD? All Australian governments agree that every child in an Australian school should have a high quality education. It shouldn’t matter what the individual child’s circumstances are – every child should have the same opportunity to succeed at school. The aim of this new data collection is to have better information about school students with disability in Australia. Better information about school students with disability will help teachers, principals and education authorities to support students with disability to take part in school on the same basis as students without disability.
WHY IS THIS DATA BEING COLLECTED? There is nothing new about schools collecting information about students with disability – in fact, schools have had to do this by law for some time. But the type of information currently collected varies between each state and territory. With the new data collection, every school in Australia will use the same method to collect this information – that is, a government school in suburban Sydney will collect and report data in the same way as a Catholic school in country Victoria and an independent school in the Northern Territory.
disability. It will help to put the right supports in place for students with disability so that they have the same opportunities for a high quality education as students without a disability.
WHAT ARE SCHOOLS REQUIRED TO DO? Every school in Australia is likely to have a student with disability at some point. Schools need to be able to support students with disability by removing any obstacles for them to participate in their education. By law, schools are required to make reasonable adjustments where needed to assist students with disability. These responsibilities are outlined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005. This means that schools need to talk to the student and/or their parent/carer about reasonable adjustments. These are things the schools do now and this won’t change. The new data collection will record students who have been identified by a school team as meeting the definition of disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and provided with an adjustment.
WHAT IS AN ADJUSTMENT? An adjustment is a measure or action taken to help a student with disability participate in education on the same basis as other students. Adjustments can be made across the whole school setting (like ramps into classrooms), in the classroom and at an individual student level (like extra tuition for a student with a learning difficulty).
The information provided through this new national data collection will enable all Australian governments to better target support and resources to benefit students with National Parents/Carers Fact Sheet Version No. 2 as at 27 February 2014
A Jesuit Partner School
WHAT INFORMATION WILL BE COLLECTED? Your child’s school will collect and report information every year about: • • •
the level of adjustment provided the number of students who receive each level of adjustment where known, the student’s broad type of disability.
Some students who are not provided with an adjustment at the time of the collection will meet the definition of disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and will be eligible to be included in the data collection. WHO WILL COLLECT MY CHILD’S INFORMATION? Teachers and other school staff from your child’s school will collect the above information based on: • • • •
consultation with parents/carers the school team’s observations and professional judgements any medical diagnosis other relevant information.
School principals are responsible for making sure that the information collected about each student is accurate. HOW WILL MY CHILD’S PRIVACY BE PROTECTED? Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all children and their families is very important. With the new data collection, this will be done in the following ways: • •
Personal or confidential information will not be given to anyone not authorised to see it. When the information is sent by your child’s school to the local or federal education authority for combination with information from other schools, it will be by school only – student names will not be recorded as part of the data collection. When the information is reported from 2016 onwards, it will be by school only – student names will not be recorded as part of the data collection.
WHEN AND WHERE WILL THE DATA BE AVAILABLE? When all Australian schools are taking part in the new data collection, the information will be reported on the My School website from 2016 onwards. It will be by school only – no student names are recorded as part of the data collection. CAN I DECIDE WHETHER MY CHILD’S INFORMATION IS INCLUDED IN THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION? It’s your decision about whether you want your child’s information to be included in the national reporting or not. Including every school child who is being provided with an adjustment because of disability in this new national data collection each year will help schools, education authorities and governments to better meet students’ needs. Your school will tell you what you need to do if you don’t want to have your child’s information included in the national data collection. Even if your child’s information is not included in the national data collection, your school is still required to provide support to your child with disability and any adjustments that may be needed to help him/her participate at school. FURTHER INFORMATION Contact your child’s school if you have further questions about the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability and how it may affect your child.
You can also visit www.education.gov.au/nationallyconsistent-collection-data-school-students-disability
A Jesuit Partner School
National Parents/Carers Fact Sheet Version No. 2 as at 27 February 2014
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data Parent / Guardian Non Participation Form I confirm that I have read and understand the attached information about the National Collection of Data on Disability and/or have been informed of the nature of this project by my child’s school.
I DO NOT want my child’s information included in this process. Student’s name (please print) School Parent/Guardian name (please print) Parent/Guardian signature Date
A Jesuit Partner School
Geelong Region Information Expo for 2015 School based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SbATs) Where? C A Love Hall, Geelong High School, 385 Ryrie Street, East Geelong When? Tuesday August 5th starting at 6.30pm Who should attend? Students who may be interested in undertaking a SbAT as part of their 2015 VCAL school study program. Students are advised to accompany their parents to this event. Students must be at least 15 years of age to be eligible for consideration.
What are SbAT’s? …And who is offering them ? Local employers and businesses will be offering over 200 SbAT’s (a blend of senior school studies, part- time paid work and career pathways opportunities) with students completing training for nationally accredited certificate qualifications. Training will be undertaken by students attending formal training sessions, usually on Wednesday afternoons whilst also undertaking the equivalent of one day of paid work during a school week. Students and parents have the opportunity to talk to these employers and businesses who will be offering a wide range of SbAT programs for the 2015 school year.
What sort of Industry specific Certificate SbAT opportunities will be available? The full list for 2015 will be available for students and parents to consider prior to the event. For example, this year the following programs are now being undertaken in the current school year by students throughout Greater Geelong: Automotive Servicing and Repair Childcare Companion Animal Services Community Activities Programs (Sport/Outdoor Recreation) Community Services Work Conservation and Land Management Education support Food Processing (Baking) Food Processing (Sales) Hospitality/Catering Services Health Services Assistance Media (Digital Art and Animation) For those students who are interested in the traditional trades such as bricklaying, carpentry, commercial cookery, hairdressing etc., there will be opportunity to talk to representatives from the Australian Apprenticeship Centres and local Group Training Companies to discuss potential opportunities in these fields.
What will be next? On the Expo night students interested in any particular SbAT on offer will be provided with an “Expression of Interest form” which they and their parents will need to take home. Once filled in, identifying their SbAT of interest, the student will then be required to immediately return this form to their school’s SbAT teacher. The teacher will discuss with the student their particular SbAT of interest, and then if the school representative is happy to support his/her interest in wanting to formally applying for a SbAT, then the school endorsed “Expression of Interest form” will be forwarded to the preferred Employer/business to commence the student’s formal application process.
A Jesuit Partner School
Open Days 2014-2015 Institution
Academy of Design Australia 10 August 2014, (9am-5pm) Academy of Interactive Entertainment 17 August 2014, (10am-3pm) 15 November 2014, (10am-3pm) Australian Catholic University Melbourne Campus: 10 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Ballarat Campus: 31 August 2014, (10am-3pm) Australian College of Applied Psychology 10 August 2014, (10am-2pm) 11 August 2014, (10am-4pm) 14 August 2014, (4pm-7pm) Australian College of Sports Therapy 8 September 2014, (12pm-3pm) 11 September 2014, (4pm-7pm) Australian College of the Arts 17 January 2015, (10am-3pm) Australian Guild of Music Education By appointment: (03) 9822 3111 Australian Institute of Fitness Melbourne City Campus: 24 August 2014, (10am) Australian Institute of Music http://www.aim.edu.au/future-students/domestic-melbourne Australian Maritime College 31 August 2014, (10am-3pm) Bendigo TAFE City Campus and Charleston Road: 17 August 2014, (10am-2pm) Billy Blue College of Design www.billyblue.edu.au/events Blue Mountains International Hotel Management Leura Campus: 30 August 2014, (10am-2pm) School Box Hill Institute 24 August 2014, (10am-3pm) Charles Sturt University www.csu.edu.au/oncampus/campus-life/tour Chisholm Dandenong Campus: 23 August 2014, (11am-4pm) CQUniversity 10 August 2014, (9am-1pm) Virtual Open Day: 10 September (10am-7pm) Deakin University Warrnambool Campus: 3 August 2014, (10am-3pm) Geelong Waterfront Campus: 10 August 2014, (9am-3pm) Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus: 10 August 2014, (9am-3pm) Melbourne Burwood Campus: 24 August 2014, (9am-4pm) Elly Lukas Beauty Therapy College 2 August 2014, (11am-12.30pm) 17 September 2014, (6pm-7.30pm) 11 October 2014, (11am-12.30pm) 12 November 2014, (6pm-7.30pm) 29 November 2014, (11am-12.30pm) 6 December 2014, (11am-12.30pm) 7 January 2015, (6pm-7.30pm) 17 January 2015, (11am-12.30pm) Endeavour College of Natural Health By appointment: (03) 9662 9911 Federation Training By appointment: 1300 133 717 Federation University Australia Ballarat and Gippsland Campuses: 31 August 2014, (10am-3pm) Footscray City Films 24 August 2014, (1pm-4pm) Gordon (The) 10 August 2014, (10am-3pm) Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE By appointment: 1 300 468 233 Health Skills Australia Blackburn Campus: 9 August 2014, (10am-2pm) Melbourne CBD Campus: 10 August 2014, (10am-2pm) Holmes Institute 10 September 2014, (11am-3pm) Holmesglen www.holmesglen.edu.au/open International College of Hotel Management 17 August 2014, (2.30pm) Investment Banking Institute Business School By appointment: 1300 659 298 JMC Academy 23 August 2014, (10:30am) 17 January 2015, (10.30am) 9 May 2015, (10.30am) Kangan Institute Broadmeadows Campus: 2 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Docklands Campus: 9 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Richmond Campus: 24 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Richmond Campus: 26 August 2014 (6pm-8pm) Moonee Ponds Campus: 30 August 2014 (10am-4pm) Kaplan Business School By appointment: 1300 602 809 La Trobe Melbourne By appointment: (03) 9479 2417
A Jesuit Partner School
Open Days 2014-2015 Institution
La Trobe University Shepparton Campus: 8 August 2014, (4pm-7pm) Mildura Campus: 13 August 2014, (3.30pm-7.30pm) Bendigo Campus: 17 August 2014, (10am-3pm) Melbourne Campus: 24 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Albury-Wodonga Campus: 29 August 2014, (4pm-7pm) LaTrobe College of Art and Design By appointment: (03) 9606 0933 Longerenong College By appointment: (03) 5362 2222 Melbourne Institute of Business and Technology Geelong: 10 August 2014, (9am-3pm) Burwood: 24 August 2014, (9am-4pm) Melbourne Institute of Technology By appointment: (03) 8600 6700 Melbourne Polytechnic http://melbournepolytechnic.edu.au/info-nights Monash College By appointment: (03) 9903 4788 Monash University Berwick and Peninsula Campus: 2 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Clayton and Caulfield Campus: 3 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Parkville Campus: 17 August 2014, (10am-3pm) Moorabbin Flying Services 30 August 2014, (10am-2pm) Navitas College of Public Safety 10 August 2014, (10am-2pm) Northern College of the Arts and Technology 19 August 2014, (6pm-8pm) 13 October 2014, (6pm-7.30pm) Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE www.nmit.edu.au/info-nights Oceania Polytechnic Institute of Education 10 August 2014, (10am to 4pm) Oxygen College 30 August 2014, (11am) Photographic Imaging College 24 August 2014, (12pm-3pm) Photography Studies College 17 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Republica Education Tractor: 10 August 2014, (10am-4pm) RGIT Australia rgit.edu.au RMIT University 10 August 2014, (10am-4pm) SAE Creative Media Institute 13 September 2014, (11am) Sage Institute of Education Melbourne Campus: 17 August 2014, (10am) Elsternwick Campus: 24 August 2014, (10am) Southern School of Natural Therapies By appointment: (03) 9415 3333 Sunraysia Institute of TAFE 12 October 2014 Swinburne University of Technology Hawthorn Campus: 3 August 2014, (10am-4pm) University of Canberra By appointment: 1800 UNI CAN University of Melbourne (The) Parkville & Southbank Campuses: 17 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Burnley Campus: 11 September 2014, (12pm-7pm) VFA Learning By appointment: (03) 5223 6800 Victoria University Footscray Park Campus: 24 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Victorian Institute of Technology Every Friday from 10am William Angliss Institute of TAFE Melbourne Campus: 24 August 2014, (10am-4pm) Sydney Campus: 13 September 2014, (10am-2pm) Wodonga Institute of TAFE By appointment: 1300 698 233
Important Dates: Fri 4 July, Noon: Fri 18 July, Noon: Mon 4 Aug, 9am: Tue 30 Sep, 5pm: Tue 7 Oct, 5pm: Fri 10 Oct, 5pm: Fri 17 Oct, 5pm:
Mid-year Round 3 offers released on VTAC User Account Mid-year Round 4 offers released on VTAC User Account Registrations and applications open for courses, SEAS, scholarships and STAT/ALSET Timely applications close for all applicants SEAS applications close for all applicants Timely applications close for all STAT/ALSET applicants Scholarship applications close for all applicants
A Jesuit Partner School
Adventure, travel, great pay and diverse career opportunities – just to name a few of the benefits on offer when you join the Navy, Army or Air Force. If you’re up for the challenge and would like to find out more, come along to one of our upcoming information sessions: 04 Aug 14 06 Aug 14 07 Aug 14 13 Aug 14 19 Aug 14 20 Aug 14 25 Aug 14 27 Aug 14
1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900 1800-1900
ADF Careers Army 1 Year Roles Army Reserve (Geelong Session– see note below) Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Army Reserve Royal Military College (RMC) ADF Technical Trades Women In Defence (WID)
All sessions are taking place in the Defence Force Recruiting Centre Location: Level 14, 501 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 *Please note: the Army Reserve session on 7th August will be held at 196 Myers St, Geelong. There are limited positions available for these sessions so reservations are essential. To book your seat please email CPTVIC@dfr.com.au with the date and title of the session and also the number of seats you would like. Hope to see you there! DEFENCE FORCE RECRUITING
A Jesuit Partner School
A Jesuit Partner School
Community Notice Board Local up-coming events and sporting club information
New Club Brings Hockey to the Peninsula Setting Up a New Club It all began with a group of women living on the Bellarine Peninsula just out of Geelong who wanted to play hockey in the Hockey Geelong competition, but for a local club. The appeal was to be able to train close to home, to provide an additional sporting option for kids in the area and to harness a local identity through having a club of their own. The process of starting a new club began late in 2012. Local townships of Clifton Springs, Drysdale and Portarlington are growth areas so a club seemed viable however there was much to do in securing a training ground, establishing an interim committee and working through the process of incorporation. Leisure Networks has worked with the club since the commencement of the journey as part of the Regional Sport and Recreation Program. Hockey Bellarine began playing hockey in October 2012 with 18 primary school aged children in Term 4. The club became incorporated in October 2013 which was a great achievement for a busy interim committee and a training ground had been established through a partnership with Saint Ignatius College.
2014 saw a Term 1 six-week program of Hookin2Hockey for $20 per person, all equipment supplied. The Under 10 round robin was expanded from a red and blue team, to include a purple and green team to play 10 rounds over Term 2 and Term 3 with 26 children over the 4 teams. Teams were mixed however there was one round with girls vs. girls and boys vs. boys, and another round split children into their age groups This was to experiment to make the round robin the best it can be. Under 10’s will again play in the lightning carnival. In 2014, Hockey Bellarine entered 3 teams in the Hockey Geelong competition, an Under 13 mixed, Under 15 mixed and a Division 1 Women’s team. TeamApp has also been a vital tool in ensuring consistent communication across the age groups. Hockey Bellarine has identified that if members are communicated with frequently, that they’re more likely to engage and volunteer in small chunks of work. In 2014, Hockey Bellarine had 77 members, from 4 years of age, and continuing to grow. With such growth, the club wanted to embark on a 3 year Strategic Plan which was facilitied and developed by Leisure Networks with the committee and other members. This is soon to be complemented with a 12 month action plan to guide the club towards their goals, the first of which is to enter a Div 2 Mens Team into 2015 season. They already have 15 men signed up as interested! This story is an example of what volunteers can achieve for their local community. The Bellarine Peninsula now has its very own Hockey Club which wants to be known for 4 things - local, fun, low cost and safe.
Success Factors This arrangement has meant that playing fees can be kept at a minimum which suits the club aspiration of being as accessible for all. Now came the process of growing the club by engaging more community members. This started with the conduct of Hookin2Hockey style program, $2 per week, all equipment supplied. This was followed by an eight-week skill development program and then an Under 10 weekly game, red vs. blue. The season culminated in the clubs Under 10’s playing in an end of season lightning carnival against Geelong, Kardinia International, Torquay, Newtown and Geelong College. Go Bellarine! Children older and more experience who were starting to come to the club were joined up with the Hockey Geelong Under 13 competition at Stead Park during winter. Leisure Networks met with the club committee at this stage to support to plan its activities through the development of a 12 month action plan which they have worked through.
Effort This has been a huge commitment from the committee Support
The club has been supported by Leisure Networks along the way
The club has been sequential in its growth and development through taking the time to plan
Experstise Networks
The club has people in it who have expertise in sport and connections with schools
Information provided by: Leisure Networks www.leisurenetworks.org www.clubhelp.org.au
A Jesuit Partner School
School Calendar August 2014
August 2014
Friday 1st
Year 12 History Excursion
Thursday 7th
Year 7 Boyss Time and Space meeting
Monday 4th
Year 11 REACH Seminar
Thursday 7th
Year 10 Aquatics (Ogilvie)
Thursday 7th
Australian Mathematics Competition
Thursday 7th
Winter Sleepout Saint Ignatius College overnight
Tuesday 5th Unit 4 Outdoor Education Camp Mascot, New South Wales Tuesday to Friday Tuesday 5th Year 11 VCAL Excursion Hoddle Waddle Swanston St, Melbourne Tuesday 5th
Year 10 Aquatics (Loyola)
Tuesday 5th GISSA Year 9/10 Basketball ‘Life Be In It Sport for All’ Crown St, South Geelong Tuesday 5th
Year 7 Girls Time and Space meeting
Wednesday 6th Year 10 Cheap Thrills Potato Shed Wednesday 6th Year 9 BTB Excursion Belmont High School Wednesday 6th Year 10 Aquatics (Briant) Wednesday 6th Year 10 Aquatics (Evans) Wednesday 6th Year 7 / 8 GISSA Cross Country Invitation Eastern Beach Wednesday 6th Year 7 / 8 GISSA Basketball Round 2 ‘Life be in it Sort for all’ Crown St, South Geelong Wednesday 6th VCAL Parent Information Eveneing 7.00pm to 8.30pm Wednesday 6th ‘The Cage’ Sleepout Saint Ignatius College overnight
Thursday 7th Year 10 Debating Geelong Grammar Friday 8th
Year 10 Aquatics (Evans)
Monday 11th
Year 8 Science Presentation
Tuesday 12th
Year 10 Course Counselling Day
Tuesday 12th
Indonesian Trip Information Evening
Wednesday 13th Year 10 LOTE Italian Excursion Lygon Street, Carlton Wednesday 12th Year 7 / 8 GISSA Cross Country Invitation Eastern Beach Wednesday 13th Year 7 / 8 GISSA Basketball Round 3 ‘Life be in it Sort for all’ Crown St, South Geelong Thursday 14th
Year 10 Aquatics (Kostka)
Friday 15th
College Captains and Vice Captains Speeches to Years 10 and 11
Monday 18th
Science Week Begins
Monday 18th Year 7 Author Visit Scot Gardner Monday and Tuesday
Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN
Saint Ignatius College Geelong
27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School