Edition 18, November 6th 2014
From the Principal Welcome!
Coming Events November 2014 Fri 7th Year 11 Exams Commence Mon 10th Immunisation Year 7 (all) and Year 9 Boys Mon 10th Year 11 VCAL Community Camp Wed 12th GISSA Year 7/8 Summer Sport Round 4
We received very encouraging news today. The member for Bellarine of State Parliament, Ms Lisa Neville, visited our College this morning with the Deputy Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister for Education, Mr James Merlino. On behalf of the College I am very grateful that Mr Merlino joined with Ms Neville to announce during their visit that an Andrews Labor Government will commit up to $2 million towards our College’s proposed Multi-Purpose Centre.
Mon 17th VCAL Kickstart Workplacement
With the growth of the College over the last ten years we have been very aware of the need to keep up to pace with provision of facilities to support our high quality education provision.
Mon 17th Year 11 into 12 Kickstart
Our Masterplan review last year identified the need for a Multi-Purpose Centre.
Fri 14th Student Free Day Year 11 Only
Wed 19th GISSA Year 7/8 Summer Sport Round 5 Thurs 20th Mosaic 2014 Student Free Day All students to attend the evening at Costa Hall A more detailed calendar is on the last page.
We envisioned this new facility will provide spaces for full school assemblies, exams (VCE, NAPLAN and year level exams), School functions, Sporting Competitions, Physical Education classes. It would be large enough to include two indoor basketball courts.
We will also look at how this facility could be utilized by the community for example, local sports groups. When we receive confirmation that funding, and how much, will be available we will be able to move to the next step of this building proposal.
....continued on Page 2
A Jesuit Partner School
In Brief
From the Principal (cont.)
This Page:
Remembrance Day
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As you are aware, next Tuesday is Remembrance Day. We will be conducting a short memorial service for students and staff in their classes.
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At the start of Lesson 4 the College will be called to attention. Students are to remain in classrooms and to give their full attention to the ceremony, under the supervision of the teacher.
Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ and Fr Kevin Dillon Comment Westpac Maths Competition Winners photos
Page 5:
Ignatian ‘Examen’ Prayer and Reflection
Page 6:
Parents and Friends’ Association
Page 7:
Canteen Roster and Teaching and Learning Year 11 Exam Timetable
Page 8:
Year 12 Visual Arts Exhibition photos
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Mosaic 2014
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‘No Name Career Expo?’
Page 11:
“Oh, so serious” by Michael Grose
Page 12 to 14:
Community Notice Board
Page 15:
School Calender
We will begin with an introduction about the significance of Remembrance Day. This will be followed by the playing of the “Last Post.” The College will be called upon to observe one minute’s silence and followed by the “Rouse.”
There is no cost to attend and you are most welcome to invite Grandparents, other family members and family friends. Yr 11 VCAL class – well done! Congratulations to the Yr 11 VCAL class and their teachers on their very successful recent activity - the “Silver Run” fundraiser for Children with a disability. This awareness and fund raising event was totally planned and organised by the students, under the guidance of the Yr 11 VCAL teachers. The money raised will be donated to local Geelong disability organisations for children. Well done to our VCAL students!
The poem “In Flanders Fields” will then be recited. The ceremony concludes with the Ode of Remembrance. All students will be asked to repeat, “Lest we Forget”.
Thank you to Ms Deanne Allen-Emery and Mr Johnny Clatworthy and the team of staff involved for providing this valuable learning experience for our students.
Thank you to Mr. Paul Lewis (DP) for organising and leading this service.
Also, well done and thank you to all students, and their teachers, from other year levels who supported this initiative.
Mosaic Evening and arrangements for classes on the day As a community we are looking forward to our annual celebration evening, “Mosaic”, on Thursday 20th November at Costa Hall, Deakin Waterfront Campus, Geelong. (There are more details later in this newsletter.) This is a very important Saint Ignatius College Geelong event and I ask all families to come along. It is our hope that all students will attend this event with their family. Please note that most Years 7 - 11 students will not be required at school on Thursday 20th November 2014 so staff can prepare for the evening and students performing can rehearse. Having had the day off school it is expected that students will come to the evening instead of their classes for the day. Students in Years 7 - 11 who are performing in the evening are expected to come to school on the day for the rehearsals. Year 12 students will attend school as per their exam timetable. I look forward to joining with students, families and friends of the college to celebrate the school year. In previous years tickets were required to attend. This year, like last year, all you will need to do is turn up at Costa Hall and you will be ushered to a seat.
Exams This is a very busy time at school with students undertaking or soon to commence end-of-year assessments. It is, of course, an especially important time for those Year 12 students who are now in the middle of their exam period. The Year 11 students will commence their exams tomorrow and soon the years 10 and 9 students will start theirs. I wish them well as all their hard work during the year comes to fruition. I appreciate, too, all the efforts and dedication of their teachers and the support being provided by parents.
Alcoa Awards Night Mr Bruce Connor (WAFE Coordinator) and I were delighted to attend the graduation evening for our three Year 10 students who received Alcoa Future Leaders of Industry Scholarships in Manufacturing on last Thursday evening at Deakin University. Congratulations to Wilson Kingsbury, Jonathon Maxwell and Henry West who were participants in this program (pictured on the next page). ....continued on Page 3
A Jesuit Partner School
This program was a career development opportunity for students typically considering a trade or tertiary pathway and, potentially a career in the manufacturing / engineering sector. The program provided the students with the opportunity to: Wilson Kingsbury
Jonathon Maxwell
l Find out more about a broad range of jobs in modern manufacturing; l Be introduced to employers from manufacturing companies; l Meet young people working and succeeding in manufacturing; l Explore education and training options leading to work in the manufacturing sector; l Visit manufacturing sites with a mentor;
Henry West
Mums who drink while pregnant could be consigning their child to a lifetime of unemployment and dependency an Australian Medical Association conference on alcohol has heard. University of Sydney Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder expert Professor Elizabeth Elliot says research has found less than 10% of people with the disorder will get a job and be able to live independently. More than 60% will be in trouble with the law and 30% will engage in drug and alcohol abuse themselves. Almost one in two women consume alcohol before they know they have conceived and one in five continue to drink once they know they are having a baby. The children born to these women are at risk of brain damage as a result of their mothers drinking. The conference heard more needs to be done to warn women of the dangers of drinking while pregnant. National Health and Medical Research guidelines say not drinking is the safest option in pregnancy but few women are aware of the guidelines. Experts say it is unclear whether there is any safe level of alcohol consumption in pregnancy and it is unethical to test this proposition because it could put an unborn child at risk. This why the recommendation is for pregnant women not to drink at all. State and federal governments four years ago asked alcohol manufactureres to place pregnancy warning labels on their bottles but progress has been slow. ‘Herald Sun’, Thurs. Oct. 30
From Fr Kevin Dillon Not many years ago, it seemed that asbestos was just about everywhere. Houses, sheds, garages, factories - so many buildings all over the place. It was cheap, light, weatherproof fantastic! A couple of decades on, as we know, it’s an incredibly different story.
l Be acknowledged for their interest in an industry that is important to the local economy. We are very grateful to Alcoa, GRVEC and another of other industry supporters for providing this program. Thank you to Mr Bruce Connor (WAFE Coordinator) for facilitating the boys involvement in this opportunity. If this opportunity is available again next year we will notify parents of Year 10 students via this newsletter. Best wishes,
Michael Exton Principal For mothers to protect their children from harm, no matter what the cost, is probably as close to a “universal instinct” as can be found. Yet alcohol consumption and drug use during pregnancy appear to be areas of mental blindness and moral irresponsibility which are still far too common.
While asbestos has been used widely for centuries, the evidence is now undeniable as to the carcinogenic potential of its fibres. It is now rightly treated as an insidious poison. When buildings are demolished, detailed and extraordinary precautionary measures are taken to ensure the workers are not harmed.
Some readers may think the comparison with asbestos is a bit stretched. Maybe, maybe not.
Yet for so long asbestos seemed beneficial, helpful, and certainly harmless. Just like alcohol. Alcohol has truly been around forever. It lightens the mood. It creates a convivial atmosphere.
Is it possible to argue that much the same can be said for alcohol, but we’re just not sufficiently game enough, or ready enough, to pursue the consequences of such an investigation?
It promotes a sense of well-being.
The clear perils of alcohol at the start of life might just be a signpost for the widespread havoc it can create, certainly for some, and perhaps for many, further down the journey of life.
But, as an AMA conference heard last week, alcohol puts unborn children at enormous risk of brain damage, physical disabilities and disfigurement. Other studies have indicated that even “moderate” intake of alcohol by a pregnant mother may significantly impair her child’s IQ. Warnings to women not to drink at all during pregnancy have been widespread for many years - but the social acceptance, and at times insistence of alcohol consumption has made this a difficult area of progress. The safety of unborn children and their mothers is not always maintained as a priority.
Asbestos was perceived for so long as having so many benefits, but its dangers were simply unknown, and for some time as they became known, were ignored.
Fr Kevin Dillon, Geelong Deanery Coordinator and Association of Canonical Administrator President, OAM
A Jesuit Partner School
Westpac Maths Competition Winners photos by David Alexander
A Jesuit Partner School
The Five Steps of the Ignatian ‘Examen’ Prayer Thanks I give thanks for the graces, benefits and good things of my day. Help I ask the Holy Spirit for help to discern my day with openess. Review I review my day, hour by hour, to see how God is working in my life.
Ignatian Spirituality Reflection All ministries of the Jesuits are exercised within the context of the Ignatian world view and as a Jesuit partnership college, it is this world view that shapes our mission. At this time of year, when there is so much attention to the academic aspects of education, it is also timely to remember and touch base with the broad scope of Ignatian spirituality which is our reason for being an Ignatian College. 1. For Ignatius God is Creator and Lord, Supreme Goodness the one Reality that is absolute: all other reality comes from God and has value only insofar as it leads us to God.
Response I respond to what I felt or learnt in the review of my day.
This God is present in our lives “labouring for us” in all things; God can be discovered through faith in all natural and human events, in history as a whole and most especially in the lived experience of each individual person.
Resolve I resolve with hope and grace to amend my life tomorrow.
2. Each man and woman is personally known and loved by God. This love invites a response which, to be authentically human, must be an expression of radical freedom.
‘Examen’ adaption by Fr. Michael Hansen SJ)
Therefore in order to respond to the love of God, each person is called to be:free to give of oneself, while accepting responsibility for and the consequences of one’s actions: free to be faithful; free to work in faith towards that true happiness which is the purpose of life: free to labour with others in the service of the kingdom of God for the healing of creation. 3. Because of sin, and the effects of sin, the freedom to respond to God’s love is not automatic. Aided and strengthened by the redeeming love of God, we are engaged in an ongoing struggle to recognize and work against the obstacles that block freedom, including the effects of sinfulness, while developing the capacities that are necessary for the exercise of true freedom.
5. A loving and free response to God’s love cannot be merely theoretical. The principle must lead to decisive action: “love is shown more in deeds than by words.” Ignatius asks for the total and active commitment of men and women who, to imitate and be more like Christ, will put their ideals into practice in the real world of ideas, social movements, the family, business, political and legal structures and religious activities. 6. For Ignatius, the response to the call of Christ is in and through the Catholic Church, an instrument through which Christ is sacramentally present in the world. Mary the mother of Jesus is the model for this response. 7. Repeatedly, Ignatius insisted on the Magis – the more. His constant concern was for greater service of God (what more can I do?) through a closer following of Christ, and that concern flowed into all the apostolic work of the ‘companions’ (a term first used for the first Jesuits and now used for all those in Ignatian ministry.) The strength of community working in service of the kingdom is greater than that of any individual or group of individuals. 8. For Ignatius and for his companions, decisions were made on the basis of an ongoing process of individual and communal “discernment” done always in a context of prayer. Through prayerful reflection on the results of their activities, the companions reviewed past decisions and made adaptations in their methods in a constant search for greater service of God. (magis)
4. The world view of Ignatius is centred on the historical person of Jesus. He is the model for human life because of his total response to the Father’s love in the service of others. He shares our human condition and invites us to follow him in loving response to the Father. He is alive in our midst, and remains the person for others in the service of God.
A Jesuit Partner School
Parents and Friends’ Association: Meetings for 2014
The Parents & Friends’ Association cordially invite all those interested to their meetings for 2014 held from 7.30pm onward in the Food Tech Centre on the following dates:
Parents and Friends’ Association Committee Position Nominations
Nominations are now open for the following positions on the Parents and Friends’ Association Committee: Positions that are available for nomination are President, Vice President, Secretary , Treasurer Environment Sub-Committee Chair Fundraising Sub-Committee Chair Uniform Shop Chair School Board Representative (every two years)
Meeting schedule: November Monday 17th AGM December TBA The Minutes for all meetings can be found on the College website in the Parents and Friends’ Portal when available. The Agenda for the up-coming meeting is also available from the website just prior to the meeting date.
Annual General Meeting
Nomination needs to be submitted by Friday 14th November to be considered. In the event of more than one nomination for a position an election will be held. If this occurs, candidates will be asked to give a very brief outline of the experience they would bring to the position.
The Parents & Friend AGM is on Monday 17th November 7pm in the Food Tech Room.
Nomination form and role descriptions can be downloaded from our website at www.ignatius.vic.edu.au/portal-Parents-Friends-Association
Please consider joining us on this evening. We are seeking expressions of interest for all Committee Positions, nomination forms are available from the College Office prior to the date. We have a number of parents with Year 12 students who will be finishing off their time with the PFA and we look forward to seeing a lot of new faces to carry on the good work and fun times that we have had over the past years.
Entertainment Books We currently have 9 Entertainment Books left for sale. We are selling them for the bargain price of $ 40 each to clear our stock. They are available for purchase from the College Office.
Uniform Shop The Uniform Shop continues to be open on Mondays 1.30-3.30pm. We are in need of small size Blazers, Sport Shorts and Sport Polos. Also kilts and dresses are in short supply. All other items are quite plentiful. New socks are also available for purchase. We are seeking new volunteers to help run the uniform shop on a weekly basis , a new Coordinator is also being sought. If anyone is keen to find out more about the opportunities within the Uniform Shop, please do not hesitate to contact me at uniform@ignatius.vic.edu.au
All nominations must be submitted to the SICG Office either in person or electronically by 4pm on Friday 14th November.
Join the Parents and Friends’ Association and make a difference The Parents and Friends’ Association is about enhancing the school and wider community. We achieve this through: Meeting regularly to share ideas - Third Monday evening each month at 7.30pm (currently) l Building a school community that is supportive of each other l Developing innovative projects/programs l Focusing on creating a sustainable environment l The organisation of social activities to ensure the opportunity to build relationships l Ensuring that we address issues relating to Social Justice l Being environmentally aware in all our actions and decisions l
If you are interested in joining this dynamic group and being part of the ongoing development of the College contact Kristi Papp, the PFA Secretary at kristipapp@iprimus.com.au
A Jesuit Partner School
Canteen Roster Starting 10th November Monday 10th C. Hunter, S. Hammond, J. Wilcox, M. Sideris Tuesday 11th M. Dunstan, S. Crawley, M. Heffernan, C. Lyons Wednesday 12th D. Thomson, C. Ford, M. Sideris, K. Walker Thursday 13th L. Eastwood, M. Gill, T. Mifsud, P. Bakker Friday 14th M. White, S. Schwaiger, C. Lyons, S. Roberts Starting 17th November Monday 17th A. Brown, J. Chainski, Needed, Needed Tuesday 18th L. Vella, C. Duncan, L. Scott, Needed Wednesday 19th M. White, L. Eastwood, T. Mifsud, M. Sideris Thursday 20th No Canteen Student Free Day Mosaic Night Friday 21st M. White, S. Anson, K. Rawson, J. Marles If unable to attend, please make sure you get a replacement.
Sandra Woodall Tel: 0417 050 258
Teaching and Learning Year 11 Unit 2 exams Year 11 exams commence this Friday November 7th for students undertaking Unit 2 VCE. All students have received a timetable for these exams and Mr. Smith, VCE Coordinator, has provided a copy of the exam schedule in this edition of the newsletter. Year 11 VCAL classes will continue as normal. As with Unit 1 exams, students will be completing exams or undertaking exam revision in supervised classes during the period from Friday November 7th to Thursday November 13th inclusive. Friday November 14th is a student free day for Year 11 students only.
Year 12 2015 Orientation The Kickstart program for all current Year 11 students undertaking VCE Units 3 and 4 in 2015 commences on Monday November 17th and continues through to Wednesday November 26th. Each student will begin subject work during this program. Each Unit 3 / 4 subject has been allocated seven lessons in total across these days to provide students with a subject overview, introduce and outline the nature of the Outcome tasks, begin actual classwork and establish holiday homework to ensure a smooth transition when students return for formal Year 12 VCE classes on Monday February 2nd 2015.
Year 11 Exam Week Timetable
The VCE Kickstart program does not operate on Thursday November 20th as this is a student free day for the whole College to prepare for MOSAIC later that evening. Students in Year 11 will receive a timetable for this program via their Year 11 homeroom teacher under Mr. Smith’s direction before the program commences. Approximately 31 current Year 10 students have opted to accelerate in one Unit 3/ 4 subject in 2015 as part of their Year 11 VCE program. These students will receive a timetable to attend these acceleration classes from Mr. Miles, the Year 10 Coordinator in the next few days. Please be aware that these students may have to reschedule some Year 10 exams that clash with this program. Should a clash occur, these students would need to negotiate directly with Mr. Miles to reschedule the specific Year 10 exam involved.
Year 12 VCAL 2015 Mrs Deanne Allen-Emery and Mr. Johnny Clatworthy have developed a separate program for Year 12 2015 VCAL students. Details of these arrangements will be forwarded to those students directly by Mrs. Allen-Emery. The final day for all Year 11 2014 students is Thursday November 27th and Mr. Smith will forward details about this day to students and parents in a separate notice.
Semester Two 2014
Periods 1 & 2
Periods 3 & 4
Periods 5 & 6
Friday Nov 7th
English Exam 9.15am to 12noon
English Exam 9.15am to 12noon
Health and Human Development
Monday Nov 10th
Maths Methods Exam 1
Business Management History LOTE (Italian)
Food Technology Legal Studies Theatre Studies
Tuesday Nov 11th
Music Physics
Wednesday Nov 12th
General Maths Maths Methods Exam 2
Literature Studio Arts Systems Engineering
Biology Media
Thursday Nov 13th
LOTE (Indonesian) Visual Communications
Physical Education
Religious and Society
Friday Nov 14th
Student Free Day
Student Free Day
Student Free Day
A Jesuit Partner School
Teaching and Learning Year 10 Semester 2 Exams
Year 9 Semester 2 Exams
Year 10 students will commence exams on Monday November 24th and these will conclude on Wednesday November 26th. There will be two exams per day and one supervised exam revision session across each day. The exam timetable has been published in this edition.
Year 9 students will commence exams on Friday November 28th and continue with these until Tuesday December 2nd.
To assist students with transition into Year 11 VCE or VCAL in 2015, there will be an Orientation session in St Thomas Church on Friday November 21st during Periods 5 and 6. Mr. Miles, Year 10 Coordinator prior to that date, will email an outline of this session to all students in the level.
As with Semester one, there will be two exams per day and one supervised exam revision session across each day. The exam timetable has been published in this edition. Mrs Jennifer Guinane is currently organising exam arrangements for students with additional needs in Years 9 and/or 10 at this time and will notify those students prior to exams commencing. We wish students in Years 9 to 11 preparing for upcoming exams every success in the weeks ahead. Mrs. Annette Chidzey Head of Teaching and Learning
Year 9 & 10 Exam Week Timetables Semester Two 2014 Year 9 Friday
Periods 1 & 2
Periods 3 & 4
Periods 5 & 6
Nov 28th
Exam Revision Year 9 Home Rooms
Monday Dec 1st
Exam Revision Year 9 Home Rooms
Religious Education
Tuesday Dec 2nd
Exam Revision Year 9 Home Rooms
Health and P.E.
Wednesday Dec 3rd
Last Day
Last Day
Last Day
Semester Two 2014 Year 10 Monday
Periods 1 & 2
Periods 3 & 4
Periods 5 & 6
Nov 24th
Exam Revision Year 10 Home Rooms
Tuesday Nov 25th
Exam Revision Year 10 Home Rooms
Health and P.E.
Wednesday Nov 26th
Religious Education
Exam Revision Year 10 Home Rooms
Thursday Nov 27th
Last Day
Last Day
Last Day
A Jesuit Partner School
Evening 2014 The celebration and showcase of our fine programs and achievements during the year at Saint Ignatius College
Join the College community in an evening of celebration at Mosaic 2014 All students are required to attend this important College event. Parents / Guardians and Grandparents are invited to accompany their sons, daughters and grandchildren to help us celebrate. Date: Thursday November 20th. Time: 5pm - 6.45pm Exhibitions, displays and performances in the Costa Hall foyer. 7pm - 9.15pm (approx) Student performances, media retrospectives, and award presentations in the main auditorium. Venue: Costa Hall, Deakin University Waterfront Campus, Brougham Street, Geelong Please note: Tickets are not required. General Admission to foyer and auditorium. Doors to auditorium open at 6.45pm. Dress: Semi-formal. Students’ dress: Girls: Full Summer uniform and blazer. Boys: Full Winter uniform (long pants and ties) and blazer For Details Please Call: Please see our website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au, contact the College office on 5251 1136 or via email on info@ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School
No Name Career Expo?
An information session for parents, carers, families and educators of young people with special needs requiring transition support from secondary school
into further education training and/or employment
Wednesday 29rd May
When: Time: Where:
Thursday 13th November 2014 4pm-7pm Deakin Cats Community Centre, Skilled Stadium, Geelong
Come along and enter our competition:
Who should attend the Expo? Students in Year 9-12 needing transition support from secondary school and parents/carers/all those who support and advise them. (Funded & Unfunded)
What is the focus of the Expo? This evening focuses on options and supports that are available with information about:
employment career pathways tertiary education apprenticeships day programs
What is the Expo’s structure?
From 4pm: Light refreshments provided on arrival 4:10pm: Welcome & Brief presentation providing an overview of the services and support offered when transitioning from Secondary School into further education, training and/or employment followed by a discussion with information on how and when to connect to the wide range of supports available in your local area including NDIS. 4.45 pm: Individual transition story a perspective on a young person’s transition journey. Employer Story a perspective from a local employer about the benefits of employing a person with a disability 5.15 pm: Time for individual questions with Exhibitors Representatives from employment agencies, apprenticeship centres, further education, funding providers, day programs and others will be in attendance. 6.45pm: Presentation to Name the Expo Winner & Door Prize Draw
RSVP: For catering purposes by Friday 7th November 2014
Contact Pam Anderson, National Disability Coordination Officer Region 16 Email: pam.anderson@skillsplus.com.au Mobile: 0418 108 555 An initiative of the Geelong Transition Action Network
A Jesuit Partner School
INSIGHTS Building parent-school partnerships WORDS Malcolm Dix
Oh, so serious! When Malcolm Dix found himself taking life too quickly and too seriously, he decided to take a dose of his own medicine.
Everywhere I go I hear from parents that they are too busy, too stressed, and have too much to do and not enough time. Many social observers say parents seeing themselves as ‘time poor’ is at epidemic levels, a belief that is only compounded by technology that enables us to be connected 24/7. At one point I personally had to take some time to stop and honestly reflect upon my own life and that of my family. It didn’t take long for me to see that I too had become caught up in the ‘busyness’ of life. I knew that for the sake of my kids and my family, I had to make a change but it requires a day-in day-out conscious level of commitment – a commitment to practise joy, fun, patience, forgiveness, silliness, bad dancing and reflection. Currently I’m doing seven things to calm my life down and that of my family while trying to create more space for my children to simply enjoy their childhood. (Some of the following I’m sure you already do but it’s taken me a while to figure them out).
My strategies to slow down and not be so busy are as follows: 1 Eat together as a family at the
table at least four nights a week There has been more and more written about the importance of families eating together and the positive effect it has on children and adults alike. I have to say I’m enjoying it.
2 Avoid watching the nightly news
5 Exercise together
I’ve stopped watching the news and to my surprise the sky never collapsed as I had feared. I’m a much happier man not watching the oh-so-depressing’ news.
I exercise with my kids at least four times a week, usually at the local park kicking the footy, throwing a frisbee, running with our dog and so on. I have realised that the best way to get them all moving is by moving myself too.
3 Turn off the TV and sit
around an open fire I’ve constructed a simple fire pit in our innercity backyard and every second weekend my partner, the kids and I toast marshmallows, listen to funny songs, talk and look up at the stars. Who needs to go camping to enjoy the outdoors! My eldest boy (13 years old) is also learning to set a fire and his younger brothers are learning a lot about flames, hot coals and what happens to marshmallows when they are left in the fire for too long. Meanwhile my 16-year-old daughter will stare at the flames for an hour thinking about who knows what … but for me this is better than seeing her staring at social media or watching mindless television.
4 Dance together I’ve made the conscious decision to start dancing in the kitchen with my kids at least three times a week. I can’t dance to save myself, however I have three boys and if they are ever going to learn to dance and be comfortable with moving their bodies, I suddenly realized I have to lead the way. This parenting caper sure can be humiliating at times, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
6 Explore nature together I’ve started spending more time in nature with my kids by taking them to the river, the hills, lakes, nature parks. I keep it local, with the occasional longer drive on weekends. I contacted my local council and found so many fun things to do as a family in my local area that I never knew existed … who would have thunk it!
7 Limit your own
social networking
I have severely reduced my time spent on social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc. My personality type could disappear into social media and never come back so I knew I had to significantly change my ways and, once again, it’s all about positive role modelling for my kids. So there you have it, my strategies for simplifying and calming my family life. As a result I’m happier, less stressed and far more ‘present’ for everyone which, in turn, is having a positive effect on my kids.
Malcolm Dix
e from Michael Grose. Join Stay one step ahead of your kids with great ideas & expert advic b.com.au. You’ll be so glad you did. Michael’s NEW Parentingideas Club today at parentingideasclu © 2014 Michael Grose
Community Notice Board Introducing “Illegal Drugs -What you need to know” Drug education resources for teachers, parents and students The following introductory blurb can be used in school bulletins and newsletters to inform teachers, parents and students about the new resources available to all schools in Term 4. For an electronic copy of this text, please contact l.stapinski@unsw.edu.au
Illegal Drugs -What you need to know Drug education resources for teachers, parents and students Research suggests the teenage years are when alcohol and other drug use are first initiated. This highlights the importance of intervening early to prevent drug use uptake and associated harms. To achieve this, there is a critical need for accurate and credible evidence-based information that can be accessed by young people, their parents and teachers. To meet this need, the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre and the National Drug Research Institute were funded by the Australian government Department of Health to develop an illegal drugs resource package for use by teachers, parents, and students. Informed by expert review of research evidence and consultation with teachers, parents and students, the booklets in this series have been developed to: • Provide accurate, up-to-date information about illegal drugs, their use, effects and potential harms • Help students to make informed choices and deal with pressure from peers • Provide guidance about how to talk to a young person about illegal drugs, or help someone who has taken a drug
Drug Information booklets for teachers, parents and students.
• Give information about school-based drug preventions programs that have demonstrated positive outcomes in Australia • An online drug education game, “Pure Rush” is also available. Designed for students in Years 9-10, Pure Rush provides a fun and interactive way to educate students about drug effects and harms. Pure Rush: Online Drug Education Game Copies of the booklets will be delivered to every secondary school in Australia in Term 4, 2014. Electronic versions of the booklets and the online game “Pure Rush” are freely available from www.positivechoices.org.au
A Jesuit Partner School
Community Notice Board
Adventure, travel, great pay and diverse career opportunities – just to name a few of the benefits on offer when you join the Navy, Army or Air Force. If you’re up for the challenge and would like to find out more, come along to one of our upcoming information sessions:
05 Nov 14
1800-1900 Aviation
12 Nov 14
1800-1900 Defence University Sponsorship
13 Nov 14
1800-1900 One Year Roles
18 Nov 14
1800-1900 Technical Trades
19 Nov 14
1800-1900 Royal Military College (RMC)
25 Nov 14
1800-1900 Army Reserve
26 Nov 14
1800-1900 Women In Defence
27 Nov 14
1800-1900 Engineering
All sessions are taking place in the Defence Force Recruiting Centre Location: Level 14, 501 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 ** Our building is currently undergoing extensive refurbishment; please follow the signs to the 501 entrance * Photo I.D will be required and checked upon arrival. Any minors without photo I.D are requested to attend with a parent/guardian. There are limited positions available for these sessions so reservations are essential. To book your seat please email CPTVIC@dfr.com.au with the date and title of the session and also the number of seats you would like. Hope to see you there! DEFENCE FORCE RECRUITING
A Jesuit Partner School
Community Notice Board
Enrolling Now
William Angliss Institute is the only dedicated hospitality, tourism and foods training provider in Victoria‌ So come and join us! Places are still available for 2015 in our specialised VCAL Intermediate (equivalent year 11) and Senior (equivalent year 12) programs, with industry specific skills.
Choose from the list below: Cookery Tourism Food and Beverage Retail Make-Up and Skin Care (Beauty)
For further information visit our website www. angliss.edu.au or contact simont@angliss.edu.au or 03 9606 2623
A Jesuit Partner School
School Calendar November 2014
November 2014
Thursday 6th Year 11 VCAL ‘Silver Run’ Activity Saint Ignatius College oval
Wednesday 19th GISSA Year 7/8 Summer Sports Round 5 Cricket, Softball, Tennis and Volleyball
Thursday 6th Year 10 Surfing Ogilvie
Thursday 20th Student Free Day Students are expected to attend ‘Mosaic’
Thursday 6th
VCAL: VALA Safari by the Sea
Thursday 6th
Year 9 Marine Discovery Excursion
Thursday 6th Debating Squad Geelong College Friday 7th Year 11 Exams Commence Friday 7th to Thursday 13th Monday 10th Immunisation Year 7 (all) and Year 9 Boys Monday 10th Year 11 VCAL Community Camp Trentham Wednesday 12th GISSA Year 7/8 Summer Sports Round 4 Cricket, Softball, Tennis and Volleyball Friday 14th Student Free Day Year 11 Only
Thursday 20th
Year 9 Marine Discovery Excursion
Friday 21st
Year 10 - 11 Orientation
Monday 24th Year 10 Exam Commence Monday 24th to Wednesday 26th Monday 24th
Year 7 Music Concert
Tuesday 25th
Leopold Senior Citizens Concert
Tuesday 25th Year 11 VCAL Ecursion Little River Wednesday 26th Year 7 2015 ‘Singles Day’ Thursday 27th
Monday 17th VCAL Kickstart Workplacement Year 11 and 12 Monday 17th to Wednesday 26th Monday 17th
Year 11 into 12 Kickstart
Monday 17th
Mosaic Awards Rehearsal
Monday 17th Parents and Friends’ Association AGM Food Technology Room Tuesday 18th
Thursday 20th ‘Mosaic’ 2014 Costa Hall, Deakin Waterfront Campus All students to attend
Last Day of Years 10 and 11
Friday 28th Year 9 Exams Commence Friday 28th to Tuesday December 2nd Friday 28th
Valedictory Dinner
December 2014 Wednesday 3rd Last Day of Year 7, 8 and 9 Tuesday 9th
Year 7 2015 Orientation
Mosaic Awards Rehearsal
Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN
Saint Ignatius College Geelong
27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School