Edition 19, November 20th 2014
From the Principal Welcome! Mosaic Evening.
Coming Events November 2014 Fri 21st Year 10 - 11 Orientation Mon 24th Year 10 Exams Commence Mon 24th Year 7 Music Concert Tues 25th Leopold Senior Citizens Concert Tues 25th Year 11 VCAL Excursion Wed 26th Year 7 2015 ‘Singles Day’ Thurs 27th Last Day of Years 10 and 11 Fri 28th Year 9 Exams Commence Fri 28th Valedictory Dinner
December 2014 Wed 3rd Last Day of Years 7, 8 and 9 A more detailed calendar is on the last page.
Our annual Mosaic Evening last night at Costa Hall was again a very special and important whole school event. I was very pleased with the large number of people who attended. Thank you to all families who were able to attend. A strong school community enhances positive outcomes for our young people. Last night’s event was indeed a wonderful celebration of very impressive student achievement across a variety of areas. I congratulate all students who received awards or presented the results of their learning (Foyer Displays) or performed on the evening (Music, Dance and / or Drama) - well done! It was impossible to acknowledge all student achievements and I congratulate all students who have strived to improve and to achieve their goals throughout the year. It is also difficult to present at Mosiac some of the aspects of school life that we value.
Students supporting each other and going quietly about their learning and making the most of the opportunities they have to discover and develop their gifts and talents and being of service to others. Thank you to our hard working staff for organising and running this evening - all staff played some part in supporting this community celebration. In particular I thank Mrs Claire Hewitt for coordinating Mosaic. There are two pages of photos from last nights celebration in this newsletter and the program of the evening is available on our website.
Unit 3 Orientation Program Thank you to Mr Bernie Lowes (Daily Organiser), Mr. Andrew Smith (VCE Coordinator), the Learning Area Leaders and the Senior School team of teachers for providing a valuable Orientation Program this week and next week to prepare the Year 11 students for next year. It is important that these students use some of the holiday period to prepare for the undertaking of their Unit 3 subjects. ....continued on Page 2
A Jesuit Partner School
In Brief
From the Principal (cont.)
This Page:
Teachers will have given guidelines and provided preparatory work and the students have a responsibility to take advantage of this and not turn up next year finding themselves behind the rest of the class.
Continuation of ‘From the Principal’
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Fr Kevin Dillon Comment
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Mosaic 2014 Foyer Display photos
Page 5:
Ignatian ‘Examen’ Prayer and Reflection
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Mosaic Evening 2014 photos
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Parents and Friends’ Association
Page 8:
Canteen Roster and Architects of Change
Page 9:
Equestrian News
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CoGG Immunisation Service
Can I please encourage parents to support this expectation? I expect that our senior students give their academic program the priority it deserves and other undertakings will need to fit in around their studies. I want all students, as I am sure parents do, to have the best chance of achieving to the best of their ability and this will be enhanced if the prevailing atmosphere is one where students are encouraging each other to do their best with their studies. The Year 11 students finish their school year next week on Thursday. I wish them an enjoyable, restful and productive holiday period. As mentioned above I expect them to spend some time during the holidays preparing for their Year 12 studies. Today the Year 10 students undertook their Unit 1 / VCAL (Year 11) orientation.
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The Year 10 students also finish on next Thursday after sitting their exams on Monday to Wednesday. I wish them an enjoyable, restful and productive holiday period as well.
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Important dates for remainder of 2014
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Monday 24th November Year 10 Exams commence
“Reduce our national sleep debt” by Michael Grose Community Notice Board School Calender
Tuesday 25th November Leopold Seniors Citizens Luncheon / Concert Thursday 27th November Last day for Years 10 and 11 students Thursday 27th November Year 9 Exams commence Friday 28th November Year 12 Valedictory Dinner Wednesday 3rd December Last day for Years 7, 8 and 9 students Tuesday 9th December Orientation day for 2015 Year 7 students Thursday 11th December Semester Two reports available via the Parent Portal Friday 19th December School office closes for holiday break
Commencement dates for 2015 school year Please note that the commencement days for next year are as follows: Monday 2nd February 2015 Years 7, 11 & 12; and Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Years 8, 9 & 10.
Sympathy Monsignor James Murray passed away on last Sunday. Mons. Murray was the first President of the Canonical Administrators of Catholic Regional College (CRC), a position he held for ten years. During this time he supported the establishment of CRC in the city in 1991 and the commencement of the Drysdale campus in 1997. On behalf of the College community I extend our sympathy to Mons. Murray’s relatives and friends.
Staffing update I am very pleased to inform you that Mrs. Annette Chidzey will be taking on the role of Acting Deputy Principal for Semester One next year. This is an interim arrangement whilst we finalise the new leadership roles and structures as a result of the current review and then undertake the appointment process. I am also grateful to Ms. Anna Oliver who will take over from Mrs. Chidzey as Acting Head of Learning & Teaching while she is in the deputy role. For those of you who haven’t caught up with the news, these arrangements will be necessary due to the departure of Deputy Principal, Ms. Kerry Sidaway. Ms. Sidaway will be moving to a senior leadership position at Xavier Catholic College, Hervey bay, Queensland. I will inform you about the results of the Leadership Team roles and structure review when available via the newsletter. Best wishes,
Michael Exton Principal
A Jesuit Partner School
From Fr Kevin Dillon It’s a bit of a conundrum. Easter and Holy Week are really the “pre-eminent” Christian feasts, but from a popular perspective, Christmas seems to receive a lot more attention. Yet the Lent, as the “season of preparation” for Easter, is given much more attention and participation than the preparation season for Christmas - that is, Advent. Most likely that’s because there is so much competition for the time and attention of people during those first three weeks of December. End-of-Year celebrations, school and work break-ups, holiday preparations, searching for and buying Christmas gifts, sending cards - they all are part of what are arguably the three most frantic weeks of the year. So how do we fit in “Advent” as any sort of spiritual preparation for Christmas, and indeed as a means of preparing for a New Year at the end of the month?
This year at St. Mary’s, we are fortunate to have someone with us who can help us truly recognise Advent, and in doing so give Christmas itself and the New Year a valuable and helpful perspective.
A brochure about the Advent Mission will be available next week-end - one with every parish bulletin, as well as many other copies for distribution to anyone who might be interested.
Fr. Richard Leonard SJ conducted a four-day Mission at St. Mary’s last year which drew very large attendances, and even larger gratitude and recognition from the many people, from our parish and beyond, who attended.
The Mission can make these four days (Nov. 30 to Dec. 3) a special time of preparation for Christmas, but will recognise that attending will not unduly compromise the precious time we all need for the many other demands and celebrations of such a hectic time of year.
With an engaging personality, a treasure trove of meaningful stories and illustrations, Fr. Richard’s message spread quickly over his four days at St. Mary’s, with each day drawing larger audiences “as the word got around”. Notwithstanding the busy-ness of the pre-Christmas schedule, it is expected that the Basilica will be a better venue than the Pioneer Room, which was “packed to the rafters” last year. (And the Basilica won’t be as cold as it would have been in July last year!).
Indeed, as those many people who valued last year’s Mission would readily acknowledge, time spent with this remarkable and multi-talented Jesuit priest may well provide the best preparation possible to make Christmas 2014 a truly memorable one - and for all the right reasons.
Fr Kevin Dillon, Geelong Deanery Coordinator and Association of Canonical Administrator President, OAM
A Jesuit Partner School
Mosaic 2014 Foyer Display photos by David Alexander
A Jesuit Partner School
The Five Steps of the Ignatian ‘Examen’ Prayer Thanks I give thanks for the graces, benefits and good things of my day. Help I ask the Holy Spirit for help to discern my day with openness. Review I review my day, hour by hour, to see how God is working in my life. Response I respond to what I felt or learnt in the review of my day. Resolve I resolve with hope and grace to amend my life tomorrow. ‘Examen’ adaption by Fr. Michael Hansen SJ)
Ignatian Spirituality Reflection This week, we focus on our students in a particular way through the presentations at our Mosaic evening. It is an evening that showcases the culmination of many endeavours and events of the past year. The focus is on the students. However let us not forget the teachers who have worked so tirelessly for our young people. Our reflection this week is a sharing of one of the prayers prayed as a community in our staffroom - a prayer which is an expression of the spiritual underpinning of all that teachers strive do at Saint Ignatius College. Loving God, our world is indeed charged with your grandeur for you labour with and for us in all things to bring about the fullness of your Kingdom where justice, love and peace will reign in the hearts of all your people. Teach us, Lord, to be generous; teach us to serve you as you deserve.
l Guide our efforts to form our students into persons of intellectual competence, moral integrity and religious conviction whose actions are informed by conscience, infused with compassion and inspired by a commitment to a faith that seeks justice for all your people, particularly among the poor, the suffering and the neglected. Bless us, Lord, and our mission as Ignatian educators. Guide us with your Spirit that we may continually grow as a community of companions in the ministry of teaching. Guide us as we work with and learn from one another to discern how best to accompany our students on their journeys to becoming men and women of the magis. May we ask always what more we can do in this ministry for your greater honour and glory. Amen.
l We pray for the guidance of your Spirit that we may lead our students to find joy in learning and to thirst for greater and deeper knowledge of how they are called to labour with you in the wonder and mystery of your ongoing work of creation. l We pray that our lives give witness to our students the personal love and care that you have for each of us so that they might attain the knowledge and freedom to achieve their full potential as young men and women created in your image and likeness. l We pray for the grace to teach as Jesus did so that by following his example our students will grow up to be men and women in service with and for others as well as leading discerners of your Spirit in the communities in which they live, work and worship.
A Jesuit Partner School
Mosaic Evening 2014 photos by David Alexander
A Jesuit Partner School
Parents and Friends’ Association:
Meetings for 2014
The Parents & Friends’ Association cordially invite all those interested to their meetings for 2014 held from 7.30pm onward in the Food Tech Centre on the following dates:
Meeting schedule: December TBA The Minutes for all meetings can be found on the College website in the Parents and Friends’ Portal when available. The Agenda for the up-coming meeting is also available from the website just prior to the meeting date.
Secondhand Booksale The Secondhand Book Sale will be held on Thursday 4th December 6-8pm in the MacKillop Centre (VCE Building). Books can be dropped off at the following times: Tuesday 2nd December 12-3pm Wednesday 3rd December 9-3pm Thursday 4th December 9-3pm VCE students can drop their books at the office at the end of their exams.
Look out for more details in the College Newsletter in early 2015!!
Books can only be purchased during the Sale on Thursday evening. Payment is by CASH or CHEQUE only. Proceeds from sales will be credited to your Fee Account. Information regarding the Sale with a list of books available to be sold, will be sent home with students shortly. Please DO NOT send in books that are not on the list of books available for Sale. Thank you to all the families who have supported the Uniform Shop and the Book Sale over the past 7 years, I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting so many new people, providing a valuable service and raising much needed funds for our College. My youngest child has now finished Year 12 and I will finish at the College at the end of 2014. I wish all families a safe and happy Christmas, and a fantastic 2015. Helen Benjamin Uniform Shop and Book Sale Co-ordinator
Uniform Shop Position Vacant We are looking for Uniform Shop Co-ordinator as this position is now vacant. It requires a passionate and enthusiastic person to fill the role. There is a possibility that the role can be split as we have a parent volunteer who has agreed to undertake the data entry role of the Uniform Shop. The role requires someone to co-ordinate volunteers to open shop weekly, process incoming uniforms for sale, conduct stock-takes, prepare items to be returned to parents and report to P&F Association at monthly meetings. As mentioned this can be undertaken jointly. If you are keen to know more about the role please contact: Helen Benjamin on Mob: 0412 547925 or benjamin241@iinet.net.au At our recent AGM it was decided to increase the commission retained by the College for sale of uniform items to 25%. This will be effective from 1/1/15.
A Jesuit Partner School
Canteen Roster Starting 24th November Monday 24th A. Smith, C. Dumaresq, S. Schwaiger, R. Scott, V. Durbidge Tuesday 25th R. Morrison, T. Waring, B. Downey, Needed Wednesday 26th P. Vaughan, T. Wagener, M. Sideris, L. Eastwood Thursday 27th T. Mifsud, N. Lowther, E. Carpenter, S. Clark, M. Hallam Friday 28th E. Stokie, S. Smith, K. Fitzpatrick, L. Hart, W. Boylan Starting 1st December Monday 1st M. Wheatland, C. Lyons Tuesday 2nd M. Rav-Wig, T. Mifsud Wednesday 3rd V. McKee, M. Sideris
Architects of Change VCAL students have had an extremely busy end to the year. Students have concluded their Nelson Park School mentoring partnership, successfully designing and running an amazing race called the “Queenscliff Waddle”. The class invited Nelson Park students back to assist with operating the Silver Run, a fundraising project raising awareness and funds for local disability organisations. A hugely successful event, totally planned and organized by Year 11 VCAL students and involved over 600 students from Year 7-9. All students walked 5km around our College oval, jumping over hay bales, zig zagging through obstacles and completing a blindfolded “sensory run”.
This involved students completing fire prevention tasks to assist camp leaders by weeding, cleaning drains, stacking firewood and removing debris from the forest floor. An amazing transformation of 2 separate camp locations! A terrific way to end a very successful and rewarding semester. As we move towards Kickstart orientation program, I on behalf of the staff want to congratulate all students and wish them all the success as they continue on to Year 12 Senior VCAL or enter the world of work as an apprentice or trainee. Congratulations!! Deanne Allen-Emery
This event raised over $1800. We would like to thank the following organisations who assisted us by donating funds for VCAL’s biggest raffle ever. They include: Rasta Surf Co, 3 Fat Sparrows, Hogs Breath Café, East Geelong Food Market, Apco Service Centre, Quiksilver, Beaurepaires, Highton Veterinary Clinic, The Food Purveyor, Bakers Delight Bellarine, Gateway Fish and Chips, Adventure Park, Loosha Candles and Subway. All money will be donated to assist young people with a disability. Our last task for the year was a community service camp at Blackwood Special School Outdoor Education Camp.
Thursday 4th No Canteen Friday 5th No Canteen If unable to attend, please make sure you get a replacement.
Sandra Woodall Tel: 0417 050 258
Thank yo to all Canteen Helpers for your support during 2014
A Jesuit Partner School
Equestrian News Congratulations to Lilly Herzer (11 Denn) who recently represented Saint Ignatius College in the 2014 Australian National Inter-school Equestrian Championships which were held at Werribee Park National Equestrian Centre. Lily rode her Warmblood gelding “Grand Flemingho� in the Medium Dressage and the Medium Dressage Freestyle and placed in the top ten for the three events that she rode in. Lily was also proud to be the captain of the overall winning Victorian dressage team. I would like to thank both Lilly and all the other members of the Saint Ignatius Equestrian team for representing the College in the various Inter-school team events throughout the year and wish them all the best with their training for the 2015 series. Ms Marina Brown Equestrian Team Manager.
Year 9 Students Students undertaking either VCE Mathematical Methods, Pre VCE Maths or General Maths in Year 10 2015 must have a TI-Nspire CAS calculator. These are to be purchased directly through ABACUS calculators. Order forms have been posted home. If you require another order form please email perkinsk@ignatius.vic.edu.au Karen Perkins Maths Domain Leader
A Jesuit Partner School
CITY OF GREATER GEELONG IMMUNISATION SERVICE Provided by BARWON HEALTH Immunisation Centre Belmont Barwon Health (Main Entrance) 1-17 Reynolds Road, Belmont.
Immunisation Hours Wednesday morning (By appointment only) 9 am - 12.30pm
Corio Community Health Centre 2 Gellibrand St, Corio
Every Wednesday 9.30am - 11.45am
Newtown “Ariston� 245 Pakington St, Newtown
1st Friday of each month 9.30am -11.45am
Ocean Grove Boorai Centre Ocean Grove Shell Rd, Ocean Grove Newcomb Community Health Centre 104-108 Bellarine Hwy, Newcomb
2nd and 4th Friday of each month 9.30am -11.45am
Open sessions (No appointment required) (Please note that this is the Barwon Health Wed and Friday afternoons 1.30pm - 4.45pm building, not the MCH building) Saturday morning (By appointment only) 9 am - 11.45am
3rd Friday of each month 9.30am -11.45am
Appointments are only required for Belmont on Wednesday and Saturday Mornings
Criteria for FREE Vaccines on the National Immunisation Program Schedule The vaccinee will need to reside in Australia and hold one of the following: 1) Medicare card or be eligible to hold a Medicare card 2) Australian citizenship 3) Permanent visa or have applied for a permanent visa. Open on Geelong Cup Day Closed - All public holidays including Easter Saturday. Closed between Christmas and the New Year
For all enquiries phone 4215 6962
If you require Immunisation Records, please email: your name, date of birth, and address to immune@barwonhealth.org.au.
A reminder to students (especially Year 9 as the funding for their vaccine ends on 31/12/14) to contact us to catch up any vaccines missed at school. A Jesuit Partner School
by Michael Grose - No. 1 parenting educator
Reduce our national sleep debt Many parents underestimate the importance of sleep for children’s learning and well-being. As a community we lack a great deal of knowledge about what’s required to get a good night’s sleep. Good sleep habits include:
Recently I spoke at an overseas conference and sleep, or rather lack of sleep, was high on the agenda. Professor Harlene Hayne, head of the Psychology Department at the University of Otago, revealed that increasing the amount of sleep children receive is one of the most powerful strategies for improving their mental health and well-being. The links between sleep debt and poor mental health, including anxiety and depression, are indisputable. Anxiety goes down and confidence and well-being improves when kids get enough sleep. Many kids today are sleep deprived. Teenagers, in particular, don’t get enough sleep. They need between nine and 10 hours sleep each night, yet most get about seven or eight hours sleep. Some get less. Not getting enough sleep leads to sleep deprivation, which is akin to jet lag, where kids don’t function at their optimum. Lack of sleep leads to irritability, decreased creativity and memory lapses. It also has strong links to anxiety and depression. Sleep maximises the brain growth which occurs with toddlers and teens. Sleep also consolidates learning: sleep research has shown that the brain practises what it has learned during the day when a child or young person is asleep. So sufficient sleep consolidates past learning as well as keeping kids fresh to maximise their future learning. Sleep experts stress that while adults may not have control over biology we can assist children and teens to establish good sleep patterns. Children usually carry good sleep habits into adolescence. If you struggle to get young children to sleep or constantly battle kids who want to stay up longer, some knowledge of good sleep habits may be useful.
1. Regular bedtimes. Kids may fight this, but make sure kids keep regular bedtimes during the week and allow them to stay up a little later on weekends. Children need between 10 and 12 hours of sleep each day, while teens need a minimum of nine hours. 2. A 45 minute wind-down time before bed. This includes: removing TV and other stimuli, calming the child down and limiting food intake (and caffeine for teens). The wind-down time informs the body clock that sleeping-time is near. 3. A bedtime routine: Have a bedtime routine, such as story-reading and teeth-cleaning, that signals psychologically that it is time for sleep. A set routine means that kids can predict. It also means that some children will fight bedtime so you need some good strategies in place to get kids to bed and make sure they stay there. 4. Keeping bedrooms for sleep. Bedrooms that resemble caves are recommended. It gets tricky with mobile phones and other information technology, but it’s smart to keep mobiles and laptops out of bedrooms at sleep-time. This goes for parents too. I’ve noticed most parents sleep in technology-free bedrooms (apart from a clock-radio) yet their kids will have technology-full rooms. 5. Maximise the three sleep cues. These include: darkness (maintaining a cave-like bedroom); lowering body temperature (baths can be good for this); and melatonin (work within their cycle). With mental health being on the agenda for all Australians and New Zealanders there is no better start than attending to good sleep habits. If your kids get less sleep than they should, check out the five habits above and work out which of these you can adjust to move things in favour of them getting more sleep.
Michael Grose Presentations PO Box 167 Balnarring Vic 3926 p + 61 3 5983 1798 f (03) 5983 1722 e office@parentingideas.com.au All rights reserved. For more ideas, support and advice for all your parenting challenges please visit our website. 2014 Michael Grose
facebook.com/Parentingideas.com.au twitter.com/michaelgrose
Community Notice Board Introducing “Illegal Drugs -What you need to know” Drug education resources for teachers, parents and students The following introductory blurb can be used in school bulletins and newsletters to inform teachers, parents and students about the new resources available to all schools in Term 4. For an electronic copy of this text, please contact l.stapinski@unsw.edu.au
Illegal Drugs -What you need to know Drug education resources for teachers, parents and students Research suggests the teenage years are when alcohol and other drug use are first initiated. This highlights the importance of intervening early to prevent drug use uptake and associated harms. To achieve this, there is a critical need for accurate and credible evidence-based information that can be accessed by young people, their parents and teachers. To meet this need, the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre and the National Drug Research Institute were funded by the Australian government Department of Health to develop an illegal drugs resource package for use by teachers, parents, and students. Informed by expert review of research evidence and consultation with teachers, parents and students, the booklets in this series have been developed to: • Provide accurate, up-to-date information about illegal drugs, their use, effects and potential harms • Help students to make informed choices and deal with pressure from peers • Provide guidance about how to talk to a young person about illegal drugs, or help someone who has taken a drug
Drug Information booklets for teachers, parents and students.
• Give information about school-based drug preventions programs that have demonstrated positive outcomes in Australia • An online drug education game, “Pure Rush” is also available. Designed for students in Years 9-10, Pure Rush provides a fun and interactive way to educate students about drug effects and harms. Pure Rush: Online Drug Education Game Copies of the booklets will be delivered to every secondary school in Australia in Term 4, 2014. Electronic versions of the booklets and the online game “Pure Rush” are freely available from www.positivechoices.org.au
A Jesuit Partner School
Community Notice Board
Adventure, travel, great pay and diverse career opportunities – just to name a few of the benefits on offer when you join the Navy, Army or Air Force. If you’re up for the challenge and would like to find out more, come along to one of our upcoming information sessions:
05 Nov 14
1800-1900 Aviation
12 Nov 14
1800-1900 Defence University Sponsorship
13 Nov 14
1800-1900 One Year Roles
18 Nov 14
1800-1900 Technical Trades
19 Nov 14
1800-1900 Royal Military College (RMC)
25 Nov 14
1800-1900 Army Reserve
26 Nov 14
1800-1900 Women In Defence
27 Nov 14
1800-1900 Engineering
All sessions are taking place in the Defence Force Recruiting Centre Location: Level 14, 501 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 ** Our building is currently undergoing extensive refurbishment; please follow the signs to the 501 entrance * Photo I.D will be required and checked upon arrival. Any minors without photo I.D are requested to attend with a parent/guardian. There are limited positions available for these sessions so reservations are essential. To book your seat please email CPTVIC@dfr.com.au with the date and title of the session and also the number of seats you would like. Hope to see you there! DEFENCE FORCE RECRUITING
A Jesuit Partner School
Community Notice Board
spud dance party
6.30-9.30pm FRI 21 NOV Just $5 on the door Fully supervised - alcohol, smoke, drug free event
41 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale 3222 Call 5251 1998 geelongaustralia.com.au/potatoshed A Jesuit Partner School
School Calendar November 2014 Year 10 - 11 Orientation
Friday 21st
Monday 24th Year 10 Exams Commence Monday 24th - Wednesday 26th Monday 24th
Year 7 Music Concert
Tuesday 25th
Leopold Senior Citizens Concert
Tuesday 25th Year 11 VCAL Excursion Little River Wednesday 26th Year 7 2015 ‘Singles Day’ Thursday 27th
Last Day of Years 10 and 11
Thursday 27th Year 11 End of Year Celebration Queenscliff Park Friday 28th Year 9 Exams Commence Friday 28th to Tuesday December 2nd Friday 28th
January 2015 Monday 19th
College Office Opens
Thursday 22nd Book Collection Day Laptop Collection for Years 7 and 10
February 2015 Monday 2nd
Years 7, 11 and 12 Commence
Tuesday 3rd
Years 8, 9 and 10 Commence
Thursday 5th
Years 7 Parent Welcome Mass
Friday 6th Whole College Assembly Periods 3 and 4 Monday 9th
Year 8 Parent Information Evening
Thursday 12th
Saint Ignatius College Swimming Carnival
Monday 16th
Year 9 Parent Information Evening
Valedictory Dinner
December 2014 Wednesday 3rd Last Day of Year 7, 8 and 9 Wednesday 3rd Year End of Year Celebration Village Cinema Tuesday 9th
Year 7 2015 Orientation
Monday 15th
Teachers finish
Friday 19th
Last Day College is Open
Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN
Saint Ignatius College Geelong
27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School