Edition 1 February 9th 2017 (hr)

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Edition 1, February 9th 2017

From the Principal Welcome to the new school year! Welcome to the first fortnightly College Newsletter. I trust you will find this publication very informative and interesting and help you feel better connected to College life throughout the year.

Coming Events February 2017 Mon 13th. Year 11 ‘ Study Sensei’ Mon 13th. Year 11 PE Excursion Mon 13th Year 12 Parent Information Evening Tues 14th Bishop Edwards visits the College Tues 14th. Year 11 PE Excursion Wed 15th. Years 8 and 9 Parent Information Evenings Thurs 16th. Student Photos A more detailed calendar is on the last page.

I welcome all families to the new school year at Saint Ignatius. In particular, I extend our community’s welcome to 225 new Year 7 students and 11 students who commenced in other year levels last Thursday. This brings our student numbers to 1,260 this year. I also welcome ten new staff members. Please see their names and photos later in this newsletter. 2017 is a special year for our community as we celebrate ten years as Saint Ignatius College Geelong. All reports indicate a very good start to the academic year. I recognise the effort parents have gone to in preparing their daughter/ sons to commence the new year on a well organised and positive note. I acknowledge the work my colleagues, teachers and school officers, have done to ensure we have begun well. I encourage high expectations for students and affirm the effort they will have put in to set themselves up for a smooth start to the year.

We fittingly commenced the assembly with the following prayer, written by our Liturgy Coordinator Mr Brendan Nicholls. We gather in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: AMEN. Faithful Lord, There were times last year when things moved so quickly we hardly noticed how many things around us had changed. Now as we begin a new year we look back on all of the growth and success we achieved. As we reflect on the last year we also find You. You are always with us, calling us to have courage and faith. Sometimes we stepped boldly ahead and listened to Your call and bought love and truth to the world. Sometimes we heard your call and stepped out onto the water in faith. Your love for us is infinite and you know we are finding our way. Help us find ourselves on our journey this year and guide us to be more like you. We give you thanks for your love and wish to find you more every day in all we encounter. ....continued on Page 2

A Jesuit Partner School

In Brief

From the Principal (cont.)

This Page: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ Page 3: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ Page 4: First Day 2017 Photos Page 5: From Rev Fr Kevin Dillon and Scholarship details Page 6: Faith Matters Page 7: First Assembly 2017 Photos Page 8 to 10: Frequently Asked Questions Page 11: First Assembly 2017 Photos Page 12: Canteen Roster and Parents and Friends’ Association Page 13: ‘A Parent’s Guide to Surviving Year 12’ Page 14: College Staff 2017 full list Page 15 to 17: College Staff - Executive, Positions of Leadership, Coordinators, Learning Area Leaders and Other Leaders Page 17: Parent Portal Access Page 18 & 19: Canteen Price List and Helpers form Page 20: Financial Assistance Information for Parents Page 21: Catwalk Fashions Lunchtime Club Page 22: iParent: eSafety website Page 23: Year 11 VCE Parent Information Evening Page 24: St Thomas Fun Day Page 25 & 26: “Four parenting priorities for 2017” by Michael Grose Page 27 & 28: Arthur Reed Photos ‘How to Order’ Page 29 & 30: Community Notice Board Page 31: College Calendar

We pray that we will hear Your voice when you call and that we are guided to become people for others.

The College conducted its Academic Awards Assembly at Costa Hall on Monday, February 6th.

As we begin this new year and celebrate all that has been achieved we look ahead without fear.

This whole school community event coincided with the launch of our tenth anniversary year as Saint Ignatius College, Geelong.

We do not know your plan Lord, but know that you can calm the storm.

All students, as well as teaching and nonteaching staff, attended this occasion.

Because of you, we can do what may seem impossible – we can walk on water. With your Spirit we can light up the world and through our actions spread the Gospel to all people.

The College Captains and Portfolio Captains were presented with their badges. College Captains, Kelsey Notting and Greg Lewis, delivered their addresses and revealed the 2017 College theme - ‘Believe we can Be More’.

Help us, guide us and teach us each day. We make this prayer in the name of Christ our Lord: AMEN Full School Assemblies are a significant and important aspect of our community’s and in particular, our students’, school experience. We have usually gathered all students and nearly all staff members together once each term. This year we will add another assembly in terms one and four to limit the assembly length and provide additional time for items, such as recognising student achievements, that may otherwise not be possible. Parents and special guests are also invited to attend assemblies. Each assembly has a primary focus. Our pattern has been: Term One - encouragement of academic achievement Term Two - College annual theme - “Believe you can Be More.” Term Three - Feast Day (our Ignatian ethos & identity) Term Four - Farewell to our Year 12 students A high-quality assembly nurtures school ethos and identity, inspires shared vision and mission and builds a sense of belonging to the school community. The commencement of a new year provides a particularly valuable opportunity to set expectations of students for a positive school atmosphere that stresses care for self and others, a culture of high academic achievement and making the most of the many opportunities available. With the celebration of the tenth anniversary of Saint Ignatius College Geelong and the launch of the new School Improvement Plan this year, the College Executive was very mindful of grasping this opportunity for our first assembly this year.

Guest speakers included Rev Fr Kevin Dillon, President of the Canonical Administrators, Ms Lily Matthews, inaugural College Academic Captain (2014) and Ms Jessica Vella (Dux 2016). Our 2016 VCE and VCAL highest achievers along with our top ten performing students in each level were presented with medals and certificates. I congratulate and thank Mrs Annette Chidzey (Deputy Principal) for coordinating this very successful assembly. The last ten years of the College has seen incredible growth and development. A key feature of our college’s development has been the adoption and integration of the Ignatian charism to focus and foster our Christian ethos and identity and improve our student outcomes. In late 2006 we signed the memorandum of understanding with the Australian Province of the Society of Jesus (or Jesuits), and as a result we commenced our journey as Saint Ignatius College Geelong, A Jesuit Partner School in 2007. I am so pleased that Jesuit Fr Gerry Healy SJ was able to attend Monday’s assembly. Fr Healy was the Jesuit Provincial’s Delegate for Education ten years ago and since then has been a keen supporter of our College. I also acknowledge past President, Fr Des Panton and current President, Rev Fr Kevin Dillon, Board Chairperson, Mr Tony Frizza, former Jesuit Delegate for Education Fr Chris Gleeson, current Delegate Ms Jennie Hickey and Xavier College for their support and involvement in the development of our College as an Ignatian school. ....continued on Page 3

A Jesuit Partner School


Over the last decade, enrolments have increased from 650 to 1260 students. It is a credit to our students and ex-students that we have an extensive waiting list of students wanting to join the school and that we have performed highly in the VCE having been amongst the top Victorian Catholic co-ed schools for a number of years. We have also seen the development of the facilities, and we will soon see some significant building developments, so stay tuned! Our Co-curricular programs have expanded. These include Sport, Performing Arts, Overseas trip programs and immersions, public speaking and debating to mention a few. However, the high level of pride of our students in their College and the regard with which our students are held in the community are very important indicators of the development of the school - Well done!

Monday February 27th Year 10 Information Evening - 7pm Parents are also most welcome to attend school events this term as follows: Tuesday February 21st Beginning of the Year Masses (St Thomas Church) Wednesday March 1st House Swimming Carnival (Kardinia Pool, Geelong) Sunday March 26th - Open Day

On behalf of our school community, I express our sympathy to Year 7 student Belen, her father Ian and the Coggins family on the recent very sad loss of their dearly loved mother and wife, Michele.

In this year as we celebrate our first ten years, I look forward with optimism to the future. Our challenge is to work together to make this an outstanding school.

An important positive influence on student outcomes is parental involvement in and support of school programs.

I encourage our school community to “Believe we can Be More.” Best wishes for the new school year.

Wednesday February 15th Year 8 Information Evening - 7pm [School Gym]

Welcome to the following New staff:

Thursday February 23rd Years 11 and 12 VCAL Information Evening - 7pm

Mrs Debbie Miles Reception

Mrs Gillian Newland Finance

Ms Leonie O’Brien Food / Science

Mr Tyson Syddall IT Department

Mrs Sally Barnard Wellbeing

Mr Nathaniel Taylor Music

Mrs Suzanne Hudgell

Learning Support Integration Aide

Wednesday February 15th Year 9 Information Evening - 7pm Monday February 20th Year 11 Information Evening - 7pm

Science Laboratory Technician

Michael Exton Principal

Thursday February 9th Year 7 Welcome Mass and information session - 7pm Monday February 13th Year 12 Information Evening - 7pm

Miss Allira Kluver

Please keep the Coggins family in your thoughts and prayers and this very sad and challenging time.

An outstanding school is known because of its outstanding students - students who believe they belong, can learn, embrace challenges and thrive. I think I can see more than glimpses of this already.

Parent information evenings will be conducted in St. Thomas Church unless otherwise indicated:

Science Teacher


I congratulate our school community students, staff, parents, Board members and Canonical Administrators on a remarkable decade for our vibrant faith and learning community.

Over the last few years there has been a high attendance of parents at our Information Evenings and I want to encourage this to remain as part of our community’s support of a strong learning culture for our students.

Mrs Deanna Hedley

Ms Catherine Thistleton Ms Jessica Sherman

English / RE

Public Speaking

(Photo not available at time of publication)

A Jesuit Partner School


First Day 2017 Photos Photography by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


February 5, 2017 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I write to you as the final hearing involving the Catholic Church at the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse commences on February 6, 2017. For the victims and survivors, for the Catholic community and for many in the wider Australian community, this hearing may be a difficult and even distressing time, as the Royal Commission reviews the evidence it has already received and seeks to understand why and how this tragedy has occurred. Deeply mindful of the hurt and pain caused by abuse, I once again offer my apology on behalf of the Catholic Church. I am sorry for the damage that has been done to the lives of victims of sexual abuse. As Pope Francis said recently, ‘it is a sin that shames us’. Over the next three weeks, evidence presented during the Royal Commission hearings will be analysed, statistics about the extent of abuse will be made public, and the way forward will be explored. Many of our bishops and other Catholic leaders will appear before the Royal Commission. They will explain what the Church has been doing to change the old culture that allowed abuse to continue and to put in place new policies, structures and protections to safeguard children. Pope Francis has urged the whole Church to, ‘find the courage needed to take all necessary measures and to protect in every way the lives of our children, so that such crimes may never be repeated’.

Throughout the coming weeks, I want to assure you of my thoughts and prayers. I encourage you to turn in prayer to the one who is always ready to listen: Jesus Christ, who brings healing and hope. Yours in Christ, Archbishop Denis J Hart President, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

From Rev Fr Kevin Dillon The next three, even four weeks will (again) seriously challenge Catholics who value and love their faith. In Case Study 50, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will focus solely on the Catholic Church. Other churches, including the Anglican and Uniting Churches, will be examined in separate (but probably shorter) Case Studies in subsequent weeks. This coming probe is unlikely to focus on individual offenders within the Church. Rather it will investigate the factors which allowed this scourge of abuse of children and minors to occur on such a scale, to involve so many offenders, to damage so many victims - all within an institution charged with bringing the Gospel, the “Good News” of Jesus to the world. The revelation of the abuse, to Catholics and the world, over the past thirty years has drastically compromised the Church’s mission in a way that

would have been incomprehensible for most Catholics and so many others before the late seventies. As reports of the hearings unfold, day after day, shame and disbelief will again cause anguish for so many who still prize their faith, but cannot fathom that such atrocities, individually and institutionally, could occur at all, let alone for so long. So we ask: “How can our Church reclaim the integrity of the Gospel?” Perhaps the answer need not be as elusive as it seems. We should first ask that question “What should we do?” of the people who are the ones best qualified to answer it - those who have suffered so deeply and for so long. They are the true, the only “experts” in an issue which has devastated and damaged the Church, our Church, at a time when the message of Jesus is so sorely needed. Only when their needs are met, and their wisdom heeded, will the path to integrity become possible to tread. Rev Fr Kevin Dillon, Geelong Deanery Coordinator and Association of Canonical Administrator President OAM

Scholarships Open for Year 7 2018 students The College Scholarship Application Link is now open on our College Website. The Scholarship which provides $1200 towards the yearly fees if successful is open to students looking to enrol in Year 7 2018. If you are interested in having your child sit the scholarship exam go to the College website: http://www.ignatius.vic.edu.au/ enrolments-Scholarships and click on the scholarship link. An application fee of $50 is payable with the College funding the remainder of the cost. The Scholarship test date will be Wednesday March 8th, 2017

The Scholarship Selection Test (SST) we will use is produced and marked by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). Scholarship level - LEVEL 1 is Year 7. Please drop your child at the College Office by 3.45pm on the day of the test and pick them up from the office at 6.40pm. Candidates will have a 10 minute break during the examination.

Close of online Scholarship Applications will be Sunday February 26th, 2017.

Results Parents will be informed via mail as to whether their daughter/son has either been awarded or not awarded a scholarship.

It is anticipated that letters will be mailed around mid June 2017. If after registering, your child is unable to attend the SST, please inform our office on 5251 1136 as soon as possible. The SST is quite costly to the College and we would need to inform ACER immediately so we are not charged for your child. Please note this application is for a Scholarship Test only, you must still apply for a College Enrolment for 2018 through the normal process (Please see our College Website for details). Saint Ignatius College Enrolment applications for 2018 close on Friday May 19th, 2017. Mrs Gail Myers Registrar

A Jesuit Partner School


Faith Matters “The chief beauty about time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you,as perfect, as unspoiled,as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your life. You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose.” Arnold Bennett (1862-1931) Novelist

Beginnings As we celebrate the beginning of a new school year we look ahead with joyful anticipation of what might lie ahead. There will be things we can depend upon, things that we have some control over and some that are beyond us and are unknown. Many of the experiences yet to come are joy-filled and will bring great happiness. Some experiences will bring frustration and possibly sadness. What is certain about the future is that as we enter a new year we have a hand in shaping our future and that we will be guided by the Spirit of God. The beginning of each year affords a fresh start to our students. The opportunity to renew themselves and develop their character, to more align with whom they truly are and the person they will in time become as an adult. In each school generation we find a six year journey, from beginning to end. Thus every student is offered six key moments to begin anew, explore different subjects, work with new classmates and grow through the inspiration of these things. As parents the journey is the same, but different. We also have six years in this phase of our children’s lives, where we observe our children grow in so many ways and then enter the bigger, more challenging world of tertiary education or work. Throughout this time walk beside them, guide them where we are able and provide, always, the stability and love required for them to do their best. Assisting them so that they might grow into the wonderful person we hope and know that they can be.

We can only guide and protect them in a finite manner. When we reach those limits, or when it is time to step back, we do so with faith in God that He will send his angels to watch over them and his Spirit to guide them in all that they do. As teachers we pray that we are offered the wisdom and prudence to speak the truth and show pure love through our selflessness and devotion to every student. As we begin this new year we also should reflect on the one that has passed. We can only grow if we are aware of where we currently are and where we have come from. Saint Ignatius of Loyola spent many months contemplating these things and found that the only value to be found in the future was a life lived to serve others in the imitation of Christ. Therefore let us all take time over the coming days to reflect on the past, consider where we are presently, discern the path set for us and then boldly seek this course throughout our year. The truth of these new beginnings, our future choices and the love of God are no different for any of us. At Saint Ignatius College however, we begin the year with great joy as we look forward to the year to come; supporting one another and seeking God in all things. I pray that you will embrace the New Year, take the time to reflect, grow and seek to bring the love of God into the world through the choices you make and the things you do. Yours in Christ, Brendan Nicholls Liturgy Coordinator

The College staff also journey with our families and students to provide opportunities, offer specialist knowledge, unwavering support and care. We work in partnership with every student and family to help develop the whole person. With such a diverse range of specialist areas and staff, each with different skills and passions, our young people are offered the fullness of community as they move forward. Each year they encounter different teachers who can impart new skills, inspire those in their care and have unique connections with each student. Underpinning these three components of our community is God. Illustrated through faith in Jesus Chirst. His teachings, his sacrifice and his eternal love for all. Guided by the Spirit of God students listen to their conscience and develop a sense of their true self. As parents we trust our children to the care of God.

A Jesuit Partner School


First Assembly 2017 Photos Photography by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


Frequently Asked Questions and Information How we will communicate with you this year? Saint Ignatius Newsletter The College Newsletter is published on our Website every fortnight, usually on a Thursday. This newsletter will give you brief news about coming events, calendar dates and other announcements. It is only available in a digital form. Parent Information Evenings These will be organised in Term 1 and are an opportunity for parent/guardian and students to join with the teaching staff in sharing information about the programs and events for the particular year levels. (The dates are listed in the ‘From the Principal’ on Page 3). Parent - Teacher Interviews Opportunities will be provided as a follow-up to terms one and three reports. The reports will be issued a few days before the interviews to give you a chance to prepare before you meet with your child’s homeroom teacher and subject teachers. Student Planner The planner is used as a daily form of communication. All students received their copy of the Student Planner this week. Please read the front pages of the Student Planner for information re a number of school policies & procedures and sign where indicated. College Website You can find information about the college on our web site www.ignatius.vic. edu.au. The fortnightly newsletter can also be accessed via the website.

School Photographs Arthur Reed Photos will be taking school photos on Thursday February 16th 2017. All students must wear full summer uniform with blazer on this day please. Information envelopes have been sent home with students today. Children who return payment for photos by this date will receive their package of photos approximately three weeks after photo day. Family photo package forms are available by request from the office. Packages may be ordered after photo day by forwarding your payment directly to Arthur Reed Photos. If you have any queries regarding school photos please contact Arthur Reed Photos directly on 1800 032 028.

Bell Times

College Uniform

There is a table of bell times on the inside front cover of the student planner. Please note the finishing time each day is 3.05pm. The times are the same as for last year.

We ask that parents support the college by ensuring that students are equipped with the correct uniform items and wear them in an appropriate manner.

The bell times are provided below for your convenience. Homeroom Period 1 Period 2 Recess Period 3 Period 4 Lunch Period 5 Period 6 Homeroom Dismissal

8.50am 9.00am 9.48am 10.36am 10.56am 11.44am 12.32pm 1.20pm 2.08pm 2.56pm 3.05pm

Who to contact? Our friendly office staff, Trish Langmaid, Megan Mallen, Bec Hose, Tricia McKay and Nella Costa will be able to help you with general enquiries. Office hours are: 8.15am - 5.00pm Phone: 5251 1136 Fax: 5251 3547

Homerooms For 2017 The “Homeroom” is the fundamental unit of our school organisation. The homeroom helps to foster each student’s sense of belonging and security at school. Every homeroom is allocated a classroom as its base and a teacher or teachers (who usually teaches that class for a number of classes) is/are assigned the role of Homeroom Teacher. This teacher is the key person contributing to the pastoral care of students and the smooth running of our College. The Homeroom teacher is usually the first person for parents to contact re school matters. If you are unsure about who to contact or would like to speak to any other member of staff please inform the receptionist about the nature of your enquiry and she will help you make contact with someone who can help or who you would like to speak to. 2017 Homeroom teachers are listed on the insert included with this Saint Ignatius Newsletter.

Homeroom teachers will be working closely with students and parents to encourage students to wear their uniform with pride. Hat Policy All students must come equipped with a blue brimmed hat during Term 1 and 4. Safety concerns make it mandatory for students to wear hats during recess and lunch times if they are not in a shaded area as well as during Physical Education classes. Please discuss this with your child and support the policy designed to ensure your child is in a safe environment while at school. PE Uniform PE uniform is required for double PE sessions. Students may wear correct PE uniform to school on the day that they have PE. They are not required to change into college uniform on this day. Blazers The blazer is to be worn as the outer garment to and from school in Terms 2 and 3. The blazer will be required on some excursions and formal occasions in Terms 1 and 4. The jumper is not allowed to be the outer garment. If the students need the extra warmth they must wear the blazer or the blazer over the jumper. Summer and Winter Uniforms The summer uniform MUST be worn in Terms 1 and 4. The winter uniform MUST be worn in Terms 2 and 3. Summer shirts The new striped summer shirt with logo can be worn not tucked in. Blazer The blazer will be required on some excursions and formal occasions in Terms 1 and 4. Students riding to school are not required to wear a blazer.

A Jesuit Partner School


Frequently Asked Questions and Information (cont.) Summer (Terms 1 and 4) Girls

What supervision will we provide this year?

Dress: SICG (no shorter than 5sm above knee) Jumper: SICG Socks: SICG (calf length) white/striped Shoes: Polishable black leather (lace-up or buckle) with heel (3cm) Ballet and court shoes are not acceptable Blazer: Optional Hair Ribbons: SICG navy blue, red or white Hat: SICG bucket hat

Before and after class supervision

Boys Shorts: SICG Grey Melange Belt: Black with plain buckle Short Sleeve Shirt: SICG (striped with logo) Jumper: SICG Socks: SICG (calf length) grey/striped Shoes: Polishable black leather lace-up with heel (3cm) Blazer: Optional Hat: SICG bucket hat

School Hat Is compulsory if students wish to access areas without shade in Terms 1 and 4. The cap or bucket hat can be worn in sports / P.E. classes. Shoes From a safety viewpoint sturdy school shoes with a closed heel and toe are recommended. Light weight ‘ballet’ and ‘court’ shoes are not acceptable. Shoes with high heels, platforms, no instep support, slip-ons or with Velcro fastening are not acceptable. Heel height is not to exceed 3cm. Please refer to the shoe illustrations below. These styles of black lace-up or buckle shoes are acceptable. Standard black polishable shiny leather school shoes are what we expect to be worn. Shoes without heels, sneakers, skate shoes, etc are not permitted. Any queries can be forwarded to the Office. Examples of acceptable heal heights:

It is important to note that there will be supervision of some areas of the yard before and after school at the following times. From 8.30am until start of morning homeroom at 8.50am and then from 3.05pm to 3.40pm following afternoon homeroom.

Casual Bus Travel All students wishing to travel on any bus that is not their usual means of travel to and from the College must present to the office: l l

With 48 hours notice A note from their Parent/Guardian giving permission for the travel.

If application is approved a bus pass will be given to the student to give to the bus driver.

Some bus travellers, eg. Leopold bus route No. 1, arrive at school earlier than 8.30am. As the library will be open from 8.00am, these students are expected to go to the library upon arrival until at least 8.30am. Sections of the school yard will be supervised from 8.30am until homeroom time. This will provide an opportunity for additional study time.

Late requests will not be processed.

There are to be no ball games played before and after classes.

Use of Student Photographs for College Promotion

With the exception of some bus travellers, it is expected that students will arrive at school no earlier than 8.30am and will have departed by no later than 3.20pm. Upon arrival at school students must move straight to their year level precinct. It is also worth noting that the library will be open until 4.30pm most days – a good opportunity for study/research time for students waiting for late buses or senior student study. Please use the short-term carpark off Peninsula Drive to drop off or pick up your student(s). No supervision of students is provided along Peninsula Drive, roadways and all out of bounds areas. Homeroom teachers have informed students about which areas are out of bounds.

Student bus travel availability – you can access of copy of a letter written last year, and applies again this year, that clarifies arrangements for student bus travel to and from school where available, on the College’s website under “Our School” and then ‘Bus travel.”

It is always a pleasure to see photographs of our students, staff and families in the newsletter, in the media, in College promotional publications, in our publicity, on our website www.ignatius.vic.edu.au and in the local media. Photographs are taken of students at various times during special activities, sporting events, or in class or sometimes specifically for promotional purposes. Activities can include performing arts productions, and concerts, excursions, religious ceremonies, with visiting speakers and workshop conveners or during class activities. Photographs complement the written material and are always carefully chosen. If parents do not wish the photographic image of their child to be included for any of the above purposes, could you please notify Mrs. Claire Hewitt, Development Manager as soon as possible please. Privacy and information collection - Saint Ignatius College Geelong is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1998. In relation to health records, the School is also bound by the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic.). A current copy of the College’s ‘Collection Notice’ that takes into account these laws, technology and changes to the School’s operations and practices is available on our website. You can find the link at the bottom left hand corner of the web page under “Contact us.”

A Jesuit Partner School


Frequently Asked Questions and Information (cont.) Absence Procedure

College Newsletter

Ensuring your son or daughter has a high level of school attendance is crucial for all young people to succeed to their fullest potential. Therefore, a reminder to all parents/guardian that if your son or daughter is going to be absent from the College for a day or part of the day it is important that the following procedure is followed:

The College newsletter, as previously noted, is published every 2 weeks and available online via the College website at: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au/ our-school-Newsletter

Ring the front office prior to 10.00am (5251 1136) and the student will be marked as Parent Notified Absence and the Homeroom teacher will be notified.

Term 1 Feb 9th (this edition) Feb 23rd March 9th March 23rd (2nd last week of Term 1)


or l


Send Trish Langmaid (langmaidt@ignatius.vic.edu.au) an email via the XUNO Parent Portal or your personal email address prior to 10.00am and she will mark the student as Parent Notified Absence and inform the Homeroom teacher. If the parent/guardian contacts the College on the day the student is absent they are not required to send a follow up note in the student planner.

If the parent/carer does not contact the College the student will be marked as Unexplained Absence and the parent/ guardian will receive an automated text outlining their son or daughters absence for the day. If a parent/guardian does not contact the College on the day their child is absent, the parent is required to provide a note in the planner explaining the absence within three days. If the student does not present a note to the Homeroom Teacher within three days of the absence, it could result in an After School Detention.

Family Holidays Saint Ignatius College discourages parents/guardians from organising family holidays during the school term. This greatly impacts on your son/ daughters learning and could potentially result in significant gaps in their education. Contact with your son/daughters Year Level Coordinator should be made if parents/guardians are arranging holidays during the school term.

The scheduled dates for publication are as follows:

Term 2 April 20th May 4th May 18th June 1st June 15th June 29th (last week of Term 2). Publication dates for Terms 3 and 4 will be published in Edition 10 June 29th.

Sacred Heart College Geelong presents

Circle of Mercy Rabbi Fred Morgan

Rabbi Fred Morgan was educated in America and England. He has served Jewish communities in the U.K. and Australia. For 16 years he was Senior Rabbi at Temple Beth Israel in Melbourne, retiring from that position three years ago. Since then he has been involved mainly in interfaith engagement and promoting Progressive Judaism around Australasia and New Zealand. He currently serves as Movement Rabbi for the Union for Progressive Judaism in this region. He is also very active in the Council of Christians and Jews in Victoria and he is Professorial Fellow in Jewish-Christian relations at the Australian Catholic University. Rabbi Morgan was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 2014 for his work in interfaith dialogue and the Jewish community. He is married to Sue, a retired Pastoral Carer, and has three children and one grandchild.

‘A Jewish Perspective on Mercy’ The presentation will include a brief introduction to Judaism, focussing on the place of mercy and justice in the Jewish understanding of the world in which we live.

Wednesday 8 March 2017 7pm - 8.30pm Celies Hospitality Centre - Aphrasia Street entrance - Supper provided RSVP Rita Chiavaroli by email rchiav@shcgeelong.catholic.edu.au or phone 5222 0467 by Monday 6 March 2017

Still to come in the 2017 Cirlce of Mercy Calendar: Global Religions and Interfaith Perspectives of Mercy Wednesday 10 May Wednesday 23 August Thursday 12 October

Rev Dr Kevin Yelverton Dr Zuleya Keskin Fr John Dupuche

Comparative Christian Faiths Islam Hinduism and Buddhism

A Jesuit Partner School


First Assembly 2017 Photos Photography by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


Canteen Roster Starting 13th February Monday 13th I. Bauer, E. Musella, J. Baldi, M. Printelli, J. Laney Tuesday 14th M. Dunstan, S. Crawley, M. Heffernan, L. Tigani, A. Brown Wednesday 15th L Eastwood, R. Hay, V. Durbidge, O. Campbell Thursday 16th A. Mawson, K. Spowart, S. Coffey, D. Eales, M. White Friday 17th J. Marles, S. Hammond, M. Sideris, Needed Starting 20th February Monday 20th B. Rees, E. Hudson, M. Payne, A. Boyd Tuesday 21st L. Vella, S. Sarauer, K. Ward, A. Schneider, R. Brooke Wednesday 22nd K. Walker, L. Hamer, D. Walsh, R. Murray Thursday 23rd K. Jolly, P. Bakker, N. Lowther, K. Seer, J. Hill, C. Lyons Friday 24th E. Stokie, L. Hart, K. Every, L. Grant, L. Gill If unable to attend, please make sure you get a replacement.

Sandra Woodall Tel: 0417 050 258

Parents and Friends’ Association: Next Meeting:

Come along on Tuesday March 7th 7pm in the Food tech building: Planning for our Working Bee and Open Day Suggestions and helpers welcome

Save the Date

Working Bee in preparation for Open Day Sunday March 19th 10am-1pm BBQ provided Watch the newsletter for further details

Secondhand Uniform Shop

Our Secondhand Uniform Shop is located at the far end of the College in the Music Department area, look for the signs. The shop opens Monday afternoons during school term from 2:00 - 3:30pm. We stock new school socks and a large range of secondhand uniform, from Blazers to Trousers, Dresses to Shirts. Come in and have a look. As all items are on consignment. No Exchanges or Refunds on purchases is available. Volunteer helpers are always welcome and without your support this service could not operate. Any queries regarding College Uniform or Volunteering please contact: uniform@ignatius.vic.edu.au

Vale: Elder Uncle David Tournier The College community would like to pay our respect to the Family and Wathaurong Community on the passing of well-respected Elder Uncle David Tournier. He was a teacher of Wathaurong language, culture and a great leader for his Community and a major contributor to our annual ‘Sorry Day’ ceremony. He will be greatly missed by us all.

A Jesuit Partner School


A Parent’s Guide to Surviving Year 12 This workshop will include: l Tips on how to be supportive/encouraging l What do I say when... l How much time should my son/daughter spend studying? l What’s the difference between homework and study? l Support the College offers

Date: Monday Feb 13th, 7:30 - 8:30pm Where: St Thomas’ Church Drysdale No RSVP required.

Saint Ignatius College Staff 2017 SAINT IGNATIUS COLLEGE STAFF 2017

Canonical Administrators President of Canonical Administrators * = College Chaplains

Rev Fr Kevin Dillon* Fr Michael Richardson* Fr James Puppady* Fr Manoj Kannamthadathil

Fr Gerard Keith Fr Vince Jewell Fr Linh Tran Principal Deputy Principal – Staff, Identity & Operations Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning Deputy Principal – Students Business Manager Director of Infrastructure & Operations Daily Timetabler/Organiser Positions of Leadership Year Level Coordinators – Year 7 Year Level Coordinator – Year 8 Year Level Coordinator – Year 9 Year Level Coordinator – Year 10 Year Level Coordinator – Year 11 Year Level Coordinator – Year 12 Learning and Teaching Coordinators Director of Teacher Development E-Learning Coordinator VCE Coordinator VCAL Coordinator Learning Support Coordinator Literacy Coordinator Learning Area Leaders: Arts - Performing Arts - Visual English Health & Physical Education Humanities LOTE Mathematics Religious Education Science Technology – Materials & Systems Technology – Food Positions of Responsibility Assistant to Daily Organiser Catering Coordinator Choir Choir Assistant Community Service Coordinator Debating Development Manager Healing the Earth Coordinator Instrumental Music Liturgy Coordinator Off Campus Activities Coordinator Orchestra Performance Coordinator Social Justice Coordinator Sports Coordinator Student Leadership Development Coordinator Time and Space Transition Work & Further Education (WAFE) Coordinator Homeroom Teachers (Yr 7) Saint Borgia Ms Sarah Callahan Carroll Ms Elana Cole Claver Mr Joe Panuzzo Coudere Mr Peter Grull Lewis Ms Leonie O’Brien Licona Mr Francesco Melli Miki Ms Blair Shaw Ricci Ms Samantha Windmill Ward Mr Andrew Philp (Yr 8) Campion Mr Justin Coffey Castillo Ms Alicia Deak Chardin Ms Kerry Horbowsky Daniel Mr Tristan Phieler Montserrat Ms Brooke O’Brien Owen Ms Michelle Chambers Realino Mr Michael Lawrence Rubio Ms Caroline Edmonds Xavier Mr Caleb Ryan

Mr Michael Exton Mr Paul Lewis Mrs Annette Chidzey Mr Michael Timms Mr David Fitzgerald Mr Bernie Lowes Mr Anthony Fitzgerald Ms Tory Wood Ms Deb Hodge Mr Ben Collyer Mr Brendan O’Brien Ms Kristin Williamson Mr Joe McLean Ms Fran Kealey Mr Roddy Nash Ms Anna Oliver Ms Kirsty Allan Ms Caroline Edmonds Ms Lesley Falconer Ms Michelle Chambers Mr Malcolm Campbell Ms Gemma Etherington Ms Anna Oliver Ms Sarah Callahan Ms Julia Hall Mr Peter Grull Mr Caleb Ryan Ms Elise Meehan Ms Kerry Horbowsky Ms Jessica Vandermark Ms Annaliese Wandersmith Ms Kristin Williamson Mrs Marina Brown Mrs Linda Pape Mr Anthony Gravener Ms Andrea Dart Mrs Claire Hewitt Mrs Jane Alexander Mrs Linda Pape Mr Brendan Nicholls Mr Byron Mitchell Ms Caitlin Doble Mrs Linda Pape Mr Michael Wright Mr Andrew Philp Mr Anthony Gravener Ms Tory Wood Ms Tory Wood Mr Bruce Connor

Home Room X09 X10 X11 X03 X13 X12 X14 X15 X16 X01 X17 X05 X04 X18 X02 X06 X07 X08

(Yr 9) Saint Arrupe Beltran Faber Gonzaga Isore Kisai Mangin Regis Thomas

Mr Paul O’Brien Mr Roddy Nash Mr Ashley Latchford Mrs Jane Alexander Mr Nathan Patterson Mrs Colleen Boland Mr Greg Fisher Ms Meagan Canaway Mr Richard Moody

Home Room H06 H09 H03 H01 H05 H08 H04 H07 H02

(Yr 10) Andres Briant Brennan Evans Garnier Kostka Loyola Morse Ogilvie

Mr Terry Tolan Ms Kymberley Naylor Ms Penny King Mr Michael Brown Ms Catherine Thistleton Mrs Sarah Adams Ms Stacey Learmonth Ms Lesley Falconer Mr Brendan Nicholls

Home Room S08 S13 S06 S10 S11 S12 S07 S09 S05

(Year 11) Saint Bellarmine Canisius Denn Hopkins Hurtado Juana More Sanchez Southwell

Ms Elise Meehan Mr Ian Anderson Mrs Fran Kealey Mrs Sue Traynor Mr Bill Miles Mr David Alexander Mr Malcolm Campbell Ms Leesa Snookes Ms Karen Perkins

Home Room E06 M11 M01 S01 S02 S03 S04 M12 M04

(Year 12) Saint Home Room Bobola Ms Naomi Middleton M06 Garnett Mr Byron Mitchell M07 Francis Mr Andrew Smith M02 Healy Mr John Clatworthy M13 Howett Ms Andrea Dart M03 Inigo Ms Julia Hall M10 Jerome Miss Ruth Nolan M08 Rodriguez Mr Anthony Gravener M09 Additional Teachers Ms Kirsty Allan Ms Norma Ellis Ms Robyn Frigo Mrs Jennifer Guinane Mrs Deanna Hedley Mr Brad Manczak Mr Peter Martin Ms Leonie O’Brien Mrs Denise Pennings Ms Sarah Purnell Ms Bek Spencer Mr Nathaniel Taylor Mr Ben Zanghi Administration Staff Business Manager Mr David Fitzgerald Principal’s Secretary Mrs Kim Abbott Deputy Principals’ Secretaries Ms Gail Lambert / Mrs Dani Stanesby Registrar Mrs Gail Myers Admin Assistant - Finance Mrs Nella Costa / Mrs Gillian Newland Admin Assistant – Finance Mrs Patricia McKay Receptionist / VASS Coordinator Mrs Trish Langmaid Receptionists Ms Railee Wells / Mrs Bec Hose / Mrs Debbie Miles / Mrs Megan Mallen Information Learning Centre Mrs Leonie Stephenson Miss Maree Maurer Mrs Rosemary Kelleher Student Wellbeing Coordinators Ms Melanie Anset Magazine Coordinator & Publications

Ms Tenille Thomson

Indigenous Support Officer Learning Support – Integration Aide Mrs Freda Gray / Mrs Mandy Connor Mrs Mary Hannan Food Technology Support

Ms Kelly Koumalatsos

Mrs Sally Barnard Mr Tony Berryman-Long

Ms Donna Quigley Mrs Suzanne Hudgell Ms Carmen Polwarth

Science Laboratory Technician

Mrs Geni Kozdra Mrs Allira Kluver Information and Communication Technology Mr Paul James (Network Administration) Mr Hamish Uldrich / Mr Tyson Syddall Property Maintenance Mr Andrew Humphrey Canteen Mrs Sandra Woodall

Mr Brendan Jones Mrs Fran Lakey

A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College Staff 2017 College Executive

Positions of Leadership

Learning and Teaching Coordinators

Mr Michael Exton

Ms Tory Wood

Mrs Fran Kealey


Year Level Coordinator Year 7

Director of Teacher Development

Mr Paul Lewis

Mrs Deborah Hodge

Mr Roddy Nash

Year Level Coordinator Year 8

E-Learning Coordinator

Mrs Annette Chidzey

Mr Ben Collyer

Ms Anna Oliver



Mr Michael Timms Executive

Mr David Fitzgerald Executive

Year Level Coordinator Year 9

Mr Brendan O’Brien Year Level Coordinator Year 10

Ms Kristin Williamson

Year Level Coordinator Year 11

VCE Coordinator

Health and Physical Education Leader

Ms Kirsty Allan

VCAL Coordinator

Ms Caroline Edmonds

Learning Support Coordinator

Catering Coordinator

Mr Bernie Lowes Executive

Mr Joe McLean

Year Level Coordinator Year 12

Mrs Lesley Falconer Literacy Coordinator

Mrs Fran Kealey Executive

A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College Staff 2017 Learning Area Leaders

Learning Area Leaders

Positions of Responsibility

Mr Caleb Ryan

Ms Jessica Vandermark

Mrs Linda Pape

Religious Education

Instrumental Music

Technology - Food

Performance Coordinator

Ms Gemma Etherington

Mr Malcolm Campbell

Ms Caitlin Doble


Arts - Visual

Mr Peter Grull

Ms Michelle Chambers

Mrs Marina Brown


Ms Elise Meehan Science



Arts - Performing

Positions of Responsibility

Ms Andrea Dart Debating

Mr Andrew Philp Sports Coordinator

Mr Anthony Fitzgerald

Ms Julia Hall Languages

Mrs Claire Hewitt

Development Manager


Mr Byron Mitchell

Off Campus Activities Coordinator

Technology - Materials & Systems


Mr Tony Berryman-Long

Ms Sarah Callahan

Ms Kerry Horbowsky

Daily Organiser

Communications and Publications

Mr Michael Wright Social Justice Coordinator

Ignatian Coordinator

A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College Staff 2017 Mr Anthony Gravener Community Service Coordinator

Mr Brendan Nicholls

Liturgy Coordinator

Mrs Jane Alexander Healing the Earth Coordinator

Student Leadership Development Coordinator

Mr Bruce Connor Work and Further Education (WAFE) Coordinator

Ms Tory Wood Time and Space Transition

New Families to the College: Parent Portal Access New families please be aware that your parent portal username and password will be emailed to you early next week. If you don’t receive details by Wednesday February 15th please contact the College via parentportal@ignatius.vic.edu.au The Parent Portal provides an efficient, secure and environmentally friendly way to communicate and share information with Saint Ignatius Parents. The Parent Portal is an extension of the College’s current student management system. The information parents can access through the Parent Portal includes family information and contact details, current timetables, daily classes, reports, news items, attendance records and, in some cases, class assignments/ homework. Parents can also communicate with teachers directly from the Parent Portal pages if they have questions or comments.

How do I log in to the new Parent Portal?

How do you handle lost or forgotten passwords?

Go to the College web site (www.ignatius. vic.edu.au) and select Parent Portal under PORTAL (top right navigation menu).

Please send an email requesting your password to: parentportal@ignatius.vic.edu.au

Access the portal by filling in your username and password.

Include all contact details (including your contact phone number) for verification purposes.

What if I encounter problems using the Parent Portal? Please send an email describing the issue to: parentportal@ignatius.vic.edu.au. The College’s I.T. staff will assist you. What internet browser does the Parent Portal work best in? The Parent Portal is designed to work in all browsers, though tends to perform slightly better in Google Chrome. What equipment or software is needed to use the Parent Portal?

This is another way we are enhancing opportunities for parent-school communication.

You will need to use a computer that has access to the Internet.

Included below are some frequently asked Parent Portal questions and their answers.

For some documents, you may also need Adobe Reader, which is a free document reader available for download on the Internet at http://get.adobe. com/reader/

If you have any other questions, please send an e-mail message to: parentportal@ignatius.vic.edu.au

Who can I speak with about my children’s attendance record? You can contact your daughter / son’s Homeroom Teacher in the first instance via phone at (03) 5251 1136 or via email. What if I need to update personal information (phone numbers, address, etc)? Please call the School main office on (03) 5251 1136. Parent involvement is crucial to student academic success. The Parent Portal is a tool for you to stay informed and engaged in your child’s education.

A Jesuit Partner School


Canteen Price List Saint Ignatius College – Geelong

Canteen open Monday to Friday Price list Effective: Thursday 2nd February 2017 Hot Food (Sauce 20c Extra per sachet) Mrs Mac Good Eating Cruizer Pie Mrs Mac Good Eating Sausage Roll Snack Pie Four’n Twenty Traveller Pie Routleys Wholemeal Vegetarian Pastie Routleys Cheese & Vegetable Pie Routleys Spinach & Ricotta Roll Routleys Wise Pie Routleys Vegetable Roll Routleys Tuna/Corn/Asparagus Pie Chicken Burgers Veggie Burgers Hot Dogs with Sauce Steamed Dim Sims (or 3 for $2) Egg & Bacon Roll/Sandwich (recess only) Routleys Pizza Chicken Tender Wraps

$4.30 $3.00 $1.50 $4.00 $4.30 $4.30 $3.00 $4.30 $3.00 $4.30 $5.00 $5.00 $4.00 $0.70 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00

Toasted Sandwiches Ham, Cheese & Tomato Ham & Cheese Cheese & Tomato Cheese Chicken & Cheese Ham & Tomato Chicken & Avocado Baked Bean or Spaghetti

$4.50 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $4.50 $4.00 $4.50 $2.50

Foccacia’s / Turkish Bread Ham & Cheese Ham, Cheese & Tomato Cheese Chicken & Avocado Chicken, Cheese & Avocado Cheese & Tomato Chicken & Cheese

$4.50 $5.00 $3.00 $5.00 $5.50 $3.50 $5.00

Cheese & Bacon Rolls Cheesymite Scrolls

$1.50 $1.50

Frozen Treats Juicies: Fruit Juice Varieties Cooli-yo Frozen Yoghurt

$0.70 $4.00

Rolls & Sandwiches Roast Chicken & Salad Cheese & Salad Ham, Cheese & Salad Roast Chicken & Mayo Egg & Lettuce Cheese Ham & Cheese Ham, Cheese & Tomato Cheese & Tomato Buttered Roll Chicken & Lettuce Chicken & Cheese Chicken & Avocado Tuna & Salad Chicken & Salad Pita (Half) Cheese & Salad Pita (Half)

$5.50 $4.50 $5.00 $3.50 $4.00 $2.00 $3.50 $4.00 $2.50 $1.50 $4.00 $4.50 $4.50 $5.00 $4.50 $4.00

Salad Plate (Large) Ham, Lettuce, Cheese, Egg, Tomato Carrot, Beetroot & Crackers Above with Roast Chicken

$6.00 $6.50

Salad Plate (Small) Cheese, Egg & Salad


Fresh Food Fresh Fruit Cups Yoplait Lite Yoghurt Varieties Fruit: Apple, Orange, Pear

$2.50 $3.00 $1.50

White, Wholemeal or Gluten Free Available

Drinks Quench 350ml Big M (Small) 300ml Big M 600ml Berri Juice 100% 350ml Up & Go 250ml Water 600ml Emma & Tom’s Flavoured Milk 350ml No added sugar

$3.00 $3.50 $4.50 $3.00 $2.50 $1.50 $3.50

Please write your child’s LUNCH ORDER on a paper bag and hand in WITH MONEY to Canteen by the end of recess. Lunches can be picked up from Canteen at lunch time. Canteen will open at recess and lunch for over the counter sales.

All students are encouraged to put lunch orders in so they get what they want.



A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College Geelong A Jesuit Partner School

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Vic. 3222 T: (03) 5251 1136 F: (03) 5251 3547 E: registrar@ignatius.vic.edu.au W: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au ABN: 59 345 224 293

Canteen 2017 Dear Parent / Guardians The College requests your help with the canteen roster for the coming year.

Mrs Sandra Woodall Canteen Supervisor

Five helpers will be needed each day. Helpers will need to be at the canteen by 9:00am and will generally be finished by 1:30pm. Canteen duty provides a much appreciated service to the school. It gives you the opportunity to meet and talk with other parents and also enables you to see your child’s school in action.

Mrs Annette Chidzey Deputy Principal

If you are able to assist, please fill in the form below and return it to the school as soon as possible. Any queries please contact Sandra Woodall at the college on 5251 1136. Thanking you

# Canteen Helper Roster Student Name:

Year Level:

Day and Week preferred (e.g. 1st Wednesday, 3rd Friday etc.) l 1st preference: l 2nd preference: Are you available as an emergency:




Parent/Guardian Name: Telephone: Mobile: Email: Signature: Please return this form to the College Office or scan and email to: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Every Victorian child should have access to the world of learning opportunities that exist beyond the classroom. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. It is part of making Victoria the Education State and the Government’s commitment to breaking the link between a student’s background and their outcomes. CAMPS, SPORTS & EXCURSIONS FUND (CSEF) School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors, excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works and sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership. All are part of a healthy curriculum. CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

HOW TO APPLY Contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from www.education.vic.gov.au/csef

MORE INFORMATION For the CSEF application closing dates and more information about the fund visit www.education.vic.gov.au/csef

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student is: • $125 for primary school students • $225 for secondary school students.

Closing Date Completed applications can be lodged with the College from the start of Term 1 (30 January 2017) closing date is 30 June 2017. A copy of your current concession card must be attached to your application.











iParent: eSafety website With the changing world of Digital Technologies, it is important that you have an understanding of how this could impact on the safety of your son/daughter when they are online. Below I have included some fantastic resources that you can utilise to further educate yourself in this area. One site, known as ‘iParent’ is promoted / authorised by the Federal/State government and provides a great starting point.

iParent includes a lot of information for parents about the big issues: Cyberbullying Parental Controls Balancing Online Time Digital Reputation Unwanted Contact Online Gaming Social Networking Online Basics Sexting Protecting your information Trolling Managing TV Photos, Videos and Social Media https://www.esafety.gov.au/ education-resources/iparent

Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner - YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/ ACMAcybersmart If you have additional questions or concerns that you would like to discuss in relation to these sites or other supportive material to assist you with ensuring greater cyber safety for your son/daughter, feel welcome to contact me on the email address provided below. Mr Roddy Nash E-Learning Coordinator


Social Services

Building a Just Society


Celebrating 40 Years 7pm, Saturday 25th March 2017


Grand Ballroom, Sofitel Melbourne on Collins

Senator Patrick Dodson (Shadow Assistant Minister for Indigenous Affairs and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders)

Tickets $175 • Book by Monday 13 March Ph: (03) 9421 7600 • www.trybooking.com/NWPL


A Jesuit Partner School


Year 11 VCE Parent Information Evening This workshop will include: l Presentation by Elevate Education l Study tips for students and their families l How much study should be done? l How can the College support? l Important VCE information and requirements

Date: Monday Feb 20th, 7:00 - 8:30pm Where: St Thomas’ Church Drysdale No RSVP required.








SAT 18th MARCH 9am-2pm ST THOMAS CHURCH, PENINSULA DRIVE, DRYSDALE St Thomas Parish Fun Day Cake Stall – help needed please! Can you please help with baking some home made goodies for our Parish Fun Day Cake Stall to be held on Saturday March 18th 2017? We need cakes, slices, muffins, cookies, unfilled sponges, scones, etc. (No cream, custard or jelly please.) Plates will be available from the school office from Monday March 6th. A flyer containing all relevant information and an adhesive label (that will need to be filled out and stuck on the top of the bag) will be provided with each plate. Drop Off On Friday March 17th 2017 St Thomas Church, Peninsula Drive, Drysdale (8:30 am – 11:00 am) St Patrick’s Church Hall, Harding Street, Portarlington (11:00 am – 2:00 pm) Lumen Christi Church, Kensington Road, Leopold (3:00 pm – 5:00 pm) It would be a great help if most items could be dropped off on Friday March 17th. If needed, items can be dropped to the Fun Day on Saturday March 18th in the morning. Thank you very much for your support.

A Jesuit Partner School



Four parenting priorities for 2017 By Michael Grose Like the earth’s crust the parenting landscape is constantly shifting always bringing new challenges for parents. Not only are children and young people constantly growing and developing but societal trends evolve and change at such rapid rates that it's hard to keep up. It’s also hard to differentiate between the significant and the frivolous when it comes to trends and changes. The following four priorities are both current and significant, deserving to be top of mind for parents as the 2017 school year begins.


1. Time to tackle technology Want to travel along Parenting Easy Street? That’s easy. Make tackling this parenting game-changer your priority. It’s no point being all doom and gloom about technology because tablets, mobile phones and smartphones are here to stay. They connect us, educate us and entertain us like nothing has before. But the jury is still out on the impact of digital devices on children and young people. Currently there are studies being conducted on the effects of technology on children’s brains, as well as studies on gaming addiction, social media addiction, attentionrelated issues, obesity, decision-

making, hand-eye coordination and sleep to name a few. The technology genie maybe out of the bottle, but we need to bring some sanity into the area. Children and teenagers, (and yes technology, primary school and secondary school kids can be mentioned in the same sentence as first-time smartphone users become younger by the day) who use communication technology need constant parent vigilance and diligence, a flexible approach and the ability to say a loud and clear “NO you can’t have/use that now.” It takes a lot of parental backbone to swim against the current allencompassing technology tide. You can’t hold it back, but you can slow it down. You can suggest it sits on the metaphorical shelf for a while or at least while you eat dinner together. You can insist that social media isn’t the only way to stay in touch with friends and show them that Dr. Google may be clever but he/she only knows so much and that accurate and current information can be found offline. When it comes to kids and technology, don’t be an onlooker. Make this a year for getting in the game with kids, tech boots on and all.

now we know.


Four parenting priorities for 2017 2. Promote physical and mental health Finally, good mental health habits are top of mind in Australian schools. A focus on student wellbeing is now a well-established pathway to academic success for children and young people. But kids’ levels of physical activity need a boost. Recent research tells us that children’s physical activity peaks at around four years of age in Australia and gradually decreases every year from there. It makes a mockery of the image of Australian childhood spent in the great outdoors. Remember the old ‘healthy body, healthy mind’ maxim that past generations so fondly spruiked? Well, it’s true. Physical and mental health are inextricably linked. So this year while we encourage our kids to practise mindfulness; get a good night’s sleep and ensure they relax and unwind, let’s also make sure kids get plenty of physical activity, preferably outdoors.

3. Put the spoon back in the drawer I’ve hidden the controversial part in the middle of the article. Ready for it? I think that parents currently do too much for kids. We spoonfeed them. We make life to easy and don’t demand enough from them. Not all parents, but enough that we should be worried that our kids may grow up to become risk-averse, fearful adults who have difficulty making decisions lest they make a mistake. That is, if

they ever do grow up? As reported in Fairfax Media recently, “In 1970’s only one in five under-30’s in Australia lived with their parents but now it’s one in two.” This high dependency of children and teenagers on adults is the exact opposite of what adults have done in the past, which is develop their children’s independence and achieve the most important parenting outcome of all – their own redundancy. In 2017 remove the spoon, put it back in the drawer and make independence building a high priority in your family.

4. Put integrity top of the pedestal of character traits Every parent wants their child to have the strength and fortitude to do the right thing and not follow the crowd. This is easier for young children because the pull of the group and the allure of the media doesn’t have such a strong hold as it so often does in adolescence. Strong-willed children and those who like to have their own way can also find doing the right thing less of struggle. But the development of integrity and related traits such as respect, honesty and fairness is an important part of a child’s moral compass that will help him/her make smart decisions when you’re not around. Generally, integrity is developed in childhood and put to the test in adolescence. In 2017 put some focus on developing a sense of integrity in your kids – the rock star of character traits.

Visit our website for more ideas and information to help you raise confident and resilient young people.

Special note: I’m thrilled to announce that my latest book Spoonfed Generation: How to raise independent children is out. It’s available at parentingideas.com.au © Parenting Ideas 2017


now we know.

My Code: 76SW4839826 Arthur Reed Photos Pty. Ltd.

A.B.N 48 528 494 590 148-154 Marshalltown Road, Grovedale, VIC 3216 Post: PO Box 272, Belmont, VIC 3216 | Telephone: (03) 5243 4390 Email: enquiries@arphotos.com.au | Web: www.arphotos.com.au


Order your school photos online today with multiple easy payment options available


Go to www.arphotos.com.au and follow the prompts to place your order.

Saint Ignatius College

My School Code: 1702SI698

THURSDAY 16th February

Order your school photos before 11.59pm,

February 26, 2017 Remember the changes in them each year with SCHOOL PHOTOS


ORDER ONLINE - www.arphotos.com.au


if unable to order online

Late orders can be accepted online at any time. An extra $14.95 will be added to late orders for shipping.

- go directly to our website


All prices include GST



digital image when photos ordered online.


(Tablet not included).

3 - 18 x 13 cm portraits, 3 - 8 x 5 cm portraits, 4 - 4 x 2.5 cm portraits, 1 - Group photo

BASIC - PACK E $30 1 - 18 x 13 cm portrait, 1 - Group photo 1 - Personalised photobook which includes portrait, group image and year level composite, 1 - Larger size 25 x 18 cm portrait, 1 - 18 x 13 cm B&W portrait, 4 - 18 x 13 cm portraits, 3 - 8 x 5 cm portraits, 4 - 4 x 2.5 cm portraits + 1 - Group photo



GROUP - PACK G $25 1 - Group photo

EXTRAS - Available ONLINE A large range of extra items are available including, - Enlargements and extra prints, - Black & white prints - Digital portrait downloads, - Calendars, Bookmarks, - Photobooks & - Stickers featuring portrait images,


1 - High Resolution Digital Portrait image download + 1 - Group photo (Available ONLINE ONLY)

PLUS FAMILY Discounts and LATE ORDERS Only available online. NOT ABLE TO ORDER ONLINE? If you are not able to place your order online, please print this flyer,complete all details required and return with correct payment directly to Arthur Reed Photos.

1 - Personalised photobook 2 - 18 x 13 cm portraits + 1 - Group photo

Money-Back Guarantee on photo products (not including digital image) full details online

Orders for family photos must be received by ARP before photo day to ensure a family photo is taken on the day. Complete the separate family photo order flyer for all family orders.

Student Name


Parent/Guardian Name

Mobile /Contact Phone Number

I wish to order package


Payment (circle)



I have ORDERED ONLINE with payment enclosed

(Available until photo day only)





Credit Card

(Downloadable form available online)


TOTAL COST of this school photo order $


Payment also included for the following students Saint Ignatius College

A Jesuit Partner School


Arthur Reed Photos Pty. Ltd.

A.B.N 48 528 494 590 148-154 Marshalltown Road, Grovedale, VIC 3216 Post: PO Box 272, Belmont, VIC 3216 | Telephone: (03) 5243 4390 Email: enquiries@arphotos.com.au | Web: www.arphotos.com.au

Order your FAMILY photos online today


with easy payment options available


Go to www.arphotos.com.au and follow the prompts to place your order.

Saint Ignatius College

My School Code: 1702SI698

THURSDAY 16th February

Order your FAMILY photos online before photo day.

Remember the changes in them each year with SCHOOL PHOTOS


ORDER ONLINE www.arphotos.com.au

SCAN THE QR CODE TO GO ONLINE - go directly to our website

if unable to order online

All orders for FAMILY photos need to be placed by 11.59pm the day before photo day to ensure a photograph is taken on the day OR return this order directly to Arthur Reed Photos.


+ FREE HIGH Resolution digital image when photos are ordered ONLINE.

1 - 25 x 18 cm portrait, 2 - 18 x 13 cm portraits, 1 - 18 x 13 cm B&W portrait, 4 - 7.5 x 5.5 cm portraits, 1 - personalised 25 x 18 cm family calendar

(Tablet not included)



EXTRAS - Available ONLINE A large range of extra items are available including,

1 - 18 x 13 cm portrait

1 - 18 x 13 cm portrait & 4 - 7.5 x 5.5 cm portraits

- Enlargements and extra prints, - Black & white prints - Digital portrait downloads, - Calendars, Bookmarks & - Stickers

Money-Back Guarantee on photo products (not including digital image) Details available at www.arphotos.com.au

NOT ABLE TO ORDER ONLINE? If you are not able to place your order online, please print this flyer,complete all details required and return with correct payment directly to Arthur Reed Photos.

Student Name


Parent/Guardian Name

Mobile /Contact Phone Number

I wish to order


Payment (circle)



Credit Card

(Downloadable form available online)

I have ORDERED ONLINE with payment in this envelope

(Only available up until photo day)

FAMILY PORTRAIT PACKAGE Total Cost of this FAMILY photo order $



Students to be included in family photograph Name








A Jesuit Partner School


Community Notice Board

SATURDAY 25TH MARCH 2017 ‘Walk for Johno’ - Bellarine Rail Trail Last year the first ‘Walk for Johno’ was held in memory of John “Johno” Spencer and all of our loved ones who have been lost to heart disease and to also celebrate our survivors. This event raised much needed funds for the Heart Foundation. Last year we had 150 participants and raised over $11,000. This year on Saturday the 25th March we are doing it all again and invite you and your family and friends to be involved in this fantastic event. There are six walk options from the full 37km right down to a 3km stroll! Just choose a distance to suit you and ‘take part and walk for your heart’. We will be selling ‘Walk for Johno’ wristbands for $2 and yummy chocolate hearts or lollipops for 50 cents each at the front office so if you could purchase one of these to help us beat last years total that would be fantastic. If you have questions please contact Ms Spencer at spencerr@ignatius.vic.edu.au.

To register for FREE, donate or fundraise visit: http://doitforheart.org.au/event/walkforjohno

Proudly supported by Saint Ignatius College Alumni Taylor Dow from Taylor Dow Property Group and Mitchell Saffin from SpurWealth

A Jesuit Partner School


Community Notice Board 429 Squadron F35 JSF LIGHTNING II Flight Simulator



Is seeking young people 13 to 17 years of age To join the Australian Air force Cadets The AAFC is the Premier youth development organisation in Australia With thousands of cadets throughout all States and Territories


Monday 6:15pm – 9:45pm During School Terms REACH FOR THE SKY

As a Cadet with 429 Squadron Fort Queenscliff

FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO JOIN Email - admino.429sqn@aafc.org.au Squadron Orderly Room - PH 5258 0716


Find us on Facebook

St Albans and Netball Club Junior Registration Day Sunday February 12th 10am - 1pm Venue: St Albans Recreation Reserve Boundary Road, East Geelong. At the Netball Rooms Auskick – Registrations to be completed online Junior Football – Under 9’s, 10’s, 12’s, 14’s & 16’s Junior and Youth Girls Football Colts – Under 18’s Mouth guard fittings will also be available on the day Junior Netball – Under 11’s, 13’s, 15’s & 17’s

Football Contact: Jacqui Lyons 0418 507 476

Netball Contact: Nat Quick 0402 900 207

Facebook.com/st-albans-football-club-junior-section facebook.com/stalbans.netball Get involved in our Footy Boot Swap Bring along your old boots, there will be no charge to swap boots on the day and only a &10 charge to purchase

A Jesuit Partner School


College Calendar February 2017

February 2017 Year 11 ‘Study Sensei’

Monday 27th

Years 9/10 and 11/12 GISSA Cricket

Monday 13th Year 11 PE Excursion Lake Lorne

Monday 27th

Years 7 to 12 GISSA Tennis

Monday 13th Year 12 Parent Information Evening St Thomas’ Church, 7.00pm to 8.300pm

Monday 27th Year 10 Parent Information Evening College Gym, 7.00pm to 8.30pm

Monday 13th

Tuesday 14th

Bishop Edwards visits the College

Tuesday 14th Year 11 PE Excursion Lake Lorne Wednesday 15th Year 8 Parent Information Evening College Gym, 7.00pm to 8.300pm Wednesday 15th Year 9 Parent Information Evening St Thomas’ Church, 7.00pm to 8.300pm Thursday 16th

Tuesday 28th Pancake Breakfast to launch ‘Project Compassion’ 8.00am to 9.00am Tuesday 28th Launch of ‘Project Compassion’ ‘Shrove Tuesday’ Tuesday 28th Year 11 Outdoor Education Excursion ‘Great Ocean Walk’ Tues 28th February to 3rd March.

Student Photos

Friday 17th Year 11 VCAL Incursion Safe Food Handling, Barista and RSA Monday 20th Year 11 Parent Information Evening St Thomas’ Church, 7.00pm to 8.300pm Tuesday 21st Beginning of Year Masses St Thomas’ Church Years 8 and 10: 9am Years 9 and 11: 11am Years 7 and 12: 1.20pm Wednesday 22nd Surf League Titles Torquay Thursday 23rd VCAL Parent Information Evening Years 11 and 12 St Thomas’ Church, 7.00pm to 8.300pm Friday 24th Year 11 VCAL Excursion Anglesea Sunday 26th Geelong All Schools’ Swim Carnival Kardinia Park Pool

March 2017 Wednesday 1st

Ash Wednesday

Wednesday 1st College House Swimming Sports Kardinia Pool, 8.45am to 3.00pm Friday 3rd Year 11 VCAL Incursion Safe Food Handling, Barista and RSA Monday 6th

Year 12 Elevate Ed: ‘ Ace Your Exams’

Monday 6th Year 12 Retreat 6th March to 10th March Wednesday 8th GISSA Swim Championships Geelong Grammar Wednesday 8th SICG Scholarship Test 3.45pm to 6.40pm Thursday 9th

Year 9 ‘Brainstorm Production’

Friday 10th

Year 12 Elevate Ed: ‘ Ace Your Exams’

Monday 13th

Labour Day: Student Free day

Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN

Saint Ignatius College Geelong

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School


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