Edition 18 November 9th 2017 (hr)

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Edition 18, November 10th 2017

From the Principal Welcome! Year 12 Exams and Pathways Year 12 VCE students across the State are well and truly into their exam period.

Coming Events November 2017 Fri 10th Whole College Assembly Student Leaders Investiture Mon 13th Unit 2 Exams commence Tues 14th Parents and Friends’ Association Annual General Meeting Sun 19th World Challenge ‘Southern China Trip’ Departs Mon 20th ‘Kick Start’ Unit 3 Orientation A more detailed calendar is on the last page.

Many of our students undertaking these major assessments have sat two or more exams since last Wednesday, with this week being particularly busy. Please keep these students in your thoughts and prayers at this time that they can revise well and demonstrate their learning to the best of their abilities. Our Year 12 VCAL students have finished their classes for the year, and I wish them all the best for their next step toward employment or further study.

Mr. Connor remains available for the rest of the school year (and into the next school year) if any student or parent would like some support or information re pathways, courses or employment. He can be contacted by phoning our Office.

Exam Period - a time for student peak performance I came across the following advice in “Principals’ Digests, Volume 22 Number 55” that may be very helpful for our Years 9 - 12 students facing exams. I thought I would share this with parents, you might like to discuss it with your daughter/son. “People who do well - in their careers, in sports, in exams - aim for peak performance.

I know some of them have already picked up an apprenticeship and others are enrolling in a vocational course for next year. So it is also important to keep them in our thoughts and prayers as they make this very significant transition from secondary school.

They want to be at their best, doing their best.

I know Mr. Bruce Connor, our Work and Further Education Coordinator, has provided support to many VCAL and VCE students and parents when they were considering possible pathways.

The best performers tap into positive energy at all levels of the performance pyramid.

How can you reach peak performance so that, when you sit your exams, you can be confident you are able to give your best and gain the results you are aiming for?

This pyramid has four levels and they are all important. ....continued on Page 2

A Jesuit Partner School

In Brief

From the Principal (cont.)

This Page: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’

First of all, even for studying, you have to be able to find the energy you need when you need it. That means sticking to a routine of hard work and short breaks to refresh your mind and body. This might be 45 minutes of concentrated study followed by a 10 minute walk or a few minutes doing something you enjoy, before getting back to your work.

Page 3: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ Page 4: Faith Matters Page 5 and 6: Year 11 ‘Retreat’ Photos Page 7 and 8: Ignatian and Jesuit News Page 8: Jesuit Province Immersion to Timor Leste in 2018 Page 9: State Chess Competition and Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal Page 10: Year 7 ‘Jump Rope for Heart’ Page 11: Mosaic 2017 Invite Page 12 to 14: Iggy’s Tees.Com Page 15 and 16: Canteen Roster and Parents and Friends’ Association Page 17: Timor Leste Immersion 2018 Information Evening Page 18: Women’s Health and Wellbeing (WHWBSW) Page 19 and 20: “When young people catastrophise” by Michael Grose Page 21 to 23: Community Notice Board Page 24 : College Calendar

People who do not establish a routine waste time and energy. Regardless of their talent, they become more vulnerable to frustration, anxiety and loss of concentration and far more likely to choke under pressure. So a good examination routine means concentrated study combined with regular exercise, good food and enough sleep. The second level is positive emotions. When you feel optimistic and confident, these emotions ignite the energy that drives high performance. Negative emotions like frustration and fear drain your energy and can wreck your performance. Positive emotions reduce your stress but negative emotions increase stress. If you are feeling negative emotions, and we all do at times like examinations, try to act as if you are feeling confident and optimistic because getting rid of negative feelings will help you succeed. The third level is focus. Keep your mind on your goals and what you need to do to achieve them. Resist being distracted. You will have all summer for everything else you enjoy. For this short but important time in your life, keeping your focus is vital. The fourth level, which will help with everything else, is to tap into your deepest values and develop a strong sense of purpose. In the face of challenges like examinations, knowing what you stand for and what you value in life is a powerful source of motivation, focus, determination and resilience. We need to remind ourselves what is truly important to us so we can find the energy, the focus and the positive attitude that will bring success not only in exams, but also in life. So there you have it: energy, positive emotions, focus and knowing what you truly want are the foundation for examination success.” [Acknowledgement: “The Making of a Corporate Athlete” by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz in Harvard Business Review, January 2001]

Remembrance Day As you are aware, Saturday is Remembrance Day. We will be conducting a short memorial service for students and staff in their classes on Monday. At the start of Lesson Three (just before 11 am), the College will be called to attention. Students are to remain in classrooms and to give their full attention to the ceremony broadcast over the College’s public address system, under the supervision of the teacher. We will begin with an introduction about the significance of Remembrance Day. This will be followed by the playing of the “Last Post.” The College will be called upon to observe one minute’s silence. This will be followed by the “Rouse.” The poem “In Flanders Fields” will then be recited. The ceremony concludes with the Ode of Remembrance. All students will be asked to repeat, “Lest we Forget.” Thank you to Mr. Paul Lewis (DP) for organising and leading this service.

Mosaic Evening and arrangements for classes on the day Mosaic is a very special annual community celebration for our College. All members of our school community are encouraged to attend this wonderful evening on Monday 27th November at Costa Hall, Deakin Waterfront Campus. The Student Art & Technology display commences at 6.00pm in the Costa Hall foyer followed by the celebration evening that commences at 7.00pm in the main auditorium. We have received very positive feedback over the years about this major College function. All students are expected to attend. This College function reinforces for our students the College’s values, celebrates student achievement in a variety of areas and builds a sense of belonging and school community. I also encourage parents and families to support our community by attending and to be part of a very enjoyable and uplifting celebration of the 2017 school year at Saint Ignatius College. ...continued on Page 3

A Jesuit Partner School


Please note that most Years 7 - 11 students will not be required at school on Monday 27th November 2017 so staff can prepare for the evening and students performing can rehearse. Having had the day off school it is expected that students will come to the evening instead of their classes for the day. Students in Years 7- 11 who are performing in the evening are expected to come to school on the day for the rehearsals. Year 12 students will attend school as per their exam timetable. I look forward to joining with students, families and friends of the College to celebrate the school year. As was the case last year no tickets are required to attend, all you will need to do is turn up at Costa Hall, and you will be ushered to a seat. There is no cost to attend, and you are most welcome to invite Grandparents, other family members, and family friends.

World Challenge Expedition Sixty-seven (divided into four groups) Year 10 and 11 students and staff members, Mr Byron Mitchell, Ms Denise Pennings, Mr Michael Timms and Mr Ian Anderson, depart in just over a week’s time for an overseas adventure to spend a month in China. Our school groups will be travelling under the guidance of World Challenge Expeditions who will provide two Guides for each group. The groups fly into and out of Hong Kong.

They will travel in south-western China visiting Kuming, Lijiang, Tiger Leaping Gorge, Chengdu, Xishuangbanna and Guilin. The trip will include trekking (two groups at Xishuangbanna and the other two groups at Mt Emei Shan) and a service project at Xishuangbanna. On behalf of everyone, I wish the group a very healthy, happy and safe time away. Two groups will arrive back in Melbourne on 18th December and the other two groups will arrive back on 20th December 2017. I look forward to their safe return and the many stories they will have about their China adventure.

Assembly tomorrow Parents and friends of the College are invited to attend tomorrow’s full school assembly. This is a new initiative. Our practice has been to have one formal school assembly in term four. The focus of this second assembly will be on senior student leadership investiture. In support of this the theme will be ‘Leadership’ in line with our mantra - “St. Ignatius Inspiring me to be a leader.” The assembly will commence at 9:00 am and will be held in the gym. Please report to the main office before 8:50 am so you can be escorted to a seat in the gym. The assembly will conclude at 10:30 am.

Recent Year 9 Camps Over the last two weeks the College has conducted three Year 9 Leadership Camps - two to Lake Eildon and one to Wollangarra in Gippsland. The three groups were away for four nights camping and bushwalking in these beautiful Victorian areas. The two camps to Lake Eildon were a pilot for our new Year 9 Camp Program for all Year 9 students in 2018. Attendance at the Wollangarra Camp has been by application and has involved about twenty students each year for a number of years. With our intention to offer a new program to all Year 9 students next year we are looking at this being the last Wollangarra Camp. All reports indicate the camps were very successful. Well done to the students involved and thank you to the teachers who accompanied the three groups. In particular, thank you to Mr Ben Collyer (YLC) and Mr Michael Timms (DP) for their work to drive and coordinate this program.

Parents and Friends’ Association Thank you to the parents who have nominated for an office bearer position for the PFA. The nomination process has now closed. Can I please encourage all parents to consider committing to be a member of the PFA? We need to ensure we keep ‘topping-up’ this group each year as we lose some members with their daughter/son finishing their time at the College. Perhaps you can give a couple/few years as a member of this group? The next PFA meeting will be the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 14th November at 7 pm in the Food Technology Centre and it would be great to see some new parents at this meeting. Best wishes

Michael Exton Principal

A Jesuit Partner School


Faith Matters 1 Corinthians 15:51-55


Listen to this secret truth: we shall not all die, but when the last trumpet sounds, we shall all be changed in an instant, as quickly as the blinking of an eye.

Throughout November the Church remembers those who have died and rest eternally with God. At the College we remember past staff, students and family members and pray for them, as they pray for us.

For when the trumpet sounds, the dead will be raised, never to die again, and we shall all be changed. For what is mortal must be changed into what is immortal; what will die must be changed into what cannot die. So when this takes place, and the mortal has been changed into the immortal, then the scripture will come true: “Death is destroyed; victory is complete!” “Where, Death, is your victory? Where, Death, is your power to hurt?”

Both the Apostles and Nicene Creed contains the phrase “the communion of Saints”, which affirms our faith that we are spiritually connected with all of our brothers and sisters, including those who have passed from this life. In charity we pray that those who have died are forgiven of any and all sin and intercede for us in heaven.

I hope that this month you might also consider allowing us to pray in intercession for your loved ones. If you would like your loved ones to be included in our daily prayers througout November please send an email to nichollsb@ignatius.vic.edu.au Please include the names of the loved ones you would like us to pray for and their relationship to you. I hope that throughout November you are joyful because of the precious memories you have of those you have loved.

You may wish to remember your loved ones in the same manner we at the College do.

These memories live on forever, just as your loved ones do in heaven with God.

To do so you will need a bowl filled with water and some small stones.

Yours in Christ,

Each morning you might start the day by placing a stone into the water in memory of a loved one. As you place the stone into the water you notice ripples that move outwards.

Brendan Nicholls Liturgy Coordiantor

Although the life of your loved one has ended in this world, their spirit lives on and moves outwards. Just as the ripples move through the water, their spirit moves outwards also. Through the love they offered in life and the memories that are treasured and are held within your heart. Let the ripples also remind you that their spirit lives on. As the ripples subside and can no longer be seen they do not end. Although no longer visible they move through the entire body of water. Just as the spirit of those who have died moves through the universe and is present with us, through faith today. I hope this practice brings you peace and is cathartic.

A Jesuit Partner School


Year 11 ‘Retreat’ Photos

Photography by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


Year 11 ‘Retreat’ Photos

Photography by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


Ignatian and Jesuit News The Gym set up for the recent Year 12 Valete Mass.

We Are Ignatian and Jesuit Introduction of The Examen In the relatively short time that we have been a Jesuit school, 10 years, we have enthusiastically embraced the Ignatian tradition and we have come such a long way. However as with everything in life it’s important to reflect and consider what opportunities there are for further development and growth. One such opportunity for growth in our school community was mentioned at our last school assembly and Sophie Thorley, the 2018 Liturgy Captain, explained it further at today’s whole school assembly. It has been decided that we will start doing The Examen prayer in the school every Friday morning. This will start , as a whole school, next Friday (Nov 17th) and every week from then on everyone in the school will pause for five minutes, each Friday morning at 9am. This includes all teachers, all students, office staff, maintenance staff, visitors everyone. Visitors to the front office will be required to wait while we do the Examen and the phones will not be answered during this time. The Examen was developed by Saint Ignatius more than 400 years ago and it is different from the normal sort of prayers that we perhaps often say “off by heart” without really thinking about them. The Examen is a meditative and reflective practice used to review and reflect on our week. To begin with, Sophie will lead us all through the Examen over the public address system.

We will do it this way for the rest of this year and at least Term One next year and then as we all become much more familiar and comfortable with the Examen the plan is for students and/or Homeroom Teachers to lead the Examen in their classrooms at 9.00am each Friday. I am very grateful to Michael Wright (Ignatian Co-ordinator) and other members of the school’s Ethos and Identity Team for their commitment to ensuring that this Jesuit/Ignatian ritual becomes part of our school identity. We anticipate that as we all enter into the weekly practice of the Examen everyone in our school community will come to see how helpful this reflective ritual is and appreciate a few quiet moments of reflection and stillness in our very hectic lives.

Jesuit Student Leaders Conference We are very pleased to be hosting this years Jesuit Student Leaders Conference from Sunday 3rd to Tuesday 5th December. The Captains and Vice Captains from the 10 Jesuit Schools will spend 3 days at our school and the Conference theme is:

“Washing Feet - humble service to others”.

We have arranged a number of different presenters and facilitators for the various Conference workshops and this includes approximately 20 past Captains and Vice Captains from Saint Ignatius who have generously offered to give up their time to be part of the conference. Some of the workshops include: ‘Introduction to Jesuit Mission’ presented by Fr Trung Nguyen SJ “Why the Jesuits” - a personal journey presented byJennie Hickey Delegate for Education and Social Ministries. Australian Province of the Society of Jesus ‘When things get difficult in my leadership role’ presented by Past Student Leaders of SICG

A Jesuit Partner School


Ignatian and Jesuit News (cont.) Ignatian/Jesuit Leadership qualities I am very grateful to the main co-organisers for the Conference: Anthony Gravener, Student Leadership Development Co-ordinator and Michael Wright, Ignatian Co-ordinator and Social Justice Co-ordinator. ‘In the footsteps of Ignatius’

The Alumni of St Patrick’s College have become strong supporters of our school in the last few years and they wish to continue to strengthen our Jesuit heritage through an ongoing relationship with and connection to their old school e.g. last year was the first presentation of an award they will make each year at Mosaic. Claire Hewitt , Development Officer, and I were guests at the St Patrick’s Old Collegians Annual Dinner held recently at the Greenacres Golf Club in Kew.

Receiving one of the gifts for our school from James Smith, Secretary of St Patrick’s Old Collegians Association.

At the dinner a number of items from the original St Patrick’s school were presented to our school as long term loans for display at Saint Ignatius College. The items include old school photographs, the original brass school nameplate from the front door of the school and an original Student Leadership Cup.

St Patrick’s Old Collegians St Patrick’s College East Melbourne was the first Irish Jesuit school in Australia.

A Loan Agreement has been signed to formalize the long-term loan to Saint Ignatius College of the St Patrick’s memorabilia and historical items. We look forward to arranging the display of these items around our school.

Guests at the St Patrick’s Old Collegains Annual Dinner, including Paul Buttigieg (centre) from the St Patrick’s Alumni, Claire Hewitt, and Chris Lynch (DP, Loyola College Watsonia; between Claire and Paul).

Kind regards. Paul Lewis Deputy Principal [Staff, Identity and Operations]

It was open from 1854 - 1968 on the grounds we would now know as nearby St Patrick’s Cathedral (Cathedral Place, East Melbourne).

Jesuit Province Immersion to Timor Leste in 2018 Each year two Year 10 students are selected to travel to East Timor on a Jesuit immersion. The group is made up of two representatives from each of the 10 Jesuit schools around Australia. As part of this selection the students must attempt to raise $500 each, to help support Education in East Timor. Sam Salisbury and I have been fortunate enough to have been chosen to represent Saint Ignatius College on next year’s Immersion. To begin fundraising Sam and I were able to partake in Market Day.

We chose to have fairy floss, baked goods and a ‘guess the amount of lollies in the jar’. After the day, we successfully raised $350 and helped raise awareness of need for education in Timor Leste.

This is a great beginning for our fundraising efforts in 2018. Maddie Crothers Year 10

A massive thank you to Nikita Page, Elyssa Winter, Natalia Wilcox, Gemma Bell, Lucy Irving, Claire Lowe, Maggie Van Bakkum and Grace Cotter for donating their time and baked goods to support this cause. Another thankyou to all the teachers that volunteered their time to help us out. Congratulations to Ms Adams for winning the Lollie Jar.

A Jesuit Partner School


State Chess Competition On Monday the 16th of October James Schreuder, Alex Mavromoustakos, Samuel Occhipinti and Josh Abbott represented the College at the State Chess Competition, held at Brighton Grammar. The day was an excellent opportunity for the boys involved to gain further experience and compete at a very high level. Well done for the effort put in and the good sportsmanship offered throughout the day. Brendan Nicholls

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal It might seem early but the Christmas spirit is alive and well at Saint Ignatius College with the Year 10s again making an amazing contribution to the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal. Students collected over 50 boxes full of specific fun and useful items to lift the life and spirits of a young person who may not have the same opportunities as ourselves this Christmas. It was rewarding to see the extra generosity that our students went to to make this appeal successful. The biggest thanks must go to Mr. Michael Brown who coordinated this event with his homeroom - 10 Evans put a big thank to all those who put a shoebox together. Brendan O’Brien

A Jesuit Partner School


Year 7 ‘Jump Rope for Heart’ Friday November 3rd period 5 & 6 saw the Year 7 students and staff participate in the Jump Rope for Heart which raising much needed funds and awareness about Heart health. Heart disease is still the single biggest killer of Australians and that is why it is so important that we raise vital funds to support heart health research. We want to help reduce premature death and suffering from heart disease that affects Australian families every day, families just like yours. I am so proud of the way the students participated and got behind the program and I was especially proud of the students that attended all the lunchtime practice sessions. We had 11 students raise $2,154, which was amazing with both Mietta Morgan and Cooper Baars raising over $700 and $500 respectively for the Heart Foundation. Rebekah Spencer

A Jesuit Partner School


2017 A celebration of the year showcasing our many programs and achievements at Saint Ignatius College St. Ignatius. Inspiring me to be a leader

Join the College community in an exciting evening of celebration at Mosaic 2017 All students are encouraged to attend this important College event. Date: Monday November 27th. Time: 6pm - 7pm Exhibitions, displays and performances in the Costa Hall foyer. 7pm - 9pm Student performances, media retrospectives and award presentations in the main auditorium. Venue: Costa Hall, Deakin University Waterfront Campus, Brougham Street, Geelong Dress: Semi-formal. Students’ dress: Girls: Full Summer uniform and blazer. Boys: Full Winter uniform (long pants and ties) and blazer Please note: Tickets are not required. General Admission to the foyer and auditorium. Doors to auditorium open at 6.45pm For enquiries: Please contact the College office on (03) 5251 1136 or email: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au

Important Dates to Remember Parents should note that Monday November 27th is a Student Free Day (Some students may be required for ‘Mosaic’ rehearsals) Monday November 27th ‘Mosaic’ Celebration Foyer Exhibition 6pm - 7pm, Student performances and awards 7pm - 9pm

Thursday November 30th Year 11 Last Day Friday December 1st Year 12 ‘Valedictory’ Dinner President’s Room, Geelong Football Club, 7pm to 11pm A Jesuit Partner School


A Jesuit Partner School




A Jesuit Partner School


tie-dye miscellaneous






















A Jesuit Partner School


Canteen Roster Starting November 13th Monday 13th C. Ford, M. Privitelli, E. Musella, M. Sideris Tuesday 14th L. Tigani, A. Brown, M. Dunstan, L. Vella Wednesday 15th R. Hay, B. Downey, M. Cartin, R. Murray Thursday 16th L. Eastwood, M. White, E. Carpenter, R. Dickeson Friday 17th J. Marles, S. Hammond, M. Kelly Starting November 20th Monday 20th B. Rees, E. Hudson, M. Payne, B.bBrinfield Tuesday 21st L. Vella, A. Schneider, Needed, Needed Wednesday 22nd C. Duncan, L. Hamer, Needed, Needed Thursday 23rd M. White, Needed, Needed, Needed Friday 24th E. Stokie, L. Hart, K. Every If unable to attend, please make sure you get a replacement.

Sandra Woodall Tel: 0417 050 258

Parents and Friends’ Association: Next Meeting: AGM

Come along on Tuesday November 14th 7.00pm in the Food Technology building.

All positions have nominations, come along and welcome the new committee.

College Fees Raffle You have to be in it to win it! First prize is College Tuition Fees for 2018*

*Fee applicable to youngest child at the College, does not include Digital Technology Program, VCAL or VET Levies or other extra curricular activities

See the next page for details and order form.

Be on the PFA email list to hear all the news first! Some emails are bouncing back to our Secretary. If you haven’t heard from us in a while it means we do not have your current correct email address. Email us at sicgpandf@ignatius.vic.edu.au to get on the list.

Secondhand Uniform Shop

New Opening Day and Time We now have a new committee to manage the uniform shop

Weekly opening hours Term 4 will be Wednesday 2 - 4pm Volunteers are required to assist with the weekly opening of the Uniform Shop and also special opening times coming up. On the Job Training will be provided. Year 12s watch the newsletter for drop off days for your uniforms Contact uniform@ignatius.vic.edu.au if you want more information. A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College Geelong A Jesuit Partner School

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Vic. 3222 T: (03) 5251 1136 F: (03) 5251 3547 E: registrar@ignatius.vic.edu.au W: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au ABN: 59 345 224 293

Parents and Friends’ Association

2018 College Fees Raffle The Parents and Friends’ Association are organising a raffle. This will be a Major Fundraiser for our College. Tickets are $ 25.00 each and the prizes are as follows:

1st Prize

College Tuition Fees for 2018

(Fee applicable for youngest child at the College, does not include Digital Technology, VCAL or VET Levies or other extra curricular activities.) Donated by Saint Ignatius College.

2nd Prize

$200 Noone Imagewear Voucher

3rd Prize

$75 Campion Education Voucher

4th Prize

Novel valued at $30

Raffle drawn at 2.30pm on Tuesday 12th December 2017. Proceeds from the raffle will be used for the purchase of equipment or support projects to benefit staff and students of the College. Please return the slip below with payment to purchase tickets or contact the school office to purchase tickets over the phone. This will need to be completed by Friday the 8th of December 2017. A receipt, if requested, will be sent home with students. We look forward to your support of this Fundraising event. Parents and Friends’ Association


Please return the section below to your student’s Homeroom Teacher, the Office or it can be processed over the phone on 5251 1136 during Office hours (8.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday).

Parents and Friends’ Association College Fees Raffle 2018 Student Name:


Number of Tickets Required:

@ $25.00 = $

A receipt for the purchase of tickets will be supplied on request. Payment Method:

Cash / Cheque / Credit Card

Card Details: Name on Card: Card No: Expiry Date:

CV: /


Please Note: If Credit Card details are supplied, these will be deleted once used as mandated by current Credit Card privacy regulations.

Timor Leste Immersion 2018

Timor Leste Immersion 2018 Information Evening Wednesday 22nd November, 6 - 7pm in the ILC Don’t miss out on this life-changing Immersion. g Introduction to Timor Leste Immersion g Past students and Parents speaking about their experience g Information from Destination Dreaming g Outline of the Program and approximate cost

A Jesuit Partner School


Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West (WHWBSW) would like to thank St Ignatius College for their support towards our “Stand Up – Don’t Stand By” 16 Days of Activism campaign. From November 25th to December 10th, 2017,” the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls around the world” (United Nations, 2016). The “Stand Up – Don’t Stand By” campaign was created for secondary school aged students due to the need to address some concerning data captured by Our Watch (2016), which indicated that young people are struggling to identify what a healthy and respectful relationship looks like, and additionally, to raise awareness of the impact that social media platforms have on facilitating poor sexually abusive behaviour. Our poster campaign provides visual examples of unacceptable online behaviour, and then utilizes appropriate and realistic bystander options to empower adolescents to ‘stand up’ for what is right and support the victim.

Our Watch (2016) also reported: • • • • •

1 in 4 don’t think it’s serious when guys insult or verballing harass girls in the street. 15% of young people think its ok for a guy to pressure a girl for sex if they are both drunk. 1 in 4 young people don’t think it’s serious if a guy, who is normally gentle, sometimes slaps his girlfriend when he is drunk and they are arguing. 58% agreed that girls often receive unwanted indecent, sexually explicit texts, images or video clips. 44% of respondents did not feel comfortable reporting online abuse.

These posters will be used as a teaching resource for the duration of the campaign:

Follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter at: http://www.womenshealthbsw.org.au/join-us/subscribe/

A Jesuit Partner School



insights When young people catastrophise by Michael Grose

Recently, Deidre (not her real name), a mother of two children, told me how her 13-year-old son would often exaggerate his woes with comments such as “This is the worst day ever” when he came in the door after school. She was seeking my advice on what approach she should take with her son. Diedre was attuned to her son’s needs. She realised that he had a need to talk about what was on his mind, which put her at odds with her husband who viewed her son as a pessimist. So what approach to take? Place time limits on pessimism Her son was more than likely down the pessimist end of the pessimism-optimism continuum. There’s nothing wrong with that although it would very limiting if he saw the world only through a negative lens. Pessimism and optimism are part genetic and part learned so regardless of how sunny and optimistic the adults around them are, some kids are just more prone to seeing the downside in most situations. It’s important to listen to kids but at the same time don’t allow them to wallow in self-pity or go over old, negative ground. Listen to their tale but at some point it’s best to say, “Enough! It’s time to think about other things.” Cue kids to talk Children of all ages have a need to talk about their days and get things off their chests. Kids Helpline’s’s busiest part of the day is the time immediately after school when kids call to talk about problems with teachers and also with peers. It’s healthy for young people to talk to adults to debrief. “The worst day ever” is a type of cue for Deidre’s son to vent. Perhaps Diedre can let her son know that she’s always available to talk and that all he needs to do is say, “Mum, I need to talk”, letting him know that he doesn’t have to be negative in order for her to listen. Allow kids to vent and be understood There’s nothing more therapeutic than knowing someone understands you. As a listener that means you need to stop what you are doing and really tune into the feelings behind your child’s venting. If your child is feeling sad, mad or rejected think of a recent time when you felt the same way and share that with them. It will allow you to get on the same wavelength as your child. This takes time and a willingness to be vulnerable, but it is probably what your child wants from you.

We're a Parenting Ideas school


Call kids out on extreme black-and-white language Many young people catastrophise or see situations in extreme terms. “The worst day ever”, “Everyone hates me” and “The teacher never says anything nice to me” are examples of extreme views. The world is rarely so black and white. Challenge extreme language. Wind it back with more realistic responses such as “Yes, it sounds like you’re having a bad day”, “Some people can be unpleasant but you have some terrific friends” or “That teacher can be grumpy sometimes but I think you’ll find he can be reasonable too” Encourage kids to show gratitude If you have a child who constantly brings the negative parts of their day to you then it may be wise to bring some balance to his or her viewpoint. Do this by encouraging them to show some gratitude for the good or positive things that happened to them. Many resilience experts encourage children and young people to keep a gratitude journal. At the end of each day they should note in this journal three things that happened to them that they are grateful for. Not only does this add some much-needed perspective but routinely looking for the good and positive sides of life can become habitforming even for died-in-the-wool negative Nevilles and Nellies. Deidre’s initial approach – listening to her son when he wanted to talk about his day – was the right one. However she admitted she was tired of being the sole recipient of her son’s constant negativity. If you can identify with Deidre then I encourage you to be empathetic and understanding but also to have some different strategies at your finger tips to steer your child or young person towards a more positive, more realistic appraisal, not allowing one bad event or incident define their entire day.

Michael Grose Michael Grose, founder of Parenting Ideas, is one of Australia’s leading parenting educators. He’s the author of 10 books for parents including Thriving! and the bestselling Why First Borns Rule the World and Last Borns Want to Change It, and his latest release Spoonfed Generation: How to raise independent children.

We're a Parenting Ideas school


Alcohol and other drug information session for parents and carers

The Cats Just Think alcohol education program has been offered to your school and your young person may or may not have participated. Regardless, we would like to invite you to an information session that outlines the program and key messages (see below). The Just Think Program for schools We have partnered with Barwon Child, Youth and Family and worked with Deakin University School of Psychology to develop a day of information and activities based upon the Smart Generation alcohol education package for use in schools. The Just Think program has some very specific messages and as with Smart Generation, is informed by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Centre: • • • • •

Consider having a no alcohol until 18 rule as a family policy Alcohol impacts the growing brain and can lead to lifetime deficits in memory and emotional regulation. Adolescent alcohol use increases the chances of injury, assault and motor vehicle accidents. Early uptake of alcohol can increase the chances that a person will struggle with managing their use over their lifetime. It is illegal to supply a person under 18 with alcohol without the express permission of their parents.

Just Think aims to inform young people about the risks of alcohol use and how to minimise these risks of use to themselves and those around them. The Just Think program does not talk to students about prescription or illicit drugs as we would not want to risk exposing someone to drugs and possibly encouraging a certain curiosity. Alcohol, we feel is different, being legal and widely promoted. The information night will consist of an outline of Just Think, its messaging and the reasoning behind it. We will also talk about illicit drugs and adolescent development and how to have conversation about alcohol and drugs and tips on setting family rules. We are happy for you to bring your children with you if you feel this is appropriate for your family. If you would like a more detailed breakdown of the content, please email or call on the numbers below If you would like to attend the session, please email myself: kgregory@geelongcats.com.au or feel free to contact me on 0419546265 or 5225 2480 to book in and/or discuss any aspect of the program.

Session date & time: Wednesday 15th November 6.00 to 9.00pm (snacks provided) Location: Deakin Community Cats Centre- Simonds Stadium Geelong Please indicate any dietary requirements Keith Gregory, Community Development Coordinator, Geelong Football Club

A Jesuit Partner School


Amanda Vernon_Saver_Plus_ High-School_Flyer_A5

Could $500 help you with high‑school costs? Join Saver Plus and we’ll match your savings, dollar for dollar, up to $500 for school costs. laptops & tablets

specialist subjects

uniforms & shoes

books & supplies

sports fees & gear

camps & excursions

Contact Amanda Vernon your local Saver Plus Coordinator Phone 03 5278 8122 Email avernon@bethany.org.au Web www.saverplus.org.au

To join Saver Plus, you must have a Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card, be at least 18 years old, have some regular income from work (you or your partner), and have a child at school or attend vocational education yourself.

Saver Plus is an initiative of the Brotherhood of St Laurence and ANZ, delivered in partnership with Berry Street, The Benevolent Society and The Smith Family and other local community agencies including Bethany. The program is funded by ANZ and the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Go to www.dss.gov.au for more information.

Immunisation Catch Up For Year 7 students (Gardasil) & Yr. 10, 11, 12 students (Meningococcal W) Ocean Grove Clinic Boorai centre Shell Road

Centre for Developmental Psychiatry and Psycholgy


2nd & 4th Friday of each month Or Barwon Health Immunisation Belmont 1-17 Reynolds Rd, Belmont, 3216 Tuesday 12/12/17 and Thursday 14/12/17 Phone Barwon Health Immunisation 42156963 to arrange Funding for Meningococcal ends 31/12/17

We’d like to hear from all parents about your experiences. For some, it’s easy to get along to school every day, for others, it can be tricky. At the Centre for Developmental Psychiatry and Psychology, Monash University, we are working with parents and schools to understand how easy or hard it is for children and teenagers with an intellectual disability to go to school. By completing our survey, you will contribute to the development of information and resources to support children and teenagers with a disability to attend school.

You can sign up online at: https://goo.gl/MJGo4w

OR Call us to discuss signing up: T: 03 9902 4557 E: kites@monash.edu

Participating families will receive a $40 book voucher.

This study has Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (#CF16/944 - 2016000499) and Victorian Department of Education and Training ethics (2016-003127) approval.

17P-0221. February 2017. Produced by Strategic Marketing and Communications, Monash University CRICOS provider: Monash University 00008C.

A Jesuit Partner School


Weekend Mass Times For All Parishes


Community Notice Board Weekend Mass Times for All Parishes Weekend Mass Times For All Parishes

Summary of regular weekend Masses for all parishes in the Geelong Deanery.

Please see the Calendar for Easter and Christmas Mass Summary of regular weekend Masses for all parishes in the and Reconciliation Times Geelong Deanery Suburb

Mass Centre

Routine Weekend Schedule


St Brigids

11am alternate Sundays


St Christopher

5:30pm (Sat) OR 6:30pm (Sat) during summer daylight saving time


St John Mary Evangelist McKillop St

9:00am last Sunday of the month

Barwon Heads Holy Family

6:00pm (Sat)

Bell Park

Holy Family

8:00am, 9:30am, 11:30am (Slovenian 2nd Sun), 11:30am (Croatian not 2nd Sun), 12:30am (Croatian 2nd Sun)


St Bernard

6.00pm (Sat), 6:30pm(Sat), 9:00am, 10:30am


St Francis Xavier

5:00pm (3rd Sat Filipino) 7:00pm(Sat), 10:30am


St Thomas

9.00 am


St Mary of the Angels

6:00pm(Sat), 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:15 (Polish), 5:30pm

Geelong East

St Margaret

9:45am 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday

Geelong North St John

8:30am 10:30am(Latin Mass) Rosary 10:05am

Geelong West St Patrick

9:30am (Italian)

Geelong West Ss Peter & Paul (Ashby)

5:00pm (Sat), 11:00am (2nd & 4th Sun)





Sacred Heart

9am Sunday except last Sunday of the month


St Anthony



Lumen Christi

10:30am, 5:30pm

Manifold Heights

Holy Spirit

6:00pm (Sat), 11:00am (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday)


Rice Village


St Joseph’s

11am alternate Sundays

Mt Moriac

St Patrick



St Thomas Aquinas

6:00pm (Sat), 10:00am


Christ the King

5.00pm Vigil


St Robert

9:45am 2nd & 4th Sunday

Ocean Grove

Our Lady Star of the Sea 9:00am


St Patrick



Holy Trinity


St Leonards

Ss Philip and James



St Therese



St John the Baptist

6:00pm (Sat)


Light FM, 89.9 FM



The Pulse, 94.7 FM


Weekend Mass Times For All Parishes

1 of 2


28/04/2016, 2:48 PM

Mass times are correct as of 22/02/13 - Please advise deanexec@pipeline.com.au of any corrections.

A Jesuit Partner School


College Calendar November 2017

November 2017 Thursday 9th ‘Dance and Drama Night’ Potato Shed, 7.00pm to 9.00pm Friday 10th Whole College Assembly Student Leaders Investiture 9.00pm to 10.30pm Monday 13th

Year 10 PE Excursion

Monday 13th Year 7 Instrumental Night Potato Shed, 5.30pm to 7.00pm Monday 13th Unit 2 Exams Commence 13th to 17th November Monday 13th Year 8 ‘Mini-Golf’ Excursion Montserrat and Rubio Tuesday 14th

Year 10 PE Excursion

Tuesday 14th Year 8 ‘Mini-Golf’ Excursion Xavier Tuesday 14th

Year 9 ‘Adventure Planet’ Excursion

Tuesday 14th Parents and Friends’ Association AGM and Meeting 7.00pm Food technology building Wednesday 15th Year 8 ‘Mini-Golf’ Excursion Chardin, Daniel and Realino Wednesday 15th Years 7 and 8 Tennis, Cricket, Softball, Volleyball and Water Polo Round 4 Wednesday 15th Year 10 PE Excursion Wednesday 15th Year 19 ECS

Monday 20th ‘Kick-Start’ Unit 3 Orientation 20th to 30th November Monday 20th

Year 10 PE Excursion

Monday 20th ‘Piano / Percussion Concert’ Potato Shed, 7.00pm to 9.30pm Tuesday 21st

Year 10 PE Excursion

Wednesday 22nd Year 9 Food Excursion Richmond Wednesday 22nd Years 7 and 8 Tennis, Cricket, Softball, Volleyball and Water Polo Round 5 Thursday 23rd

Year 10 PE Excursion

Thursday 23rd JSP Junior Debating Round 3 5.00pm to 8.00pm Monday 27th Student Free Day Except for students required for Mosaic rehearsal Monday 27th Mosaic Awards Evening Costa Hall, Deakin Waterfront Campus Foyer displays from 6.00pm Awards evening commences 7.00pm Tuesday 28th

Leopold Senior Citizens Concert

Wednesday 29th Year 10 Exams Commence 29th November to 5th December

Thursday 16th

Casual Dress Day

Thursday 16th

Year 10 Health & Nutrition Excursion

Thursday 16th Year 8 ‘Mini-Golf’ Excursion Campion, Castillo and Owen Thursday 16th

Sunday 19th World Challenge Southern China Trip 19th November to 20th December

Thursday 30th Year 9 Exams Commence 30th November to 5th December Thursday 30th

Year 11 Last day

Year 9 ‘Adventure Planet’ Excursion

Thursday 16th Year 10 Health & Nutrition Excursion Biolab

Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN

Saint Ignatius College Geelong

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School


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