Edition 20 December 1st (hr)

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Edition 20, December 1st 2016

From the Principal Welcome! Coming Events December 2016 Thurs 1st December Year 7, 8 and 9 Final Day Fri 2nd Year 7in 2017 Singles Day Fri 2nd PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop Open Mon 5th PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop Open Tues 6th Year 7 in 2017 Orientation Day Tues 5th PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop Open Thurs 8th Year 7-11 Reports Available at 5pm Mon 12th VCAA Results Released Tues 20th College Office Closes A more detailed calendar is on the last page.

Leopold Senior Citizens’ Luncheon and Concert Our college has enthusiastically supported the annual Leopold Senior Citizens’ Luncheon for the last nineteen years. On Tuesday 22nd November about sixty students performed or waited on the tables serving the lunch prepared by the Church group for the one hundred and eighty senior citizens present at Club Italia, Moolap. As in previous years I received many glowing comments about our students. I was very proud of our performers, many talented singers and musicians. And as well as serving food, the Year 9 students need to be congratulated for the way they conversed with the guests on the day helping to make the day a special one for them. Thank you to Mrs Linda Pape (Performance Coordinator), Ms. Marina Brown (Choir), Mr Andrew Humphrey, Mr Angelo Scotto, Ms. Caitlin Doble, Mr. Chris Dainton and several other staff members who helped out for enabling our school to support this initiative of the local Parish.

Photos of this marvellous event can be seen in the ‘Performance and Instrumental News’ article starting on page 10 of this edition.

Year 12 Valedictory Evening On Friday 25th November the annual Year 12 Valedictory Dinner/Dance was held at “The Arena”, North Geelong. The evening commenced with the formal presentation of the graduands and some speeches. This was followed by a very enjoyable dinner/dance. A special feature of the formal part of the evening was the return of Last year’s College Captains to promote the “Old Ignatians Association”. Genevieve Nicholls and Harry Stannard encouraged the Class of 2016 to keep connected to the College through membership of the alumni association. Each year 12 student was presented with an Old Ignatian lapel badge that they will hopefully keep as a sign of their continuing connection to their secondary school. .....continued on Page 2

A Jesuit Partner School

In Brief This Page: ‘From the Principal’ Pages 2: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ Pages 3: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ Pages 4: 2016 Valedictory Dinner Photos Pages 5: From Rev Fr Kevin Dillon Page 6: Faith Matters Page 7 and 8: 2016 Valedictory Dinner Photos Page 9: ‘Healing the Earth’ News Page 10 to 12: Performance and Instrumental News Page 13 and 14: Canteen and PFA Page 15: Second Hand Books 2017 Page 16 and 17: ‘Goodbye primary school, hello secondary’ by Michael Grose Page 18 to 21: Community Notice Board Page 22: College Calender

The College Captains, Claudia Beattie and Noah Hodgson spoke fondly about many aspects of their six years at the College, expressed gratitude to the staff and parents and wished their classmates best wishes for the next stage of their life journey.

You may have noticed a change in terminology from Jesuit Partner to Jesuit Companion School. This is a very recent change and has been applied to new schools that have joined this group of Ignatian schools.

We then enjoyed a smorgasbord dinner and dancing. Thank you to the organising committee and in particular, Mr Joe McLean (YLC) and Mrs Anthea Connoley.

Under the current agreement, our College is known as a Jesuit Partner School, however, we will use the words ‘Partner’ and ‘Companion’ interchangeably until the next agreement is ratified.

As in previous years, the evening was conducted in a positive, happy and respectful way. Photos, taken on the night, are on pages 4, 7 and 8.

Ignatian Schools’ Student Leadership Conference I am very pleased to report that four of our 2017 Student Leaders, College Captains, Kelsey Notting and Greg Lewis, and ViceCaptains, Claudia Beattie and Dean O’Brien joined with leaders from other Ignatian Schools at Loyola College, Mr Druitt, Sydney on Sunday 27th to Tuesday 29th November for a leadership conference. This conference aimed to develop the leadership knowledge and skills of each school’s captains as leaders in an Ignatian school and give the leaders the opportunity to meet leaders from other schools, share experiences and develop a sense of being part of a network of Australian Ignatian schools. The Jesuit (J) and Jesuit Companion (JC) Schools in Australia were all represented:

The students and staff have returned with very positive feedback about their experience in Perth. I thank Loyola College for hosting our students and staff and providing the venue. Thank you to Mr Paul Lewis and Mr Anthony Gravener for organising and supporting our students’ involvement.

Unit 3 Orientation Program Thank you to the Senior School team of teachers for providing a valuable Orientation Program over the last week and a half to prepare the Year 11 students for next year. It is important that these students use some of the holiday period to prepare for the undertaking of their Unit 3 subjects. Teachers will have given guidelines, and provided preparatory work, and the students have a responsibility to take advantage of this and not turn up next year finding themselves behind the rest of the class. Can I please encourage parents to support this expectation?

Victoria Xavier College Melbourne (J) Loyola College Watsonia (JC) Saint Ignatius College Geelong (JC)

I expect that our senior students give their academic program the priority it deserves and other undertakings will need to fit in around their studies.

New South Wales Saint Ignatius College Riverview (J) Saint Aloysius College Milsons Point (J) Loyola College Mount Druitt (JC) Xavier Catholic College Ballina (JC)

I want all students, as I am sure parents do, to have the best chance of achieving to the best of their ability and this will be enhanced if the prevailing atmosphere is one where students are encouraging each other to do their best with their studies.

South Australia Saint Ignatius College Adelaide (J)

Staff news

Western Australia John XXIII College Perth (JC) Queensland Xavier College Hervey Bay (JC)

I am very grateful to Executive member, Ms Fran Kealey who has taken on the role of Acting Deputy Principal (Teaching & Learning) for the remainder of the year while Mrs Annette Chidzey is on leave. ....continued on Page 3

A Jesuit Partner School


Staff news (cont.) Humanities and Legal Studies teacher, Mr Ray Lillingston has announced that he will be retiring from teaching at the end of this year. On behalf of our College community, I congratulate Mr Lillingston on his dedicated career in education and thank him for his service to our school community. Mr Lillingston commenced his association with our College at Goold College twenty-seven years ago. Since then he has taught hundreds of students, particularly in their senior secondary years, and has taken on leadership positions such as Year Level Coordinator. I wish Mr Lillingston all the best for the next phase of his life’s journey.

Commencement date for 2017 school year Please note that classes for all Year levels will commence on the same day next year: Thursday 2nd February 2017.

Final days of the school year This is the second last newsletter for 2016. The final edition will be posted on our website in mid-December. I am grateful to the year Level Coordinators and their team of teachers for organising and managing a smooth finish to the school year that involved liturgies and final assemblies for our Years 7 - 11 students. Next Tuesday we will conduct the Orientation Day for the grade six students attending Saint Ignatius next year. We look forward to welcoming our new college members.

Advent Season Last Sunday we commenced the Advent period of the Church’s calendar, in fact the beginning of a new Church year. The Advent period is a time of waiting and preparing for Christmas. “Lord, you sent us Jesus your Son to bring light to our darkness and lead us to eternal life. As we begin this Advent season, enkindle within us the deep desire to seek him in all things. Lord, you fashioned our hearts to be satisfied with nothing less than Your love which overflows for us in Christ. As we journey through Advent, rekindle within us your gift of hope, and turn our expectant waiting into readiness to welcome Him in all persons we meet. We ask you this in his name. Amen” Best wishes

Michael Exton Principal

A Jesuit Partner School


2016 Valedictory Dinner Photos by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


As a grandparent of one of the youths who destroyed Parkville youth justice centre, I am disgusted, furious and disappointed. There is no excuse and no consequences for these youths. He has come from a good family. I am at a loss to understand where, in his case, all this has come from. He has become involved in a bad group, and says: “What are they (the law) going to do about it?” We have raised four successful kids who would have suffered consequences when they misbehaved, and they wouldn’t have been game to keep pushing. I wish I could do the same with my grandson. He tells us they are bored with no direction and nothing to do in jail. My suggestion? Put them all on outback cattle stations to learn life, skills, and pay the station owners. Name and address supplied “Herald Sun”, Tuesday Nov. 22

From Fr Kevin Dillon Every so often, an article or letter will appear in our newspapers which is a cry from the heart. It is a tragic, devastating shriek of anguish for which it is difficult indeed to find words which might even begin to soothe the hurt which has clearly cut deep into the soul of the writer. Such was the featured letter in “Your Say” in last Tuesday’s “Herald Sun”. It had obviously resonated with the “Letters” editor. Its headline was simply “Grandson gone so wrong”, but the letter had to be read in full in order to appreciate fully the utter tragedy it reflected. For weeks we have read, watched and heard of the “issues” with the Parkville Youth Justice Centre. Most likely many people have presumed that this was a case of history repeating itself, that the rioting, violent angry teenagers were all from war-torn countries and / or dysfunctional homes. Of course, that may well be true for some. Some would most likely have been raised in homes of multiple parents (or none), amid generational unemployment and consistent school truancy. But clearly that has not been the background for the grandson of this devastated and sorrowing grandparent.

There may be no specific answers to such questions. Every “case” will be different. For some offenders it might be major psychological problems. For others it can be homes which might look OK at a distance, but are full of tension and disharmony. Or for some it might be a far-too-early introduction to the elements of the ugly, violent, amoral lifestyle which is all-tooaccessible at any time, in any place, via the internet. But the letter was very much a “wakeup” call, and a most uncomfortable call at that. The “unruly and violent young thugs” we have read about so much are not from another planet. They can come, tragically, from loving, caring, everyday families who (probably) still love them, but are being torn apart by the worry, frustration, anger and bewilderment they have caused. The anonymous grandparent who wrote to the “Herald Sun” has reminded us that we have much about which to be deeply concerned - all of us. Fr Kevin Dillon, Geelong Deanery Coordinator and Association of Canonical Administrator President OAM

Is he just a “spoilt brat”? Have there been minimal consequences for him, following lesser offences which convinced him he was responsible to no-one?

Important Information on Semester 2 Reports: Semester 2 Reports will be available on the Parent Portal from 5pm on Thursday 8th December. Teachers are available to be contacted by email until Monday 12th December.

Performance and Instrumental Events Saint Ignatius College Performances Semester 2 Date




Tuesday December 6th

Year 7 in 2017 Orientation Music demonstrations and performances

College Gym


A Jesuit Partner School


Faith Matters Elijah, pray for us.


Inspire us to be more like you. You prayed with dedication and authority.

There is anticipation in the air, you can sense it, you can see it; it’s tangible. Every morning this week I have heard the same words from our students, “I can’t wait!”. The end of the year is near; all that we have been waiting for is almost a reality. Such sentiments are the perfect allegory for Advent.

Your relationship with God gives us a true example of how we can all hope to walk with Him. You prayed for rain and it came, you prayed for fire and it fell, you prayed with confidence that God responds. When others doubted, you knew that God answers and is ruler over all creation. Elijah pray for us, help us to find God in the silence and as you did. Be with us in the morning when we lay our prayers before the Lord and wait in expectation. Amen

When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his scarf and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. Then there came a voice to him that said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”. (1 Kings 19:11-13)

As you read this, our Year 7-9 students are celebrating their final school day for 2016.

Elijah parallels our behaviour and experience. Just like our students he longed for the moment. When it came, it was quite different to what he had expected. God was not in those awesome feats. God was present and was offered in the silence.

They have all achieved academically and have developed as young people. Those I have not taught this year, but have known from previous years stand out the most.

As we wait for the end of the working/school year let us consider Elijah. We are all capable of thinking of how much better it will be when…

It’s interesting how you notice change more in people you do not see each day, more than those you interact with regularly.

The reality is often quite juxtaposed to our reverie.

I wonder if this is a lack of presence and care in some way. Maybe when we become comfortable, we expect something, maybe we become complacent and less aware. Many of our students will leave today and realize in the future that the vision they had of their holidays is not the same as the reality.

When we encounter these moments do not be disappointed, observe them with wonderment. God has an interesting way. Elijah became aware of this, the God he had envisaged was powerful and would respond in some extraordinary master stroke of salvation. The reality was quite unexpected.

This is not to say that isn’t wonderful to have a break and experience different experiences.

Inspired by Ignatius we can be guided to make time, listen for the silence and discover God.

Sometimes however we realize that our expectations and what we encounter are different. This is true in many areas of our lives, what we expect and what we are presented with can be a contrast.

Elijah heard the silence. Maybe hearing the silence allows us to remove our own thoughts and expectations.

What then can we make of this very human experience? I suggest we enjoy such moments. That we take care to truly embrace each moment. That we listen to the promise of God and as St Ignatius did and that we seek him in all things. There is a wonderful story about the prophet Elijah where he is seeking God. And God says, “Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence.

Elijah offers one more lesson of how to respond when you hear the silence. Do not let it pass by! Be aware that you are in God’s holy presence, be humble, be bold, respond and listen. As we await the coming of the Lord, let us prepare ourselves. Let us wait in joyful anticipation. Find Him in the silence and look for Him in all things. Yours in Christ, Brendan Nicholls Liturgy Coordinator

A Jesuit Partner School


2016 Valedictory Dinner Photos by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


2016 Valedictory Dinner Photos by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


‘Healing the Earth’ News The ‘Generation Waking Up’ Experience On November 14th the Year 10 Environment Studies class experienced ‘Generation Waking Up’, a global campaign to ignite a generation of young people to strive for a thriving, just and sustainable world.

The whole idea of ‘Generation Waking Up’ is to mobilise young people to create systemic change. Elected student leaders interested in the environment will next year be given an opportunity to run this program within our school, and may consequently be able to branch out to other schools in our district.

I would like to thank Leesa Snookes and the Year 10 class for welcoming the visiting students and providing the time, space and goodwill for the presentation to take place. Mrs Alexander ‘Healing the Earth’ Coordinator

The program was presented to our students by three Sacred Heart College students with support from Margie Abbot, a sustainability officer. Catherine Nitz, one of our keen Year 10 Environment Studies students commented that ‘the way they presented their talk was very interactive and kept me interested. We watched informative videos, listened to them talk, thought about different initiatives and were asked to contribute our thoughts. I thought the whole presentation put a lot of things into perspective. I really enjoyed the talk.’

A Jesuit Partner School


Performance and Instrumental News The year is coming to a close but the performing arts students and staff are still very busy performing.

Years 9 and10 music twilight concert

Year 10 Music in Motion class visits Arcare Nursing home

On Tuesday, November 8th, the years 9 and 10 music classes performed on the chill out stage in the PA area to parents and friends as they had a twighlight picnic.

During this past term, the Year 10 music in motion class visited and entertained the residents of Arcare nursing home.

Special thanks to Ms Doble and to Mr Dainton for preparing the students and to the wonderful compere, Catherine Exton.

Their teacher, Ms Caitlin Doble was delighted with the students and was very proud of their behaviour. The following is a letter from the nursing home co-ordinator. Dear Mr Exton, Today Cailtin kindly arranged to have the Saint Ignatius Band play for our residents. I can tell you that our residents thoroughly enjoyed it. During the solos you could have heard a pin drop as the students sang so beautifully. During the last song it was one our residents knew and they all joined in. You can be very proud of your students as they ran the program with great humour, grace and maturity. We are so grateful that they could come and they left time for questions and mingling. One of our residents is a retired school principal and I quote “Can we get them again, they were excellent!� Thank you again to your students that we met today. They are a credit to you and the school. I have attached a photo and will send more to Caitlin. In great appreciation Fiona Allchin Life-style Co-ordinator Arcare Point Lonsdale.

Piano and Percussion Night

Acare residents with Saint Ignatius students

On Monday 7th November, parents and friends were treated to a delightful piano and percussion recital in the potato shed. Congratulations to piano teacher, Mr Adrian Montagnese and percussion teacher, Mr Bruce Corrin who have worked very hard to achieve fantastic results.

Connor Dertien plays in percussion night

A Jesuit Partner School


Performance and Instrumental News (cont.) Special mention must be made to Year 9 piano student, Sean Neylan who received an A+ for his 4th grade examination.

Year 7 brass students

Sean Neylan with his teacher, Mr Montagnese

Mosaic was once again one of the highlights of our year. I was so proud of the work done by our performing arts staff and students. It all seems to come beautifully together on the night.

Year 7 Instrumental Showcase On Monday 14th November, the Year 7 music classes joined together to showcase their skills in their chosen instrument.

Year 7 drummers

Under the direction of Ms Caitlin Doble and the Year 7 music teachers, the students impressed their parents and friends with their new musical skills. Many thanks and congratulations Ms Doble, Mr Corrin, Mrs Hobbs, Ms Miller and Ms Cordell for a very inspirational evening.

Ella Walsh and Catherine Exton sing in the Disney Medley at Mosaic

Year 7 students at Showcase

Ms Cordell conducts the mini maestros at Mosaic

A Jesuit Partner School


Performance and Instrumental News (cont.) Leopold Senior Citizens Concert This year the annual Leopold concert was held at club Italia and it was an amazing venue for our talented students to entertain the senior citizens. Many thanks to our hard working performing arts staff , Ms Doble, Mrs Brown, Mr Dainton, Ms Carmichael, Mr Scotto and to our special roady, Mr Humphrey who made the day so successful. Our students never cease to amaze me with their talents and their outstanding behavior.

Mrs Pape and “Strings ‘n keys”

Sophie Crothers sings as Aurora Harmathy dances to the theme from “Ice Castles”.

The Young Performers

I thank the performing arts staff and all the students for a wonderful year of hard work, fun and entertainment. I also thank them for sharing their talents so generously with our college and the wider community. Have a happy and holy Christmas, and remember, “Music is food for the soul”. Ben Hargreaves and Angus Naylor go all Aussie!

Linda Pape. Performance and Instrumental Coordinator

Ms Doble conducts the college orchestra

A Jesuit Partner School


Canteen Roster Would you like to help out in the Canteen in 2017? If possible we would like to have five helpers on each day. Helpers will need to be at the canteen by 9:00am and will generally be finished by 1:30pm. Canteen duty provides a much appreciated service to the school. It gives you the opportunity to meet and talk with other parents and also enables you to see your child’s school in action. If you are able to assist, please contact Sandra Woodall at the college on 5251 1136.

Parents and Friends’ Association: Thank you to all in our College Community who have assisted us over the past 12 months. Your continued support at Working Bees, Uniform Shop, purchasing Entertainment Books & College Fee Raffle Tickets, Open Day BBQ & Meetings has been wonderful. Its with your support that we have been able to contribute significantly towards the newly finished Memorial Garden, and assist with the VCAL DeJa Brew Café equipment plus I-pads for our Wellbeing Department. We look forward to another productive year in 2017. Safe and happy holidays to all.

End of Year Farewell Get-together Come along on Tuesday December 12th 7pm in the Food tech building:

This is a social gathering for all our volunteers to acknowledge your help over the past year. Nibbles and drinks provided; come along and chat with other Saint Ignatius College Parents and Friends. For catering purposes please RSVP by 5th Dec to sicgpandf@ignatius.vic.edu.au

Parents and Friends’ Association Raffle 2017 College Fees Raffle .....time is running out! Get your raffle tickets in now! Once again the Parents & Friends are giving you an opportunity to win College Fees for ONE child for their 2017 tuition. This is a wonderful opportunity, so take a look at the flyer/ticket on the next page of this newsletter.

Merry Christmas and many thanks to all the parents who helped out in the canteen during the 2016 College year. We look forward to seeing you next year.

Secondary prizes made available by Noone Imagewear and Campion Education who are both very supportive sponsors.

Raffle will be drawn on Tuesday 6th December Orientation Day for 2017 Year 7

Secondhand Uniform Shop Special Opening Times

Thursday 1st & Friday 2nd December 9am-3pm, Monday 5th December 10am-3pm and Tuesday 6th December 1pm-4pm Book & Laptop Collection Day Wednesday 25th January 2017 8:30am – 3:30pm These are our last operating days this year. Thanks to all who have supported the shop by purchasing or selling your uniform through us. This service is run by parents volunteering for parents. Without your help we wouldn’t be able to continue – Thank you to all.

A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College Geelong A Jesuit Partner School

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Vic. 3222 T: (03) 5251 1136 F: (03) 5251 3547 E: registrar@ignatius.vic.edu.au W: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au ABN: 59 345 224 293

Parents and Friend’s Association

2017 College Fees Raffle The Parents and Friends’ Association are organising a raffle. This will be a Major Fundraiser for our College. Tickets are $ 25.00 each and the prizes are as follows:

1st Prize

College Tuition Fees for 2017

(Fee applicable for youngest child at the College, does not include TELP Program, VCAL or VET Levies or other extra curricular activities.) Donated by Saint Ignatius College.

2nd & 3rd Prize

$100 Noone Imagewear Voucher

4th Prize

$100 Campion Education Voucher

5th - 7th Prize


Raffle will be drawn on Tuesday 6th December 2016. Proceeds from the raffle will be used for the purchase of equipment or support projects to benefit staff and students of the College. Please return the slip below with payment to purchase tickets or contact the school office to purchase tickets over the phone. This will need to be completed by Friday the 2nd of December 2016. Purchased tickets will be sent home with students. We look forward to your support of this Fundraising event. Parents and Friends’ Association


Please return the section below to your student’s Homeroom Teacher, the Office or it can be processed over the phone on 5251 1136 during Office hours (8.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday).

Parents and Friends’ Association College Fees Raffle 2017 Student Name:


Number of Tickets Required:

@ $25.00 = $

A receipt for the purchase of tickets will be supplied on request. Payment Method:

Cash / Cheque / Credit Card

Card Details: Name on Card: Card No: Expiry Date:

CV: /


Please Note: If Credit Card details are supplied, these will be deleted once used as mandated by current Credit Card privacy regulations.

A Jesuit Partner School


Secondhand Books 2017 The College has authorised the sale of second hand texts for 2017 to be conducted through Sustainable School Shop. If you have texts to sell or you wish to buy a text second hand then log onto their website, register, and you can list for sale or purchase the texts identified as current for 2017 subjects at Years 7-12. Simply

• Register on the Sustainable School Shop website - www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au

Second-hand textbook trading system

Buy and Sell Second-hand Textbooks

• List Wanted & For Sale Ads (Browsers tell each other what

they require and what they have to sell). • The school’s booklists are loaded into the system to make

the Ad listing process easy, fast and accurate. • Our Ad Matching service shows you

- Exactly the right items to buy - Who has the most items you need - The cheapest items • Assistance is provided to accurately price items. • Buyers contact Sellers, and arrange where and when

to transact. • Excellent email and telephone helplines are provided:

1300 683 337

Cost • Browse and search the for sale ads for free • Single items can be advertised for $1.00 • Annual subscriptions $19.95 (includes Ad Matching)

Also Buy & Sell

Pricing Guide

• Calculators

• Like New

• Sporting items

• Excellent

• Musical items

• Very Good

• Electronics & DVD’s

• Good

70% 60% 50% 40%

• Stationery


www.sustainableschoolshop.com.au ABN 55 114 136 211

Helpful tips • Be patient many new items are listed each day • Listing Wanted and For Sale Ads gets results • Our unique Ad Matching Service shows you who to transact with, and will save you lots of time • Be realistic when pricing items • Telephoning sellers provides a quicker response as many people do not regularly check their emails • Pre-arrange who to transact with if your items are still being used and write the availability date in your Ad • Respect other browsers and remember to Delist your Ads promptly when no longer needed • Meet somewhere convenient to transact, don’t make special trips and just fit it in to your normal activities

A Jesuit Partner School


INSIGHTS Building parent-school partnerships WORDS Michael Grose


primary school, hello secondary The end of primary school is a significant milestone in children’s lives. They’ve spent half their lives in primary school, in many cases in the same school, which is significant. Developmentally they’ve come a long way

1 Let’s celebrate

from those skinny little kids who lined up

Primary school graduation ceremonies play an important part in the primary school life, as they mark the end of an era and the start of a new part of their lives. We need to be careful that the meaning doesn’t become lost as graduations become increasingly lavish, even to the point where some students are transported to their graduation in a stretch limo. Keep them simple and keep them close to the school’s values.

for class on the first day holding a parent’s or carer’s hand. Now entering puberty, most are taller than their mothers and the only people they’ll hold hands with are ‘special friends’, but not in public. Those displays of affection will come later in the secondary school years. Changing from primary to secondary brings a mixture of emotions in kids such as excitement, apprehension, pride and, in

2 Show gratitude

many cases, sadness about leaving friends

As a former teacher I know how much a simple thank you can mean from students at the end of the year. So make sure your kids take the time to thank their final year teacher and as well as seek out to thank other teachers who contributed to their education over their primary school journey. Gratitude costs nothing but has a great impact.

and familiar surrounds behind. Parents often go through the same range of emotions as children at this time so we need to acknowledge those feelings in ourselves, just as we should in our children.

LOOKING BACK This is a time for kids to celebrate their achievements; show appreciation to their

3 Enjoy friendships

teachers and enjoy the friendships that

Encourage your kids to be open and friendly at this time of the year, and steer clear of

they’ve formed. Here are three ideas:

cliques and fellow students who want to exclude others from their groups. The end of primary school can be tricky to navigate, particularly when early maturers stick together and ostracise certain classmates. This is the time for friendly behaviour and inclusiveness.

LOOKING AHEAD When primary school is finished and the holidays are coming to an end it’s time to focus on the new experiences of secondary school. Some kids take secondary school in their stride but it is natural to experience some difficulty. If your eldest is starting, then secondary school will be a relatively new experience for you too. It will take some time for you to adjust to the school’s culture and communication methods. Your attitude as a parent can help your child quickly adjust. Here are three ideas for you to help kids make a smooth adjustment:

more Grose2 Michaonel page

Want more ideas to help you raise confident kids and resilient young people? Subscribe to Happy Kids newsletter, my FREE weekly email parenting guide at parentingideas.com.au. You’ll be so glad you did.


© 2016 Michael Grose



Building parent-school partnerships

... Goodbye primary school, hello secondary school ... 1 Promote friendships The quicker kids form new friendships the sooner they’ll feel comfortable in their secondary school surroundings. Encourage your young person to be open to forming friendships with all sorts of kids; to be accepting of others who may be different to them; to take social risks by joining in activities even though they may feel uncomfortable; and to be friendly, approachable and positive!

2 Be ready to listen Patience and understanding in the early weeks is essential. Brush up on your listening skills as you help your young person adjust. Talk to your young person about change and reassure them that it’s normal to feel unsure or nervous in new circumstances. Let them know that many difficulties they face will be temporary.

3 Keep your attitude positive Confidence is catching so make sure you see this transition time as an exciting challenge that your child can handle rather than an event to be feared. Ask them about the new subjects or interesting activities they are doing, and try to shift their focus to the positive aspects of school. Discuss settling in issues with the appropriate person such as a year level coordinator, but give your young person time to handle them on their own before seeking help.

Michael Grose nt young people? Subscribe to Happy Kids Want more ideas to help you raise confident kids and resilie tingideas.com.au. You’ll be so glad you did. newsletter, my FREE weekly email parenting guide at paren


© 2016 Michael Grose

Weekend Mass Times For All Parishes


Community Notice Board Weekend Mass Times for All Parishes Weekend Mass Times For All Parishes

Summary of regular weekend Masses for all parishes in the Geelong Deanery.

Please see the Calendar for Easter and Christmas Mass Summary of regular weekend Masses for all parishes in the and Reconciliation Times Geelong Deanery Suburb

Mass Centre

Routine Weekend Schedule


St Christopher

5:30pm (Sat) OR 6:30pm (Sat) during summer daylight saving time


St John Evangelist


Barwon Heads Holy Family

6:00pm (Sat)

Bell Park

Holy Family

8:00am, 9:30am, 11:30am (Slovenian 2nd Sun), 11:30am (Croatian not 2nd Sun), 12:30am (Croatian 2nd Sun)


St Bernard

6:30pm(Sat), 9:00am, 10:30am


St Francis Xavier

5:00pm (3rd Sat Filipino) 7:00pm(Sat), 10:30am


St Thomas

9.00 am


St Mary of the Angels

6:00pm(Sat), 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:15 (Polish), 5:30pm

Geelong East

St Margaret

9:45am 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday

Geelong North St John

8:30am 10:30am(Latin Mass) Rosary 10:05am

Geelong West St Patrick

9:30am (Italian)

Geelong West Ss Peter & Paul (Ashby)

5:00pm (Sat), 11:00am (2nd & 4th Sun)





St Anthony



Lumen Christi

10:30am, 5:30pm

Manifold Heights

Holy Spirit

6:00pm (Sat), 11:00am (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday)


Rice Village

Mt Moriac

St Patrick



St Thomas Aquinas

6:00pm (Sat), 10:00am


Christ the King

5.00pm Vigil


St Robert

9:45am 2nd & 4th Sunday

Ocean Grove

Our Lady Star of the Sea 9:00am


St Patrick



Holy Trinity


St Leonards

Ss Philip and James



St Therese



St John the Baptist

6:00pm (Sat)


Light FM, 89.9 FM



The Pulse, 94.7 FM


Weekend Mass Times For All Parishes

1 of 2


28/04/2016, 2:48 PM

Mass times are correct as of 22/02/13 - Please advise deanexec@pipeline.com.au of any corrections.

A Jesuit Partner School


Community Notice Board

CITY OF GREATER GEELONG IMMUNISATION SERVICE Provided by BARWON HEALTH Immunisation Centre Belmont CHC Barwon Health 1-17 Reynolds Road, Belmont, 3216. (Please note that this is the Barwon Health building, not the MCH building)

Immunisation Hours Wednesday morning (Appointment only) 9 am - 12.30pm Open sessions (No appointment required) Wed and Friday afternoons 1.30pm - 4.45pm Saturday morning (Appointment only) 08.30am – 12.15pm

Corio Community Health Centre 2 Gellibrand St, Corio, 3214.

Every Wednesday 9.30am - 11.45am (No appointment required)

Newtown “Ariston” 245 Pakington St, Newtown, 3220.

1st Friday of each month 9.30am -11.45am (No appointment required) 2nd and 4th Friday of each month 9.30am -11.45am (No appointment required) rd 3 Friday of each month 9.30am -11.45am (No appointment required) AS OF 1st JULY 2016

Ocean Grove -Boorai Centre (behind Aquatic Centre) 4-50 Shell Rd, Ocean Grove, 3226.

Newcomb Community Health Centre 104-108 Bellarine Hwy, Newcomb AS OF 1st JULY 2016 Newcomb Library meeting room (upstairs) Crn Wilsons Rd & Bellarine Highway, 1st and 3rd Friday of each month 9.30 – 11.45am Newcomb, 3219. Appointments are only required for Belmont on Wednesday and Saturday Mornings

Criteria for FREE Vaccines on the National Immunisation Program Schedule The vaccinee will need to reside in Australia and hold one of the following: 1) Medicare card or be eligible to hold a Medicare card 2) Australian citizenship 3) Permanent visa or have applied for a permanent visa. Open on Geelong Cup Day Closed - All public holidays including Easter Saturday. Closed between Christmas and the New Year

For all enquiries phone 4215 6962

If you require Immunisation Records, please email: your name, date of birth, and address to immune@barwonhealth.org.au

A Jesuit Partner School


Community Notice Board

School Holiday Camps and Coding Clubs for kids aged 7–17



9.30am – 3.30pm

CIY.Club are running a range of one day school holiday camps and clubs for kids aged 7–17 who have a passion for coding and technology.

Game Coding Camps Thursday 22nd December Monday 16th January

3D Printing & Design Camp Friday 23rd December

Minecraft Modding Camp Friday 20th January

CIY.Club – Full Day Sessions Tuesday 17th or 24th January

WHERE: Vines Rd Community Centre 37-61 Vines Rd Hamlyn Heights VIC 3215




For more information visit bit.ly/hamlynheights or contact Marita Nicholas via M. 0400 515 448 or E. marita@scopeITeducation.com.au

In partnership with Code Kingdoms All coders who register for the ‘Minecraft Modding Camp will receive access to the codekingdoms (UK) online code editor. This access is granted through a personal license assigned to our coders and included within the overall CIY camp ticket price. This license is valid for 7 days (7 days commences on day one of the camp). In order to participate, please be aware that all coders attending the CIY Minecraft Modding Camp MUST have an existing personal Minecraft (PC/Mac) account. This is required for coders to see in action what they have learnt/modded from our camp within the Minecraft platform itself. Please ensure that coders are signed up to Minecraft (PC/Mac) prior to registering. Please note: a Minecraft on a mobile device or playstation is NOT a PC or Mac account.

A Jesuit Partner School


Community Notice Board



Thursday 1 December 2016


7.00pm to 9.00pm


Dr Kristy Goodwin helps parents and professionals find the best ways to use

Geelong West Town Hall 153 Pakington St, Geelong West


$10 per ticket

technology to support , not stifle young children’s learning and development.


Tickets available via https://www.stickytickets.com.a u

She marries the latest research from a range of disciplines (including neuroscience, developmental scienc e and technology research) to pro vide a comprehensive and cutting -edge perspective about the impact of “digitalised


childhoods” on young children’s learning, health and wellbeing. Kristy shows that technology isn’t necessarily toxic or taboo and it won’t damage children's de velopment if it’s used the right ways. And that’s exactly what Kristy shares in these seminars : how to use technology in he althy and helpful ways.

Providing support services to NDIS participants; specializing in Support Coordination, Early Intervention, Finding a Job, Life Planning and Therapy Services. Z >W, D E ,/^

www.accessyoursupports.com.au M 0477 890 556

Can Saver Plus assist you with high school costs? Join Saver Plus and match your savings, dollar for dollar, up to $500 for educational costs including: • • • • •

school uniforms and text books computers, laptops and tablets excursions and camps sports equipment, uniforms and lessons music tuition and instrument hire.

You may be eligible if you have a Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card, are at least 18 years old, have some regular income from work (you or your partner) and have a child at school or study yourself.

Can Saver Plus assist you with school costs? Join Saver Plus and match your savings, dollar for dollar, up to $500 for educational costs including: • school uniforms and text books • computers, laptops and tablets • excursions and camps • sports equipment, uniforms and lessons • music tuition and instrument hire. You may be eligible if you have a Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card, are at least 18 years old, have some regular income from work (you or your partner), such as full-time, part-ime, casual or seasonal work, and have a child at school or study yourself.

Contact Amanda Vernon your local Saver Plus Worker: (03) 5278 8122 or avernon@bethany.org.au

Contact Amanda Vernon your local Saver Plus Worker: (03) 5278 8122 or avernon@bethany.org.au

Saver Plus was developed by ANZ and the Brotherhood of St Laurence and is delivered across Greater Geelong by Bethany. The program is funded by ANZ and the Australian Government.

Saver Plus was developed by ANZ and the Brotherhood of St Laurence and is delivered across Greater Geelong by Bethany. The program is funded by ANZ and the Australian Government.

A Jesuit Partner School


College Calendar January 2017

December 2016

College Office opens

Thursday 1st

Year 7, 8 and 9 Final Day

Monday 16th

Thursday 1st

Year 7 Italian Magic Performance

Wednesday 25th Book and Laptop Collection Rooms M2 and M3 MacKillop Centre

Thursday 1st PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop Open 9.00am to 3.00pm

Friday 2nd PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop Open 9.00am to 3.00pm

Collection Times: A-G 8.30am - 10.30am H-M 10.30am - 12.30pm N-Z 1.00pm - 3.30pm All 3.30pm - 4.00pm

Monday 5th PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop Open 10.00am to 3.00pm

Friday 2nd

Tuesday 6th

Year 7 in 2017 ‘Singles Day’

Year 7 in 2017 ‘Orientation Day’

Tuesday 6th PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop Open 1.00pm to 4.00pm Thursday 8th Year 7 - 11 Reports available to Parents 5.00pm via the ‘Parent Portal’ Monday 12th

VCAA Results released

Monday 12th Parents and Friends’ Association Christmas Celebration 7.00pm in the Food Technology Room Tuesday 20th

Laptop Collection (Years 7 and 10): 8.30am - 4.00pm

Wednesday 25th PFA Second Hand Uniform Shop Open 8.30am - 3.30pm

February 2017 Thursday 2nd

School Starts for All Year Levels

Monday 6th College Assembly (Awards presentation) Costa Hall, Deakin University Waterfront Campus

College Office closes

Important Dates Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN

Saint Ignatius College Geelong

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School


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