Edition 20 December 3rd 2015 (hr)

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Edition 20, December 3rd 2015

From the Principal Welcome! Advent

Coming Events Term 4 December Tues 8th 2016 Year 7 Students Orientation Day Wed 9th Reports available online via Parent Portal Mon 14th Teaching Staff Last day Fri 18th Office/Support Staff Last day

January 2016 Mon 18th College Office Opens Thurs 21st Book Collection MacKillop Centre A more detailed calendar is on the last page.

The Church season of Advent began last weekend. Advent is a wake-up call to us. We can ignore it and divert our attention to the commercial distractions, or we can regard it as an invitation to reflect on what we truly need and long for in life. Advent invites us into a reorientation of life that means knowing God in a new way. The Season of Advent is a time of waiting and preparation. But, if we reflect on it, life itself is a “waiting room”. So, what “preparations” are we up to as we wait? A final thought from the theologian, poet and Benedictine Monk, Sebastian Moore, “Christ is present to us in so far as we are present to one another”. “Lord, lead me to see, through Your love, the changes I need to make in my life. Break into my life and help me to move forward, perhaps along untravelled paths to new aspects of my life that help me to mirror You to others. Amen.” (Acknowledgement: “Prinscripts 37, 2010)

Leopold Senior Citizens’ Luncheon and Concert Our college has enthusiastically supported the annual Leopold Senior Citizens’ Luncheon for the last eighteen years. On Tuesday 24th November about thirty-five students performed or waited on the tables serving the lunch prepared by the Church group for the one hundred and eighty senior citizens present at Lumen Christi Church Leopold. As in previous years, I received many glowing comments about our students. I was very proud of our performers, many talented singers and musicians. And as well as serving food, the Year 9 students need to be congratulated for the way they conversed with the guests on the day helping to make it a special one for them. Thank you to Mrs Linda Pape (Musical Director), Ms. Marina Brown (Singing Teacher), Mr Andrew Humphrey, Mr Neil Hodder, Mr Angelo Scotto, Ms. Caitlin Doble and Mr Paul Lewis for enabling our school to support this initiative of the local Parish. ....continued on Page 2

A Jesuit Partner School

In Brief

From the Principal (cont.)

This Page: ‘From the Principal’

Year 12 Valedictory Evening

Page 3: ‘From the Principal’ and Semester 2 Reports

On Friday 27th November, the annual Year 12 Valedictory Dinner/Dance was held at “The Arena”, North Geelong. The evening commenced with the formal presentation of the graduands by Homeroom Teachers (Mr David Alexander, Ms. Kristin Williamson, Ms. Bree Redden, Ms Anna Oliver (for Ms Julia Hall), Mr Anthony Gravener and Mr Johnnie Clatworthy) to Fr Kevin Dillon (President of the Association of Canonical Administrators) and myself.

Page 4: 2015 Valedictory Dinner Photos Page 5: From Rev. Fr. Kevin Dillon and Important Dates Page 6: 2015 Valedictory Dinner Photos Page 7: Faith Matters Page 8: Valedictory Dinner 2015 Page 9: 2015 Valedictory Dinner Photos Page 10: Student Leadership Update Page 11: Scholarships Open for Year 7 2017 students Page 12: Canteen Roster, Parents and Friends’ Association Page 13 and 14: Parents and Friends’ Association 2016 College Fees Raffle Page 15 and 16: Performing Arts News Page 17: Advanced Career Training Page 18: ‘It’s a (Christmas) Wrap!’ by Michael Grose Page 19 and 20: Community Notice Board Page 21: School Calender

A special feature of the formal part of the evening was the return of two past students to promote the “Old Ignatians Association”. Molly Cathcart (College Captain 2014) and Joshua Smith (College Captain 2014) encouraged the Class of 2015 to keep connected to the College through membership of the alumni association. Each Year 12 student was presented with an Old Ignatian lapel badge that they will hopefully keep as a sign of their continuing connection to their secondary school. In their speeches, College Captains, Harry Stannard and Genevieve Nicholls fondly recalled many aspects of their time at the college, expressed gratitude to staff, parents and students. They wished their classmates all the best for the next stage of their life journey. We then enjoyed a smorgasbord dinner and dancing. Thank you to the organising committee and, in particular, Mr Joe McLean (YLC) and Ms Anthea Connoley (College Office.) As in previous years, the evening was conducted in a positive, happy and respectful way.

Unit 3 Orientation Program Thank you to the Senior School team of teachers for providing a valuable Orientation Program over the last week and a half to prepare the Year 11 students for next year.

I want all students, as I am sure parents do, to have the best chance of achieving to the best of their ability and this will be enhanced if the prevailing atmosphere is one where students are encouraging each other to do their best with their studies.

Ignatian Schools’ Leadership Conference I am very pleased to report that three of our 2016 Student Leaders, College Captain, Noah Hodgson, and Vice-Captains, Lucy Simmons and Gregory Lewis joined with leaders from other Ignatian Schools at Xavier Catholic College, Hervey Bay on Sunday 29th November to Tuesday 1st December for a leadership conference. This conference aimed to develop the leadership knowledge and skills of each school’s captains as leaders in an Ignatian school as well as give the leaders the opportunity to meet leaders from other schools, share experiences and develop a sense of being part of a network of Australian Ignatian schools. The Jesuit (J) and Jesuit Partner (JP) Schools in Australia were all represented: Victoria Xavier College Melbourne (J) Loyola College Watsonia (JP) Saint Ignatius College Geelong (JP) New South Wales Saint Ignatius College Riverview (J) Saint Aloysius College Milsons Point (J) Loyola College Mount Druitt (JP) South Australia Saint Ignatius College Adelaide (J) Western Australia John XXIII College Perth (JP) Queensland Xavier College Hervey Bay (JP)

It is important that these students use some of the holiday period to prepare for the undertaking of their Unit 3 subjects.

The students and staff have returned with very positive feedback about their experience in Sydney.

Teachers will have given guidelines, and provided preparatory work, and the students have a responsibility to take advantage of this and not turn up next year finding themselves behind the rest of the class.

I thank Xavier Catholic College, Hervey Bay for hosting our students and staff and providing the venue.

Can I please encourage parents to support this expectation? I expect that our senior students give their academic program the priority it deserves and other undertakings will need to fit in around their studies.

Thank you to Mr. Anthony Gravener (Student Leadership Development Coordinator) for organising and supporting our students’ involvement. ....continued on Page 3

A Jesuit Partner School


Commencement dates for 2016 school year Please note that the commencement days for next year are as follows: Monday 1st February 2016 Years 7, 11 and 12; and Tuesday 2nd February 2016 Years 8, 9 and 10.

Final days of the school year This is the second last newsletter for 2015. The final edition will be posted on our website on 17th December.

I am grateful to the Year Level Coordinators and their team of teachers for organising and managing a smooth finish to the school year that involved liturgies, final assemblies and final day activities for our Years 7 – 11 students.

Best wishes,

Michael Exton Principal

Next Tuesday we will conduct the Orientation Day for the Grade six students attending Saint Ignatius next year. We look forward to welcoming our new College members.

Semester 2 Reports Semester 2 reports for students from Years 7 to 11 will be available to view via the parent portal from 9am on Wednesday December 9th. The report details the work and achievements that have spanned the current semester. We take this opportunity to congratulate all students in Years 7 to 11 who have endeavoured to do their best throughout the semester.

This contact can be made by phone during normal school hours [52 511136] or alternatively by email directed to the specific teacher whose name appears at the base of the report up until Friday December 11th so that he or she has time to respond to your inquiry before teachers depart for the summer holiday break. Mrs. Annette Chidzey Deputy Principal [Learning and Teaching]

We encourage them to reflect on the year that has just ended so they can use these insights to improve their learning experiences in 2016 and build on their existing skills. Should you have any concerns with the information in these reports, we advise that you make direct contact with the relevant subject teacher if it concerns academic progress or with the Homeroom teacher to discuss any pastoral matters.

A Jesuit Partner School


2015 Valedictory Dinner photos by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


New television rules allowing sex, nudity and swearing in programs from 7.30pm could be blocked by Federal Parliament amid fears it could lead to more social problems. A group of Coalition MPs will meet with commercial TV networks today in a bid to resolve their concerns ahead of the introduction of the code of practice on December 1. Under the new guidelines, free-to-air broadcasters can show M-rated programs an hour earlier during peak family viewing time at 7.30 p.m. Liberal MP Rowan Ramsey said the changes went against the grain of the push towards stamping out domestic violence. “Kids are now going to see more violence, more disrespectful sex and we don’t have to put up it. It’s absolutely counter-productive to think this will make the world a better place.” “Herald Sun”, Thurs. Nov. 26 A 60-second cinema commercial featuring the Lord’s Prayer has been given a ‘G’ rating and cleared by the Cinema Advertising Agency. Despite this, Digital Cinema Media (DCM) agency, which handles British film advertising for the Odeon, Cineworld and Vue cinema chains, has refused to show the advert as it “carries the risk of upsetting, or offending, audiences”. “Belfast Telegraph”, Tues. Nov. 24

From Fr Kevin Dillon On Tuesday, a story broke in the United Kingdom concerning a cinema advertising chain which has banned the screening of a 60-second commercial. It features the Lord’s Prayer, and the company fears it “might” offend “someone”. Two days later, Australian parents read that laws becoming effective this week will force them to become more vigilant than ever about their children’s TV viewing possibilities. Currently all manner of obnoxious, trashy, disgusting and indeed “offensive” material is already available 24-hours a day on the internet. Given that most children know more about technology than their parents will ever know, concerns about “M”-rated TV programs being screened at 7.30 p.m rather than 8.30 p.m. might seem somewhat fanciful and unnecessary. However, the majority of parents (thank God!) take seriously their responsibility to guide and direct their children as properly and morally as possible. And their task is hazardous enough without media strategists entering their lounge and TV rooms with a green light to bring “Trash TV” (and there’s plenty of it) into what should be family-viewing time. So the degree of vigilance required of parents will be higher than ever after the coming “regulations” come into use. Yet some people (or at least their UK cousins) decide that “someone might be offended” if they were to hear words

like “Thy will be done” when they’re at the movies! And if it has happened in the UK, there’s not much doubt similar bans will be called for here. So how many of us have gone to a movie which turns out to have been given a totally inappropriate “rating”, only to be bombarded with two hours of swearing and scenes of violence which can bring nightmares? Would we get our money back if we said we were “offended”? The Australian community is rightly trying to address some of the previously “taboo” issues such as domestic violence and sexual abuse. - issues which require raising the level of respect people have for one another. The kind of television which even the media itself labels as “Trash TV” is unlikely to generate that higher level of care and respect needed if these major issues are to be successfully addressed. In the meantime, attempts to demonise public prayer and worship as “potentially offensive” stand in sharp contrast to the “anything goes” approach to TV programming which makes responsible parenting an increasingly difficult task. Fr Kevin Dillon, Geelong Deanery Coordinator and Association of Canonical Administrator President OAM

Important Dates

College Office Closes: December 18th

2016 Dates to Remember

College Office Opens: January 18th Book Collection Day: January 21st Years 7,11 and 12 Commence: Monday, February 1st Years 8,9 and 10 Commence: Tuesday, February 2nd A Jesuit Partner School


2015 Valedictory Dinner photos by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


Faith Matters Prayer for Advent

Joyful Anticipation

Lord of promise,

Advent is here! I am sure you have recently had a conversation about how fast the year has gone or how close Christmas is. There have been signs of this celebration in many of shops for the last month or so. Now as a Church we have entered this period of reflection and waiting also. As believers we wait in joyful anticipation for the birth of Christ.

Help me to always live for and of you. Send you Spirit so that I might be blessed with the virtues you gave freely to Simeon. Open my eyes so that I might see as St Ignatius did. Awaken me to the gift of today and all the promises you fulfill in my presence. Look upon me as Simeon did to your Son, I am capable of so much good and the life you have given me offers the world your promise. Send your angels to watch over me and keep me from harm. Guide my conscience so that I always choose the better and don’t fall into sin or selfrighteousness. During this time of preparation give me all I need to renew myself so that I can become more like Jesus and offer your love to the world. AMEN

Often this period of waiting is described in the prophetic voice of John the Baptist (Luke 3:1-6), as he announces, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord”. Through this article I would like to consider an alternate illustration of this joyful anticipation, as we prepare ourselves for the great celebration of Christmas. The Gospel of Luke describes a righteous and devout man in Jerusalem called Simeon. He was one whom the Holy Spirit rested and was faithful to God. It had been revealed by the Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Messiah. The scripture describe how this occurred when Jesus, just forty days old, was presented at the Temple in Jerusalem. In line with the Law of Moses (Exodus 13:1-2), Mary and Joseph bought Jesus to the Temple forty days after his birth to be presented to the Lord. When they came to the Temple Simeon took the child in his arms and proclaimed: “Master, now you are dismissing your servant in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel.” This prophecy is central to our journey through Advent. Simeon, a man full of the Holy Spirit, knew immediately who this child was. Mary and Joseph were not wealthy as their sacrificial offering of “a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons” attests. The Pharisees and priests did not recognize Jesus. He was not what they were expecting; they were not waiting for a Messiah born of common people from Nazareth. We need to be aware that there are also at times in our lives where like the Pharisees and priests, we are blinded by our self-righteousness and stubborn outlook. Because of this they were unable to see the beauty promised by God had entered the world in the infant Jesus. In this time of reflection let us consider all the times we do not see the beauty offered to us by God in our lives. As St Ignatius found God in all things, we to can seek God in unexpected situations and in people if we are humble and mindful that God provides in so many ways that we may not expect.

He waited in complete trust that the Lord would fulfill his promise to himself and mankind. Simeon’s patience and faithfulness ensured that he was present when the infant Jesus. The Messiah promised by God for the glory of all humankind would come to him before he returned to God in death, of that he had no doubt. During Advent we must be patient also. Unlike Simeon we have not been offered such a reward. However, if we are patient and faithful God will reveal himself to us in the stillness of our day and through the presence of those we interact with. The precious gift of time is something that has immeasurable value. Let us not wish it away. Do not hope that Christmas comes quickly; no matter what the reward, there is so much of value to be found in today. The contentment Simeon gained from holding the infant was final. Even though he would not see the fullness of this salvation the presence of the child and the promise of what was to come satisfied Simeon and completed the revelation of the Spirit for him. What Simeon did not see was the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the messiah. Through the Gospels we know that Simeon’s prophecy came to fruition. Through Jesus and later his disciples the revelation of God’s love for all people is known and witnessed today. We may not see the second coming of the Lord and at times we may waiver in our faithfulness and devotion to God. We can see the fulfillment of God’s promise as Simeon did if we are alert and live for God. If we do not we may fail to see promises fulfilled as we focus on the pressures of life that seem so important and what a tragedy this is! With this in mind I encourage you to consider the person of Simeon and the qualities he was gifted with during Advent. In doing so look to St Ignatius for inspiration of how you to might begin to live in a way that is even more in tune with God’s plan than you currently do. You might ponder questions such as: What do I hope for? What is it that has been promised to me by God? How can I find out what God’s promise is? How will I live patiently and faithfully until those promises are complete? Throughout Advent seek Jesus in each person you meet and be Jesus to everyone. Surely this is the true gift of giving that can be found in Christmas. Yours in Christ, Brendan Nicholls Liturgy Coordinator

Simeon had virtues, which we would also do well to develop further. He was not only full of the Spirit, but he had the endearing virtues of being patient and faithful.

A Jesuit Partner School


Valedictory Dinner 2015 The Year 12 Valedictory Dinner was an exciting evening of celebration, reflection and enjoyment as we bid farewell to the Class of 2015.

Also thanks to Ms. Molly Cathcart and Mr. Josh Smith the 2014 College Captains who welcomed the current Year 12 cohort into the Saint Ignatius Alumni.

The evening provided an opportunity to acknowledge and give thanks to all students, parents, family members and staff who attended on the night.

The support of many staff help make the Valedictory night a very special occasion for everyone and my gratitude and thanks also goes to Deputy Principal Mr. Paul Lewis and Mrs. Anthea Connoley, in their organisation of the Valedictory Dinner.

Special thanks to Father Kevin Dillon and College Principal Mr. Michael Exton who congratulated our Year 12 students on their secondary schooling completion and achievements.

It has been a privilege for me, as Year 12 Coordinator, to work with these young adults and to farewell them with dignity.

For many families, Valedictory brought an end to a long association with the College and I take this opportunity to, once again, acknowledge families for their generous support. Best wishes to all our Year 12 students as they embark of the next stage of their lives. Joe McLean Year 12 Coordinator A gallery of photos taken on the night can be viewed on the College website.

A Jesuit Partner School


2015 Valedictory Dinner photos by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


Student Leadership Update Congratulations to the following students on their appointment to student leadership positions for 2016. Student Representative Council (SRC) 2016

Jessica Davey Year 12

Meghan Carr Year 11

Madeleine Crothers Year 9

Dylan Crawley Year 11

Riley Coghlan Year 9

Kerry Kingsbury Year 10

Milly Stannard Year 8

Dean O’Brien Year 10

Darby O’Meara Year 8

Year 7 Representatives to be announced. House Captains and House Vice Captains 2016

Fraser (Blue) House Captains

Tiaha Holdsworth

Kye Baulch

Fraser Vice Captains

Madeline Searle

Cooper Collins

Cuthbert (Red) House Captains

Annabel Simmons

Jacob Cuthill

Cuthbert Vice Captains

Jacqueline Harwood

Max Kos

A Jesuit Partner School


Elliot (Yellow) House Captains

Dylan Lewis

Madelaine Clifton

Elliot Vice Captains

Alexandra Gannon

Cooper Seiffert

Bradman (Green) House Captains

Taya Payne

Sabastian Bouma

Bradman Vice Captains

Zali Havelberg

Lachlan Prestipino

Scholarships Open for Year 7 2017 students The College Scholarship Application Link is now open on our College Website. The Scholarship which provides $1200 towards the yearly fees if successful is open to students looking to enrol in Year 7 2017. If you are interested in having your child sit the scholarship exam go to the College website: http://www.ignatius.vic.edu.au/ enrolments-Scholarships and click on the scholarship link. An application fee of $25 is payable with the College funding the remainder of the cost. Close of Scholarship Applications will be close of office on Friday 19th February 2016. The Scholarship test date will be Wednesday March 2nd, 2016

The Scholarship Selection Test (SST) we will use is produced and marked by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). Scholarship level - LEVEL 1 is Year 7. Please drop your child at the College Office by 3.45pm on the day of the test and pick them up from the office at 6.40pm. Candidates will have a 10 minute break during the examination.

Please note this application is for a Scholarship Test only, you must still apply for a College Enrolment for 2017 through the normal process (Please see our College Website for details). Saint Ignatius College Enrolment applications for 2017 close on Friday 20th May, 2016. Mrs Gail Myers Registrar

Results Parents will be informed via mail as to whether their daughter/son has either been awarded or not awarded a scholarship. It is anticipated that letters will be mailed around mid June 2016. If after registering, your child is unable to attend the SST, please inform our office on 5251 1136 as soon as possible. The SST is quite costly to the College and we would need to inform ACER immediately so we are not charged for your child.

A Jesuit Partner School


Canteen Roster Would you like to help out in the Canteen in 2016? If possible we would like to have five helpers on each day. Helpers will need to be at the canteen by 9:00am and will generally be finished by 1:30pm. Canteen duty provides a much appreciated service to the school. It gives you the opportunity to meet and talk with other parents and also enables you to see your child’s school in action. If you are able to assist, please contact Sandra Woodall at the college on 5251 1136.

Merry Christmas and many thanks to all the parents who helped out in the canteen during the 2015 College year. We look forward to seeing you next year.

Parents and Friends’ Association:


Uniform Shop New Location

The Parents & Friends’ Association cordially invite all those interested to their meetings for 2016 held from 7.00pm onward in the Food Tech Centre on the following dates: The Minutes for all meetings can be found on the College website in the Parents and Friends’ Portal when available. The Agendas for up-coming meetings are also available from the website just prior to the meeting date.

The uniform shop is now located in the Music / Performing Arts Area (access off Gillies Rd) and is now open Monday afternoons between 2 and 3.30pm.

Orientation Day Year 7s in 2016 on Tuesday December 8th the Uniform Shop will be open from 2.30pm to 4pm

Parents and Friends’ Association Raffle We are currently conducting their annual raffle during Term Four 2015. Last Chance: Ticket sales close December 4th. First prize is paid tuition fees for a student for the 2016 school year and the Association looks forward to your support in conducting this fundraiser. The raffle winner will be drawn on Tuesday December 8th and notified subsequently. See page 13 and 14 for more details.

Year 9 Students Students undertaking VCE Mathematical Methods, Pre VCE Maths or General Maths in Year 10 2016 must have a TI-Nspire CAS calculator. These are to be purchased directly through ABACUS calculators. Order forms have been posted home. If you require another order form please email perkinsk@ignatius.vic.edu.au Karen Perkins Maths Learning Area Leader

A Jesuit Partner School


A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College Geelong A Jesuit Partner School

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Vic. 3222

T: (03) 5251 1136 F: (03) 5251 3547 E: registrar@ignatius.vic.edu.au W: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au ABN: 59 345 224 293

Parent and Friend’s Association

2016 College Fees’ Raffle

The Parents and Friends’ Association are organising a raffle. This will be a Major Fundraiser for our College. Tickets are $ 25.00 each and the prize is:


College Tuition Fees’ for 2016

(Fee applicable for youngest child at The College, does not include TELP Program, VCAL or VET Levies or other extra-curricular activities.) Donated by Saint Ignatius College Geelong.

Raffle will be drawn on Tuesday 8th December 2015. Proceeds from the raffle will be used for the purchase of equipment or the support projects to benefit staff and students of the College. Please return the slip below with payment to purchase tickets or contact the school office to purchase tickets over the phone. This will need to be completed by Friday the 4thof December 2015. We look forward to your support of this Fundraising event.

Abraham Papp,

Fundraiser Chairperson.

Payment Method:

Cash / Cheque / Credit Card

Card Details:

Name on Card: Card No: Expiry Date:

CV: /


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

Parents & Friends’ Association College Fees’ Raffle Ticket 2016 Student Name: Number of Tickets Required:

Homeroom: @ $25.00 = $

This reply slip is your Ticket and will be removed and placed in the raffle draw it is to be returned to your Homeroom Teacher or it can be processed over the phone.

A Jesuit Partner School


Performing Arts News Term 4 has certainly been a busy term for the Performing Arts staff and students. Instrumental Showcase Was held at GPAC, displayed an amazing array of talent from Years 7-12. There were many small ensembles, solos, duets, bands and both the junior and senior choirs and orchestras performed. The staff band also joined in! A highlight of the evening was the finale “You’re The voice” which was accompanied by Mr Brendan Nichols on bagpipes and full Scottish attire. Tess Havelberg (pictured below), our wonderful Arts Captain this year performed a beautiful piano piece entitled, ‘Dr Gradus Ad Parnassum’ by Debussy.

Dance/Drama Night Students were very proud to perform to parents and friends at the dance/drama night. The night was very entertaining and I do thank Mrs Michelle Chambers, Mr Chris Dainton and Ms Marina Brown for all their work to make this night a success.

Year 7 Instrumental Showcase The year 7 music classes certainly impressed parents and friends at their instrumental concert. The success of the music program is a joy to witness as students are starting to play popular songs on their selected instruments. I do hope to see some students continue with their instrumental studies and join the junior orchestra which is growing in numbers.

The college was very grateful to Caleb Fleet and his staff for their wonderful hospitality. “We were truly blessed to be able to perform in such a beautiful setting”.

Many thanks to the coordinator of this program, Ms Caitlin Doble and the music staff, Mr Bruce Corrin, Mrs Amy Young, Ms Naomi Cordell and Mrs Sally Hobbs for their enthusiasm and expertise.

Year 11 Soiree The Year 11 music students held their music performance assessment, VCE Soiree, at the beautiful venue in Queenscliff.

Final Assembly

The students were very nervous but also excited and really appreciated the opportunity to perform to 100 staff, family and friends of the college.

During the final assembly for the year, we were proud to present Year 11 students, Claire McCarthy and Niamh Schwaiger who have been selected to represent our College at the Catholic schools Gala concert ‘Time to Shine’.

Leopold Concert Our favourite concert for the year was held last week for the senior citizens at Lumen Christie Church, Leopold, where the students were treated to a lovely luncheon. The audience was most appreciative as our students sang and played some lovely songs. Even some of our Year 12 students returned to perform. The highlight of the day was of course the choir singing ‘O Come all ye Faithful’ with Fr Des, pictured below.

This concert will be held in Melbourne next year at the Palais Theatre and televised on chanel 7. Made famous by Frank Sinatra, they sang for the students, ‘That’s Life.’ I do believe that students need to be in a real setting to experience the world of entertainment. A two course meal, fine wine, an exquisite candlelit room and great entertainment was certainly the recipe for a great night out!

A Jesuit Partner School


Performing Arts News (continued) Instrumental Music and Public Speaking If you are interested in your child taking private lessons in 2016, please obtain an enrolment form from the college office and return it as soon as possible. Timetables for 2016 are now being written and need to be completed before the new year.

‘Jerry’s Girls’ Our talented vocal teacher Chelsea Gibb is presently performing in Broadway’s ‘Jerry’s Girls’ in the Playhouse Theatre at the Arts Centre, Melbourne. The reviews are fabulous, so I highly recommend seeing this show.

At the top: The College Choir. Middle: The College Orchestra. At the bottom: Our audience.

Drum Presentation

Public Speaking Recital

Our drum teacher, Mr Bruce Corrin, inspired our students this week as he displayed some incredible drum techniques to the junior music classes.

The public speaking students were inspiring as they gave their final recital for the year. Our year 8 Coordinator, Mrs Deborah Hodge and myself were amazed at the content and depth of the speeches that the students delivered. I do congratulate these students and also their wonderful teacher, Ms Amanda Labonte who has done an amazing job with her talented students.

He spoke to the students of his love of drumming, to strive for their best and that no matter what life throws at us, we can succeed through it all.

What a term and what a year it has been. I do thank all the students and staff who have worked, practised and performed to the best of their abilities. That’s all we ask and I do say that giving of our talents to others and bringing joy into others’ lives is what it’s all about. Have a very happy and holy Christmas and we look forward to a wonderful year of Performing Arts presentations and performances in 2016. Sincerely, Linda Pape and the Performing Arts team. papel@ignatius.vic.edu.au

A Jesuit Partner School


A Jesuit Partner School


INSIGHTS Building parent-school partnerships WORDS Michael Grose

It’s a (Christmas)


How will you close up the school year and set the scene to make next year your child’s best year ever? It’s that time of year again! The school year is almost over. The Christmas holidays are just around the corner.

Here are a few ideas to help you close off the old year to prepare for the year ahead:

“Where did the last twelve months go?” That’s the adult viewpoint. Kids think, “What took so long?” Different ages, different perspectives.

1 Discuss the highlights and the

Kids generally want to plunge into holidays, leaving schoolwork, timetables and teachers behind. That’s only natural. But before they get too far into holiday mode, consider how you’ll round out the year, and bring it to a close. If your child is finishing primary or secondary school then there will be a graduation ceremony that signals the end of one phase of their school lives. The greater importance given to school graduation ceremonies over the last few decades is recognition of the human need to bring closure to one stage of life, and prepare for the next. Kids of all ages benefit from parental recognition of their achievements and successes as it sets the stage for the coming school year.

lowlights of the year: Ask kids to name their highlights, favourite times or most memorable moments of the year just gone. Use age appropriate language and questions that will open them up, rather than shut them down. At the year’s end I would ask my school-aged kids to rate the year from 1 to 5, and to identify their best memory, their favourite subject and something new that they encountered. These questions worked for me, but each parent needs to find their own approach.

2 Celebrate improvement

and success: Identify one or two areas where they excelled, improved or overcame some challenges. Broaden the focus away from just academic performance and recognise achievement in social, sport or arts areas. It’s important for kids who struggle academically to understand that you value success in a variety of areas.

3 Show appreciation: Consider how they can show appreciation to teachers, coaches or other people who may have assisted them during the year. Not only is it good manners to show gratitude, but some kids need reminding that other people contribute to their achievements.

4 Look forward It maybe beneficial to give your kids a chance to vent about some aspect of the year that they didn’t like, found difficult or challenging. Try to limit this type of discussion so that it doesn’t end in a whinge session and point them toward a better future next year.

5 Now relax It’s time for them to set the previous school year aside, put their feet up and chill out over the school break. Remember, if the previous year wasn’t one of your child’s best, the five to six week break gives him or her a chance to make a fresh start next year.

So it’s a wrap! The slate has been wiped clean. Enjoy the break and see you next year!

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© 2015 Michael Grose

Community Notice Board

A Jesuit Partner School


Community Notice Board

Computer Project: On behalf of the members of the Lions Club of Corio Norlane, we present this community computer project. We are currently undertaking a computer project that will provide a free computer system to the benefit of many disadvantaged students and their families that do not currently have one. Firstly if you have any computer equipment that is out of date and are planning to get rid of, we will take this off your hands. Secondly, we offer these computer systems free to families that are in need of one, we test and upgrade any systems we receive, with, 2 gig RAM, Windows 8.1, Office 2013, and install learning programs on them for children from ages 3 to 8. Please contact me on 0402409895 or email richardw2058@gmail.com and let me know if you have any computer systems that we may be able to use for this program.

Corio Norlane Lions Club Bike Project Do you have children in need of a bicycle at home or a bike that is no longer used and you don’t know what to do with it? We will: Collect Clean Repair Donate to needy children Contact us on coriolions@gmail.com or 0402409895

A Jesuit Partner School


School Calendar December 2015 Tuesday 8th

2016 Year 7 Students Orientation Day

Wednesday 9th Reports available online via the Parent Portal Monday 14th

Last Day for Teaching Staff

Thursday 17th

Edition 21 Newsletter

Friday 18th

Last Day for Office/Support Staff

January 2016 Monday 18th

College Office Opens

Thursday 21st Book Collection Rooms M2 and M3 MacKillop Centre Saint Ignatius College

Laptop pick-up for Years 7 and 10 ( 2016)

February 2016 Monday 1st

School Year Commences for Years 7, 11 and 12 Students

Tuesday 2nd

School Year Commences for Years 8, 9 and 10 Students

Thursday 4th Year 7 Parents Welcome Mass St Thomas’ Church Friday 5th 1st Whole College Assembly Saint Ignatius College gym Monday 8th

Year 8 and 10 Parent Information Evening

Thursday 11th Saint Ignatius College House Swimming Carnival Kardinia Park Pool Monday 15th

Caritas Student Leadership Day Cardinal Know Centre, East Melbourne

Monday 15th

Year 9 and 12 Parent Information Evening

Thursday 18th

Student Photos

Friday 19th

Beginning Year Masses Periods 1 and 2: Years 8 and 10 Periods 3 and 4: Years 9 and 11 Periods 5 and 6: Years 7 and 12

Monday 22nd

Year 11 Study Sensei

Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN

Saint Ignatius College Geelong

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School


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