Edition 20 December 7th 2017 (hr)

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Edition 20, December 7th 2017

From the Principal Welcome! This newsletter is the second last of the year. The contents reflect the hectic, energetic and active period when we finish-up another school year.

Coming Events December 2017 Fri 8th ‘Singles Day’ for Year 7s in 2018 Tues 12th ‘Orientation Day’ for Year 7s in 2018 Thurs 14th Reports available to families via the ‘Parent Portal’ at 4pm Fri 15th VCAA results published Fri 22nd College Office Closes A more detailed calendar is on the last page.

Our Years 7 - 10 students finished their classes this week and the Years 11 and 12 students finished up earlier on. Over the last week or so, the students have been very busy undertaking final assessments. Years 9 and 10 students sat their exams and Years 7 and 8 students have been completing a variety of assessment tasks. The Year 11 students completed the year undertaking the “Kick Start” program to prepare them for either the Year 12 VCE or VCAL program. As a College community, we have held very significant events such as Mosaic and Year 12 Valedictory Dinner. Our Year Level Coordinators (7 - 11) have each organised a “final assembly” to celebrate and reflect on the students’ year, give thanks to God for the many blessings during the year and provide the opportunity for expressions of gratitude to staff members who have supported the students’ learning and wellbeing. Parents of Years 7-11 students will be able to access the Semester Two reports via the

‘Xuno’ portal from 4 pm on Thursday 14th December. These will provide an excellent basis for parents to discuss with their daughters and sons the progress made during the year and to begin to set some student goals for 2018. I imagine at this hectic time it might be difficult to find the time (and energy) to conduct this vital conversation; it may well be best to be left to after Christmas. Whenever it happens, I believe it is critical to ensure another year just doesn’t pass and as parents we demonstrate the value of education by taking the time to affirm positive and constructive student learning habits, challenging where there is room for improvement and guiding the setting of improvement goals for next year. Parents could book a time with their daughter or son to reflect on the year. Some examples of prompts for reflection by students are: Think about what you were like this time last year. How much have you changed? How has your life changed in that time? What good things have happened? ....continued on Page 2

A Jesuit Partner School

In Brief

From the Principal (cont.)

This Page: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’

Are there any areas you think you could improve in? Anything you would like to be better? Think about your hopes: l for the summer? l for next year? This will also provide the opportunity for students to give thanks for their growth and increase in knowledge, understanding and skills during the year and for parents to encourage students to say ‘yes’ to all the suitable opportunities for growth and development in the year ahead.

And as well as serving food, the Year 9 students need to be congratulated for the way they conversed with the guests on the day helping to make the day it a special one for them.

Mosaic Evening

On Friday 1st December the annual Year 12 Valedictory Dinner/Dance was held at Simonds Stadium, Kardinia Park, Geelong.

Page 3: Continuation of ‘From the Principal’ Page 4: Faith Matters Page 5 and 6: Mosaic 2017 Photos Page 7: Awards Night for our 2017 GFLOI participants Page 8: World Challenge Southern China Page 9: Debating - Junior Secondary Program Page 10 and 11: Performance and Instrumental News Page 12: ‘Sing 4 Fleur’ Page 13: Onwards and Upwards for Mikeelie Page 14 and 15: Canteen Roster and Parents and Friends’ Association Page 16: Women’s Health and Wellbeing (WHWBSW) Page 17 to 19: “The power of gratitude for a happier life” by Dr Jodi Richardson Page 20 and 21: Community Notice Board Page 22 : College Calendar

Our annual Mosaic Evening at Costa Hall was again a very special and important whole school event. Thank you to all families who were able to attend. A strong school community enhances positive outcomes for our young people.

Thank you to Mrs Linda Pape (Performance Coordinator), Ms. Marina Brown (Choir), Mr Andrew Humphrey, Mr Angelo Scotto, Ms. Caitlin Doble, Mr. Chris Dainton and several other staff members who helped out for enabling our school to support this initiative of the local Parish.

Year 12 Valedictory Evening

The evening commenced with the formal presentation of the graduands and some speeches. This was followed by a very enjoyable dinner / dance.

Mosaic was a wonderful celebration of very impressive student achievement across a variety of areas. I congratulate all students who received awards or presented the results of their learning (Art and Technology Displays) or performed on the evening (Music, Dance and/or Drama) - well done!

A special feature of the formal part of the evening was the return of last year’s College Captains to promote the “Old Ignatians Association”. Claudia Beattie and Noah Hodgson encouraged the Class of 2017 to keep connected to the College through membership of the alumni association.

It was impossible to acknowledge all student achievements, and I congratulate all students who have tried their best throughout the year.

Each Year 12 student was presented with an Old Ignatian lapel badge that they will hopefully keep as a sign of their continuing connection to their secondary school.

It is also hard to show off some of the aspects of school life that we value. Examples include students supporting each other and going quietly about their learning and making the most of the opportunities they have to discover and develop their gifts and talents and being of service to others. Thank you to our hard-working staff for organising and running this evening - all staff played some part in supporting this community celebration. In particular, I thank Mrs Claire Hewitt for coordinating Mosaic.

Leopold Senior Citizens’ Luncheon and Concert Our College has enthusiastically supported the annual Leopold Senior Citizens’ Luncheon for the last twenty years. On Tuesday 28th November about sixty students performed or waited on the tables serving the lunch prepared by the Church group for the one hundred and eighty senior citizens present at Club Italia, Moolap. As in previous years, I received many glowing comments about our students. I was very proud of our performers, many talented singers and musicians.

The College Captains, Kelsey Notting and Gregory Lewis spoke fondly about many aspects of their secondary school journey, expressed gratitude to the staff and parents and wished their classmates best wishes for the next stage of their life journey. Fr James Puppady (President of the Association of Canonical Administrators) provided the blessing and expressed his congratulations and best wishes to the students. Retiring Executive member and our current Director of Teacher Development, Mrs Fran Kealey provided an inspiring address to the Class of 2017. We then enjoyed a delicious dinner and dancing. Thank you to the organising committee and in particular, Mr Joe McLean (YLC) and Ms Dani Stanesby. As in previous years, the evening was conducted in a positive, happy and respectful way.

...continued on Page 3

A Jesuit Partner School


Jesuit and Companion Schools Student Australia Leadership Conference I am very pleased to inform you that our 2018 Senior Student Leaders joined with leaders from other Ignatian Schools at our College on Sunday 3rd to Tuesday 5th December for a leadership conference. This conference aimed to develop the leadership knowledge and skills of each school’s captains as leaders in an Ignatian school and give the leaders the opportunity to meet leaders from other schools, share experiences and develop a sense of being part of a network of Australian Ignatian schools. The Jesuit (J) and Jesuit Companion (JC) Schools in Australia were all represented: Victoria Xavier College Melbourne (J) Loyola College Watsonia (JC) Saint Ignatius College Geelong (JC) New South Wales Saint Ignatius College Riverview (J) Saint Aloysius College Milsons Point (J) Loyola College Mount Druitt (JC) Xavier Catholic College Ballina (JC) South Australia Saint Ignatius College Adelaide (J) Western Australia John XXIII College Perth (JC) Queensland Xavier College Hervey Bay (JC) The students and staff have provided very positive feedback about their experience at our College. I thank Deputy Principal, Mr. Paul Lewis and Student Leadership Development Coordinator, Mr Anthony Gravener and many other staff members for their tremendous work to organize and host this conference at our College.

Unit 3 Orientation Program Thank you to the Senior School team of teachers for providing a valuable Orientation Program over the last week and a half to prepare the Year 11 students for next year. It is important that these students use some of the holiday period to prepare for the undertaking of their Unit 3 subjects. Teachers will have given guidelines and provided preparatory work, and the students have a responsibility to take advantage of this and not turn up next year finding themselves behind the rest of the class.

Can I please encourage parents to support this expectation? I expect that our senior students give their academic program the priority it deserves and other undertakings will need to fit in around their studies. I want all students, as I am sure parents do, to have the best chance of achieving to the best of their ability and this will be enhanced if the prevailing atmosphere is one where students are encouraging each other to do their best with their studies.

Commencement date for 2018 school year Please note that classes for all Year levels will commence on the same day next year Thursday 1st February 2018.

Final days of the school year Next Tuesday we will conduct the Orientation Day for the grade six students attending Saint Ignatius next year.

Staff news

We look forward to welcoming our new college members.

Four of our teaching staff will be leaving at the end of this year.

Advent Season

Our students would know from this term’s full school assembly that Art Teacher, Ms Denise Pennings and Director of Teacher Development and English & RE teacher, Ms Fran Kealey will be retiring at the end of this year. I thank both teachers for their dedicated contribution to our school, congratulate them on their service to education and wish them a rewarding time in their retirement. Ms Pennings is currently in China with one of the four World Challenge teams. Ms Kealey commenced her association with our College at Goold College in 1984. Since then she has taught hundreds of students, particularly in their senior secondary years, and has taken on many leadership positions. She has taught at Catholic Regional College, St Joseph’s College and Saint Ignatius College. Currently, Ms Kealey is a member of our College Executive. I thank her on behalf of our College community for her dedicated service to our College.

Last Sunday we commenced the Advent period of the Church’s calendar, in fact, the beginning of a new Church year. The Advent period is a time of waiting and preparing for Christmas. “Lord, you sent us Jesus your Son to bring light to our darkness and lead us to eternal life. As we begin this Advent season, enkindle within us the deep desire to seek him in all things. Lord, you fashioned our hearts to be satisfied with nothing less than Your love which overflows for us in Christ. As we journey through Advent, rekindle within us your gift of hope, and turn our expectant waiting into readiness to welcome Him in all persons we meet. We ask you this in his name. Amen” Best wishes

Michael Exton Principal

I wish both retiring teachers all the best for the next phase of their lives’ journey. To their credit, two of our teachers have been successful in obtaining significant leadership positions in other schools. Mr Chris Dainton has been appointed Deputy Principal (Catholic Identity) at St Mary of the Angels College, Nathalia. Mr Michael Wright has been appointed Director of Identity at St Joseph’s College, Geelong. On behalf of our College community, I congratulate both teachers, thank them for their service to our school community and wish them a professionally rewarding time in their leadership positions at their new school.

A Jesuit Partner School


Faith Matters A Voice Crying In The Wilderness On Wednesday the last of our students finished up and excitedly left for the College to enter into their long summer break. The teachers and support staff who remain enter into the final weeks of the year, where we frantically finishing all that is yet to be done. So as another school year comes to an end as a community we turn our attention towards Christmas. Although these holidays are well earned we finish prematurely. In secondary education we finish before we get a chance to enter into the season of Advent. As a community we end the year prayerfully, with mass, liturgy and prayer; but we only experience Advent as a community for a moment. So as we go out to experience the joy of summer holidays let us begin where we at the College finish off; with Advent. In Advent we prepare for the coming of Christ. Each Christmas we are reminded of Jesus’ birth and the promise of his second coming. We should not wait expectantly for Christmas of itself however. The 25th of December has happened thousands of times since Jesus’ birth and it will occur again. We certainly should be excited about being with family, friends and the gifts that illustrate the love we have for one another. But in waiting for Christmas Day we should consider entering into a deeper relationship with Jesus. The Gospel reading this Sunday is from Mark. I proclaims the coming of John the Baptist and the Messiah saying, “As it is written in the prophet Isaiah, “See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness; ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, and make his paths straight.” I think this reading is an excellent way to visualize how we might in Advent enter into a sincere companionship with Christ. Our relationship with Jesus lives in our hearts, but sometimes our hearts are scarred or damaged because of our life’s journey. All of us experience frustration and hurt, and this can make it hard to love as we might. In examining what lays within our heart we can all make efforts to make straight His paths. In seeking this goal we need to be true and open to things that we hold onto and limit our relationship with Him.

We need to be honest and acknowledge that Christmas can be a time of stress, division or loneliness. As you await the coming of Christmas take a moment to pause and consider what you hold within your heart or the things that have hurt it so that love may not flow as freely as it should. At Manresa St Ignatius entered into this contemplation and in time was able to let go and overcome all of the things that were a barrier to the fullness of love found in Jesus. In examining your heart this Advent be open to the frustration and tension in your life. It’s natural that we sometimes are limited by anger, frustration and ego. But allowing these things to sit within your heart limit your ability to view others kindly and offer them love. In seeking to prepare for his coming trust in his promises. One of these promises is that he will take on all that concerns you and resolve the problems you face. Ironically to prepare we must rely on Him to free us! In letting go of the things that stop us from experiencing the fullness of Christmas we can celebrate more fully and bring more joy into our lives and the lives of others. Christmas Day is in-fact a celebration of life. We can experience life in new and better ways as we focus on Advent and the call to prepare. As an infant Jesus is easy to understand. He is beautiful, vulnerable and dependent on those who love him. Today the same is true. He is beautiful in every way. He is vulnerable as he gives us the choice to love him or not. He depends, for without our love he does not live in the world today. At Christmas we celebrate life by focusing on an infant. He is a symbol of pure and unlimited love. Today we care for this infant just as his parents did, through the way we live our lives for others and in communion with Him. Advent offers us the opportunity to live again. We are called to consider all the things in our lives that limit our relationship with God and love others. We are challenged to look more deeply into our hearts and seek a clear vision of where we can grow. We are called to be courageous and place upon Jesus’ shoulders our burdens and hurt. As John the Baptist did we are called to use this freedom to love all people with sincerity and in doing so we not only prepare the way in our own hearts, but be “the voice calling in the wilderness”, proclaiming the coming of our friend and saviour Jesus. I pray for and wish you every blessing as you prepare over the next seventeen days. Sincerely, Brendan Nicholls Liturgy Coordiantor

A Jesuit Partner School


Mosaic 2017 Photos

Photography by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


Mosaic 2017 Photos

Photography by David Alexander

A Jesuit Partner School


Awards Night for our 2017 GFLOI participants Four of our Year 10 students, Dominic Rizzo, Anthony Warby, Matthew Ruiter and Anthony Zanghi, were presented with their Certificate of Participation in the recently completed Geelong Future Leaders of Industry (GFLOI) program. The program ran throughout the year and our students (along with 19 others from other schools in the region) visited twelve local Engineering based Enterprises. Some of these enterprises being; Ford Australia, Malteurop, Lyondell Basell, Sykes Racing and AIR Radiators.

The focus of the program is for students who have an interest in STEM related careers. Students were given the opportunity to learn about LEAN principles and visit Deakin University and The Gordon TAFE to discover Post Secondary study options and careers in the areas of Advanced Manufacturing, Engineering, Advanced Technologies and Design. Our thanks go to Mrs. Annabel Newnham and Ms. Lynne Clarke from the Geelong Regional Vocational Education Council (GRVEC) who facilitated and organised the program for the young people.

Funding for the program was sourced through ‘Skilling The Bay’. Saint Ignatius College has been involved in this worthwhile program since its inception of over 10 years and has over the years seen many of our students go on to further studies in Engineering at degree level and others have obtained an Apprenticeship in their chosen areas. I would like to wish these four young men the best as they decide on their areas of interest and begin their studies in Year 11 in 2018. Bruce Connor Work and Further Education Coordinator.

Certificate of Participation recipients (L to R), Dominic Rizzo, Anthony Warby, Matthew Ruiter, and Anthony Zanghi.

A Jesuit Partner School


World Challenge Southern China We currently have four teams of students on the World Challenge Southern China immersion. Here are some photos of Team 1 taken during their community project. The students worked in a small school for grade 1,2 and 3 students, teaching English and sport as well as painting a mural and building a soccer net. Our students also played games with the local students at all breaks between classes. Byron Mitchell

A Jesuit Partner School


Debating - Junior Secondary Program During Term 4, Saint Ignatius College once again hosted schools in the Geelong Region participating in the Junior Secondary Program conducted by the Debating Association of Victoria (DAV). Students from 12 schools in some 25 teams enjoyed our hospitality when visiting the Xavier Centre and were impressed by our facilities and classroom. The program was conducted over a series of four evenings, with the first of these being Training Night. Adjudicators from the DAV explained the basics of debating and focused on the different roles of the three speakers. Equipped with a clear understanding of how formal debates are conducted, students left both confident and excited about the challenges that lay ahead. Ms O’Brien and Ms Dart ensured that our students were well prepared by supporting their research and helping with the development of their arguments. Saint Ignatius was well represented in Round 1 by two winning teams, both taking the negative side for the topic: “That we should have video surveillance in all public places”. Some students were not able to participate in the later fixtures, so we were reduced to just one team for the remaining two rounds. In Round 2 our team enjoyed arguing “That Hollywood movies should not be true to history” and achieved a good win over Sacred Heart. Students were very excited for the Round 3 fixture against Kardinia International School, and prepared thoroughly to argue the case “That Space Exploration is worth the cost”. Our representatives emerged with a strong win, meaning that over the course of the program our four teams were undefeated.

Two debates: Bailey Mitrovski One debate: Coco Bullock, Alyssa Dickeson, Tyson Henry and Charli Nisbet Several of our Year 10 students gave generously of their time for Community Service by acting as guides for our visitors, and we thank them for their leadership and support of the College: Samuel Salisbury, Bennette George, Chloe Broadhurst and Sebastian Sbrissa. Sincere thanks are extended to the following staff for their assistance during the course of the four evenings: Ms Sue Traynor, Ms Bronwyn Tegousis, Mrs Tory Wood, Mrs Deb Hodge, Ms Lesley Falconer, Ms Alicia Deak, Ms Elana Cole and Mrs Jane Alexander. Special thanks to Ms Brooke O’Brien who assisted the teams with their preparation and rehearsal, and who helped with setting up for each of the JSP evenings. We are also very grateful to Mrs Kristin Williamson and Ms Carmen Polwarth for their support with catering for our guests.

Pictured below are students after their Round 3 win: From left: Laura Maertzdorf, 7 Licona, Emily O’Kane, 7 Claver, Bailey Mitrovski, 8 Castillo.

Debating 2018 - for all year levels The DAV offers the opportunity to students in all year levels at schools in the Geelong Region to take part in Debating on the following evenings in 2018: Monday 23rd April Monday 7th May Monday 28th May Monday 23rd July Monday 13th August What is required of student participants at SICG: l a firm commitment to the full program of five debates (no withdrawals are permitted as this is unfair on teammates and on students in other schools who prepare as expected for each fixture) l attendance at set lunchtime meetings to prepare and rehearse speeches l organization of own transport arrangements to and from the venue (Geelong Grammar School, Corio Campus); parents are welcome to attend the debates as members of the audience All participants are assisted and supported with the preparation of their arguments and the rehearsal of their speeches. This ensures that students are equipped with the necessary skills and able to debate with confidence. Any student who is willing to take up the challenge of Debating in 2018 and who is prepared to make the commitment required is asked to have a parent or guardian express their interest by emailing Ms Andrea Dart: darta@ignatius.vic.edu.au Expressions of interest close on Friday 4th February after which time the SICG Debating teams will be registered and organized. We look forward to fielding teams from each year level next year. Ms Andrea Dart Debating Co-ordinator

Congratulations to the following students for their participation: Three debates: Laura Maertzdorf, Emily O’Kane (Best Speaker Round 2 and Round 3)

A Jesuit Partner School


Performance and Instrumental News KickStart with a Difference! This year the Year 11 music students commenced their Year 12 music Kickstart with a difference. An excursion to Arcare aged nursing home in Portarlington was the perfect start to the world of performing and also improving performance skills. It was also a wonderful opportunity to lighten up the residents’ day and to have many of them sing along with Parker Volke’s song: “A nightingale sang in Barkley Square”.

Laura Kitchingman and Ellie Small perform in the foyer prior to the Mosiac Celebration evening held recently at Costa hall.

Dance / Drama Night

Year 7 Instrumental Showcase

The Dance / Drama night was held last month in the potato shed (photos in Edition 19 newsletter).

On November 13th , after a semester of instrumental class music lessons, the Year 7 music students were ready to perform to family and friends in the potato shed.

Special thanks to Ms Michelle Chambers (Dance) and Mr Chris Dainton (Drama) who assisted the students to make the evening such a success.

Fantastic Friday Music Monday was recently replaced by Fantastic Friday. This lunchtime concert is becoming popular and students are enjoying their lunch and at the same time being entertained. Many thanks to the students who are willing to get up and have a go and also to our Arts Captain, Catherine Exton, who is enjoying organizing these popular events. Arcare aged residents and Year 12 music students.

Special thanks to the coordinator of this program, Ms Caitlin Doble and the Year 7 music teachers, Mr Bruce Corrin, Ms Naomi Cordell, Mr Nathaniel Taylor, Ms Courtney Miller and Mrs Sally Hobbs who prepared the students for this fantastic concert. Year 7 Drummers

Year 10 musician Darcy Nichols

Mosaic 2017 This year the performing arts students shone as they played instruments, sang and danced on the Costa Hall stage. The college ensembles, Junior honours band, Stage band, the Symphonic winds, the Choir and the cast and musicians of Beauty and the Beast performed between the awards, giving the audience some light entertainment.

Year 7 Trombones and Trumpets

Special mention to the talented foyer musicians who sang and played before the ceremony (see the Mosaic photos in this edition for more photos).

A Jesuit Partner School


Performance and Instrumental News (continued) ‘Sing 4 Fleur’

Leopold Concert

A special talent quest was organized by Mr Caleb Ryan to raise funds to assist the family of Fleur Armstrong who was recently injured in an accident.

The annual Leopold concert was held last Tuesday at the Italian Social club.

This event was a huge success and many students took to the chill out stage and performed to the enthusiastic crowd. A full article on this great event appears on the next page of this newsletter.

Piano / Percussion Concert On November 20th, the piano and percussion students performed to family and friends on the chillout stage in the performing Arts precinct.

The senior citizens were delighted with the student performances . It was a such a wonderful surprise for everyone to have ex student, Louis Reed, perform. Louis has just completed his degree at the College of the Arts and we wish Louis all the best with his very promising music career. Many thanks to the music teachers who assisted on this day, Ms Marina Brown, Mr Angelo Scotto, Mr Chris Dainton, Ms Courtney Miller, Mr Nathaniel Taylor and Ms Cordell.

Thankyou to Mr Andrew Humphrey and Mr Neil Hodder who helped us with the transport and setting up of all the equipment. I wish everyone a very happy Christmas and I thank parents and friends of the college for supporting our Performing Arts students. I look forward to many concerts and soirees next year. Yours musically, Mrs Linda Pape Performance & Instrumental Coordinator.

It was such a beautiful evening listening to the sounds of Mozart as the sun was setting. Mozart was long gone when the drummers came to the stage and performed “A load of rubbish”! Congratulations to our piano teachers, Mr Adrian Montagnese, Mr Nathaniel Taylor, Mr Tony Musella and our percussion teacher, Mr Bruce Corrin who prepared the students for this lovely concert.

Who needs instruments when you have rubbish bins?

Ex-student, Louis Reed, returns to perform at this years Senior Citizens concert held at the Italian Club.

A Jesuit Partner School


‘Sing 4 Fleur’ On Friday the 24th of November teachers and students organized ‘Sing 4 Fleur’; a special fundraiser to support an ex-student of Saint Ignatius, Fleur Armstrong. Fleur is the older sister of Bree who is finishing Year 10 and Halle, Year 8. Staff and students remember her as a bright and bubbly personality with a big singing voice. Fleur was badly injured in a road accident at the beginning of this year and acquired quite serious head injuries, which left her in a critical condition for some time and initially doctors feared the worst. In more recent months however, Fleur has pleasantly surprised medical staff and her family with her determination and will to recover and rehabilitate.

Although Fleur continues to make excellent progress, she and her family have a fight ahead of them and they need plenty of support. With this in mind we invited students to buy a pink wristband (Fleur’s favourite colour) and enjoy a barbecue and icy pole whilst they enjoyed performers from the college who ‘sang for Fleur’ at lunchtime in a talent contest. We managed to raise a good amount of money on the day and the Year 7 and 8 cohort also donated a substantial sum from money raised on Market Day ensuring that the Armstrong family’s Christmas might be just a fraction easier. Caleb Ryan

A Jesuit Partner School


Onwards and Upwards for Mikeelie Mikeelie Walters, a Senior VCAL student who only recently completed her Year 12 studies, has landed on her feet obtaining part time, ongoing employment at Petstock at Waurn Ponds - with a strong possibility of moving into full time work in 2018. This year, Mikeelie completed the Cert III in Companion Animals at Petstock through a school-based apprenticeship program facilitated by G-Force Employment Solutions. This program has provided Mikeelie with a wide range of work ready skills and qualifications from The Gordon TAFE as well as completing her Senior VCAL Certificate program. Mikeelie’s pathway to this point began in Year 10 when she undertook a work experience placement in the field of Animal Husbandry. She then applied for the VET in schools Cert II in Animal Studies program studying at The Gordon TAFE in 2016 whilst undertaking her VCAL Intermediate Certificate. Saint Ignatius College would like to thank G-Force for their commitment in making these opportunities available for young people and for the work they do in ensuring success is achieved by all involved. We wish Mikeelie all the very best for her immediate and long term career plans. Bruce Connor Work and Further Education Coordinator

A Jesuit Partner School


Canteen Roster Would you like to help out in the Canteen in 2018? If possible we would like to have five helpers on each day. Helpers will need to be at the canteen by 9:00am and will generally be finished by 1:30pm. Canteen duty provides a much appreciated service to the school. It gives you the opportunity to meet and talk with other parents and also enables you to see your child’s school in action. If you are able to assist, please contact Sandra Woodall at the College on 5251 1136.

Merry Christmas and many thanks to all the parents who helped out in the canteen during the 2017 College year. We look forward to seeing you next year.

Parents and Friends’ Association:

We have the new PFA Committee to introduce: Please put your hands together to welcome President: Rebecca Hay Secretary: Cathy Dykes Treasurer: Sandi Clark Congratulations!

College Fees Raffle 2018 Make the Time to Buy Your Tickets! It is worth it! Raffle is drawn at 2.30pm on Dec 12th - Orientation Day For more information please check the flyer recently sent home in your Student Information Packages. Fill out the details and return the bottom section of the flyer to the Office by Friday Dec.8th, 2017 . See the next page for details and order form.

Be on the PFA email list to hear all the news first!

Some of your email addresses are not current, and they are bouncing back to our very concerned Secretary. If you haven’t heard from us in a while, and are wondering why, it could be that we do not have your current correct email address. We would like to hear from you. So please email us at sicgpandf@ignatius.vic.edu.au

Secondhand Uniform Shop

Opening Day and Time

Term 4 Uniform Shop Open Hours are: Wednesday 2 - 4pm You can still drop of items to the Office for processing, if you cannot make it in on Wednesdays, but we would love to see you between 2 - 4pm. We have a great team in place ready to assist.

Can you help out? We are looking to increase our volunteer group. If you are available and can help us out in any way, regarding the weekly opening of the Uniform Shop, or extra opening times coming up (especially Dec 12th for Orientation Day) - please provide your information details to the email below. “On the Job” Training will be provided. Contact: uniform@ignatius.vic.edu.au if you want more information.

A Jesuit Partner School


Saint Ignatius College Geelong A Jesuit Partner School

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Vic. 3222 T: (03) 5251 1136 F: (03) 5251 3547 E: registrar@ignatius.vic.edu.au W: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au ABN: 59 345 224 293

Parents and Friends’ Association

2018 College Fees Raffle The Parents and Friends’ Association are organising a raffle. This will be a Major Fundraiser for our College. Tickets are $ 25.00 each and the prizes are as follows:

1st Prize

College Tuition Fees for 2018

(Fee applicable for youngest child at the College, does not include Digital Technology, VCAL or VET Levies or other extra curricular activities.) Donated by Saint Ignatius College.

2nd Prize

$200 Noone Imagewear Voucher

3rd Prize

$75 Campion Education Voucher

4th Prize

Novel valued at $30

Raffle drawn at 2.30pm on Tuesday 12th December 2017. Proceeds from the raffle will be used for the purchase of equipment or support projects to benefit staff and students of the College. Please return the slip below with payment to purchase tickets or contact the school office to purchase tickets over the phone. This will need to be completed by Friday the 8th of December 2017. A receipt, if requested, will be sent home with students. We look forward to your support of this Fundraising event. Parents and Friends’ Association


Please return the section below to your student’s Homeroom Teacher, the Office or it can be processed over the phone on 5251 1136 during Office hours (8.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday).

Parents and Friends’ Association College Fees Raffle 2018 Student Name:


Number of Tickets Required:

@ $25.00 = $

A receipt for the purchase of tickets will be supplied on request. Payment Method:

Cash / Cheque / Credit Card

Card Details: Name on Card: Card No: Expiry Date:

CV: /


Please Note: If Credit Card details are supplied, these will be deleted once used as mandated by current Credit Card privacy regulations.

Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West (WHWBSW) would like to thank St Ignatius College for their support towards our “Stand Up – Don’t Stand By” 16 Days of Activism campaign. From November 25th to December 10th, 2017,” the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls around the world” (United Nations, 2016). The “Stand Up – Don’t Stand By” campaign was created for secondary school aged students due to the need to address some concerning data captured by Our Watch (2016), which indicated that young people are struggling to identify what a healthy and respectful relationship looks like, and additionally, to raise awareness of the impact that social media platforms have on facilitating poor sexually abusive behaviour. Our poster campaign provides visual examples of unacceptable online behaviour, and then utilizes appropriate and realistic bystander options to empower adolescents to ‘stand up’ for what is right and support the victim.

Our Watch (2016) also reported: • • • • •

1 in 4 don’t think it’s serious when guys insult or verballing harass girls in the street. 15% of young people think its ok for a guy to pressure a girl for sex if they are both drunk. 1 in 4 young people don’t think it’s serious if a guy, who is normally gentle, sometimes slaps his girlfriend when he is drunk and they are arguing. 58% agreed that girls often receive unwanted indecent, sexually explicit texts, images or video clips. 44% of respondents did not feel comfortable reporting online abuse.

These posters will be used as a teaching resource for the duration of the campaign:

Follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter at: http://www.womenshealthbsw.org.au/join-us/subscribe/

A Jesuit Partner School



insights The power of gratitude for a happier life by Dr Jodi Richardson

More than just a nice feeling, gratitude is integral to happiness. If we can inspire and cultivate gratitude in our children, we’re doing so much more than teaching them to be polite by saying ‘thank-you’. We’re helping them develop a strength that will positively affect their mental health and wellbeing over a lifetime. It’s that powerful. Remember how many times you had to remind your kids to use their manners all those years ago? I know, probably too many! Still reminding? You’re not alone! In the same way good manners eventually become a part of daily life, sincere gratitude will too. It’s worth persevering. Benefits of a grateful mindset The science tells us that compared with those who don’t, people who practice gratitude are more enthusiastic, more determined, perform better at school, are more likely to avoid risky behaviours, experience less depression and envy, are more kind and helpful, sleep better and are 25 per cent happier. Adolescents with a grateful mindset are more optimistic and experience greater social support, which is essential to their health and happiness. They experience more fulfilling friendships and family relationships, are more content in themselves and with their school, have higher grades and are less focused on material possessions. There’s simply no down side! Practicing gratitude is a sure-fire way to boost happiness, something we absolutely want for ourselves and for our children. In addition, teaching our children genuine appreciation helps them develop strong relationships over the course of their lives, and we know that strong relationships are critical to our

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overall happiness. Gratitude isn’t just good for the giver either. It’s wonderful for the recipient too. Do you remember how you felt the last time sincere gratitude was expressed to you? It lifts our spirits, boosts our mood and inevitably strengthens our relationship with the person expressing their thanks. Where do I start? The best way to teach gratitude is for us as parents to role model it. When you’re feeling grateful, tell your kids and explain why. If you do something kind for someone to thank them for helping you, share your story over the evening meal. Like all values we want for our kids to embrace, it’s ‘monkey see, monkey do’. Different families teach gratitude in different ways. The trick is to introduce a gratitude practice that doesn’t feel like a chore. Even if there’s a little resistance at first, don’t give up. It feels good to be grateful, so it should eventually become something that doesn’t need too much of a nudge. Supporting your child to become more grateful begins with teaching three fundamental ideas: 1. Awareness that someone has purposefully done something to benefit them. 2. Awareness that taking action to provide you a benefit cost that person in some way. 3. Understanding that the benefit of that person’s actions is valuable to them. There are loads of fun ways to practice gratitude. Here are a few to get you started: – Regularly express sincere gratitude to your partner and to your children, explaining why. – Prompt your kids to note things they’re grateful for in colourful textas on poster paper on the fridge. – Paint a wall in chalk paint for your family to artistically (or not!) express their gratitude using chalk. – Ask each family member what they’re thankful for each evening at dinner. – Stop to savour and appreciate the little things like a beautiful flower or a colourful sunset. – Find the silver lining in difficult circumstances. – Relive happy moments together. – Hold hands at the dinner table and thank the person who prepared the food. – Ask the kids to take photos of the things they’re grateful for.

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– Keep thank-you notes at the ready and let the kids know when you write one and why. Encourage them to do the same. – Encourage a contribution from your kids’ pocket money towards something they want. – Start a gratitude journal and invite the kids to make contributions. – Encourage your kids to help others. – Help your kids reflect on what they’re grateful for, last thing at night. – Start a gratitude jar and each weekend spend time reading over the notes within. It’s really about finding the right fit for your family. You may need to try a few different ideas. You don’t even have to do it everyday, even just a few times a week works well, though it is good to get into a routine with it. Lastly, Associate Professor Jeffrey Froh, a leading authority on gratitude in young people, tells us that “the deepest sense of gratitude in life comes from connecting to a bigger picture, to an issue that matters to others, and doing things that contribute to society down the road.” Knowing this we can also be on the lookout for opportunities to fan the flames of our childrens’ passions and yearnings to make a difference in the lives of others. Step-by-step, day-by-day, we can raise grateful young people who are happier because of their perspective, and who lead rich and fulfilling lives because of what they do for others.

Dr Jodi Richardson Jodi is a happiness and wellbeing speaker and writer, and is mum to two primary school aged kids who light her up. For more great ideas on flourishing mental health for the whole family, subscribe to her newsletter at drjodirichardson.com.au and say hello on facebook.com/DrJodiRichardson. Enquiries to jodi@drjodirichardson.com.au

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Amanda Vernon_Saver_Plus_ High-School_Flyer_A5

Centre for Developmental Psychiatry and Psycholgy

SCHOOL ATTENDANCE IS IMPORTANT FOR ALL KIDS We’d like to hear from all parents about your experiences. For some, it’s easy to get along to school every day, for others, it can be tricky. At the Centre for Developmental Psychiatry and Psychology, Monash University, we are working with parents and schools to understand how easy or hard it is for children and teenagers with an intellectual disability to go to school. By completing our survey, you will contribute to the development of information and resources to support children and teenagers with a disability to attend school.

You can sign up online at: https://goo.gl/MJGo4w

Could $500 help you with high‑school costs? Join Saver Plus and we’ll match your savings, dollar for dollar, up to $500 for school costs. laptops & tablets

specialist subjects

Call us to discuss signing up:

uniforms & shoes

books & supplies

T: 03 9902 4557 E: kites@monash.edu

sports fees & gear

camps & excursions


Participating families will receive a $40 book voucher.

Contact Amanda Vernon your local Saver Plus Coordinator Phone 03 5278 8122 Email avernon@bethany.org.au Web www.saverplus.org.au

To join Saver Plus, you must have a Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card, be at least 18 years old, have some regular income from work (you or your partner), and have a child at school or attend vocational education yourself.

This study has Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee (#CF16/944 - 2016000499) and Victorian Department of Education and Training ethics (2016-003127) approval.

Saver Plus is an initiative of the Brotherhood of St Laurence and ANZ, delivered in partnership with Berry Street, The Benevolent Society and The Smith Family and other local community agencies including Bethany. The program is funded by ANZ and the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Go to www.dss.gov.au for more information. 17P-0221. February 2017. Produced by Strategic Marketing and Communications, Monash University CRICOS provider: Monash University 00008C.

Immunisation Catch Up For Year 7 students (Gardasil) and Years 10, 11, 12 students (Meningococcal W) Barwon Health Immunisation Belmont 1-17 Reynolds Rd, Belmont, 3216 Tuesday 12/12/17 & Thursday 14/12/17 Phone Barwon Health Immunisation 42156963 to arrange (other session times available) Or contact your GP Funding for Meningococcal ends 31/12/17

A Jesuit Partner School


Weekend Mass Times For All Parishes


Community Notice Board Weekend Mass Times for All Parishes Weekend Mass Times For All Parishes

Summary of regular weekend Masses for all parishes in the Geelong Deanery.

seeweekend the Calendar andinChristmas Mass SummaryPlease of regular Masses for for Easter all parishes the Geelong Deanery and Reconciliation Times All the Christmas Mass times will be available on the Geelong Deanery website shortly Suburb

Mass Centre

Routine Weekend Schedule


St Brigids

11am alternate Sundays


St Christopher

5:30pm (Sat) OR 6:30pm (Sat) during summer daylight saving 6.00pm Mass time


St John Mary Evangelist McKillop St

9:00am last Sunday of the month

Barwon Heads Holy Family

6:00pm (Sat)

Bell Park

Holy Family

8:00am, 9:30am, 11.00am (Croatian) 11:30am (Slovenian 2nd Sun), 11:30am Sun), 12.15pm (Croatian (Sloveniannot 2nd2nd Sun) 12:30am (Croatian 2nd Sun)


St Bernard

6.00pm (Sat), 6:30pm(Sat), 9:00am, 10:30am


St Francis Xavier

5:00pm (3rd Sat Filipino) 7:00pm(Sat), 10:30am


St Thomas

9.00 am


St Mary of the Angels

6:00pm(Sat), 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:15 (Polish), 5:30pm

Geelong East

St Margaret

9:45am 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday (Masses cease after Christmas)

Geelong North St John

8:30am 10:30am(Latin Mass) Rosary 10:05am

Geelong West St Patrick

9:30am (Italian)

Geelong West Ss Peter & Paul (Ashby)

5:00pm (Sat), 11:00am (2nd & 4th Sun)



No Masses for 3 months due to renovations 10:30am


Sacred Heart

9am Sunday except last Sunday of the month


St Anthony



Lumen Christi

10:30am, 5:30pm

Manifold Heights

Holy Spirit

6:00pm (Sat), 11:00am (1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday)


Rice Village


St Joseph’s

11am alternate Sundays

Mt Moriac

St Patrick



St Thomas Aquinas

6:00pm (Sat), 5.00pm (Sat) 10:00am 10.00am


Christ the King

5.00pm Vigil (Masses cease after Christmas)


St Robert

9:45am 2nd & 4th Sunday

Ocean Grove

Our Lady Star of the Sea 9:00am


St Patrick



Holy Trinity


St Leonards

Ss Philip and James



St Therese

8.45am, 10.30am 8:45am


St John the Baptist

6:00pm (Sat)


Light FM, 89.9 FM



The Pulse, 94.7 FM


Weekend Mass Times For All Parishes

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28/04/2016, 2:48 PM

Mass Masstimes timesare arecorrect correctasasofof03.08.2017 22/02/13 - Please advise deanexec@pipeline.com.au of any corrections.

A Jesuit Partner School


College Calendar January 2018

December 2017 Year 7 2018 ‘Singles Day’

Friday 8th

Tuesday 12th Year 7 2018 ‘Orientation Day’ All Day Friday15th

VCAA Results Published

Monday 18th

World Challenge ‘Southern China’ Trip Return (Teams 2 and 4)

Wednesday 20th World Challenge ‘Southern China’ Trip Return (Teams 1 and 3) Friday 22nd

College Office Closes

Thursday 3rd Year 7 for 2019 Scholarship Applications Open Online See our website for details Monday 22nd

College Office Opens

Friday 26th

Australia Day Public Holiday

February 2018 Thursday 1st

All Students Commence Term 1

Friday 2nd

Formal College Assembly Costa Hall, Deakin University Waterfront Campus

Wednesday 7th Student Photo Day Thursday 8th Year 7 Mass and meet the Homeroom Teacher St Thomas Church, 7.00pm

Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN

Saint Ignatius College Geelong

27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School


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