Edition 2, February 19th 2015
From the Principal Welcome!
Coming Events February 2015 Fri 20th Beginning of School Year Mass Fri 20th Year 11 VCAL Excursion Mon 23rd Year 11 Elevate Education Tues 24th Inter & Senior Tennis Championship Tues 24th Inter & Senior Cricket Championship Tues 24th Year 9 and 10 Cricket Wed 25th Year 10 and 11 Parent Information Night Thurs 26th Year 10 Enviro Science Excursion Fri 27th Year 10 Enviro Science Excursion A more detailed calendar is on the last page.
Now that we are into the third week I am very pleased to report that overall the school year has commenced very well. We have already held a number of major events that have ‘set the scene’ for the new year - promoting our values, our Ignatian Story and sense of community - as well as encouraging students to make the most of their wonderful opportunities at Saint Ignatius to grow and develop themselves.
Lent On Wednesday we celebrated Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent in the liturgical calendar of the Church year. Lent is a period of forty days leading to the high point of the Church’s year, Easter. We are encouraged to reflect on our lives in the light of the example of Jesus during Lent. How are we travelling with our faith life? How can we improve our spiritual life and our relationship with God? What about our prayer life, worship and praise involvement, level of charity and service to others? We are encouraged to make Lent a special time to reflect on and redirect our lives where necessary so we are in better alignment of our ways to the values, actions and truths of the Gospel.
The students participated in a simple liturgy involving the distribution of ashes on Wednesday morning during Homeroom time. Each student was marked on the forehead with the Sign of the Cross in Ashes as part of this prayerful liturgy as a call to ‘Repent and believe in the Good News.” Ash Wednesday also begins our efforts as a College community to raise our consciousness and much needed funds for CARITAS through “Project Compassion”. These funds support many disadvantaged and needy communities in Australia and overseas. Our Religious Education Learning Area Leader, Mr. Michael Wright provides information about our action for this awareness and fundraiser later in this newsletter.
Full School Assembly We commenced the assembly with a short liturgy to pray for God’s blessings in our new school year. Liturgy Captain, Jacqueline Seiffert, introduced the liturgy. Fr. Kevin Dillon provided an inspiring address about the significant role that teachers can play in a student’s life journey. ....continued on Page 2
A Jesuit Partner School
In Brief
From the Principal (cont.)
This Page:
We launched the College theme for 2015 “Find your voice.” This phrase was chosen by the Senior Student Leaders after reflecting on the input provided at the Ignatian Schools Student Leadership Conference held at St Ignatius College Riverview, Sydney in December last year. The College Captains, Genevieve Nicholls and Harry Stannard spoke impressively about this theme in their addresses at the assembly.
Continuation of ‘From the Principal’
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Continuation of ‘From the Principal’
Page 4:
Swimming Carnival 2015 Photos
Page 5:
From Fr Kevin Dillon
Page 6:
Ignatian ‘Examen’ Prayer and Reflection
Page 7:
It’s a Sporting Life at Saint Ignatius!
Page 8:
Blake’s garden of hope.
Page 9:
Teaching and Learning and Canteen Roster
Page 10:
‘VCAL Information Evening 2015’
Page 11 to 13:
Parents and Friends’ Association
Page 14:
Religious Education Learning Area report and What’s On in Social Justice
Page 15: Caritas
Page 16:
Saint Ignatius Golf Program
Page 17:
‘Host a Student’
Page 18:
“Help your child ACHIEVE” by Michael Grose
Page 19:
School Calender
Parent Information Evenings We have conducted Parent Information Evenings for Years 7, 8, 9 and 12 over the last week or so. I have received very positive feedback from many parents about the evenings and I thank all parents who were able to attend for their support of our college.
We welcomed back our outstanding academic students from the Class of 2014 and together with some high performing Year 11 students from last year presented them with a gift of a “High Achiever” College Medallion as an acknowledgment of their achievements.
We welcome feedback about college events with a view to continually improving what we offer. You can write, ring (Ph. 52511136) or e-mail the college (info@ignatius.vic.edu.au) any constructive comments. Please address the comments to the main organiser; in the case of the information evenings this would be the relevant Year Level Coordinator (YLC.)
Our Sports Coordinator, Mr Andrew Philp, together with Sports Captain Ryan Wilson promoted many of the sporting opportunities that will be available during the year.
Thank you to the YLCs (Ms Allison Carlon, Ms Deb Hodge, Mr Ben Collyer and Mr Joe Mclean) and their staff team for providing these evenings.
Mr Chris Dainton, College Production Director, promoted this year’s production of the musical “Hairspray” and encouraged students to audition for a place.
Senior School Parent Information Evening
Auditions will commence soon.
House Swimming Carnival Our annual House Swimming Carnival was held at Kardinia Pool Geelong last week on Thursday. There was some excellent competition, participation was very good in the junior levels and the atmosphere was overall very good. The carnival atmosphere was enhanced by the effort many students went to dressing up in House colours, the availability of the waterslide, the Year 12’s choosing a theme (inflatables) for their ‘dress up’ and student musical items being performed throughout the day. I was very pleased with the overall student attendance with absenteeism being very low well done to our students! Thank you to our Sports Coordinator, Mr Andrew Philp, for his tremendous effort to coordinate the carnival. Thank you to the staff for their involvement in the running of the day. And it was great to see many parents there. There is a gallery of photos taken on the day on our website in the Photo Gallert section. Congratulations to Cuthbert House on winning the day!
A reminder that the Years 10 and 11 Parent Information Evenings will be next week, Wednesday 25th February. It is recommended that all Years 10 and 11 students attend as well. The evenings commence at 7pm at the College. I look forward to as many parents as possible attending.
Parents & Friends’ Association (PFA) The PFA is very positive and important support for our community. They held their first meeting for the year on Tuesday evening last week and I want to recognise the generous and valuable contribution parents can and do make to our school community through membership of this group. Thank you to all members of this group and in particular the current office bearers: Ms. Jo Britt President Mr. Bernie Malone Vice President Ms. Kristy Papp Secretary Ms. Claire Gordon Treasurer Mr. Abraham Papp Fund Raising Sub Committee Mr. Adrian Matthews Environment Sub Committee Representative to the Board will be decided at the next meeting. Please consider coming along to the next PFA meeting. The date will be advertised through the newsletter. Many of the members of this group have given generous service to the school community for a number of years and ....continued on Page 3
A Jesuit Partner School
it is obviously important that we have new parents join this group each year to replace those who finish up. So I encourage all parents to please consider joining this group - a strong PFA will strengthen our school community and improve outcomes for all students! There are a variety of ways parents can help out. The College canteen helpers are vital to helping us provide a canteen service to our students. Many parents and friends of the College have put their name down to help in the canteen and I encourage you to consider contacting our Canteen Manager, Mrs Sandra Woodall, to offer your services. Some of the ways the PFA supports our school community include: running fundraisers and social events, helping out at school functions, organizing working bees, encouraging and supporting a sustainable school environment, running a second-hand uniform shop and a second-hand book sale. I ask all parents to please support the PFA where you can as their work benefits all students.
College Board Parents and Friends Nomination Nominations are called from committed parents who are able and willing to join the PFA and the College Board for two years. Please find details about the role and position later in this newsletter. On behalf of the College I thank Mrs. Joanne Ketchen for her dedicated contribution as the PFA representative for the last two years. I am very pleased that Mrs Ketchen has agreed to continue as a Board member for another term at the request of the President of the Canonical Administrators. As a past parent and current primary school teacher, among many other attributes, I welcome Mrs. Ketchen’s continued membership of the Board.
Board Meeting The College Board met for the first meeting of 2015 on Wednesday evening last week. The Board comprises a group of very committed and enthusiastic women and men who on behalf of the Canonical Administrators provide overall management of the college.
The Board Members are as follows: Mr Tony Frizza (Chairperson) Fr Kevin Dillon (President of Canonical Administrators) Mrs Jennie Hickey (Jesuit Provincial Education Delegate) Fr Linh Tran (Canonical Administrator) Fr James Puppady (Canonical Administrator) Mr Peter Cooper (Xavier College Representative) Mrs Jo Ketchen Mr Darren Henry Mr Steve Gibbs Mrs Veronica Magennis Mr Michael Exton (Principal) Ms Annette Chidzey (Deputy Principal) Mr Paul Lewis (Deputy Principal) Mr David Fitzgerald (Business Manager) Ms Gail Lambert (Board Coordinator)
Student Uniform Most students are wearing their uniform well and with pride. There are a small number who are letting the rest down. I have asked staff to make a special effort to insist on students following our policy. A number of students have received notice that they need to rectify some part of their uniform. Consequences will follow if these matters are not quickly attended to. Four problems that are apparent in a small number of cases are: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Dress too short (needs to be to the knee); Long hair not tied back; Shoes not clean (needs to be shiny and scuff free); and No hat (need the college hat or cap to be sunsmart.)
Road Safety All drivers travelling to and from our College are reminded of the need to adhere to traffic sign requirements at all times. The Andersons Road, Drysdale Crossing Supervisor has expressed concern to all schools in the area that some motorists appear to not be heeding the speed limit of 40 km/h. To promote safety I remind our community that the speed limit on Andersons Road is: 40 km/h (morning and afternoon); and 60 km/h (all other times.)
Please approach the intersection of Andersons Road and Peninsula Drive with care and in particular when approaching the school crossing near this intersection. When attending after hours events at the College please do not park in the St Thomas Primary School carpark. Thank you for your support in prioritizing the road safety of all those in and around the College.
Sympathy On behalf of the College community I express our sympathy to the following staff members whose families have lost a loved one in recent times. Mr Anthony Fitzgerald on the loss of his son Andrew. Mrs Fran Kealey on the loss of her father Renato. Mr Brendan Nicholls on the loss of his mother Julie. Mr Caleb Ryan on the loss of his fatherin-law Jed. Ms Rebekah Spencer on the loss of her father John. May their loved ones rest in peace. Please keep these staff members in your thoughts and prayers at this very sad time for them and their families.
Beginning of Year Masses tomorrow We have again advertised these Masses in this edition of the newsletter. Parents are most welcome to attend. The venue will be St Thomas Church, Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Please note that this year the only badges that will be presented will be for the senior student leaders. This is due to a change to the process and timing for the appointment of all other student leaders that will better clarify student leader roles, improve the appointment process and provide better development of their leadership knowledge and skills. Best wishes,
Michael Exton Principal
The speed limit on Peninsula Drive is 40 km/h (all times.)
A Jesuit Partner School
Swimming Carnival 2015 Photos
Photography by David Alexander
The Saint Ignatius House Swimming Carnival is an exciting event in its’ own right, but is made particularly special being the first whole school sport event of the year. Mr Andrew Philp, Sports Coordinator More photos of the Swimming Carnival can be viewed on our website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au/our-school-photo-gallery
A Jesuit Partner School
An emotional Julie Bishop has pleaded with the Indonesian government to grant mercy to convicted drug smugglers Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, saying they should not have to “pay with their lives” for crimes committed a decade ago. The Foreign Minister’s voice wavered at times as she made a statement to Parliament on Thursday, telling her fellow MPs that both Chan and Sukumaran are “changed men”.
“I imagine what would have happened if he had been caught in Thailand instead of Australia, where the crime was committed ... what would the world have missed out on? They would have missed out on the three beautiful children we had together.
“The Age”, Fri. Feb. 13
Occasions when both sides of politics unite in a common cause are somewhat rare. So the speeches of Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, and Deputy Opposition Leader/Shadow Foreign Minister Tanya Plibersek in Federal Parliament on Thursday certainly captured the imagination of many Australians. Many perhaps, but almost certainly not all. For the impending execution of drug smugglers Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran will be viewed as “justly deserved” by some people who rightly abhor the crime for which the two “Bali Nine” leaders were convicted, and who have no “issue” with the death penalty.
This came as her Labor counterpart, Tanya Plibersek, used the example of her own husband’s drug conviction and jailing in the 1980s to argue for their lives. “I perhaps have a particular view of remorse and redemption,” Ms Plibersek said.
They would have missed out on a man who spent the rest of his life making amends for the crime that he committed.” Ms Bishop, who has moved a motion calling for the stay of executions, told the House that both Chan and Sukumaran were “deeply, sincerely remorseful for their actions. Both men have made extraordinary efforts to rehabilitate”.
From Fr Kevin Dillon
The horrific effects of drug addiction litter our newspapers, with reports of violent deaths, families torn apart, innocent road victims, neighbourhoods being terrorised - all part of the “drug culture” which has progressively torn apart Western societies since the late sixties. So how do we find any kind of sympathy, let alone forgiveness for convicted drug smugglers remembering that the drugs were meant to be smuggled into our nation, Australia?
Jesus redeemed us, and through His mercy, forgiveness is offered to each and every one of us. Reports that ten years of imprisonment have dramatically changed the two condemned men for the better are not disputed in any way, even though some cynics might dismissively say: “They would say that, wouldn’t they?” But the two most senior parliamentarians from opposing sides of politics have stood together before the nation, seeking mercy for two people now positively transformed despite their major crime. Surely this is a call for each of us to remember just how important it is to ensure that “redemption, “mercy” and “forgiveness” are words - and qualities - which we do not allow to fade away. We are lost without them. All of us. Fr Kevin Dillon, Geelong Deanery Coordinator and Association of Canonical Administrator President OAM
Emotions will always run high in issues such as these, and reactions will vary to both Deputy Prime Ministers of Australia supporting their mutual call to Indonesia to spare the lives of these two men. Yet “redemption”, “forgiveness” and “mercy” are three words central to even the most basic understanding of the mission and mystery of Christian faith.
Mechanical Advice Wanted: A deserving parishioner who needs to purchase an inexpensive but reliable car would be grateful for some expert advice from a mechanic or suitably qualified or experienced person. Please contact Fr. Dillon (0421 777 360) if you can help. A Jesuit Partner School
The Five Steps of the Ignatian ‘Examen’ Prayer Thanks I give thanks for the graces, benefits and good things of my day. Help I ask the Holy Spirit for help to discern my day with openess. Review I review my day, hour by hour, to see how God is working in my life. Response I respond to what I felt or learnt in the review of my day. Resolve I resolve with hope and grace to amend my life tomorrow. ‘Examen’ adaption by Fr. Michael Hansen SJ)
Faith Matters Loss and Lent As you may already be aware, the College has recently experienced a number of bereavements, with several members of staff and students suffering the loss of an immediate family member. The response of the College community during these last two weeks has been wonderful to observe and experience. So many staff and students have gone out of their way to offer their thoughts, prayers and support those of us in need. In all instances this love has been very graciously accepted. Such an overwhelming response from a community exhibits the true compassion that typifies our College and is a wonderful sign of the positivity, love and respect mutually shared with colleagues, parents and students. Such a number of bereavements brings into focus both the sense of personal pain as well as the empathy we have for those directly affected. It causes us to consider our own mortality and question where God may be in all of this anguish.
Ask your son or daughter what they have decided to do to enter into a Lenten journey, and encourage them and support them during this period of reflection and discernment. With the coming of Easter, we are all comforted by the Paschal Mystery and the promise given to us by Christ in the Gospel of John: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also”. With this promise we who grieve do so in the knowledge that this separation from our loved ones is only temporary. May the Lord bless you and keep you always, Brendan Nicholls Liturgy Coordinator
The answer to this consideration varies, is unique and personal. However what is common to all who grieve is God’s presence. How this is experienced varies, yet what is true for all is the awareness that “God is in all things”, as Saint Ignatius advocates. When we take the time to reflect and seek God in our lives we invariably find him very close to us. This grief that we experience can also be directly linked to the season of Lent. Over the next forty days we are all encouraged and challenged to connect more often and completely with God through prayer, or commitment to fasting or self-denial as we acknowledge our personal sin and commemorate the sacrifice of Christ. We also have the opportunity to give alms or complete good works, by contributing to Project Compassion or the ‘Soup Kitchen’, that we support as a community in Geelong. As a member of our College community I would like to encourage everyone to participate in the season and seek spiritual renewal. Discuss Lent with your family.
A Jesuit Partner School
It’s a Sporting Life at Saint Ignatius!
Sporting achievements of some of our students
Benjamin Smith (10 Evans) - Athletics At the Victorian Junior Athletics championships at Lakeside Stadium held between 13-15 February, talented athlete Benjamin Smith qualified for the national championships in Sydney in March. Representing Athletics Chilwell, Benjamin finished 3rd in the U17 400m final with a time of 50.68. This was also a PB for Ben. Mackayla Diavison-Chrimes (9 Isore) Athletics At the same event talented 3000m walker Mackayla Davison-Chrimes also qualified for the national championships is Sydney finishing 2nd in the U16 3000m walk with a time of 15:57.67. Kal Rawson (10 Loyola) - Canoe Polo The 2015 Canoe Polo Oceania Championship will be held at Lake Nagambie, Victoria, from 9-11 April. After a tough selection process, Kal Rawson is one of over 90 athletes who will be making the trip. Kal will be part of the U18 Men’s team No.2.
in its’ own right, but is made particularly special being the first whole school sport event of the year. All staff was impressed by the excellent behavior students showed and the healthy attendance across all year levels. To add to the ‘carnival’ atmosphere this year a number of our talented musicians entertained staff, students and parents by performing poolside while students battled it out in the pool. As always, there was much hard work and preparation from House Captains and staff, ensuring that all students turn up to the right event at the right time and fill any gaps in relay teams. The weather was superb and the races were tightly contested.
Overall Results 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
16 Years Female 50m Freestyle Claudia Beattie 29.74 2015 16 Years Female 50m Breastsroke Claudia Beattie 43.31 2015 16 Years Female 50m Butterfly Claudia Beattie 32.73 2015
2015 Age Champions
Girls 13 Yrs: Lexie McNaughton 14 Yrs: Olivia D’Addazio 15 Yrs: Felicity Abfalter 16 Yrs: Claudia Beattie Open: Claire O’Callaghan Boys 13 Yrs: William Kilpatrick 14 Yrs: Patrick Skuza 15 Yrs: Peter Kilpatrick 16 Yrs: Alexander Skeen Open: Ryan Wilson
Swimming Training
1187 points 1146 points 1068 points 956 points
Sean Beattie (graduated in 2014) and Claudia Beattie (11 Hurtado) now hold half of the individual swimming records at the college. Claudia broke three records at the carnival last Thursday.
Students who have successfully made it into the college’s swim team for up and coming competitions are invited to attend swim training every Wednesday morning from 7.00am – 8.00am at the Bellarine Aquatic Centre, Ocean Grove. Breakfast is provided on return back to school and transport is provided to school by staff.
Ryan McNolty (9 Thomas), Riley Menzies (9 Thomas), Sam Briggs (7 Claver) Open Water Swimming These three open water swimmers had a successful swim in the 600m Queenscliff Blue Water Challenge held on the last weekend of January. In very windy and cold conditions, Ryan finished 2nd in the 13-15 male event, Riley finshed 4th in the same race and Sam finished 4th in the 10-12 male event. The date for next year’s swim is Saturday 30th January and the college will look towards sending more students to this tough event.
Type to enter text
Mikayla Michels (8 Chardin) - Triathlon Around 8 months ago Mikayla Michels joined the school’s triathlon swim training but struggled to swim 200m. Last weekend in the ‘Multisport Triathlon’ at Eastern Beach Mikayla not only swam a full 200m but road and ran superbly to finish a credible 4th in the 11-13 age group. Her next triathlon is the Gatorade triathlon at Portarlington in March.
2015 House Swimming Championship Congratulations to all students on their solid participation on Thursday 12th February at the Geelong Aquatic Centre at Kardinia Park. The Saint Ignatius House Swimming Carnival is an exciting event
Saint Ignatius Sports Bags are for SALE Purchase yours from the front office NOW!
A Jesuit Partner School
Blake’s garden of hope Old Ignatian alumni, Blake Drevers, has had an ongoing association with Saint Ignatius College’s VCAL program and will be returning in 2015 to work this years cohort. In an article published in the Geelong Advertiser on February 10th we see how his interest in horticulture, cultivated at Saint Ignatius, is helping him with his rehabilitation after serious back surgery. Deanne Allen-Emery, VCAL Coordinator (Development) provides some background to Blake’s story: Blake Drever was a former student in the VCAL program conducted at Saint Ignatius College Geelong in 2010. He had a huge interest in Horticulture, completing a SBA at Wombat Gully Plant Nursery and established the edible garden at the College. As part of the VCAL curriculum, students in semester 2 complete a themed unit on young people and disability. Students in 2014 conducted a disability fundraiser, The Silver Run and donated approximately $800 to help Blake afford new methods of transportation.
With this new wheelchair, Blake will be coming to the College in 2015 and assisting current VCAL students about horticulture and edible garden maintenance. We look forward to this new working relationship and Blake’s keen interest in teaching his passion to young people.
“It’s pick and eat, so the people who are in rehab can use the kitchen,” he said. “It’s a nice place to come and sit. You can just have a coffee out there. It’s a bit busy in the hospital so it’s nice to come out to a quieter place.”
Reproduced with the kind permission of the Geelong Advertiser, here is the article as it appeared.
Occupational therapist Karen Sheehan worked with Mr Drever on the project and said the garden also served a practical purpose.
Mint, strawberries and rhubarb are not the sort of things you would normally associate with hospital rehabilitation.
It is landscaped with materials including timber, concrete, stone and grass that are useful for patients.
But an edible garden, design and planted by former St John of God spinal patient Blake Drever, 21, is helping people recover from serious injuries.
“They can test out their capacity to walk on these different surfaces, which they will encounter in their day-to-day life,” Ms Sheehan said.
Mr Drever, who has a degenerative spinal disease, spent three months in the hospital having intensive rehabilitation after spinal surgery.
Patients can also use their hands to pick herbs or tend to the garden.
Designing the garden not only gave the trained horticulturalist something creative to do on his hospital stay, it also provided other patients either a beautiful place to relax or work on their own rehabilitation.
The 110sq/m garden was made possible by a donation from Kings Funerals to the St John of God hospital redevelopment community appeal. Nicole Mills, Geelong Advertiser, February 10th 2015 Photo of Blake and his edible garden is used courtesy of the Geelong Advertiser, taken by Mike Dugdale.
A Jesuit Partner School
Canteen Roster Starting 23rd February Monday 23rd C. Dumaresq, P. Moore, M. Hannan, T. Wagener, N. Van Vliet Tuesday 24th R. Morrison, T. Vuleta, M. Van Loon, T. Mifsud Wednesday 25th M. Sideris, J. Laney, A. Schneider, P. Vaughan Thursday 26th M. White, P. Bakker, S. Clark, N. Lowther, M. Hallam Friday 27th E. Stokie, K. Robinson, L. Hart, D. Byron, B. Downey Starting 2nd March Monday 2nd M. Wheatland, C. Smith, P. Moore, S. Hammond Tuesday 3rd L. Vella, M. Rav-Wig, C. Carey, L. Smith Wednesday 4th T. Mifsud, M. Sideris, V. McKee, S. Reeves, C. Lyons Thursday 5th S. Jenkins, J. Gannon, N. Elliott, J. Tarleton, R. Vallelonga Friday 6th D. Kennedy, S. Schwaiger, Needed, Needed If unable to attend, please make sure you get a replacement.
Sandra Woodall Tel: 0417 050258
Teaching and Learning Goals!
Maths tuition sessions
All students need to be able to set realistic and achievable goals for their 2015 educational year. As students embark on another big year of study there is one piece of advice that may be more useful to students than any other and this is simply that you can’t hit a target you can’t see! Most of the best thinking around goals relates to the ability to define exactly what it is students want to achieve.
‘Maths help’ sessions at lunchtimes will continue in 2015 for all year levels. Students are able to get some help with topics they are finding difficult or just catch up on homework.
Goals need to be clearly defined, detailed, measurable and most importantly personal. Students then need to be able to design and implement a clear plan on how to go about achieving their prescribed goals.
For the middle school students, on Tuesdays in room X01 (downstairs in the Xavier Centre) teachers and the college academic captain (Emily Harwood) will be available to give assistance. A reminder notice will be placed in the student bulletin each Tuesday morning. Thanks to Ms Robyn Frigo for overseeing this. For students in Years 9-12, help will be available in V04 on Friday lunchtimes.
A crucial skill in setting achievable goals is the ability to identify the following:
We look forward to seeing students take advantage of this service.
1. What extra skills will students need to learn or master in pursuing these goals?
Karen Perkins Mathematics Learning Area Leader
2. What people or groups will students need to gain help or assistance from to reach the goals that have been set? In addressing the first question, all year levels participate in an Elevate Education seminar which is designed to assist students learn or master particular skills in relation to goal setting, study habits, organization or time management. The second question needs to be considered in collaboration with parents, homeroom teachers, subject teachers and year level coordinators. This question recognizes that students need help to achieve the big things that matter. Communication is another key factor that assists students to reach their potential. At the recent Year 12 Parent Information Evening, College Counselor Adam Dickinson spoke about the need to open the lines of communication and to keep “checking in” with students. Conversations regarding workload, homework, assessment tasks and general school related issues assist students to clearly define what is happening for them in their educational journey. It is an opportunity for parents and teachers to help focus students on their goals and celebrate and reward successes when goals are achieved. All students are encouraged to set real and tangible educational goals for 2015. Mrs. Anna Oliver VCE Coordinator Acting Head of Teaching and Learning
Secondary School Vaccine Program 2015 There have been a number of important changes to the Secondary School Vaccine Program for 2015: 1.
The vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough will be offered to all students in years 7, 8, 9 and 10.
The time-limited human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine program for Year 9 boys was completed in December 2014. HPV vaccine will continue to be offered to all students (both male and female) in Year 7 from 2015.
For further information about the changes to the Secondary School Vaccine Program please visit: http://immunehero.health.vic.gov.au/ immune/changes-2015-secondaryschool-vaccine-program.
A Jesuit Partner School
VCAL Information Evening 2015 We will discuss: l VCAL Structure l VCAL Themes l Attendance l Absences l Homework l Structured Workplace Learning l VET l New Religious Education Qualification
Date: Wednesday Feb 25th, 7:00pm Where: Saint Ignatius College ILC (Library) No RSVP required. A Jesuit Partner School
Parents and Friends’ Association: Meetings for 2015 The Parents & Friends’ Association cordially invite all those interested to their meetings for 2015 held from 7.30pm onward in the Food Tech Centre on the following dates: Meeting schedule: February Tuesday 10th March Tuesday 10th April Tuesday 14th May Monday 11th June Tuesday 9th July Monday 13th August Tuesday 11th September Monday 14h October Tuesday 13th November Monday 9th AGM December TBA The Minutes for all meetings can be found on the College website in the Parents and Friends’ Portal when available. The Agenda for the up-coming meeting is also available from the website just prior to the meeting date.
Uniform Shop New Opening Times for 2015 Uniform shop is now open Monday 8.00 - 9.30am and 2.00 - 3.30pm We stock a wide variety of uniform including new socks. Your outgrown items can be sold in the uniform shop and you can purchase larger ones. Items for sale can be left at the office. Please ensure that blazers and kilts have been drycleaned and all other items have been laundered and are in good condition. Please pay particular attention to underarms, cuffs and collars. A form to be completed for items to sell can be obtained by emailing uniform@ignatius.vic.edu.au We are looking for volunteers to help out once a month, for further information contact uniform@ignatius.vic.edu.au
See Next Page Ticket order form Would You Like To Be On The 2015 Parents and Friends Contact List? It is the start of a new year and time to update the Parents and Friends Contact list… If you are an existing Member of the 2014 Parents and Friends list, please email Kristi (Secretary) to ensure all your details are still correct. If you would like to have your name added to the Parents and Friends Contact list and you have never been on this contact list before, please email: Kristi Papp (Secretary, Parents and Friends’ Association) on sicgpandf@ignatius.vic. edu.au with your name, email address and if there are any events or sub-committees you would like to be part of… Kind Regards,
Kristi Papp
Secretary Parents and Friends’ Association Saint Ignatius College Geelong
A Jesuit Partner School
Saint Ignatius College Geelong A Jesuit Partner School
27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. Vic. 3222 T: (03) 5251 1136 F: (03) 5251 3547 E: registrar@ignatius.vic.edu.au W: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au ABN: 59 345 224 293
Parent and Friend’s Association
College Fees’ Raffle 2015 The Parents and Friends’ Association are organising a raffle. This will be a Major Fundraiser for our College. Tickets are $ 25.00 each and the prizes are as follows:
1st Prize
College Tuition Fees for 2015 (Fee applicable for youngest child at The College, does not include TELP Program, VCAL or VET Levies or other extra curricular activities.) Donated by Saint Ignatius College.
2nd Prize
$250 Uniform Voucher Donated by Noone Imagewear / Bellarine Uniforms
Raffle will be drawn on Tuesday 17th March 2015. Proceeds from the raffle will be used for the purchase of equipment or support projects to benefit staff and students of the College. Please return the slip below with payment to purchase tickets or contact the school office to purchase tickets over the phone. This will need to be completed by Thursday 12th March 2015. Purchased tickets will be sent home with students. We look forward to your support of this Fundraising event.
Abraham Papp
Fundraising Co-ordinator
Parents and Friends’ Association Raffle 2015 Student Name:
Number of Tickets Required: Payment Method:
@ $25.00 = $
Cash / Cheque / Credit Card
Card Details: Name on Card: Card No: Expiry Date:
CV: /
This reply slip is to be returned to your Homeroom Teacher or it can be processed over the phone.
Board appointment Parents and Friends’ Association Election According to its constitution, the Saint Ignatius College Parents and Friends’ Association elects ONE representative to sit on the College Board for a period of two years. This appointment is currently vacant and now needs to be filled for the 2015-2016 school years.
l The elected P&FA Board member must be a current member or be prepared to become an active member of the Parents and Friends’ Association from March 2015 and attend all monthly meetings from that date.
The representative is determined through a process of nomination and election conducted by the Parents and Friends’ Association. Nomination forms for this position are now available from the Secretary of the Parents and Friends’ Association, Mrs. Kristi Papp and need to be submitted by no later than March 5th 2015. Email address for the Secretary is as follows: sicgpandf@ignatius.vic.edu.au
l The Parents & Friends Association meet monthly and the dates for 2015 meetings are published and can be viewed though the parent portal on the College website.
Election Procedure l Signed and seconded nomination forms are to be completed and submitted to the P&F secretary by Thursday March 5th 2015. l Prospective candidates attend the Parents & Friends meeting on Tuesday March 10th in the Food Technology Centre at the College commencing at 7.30pm. They will be required to speak to their nomination, outline their reasons for seeking the position and respond to questions that arise from those association members in attendance. l The 2015 office bearers will prepare any ballot forms, conduct the election at that same meeting at which only members of the association in attendance are entitled to vote. The successful candidate will be determined on the basis of that voting procedure and confirmed prior to the conclusion of the meeting. l The President of the Canonical Administrators must subsequently ratify the elected candidate’s appointment to the Board.
Parents and Friends’ Association Board Member responsibilities and expectations Before nominating for this position, prospective candidates are advised of the following expectations and requirements associated with the appointment: l Official office bearers - President, Secretary or Treasurer - are ineligible for nomination for this appointment under the current constitution.
l The elected P&FA Board representative is expected to attend Saint Ignatius College Board meetings. These dinner meetings are held monthly from 5.30pm till 9pm approximately.
Dates for the 2015 Board meetings are also indicated below.
l The elected P&FA Board representative is required to provide a monthly report to the Board on the activities of the Parents & Friends’ Association and to report back to the Association on matters pertinent to that organization.
Further Information: Individuals who require any further information or clarification are asked to contact Mrs. Jo Britt, President of the Parents & Friends’ Association prior to the close of nominations. This can be done via the flowing email address: jobritt@datafast.net.au
SICG Board Meeting dates for 2015 February
Wednesday 11th
Wednesday 11th
Wednesday 13th
Wednesday 17th
Wednesday 22nd
Wednesday 9th
Wednesday 21st
Working Bee Fun Times! Hey Students, need some fun in your life? Are you up early on a Saturday morning and have no idea how you are going to get through the next 2 days without going to school? Well, for one day at least, your worries are over! On the 14th March drag your parents out of bed, get them dressed in grubby clothes, grab a load of gardening tools and get on up to school by 9am. Explain that they will be setting a good example and spending quality time with you, don’t accept any excuses, and tell them they will be home by 1pm full of pride from making your school a better place. You will be part of a team fixing, digging, planting, sweeping, mulching, cutting and a variety of other tasks and you will see your school in a whole new light! (and time worked will also qualify you for community service hours). l don’t forget to put your surname and phone number on your tools on a bit of tape l There will be yummy morning snacks provided and a BBQ for lunch If you can come please let us know at sicgpandf@ignatius.vic.edu.au . Thank You in anticipation of your support. Adrian – Environment Chairperson
November Combined Catholic College Dinner Wednesday 11th at Clonard December
Wednesday 2nd
Mrs. Annette Chidzey Acting Deputy Principal
A Jesuit Partner School
Religious Education Learning Area report Last week I was fortunate enough to attend the Year 7 Opening Mass to talk about our new bible program. Below is a copy of what was mentioned at that Mass. This year it was decided to gift to all year 7 students a copy of the Bible - with the College crest embossed on the cover and a personalised inscription inside. To the estimated 2.2 billion Christians worldwide this book represents our most sacred of texts. And so I say to you our, new Year 7 students - as you progress through your education, both in and out of the classroom here at Saint Ignatius you will be exposed to the stories and messages of this book. The content of this sacred book defines who we are and our purpose and from it we can gain many things such as knowledge, wisdom, direction, inspiration, hope and even strength. It is also the foundation on which we build our school and community – one that is defined by our motto “ Amare et Servire” - to love and to serve In the Old Testament you will hear the history of the Jewish people over several thousands of years - you will read the stories of Moses, Noah and David and Goliath others - and you will learn of their struggles, their triumphs, their thoughts and songs, hopes and dreams and their ever changing relationship with God.
Perhaps more importantly however you will hear the Good News of the New Testament. The story of Jesus, his early years, his teachings, his healing works and his death and resurrection. When Jesus taught, those around him were impressed and were often in awe of the authority with which he spoke. In todays society where knowledge and authority of experts is so often dismissed and ignored so easily, it is comforting to know that the authority of the teaching of Jesus contained in this book still provide us with the building blocks on which we build our community. And so it is hoped that you will keep this bible with you to use and treasure, as you complete your schooling here at Saint Ignatius. We hope you open your ears and minds to the authoritative teachings of Jesus – and learn to listen to and be aware of what Jesus means when he tells us to love one another and to care for our neighbour. And we pray that as St Paul said in his letter to the Corinthians “Today, if you will hear His voice, Harden not your hearts.” Michael Wright Learning Area Leader Religious Education Year 7 Religious Education teacher Miss Sarah Callahan with Evie Rushton and Ben Gillians and their new bibles.
What’s On in Social Justice Hello everyone! I hope you have all settled well into the New Year and have enjoyed the first few weeks back and school. I’m Molly O’Hara, the Social Justice Captain for 2015 and am here to tell you about what is happening in Social Justice at Saint Ignatius this year. We have a very busy calendar in 2015, filled with the many Social Justice activities that our school participates in, including the Christ Church Meals Program once a fortnight and the Refugee Holiday Program every school holidays. We will also be collecting blankets, old coats, and non-perishable food items for our upcoming Winter Appeal that will be donated to the homeless, as well as for the College Christmas Appeal later in the year. Senior students in years 11 and 12 also have the opportunity to participate in the Winter Sleep Out and the Cage. Make sure you keep an eye out in the bulletin and newsletters for more information on these events, attend our Social Justice meetings, or contact Ms. Callahan at callahans@ignatius.vic. edu.au for more information! The Social Justice Committee and I am very pleased to announce a new and exciting initiative we are introducing each homeroom in the College will have their own Social Justice Captain. These Captains will act as an intermediary between the Committee and the homerooms, and will pursue knowledge and understanding of the causes of social injustice. They will work in collaboration with others to raise awareness and seek social change and social justice. If you have compassion and empathy, are concerned about the plight of others, want to make a difference in our school community, and promote and attend social justice initiatives - then a Social Justice Captaincy might be for you! Watch out for class elections and put your name forward! I look forward to seeing you at our next Social Justice meeting and hope you enjoy the rest of your year. Molly O’Hara Justice Captain 2015
A Jesuit Partner School
End poverty. Promote justice. Uphold dignity. This year Saint Ignatius is again supporting Project Compassion. Students in each homeroom will be asked to contribute in someway to help with our fundraising program. Inter-house sporting competitions and busking events are just some events being planned at this stage. Running through the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion is an extraordinary, ongoing demonstration of the faith, love and generosity of caring supporters, all in the name of justice and peace. It is the lifeblood of Caritas Australia; without it, we could not do the vital work we do. In Project Compassion 2014, nearly $11 million was raised to help the world's poorest communities. The Saint Ignatius Community is proud of the contribution we made to this total in 2014. The theme for Project Compassion 2015 is “Food for Life”. Food is essential for all life, yet many of the world’s poorest people do not have food security. That means they live from day-to-day, uncertain of how to afford or how to access their next meal. Without food, the rest of life is impossible to contemplate: how can you plan for the future or educate your children when you fear you will be hungry? As Pope Francis says: “It is a well-known fact that current levels of production are sufficient, yet millions of people are still suffering and dying of starvation. This is truly scandalous.” Project Compassion 2015 explores how Caritas Australia is helping the world’s poorest people establish sustainable food, walking with them as they free themselves from the burden of food insecurity and develop new, improved income streams for a better future. For more information go to:
http://www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion Michael Wright Learning Area Leader Religious Education.
A Jesuit Partner School
SAINT IGNATIUS SUMMER GOLF PROGRAM 2015 $90.00 per term per student
Delivered by Steve Brodie – Golf Operations Manager & Head Professional (Curlewis G.C.)
Are you serious about improving your game this year? Never played but want to learn? New to the game of golf and want to play more often? Any of these sound like you?
p p p p Beginner Program (Years 7 & 8) Full swing basics (grip,stance, swing plane) – Putting and Chipping basics – Full swing consolidation – Pitching and Bunker play basics – Full swing video analysis – Golf Course basics (etiquette, how to play etc). Who is this for? Boys and Girls willing to improve their golf from a beginner’s level to an intermediate level in 8 weeks. Start Time: 3.45pm Finish Time: 5.00pm Cost: $90 (5 Weeks – Tuesday afternoons) (Transport to the course after school is available to all students enrolled in the program) Date Start: Tuesday 24th February Date Finish: Tuesday 24th March (6 Weeks) Intermediate Program (Years 9 – 12) Full swing video analysis – Putting technique and practice drills – Course strategy and mental approach to success – Chipping – Pitching – Bunker play – Full swing consolidation. Who is this for? Boys and Girls willing to take their golf to another level. This program would suit students who play consistently and have a good understanding of the basics of the game. Start Time: 3.45pm Finish Time: 5.00pm Cost: $90 (5 Weeks – Tuesday afternoons) (Transport to the course after school is available to all students enrolled in the program) Date Start: Tuesday 24th February Date Finish: Tuesday 24th March (6 Weeks) ** Students who complete two terms of the beginner/intermediate program will be invited to join the advanced group ** Advanced Group Benefits….. • Training squad coached by Steve Brodie (1 hour per week) • Includes access to golf course and practice facilities after school, school holidays and Sundays For more information about these two fantastic golf opportunities for Saint Ignatius students contact Steve Brodie (Head Professional Curlewis G.C) on (03) 5251 2534 or via email at proshop@curlewisgolf.com.au OR Andrew Philp (Director of Sport – Saint Ignatius) on (03) 5251 1136 or via email at philpa@ignatius.vic.edu.au.
A Jesuit Partner School
A Jesuit Partner School
INSIGHTS Building parent-school partnerships
WORDS Michael Grose
Help your child ACHIEVE!
One way to help your child achieve at school is to work together with your child’s teacher. The parent-teacher partnership takes work from both sides to become a reality. Here are some ideas that will help. There’s no doubt that the best outcomes for kids happen when teachers and parents work together to support children’s learning. Here are 10 ways you can work with your child’s teacher to maximise your child’s chances of school success.
1 Know what your child’s teacher
is trying to achieve
Like children, every teacher is different with their own specific expectations, goals and interests. Get to know your child’s teacher and gain an understanding of their approach and aspirations for your child’s class.
2 Keep your expectations
reasonable and positive
If your expectations are too high your teacher may give up. Too low and they will meet them! The trick is to keep your aspirations for your child in line with their ability and their interests. Also be realistic about what your child’s school can deliver. Sometimes our expectations of schools are not in line with their capabilities or their roles.
3 Support your teacher’s
expectations & activities at home
One practical way of supporting your child is to take a real interest in their home-based learning tasks and follow the guidelines laid out by teachers.
4 Send kids to school ready
to learn and on time
Maximise your child’s chances of success by sending them to school in a good frame
of mind, with plenty of sleep and a good breakfast. Also make sure they get to school on time. It’s estimated that many kids miss up to two weeks of school a year when they are routinely late by just five minutes a day.
5 Inform teachers of your child’s
challenges and changes Life’s not always smooth sailing for kids. Family circumstances can alter. Friends move away. Illness happens. These changes affect learning. Make sure you keep your child’s teacher up-to-date with significant changes or difficulties your child experiences, so he or she can accommodate their emotional and learning needs at school.
6 Skill children to work with others Schools are social places requiring children to work and play with each other much of the time. Teaching manners to kids, as well as encouraging them to share their time, space and things with others are practical ways to help kids with their social skills. Talk through any social challenges they may have, helping them develop their own strategies to get on with others.
7 Respectfully seek joint solutions
to problems and difficulties Resist the temptation to solve all your children’s problems or think you have the only solution. Most learning and social problems can be resolved when teachers and parents work together in the best interests of the child.
8 Participate in class & school activities There is a huge body of research that points to the correlation between parent involvement in a child’s schooling and their educational success. Quite simply, if you want your child to improve his learning then take an interest in his learning, attend as many school functions as you can, and follow the lead provided by your child’s teacher. This simple strategy will have a massive, long-term impact.
9 Trust your teacher’s knowledge,
professionalism and experience
Your child’s teachers are your greatest allies. Their training, their experience around kids, and their objective professionalism puts them in a strong position to make judgement calls about your child.
10 Talk up what happens at school Your child will take their cues from you about how they see their school. If you want your child to value learning, and enjoy their time at school then you need to support your school and make sure he or she hears positive messages about learning, teachers and the school itself. You can set a strong educational agenda at home by talking up your school. This type of 10-point plan is easy to read but hard to put into practice, particularly when you get busy or your child has significant difficulties. Choose two or three ideas from this list to really focus on in the coming year and you’ll find that the rest will fall into place. Good luck and nurture the partnerships you have with your child’s teachers.
e from Michael Grose. Join Stay one step ahead of your kids with great ideas & expert advic b.com.au. You’ll be so glad you did. Michael’s NEW Parentingideas Club today at parentingideasclu © 2015 Michael Grose
School Calendar March 2015
February 2015 Student Photos
Monday 2nd
Year 12 Retreat - Group 1
Friday 20th Beginning of School Year Mass Periods 1 and 2: Years 8 and 10 Periods 3 and 4: Years 9 and 11 Periods 5 and 6: Years 7 and 12
Monday 2nd
Year 12 Elevate Education
Friday 20th Year 11 VCAL Excursion YMCA Anglesea
Tuesday 3rd Year 10 Golf Kostka - Curlewis Golf Club
Thursday 19th
Monday 23rd
Year 11 Elevate Education
Tuesday 3rd Year 7 Immunisation Diving, Indented Heads
Wednesday 4th Year 12 Retreat - Group 2
Tuesday 24th Inter & Senior Tennis Championship Tuesday 24th Feb to Tuesday 3rd Mar.
Thursday 5th Year 10 Golf Morse - Curlewis Golf Club
Tuesday 24th Inter & Senior Cricket Championship Tuesday 24th Feb to Tuesday 3rd Mar.
Friday 6th Cyber Cats Program Simmonds Stadium
Tuesday 24th Year 9 and 10 Cricket Belmont Common
Friday 6th Year 11 and 12 Theatre Studies Performance Potato Shed 7:45pm - 10:00pm
Wednesday 25th Year 10 and Year 11 Parent Information Night
Friday 6th
Thursday 26th Year 10 Golf Morse - Curlewis Golf Club Thursday 26th Year 10 Enviro Science Excursion Barwon Bluff Friday 27th Year 10 Enviro Science Excursion Barwon Bluff
Year 12 Elevate Education
Monday 9th Student Free Day Labour Day Holiday Tuesday 10th
Year 7 and 8 Cyber Safety
Tuesday 10th Year 10 Golf Kostka - Curlewis Golf Club Tuesday 10th Year 10 Marine Science Excursion Barwon Heads Bluff Wednesday 11th Year 10 Golf Andres - Curlewis Golf Club Thursday 12th Year 10 Golf Briant - Curlewis Golf Club Thursday 12th
Year 8 Elevate Education
Friday 13th
Year 10 Elevate Education
Look for the Calendar available through the Saint Ignatius College Website: www.ignatius.vic.edu.au T IGNATIUS COLLEGE SAIN
Saint Ignatius College Geelong
27 Peninsula Drive, Drysdale, Victoria. 3222 E: info@ignatius.vic.edu.au T: 03 5251 1136 www.ignatius.vic.edu.au A Jesuit Partner School