A virtual market to bring you and your loved ones some holiday cheer. Discover one-of-a-kind gifts and meet the makers who bring them to life.

A virtual market to bring you and your loved ones some holiday cheer. Discover one-of-a-kind gifts and meet the makers who bring them to life.
Explore a one-of-a-kind world.
Etsy is an online marketplace where makers can sell their creations to buyers across the globe. From handmade home decor to vintage jewelry and everything in-between, people come to Etsy to support small businesses and discover spectacularly special items perfect for everyone on their list.
Every year Etsy teams gather together to put on local events. Things couldn’t go as planned for 2020, but our sellers are good at getting creative. So they’ve organized this virtual market to help you find some truly great gifts. Explore their unique items, meet the makers, and most importantly, get into the holiday spirit.
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What is your favourite medium to work with?
"Yarn, cotton rope and roving. I try to use as much thrifted, up-cycled, locally sourced and organic material as I can."
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
"Cat, my cat Louie is my baby"Sed malesuada mi sed mi convallis, a placerat turpis pharetra.e, porttitor sit amet dapibus ac, dignissim in If I had to choose, I
What is your favourite medium to work with?
"Yarn, cotton rope and roving. I try to use as much thrifted, up-cycled, locally sourced and organic material as I can."
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
"Cat, my cat Louie is my bridiculus m augue, porttitor sit amttitor sit amet dapissim in libero. Sed malesuada mi sed mi convallis, a placerat turpis pharetra.e, porttitor sit amet dapibus ac, dignissim in libeaby"
What is your favourite Etsy purchase to date?"
Anything I have purchased from friends at Etsy markets have made their way to my home and always get used everydaynvallis
What is your favourite medium to work with?
"Yarn, cotton rope and roving. I try to use as much thrifted, up-cycled, locally sourced and organic material as I can."
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
"Cat, my cat Louie is my baby"Sed malesuada mi sed mi convallis, a placerat turpis pharetra.e, porttitor sit amet dapibus ac, dignissim in If I had to choose, I would say my village pottery mugs.
What is your favourite Etsy purchase to date?
"Anything I have purchased from friends at Etsy markets have made their way to my home and always get used everyday. If I had to choose, I would say my village pottery mugs and lou la belle skin care!"
What is your favourite medium to work with?
"Yarn, cotton rope and roving. I try to use as much thrifted, up-cycled, locally sourced and organic material as I can."
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
"Cat, my cat Louie is my baby"Sed malesuada mi sed mi convallis, a placerat turpis pharetra.e, porttitor sit amet dapibus ac, dignissim in If I had to choose, I would say my village pottery mugs.
What is your favourite Etsy purchase to date?
"Anything I have purchased from friends at Etsy markets have made their way to my home and always get used everyday. If I had to choose, I would say my village pottery mugs and lou la belle skin care!"
What is your favourite medium to work with?
"Yarn, cotton rope and roving. I try to use as much thrifted, up-cycled, locally sourced and organic material as I can."
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
"Cat, my cat Louie is my baby Sed malesuada mi sed mi convallis, a placerat turpis pharetra.e, porttitor sit amet dapibus ac, dignissim in If I had to choose, I would say my village pottery mugs."
What is your favourite Etsy purchase to date?
"Anything I have purchased from friends at Etsy markets have made their way to my home and always get used everyday. If I had to choose, I would say my village pottery mugs and lou la belle skin care! Tus augue, porttitor sit
What is your favourite medium to work with?
"Yarn, cotton rope and roving. I try to use as much thrifted, up-cycled, locally sourced and organic material as I can."
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
"Cat, my cat Louie is my baby Sed malesuada mi sed mi convallis, a placerat turpis pharetra.e, porttitor sit amet dapibus ac, dignissim in If I had to choose, I would say my village pottery mugs."
What is your favourite Etsy purchase to date?
"Anything I have purchased from friends at Etsy markets have made their way to my home and always get used everyday. If I had to choose, I would say my village pottery mugs and lou la belle skin care! Tus augue, porttitor sit amttitor sit amet dapissim in libero. Sed malesuada mi sed mi convallis."