October 19, 2012
Lions Fore Lions Golf Outing
Lake Jovita Golf & Country Club
S aint L eo U niversity
Lions Fore Lions Golf Outing L ake J ovita G olf & C ountry C lub F riday , O ctober 19, 2012 The Saint Leo University Department of Athletics cordially invites you to attend the Lions Fore Lions Golf Outing on Friday, October 19, 2012. The four-person scramble will take place at Lake Jovita Golf & Country Club on the North Course. Schedule of Events Date: October 19, 2012 Registration: 11:00 AM – 12:45 PM Shotgun: 1:00 PM Format: 4-Person Scramble Cost: $90.00 per person Entry fee includes cart, free range balls, participant gift bag, beverages on course and a boxed lunch, and dinner will be provided on campus at the conclusion of play. Prizes will be awarded to tournament winners and hole contest winners following the event. For more information on registering or sponsoring this great event, please contact: John Semeraro Associate Athletic Director for External Operations 352-588-8223 john.semeraro@saintleo.edu An afternoon on one of Florida’s premier golf courses is the perfect way to experience fun and fellowship with Saint Leo University and support our 17 NCAA Division II varsity teams and over 340 student-athletes! Click HERE to Register on our Secure Site
To learn more about Saint Leo Athletics, Team Schedules, Special Events and how you can financially support our student-athletes’ pursuit of excellence through the Lions Athletic Fund, please visit www.SaintLeoLions.com.