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President’s Club Luncheon
ugust 22, FA ebruary 19, 2012 2013
President’s Club L uncheon
Dr. Arthur F. Kirk, Jr. and the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics cordially invite you to lunch to celebrate the induction of members into the President’s Club for the 2012 Fall Semester Tuesday, February 19, at 11:45 a.m. Saint Leo University Student Community Center Greenfelder-Denlinger Boardrooms B and C Business Attire R.S.V.P. by February 13 with your luncheon option** or (352) 588-7256 **Luncheon Options: Chicken Caesar Salad or Grilled Vegetable Wrap with Fruit
Fall 2012 Members Seven-Time Recipients Eric Dirth Lucy Fricker
Men’s Cross Country Volleyball
4.00 4.00
Men’s Lacrosse
Women’s Swimming Women’s Soccer
3.80 4.00
Men’s Soccer Women’s Tennis Men’s Soccer
3.78 3.95 3.93
Men’s Tennis Women’s Golf Women’s Tennis Women’s Basketball Women’s Golf Men’s Tennis Women’s Swimming Men’s Basketball Women’s Lacrosse Men’s Soccer Women’s Basketball
3.95 3.93 3.93 3.92 4.00 3.80 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.89 3.79
Men’s Golf Men’s Tennis Baseball Women’s Golf Cheerleading Women’s Tennis Men’s Soccer
3.83 3.80 3.77 3.94 3.94 4.00 3.78
Baseball Men’s Soccer Women’s Swimming Women’s Softball Men’s Golf Cheerleading Men’s Cross Country Softball Softball Women’s Swimming Men’s Swimming Softball Volleyball Men’s Swimming Women’s Lacrosse Men’s Lacrosse Men’s Basketball Men’s Lacrosse Men’s Soccer Women’s Lacrosse Men’s Swimming Softball Softball Men’s Tennis Baseball Men’s Soccer Men’s Lacrosse Men’s Soccer Men’s Swimming
3.93 4.00 3.93 3.96 3.80 3.83 3.96 3.88 3.80 3.81 3.78 3.80 3.77 3.80 3.75 3.78 3.75 3.93 3.87 3.76 3.80 3.92 3.89 3.82 3.80 3.81 3.80 3.95 3.80
Six-Time Recipients James Underwood
Five-Time Recipients Katherine David Line Pedersen
Four-Time Recipients Sean Jones Laura Kemkes Jesper Otterstedt
Three-Time Recipients Tim Balz Herrmann Alyssa Barrett Maria Benkirane Chelsea Connelly Jenna Gimbel Matthew Nicholson-Lewis Chloe Pellican Marcus Ruh Nicole SirotaPlotnikov Karl Tapper Sarah Winans
Two-Time Recipients Nicholas Brothers Jake Fleischer Taed Moses Ragna Olafsdottir Kari Sypniewski Samantha White Viktor Wikner
First-Time Recipients Adam Albers Javeim Blanchette Erin Bobsein Jacqueline Carey Ryan Conners Shayla Copeland Carl Dunne Brittany Ewing Kayla Green Kaitlyn Hite Gabriel Keown Jessica LoBianco Abigail Lovell Michael Moreno Cassandra Miller David Moore Thomas Neary Matthew Obermeyer Manual Schoenhuber Mallorie Shawe Anthony Snead Sarah Steiner Tiffany Thompson Aphonsius Verbene Kory Wan Kyle Wilson Matt Wilson Vincent Wiskowski Lugi Zenere*
* Graduated December 2012
The President’s Club was created to honor our student-athletes who are in the top 15 percent academically among all student-athletes. This group of high performers will receive recognition from their coaches, along with administrators and members of the President’s staff at Saint Leo University.