2 minute read
Parish Social Ministry
Dedication and Open House Next Sunday, March 26th
Last year, a very generous supporter of St. Mary’s donated funds to completely renovate the Parish Social Ministry office space. As a result, our offices are a much warmer and more inviting space for those we serve. We have decided to name the office “Good Samaritan House.”
Good Samaritan House will host an open house for our St. Mary’s community to visit our beautiful new space. Please stop in after the 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, or 12:00 Noon Mass next Sunday to see our offices, food pantry, and clothing pantry. Come and see first-hand where your generous donations go and how we put them to use. You can also see a listing of the many other ministries we offer here at St. Mary’s.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Benefactor Mass Next Sunday, March 26th at 10:30 AM
All individuals who have donated to SVdP and all those who pray for the ministry and its members are welcome to join us at the Mass, followed by refreshments in the Marian Room.
In today’s Gospel, as Jesus gives sight to the blind man. Through grace we are also transformed from not seeing to seeing and then Jesus sends us to help others see and to believe. Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul brings joy, peace, forgiveness, mercy and kindness to the hurting hearts of the poor.
Our St. Vincent de Paul Conference is able to help our neighbors in need through the generosity of our St. Mary’s parishioners. Each time you donate, either through the collection slots at the doors of the church, or in an envelope marked for St. Vincent de Paul, you are helping our neighbors within St. Mary’s Parish. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 516-627-0385, ext. 1125, or email SVDP@stmary.ws. To donate furniture, clothing or household items, please call the store in Garden City Park at 516-746-8250. Thank you for your continued support.

RCIA and Adult Faith Formation

Do You Know Someone Who Would Like to Become a Catholic?
Our door is open for anyone who is interested in joining the Catholic Church, Learning more about the Faith we practice and becoming a fully initiated Catholic for anyone who has not received First Communion or Confirmation. In order to qualify as a Godparent in Baptism the person must have received all the Sacraments of Initiation. They include Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion.
The Lenten Prayer Groups continue to meet on Thursdays of until March 30th. The groups discuss and pray over the readings for the upcoming Sunday. They find this makes the Sunday Mass more meaningful to them. Walk-ins are welcome for the remaining two weeks.
Sister Teresa can be contacted about our RCIA and other Adult Faith Formation programs at 516-627-0385, ext. 1010. Her office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10:00AM and 4:00PM and other times by appointment.