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Religious Education
As we follow the Lenten journey, we seek Christ who enables us to do the works of God. In recent weeks, we have seen our students working on the mission field, answering the call to help feed the hungry, clothe the needy and pray for the sick. Through them, Christ’s face and hands are made visible to the world. Within the holy Church, the works of God are carried out through the blessed sacraments. Communicants now have received the joy and peace of Christ in First Reconciliation. Confirmandi will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit on Confirmation Day, March 29th.
All are called to use these newly bestowed gifts of grace on the mission field as well, doing the works of God while it is day as the Gospel shares. Just as the Light of the World comes to the place of sorrow to enter it himself, so must we follow in his steps. Recall that only those who were on the mission field to receive Christ actually saw the raising of Lazarus on that glorious day. And so, let us pray to be ever present to God who desires to reveal so much to us. Amen.
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Lenten Prayers
O Cross, more worthy than cedar, On you the life of the world was nailed. On you Christ has triumphed: Death has destroyed death!
Glory to you, Jesus, Savior, Your cross gives us life!
Behold the tree of life
Where the innocent man bears our sins in order to reconcile earth and heaven: Come let us adore!
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction

Mondays 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Forsake me not, O Lord!
My God, be not far from me!
Make haste and come to my help, My Lord and my salvation!
(Psalm 38:22-23)
Special Announcement Regarding the Wearing of Masks by Those Distributing Holy Communion Here at St. Mary’s
Beginning this weekend, March 18-19, the wearing of masks by those distributing Holy Communion here at St. Mary’s - priests, deacons, and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion - is optional All ministers should continue to sanitize their hands before distributing Holy Communion.
The Fourth Sunday of Lent | March 19, 2023