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Saint Meinrad Report of Stewardship 2015
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HEAVEN —Ecclesiastes 3:1
Back in 2013, Pope Francis announced that this year would be the Year of Consecrated Life – a time dedicated to recognizing the place of religious life in the Church. In his apostolic letter, he said the Year of Consecrated Life would be one in which (1) we would look to the past with gratitude, (2) live the present with passion, and (3) embrace the future with hope. In this Annual Report of Stewardship, we are focusing a bit on the past – this past year, at least. We’re sharing with you some images that illustrate, in a few pages, the many blessings that we have enjoyed these past 12 months.
Archabbot Justin DuVall, OSB
While each year contains a unique mixture of happy memories and challenging times, this retrospective of the past year includes many routine events that mark our everyday lives as monks and Christians. We experienced joy and hope as we welcomed five novices in January. We mourned the loss of two elder monks, Fr. Cyprian and Fr. Aelred, this past spring. We enjoyed the energy of having several hundred high school youth on our campus for the “One Bread, One Cup” conferences this summer. We celebrated the jubilees of three of our confreres and the priesthood ordination of one of our monks, Fr. Luke. Add to that another year of formation and education in our Seminary and School of Theology, a full schedule of retreats and visits by many guests. It made for a busy, fruitful year. The mix of special and ordinary events that make up our lives – and yours as well – should remind us to keep our focus on God’s hand at work in our lives. Pope Francis placed gratitude at the start and the heart of the three aims for this Year of Consecrated Life: “to look to the past with gratitude.” For a good religious – and a good Christian – gratitude needs to be a daily habit. All of us should be reminded to look to the past with gratitude for what God has done for each of us in his mercy and his providence. We are particularly grateful for the support we have received from so many friends who share the values by which we live our lives of prayer and work. May you continue to be mindful of God’s blessings in your own lives.
Rt. Rev. Justin DuVall, OSB Archabbot
Saint Meinrad is a place that is always changing. This year we began some repairs and updates to the monastery, and so the monastic community has made a (temporary) return to its old stomping ground, St. Anselm Hall. As a result, the school community is spread out over the whole hill – at least until the end of next summer. It has been a good year for us. Our seminary graduating class has now moved on to ordination as priests and are serving in about one dozen dioceses and religious communities around the world. Our seminary community is a vibrant one, representing dozens of cultural backgrounds as well as languages.
Very Reverend Denis Robinson, OSB
Our permanent deacon program continues to thrive as well. Many of our deacon candidates made their way from across the country to be with us this past summer for homiletics workshops, the only portion of our deacon program done here at Saint Meinrad. We also had ordinations in a number of dioceses, including our first cohort in the Archdiocese of Nassau, Bahamas. In our newly named Graduate Theology Programs (formerly Lay Degree Programs, which didn’t accurately identify its many offerings), we are continuing to work creatively with lay people, religious and deacons around the country in gaining the necessary degree and personal formation to become effective ministers. This summer, we also hosted, as usual, “One Bread, One Cup,” our youth liturgical leadership conferences for nearly 300 high school youth. There was energy to spare as these young Catholic men and women had experiences that will make a difference in their parishes, but perhaps more significantly, in their lives and the lives of their families as they remain close to the Church in this crucial time of transition in their worlds. For the Institute for Priests and Presbyterates, some new programming is being planned for the Institute’s important work of connecting with priests around the world as they engage their vital ministry for the life of the Church. Saint Meinrad is a place where important things happen in the New Evangelization. Our task of educating and preparing priests, lay persons, deacons and young people for the life of dioceses and parishes is essential to the Holy Father’s injunction that we spread the Good News to every place and to all people. Thank you for continuing to support us in this vital work.
Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB PresidentRector
At Saint Meinrad Archabbey, we’re blessed with beauty every season of the year. The stately sandstone buildings and peaceful grounds provide an opportunity to appreciate something of splendor every day of the year. In this annual report, we offer a snapshot of life during the past 12 months. Fall is a sensory season. You can see the brilliant colors of the trees and smell the wood smoke from a campfire or fireplace. You can watch the fog lift off a lake and hear the crunch of dried leaves underfoot.
The On The Hill 5K, held in September, gives monks, students and coÂworkers a chance to walk or run on the Saint Meinrad campus. Here, Br. Peduru Fonseka, OSB, heads to the finish line.
A time to seek, and a time to lose
Autumn activities are aplenty, as students return to classes in September. Clockwise, from top left: Seminarians cheer for their soccer team during the annual seminary tourney. Fr. Brendan Moss, OSB, listens to a talk during a pilgrimage to Monte Cassino Shrine. Seminarians Will Banowsky and Edwin Nalagan prepare a dish for the Around the World party. Fall brings vibrant color to trees on campus. Braden Maher hauls cut firewood that will be delivered to local families in need. Fr. Donald Senior, CP, of Catholic Theological Union, speaks on preaching at the annual Marten Lecture on October 7. Kien Nguyen demonstrates a musical instrument during an international student outing.
A me to weep, and a me to laugh
The annual St. Nicholas Banquet, hosted by the deacon class of seminarians, is a Christmas tradition attended by students, faculty, staff and family members. Here, (now Father) Michael Cronin acts in a scene loosely based on the classic movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” (Now Father) Adam Ahern is at left in the background.
Among the winter events on the Hill are, beginning at the top, left column: The monks celebrate Mass for the feast of the Immaculate Conception on December 8. January Interterm courses for students feature a variety of topics, such as Gregorian chant led by Sister Bernardone Rock, FSE, and food preparation led by Fr. Julian Peters, OSB. Right photos, from the top: Benedictine oblates attend an Advent retreat at the Guest House. International priests serving in the U.S. participate in a World Priests workshop hosted by the Institute for Priests and Presbyterates in January. Novice monks enjoy a snowy day in February with some sledding fun.
A me to tear, and a me to sew
As the months turn toward spring, the celebrations and ordinations take center stage. In April, seven seminarians were ordained as deacons – the final step toward priesthood. Above, Joe Lee sings in the student schola during the ordination liturgy. Top right, the community presents a Lenten program, “Song of Shadows,” on March 21. Lower right: Indianapolis Archbishop Joseph Tobin ordains Meril Sahayam as a deacon in the Archabbey Church. Photo, right page: Br. William Sprauer, OSB, played on the “Bad Habits” monastic team that competed in the seminary softball tourney on May 2.
Spring brings us outdoors again, with ball games and cookouts. But it was also a time of sorrow at the death of two longtime monks, Fr. Aelred Cody, OSB, and Fr. Cyprian Davis, OSB. Top photo, this page: Graduates celebrate following commencement on May 9, when 61 graduates received master’s degrees. Bottom photo: The Saint Meinrad Day of Service took place in five locations on March 14. Here, Steve Taylor applies tape before painting a classroom at St. Anthony’s Parish in Indianapolis.
Upper right photo: Deacon Hiep Nguyen works in the kitchen to prepare a dish for the spring Around the World party, held April 16. Lower right photo: Volunteers at the Saint Meinrad Day of Service worked to prepare and serve food at St. Vincent de Paul’s Open Hand Kitchen in Louisville, KY. Lower left photo: Archabbot Justin DuVall, OSB, incenses the casket of Fr. Cyprian Davis, OSB, at his funeral on May 20.
A me to mourn, and a me to dance The photos on these pages offer a glimpse of life at Saint Meinrad. They depict some of the many moments of prayer, work and community that take place each day, all year long. The days are busy and prayerful. There are quiet moments and raucous ones. There are times of joy and sorrow, times of confusion and chaos, times of hope and confidence. Saint Meinrad is a vibrant place, welcoming many people to study, pray and visit here. Yet its foundation is built on the timetested tradition of Benedictine life – a life that finds God in the ordinary moments of each day. Large photo, at right: Novices John Avery and Charles Peñalosa wait, with their vow charts in hand, to take their first profession of vows on August 6. Following tradition, they now have new religious names, Br. Stephen and Br. Lorenzo. Hundreds of youth come to campus each summer for the popular “One Bread, One Cup” youth liturgical leadership conferences. Lower middle photo: Colleen Brouillette prays in the St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel. Lower right, next page: Fr. Denis Robinson, OSB, addresses alumni at the annual Alumni Reunion. More than 180 attended.
Page 14, top photo: Fr. Luke Waugh, OSB, is all smiles following his ordination to the priesthood on June 7 by the Most Rev. Joseph Tobin, archbishop of Indianapolis, at right. Page 14, lower photo: “One Bread, One Cup� adult participant Mary Kate Becker enjoys a music break with her youth group between sessions of the conference. Photo: Novices Jinu Thomas, OSB, and Thomas Fish, OSB, walk to the Guest House.
Renova on will update
INFIRMARY When the monks moved into their brand new monastery in 1982, a set of rooms on the ground floor was set aside as an infirmary. There, sick and elderly monks could be cared for by other monks and an occasional staff person. In the 33 years since, health care advances have been numerous. Today, a score or more of health professionals handle health care needs in the infirmary, as well as at Saint Meinrad’s health service clinic. As health care demands increased, the original infirmary wing was retrofitted to provide better care for the monks. But some things still limit the care and dignity the health staff can offer the wing’s residents. The hallway is too narrow to move a hospital bed into and out of rooms. Instead, the bed must be taken apart, moved and then reassembled. The infirmary rooms’ bathrooms and showers cannot accommodate a wheelchair. In addition, the nurses station is tucked away in an unused room. Those shortcomings will be corrected with the renovation that began in May 2015. Each of the 14 rooms will be enlarged to provide room for wheelchairs to maneuver. Doorways will be widened and the bathrooms will be accessible for wheelchairs. The hallway will be widened, too, to make movement within the infirmary easier. And four more infirmary rooms will be added, for a total of 18. Overall, the size of the infirmary will increase from 5,200 to 9,600 square feet. A new nurses station will be centrally located in the infirmary. Other features include a new chapel for daily Mass and a dining room/kitchen area so the infirm monks can enjoy meals together. The infirmary renovation is expected to cost $1.6 million and be completed in August 2016. We are seeking gifts from alumni and friends to help fund the infirmary renovation. You can make a gift by going online to: Or mail your gift (note “infirmary” on the check) to Saint Meinrad Archabbey, Development Office, 200 Hill Drive, St. Meinrad, IN 47577.
“Care of the sick must rank above and before all else, so that they may truly be served as Christ.” —Rule of St. Benedict 36:1
Saint Meinrad
STATISTICS Lots of people find their way to the Holy Hill throughout the year. Some stay to study, many come for retreats or special programs, and others simply wish to pray with the monks. Seminary Enrollment 119 seminarians, from 24 dioceses and 7 religious communities, were enrolled for the Fall 2015 semester.
“One Bread, One Cup” Program The 2015 summer conferences were attended by 282 youth, 103 adults, 16 catechists and 21 college interns, a total of 422. Retreats During the last fiscal year, 865 people attended one of the 40 retreats held at the Archabbey Guest House and Retreat Center. Graduate Theology Enrollment 82 students enrolled for the Fall 2015 semester: 62 parttime, 4 fulltime and 16 nondegree. Permanent Deacon Formation Program 14 dioceses, with a total of 185 candidates, were served by the program last year. Institute for Priests and Presbyterates The IPP served 269 priests and deacons, from 43 dioceses and 3 religious orders, in its programs last year. Groups There were 247 groups who visited Saint Meinrad, a total of 7,106 guests.
Oblates The Benedictine Oblate community consists of 1,281 members, 194 of whom are oblate novices.
Report of
STEWARDSHIP Gifts to Saint Meinrad are typically directed toward three basic uses: unrestricted gifts, providing support for current and ongoing programs; capital gifts, for building, renovating and equipping our physical facilities; and endowment gifts, for sustaining our programs and facilities.
received to renovate St. Bede Hall. Currently, we are seeking capital support from our friends, alumni and oblates to help fund the renovation of the monastic infirmary (see page 16). Capital gifts help make possible the ongoing development of our campus. Endowment Funds
Costs for Students in the Seminary and School of Theology The tuition Saint Meinrad charges each student does not cover the full cost of a student’s education. These charges cover approximately 49 percent of the costs involved in their education. Annual unrestricted gifts help make up the difference between the school’s actual expenses and student charges. This enables us to keep our tuition rates competitive with other seminaries. Capital Gifts These gifts enable Saint Meinrad to build, renovate and equip our physical facilities. This past year, most of the capital gifts were
The financial security of our Seminary and School of Theology and monastery is built on the foundation of a strong endowment. As of June 30, 2015, Saint Meinrad’s endowment totaled $63.4 million; $36.4 million is earmarked for the school. In a very real way, the monks of Saint Meinrad Archabbey form a living endowment. In 201415, the contributed services of the monks who work in the school totaled $353,379. In addition, the Archabbey, through the work of Abbey Press and Abbey Caskets, helps underwrite expenses of both the monastery and the Seminary and School of Theology.
FINANCIAL REPORT FOR SAINT MEINRAD ARCHABBEY (Monastery, Seminary and School of Theology, Abbey Press and Abbey Caskets) Fiscal Years 2015 and 2014 Summarized Financial Information (in millions) STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Year Ended: 6-30-15 6-30-14 Revenues, Gains and Other Support Sales $ 13.984 $ 10.951 Tuition and Room and Board $ 4.603 $ 6.693 Other Abbey Press Income $ .623 $ .689 Other Archabbey Income $ 2.978 $ 3.727 Endowment Income $ 3.488 $ 4.849 Contributions (Net after Development Expenses) $ 2.369 $ 4.214 TOTAL Revenues, Gains and Other Support $ 28.045 $ 31.123 Expenses Monastery Corporate Services Seminary and School of Theology Abbey Press Abbey Caskets TOTAL Expenses
$ 4.581 $ 4.019 $ 7.570 $ 13.887 $ .789 $ 30.846
$ $ $ $ $ $
Change in Net Assets (Operating Activities) Investment Performance Portion of Endowment Income (Used for Current Operations) TOTAL Change in Net Assets
$ (2.800) $ 2.434 $ (2.436) $ (.002)
$ 2.948 $ 10.671 $ (4.849) $ 8.770
Net Assets at Beginning of Year Change in Net Assets TOTAL Net Assets at End of Year
$ 124.532 $ (.002) $ 124.530
$ 115.762 $ 8.770 $ 124.532
Current Assets Net Fixed Assets Long-Term Assets TOTAL Assets
$ 8.706 $ 55.737 $ 65.283 $ 129.726
$ 8.348 $ 54.943 $ 75.614 $138.905
Liabilities Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities TOTAL Liabilities
$ 3.494 $ 1.702 $ 5.196
$ 4.069 $ 10.304 $ 14.373
Net Assets Designated Undesignated TOTAL Net Assets
$ 91.235 $ 33.295 $ 124.530
$ 69.043 $ 55.489 $124.532
TOTAL Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 129.726
4.625 2.639 8.955 11.131 .825 28.175
Student Room & Board—18%
Assets Released from Restriction: Operating—0%
Contributed Services—4% Student Tuition & Fees—49% Endowment Income—24%
Gifts & Grants—5%
SEMINARY & SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY EXPENDITURES General Institutional/ Administrative—22%
Instructional Services—19% Academic Support—4%
Physical Plant—11%
Student Scholarships, Grants & Fellowships—9% Library—4%
Residence Halls & Food Service—18%
Student Services—13%
Summarized Financial Information
STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Operating Revenues Educational and General Student Tuition and Fees Gifts and Grants Contributed Services Endowment Income Assets Released from Restriction (Principal) Total Educational and General Student Room and Board TOTAL Operating Revenues Non-Operating Revenues Investment Performance Portion of Endowment Income Used for Current Operations TOTAL Non-Operating Revenues Operating Expenditures Educational and General Instructional Library Student Services Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant Academic Support General Institutional Expenses Total Educational and General Scholarships and Fellowships Auxiliary Enterprises (Room/Board Expenses) TOTAL Expenditures Change in Net Assets: Operating TOTAL Change in Net Assets: Operating and Non-Operating
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
3,980,431 354,845 353,379 1,181,240 0 5,869,895 1,408,985 7,278,879
$ 1,900,129 $ (1,181,240) $ 718,889
$ 1,839,961 $ 431,699 $ 1,273,797 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
1,096,246 383,280 2,163,168 7,188,151 882,558 1,752,002 9,822,711
$(2,543,832) $(1,824,943)
Saint Meinrad’s Boards Board of Trustees Rt. Rev. Justin DuVall, OSB, Chair St. Meinrad, IN Archabbot, Saint Meinrad Archabbey Very Rev. Kurt Stasiak, OSB, Vice Chair St. Meinrad, IN Prior, Saint Meinrad Archabbey John Chappell, Executive Secretary Jasper, IN Attorney, Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP Mrs. Lisa Castlebury Evansville, IN Treasurer/Business Manager Saint Meinrad Archabbey Rev. Bede Cisco, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Director of Spiritual Formation Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology Rev. Guerric DeBona, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Subprior, Saint Meinrad Archabbey Ms. M. Diane Murphy New Albany, IN President, Your Community Bank Charitable Foundation Sr. Vice President of Community Relations, Your Community Bank Dr. John D. Pulcini Evansville, IN Retired Plastic Surgeon, Evansville Plastic Surgical Association Inc. Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB St. Meinrad, IN PresidentRector, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology Deacon Mark Rougeux Louisville, KY Instructor, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology and Archdiocesan Leadership Ministry Institute Rev. Raymond Studzinski, OSB Washington, D.C. Administrator and Teacher Catholic University of America
Board of Overseers Ms. M. Diane Murphy, Chair New Albany, IN President, Your Community Bank Charitable Foundation Sr. Vice President of Community Relations, Your Community Bank Dr. John D. Pulcini, Vice Chair Evansville, IN Retired Plastic Surgeon, Evansville Plastic Surgical Association Inc.
Mrs. Linda M. Budney Bethesda, MD Canon Lawyer
Mrs. Maura Robinson Evansville, IN President and CEO, M.G. Robinson Inc.
Mr. John S. Chappell Jasper, IN Attorney, Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP
Deacon Mark J. Rougeux Louisville, KY Instructor, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology and Archdiocesan Leadership Ministry Institute
Deacon Paul T. Cox Rockport, IN Supervisor of Corrosion Control Indiana VectrenWagner Operations Center Mr. John P. Engelbrecht Evansville, IN CEO, South Central Communications Rev. William L. Fichteman Louisville, KY Retired Priest, Archdiocese of Louisville
Mrs. Mary C. Schaffner Indianapolis, IN Associate Director of Spirituality Ministries Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House Rev. Eric P. Schild Walbridge, OH Pastor, St. Jerome Catholic Church President, Cardinal Stritch Catholic High School and St. Kateri Catholic Academy
Mr. Charles R. Gardner Indianapolis, IN Workshop Clinician and Consultant and Instructor, Marian University
Mr. Michael A. Schwenk Jasper, IN Vice President, Jasper Engine Exchange Inc.
Rev. Stephen Giannini Greenwood, IN Pastor, SS. Francis & Clare of Assisi Parish
Mrs. Mary Annette MandleyTurner Louisville, KY Executive Director, Archdiocese of Louisville Office of Multicultural Ministry
Rev. Jason B. Gries Evansville, IN Pastor, St. John the Evangelist Parish and Holy Trinity Parish
Dr. Corazon A. Veza Elizabethtown, KY Hematologist/Oncologist
Deacon Marc R. Kellams Bloomington, IN Judge, Monroe Circuit Court II Rev. Brent C. Lingle Sioux City, IA Director of Worship and Weekend/Daily Mass, Vice Chancellor Diocese of Sioux City
Mr. Thomas L. Weintraut Zionsville, IN Vice President, Weintraut and Associates Inc. Sr. Jane A. Will, OSB Ferdinand, IN Director of Programming for the Spirituality Ministry Monastery Immaculate Conception
Mr. John S. Lueken Georgetown, IN Attorney, Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP
Mrs. C. Anne Wilmes Indianapolis, IN VicePresident and CoFounder Wilmes Family Charitable Foundation
Mr. Don S. Mucci Louisville, KY Insurance Agent and Part Owner of GarrettStotz Company
Mrs. Mary Kay Wolford New Albany, IN Retired Educator and Community and Church Volunteer
Mr. James H. Muehlbauer Evansville, IN Vice Chair, Koch Enterprises Inc.
Ms. Suzanne L. Yakimchick Indianapolis, IN Retired Chancellor and Director of Lay Ministry, Archdiocese of Indianapolis
Mr. Stephen G. Mullins Louisville, KY President, ClearArc Capital Inc. Deacon Frank Olmsted St. Charles, MO Theology Teacher/Assistant Service Project Director, De Smet Jesuit High School Mr. Joseph A. Paradis III Naples, FL Chairman and CEO, Bramco Inc.
Emeritus Members Rev. Msgr. John J. Bendik Pittston, PA Pastor, Parish Community of St. John the Evangelist Mr. John L. Carroll University Park, FL “Of Counsel” to Johnson, Carroll & Griffith, Attorneys at Law
Mr. Jon P. Dilts Bloomington, IN Retired Journalism Professor, Indiana University; and Registered Civil Mediator and Attorney Mr. Glenn H. Gramelspacher Jasper, IN Retired Resident Manager Chesapeake Packaging Co. Rev. Msgr. Michael G. Hohenbrink Findlay, OH Pastor, St. Michael the Archangel Parish Mr. Kenneth W. Krasavage Westfield, IN Retired Executive Director of Diocesan Services, Diocese of Evansville Mr. Robert B. McNamara Indianapolis, IN Retired Founder of McNamara Florists Inc.
Br. Matthew Mattingly, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Fulltime Doctoral Student Mr. J. Robert Shine New Albany, IN CPA and Chairman Monroe Shine and Co. Inc. Very Rev. Kurt Stasiak, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Prior, Saint Meinrad Archabbey
Alumni Association Board of Directors Rev. Jerry Byrd North Vernon, IN Pastor, St. Mary, St. Ann and St. Joseph Parishes
Mrs. Barbara R. Mitchel Carmel, IN Owner/Operator of Williams Creek Ceramics, Retired Educator
Rev. Alan Carter, President Lexington, KY Associate Director of Vocations and Parochial Vicar Diocese of Lexington and Holy Spirit Parish/UK Newman Center
Mr. Bernard G. Niehaus Vincennes, IN CEO and Chairman of the Board Niehaus Companies Inc.
Mr. Frederick Chandler Indianapolis, IN Retired School Counselor Carmel High School
Mr. Joseph F. Steurer Jasper, IN Retired Board Chairman, JOFCO Inc.
Deacon Gregory Clodi Kankakee, IL Department Manager New Albertsons LLC
Mr. Ronald R. Tisch Paradise Valley, AZ Retired Executive Vice President Calgon Carbon Corporation Mr. John A. Witting Evansville, IN Retired Vice President BristolMyers Squibb Co.
Abbey Press Advisory Board of Directors Rt. Rev. Justin DuVall, OSB, Chair St. Meinrad, IN Archabbot, Saint Meinrad Archabbey Mrs. Lisa Castlebury Evansville, IN Treasurer/Business Manager Saint Meinrad Archabbey Rev. Adrian Burke, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Pastoral Liaison for CoWorkers and Spiritual Director Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology Mr. Peter Dwyer Collegeville, MN Director, Liturgical Press Br. Martin Erspamer, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Artist, Director of Pottery Shop Saint Meinrad Archabbey
Deacon Richard Cooper Corydon, IN Executive Director Harrison County Community Services
Mr. Joseph Pfennig Indianapolis, IN Theology Teacher Cardinal Ritter High School Mr. Martin Stout Fort Wayne, IN Director of Operations Wright and Lerch Dr. Mary Diane Valentine St. Peters, MO Director of Administration All Saints Parish Msgr. Christopher Vasko Toledo, OH Judicial Vicar, Diocese of Toledo Pastor, St. Patrick Historic and Immaculate Conception Rev. Michael Williams Bowling Green, KY Chaplain/Pastor, St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center Rev. Joseph Ziliak Newburgh, IN Retired Pastor St. John the Baptist Parish
Endowment Advisory Board Rt. Rev. Justin DuVall, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Archabbot, Saint Meinrad Archabbey Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB St. Meinrad, IN PresidentRector, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
Mrs. Lisa Castlebury Rev. Wilfred (Sonny) Day Evansville, IN Floyds Knobs, IN Treasurer/Business Manager Pastor, St. John the Baptist Parish in Starlight Saint Meinrad Archabbey Ms. Lisabeth (Betsy) J. Dunman Louisville, KY Director of Lifelong Formation Church of Holy Spirit
Dr. Darren Sroufe Boonville, IN Director of Planned Giving and Foundation Relations Saint Meinrad Archabbey
Mr. Gregory Ernstberger Floyds Knobs, IN Retired Senior Business Manager, Neuroscience Division, BristolMyers Squibb Co.
Mr. Bruce McCrea Louisville, KY Portfolio Manager First Kentucky Securities Corp.
Dr. Lanny Hollis Cleveland, OH Associate Principal Cleveland Central Catholic High School
Mr. J. Robert Shine New Albany, IN CPA and Chairman Monroe Shine and Co. Inc.
Rev. J. Randall Hubbard Louisville, KY Pastor, Epiphany Parish
Mr. Stephen G. Mullins Louisville, KY President, ClearArc Capital Inc.
Mr. Edward Long Rising Fawn, GA Retired Science Educator
Ms. M. Diane Murphy New Albany, IN President, Your Community Bank Charitable Foundation Sr. Vice President of Community Relations, Your Community Bank
Mr. William McGuire, Vice President Indianapolis, IN Retired, Hancock Telecom
Communications Advisory Board Mrs. Mary Biever Evansville, IN Digital Content Manager and Real Estate Broker, Goebel Realty Professor Ruth EngsFranz Bloomington, IN Professor Emeritus, Indiana University Mr. Mark Erdosy Indianapolis, IN Director of Church Relations and San Damiano Scholars Program Marian University Mr. John Farless Evansville, IN Director of University Communications University of Southern Indiana Mr. Jim Hubbman St. Peters, MO Theology Teacher St. Mary’s High School Mr. Paul Leingang Evansville, IN Retired Editor, The Message Mr. Joel Philippsen Columbus, IN Digital Marketing Specialist Columbus Regional Health
Mrs. Rose Lehman Laconia, IN Secretary to the Chief of Medicine Robley Rex VA Medical Center
Mr. Jerid Miller Indianapolis, IN Senior Project Manager Pearson Education
Mr. Preston Becker Indianapolis, IN Graduate Student Christian Theological Seminary
Mrs. Elaine Robertson Owensboro, KY Director of Faith Formation Diocese of Owensboro
Fr. Ronald Margherio, OSB Peru, IL High School Chaplain and Vocations Director St. Bede Academy
Mr. Ned Berghausen Louisville, KY Theology Teacher and Chair Mercy Academy
Mrs. Peggy Steffan Memphis, TN Theology Teacher and Department Chair Immaculate Conception High School
Dr. Linda Swindell Fishers, IN Professor Emeritus, Psychology Department Anderson University
Ms. Jill Griffin Edwardsville, IL Director of Worship and Music St. Boniface Catholic Church Mr. Jacob Kraft New Albany, IN Student Marian University Mr. Kevin Crockett Georgetown, IN Registered Nurse Jewish Hospital
Mr. Tom Konechnik Danville, IN Regulatory Advisor Eli Lilly and Company Deacon Marco Rajkovich Nicholasville, KY Member, Rajkovich, Williams Kilpatrick & True PLLC Ms. Audra Douglas Evansville, IN Director of Change Management St. Mary’s Health
Ms. Hannah Bevis Bourbonnais, IL One Bread, One Cup College Intern 2015
Audit Committee
Ms. McKenzy Stilger New Albany, IN One Bread, One Cup College Intern 2015
The Honorable Cecile Blau, Chair Jeffersonville, IN Senior Judge, Clark Superior Court
Youth and Young Adult Advisory Board
Mr. Joe Oliveri Gibsonia, PA One Bread, One Cup College Intern 2015
Mrs. Tammy Becht, Ex Officio Floyds Knobs, IN Director of One Bread, One Cup Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
Graduate Theology Programs Advisory Board
Rev. Patrick Cooney, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Professor of Canon Law Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
Br. William Sprauer, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Student and Media Coordinator for Office of Monastery Vocations Saint Meinrad Archabbey
Fr. Brendan Moss, OSB Conception, MO PresidentRector Conception Seminary College Fr. Christian Raab, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology and Coordinator of College Ministerial Internship Program Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
Sr. Jeana Visel, OSB Ferdinand, IN Director of Graduate Theology Programs Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology Mrs. Agnes Kovacs Santa Claus, IN Associate Director of Graduate Theology Programs Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
Br. John Mark Falkenhain, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Monastery Vocations Director Saint Meinrad Archabbey
Br. Zachary Wilberding, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Assistant to Director of Continuing Formation Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
Mr. John Jacobi Bradford, IN DRE/ Coordinator of Youth Ministry St. Michael the Archangel and St. Bernard Parishes
Dr. Tom Walters Santa Claus, IN Emeritus Professor of Religious Education Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology
Mrs. Cecelia Hamilton Ferdinand, IN Retired Assistant Treasurer/Business Manager, Saint Meinrad Archabbey Very Rev. Kurt Stasiak, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Prior, Saint Meinrad Archabbey Mr. J. Robert Shine New Albany, IN CPA and Chairman Monroe Shine and Co. Inc.
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