The Power of One

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Saint Meinrad Report of Stewardship 2017

God has not given us a spirit of timidity,

But of Power and Love and Discipline. —2 Timothy 1:7

The Power of One: FUTURE Rt. Rev. Kurt Stasiak, OSB

The two things we must keep before us always are seeking God and serving the Church. That is what the monks who arrived here in 1854 did and what we still do today. Making sure the most important things Archabbot Kurt Stasiak, OSB remain the most important things ensures we’re following God’s path and plan for our lives. At Saint Meinrad, we’re always talking about continuity with the past, but conversion and movement into the future. God doesn’t let us stay in one place. He continues to move us forward. Two examples of this from the past year are the closing of the Abbey Press and the life of Fr. Timothy Sweeney, OSB, who died in August. Fr. Timothy served the monastic community as abbot for 17 years. When he retired, God led him into parish work so he could continue to use his gifts and talents for the good of others. Closing the Abbey Press was a difficult decision. The Press had a long, rich history of service and outreach to people. We will never know how many people were inspired, touched or comforted through products provided by the Abbey Press.

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During the months leading up to the closing, my feelings were similar to those when a member of my family – personal or monastic – has died. To us monks, the closing of the Press was indeed like a death in the family. We’ve all had that experience. And so it’s important to remember that the family member does live on – in our thoughts, our memories, our appreciation of what they have done and, most importantly, of who they have been – and will continue to be – to us. I look toward the future with a great deal of enthusiasm and confidence. Closing the Press allows us to focus on growth and development of our programs in the Seminary and School of Theology, as well as Abbey Caskets and other endeavors. You hear the word “stability” a lot in Benedictine monastic life. Stability doesn’t mean paralysis. It means we continue to grow and we continue to move into the future with the lessons we’ve learned and the blessings we’ve received.

Rt. Rev. Kurt Stasiak, OSB Archabbot

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The Power of One: PLACE Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB

There is a number I throw around frequently. Every priest in his service as a priest will touch the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the course of a long life and ministry. That is the power of one priest. I often think about the work we do here in our school. We prepare priests, permanent deacons and lay ministers for the Church, as well as minister to young people, who, in turn, serve those in parishes, those countless, nameless and sometimes very anonymous folks who make up the People of God. How much impact does one teacher, one formation staff person, one monk, one spiritual director have on the Church? From this very remote spot on top of a secluded hill in southern Indiana, we are affecting the life of the Church around the world. When we consider the power of one priest or deacon or minister, it is daunting. When we consider the power of one place and our ministry for over 150 years, it is more than daunting; it is miraculous.

Our daily work, day in and day out, is at the service of a miracle, the power of one to shape the destiny of millions; the utterance of a single word of encouragement that harbors hopefulness; the one action, Very Reverend Denis Robinson, OSB blessing, absolution, that can change countless lives in a chain of events that we can never predict or even see. That is the power of Saint Meinrad. That is what makes our isolated hill in southern Indiana such a truly blessed place.

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB President-Rector

“I often think about the work we do here... We prepare priests, permanent deacons and lay ministers for the Church, as well as minister to young people, who, in turn, serve those in parishes, those countless, nameless and sometimes very anonymous folks who make up the People of God.�

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The Power of One: PERSON Joseph de Orbegozo

Through one-on-one encounters, God led Deacon Joseph de Orbegozo to the vocation of priesthood. Deacon Joseph is in his last year of seminary, studying for the Diocese of Little Rock, AR. A lot of vocations stories start at home and Deacon Joseph’s story begins there as well. When he was growing up, his mother was Baptist and his father, who is from Lima, Peru, had a strong cultural Catholic faith. His mother believed that she needed to raise Joseph and his two sisters as Catholic. His father was in the military and away a lot on the weekends. “My mom, without Page 4 | The Power of One

missing a Sunday, brought us to Mass,” explains Deacon Joseph. “That instilled in me a sense of importance of going to church. She encouraged us to really listen and be a part of the Mass.” He attended Christ the King Catholic School in Little Rock and, in seventh and eighth grades, Joseph had a religion teacher, Deacon Danny Hartnedy, who reached him in a particular way. “I remember going up to him after class a number of times to ask him about why we believed as Catholics what we believed. How can you say Jesus is in this piece of bread? Why are saints so important? Why can’t I just be a Baptist

like my mom?” says Deacon Joseph. “He saw that I was really interested in these intellectual questions about the faith.” His teacher encouraged him to join a prayer group and that invitation changed the path of his vocation. He attended that group for two years and it opened him up to prayer. “Through the power of one person, Deacon Hartnedy, who I looked up to so much, I was able to have that encounter with Christ,” says Deacon Joseph. “That was a big moment for me because it was my first real experience of a relationship with God.” The first time priesthood entered his mind was in the eighth grade. He was in line at the water fountain when he looked up at the crucifix on the wall. The thought of priesthood popped into his mind. He did not like the idea at first, so he pushed it away and even chose not to join the youth group, even though his friends were joining. Since Joseph played the trumpet in high school, his best friend invited him to play in the parish youth band. Through that invitation, he entered into the youth activities.

school theology club. Some teachers noticed his interest and asked if he wanted to visit a seminary. There was that call to the priesthood again. This summer, Deacon Joseph was assigned to serve in three parishes with Fr. Mauricio Carrasco. “I found myself learning from him, being able to ask tough questions,” says Deacon Joseph. “That openness that he was able to share of his own strengths and struggles, I was able to learn more about myself and to become someone who’s more ready for the priesthood.” Those personal encounters have led him to where he is now, in his last year of priestly formation. “I feel God has put these people in my life and that He constantly allows for meeting people out of which His grace can come,” he says. He encourages people to reach out and be that one person in somebody’s life. “Anyone can be that one person,” he says. “That’s the importance of having those kinds of relationships, being connected with others in your parish and maybe reaching out to that person that maybe you don’t feel like you could reach.” F

He also became part of the parish vocation committee and joined the high

“Anyone can be that one person.

That’s the importance of having those kinds of relationships, being connected with others in your parish and maybe reaching out to that person that maybe you don’t feel like you could reach.” The Power of One | Page 5

The Power of One: SUMMER Luke Messmer & Olivia Snyder

For One Bread, One Cup college interns Luke Messmer and Olivia Snyder, the power of one means something different for each of them. Luke is from Jasper, IN, about 25 minutes from Saint Meinrad. He attended the liturgical leadership conference twice as a youth participant and three times as a college intern. He says every summer impacted him in different ways. In high school, Luke was active in his youth group, but when he got the opportunity to go to One Bread, One Cup for the first time in 2012, he really didn’t want to go. Page 6 | The Power of One

“I was going through a big time of vocational confusion,” says Luke. “I knew if I was going to go to a monastery, it was just going to make it even more confusing.” With encouragement from his parents, he decided to go, kind of begrudgingly. That one summer changed the course of his life. “It really opened my eyes to all these ways I could serve the Church, really in a lot of different capacities. Whether that’s as a lay person, as a monastic, as a priest,” says Luke. “I realized how happy I could be working in Church ministry.”

After high school, Luke decided to study theology at Marian University. He graduated this past May and plans to pursue a master’s degree in theology with the hope of working in young adult ministry, ongoing adult formation or as a theology teacher. He points to that first time at One Bread, One Cup as planting that vocation in him. “One Bread, One Cup gives you the chance to find your place in the Body of Christ. It gives you the chance to think about: in what way might God be calling me to be a disciple?” says Luke. Through the internship, Luke says he has learned how to be himself by learning how to be with others. During the eight- to nine- week internship, 21 college students live together in an intentional community. They take classes and learn about their faith. They go on outings and have community-building activities. They attend Mass together every day and pray the Liturgy of the Hours. Their job is to

put on the OBOC conferences. The internship focuses on forming the individual and forming a community. “It’s taught me how to love other people and celebrate our uniqueness, and appreciate both our unity and our uniqueness,” says Luke. For Olivia, One Bread, One Cup has given her tools to live an authentic Christian life as a college student. She is from Floyds Knobs, IN, and is a junior at Ball State University, studying psychology. She has served OBOC as an intern twice and says the internship and conferences model Benedictine life and values that translate to life in any capacity. “We don’t live in a vacuum here, and it’s not just this amazing experience that we have that we want to go back to for the rest of our lives,” says Olivia. “I was really able to take the values that I learned here to my daily life of, am I interrupting my work to go pray, or am I interrupting my prayer to go work?”


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The internship helped her be more intentional with her time and the people she surrounds herself with. It helped her see what she really values and to ask, “Does the way I spend my time reflect what I hold to be most dear?” One Bread, One Cup is a program that prepares youth to take on liturgical roles in the Church and to be leaders in their communities, but its impact goes beyond the youth.

catechists; benefactors, priests and monks who teach and support OBOC; and the college interns who grow as individuals and as a community of faith every summer. “I see One Bread, One Cup as very intergenerational,” says Olivia. “It is not exclusive to just the youth of the Church. It’s really open to everyone. And it serves everyone because we’re one body in Christ.” F

The program touches the adult participants who bring their youth; the

“It really opened my eyes to all these ways I could serve the Church.

Whether that’s as a lay person, as a monastic, as a priest. I realized how happy I could be working in Church ministry.”

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The Power of One: DISCERNMENT Lisa DeJaco Crutcher

It’s not often that a partner in a corporate law firm decides to change careers and enter the nonprofit world. For Lisa DeJaco Crutcher, the decision to take the position of CEO and executive director of Catholic Charities in Louisville, KY, required much discernment. “I can only blame the Spirit,” she says with a smile. Lisa had been a practicing attorney at Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs since graduating from law school in 2000 and a partner for almost a decade. A couple of years ago, she began taking graduate theology classes at Saint Meinrad on the recommendation of a friend who thought she’d enjoy the challenge. About the same time, she recalls, “I was just really starting to feel a Page 10 | The Power of One

call, for lack of a better word, that the job that I had, while a perfectly good and ethical and important thing for somebody to do, was not what I was going to do for the rest of my life.” She tackled this restlessness by getting involved with some nonprofit organizations, joining the boards of Dare to Care Food Bank and the Library Foundation. She also began to talk casually with others who had made the leap to a new career. When the Archdiocese of Louisville advertised the position at Catholic Charities last year, Lisa cut out the ad and carried it around with her for several weeks.

“I just really spent a lot of time in prayer and discernment,” she says, trying to determine if leaving a thriving legal practice – with a significant pay cut – was the right thing to do. Two days before the deadline, she sent in her resume and the rest is history. Lisa took up her new position in April and has been focused on learning about Catholic Charities and its nearly 100 staff members. Its many programs range from migration and refugee services to job training in culinary skills to a workshop to help adolescents who are at risk for human trafficking. At Catholic Charities, she says, “we should really be the hands of the Body of Christ. So people should know what the hands are doing and they should have an opportunity to be part of that work.”

As she works toward her master’s degree at Saint Meinrad, Lisa finds the coursework has deepened her understanding of her faith. She just finished a class on “Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue.” “That’s really going to be very useful to me, especially as I’m looking to build our partnerships and our connections in the wider community,” she says. “I really have enjoyed the opportunity to take those weekend intensive classes and spend that time on campus, especially over the last year or so when I’ve been in this deep discernment time. It has really been so valuable to me to have the opportunity to spend a few days in scholarship, but also just the quiet contemplation of life on the Hill.” F

“It has really been so valuable to me to have the opportunity to spend a few days in scholarship, but also just the quiet contemplation of life on the Hill.”

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The Power of One: FAMILY Anne & Art Wilmes

For Anne and Art Wilmes, it was their families that set an example of giving. Growing up in Jasper, IN, Art remembers the kids in his family using church envelopes. “Did you remember your envelope for today?” his parents would ask on Sundays. Anne’s father was an accountant who moved the family around in his job for Pillsbury. “I think he was on the finance commission for every parish we belonged to,” she recalls. Both grew up with connections to Saint Meinrad. During the summers, Anne’s family would visit her uncle, Fr. Daniel Page 12 | The Power of One

(now Archbishop Emeritus) Buechlein, OSB, at the monastery. Art recalls visiting Saint Meinrad’s Monte Cassino Shrine when he was young. When they married, they moved to Indianapolis, where Art works as an actuary for Milliman Inc. Anne was a special education teacher until their two daughters were born. She then became a stay-at-home Mom and took on volunteer work. Their connection to Saint Meinrad has continued. Anne is a member of the school’s Board of Overseers and they have been regular donors.

Both say they’ve benefitted from the parish priests who received their priesthood formation at Saint Meinrad. “From my perspective, you need to continue to perpetuate the Catholic faith,” says Art, “and so one of the primary ways you do that is through the instruction and formation of religious men and women.” In the early days of their marriage, contributions to Catholic causes were important, although they could give only $10 or $20 a month. That formed the habit of giving, Anne says. “The next year, it becomes I’m not deciding if I’m going to do this or not. I’m deciding – can maybe I give a little more?” Five years ago, they started a family foundation. “Our thought was while we had the income to make an annual gift to Saint Meinrad, to the archdiocese and other causes, all these things, we wouldn’t be able to sustain that type of giving when we’re retired,” according to Anne. The foundation enables those gifts to continue.

Art and Anne also use the foundation to introduce their daughters to philanthropy. Every year, each can choose a cause to donate to. Anne explains, “Our younger daughter researched a program out of the Archdiocese of Chicago. It’s called the Big Shoulders Fund and it helps support the inner city schools and so we’ve given a gift to them. Then she realized that one of her sorority sisters is actually teaching at one of these schools.” The other daughter had a classmate who died from cancer at 33. Her gift went to the education fund for the woman’s two young children. “They’re very engaged,” says Art of his daughters’ role in the foundation. “They really do select things for which they feel a passion.” Anne and Art hope the experience of seeing how their gifts can make a difference will foster the habit of giving for the family’s next generation. F

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6,623 Living Alumni


Alumni Bishops

1,368 Benedictine Oblates of Saint Meinrad


Deacons ordained after attending Saint Meinrad’s Permanent Deacon Formation Program


One Bread, One Cup Participants in 2017 Page 16 | The Power of One

3,884 Alumni Priests


Seminarians enrolled Fall 2017


Graduate Theology Students enrolled Fall 2017


Dioceses served by Saint Meinrad programs


Groups visited Saint Meinrad 2016-17

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report of stewardship Gifts to Saint Meinrad are typically directed toward three basic uses: unrestricted gifts, providing support for current and ongoing programs; capital gifts, for building, renovating and equipping our physical facilities; and endowment gifts, for sustaining our programs and facilities. Costs for Students in the Seminary and School of Theology

The tuition and fees Saint Meinrad charges each student does not cover the full cost of a student’s education. These charges cover approximately 40 percent of the costs involved in their education. Annual unrestricted gifts help make up the difference between the school’s actual expenses and student charges. This enables us to keep our tuition rates competitive with other seminaries. Capital Gifts

These gifts enable Saint Meinrad to build, restore, renovate and equip our physical facilities. This past year, most of the capital gifts were used to repair the Archabbey

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Church bells. The last bell was reinstalled in the church tower on August 9. Capital gifts help make possible the ongoing development of our campus and grounds. Endowment Funds

The financial security of our Seminary and School of Theology and monastery is built on the foundation of a strong endowment. As of June 30, 2017, Saint Meinrad’s endowment totaled $64.7 million; $38.97 million is earmarked for the school. In a very real way, the monks of Saint Meinrad Archabbey form a living endowment. In 2016-17, the contributed services of the monks who work in the school totaled $425,304. In addition, the Archabbey, through the work of Abbey Press and Abbey Caskets, helps underwrite expenses of both the monastery and the Seminary and School of Theology. F

FINANCIAL REPORT FOR SAINT MEINRAD ARCHABBEY (Monastery, Seminary and School of Theology, Abbey Press and Abbey Caskets) Fiscal Years 2017 and 2016 Summarized Financial Information (in millions) STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Year Ended: 6-30-17 6-30-16 Revenues, Gains and Other Support Sales $ 6.517 $ 12.251 Tuition and Room and Board $ 3.878 $  3.970 Other Abbey Press Income $ .239 $   .567 Other Archabbey Income $ 3.299 $  3.190 Endowment Income $ 2.630 $  2.980 Contributions (Net after Development Expenses) $ 4.375 $  4.569 TOTAL Revenues, Gains and Other Support $ 20.938 $ 27.527 Expenses Monastery Corporate Services Seminary and School of Theology Abbey Press Abbey Caskets TOTAL Expenses

$  5.910 $  2.796 $  8.581 $ 4.994 $ .822 $ 23.103

$  5.261 $  1.795 $  8.623 $ 12.134 $   .903 $ 28.716

Change in Net Assets (Operating Activities) Investment Performance Portion of Endowment Income (Used for Current Operations) TOTAL Change in Net Assets

$ (2.165) $ 6.369 $ (5.366) $ 1.004

$ (1.189) $ .853 $ (1.911) $ (1.058)

Net Assets at Beginning of Year Change in Net Assets TOTAL Net Assets at End of Year

$ 123.472 $ 1.004 $ 124.476

$ 124.530 $ (1.058) $ 123.472



Current Assets Net Fixed Assets Long-Term Assets TOTAL Assets

$  8.745 $ 63.565 $ 64.374 $ 136.684

$  7.950 $ 62.852 $ 66.231 $137.033

Liabilities Current Liabilities Long-Term Liabilities TOTAL Liabilities

$ 5.641 $ 6.567 $ 12.208

$ 3.923 $ 9.638 $ 13.561

Net Assets Designated Undesignated TOTAL Net Assets

$ 89.616 $ 34.860 $ 124.476

$ 90.716 $ 32.756 $123.472

TOTAL Liabilities and Net Assets

$ 136.684



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SEMINARY & SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY REVENUE Assets Released from Restriction: Operating—0% Gifts & Grants—30%

Student Tuition & Fees—37%

Contributed Services—5%

Student Room & Board—18%

Endowment Income—10%

SEMINARY & SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY EXPENDITURES Residence Halls & Food Service—19% Academic Support—4%

Instructional Services—19% Library—5% Student Scholarships, Grants & Fellowships—8%

General Institutional/ Administrative—25%

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Physical Plant—10% Student Services—10%


Summarized Financial Information

STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Operating Revenues Educational and General Student Tuition and Fees Gifts and Grants Contributed Services Endowment Income Assets Released from Restriction (Principal) Total Educational and General Student Room and Board TOTAL Operating Revenues Non-Operating Revenues Investment Performance Portion of Endowment Income Used for Current Operations TOTAL Non-Operating Revenues Operating Expenditures Educational and General Instructional Library Student Services Operation and Maintenance of Physical Plant Academic Support General Institutional Expenses Total Educational and General Scholarships and Fellowships Auxiliary Enterprises (Room/Board Expenses) TOTAL Expenditures Change in Net Assets: Operating TOTAL Change in Net Assets: Operating and Non-Operating

$ 3,132,609 $  2,560,771 $   425,304 $  855,787 $  0 $ 6,974,471 $ 1,509,680 $ 8,484,151



$ (855,787) $ 26,346

$ 2,128,593 $   503,564 $ 1,130,592 $ 1,146,592 $   482,827 $ 2,721,664 $ 8,113,831 $  910,981 $ 2,059,383 $11,084,196 $(2,600,045) $(2,573,699)

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Saint Meinrad’s Boards Board of Trustees

Rt. Rev. Kurt Stasiak, OSB, Chair St. Meinrad, IN Archabbot, Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Very Rev. John McMullen, OSB, Vice Chair St. Meinrad, IN Prior, Saint Meinrad Archabbey Dr. John D. Pulcini, Executive Secretary Evansville, IN Retired Plastic Surgeon, Evansville Plastic Surgical Association Inc. Mrs. Linda M. Budney Bethesda, MD Canon Lawyer

Mrs. Lisa Castlebury Evansville, IN Treasurer/Business Manager Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Rev. Bede Cisco, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Director of Spiritual Formation Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology Rev. Guerric DeBona, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Subprior, Saint Meinrad Archabbey Mr. James H. Muehlbauer Evansville, IN Vice Chair, Koch Enterprises Inc.

Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB St. Meinrad, IN President-Rector, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

Deacon Mark J. Rougeux Louisville, KY Deacon Program Instructor, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology and Archdiocese of Louisville

Rev. Raymond Studzinski, OSB Washington, D.C. Administrator and Associate Professor The Catholic University of America

Board of Overseers

Dr. John D. Pulcini, Chair Evansville, IN Retired Plastic Surgeon, Evansville Plastic Surgical Association Inc.

Mrs. Linda M. Budney, Vice Chair Bethesda, MD Canon Lawyer

Sr. Jane Becker, OSB Ferdinand, IN Subprioress, Monastery Immaculate Conception Page 22 | The Power of One

Judge Cecile Blau Jeffersonville, IN Senior Judge, Clark Superior Court

Rev. Anthony Chandler LaGrange, KY Pastor, Immaculate Conception Parish

Mr. John S. Chappell Jasper, IN Attorney, Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP Deacon Paul T. Cox Rockport, IN Supervisor of Corrosion Control, Indiana Vectren-Wagner Operations Center

Deacon Frank J. Olmsted St. Charles, MO Theology Teacher/Assistant Service Project Director, De Smet Jesuit High School Mr. Joseph A. Paradis III Naples, FL Chairman and CEO, Bramco Inc.

Mrs. Maura Robinson Evansville, IN President and CEO, M.G. Robinson Inc. and Innovative Energy Solutions

Mrs. Bonnie Graham Washington, IN Community and Church Volunteer

Deacon Mark J. Rougeux Louisville, KY Deacon Program Instructor, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology and Archdiocese of Louisville

Rev. Christopher A. House Springfield, IL Chancellor and Vicar Judicial, Diocese of Springfield Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Rev. Eric P. Schild Walbridge, OH Pastor, St. Jerome Catholic Church President, Cardinal Stritch Catholic High School and Academy

Rev. Jason B. Gries Evansville, IN Pastor, Holy Redeemer Parish

Rev. Gary D. Kastl Broken Arrow, OK Pastor, St. Anne Catholic Church Deacon Marc R. Kellams Bloomington, IN Judge, Monroe Circuit Court II

Mr. Jacob Kraft New Albany, IN Monument Salesman and Funeral Consultant, Generations Monuments and Memorials

Rev. Brent C. Lingle Sioux City, IA Rector, Cathedral of the Epiphany Several Diocesan Positions, Diocese of Sioux City

Mr. John S. Lueken Georgetown, IN Attorney and Partner, Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP

Mr. Don S. Mucci Louisville, KY Insurance Agent and Part Owner of Garrett-Stotz Company

Mr. James H. Muehlbauer Evansville, IN Vice Chair, Koch Enterprises Inc.

Mr. Stephen G. Mullins Louisville, KY President, ClearArc Capital Inc.

Mrs. Mary C. Schaffner Indianapolis, IN Associate Director of Spirituality Ministries Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House

Mr. Michael A. Schwenk Jasper, IN Vice President, Jasper Engine Exchange Inc.

Rev. Andrew W. Syberg Indianapolis, IN Formation Dean, Bishop Simon Brute College Seminary Dr. Corazon A. Veza Elizabethtown, KY Hematologist/Oncologist

Mr. Thomas L. Weintraut Zionsville, IN Vice President, Weintraut and Associates Inc.

Mrs. C. Anne Wilmes Indianapolis, IN Vice-President and Co-Founder Wilmes Family Charitable Foundation

Mrs. Mary Kay Wolford New Albany, IN Retired Educator and Community and Church Volunteer

Ms. Suzanne L. Yakimchick Indianapolis, IN Retired Chancellor and Director of Lay Ministry, Archdiocese of Indianapolis

Emeritus Members

Rev. Msgr. John J. Bendik Harveys Lake, PA Pastor Emeritus, Parish Community of St. John the Evangelist

Mr. John L. Carroll Bradenton, FL “Of Counsel” to Johnson, Carroll & Griffith, Attorneys at Law

Mr. Jon P. Dilts Bloomington, IN Retired Journalism Professor, Indiana University; and Registered Civil & Community Mediator and Attorney Mr. Charles R. Gardner Indianapolis, IN Instructor, Marian University

Rev. Msgr. Michael G. Hohenbrink Brooklyn, MI Retired Pastor, St. Michael the Archangel Parish Mr. Kenneth W. Krasavage Westfield, IN Retired Vice President Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.

Mr. Robert B. McNamara Indianapolis, IN Retired Founder of McNamara Florists Inc. Mrs. Barbara R. Mitchel Carmel, IN Owner/Operator of Williams Creek Ceramics, Retired Educator Mr. Bernard G. Niehaus Vincennes, IN CEO and Chairman of the Board Niehaus Companies Inc.

Mr. J. Robert Shine New Albany, IN Chairman, Monroe Shine and Co. Inc. Mr. Joseph F. Steurer Jasper, IN Retired Board Chairman, JOFCO Inc. Mr. Ronald R. Tisch Paradise Valley, AZ Retired Executive Vice President Calgon Carbon Corporation

Mr. John A. Witting Newburgh, IN Retired Vice President Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.

Alumni Association Board of Directors

Rev. Alan Carter, President Danville, KY Director of Vocations, Diocese of Lexington Pastor, Sts. Peter and Paul Parish

Rev. Michael Williams, Vice President Bowling Green, KY Chaplain/Pastor, St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center

Dr. Jared Bryson St. Louis, MO Vice President, Mission and Church Relations, Mercy Health System

Rev. Jerry Byrd North Vernon, IN Pastor, St. Mary, St. Ann and St. Joseph Parishes Christopher Carr Dublin, OH Manager, Merger & Acquisitions-IT Cardinal Health Mr. Frederick Chandler Indianapolis, IN Retired School Counselor Carmel High School

Deacon Gregory Clodi Kankakee, IL Deacon, St. Martin of Tours Parish

Deacon Richard Cooper Corydon, IN Executive Director Harrison County Community Services Ms. Lisabeth (Betsy) J. Dunman Louisville, KY Director of Lifelong Formation Holy Spirit Parish Rev. Msgr. Fred Easton Bloomington, IN Adjunct Vicar Judicial Archdiocese of Indianapolis

Dr. Lanny Hollis Cleveland, OH Associate Principal, Cleveland Central Catholic High School

Endowment Advisory Board

Rt. Rev. Kurt Stasiak, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Archabbot, Saint Meinrad Archabbey Very Rev. Denis Robinson, OSB St. Meinrad, IN President-Rector, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology Mrs. Lisa Castlebury Evansville, IN Treasurer/Business Manager Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Dr. Darren Sroufe Boonville, IN Director of Planned Giving and Foundation Relations Saint Meinrad Archabbey Mr. Bruce McCrea Louisville, KY Portfolio Manager First Kentucky Securities Corp.

Mr. Stephen G. Mullins Louisville, KY President, ClearArc Capital Inc.

Ms. M. Diane Murphy New Albany, IN Retired President, Your Community Bank Charitable Foundation Sr. Vice President of Community Relations, Your Community Bank

Rev. J. Randall Hubbard Louisville, KY Pastor, Epiphany Parish

Communications Advisory Board

Mr. Joseph Pfennig Indianapolis, IN Theology Teacher Cardinal Ritter High School

Mrs. Mary Biever Evansville, IN Digital Content Manager and Real Estate Broker, Goebel Realty

Mr. Kevin McNamara Orlando, FL Airport Director, Greater Orlando Aviation Authority

Dr. Mary Diane Valentine St. Peters, MO Director of Administration All Saints Parish

Msgr. Christopher Vasko Toledo, OH Vicar Judicial, Diocese of Toledo Pastor, St. Patrick Historic and Immaculate Conception

Mrs. Carrie Williamson Goshen, KY Director of Pastoral Ministry, St. Patrick Parish

Rev. Joseph Ziliak Newburgh, IN Retired Pastor St. John the Baptist Parish

Mrs. Laura Barker Magnet, IN Social Media Coordinator and Guest Services Manager Lake Rudolph Campground & RV Resort

Dr. Ruth Engs-Franz Bloomington, IN Professor Emeritus, Indiana University Mr. Mark Erdosy Indianapolis, IN Director of Church Relations and San Damiano Scholars Program Marian University

Mr. John Farless Evansville, IN Director of University Communications University of Southern Indiana

Mr. Jim Hubbman St. Peters, MO Theology Teacher, St. Mary’s High School

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Mr. Paul Leingang Evansville, IN Retired Editor, The Message Mr. Joel Philippsen Columbus, IN Digital Marketing Specialist Columbus Regional Health

Br. William Sprauer, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Student and Coordinator of Vocations Media, Office of Monastery Vocations Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Youth and Young Adult Advisory Board

Mrs. Tammy Becht, Ex Officio Floyds Knobs, IN Director of One Bread, One Cup Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology Mr. Kevin Crockett Georgetown, IN Registered Nurse Jewish Hospital, Louisville, KY

Br. John Mark Falkenhain, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Monastery Vocations Director Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Graduate Theology Programs Advisory Board

Sr. Jeana Visel, OSB Ferdinand, IN Director of Graduate Theology Programs Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology Dr. Carolyn Berghuis Carmel, IN Traditional Naturopath Trinity Holistic Wellness Ms. Mary Jane Choi Louisville, KY Real Estate Agent Weichert Realtors

Ms. Audra Douglas Evansville, IN Director of Change Management St. Mary’s Health

Mr. Patrick Friend Little Rock, AR Seminarian, Diocese of Little Rock Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

Mr. Charlie Hardesty Owensboro, KY Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Diocese of Owensboro

Br. James Jensen, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Administrative Assistant, One Bread, One Cup Ms. Emily Hitchens Saint Meinrad Seminary and School Indianapolis, IN of Theology Director, Butler Catholic Community Butler University Fr. Christian Raab, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Mr. Jeff Jenkins Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Corydon, IN College Ministerial Internship Program Mader Learning Center Director Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology Theology

Steve Angrisano Coppell, TX Singer, Songwriter, Storyteller Graduate Theology Student Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

Mr. Jonathan Van Buren Floyds Knobs, IN Master’s Degree Candidate George Washington University

Mr. Chad Baron Mechanicsville, VA Intern Conference Manager

Mr. Luke Messmer Jasper, IN Intern Associate Conference Manager

Abby Steele Virginia Beach, VA Intern Associate Conference Manager

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Mr. Tom Konechnik Danville, IN Regulatory Advisor Eli Lilly and Company

Mrs. Agnes Kovacs Santa Claus, IN Associate Director of Graduate Theology Programs Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

Deacon Marco Rajkovich Nicholasville, KY Member, Rajkovich, Williams Kilpatrick & True PLLC

Mrs. Elaine Robertson Owensboro, KY Director of Faith Formation Diocese of Owensboro

Dr. Tom Walters Santa Claus, IN Emeritus Professor of Religious Education Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology Br. Zachary Wilberding, OSB St. Meinrad, IN Assistant to Director of Continuing Formation Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

Institute for Priests and Presbyterates Advisory Board Rev. Crispine Adongo Jasper, IN Associate Pastor, St. Joseph Parish

Rev. Alan Carter Danville, KY Director of Vocations, Diocese of Lexington Pastor, Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Rev. Jim Deiters O’Fallon, IL Pastor, St. Clare Parish

Very. Rev. Christopher A. House Springfield, IL Chancellor and Vicar Judicial, Diocese of Springfield Pastor, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Dr. Richard Johnson Wildwood, MO Founder and Director, Johnson Institute and Senior Adult Ministry

Rev. Francis Kalpurackal Mooresville, IN Administrator, St. Thomas More Parish Sr. Mary Timothy Prokes, FSE Pocatello, ID Teacher, Author and Spiritual Director

Mrs. Maura G. Robinson Evansville, IN President and CEO, M.G. Robinson Inc. and Innovative Energy Solutions Rev. Raymond Studzinski, OSB Washington, D.C. Administrator and Associate Professor The Catholic University of America

Mrs. Ann Tully Indianapolis, IN Judge Instructor/Assessor, Archdiocese of Indianapolis Metropolitan Tribunal

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