Summer 2022 Alumni Magazine

Page 26

Helen and William Harford ’51 with their extended family

Saint Peter’s yearbook photo of William Harford ’51

Helen and William Harford ’51


The Most Meaningful Gift

t times, William Harford ’51 seemed

As the couple exchanged presents on Christmas Eve, Suni

larger than life. With a smile that could

informed her husband that the William Harford ’51 Scholarship

instantly light up a room, the longtime

for Service would soon be a reality. “What is the most meaningful

sales and marketing executive often

gift you could give anyone?” asked Woody. “At this point in our

set others at ease with a series of

lives, gift giving has become less about things and more about

quips that sparked infectious laughter

experiences. This was a gift she knew I’d value highly.”

among listeners. Yet beneath his jovial

Established with a $250,000 contribution, the William

personality was an intensity of purpose

Harford ’51 Scholarship for Service will provide tuition and

founded on qualities that had shaped his

other assistance for veterans who enroll at Saint Peter’s. The

life, like character, hard work and ingenuity. After the World War II veteran passed away on June 14, 2020,

scholarship recognizes the service of Harford, a Jersey City resident who graduated from Lincoln High School then enlisted

his family wanted to honor his incredible legacy. One idea

in the U.S. Navy during World War II. After two years in the Pacific

tossed around by his son and daughter-in-law, Woody and Suni

theater, Harford returned home and enrolled in a special program

Harford, was an endowed scholarship for veterans at Saint

to prepare veterans for college. With the assistance of the G.I. Bill,

Peter’s University. By winter 2020, the project hadn’t gained much

he enrolled at Saint Peter’s, where he studied business and played

traction—or so Woody thought.

on the varsity baseball team.


Summer 2022

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