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Saints-GoldstrawGoldmithsStNeotsTown FCAcademy&MainStandSponsor
The Goldstraw Goldsmith’s St Neots Town FC Academy Sponsor

Goldstraw Goldsmiths is an established, trusted, successful jewellery shop in the Cambridgeshire town of St Neots. At Goldstraws Goldsmiths we’ve been designing and caring for jewellery for over 30 years. We sell all styles of jewellery; new and antique. If you have a particular item in mind, we will always endeavour to source it. Two experienced goldsmiths work on the premises, offering quality craftsmanship with every newly created piece and repair. We take pride in our work and our customers tell us time and time again that wouldn’t go anywhere else. Why not come in and say hello we” be happy to help.
01480 407704