President - JohnWalker
SocialMedia- MikeGreen
KitMan-MickHunt Analyst-JordanBeale
Address: RowleyPark,KesterWay, StNeots,Cambs., PE196SL
publicationofownershipinrelationtostep1-4withinthefootballpyramid, weherebyconfirmthelegalstatusofStNeotsTownFootballClub IdentificationNumber 02921210,andisaPrivateLimitedCompany.
Forthepurposesofpublication ofownershipwecanconfirmthatthefollowingarelistedasDirectorsoftheCompany: Lee Kearns (Significant interest 70%) , Iain Parr, Louise Sales, Gary Wilson, Mehmet Mimoglu and as Non Executive Directors Mike Green,Jeremy Green,andBarryCavilla. CompanySecretary KeithGotch,CompanyAccountantKeithGotch
Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to the Premier Plus Stadium for today's Pitching-In Northern Premier League Midland Division game.
Today we extend a warm welcome to the Players, Officials and Supporters of Gresley Rovers Football Club and we hope your brief stay with us here in St Neots is an enjoyable one.
As we approach the business end of the season, every game we play becomes a cup final as we look to pick up points and hopefully move away from the automatic drop zone and the relegation playoff positions and today is a real 'six-pointer' as we face one of the clubs who are in the relegation mini league with ourselves. We come into today's game off the back of a narrow one goal defeat at high flying Spalding United last Saturday and our visitors were enjoying a comprehensive home victory over rock bottom side Yaxley FC. Interestingly, It was announced that the management team at fellow strugglers Daventry Town had chosen to resign after talks with the board had revealed that the club were no longer in a position to compete at Step Four of the pyramid so we will keep an eye on developments at Elderstubbs over the coming weeks.
Off the pitch we have finally received our new batch of hats and scarves priced at £10 and £14 or £22 as a pair. These can be found in the merchandise hut next to the players pitch-side entrance where Chris and Roger will be delighted to see you.
Right then, back to today's game. Apologies in advance for the lack of pre match music and the usual half time score updates etc as sadly, myself and Charlie aren't able to be there with you as we are at a family event in South East London but we will be back for next week's game when we entertain Harborough Town.
Good afternoon and welcome everyone, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the players, officials and supporters of Gresley Rovers to the Premier Plus Stadium for today’s Northern Premier Midland division 1 fixture and we wish all a safe journey home afterwards.
Like ourselves Gresley have found the league very tough and competitive and are working hard to stay clear of the relegation places and will be tough opponents to overcome today, but one challenge we have got to take on with relish and commitment to secure the much needed points to push ourselves out of our current position and to safety for this season. The Saints have put in some hardworking performances over the past few games and if we had just been able to have taken a few more of our chances created , I am certain we would have secured more rewards for all their hard work & performances put in recently.
I know the lads will be fired up and looking to build on the fine effort and performances shown lately and get those much needed points to push the club onwards and upwards.
Pete and the team know how special it is to have such great support behind them from you all and we hope you can continue driving them on today and be that 12th player to give us that extra boost to secure some more valuable points to saftey within this NPL.
Finally I mentioned I would update you on the clubs community/ Memorial board project. I am delighted to tell you it is now ready and can be found inside the Covered area by the turnstiles on entry. Anyone wishing to add a message on to the board for themselves or their loved ones please contact the club to discuss how to place your order for your plaque.
Best Wishes to Pete and the team today from us all.
Yours in sport.
Barry Barry BarryPartners-Visitwww.stneotstownfc.co.uktofindouthowtobecomeapartner.
We pride ourselves on being open minded with a particular emphasis on working closely with our business partners to ensure mutually beneficial achievements. Our aim is to continue developing football for all, to offer duel career pathwaysandtocontinuetoengageand supporttheCommunityandlocalbusinesses.
We pride ourselves on being open minded with a particular emphasis on working closely with our business partners to ensure mutually beneficial achievements. Our aim is to continue developing football for all, to offer duel career pathwaysandtocontinuetoengageand supporttheCommunityandlocalbusinesses.
ForthesecondtimeathomethisseasonStNeotshitsixgoalsandthatwasthanks inthemaintoLeeClarkemakingonlyhisfourthappearanceforhissideand inspiringthemtoanimportanthomevictoryoverHitchinwithahattrickinjust17 minutesinthefirsthalf. HebecameonlythesecondStNeotsplayertoclaima treblethisseasonafterbeingswitchedtoleadtheattackforthefirsttime. With NathanFraterandLorenzoFerraribothinjured,Clarkeclearlyrelishedhisroleand althoughitwasdisappointingtoconcedetwogoalstheoverallperformancewas solidandconvincing. ReturningtotheclubonloanfromLutonTownafterjust threeappearanceslastseasonBrettLongdenwasimpressiveoperatingwideright andleadingscorerDrewRobertshelpedhimselftotwomoregoalsasHitchin crumbledinthesecondhalf.
StNeotsbeganstronglyandcouldhavescoredthreetimesinthefirstfiveminutes. AnopportunistvolleybyClarkeinthefirstattackwasjuggledbyvisitingkeeper CharlieHorlockbeforebeingclearedandthenClarkesetupLewisHilliardwhoshot waspushedawayatfullstretchbythekeeper. MattSpringthencurledafreekick aroundthedefensivewallbeatingthekeeperbuthisshotdeflectedoffapost. HoweverStNeotswasnotgoingtobedeniedforlongandafter16minutesfrom anotherSpringfreekickClarkefoundspaceatthefarposttoheadhome.Hethen doubledtheleadthreeminuteslateraftertheunfortunateHorlockhadspilleda shotfromHilliardandfromanotherfreekickBruceWilsonsentashotoverthe bar.HitchinrespondedagainsttherunofplaywhenfromtheirfirstrealattackPaul BastockracingfromhislinecouldonlyparryacrossandLucasKirkpatrickreduced thearrearswithaskilfulchipintotheunguardednet. Howeverthetwogoal cushionwasquicklyrestoredasClarkeatthenearpostgotaflickonaHilliardcross thathadeludedthegoalkeeperanddespitethebesteffortstoclearonthelinebya defenderaneagleeyedAssistantRefereeruledthattheballwasoverthelineand Clarke’shattrickwascompleted.TwominutesbeforethebreakStNeotsreceiveda wakeupcallwhenMattLenchtookfulladvantageofsomehesitantdefendingto makethescore3-2afteranentertainingfirsthalf.
IfthefirsthalfhadcheeredthelocalsupportersbetterwastofollowasStNeots almostcompletelydominatedthesecond45minutes.Tenminutesaftertherestart acrossfromtherightbyMattSpringeludedthedefenceandLewisHilliardswepta lowshotintothenettoaddtoStNeotslead.JackWilkinsondidwelltoblocka fiercevolleyasHitchinsoughttostayinthematchbutafter68minutesafifthSt Neotsgoalallbutsettledtheoutcome.Itcamefromalongthrowintothesixyards boxbyJackWilkinsonandwhenHorlockfumbledtheballacepoachedDrew Robertswasquicklyintotakefulladvantage.NowHitchinlookedawellbeaten sideandtoaddtheicingonthecakeRobertsaddedthefinalgoalwhenleft unmarkedbythetiringvisitingdefence.Hebidedhistimeallowingthekeeperto comeouttonarrowtheanglebeforehittingafierceshotinofftheundersideofthe crossbar.
StNeots:Bastock,Tann,Wilkinson,Wilson,Mitchel-King,Ward,Hilliard,Spring, Clarke,Roberts,Longden
Subs:Harty(forWilson65),Bickerstaff(forHilliard68),Vieira(forClarke83),Hobbs andFrater(R)
Goals:LeeClark3(16,19&33mins),DrewRoberts2(68and80mins),LewisHilliard (55mins)
Hitchin:Horlock,Rolfe,Walster,Ann,Webb,Barker,McNamara,Lench,Martin, Kirkpatrick,Rees
Subs:Donnelly(forMartin63),Smith(forWalston76),Peacock(forKirkpatrick76), WilliamsandJohnson.
We pride ourselves on being open minded with a particular emphasis on working closely with our business partners to ensure mutually beneficial achievements. Our aim is to continue developing football for all, to offer duel career pathwaysandtocontinuetoengageand supporttheCommunityandlocalbusinesses.
Yearfounded: 1882 Chairman: GaryNorton ClubWebsite: https://www.gresleyrovers.com
OurtwosidesmetforthefirsttimeatGresleyinOctoberlastyearwhenourladsrecordedour onlyawayleaguevictorysofarthisseason(reportelsewhereinprogramme).Youwillseeit wasanaction-packedencounterwithanowngoalandasavedpenaltykickplusafirstgoal thisseasonforRobbieMason.Sincethenbothsideshavestruggledtofindawinningrhythm andatpresentGresleysitjustfivepointsaheadofus insixteenthposition–twoplacesaheadofourladsandoutsidewhatwillbetherelegation zonecometheendoftheseason. Significantlyafterthisafternoontherearejustninevital leaguematchestoplayforusbothasweseektoretainourstatusatthislevelinthefootball set-up.InterestinglyGresley,likeus,havehaddifficultyinpickinguppointsawayfromhome withtheironlyleaguevictoryontheroadthisseasoncomingatbottomsideYaxleywhere theywonbytheoddgoalinfive. So,avictorytodaycouldbeaspurtoeithersideasa steppingstonetotheretentionoffootballatStepFournextseason. LastseasonGresleywere promotedtotheNPLfromtheUnitedCountiesLeagueNorthwheretheyhadfinishedrunners uptoLongEatonandsignificantlyhadtravelledwellhavingnotlostawayfromhomeinthe leagueallseason–afeattheyfailedtoemulatethistimearound. LastSaturdayGresley recordedanimportanthomevictorybeatingstrugglingYaxley4-0fortheirbesthomevictory oftheseason,althoughtheyalsobeatSuttonColdfield4-2athomeearlierintheseason. IntheFATrophyGresleywerebeatenbyLongEatonwhohadjustpippedthemfortheUCL PremierDivisionNorthtitlelastseasonbythreepointswhilstintheDerbyshireSeniorCup theywerebeateninapenaltyshootoutbyBelperUnitedfromtheUCLafteranearlierround 1-0victoryoverDronfield.
GresleyRovers 1-2 StNeotsTown NPL
A first victory in six league and cup matches came as a relief to St Neots who had dropped into the relegation zone of the league table prior to this match. An own goal and a well taken second just after the break gave them the platform for this victory that lifted them up three places in the table, but they had to absorb a late period of pressure to return home with the points. Manager Pete Gill decided to reshape his side playing an extra defender in a 53-2formationandwithonlyonegoalconceded–thatfromacorner,hisgamble certainly paid dividends. His changes saw leading scorer Trey Charles start on the bench along with Andre Hasanally and with Dan Barton injured again, the three players that came into the side were Toib Adeyemi, Declan Nche fit after injury,andnewsigningfullbackPatrickCampbell.
The contest began in dramatic fashion when after just four minutes in the first significant attacking action of the match St Neots won a corner.Aaron Smith’s searching cross cleared the players at the near post and went in off the home goalkeeper’slegsforastrangeopeninggoal. Thatseemedtosettlethevisitors’ nerves, although their revised line-up allowed the home side territorial possession in midfield. From an Albie Lansdown free kick Ellis Everard had a close range shot blocked and Adam Garmson should have done better than shoot wide after a good move by the home side. St Neots were always threateningfromlongthrowsbyAaronSmithintothepenaltyareaandSaleem Akanbi had a shot blocked after neat work by Declan Nche.Then after half an hour debutant defender Patrick Campbell brough down Ellis Evans as he raced into the area and a penalty kick was awarded. Evans himself took the kick but visiting keeper Jamie Greygoose guessed right to save the kick. Alex Morris was sent clear on goal, but he sent his finish wide and then Manny Osei was fouled, and he seemed to retaliate but the Referee smoothed things over without resorting to his notebook. He did however book Toib Adeyemi on the stroke of half time for a tackle when the St Neots defender appeared to have won the ballfairly.
Each side made a change at half time and with three minutes St Neots had extended their lead. Nche won a corner which was not cleared by the home defence and through a packed penalty area Robbie Mason struck a hard low shot past the unsighted home keeper to claim his first goal of the campaign. That signalled a determined counter-offensive by the home side and after 58 minutesfromaKaneLeecorner,AlbyLansdownbeatthevisitingkeeperwitha well-struck shot to level the scores. St Neots sent on top scorer Trey Charles in a bid to boost their attack and he was quickly in action testing Lewis Fenny inn the home goal.Then after 72 minutes Greygoose had to produce the save of the match full length to keep out a low effort from Lee.Home skipper Kieran Wells squandered his sides’ best chance of an equaliser heading over the bar from close range and Charles twice had chances to confirm St Neots victory but the second time he was hauled down earning a red card for home defender Levi Read. A result for St Neots that replicated a 2010 FA Vase result on the same ground.
St Neots Town: Greygoose, Lott, Campbell, Anderson, Mason, Adeyemi, Tarpey, Nche,Akanbi,Osei,Smith.
Subs: Sackey-Mensah (for Campbell 46 mins), Charles (for Tarpey 63 mins), Hasanally(forOsei85mins)andBrewer.
Cards:Adeyemi(Y–45mins),Lott(Y–59mins),Hasanally(Y–90+3mins) Goals:Mason(48mins),OG(4mins)
Gresley Rovers: Fenny, Clark, Gough, Lansdown, Donaldson, Morris, Williams, Evans,Wells,Garmson,Lee.
Subs: Blowers (for Clark 46 mins), Berry (for Garmson 61 mins), Reid (for Donaldson68mins),PattersonandHunniford.
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St Neots disappointed their supporters when they conceded a goal after just 38 seconds in their latest home match. However, despite being outplayed in the first 45 minutes they battled their way back into the game after the break and were disappointed not to get some reward as the visitors shut up shop to defend resolutely. An unfortunate incident in added time saw substitute Robbie Mason sent off and a further player from each side booked as frustrations boiled over late in the game. The visitors had beaten an under strength St Neots 6-0 midweek in their first meeting this season, and they had won their last two matches to climb to twelfth in the table. Their first half display of attacking power and crisp finishing was as good by any visiting side this season and St Neots displayed admirable resolution to compete after the break. There was just one team change from their midweek victory with Panny Boxer coming in for Charlie Johnson.
That early opening goal scored by Rhys Hilton with a low shot inside the near post was almost doubled two minutes later when striker Trea Bertie ballooned a shot over the bar but St Neots tried to respond as a Liam Hook corner was mishandled by visiting keeper Jonathan Brown and in a frenzied following period two St Neots efforts were cleared off the line. However, the visitors looking slick in possession looked much the better side and a searching through ball played Ryan Edmunds clear but his shot rebounded off a goalpost. Trey Charles shot wide after good work by Callum Anderson and Manny Osei had a close range effort deflected but it was no real surprise when the visitors doubled their lead after 39 minutes when the speedy Trea Bertie latched onto a long clearance to power his way past the last defender to score at the second attempt after Jamie Greygoose had parried his first effort. St Neots must have been relieved to hear the half time whistle having limited the damage to just two goals.
A typically defiant response by St Neots Manager Pete Gill saw two attacking substitutions after the break with Robbie Mason and Dan Barton replacing Manny Osei and Charlie Lewis. However as if a to rub salt in the St Neots wounds it took Trea Bertie just two minutes after the restart to score again to extend the visitors’ lead. St Neots responded with Charles sending an acrobatic overhead kick just wide and with the exciting pace of Dan Barton added to their attack St Neots were beginning to dominate. Unfortunately for St Neots the clever dribbling skills of Barton were too often ended by desperate tackling and free kicks that brought little reward. Both Mason and Charles sent efforts over the bar after promising build ups and St Neots then sent on fit again Liam Smyth for his second substitute appearance. After 63 minutes from a Hook corner Charles netted from close range but that was as good as it got for St Neots. The visitors packed their defence and their keeper produced two good saves to deny Barton and Charles as they held out for all three points. However, St Neots overall performance bodes well for the future.
St Neots Town: Greygoose, Lewis, Smith, Anderson, Dickens, Johnson, Duncliffe, Hook, Charles, Rider, Osei
Subs: Mason (sub for Osei 46 mins), Barton (sub for Lewis 46 mins), Smyth (sub for Rider 61 Mins), Stallard, and Njoku.
Cards: Mason (RED – 90+2 mins), Lewis (Y – 22 mins), Hook (Y - 25 mins), Anderson (Y –90+2 mins)
Goal: Charles (90 mins)
Sutton Coldfield Town: Brown, Sawyer, Armitage, Mills, Beresford, Zito, Dampha, Clements, Bertie, Hilton. Edmunds
Subs: Todd (for Armitage 73 mins), Ellis (for Hilton 75 mins), Maphosa (for Mills 83 mins), Mansfield and Hendrie.
Cards: Dampha (Y – 45+1 min), Bertie (Y – 90+2 mins)
Goals: Bertie 2 (39 & 47 mins), Hilton (38 seconds)
Attendance: 211
Referee: Chris Darling (Newmarket)
John Walker
As these two sides scramble for survival at the wrong end of the league table this result was what neither wanted. St Neots maintained their one-point advantage over their hosts leaving them in the second automatic relegation spot above Yaxley, but it is a long way to go for both sides, if their places at step four next season is guaranteed. St Neots began the match well and scored first but conceded a goal in first half added time and a victory could gone to either side if a second goal could have been found. St Neots had to introduce a new goalkeeper with Jamie Greygoose having departed for his new life in Australia and they were pleased to secure the services of James Goff from neighbours St Ives. He had a very promising debut looking confident and assured under pressure and there were three other changes to the starting line-up. Dan Barton, Robbie Mason and Brandon Njoku came into the side for Charlie Johnson (unavailable) and Joe Rider and Manni Osei, both of who started on the substitutes bench.
St Neots began well and should have made their first half possession and chances count.That was despite suffering an early setback when after just five minutes influential midfielder Liam Hook was forced off with an injury earning the perpetrator a booking. He was replaced by Manny Osei. New goalkeeper James Goff was in early action saving at the feet of Kai O’Keefe and there was concern when Brandon Njoku was injured but was able to continue after lengthy on-field treatment. St Neots then settled and Robbie Mason saw an effort deflected for a corner and a couple of lengthy throws from Aaron Smith caused last ditch clearances from the home defence. Then on the half hour Trey Charles won his way to the bye line and set up Brandon Njoku to open the scoring for the visitors. Tom Lorraine could have levelled the scores soon after, but he shot wide after good work by Mungo Bridge. Goff saved well from an O’Keefe free kick and Njoku fired over the bar at the other end and the same player shot wide after good work by Callum Anderson. As the half time break approached both Dan Barton and Charles both had chances but shot wide and then deep into first half added time a lengthy throw by Lewis Burgess was not defended and Josh Endall levelled the scores.
It was the visitors who began the second half better. The lively O’Keefe shot wide after a swift build up from defence and then the home side opted for a change sending on George Herbert to replace Jack Bowen. He was quickly in action firing wide with his first touch before Manny Osei also shot wide after Charlie Lewis had set up a St Neots’ attack from the back. With the home side now enjoying the better possession St Neots were guilty of putting pressure on themselves by conceding too many free kicks and from one of these Goff saved well from Tom Lorraine. O’Keefe continued to torment the St Neots defence and from one of his corners Dan Barton cleared off the line and in a bid to freshen up the visiting attack St Neots sent on Joe Rider for the limping Njoku. With his first touch Rider saw an effort deflected over the crossbar and St Neots finished strongly with Barton seeing a shot deflected after good work by Anderson. In the end Neots were unable to avenge an earlier 1-2 home defeat by their Northamptonshire hosts.
St Neots Town: Goff, Duncliffe, Smith, Anderson, Dickens, Lewis, Barton, Hook, Mason, Njoku, Charles
Subs: Osei (for Hook 5 mins), Rider (for Njoku 78 mins), Smyth, and Sylvester
Cards: Smith (Y – 36 mins), Mason (Y - 42 mins)
Goal: Njoku (30 mins)
Daventry Town: Patching, Print, Burgess, Endall, Wilson, Nketia, Ball, Bridge, Bowen, Lorraine, O’Keefe
Subs: Herbert (for Bowen 52 mins), Masiri, Kille, and Magagada
Cards: Nketia (Y – 5 mins), Endall (Y – 71 mins)
Goal: Endall (45+3 mins)
Attendance: 115
Referee: Minesh Gupta (Leicester)
John Walker
A battling performance by St Neots saw them beaten by the only goal of the game scored by hosts Spalding United who are desperate to chase down the two sides ahead of them in the league table. The Lincolnshire hosts had won convincingly in the first meeting of the two sides at St Neots, but this was a much closer contest and had St Neots been able to find a goal against a stubborn well-drilled home defence they could have returned home with a valuable point. Home keeper Michael Duggan who was with St Neots when they set out on their Steps 4/3 adventure back in 2011 thwarted Liam Smyth and Trey Charles in the first half to keep a clean sheet on his 399th appearance for Spalding whilst St Neots had their own celebrant as Aaron Smith registered his 100th appearance – only the sixth player to reach this milestone since promotion to the Southern League in 2011. There were two enforced St Neots team changes with Liam Hook injured and Robbie Mason suspended so into the starting line-up came Panny Boxer and Liam Smyth – the latter for his first start.
The first half produced little significant action in the first half hour except for two shots in the first ten minutes by the host side. Kyle Barker set up by Stefan Broccoli produced an effort that flew well wide and then a searching cross from former Saint Lewis Hilliard found the head of Nathan Stainsfield but visiting keeper James Goff did well to claw the ball away under pressure. The half then settled into a contest that saw both defences well on top but as half time approached St Neots discovered a rhythm and should have made a spell of superior possession count. Dan Barton did well to get into a shooting position but his effort was wide and then debutant Liam Smyth saw a net bound effort blocked by a defender. Another effort from Smyth – this time with his head was well gathered by Michael Duggan who also had to dive bravely at the feet of Trey Charles to smother.
It was the home side that came out strongly after the break. Full back Aaron Hart joined his attack but fired just wide but in their next attack after 54 minutes the host side took the lead. Connor Peters broke up a St Neots attack and the ball was moved quickly forward and Hilliard produced the searching cross that found the head of Nat Ansu and he made no mistake from ten yards. On the hour St Neots sent on Manny Osei for the limping Brandon Njoku and then in a bid to freshen his side five minutes later Pete Gill made a further double substitution withdrawing Dan Barton and Jon-Paul Duncliffe, sending on Steve Sylvester and Jack Barnett. After 73 minutes the lively Ansu slipped the St Neots defence and forced James Goff into the save of the match and he then fielded another effort from Kyle Barker. The keeper also had to be alert to gather a lengthy effort from substitute Brad Rolt but in the final ten minutes Spalding changed their tactics pulling players back to defend their slender lead and St Neots found attempts to penetrate the packed defence very difficult. In a lengthy period of added time Dylan Edge broke away and forced another good save from Goff who has settled well into the side following the departure of Jamie Greygoose.
St Neots Town: Goff, Duncliffe, Smith, Anderson, Lewis, Dickens, Barton, Boxer, Njoku, Smyth, Charles
Subs: Osei (for Njoku 59 mins), Barnett (for Barton 78 mins), Sylvester (for Duncliffe), and Stallard
Cards: Boxer (Y – 68 mins)
Goals: none
Spalding United: Duggan, Hart, Draper, Barker, Stainfield, Peters, Jones, Hilliard, Ansu, Broccoli, Edge
Subs: Bucciero (for Draper 59 mins), Rolt (for Broccoli 72 mins), Cartwright (for Ansu 87 mins), Sandy, and Frost.
Cards: Draper (Y – 38 mins), Broccoli (Y – 68 mins)
Goal: Ansu (54 mins)
Attendance: 389
Referee: Karl Donaghey (Melton Mowbray)
John Walker
The original Gresley Rovers were formed in 1882 in the small mining village of Church Gresley, which is near to Swadlincote - the biggest town in South Derbyshire.
Their first ground was at Mushroom Lane in Albert Village a mile or so from Church Gresley and they played mainly friendlies and cup games for ten years before joining the Burton Junior League for the 1892/93 season. They won their first league title in the 1894/95 season eleven points clear of their nearest rivals in the Burton Junior League.
Rovers moved from the quaintly named Mushroom Lane ground (which they shared with the local cricket club Mushroom Lane CC) to the newly acquired Church Street Ground in time for the 1895/96 season.
Despite the lack of facilities (the teams changed at the nearby Boot Hotel) they were accepted into the Midland League for the 1903/04 season where they stayed for three seasons. Some of the clubs played are now in the Football League. They struggled in this much higher standard and therefore returned to the local league in 1905 to 'gather their strength' again.
Rovers stayed at Church Street till near the end of the 1907/08 season when they had to move as the land was required for building and moved across the road onto the newly acquired Moat Ground - the ground they still play on today. Rovers stepped up a couple of grades to join the Central Alliance and then moved up again as they joined the powerful Birmingham Combination in 1925. However, despite reaching the First Round Proper of the F.A. Cup in 1930/31, they experienced financial difficulties, and these forced them to leave the Birmingham Combination and join the more local Central Alliance in 1933.
A couple of seasons later they moved to the Leicestershire Senior League and enjoyed success in the immediate post-war years as they won the title in 1946/7 and 1947/8 and were runners-up in 1948/9. At the start of the fifties the Club made the decision to join the Central Alliance. However, on this occasion, their stay in that League was only brief and they joined the Birmingham & District League in 1954/5. They then rejoined the Central Alliance in 1959/60 and stayed in that League until 1974/5 during which time the League changed its title to the East Midlands Regional League.
Gresley dominated that League and in the fourteen seasons from 1961 to 1975 the lowest they finished was in fifth place as they won the title on four occasions, finished runners-up on four occasions, ended in third place on three occasions, fourth on two occasions and fifth only once. At the start of the 1975/6, they moved to the West Midlands League, which was a much stronger League, and in the early years they always ended in the lower regions of the table. However, after much hard work off the field, runners-up spot was achieved in 1985/6 and the following six seasons saw Gresley finish 4th, 4th, 2nd, 3rd, lst and 1st. During that period they also won the Derbyshire Senior Cup on four successive occasions. Season 1990/91 was a particularly good one for Gresley. In addition to the League Title and the Derbyshire Senior Cup win they also reached the final of the F.A. Vase and so had the honour of playing at Wembley. Their opponents were Guiseley and some National Newspapers reported it as 'the most exciting Wembley Cup Final ever'. When one looks at the goals sequence one can see how the game earned that accolade: After 31 minutes the score was Guiseley - 3 Gresley - 0, but Gresley came back and grabbed a very dramatic equaliser in injury time at the end of the ninety minutes. Then in extra time Gresley went 4 - 3 in front but this time Guiseley scored a very dramatic equaliser as they levelled things in injury time at the end of the second half of extra time.
The replay at Bramall Lane saw Gresley lose by 3 - 1. However, despite that tremendous season their application to join the Beazer Homes League was not successful but they battled on to win the league again the following season. This time their application to the Beazer Homes League was successful and they were placed in the Midland Division for the 1992/3 season. That 1992/3 season had some disappointment for Gresley as they lost in the semi-final of the F.A. Vase and so narrowly missed another trip to Wembley, but in the League they confounded everyone by finishing as runners- up and so gained promotion to the Premier Division at the first attempt. The 1993/4 season saw them consolidate in 14th position but medals did come to the Club as they again won the Derbyshire Senior Cup and reached the Final of the Dr. Martens League Cup. An improved League position of 8th was achieved in 1994/5 and that season saw them reaching the First Round Proper of the F.A. Cup for only the second time ever before losing away to Crewe.
Paul Futcher was appointed manager with Garry Birtles, former England International, his assistant on 2nd November 1995. Rovers improved their League position yet again in 1995/6 as they ended the season in 5th place and had the bonus of winning the Derbyshire Senior Cup yet again. The season 1996/7 was the best in the Club's long history because in addition to retaining the Derbyshire Senior Cup they also won the Dr. Martens Premier Division championship. Rovers were unbeaten in their first seventeen league games (won 10 drawn 7) and were league leaders for 31 weeks. The title was finally won with a 3 - 1 home victory against Gloucester City at the Moat Ground on April 26th 1997. Gresley Rovers became the first Derbyshire side and first village side to win this prestigious trophy, but ground grading meant that they were unable to gain promotion to the Football Conference.
Paul Futcher the Manager during that campaign left during the close season and his Assistant Manager Garry Birtles stepped up into the Manager's position. The disappointment of not being promoted to the Football Conference saw many of Gresley's players leave the club. The 1997/8 season saw Gresley finish in the bottom half of the Dr. Martens Premier League. The 1998/99 season will go down in the history of Gresley Rovers as one of the worst. At the end of 1998 they were in the top six. By the end of April, they were relegated. The season started well and 13 points from their September games saw them in third place just four points adrift of the leaders Nuneaton Borough. In November Gresley Rovers were drawn to meet Walsall at the Bescot Stadium in the first round of the F.A. Cup. Gresley went close to causing an upset but were denied at least a replay by a goal 11 minutes from the end. Victories over Kings Lynn and Hastings got December off to a fine start; however, three defeats saw them drop to 6th place. After a disastrous run of 6 successive defeats in January saw them slump to 17th place just 5 points above the relegation places. In February two successive draws and three defeats proved to be Garry Birtles downfall and he and his assistant, Paul Fitzpatrick were dismissed. Stuart Ford took charge temporarily and saw the team beat Atherstone 2-1 that ended a run of 14 games without a win. In March 1999 Brian Kenning was appointed manager. The opening game of April produced a comfortable 3-0 victory over Cambridge City. But three defeats followed against Nuneaton, Crawley, and Rothwell. Vital game at Dorchester and Salisbury yielded only one point. The defeat on the final day against Bath City pushed Gresley into the Midlands Division just two years after winning the Dr. Martens Premier Division Championship by 11 points. The last time Gresley were relegated was in the 1958/9 season when they went down from the Birmingham League Division one to Division two.
After financial difficulties, Gresley Rovers liquidated at the end of the 2008–09 season, forming a new football club, Gresley F.C.
Gresley FC was formed in 2009 and enjoyed a very successful first season in the East Midlands Counties League. The side, managed by Gary Norton, finished as runners up and therefore narrowly missed out on promotion. Gresley also enjoyed a long run in the FA Vase by beating Spennymoor, Dawlish and Long Buckby. The Dawlish tie in particular will live long in the memory as the original tie was abandoned in extra time and the Moatmen won the replay in South Derbyshire on penalties. The Vase run came to an end in front of the home fans in disappointing fashion at home to Whitehawk in the quarter-finals.
New Directors joined the club looking to turn the dream of moving to a new stadium into a reality.
Manager Gary Norton and his assistant Martin Rowe invited Martyn Rowntree to step up from the reserves to become first team coach.
2010-2011 Gresley’s second season as a club and also their second in the East Midlands Counties League saw another good FA Vase run getting to the last 32 and then going one step further from the previous season by winning the league after an exciting run-in. Being a few points behind the leading contenders Gresley could not afford to slip up again after an unexpected home defeat in early January if their dreams were to be realised. An amazing 20 game unbeaten run with the final 8 all victories saw Gresley crowned as champions and promoted into the Midland Football Alliance.
Season 2011-2012 saw another good run in the FA Vase reaching the last 16 and to top off a superb season Gresley achieved a remarkable back-to-back title success as they lifted the Midland Football Alliance title at their first attempt and promotion to the Evo-Stik NPL Division One South. The first season back at level four was successful as Gresley settled into the Division One South. Gresley finished just outside the top ten in the league and reached the 3rd Qualifying round of the FA Cup. At the end of the season joint manager Gary Norton stepped down with Martin Rowe named as manager.
After losing their first two league fixtures of 2013-2014 and then an indifferent spell up to Christmas Gresley managed to stabilise their performances and ended the season in a creditable 9th place. However, in both the FA Cup and FA Trophy Gresley had good runs going out of the cup after forcing Conference South outfit Brackley Town to a replay after a good draw at St James Park in the 2nd Qualifying Round and in the Trophy they took Conference Premier side Wrexham almost all the way in the First Round Proper losing by the odd goal in three at the Racecourse Ground. In September 2014 Martin Rowe resigned and his assistant Wayne Thornhill was appointed as first team manager at the end of October.
Wayne, along with his assistants Jamie Barrett and Russell Peel, turned the season around and they finished in a creditable fifth place making the play-offs where they met Leek Town at Harrison Park who narrowly beat the Moatmen by a single goal. An appearance in the Derbyshire Senior Cup Final at the home of Chesterfield FC ended with Gresley as runners-up losing to Evo-Stik Premier side Matlock Town. At the beginning of September Wayne stepped down and Dave Langston appointed as caretaker manager. In October Scott Goodwin was appointed as manager with Jamie Barrett and Gary Rickets as his assistants. After a disappointing run of defeats Scott was released and Gary Ricketts appointed as player/manager assisted by Jamie Barrett and Dave Langston. The 2015-2016 ended with Gresley in a disappointing 16th position. Ricketts stood down as manager and former Leicester Nirvana manager Damion Beckford-Quailey appointed in the close season. Damion’s first season started well but the loss of three key players around Christmas time saw his side struggle for the rest of the campaign finishing in 18th position.
His second season, 2017-2018 was not much better but it ended in a disappointing manner when the manager, management team and most of the players left the club with just four games remaining and the danger of being relegated. Former Moat boss Gary Norton stepped in to steer the club to the end of a trying season and using a mixture of reserve and youth team players managed to keep the club in step 4 finishing 17th. Norton agreed to take on the role of manager for season 2018-2019 and along with assistant Carl Slater and player/coach Jamie Barrett have started to rebuild a side that hopefully be more competitive than the last two seasons.
Early in January 2019 Norton stood down and Gavin Hurren was appointed as manager. Unfortunately, at the end of the season, Gresley were relegated from the Evo-Stik East to the Midland League. Hurren left early in the new season to be replaced by David McDermott. Gresley’s results failed to improve and in February McDermott was relieved of his position. Former manager Gary Norton again stepped in to steer the ship until the end of the season.
During the summer of 2020, the Gresley FC board met to discuss the possibility of renaming the club and a unanimous decision saw the Gresley Rovers name return to non-league football. Joint managers of Carl Abbott, Gary Norton and assistant manager Paul Thomlinson had the job of recruiting their players after the previous season was curtailed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and non-league football allowed to start again.
After a stop/start end of season the FA completed their reorganisation of non-league football and Rovers were placed in the new United Counties North Division under the leadership of Carl Abbott.
2021-2022 proved to be a successful season finishing runners-up in the United Counties league but gained promotion due to points-per-game and are now members of the Northern Premier League Midland Division for 2022-2023.
Joe Blowers (Forward) Recently signed from Cradley Town.
George Clark (Defence) Came on loan from Cheltenham but signed permanently after being released.
Tyler Donaldson (Defence) Recently signed. Also played for Coventry United.
Ellis Evans (Midfield) Recently signed for the club. Includes Alfreton as a former club
Lewis Fenney (Goalkeeper) Experienced ‘keeper. Lewis has played for Cambridge United, Leamington, Barwell and Boldmere St Michaels.
Mason Frizelle (Defence) Big, strong and quick. A commanding central defender. Previous club: Dunkirk.
Adam Garmson (Forward) Recently signed for the club. Previous clubs include Wolverhampton Casuals and Sutton Coldfield Town.
Jordi Gough (Defence) Jordi needs no introduction to the Gresley faithful. Returns after spells with several National League sides including Tamworth, Telford and Solihull Borough.
Bekir Halil (Midfield) Recently signed and former clubs include Worcester City, Hinckley AFC and Sporting Khalsa
James Harrison (Forward) James is a forward who was a first year professional with Burton Albion before playing for Coleshill Town and Bedworth United in the Southern League.
Dylan Hunniford (Midfield) Young man with a lot of promise. Promoted from the U18s.
Jazz Luckie (Forward) Recently signed for the club. Includes Tividale, Hednesford, Rugby Town. Stratford Town, Chasetown, Romulus and Stafford Rangers among his former clubs.
Alby Lansdowne (Defence) Exceptional young local talent who the management are delighted has remained with the club.
Kane Lee (Forward) A young local talent who we will continue to build our future around. Home-grown players are the cornerstone of our club.
Alex Morris (Defence) Alex is a hard-working defender and a great asset for the club. Previous clubs include Mickleover FC, Kidsgrove Athletic, Port Vale.
Brandon Patterson (Midfield) Recently signed. Names Aylesbury United and Banbury United as former clubs.
Levi Reid (Midfield) Levi is the brother of Izak and names Port Vale, Gainsborough Trinity, Stafford Rangers and Chasetown as his former clubs.
Izak Reid (Midfield) Previous clubs include Hednesford Town, Chasetown, Stafford Rangers, AFC Telford United, Barrow, Brackley Town, Morecambe, Macclesfield Town.
Kieran Wells (Striker) Kieran come to the club with loads of experience at this level and above. A proven goal scorer. Played for Basford, Ilkeston, Stamford, Frickley Athletic, Stalybridge Celtic and Hednesford Town.
Michael Williams (Midfield) Signed from Redgate Clayborn. Played for Stafford Rangers.
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