Established 1879
Established 1879
CommercialDirector-MarkGearing DirectorofFootball-IainParr Director-JezGreen
ClubWelfareOfficer-GemmaKeech07734821330 email-sntfcwelfareofficer@gmailcom
Hospitality-AndyandEvelynClay,PaulaRobertson StadiumAnnouncer-MikeGreen Music-CharlieGreen
SocialMedia-MikeGreen,GrayhamBonfield,Charlie Green
Pitchmaintenance-BarryOakley,BarryCavilla, BobCarpenter
Manager-CameronMawer AssistantManager-SteveKuhne Coach-AlexMinall GKCoach-GaryDean Physio-CraigLambert
U18Manager-TylaJoseph Academy
Manager-AlexMinall AcademyWelfareOfficer- ChrissieManly
Academyenquiries -Alexsntfcacademy@gmail.com
Address: RowleyPark,KesterWay, StNeots,Cambs., PE196SL
Website-www.stneotstownfc.co.uk Enquires-enquires@stneotstownfc.co.uk CommercialEnquiries- mgearing@me.com Events-misslouises@yahoo.co.uk
Inaccordancewiththefootballassociationleaguerule2.13 publicationofownershipinrelationtostep1-4withinthe footballpyramid,weherebyconfirmthelegalstatusofStNeotsTownFootballClubIdentificationNumber02921210,andis aPrivateLimitedCompany
Forthepurposesofpublicationofownershipwecanconfirmthatthefollowing arelistedasDirectorsoftheCompany: LeeKearns(Significantinterest70%),IainParr,LouiseSales,GaryWilsonandasNonExecutiveDirectorsMikeGreen,Jeremy Green,andBarryCavilla CompanySecretaryGaryWilson
"HappyNewYeartoyouallandwelcomebacktothe PremierPlusStadiumfortoday‘sGCEHirePlantUnited CountiesLeaguePremierDivisionSouthmatch.Todaywe extendawarmwelcometoeveryoneconnectedto EasingtonSportsFootballClubandwehopeyouenjoyour hospitalityherethisafternoon”.
Wellhereweareintothesecondhalfofthe2024/25seasonandwesitinavery healthyposition,jointtoponpointswithAylestoneParkasthesenoteswere beingpennedsowehaveplentytoplayforinthesecomingmonthsuntilthe seasonends.AddintothemixacoupleofCups,itcouldbeaveryinterestingtime asweheadtowardstheclimaxofninemonthswork.
LookingbacknowtoBoxingDayandtheeagerlyawaitedlocalderbywith EynesburyRovers.Onthepitch,lookingatthehistorybooks,theywillreportthat thingsdidnotgoexactlytoplan,withourvisitorsendingupworthywinnerson thedayhoweveroffthepitch,thingswentvery,verywellindeed.Ourbiggest homeattendancesincewefacedKingsLynnTownhereallthoseyearsbackwhen wewerelastintheUCLandlisteningtothefeedbackreceived,wecateredforthe largeattendanceverywell.AfterourlastderbybackinApril,welistenedto supporters’commentsregardingqueuingatehbarandIthinkwegotthingsspot onthistimewithbothmainbarsopenandthesmalleroutdoorbarsinoperation t lld t d lldonetoeverysinglepersoninthe1104who
Backtotoday’sgameandanothertoughoneinstore withourvisitorsarrivingingoodformhavingbeaten DaventryTownintheirlastoutingsopleasedoget behindtheladsfromthefirstwhistleandhopefull;y cheerthemontovictoryandthreeveryprecious points.
We are delighted to have ADP Fire and Security as our Media Sponsors for the 2023/24 Season
"IdliketowelcomeEveryoneassociatedtoEasingtonSportsFCto thePremierPlusStadium.Theyareoffthebackofahugely impressivevictoryagainstDaventryTownandwillbebrimmingwith confidence.TheyalsohaveavictoryawayatthirdplacedRugby BoroughontheirrecordsotheywillcomewithnofearandIhaveno doubtontheirdaytheyareadangerousside”.
Inbothencounterslastyeartheirwasn’tmuchbetweenthesides,they claimedavictoryagainsttherunofplayatoursandthenmaybesomewould arguewedidthesameattheirplacewithalastminuteHarveyWilliamsgoal.
IunderstandthepainaroundthefootballclubonBoxingDay,itcertainlymade myChristmasperiodalottougherandlessenjoyableasIlivedandbreathed everysecondofthe90minutesandthe5goalsconceded.Wedidn’thitour levelsforwhateverreason,it’snotgoodenoughbutthisgrouphaveproduced somanymagicmomentsthisseasonIwon’tturnonthemafteronebadresult.
TheresultwasmoreforpridethandefiningourseasonbutI’matruebeliever incomingoutfightingandthisgroupcertainlywill.Weletourselves,theclub andthefansdownthatdaybutwenowfocusonthenextgameandgettingit outoursystemasquicklyaswecan.
AylestoneParklosingathometolocalrivalsLeicesterNirvana showsaroundthefestiveperiodit’sreallytoughespeciallyin derbieswheneverythinggoesoutthewindow,butbesure whenwetraveluptheroadonMonday21stAprilwewillbe ready.
IwishalltheSuperSaintsfansahappyandprosperous NewYear.Wewillreallyneedyourcontinued supportinJanuaryaswefacesixhugefixtures, twosemifinalsandfourleaguegames,ina monththatwillhugelydefinetheseason.
With Chairman Barry Cavilla
“AVeryHappyNewyeartoyouallandwelcomeforthis afternoon’sUCLpremierdivisionSouthfixturetoKickoff2025. BeforeIgetontomynotes,Iwouldliketobringtoyourattention averyimportantandspecialdaythatwillbecelebratedtodayby atruelegendatourclub”.
MrJohnWalker,ourlongservingClubPresident,whocelebratesanIncredible 60yearsasaSaintsofficerandsupporter,whohasgivenbothSaintsandfootballingeneral, amazingserviceoverhislifetimewithpositivity,dedicationandpassionanditwouldfantastic ifyoujoinmewithaminute’sapplausebeforethegametocelebratethisgreatmilestoneand wishhimmanymoreyearsenjoininghisdream.ThankyouJohn,you’reashininglightand legendhereandalloverthefootballfraternity.
Todaywewelcometheplayers,officals&supportersofEasingtonSportstothePremierPlus Stadiumforourfirstencounterwiththemthisseason.Ourvisitorshavehadsomegood resultsoflateandwillbestiffopponentsfortheSaintsaswekickoff2025,however,with homeadvantageandtheteamwantingtobouncebackafteradisappointingBoxingDay performance,IamsureCameronandtheLadswillwanttokickstartthenewyearona positiveandgetbacktowinningwaysassoonaspossibleandstartbuilding momentumand keeppressureontheteamsaboveandaroundthembygainingthreemorevaluablepointson offertoday.
TheBoxingDaylocalderbyproducedanincredibleattendanceofover1100peoplewhichwas trulyamazingandThankyouallforyoursupportandwehopetosee manyofyoubacktocheertheSaintsonagainin2025andenjoya greatmatchdayexperiencewithyourfamiliesandfriends. IwouldalsoliketotakethisopportunitytosayaBIGThankyou toallourincredibleSaintsteamwhoworksoHardbehindthe scenestomakeyourmatchdayafriendlyandenjoyable experienceforallthefamilytoenjoyinasafeenvironment.
Offthefield,theBoardisconstantlylookingtoimprovefacilities availableforalltoenjoyandalsoreduceoureverincreasing coststobemoreefficientandenvironmentallysustainableasa club.
FinallyIfthereisanyoneouttherewhohastimeontheirhandsand lookingtojoinafriendlyteamofvolunteerstohelpduringtheweekon grounds/maintenanceormatchdaystohelpmakeadifference thenwewouldlovetohearfromyou,sopleasemakeyourself knownandbepartofourSaintsfootballfamily.
Barry Barry Barry
Amodernbarservingavastrangeofbeers,ciders,wines&softdrink WecaterforallfoodrequirementsincludingBuffetmenu’s,HogRoasts,Barbeques, Smalldancefloorperfectforanypartyorsmallweddingreception
Alarge,impressivebarservingavastrangeofbeers,ciders,wines&softdrinks WecaterforallfoodrequirementsincludingBuffetmenu’s,HogRoasts,Barbeques. Stageareaforbands,disco,andproductions
We would like to introduce our new Club Welfare Officer (CWO) Gemma Keech.
Gemma has many years of safeguarding experience through careers in Teaching and Children’s Social Care, as well as being the Club Welfare Officer for Priory Parkside Football Club for almost 4 years.
Gemma’s role as CWO is to be the first point of contact for all club members regarding concerns about the welfare of any child, young person or adult at risk at St Neots Town Football Club. She will liaise directly with the Designated Safeguarding Officer for Hunts FA and is familiar with the procedures for referring any concerns.
Gemma is committed to providing a safe and positive environment for all players, staff and volunteers within SNTFC.
If you need to contact Gemma, her details are as follows:
Goldstraw Goldmiths
St Neots Town Main Stand Sponsor
GoldstrawGoldsmithsisanestablished,trusted,successful jewelleryshopintheCambridgeshiretownofStNeots.At GoldstrawsGoldsmithswe’vebeendesigningandcaringfor jewelleryforover30years.Wesellallstylesofjewellery;new andantique.Ifyouhaveaparticulariteminmind,wewill alwaysendeavourtosourceit.Twoexperiencedgoldsmiths workonthepremises,offeringqualitycraftsmanshipwithevery newlycreatedpieceandrepair.Wetakeprideinourworkand ourcustomerstellustimeandtimeagainthatwouldn’tgo anywhereelse.Whynotcomeinandsayhellowe”behappyto help.
St Neots Town Reserves Old
Saints Ambassadors
Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division - 1st Sept 2012
St Neots’ determination and perseverance was rewarded with three points they looked to have surrendered when they conceded a second goal to visiting Banbury early in the second half. Then in a hectic two minutes’ period Dan Jacob who had passed a late fitness test scored twice to get them back in front and despite a late Banbury surge they held on to win. St Neots never played well and will be very happy to have taken all three points. There was an enforced team change with goalkeeper Michael Duggan serving his one match ban and the custodian duties were taken over by Jack Giddens making his league debut for the club. He made several useful saves and stood little chance with the two shots that went past him. However, Manager Iain Parr will be looking for more consistency from his players with the money-spinning home FA cup tie only one week away.
There was a scrappy start to the match with much of the early play in a competitive midfield. The opening goal after 17 minutes came as a result of an excellent advantage played by Referee Adrian Sannerude when Jay Davies was impeded in the penalty area. The ball ran loose to Stefan Moore who clipped a well-placed shot wide of Tom Cross and St Neots were in the lead. However, the advantage was short-lived because seven minutes later a home defence miscued a clearance across the face of goal and Banbury’s leading marksman Ricky Johnson made no mistake with a close-range volley.Giddens was the busier of the two goalkeepers saving well from a Johnson snap-shot, and diving at the feet of Adeylinka Talabi to smother his effort. The St Neots front runners were getting little, or no service and the visitors were growing in confidence as the half time whistle approached with Josh O’Grady squandering their best opening as he shot high over the bar.
St Neots opted for a half time change taking off Declan Rogers and sending on Callum Stewart in a straight swap. However the visitors continued to hold the advantage of possession although Ben Mackey did break away to shoot narrowly wide for St Neots. Then after 54 minutes the St Neots defence was pulled far over tt the left and a shrewd cross ball found Josh O’Grady in acres of space, and he cut inside to beat Giddens with a fine curling shot just under the bar. Fir a short time St Neots were clearly on the back foot but they almost got back in the game when Jason Lee diverted an effort by Dan Jacob onto a goalpost with his keeper flat footed. Play became more open, and Jordan Gent was happy to concede a corner when Johnson looked threatening. Callum Stewart looked strong going forward and twice he shot narrowly wide and with twelve minutes remaining a lifeline came. Moore played Jon Paul Duncliffe clear on the right and his cross found Dan Jacob whose low shot levelled the scores and with two minutes what proved to be the winning goal arrived. Again, Stefan Moore was the architect with a visionary cross field pass to release Dan Jacob who went inside his full back to hit a shot just inside the far post.Predictable Banbury threw everything forward but a great saving tackle by Stewart denied substitute Tom Lorraine a late equaliser and St Neots hung on to win.
St Neots: Giddens, Duncliffe, Rogers, Thorne, Gent, Lee, Hilliard, Davies, Moore, Mackey, Jacob.
Subs: Stewart (for Rogers 46 mins), Adjei (for Hilliard 73 mins), Werndly (for Moore 87 mins), Manangu & Sharman.
Cards: Thorne (Y – 10), Hilliard (Y – 58), Gent (Y – 74), Mackey (Y – 90 +4), Stewart (Y – 90 +5)
Banbury: Cross, Cray, Ashton, Dolman, Lee, Polk, Kingston, Confue, Johnson, Talabi, O’Grady.
Subs: Cole (for Kingston 62 mins), Lorraine (for Talabi 72 mins), AgyemanPrepeh (for O’Grady 80 mins), Woodley & Howell.
Cards: Ashton (Y – 34)
Referee: Adrian Sannerude
Attendance: 332
Wewouldliketoformally announcethattheSaints CommunityMemorial Wallisnowreadyand opportunitiesfor Supporterstoremember theirlovedones,whomay havebeenSaints Supportersthemselves, arenowavailable.
The Wall is completely under cover and protected from the elements and the flowers/shrubbery are cared for and tended to on a daily basis by our dedicated grounds staff. We would like to thank Kite Utilities, Ballinger Construction and Oasis Promotions and Print for all their collective help in getting this project from an idea by Chairman Barry Cavilla to a quite splendid addition to our stadium.
Stainless steel wall plaques are now available for loving messages to be engraved in the following two options:
6” x 4” Stainless Steel Wall plaque – Lasered with black text (feels smooth to touch)
Can come with 4 countersunk screws – or they can be without and glued
Total cost £36.00
8” x 4” Stainless Steel Wall plaque – Lasered with black text (feels smooth to touch)
Can come with 4 countersunk screws – or they can be without and glued
Total cost £48.00
Any interested supporters should contact Chairman Barry Cavilla for further details via email on bcavilla77@gmail.com or in person at The Premier Plus Stadium on a matchday.
This Edition Focuses on Season 2017/18 2017/18
This is another in the series of historical records, highlighting our recent spell in the
This is another in the series of historical records, highlighting our recent spell in the Southern League depicting both the highs and the lows in the recent proud history of the Southern League depicting both the highs and the lows in the recent proud history of the Club. Club. The influence of the new Manager was beginning to show as the side showed a The influence of the new Manager was beginning to show as the side showed a steady progress up the league table finishing twelfth – equalling their second-best finish at steady progress up the league table finishing twelfth – equalling their second-best finish at Step Four after two seasons fighting off the threat of relegation. Step Four after two seasons fighting off the threat of relegation. After a very poor start After a very poor start without a win in their first six games including a first round FA Cup defeat, performances without a win in their first six games including a first round FA Cup defeat, performances improved and by Christmas the side were eighth in the table just six points shy of a play- improved and by Christmas the side were eighth in the table just six points shy of a playoff place. off place. A first qualifying round FA Trophy 3-2 home victory over Corby Town was A first qualifying round FA Trophy 3-2 home victory over Corby Town was followed by an away defeat at Stourbridge in the next round despite leading early in the followed by an away defeat at Stourbridge in the next round despite leading early in the second half, and the away league cup exit was at the hands of Rushden & Diamonds who second half, and the away league cup exit was at the hands of Rushden & Diamonds who scored the only goal of the game as we finished with nine men! scored the only goal of the game as we finished with nine men!
League League Southern League Premier Division Southern League Premier Division Final League position: Final League position: 112/24 2/24 League playing record: League playing record: P46
Cup playing record: Cup playing record: P6
We recorded an outstanding league double over Dorchester Town winning 5-0 at home
We recorded an outstanding league double over Dorchester Town winning 5-0 at home and 4-0 away – the latter a midweek victory prior to a long trip home. and 4-0 away – the latter a midweek victory prior to a long trip home. There were several new important signings including Dylan Williams, who went on to There were several new important signings including Dylan Williams, who went on to finish leading scorer, goalkeeper Mike Emery and midfielder Kyron Wiltshire. finish leading scorer, goalkeeper Mike Emery and midfielder Kyron Wiltshire.
In cup competition we recovered our grip of the Huntingdonshire Senior Cup for the first In cup competition we recovered our grip of the Huntingdonshire Senior Cup for the first time in four seasons beating neighbours Eynesbury Rovers 6-1 in a one-sided Cup Final. time in four seasons beating neighbours Eynesbury Rovers 6-1 in a one-sided Cup Final. Our Reserve side promoted to the top division of the South Midlands League struggled Our Reserve side promoted to the top division of the South Midlands League struggled badly to finish bottom of the league before seeking pastures elsewhere. badly to finish bottom of the league before seeking pastures elsewhere. Our leading scorers and appearances (max. 52) were as follows: Our leading scorers and appearances (max. 52) were as follows:
Year founded: 1946 Chairman: Jamie Hunter Club Website: www.easingtonsportsfc.com
Easington Sports are based in Banbury in Oxfordshire – neighbours of Banbury United who now ply their trade in the Southern League Premier Central. Now playing at their present level for more than fifty years, Easington yo-yo’d around divisions in the Hellenic League due to their geographic position in that league before being transferred to the UCL three seasons ago.In 2021/22 they finished 14th in the league table, improving to finish 11th in 2022/23, and last season they finished 13th. Currently fourteenth in the table they have lacked consistency although they can produce the odd surprise result. When they visited us at the Premier Plus ground for the first time in September last year they beat us by a goal to nil – scored two minutes after we had missed a penalty! However, in the return match at Banbury on 23rd December we reversed the result with a 1-0 victory courtesy of a Harvey Williams strike four minutes from the end of a closely fought match. In their pre-Christmas match at Aylestone Park our visitors were unable to do us a favour as they lost by four goals to two.
In the FA Cup extra-preliminary round this season Easington had a long trip to Portishead in Somerset returning with a 1-0 victory to earn a home tie in the preliminary round which they negotiated with a 3-1 victory over Bristol Manor Farm. This earned them another home tie with higher rated Frome Town with whom they drew at home before narrowly losing the midweek replay.In the FA Vase they were beaten 3-0 at Windsor & Eton and they also bowed out in the first round of the league cup losing to Staveley Miners Welfare in a penalty shoot-out after a 1-1 home draw. In their County Cup competition, they lost 4-2 at North Leigh.
Previous meetings of our teams:
2023/24 St Neots Town 0-1 Easington Sports Easington Sports 0-1 St Neots Town
Enjoy the match.
John Walker
This eagerly awaited Boxing Day derby, witnessed by an enormous crowd of one thousand one hundred and four, went the way of the visiting team with a display of clinical finishing to send the travelling contingent home joyous with the local bragging rights intact at least until the two sides meet again on Easter Monday at Hall Road. Manager Cameron Mawer made two enforced changes from the side that had won at Newport Pagnell last Saturday with skipper Robbie Parker coming in for the unwell Charlie Bowen and recent signing James Peters replacing the unavailable Mike Amaeshike.
The match couldn’t have begun in a better fashion for the home side as The Saints started strongly and took the lead in the ninth minute when a pinpoint cross from Connor Furlong on the right wing was headed home by RHYS THORPE to send the home support into early delerium, unaware of what was to follow. The lead was to last just four minutes as Victor Osobu was to sweep home a cross from the left to level things up much to the delight of the travelling Rovers support positioned on the terraces behind Goff’s goal. Those expecting a swift response from the Saints, as they had done previously against Aylestone Park here at the Premier Plus Stadium when conceding, were to be left disappointed as it was Rovers who were to extend their lead after a long, low clearance from Hoskin was to split the home centre half pairing leaving Osobu the task of rounding Goff to plant the ball into an empty net. Saints’ best chance of restoring parity came after thirty nine minutes when a flowing move down the right involving Willis and Furlong saw the ball fed to Kieran Barnes but his sffort was saved by the visiting keeper. Worse was to follow as recent signing Luke Young was to escape the shackles of the Saints defensive line to further increase the Rovers goal count in the forty second minute. Just before the break, Connor Furlong injured himself whilst attempting to cross the ball, an injury which was to prevent him from reappearing for the second half.
The second half begun with the enforced change, Danny Baulk replacing the unfortunate Furlong and it was Rovers who started on the front foot and somehow Victor Osobu contrived to head over the bar in front of an unguarded net just two minutes into the second period. After having an effort smothered by Goff in the fifty-fifth minute when clean through, Osobu was to go on and complete a deserved hat-trick after seventy-three minutes after twisting and turning out on the left to fire past the helpless Goff to make he score 4-1. Saints were given a lifeline after seventy-six minutes when KIERAN BARNES fired home from distance with the help of a wicked deflection however this was to be just a consolation as the visitors would score again in added time when substitute Nathan Mullings found the net from an impossible angle to make the final scoreline 5-2 and send the visitors home joyful and triumphant.
St Neots Town: Goff, Willis, Culkin, Tavernier, Parker (c), Sage, Furlong, Peters, Thorpe, Barnes, Williams
Subs: Baulk (for Furlong 46 mins), George, Ajana, Sutherland and Nickels.
Cards: Culkin (y), Furlong (y), Tavernier (y), Baulk (y)
Goals: Thorpe (9mins), Barnes (76 mins)
Eynesbury Rovers: Hoskin, King R, Hurst, Fulianty, Brookes, Hammer, Dobson, King M(c), Young, Osobu, Batchilly
Subs: Coxall (for Young 52 mins), Chijota (for Dobson 68 mins), Shaw (for King R 77 mins) Mullings (for Batchilly 81 mins), Ciach (for Coxall 90+2 mins)
Cards: Mullings (y)
Goals: Osobu (13, 34, 73 mins), Young (42 mins), Mullings (90+1 mins)
Attendance: 1,104
Referee: Jack Badcock
(Mike Green)
7 8 9 10 11
The Club was formed in the immediate post-war period of 1945/46 to fulfil the sporting and social needs of the young people of the Easington housing estate in Banbury, many of whom were returning from war service. The Club, then known as ‘The Clan’, soon prospered, as there was an obvious need for such a facility, and formed a cricket, tennis and a ladies section. Football was, however, the main branch of the Club’s activity, and they began playing in the local Junior Leagues as Easington Sports F.C. The football was played on pastureland to the west of Wykham Lane, and for a few years endured the lack of facilities enjoyed today by almost all clubs. (No water available on site, no real changing facilities to name but two of the privations to be met on a cold winter’s afternoon). Fortunately, this situation was soon to change after tireless fund raising by stalwarts such as Gordon Vivash, Tim Fountain and many other committed club members, the prospect of a new ground owned by the Club became a reality. The purchase of the Addison Road ground and the building of a clubroom, together with the Club’s entry to the Oxfordshire Senior League was the beginning ofsenior football for Sports, and to their credit they proved to be a formidable force at that level. Sports became winners and finalists in the Senior Cup and led the Premier League table on two occasions in the early and mid-fifties. In view of their success at county level the Club sought entry and was accepted into the old Warwickshire Combination, which at that time counted professional and semi-professional teams including Aston Villa ‘A’ and West Bromwich Albion ‘B’. Although having moderate success in this competition, as with many other amateur clubs; finance played its part in the decision to return to the Oxfordshire Senior League, where the expenses, in particular travelling, were much more in line with the club’s limited income. Looking to raise their standards once more, the Club sought entry to the Hellenic League. Subject to certain ground improvements they were readily accepted and remained as members until 2021. In 2018/19 Ben Milner and squad won promotion to the Premier League being crowned Champions before two Covid affected seasons. A review of the NLS saw Sports move into the United Counties League South and a new challenge. In our first season in the UCLS, Matt Giles managed the squad to 14th with impressive wins including those against Coventry United and Rugby Town. In 2021/2022 Andy Sharman managed the Development squad to the UHL Division 2 title and OFA Intermediate Cup Final. With Matt Giles stepping down, Andy Sharman was appointed managed with Tommy Kinch and Mark Boyland assisting. Sharman will once again focus on using local Banbury based talent to compete in the UCL, giving a chance to many from the Development and Clan squads.
In 2022 the club were awarded Level 3 FA Accreditation, with 38 affiliated teams and over 600 players. Our youth teams include both boys and girls and our open age section now includes three male, two female, a pan disability squad and over 50’s football. We also work in partnership with Oxford United in the Community, offering free Women Wellbeing, Premier League Kick and Primary Stars sessions as part of the programme. Relocation remains a priority for the committee and trustees to ensure that our facilities match the growth and needs of the club. We remain committed to providing those in the local community with a pathway into football.
Manager - Cameron Mawer
Assistant - Steve Kuhne
Coach - Alex Minall
GK Coach - Gary Dean
Physio - Craig Lambert
Manager – Andy Sharman
Manager – Ben Lovatt
Coach – Rory Shadbolt
Coach – Ben jackson
Physio - Ali Whitrow
SquadList SquadList
JJamesGoff(GK) amesGoff(GK) DammyNickels DammyNickels
NathanGeorge NathanGeorge
RobbieParker(C) RobbieParker(C)
MurphyCulkin MurphyCulkin
CharlieBowen CharlieBowen
JJamesSage amesSage
JJamesPeters amesPeters
ChristianTavernier ChristianTavernier
MichaelAmaeshike MichaelAmaeshike
SamWillis SamWillis KieranBarnes KieranBarnes
RhysThorpe RhysThorpe
ConnorFurlong ConnorFurlong
DannyBaulk DannyBaulk HarveyWilliams HarveyWilliams
RobbieSutherland RobbieSutherland
Colours Colours
LightBlueShirts LightBlueShirts
DarkBlueShorts DarkBlueShorts
Light LightBlueSocks BlueSocks
Squad List Squad List
Elliot Barton (C) Elliot Barton (C)
Ellis Champkins Ellis Champkins
Ethan Champkins Ethan Champkins
Callum Convey Callum Convey
George Coombes George Coombes
Ben Doak Ben Doak
Billy Durnin Billy Durnin
Adam Doyle (GK) Adam Doyle (GK)
Joe Eyre Joe Eyre
Luke Fuller Luke Fuller Leam Howards Leam Howards
Jake Humphreys Jake Humphreys
Tommy Kinch Tommy Kinch
Ollie Rose Ollie Rose
Tom Smith Tom Smith
Luke Swann Luke Swann
Max Treml (GK) Max Treml (GK)
Dan Watkin Dan Watkin
James Watts James Watts
James Williams James Williams
Josh Wynne Josh Wynne
Red/White Striped Shirts
Red Shorts
Red Socks
Referee Christopher Walton Assistant I Paul Buck Assistant 2 TBA