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Letter from Dave Hogaboom, Board of Trustees Chair
As I begin my first year as the Chairperson of the Saint Viator Board of Trustees, I have been asked to share a few comments with you in this Annual Report. Having four children who are graduates of Saint Viator, I know how important this institution is in helping shape careers and prepare young men and women for their future.
One of my key tasks this year, in conjunction with new Alumni Relations Manager Krystal Harris ’15, is to tighten the bond between the Board of Trustees and the Alumni Association Board (AAB). As such, I will be attending AAB meetings throughout the year, and that Board’s new Chairperson, Jim Platania ’08, will sit in on Board of Trustee meetings.
As the Board of Trustees plans our work for the year, we are focused on four main areas: Mission and Catholic Identity, Governance and Leadership, Academic Excellence, and the long term viability of this great school. Each of these areas provide ample opportunity for input and support from the more than 15,000 graduates of Sacred Heart of Mary and Saint Viator High Schools.
We all know that due to COVID-19, this school year will be unlike any other before it. In addition to the impact being felt by current students, many traditional alumni events such as homecoming and reunions have fallen victim to the pandemic. Despite the challenges, it is still incumbent that we all do what we can in ways small or large to support Saint Viator High School and continue to make a Saint Viator education not only of great value, but available to all young men and women who seek it.
To all of you who have been involved as volunteers, donors or mentors, thank you for your support. I encourage you to stay connected as I know there are many new programs and opportunities being developed by Krystal, Jim, and others that will be debuting soon. Please take some time to look through the honor roll of donors in this annual report and give fair consideration to how you might make a contribution of your own in the coming year.
Thank you and stay well.

Dave Hogaboom Board of Trustees Chair