2 minute read
Letter from Brother John Eustice, CSV, Vice President of Viatorian Identity and Mission
We are a community of learners firmly rooted in Catholic identity and nourished by our Viatorian Spirituality. In our world where a pandemic endures and people from all walks of life feel their voices are not being heard, Saint Viator High School is good news as we lean into our core value of Community and Learning. Together we strive to be a home where an environment of kindness is the norm and all are welcomed, included, and involved. Living what Jesus Christ teaches us through the Gospel is hard work and requires steadfast dedication.
Young people are at the center of the Viatorian mission. Venerable Louis Querbes desired for youth to have a lively and enlightened faith despite the wake of societal destruction left by the French Revolution. We continue his steadfast work of providing an environment where people discern who God is calling them to be, to discover what the world needs in order to transform the community. This is happening at Saint Viator with our faculty, staff, students, families, and alumni even though there are challenges in our current times that foster feelings of uncertainty, fear and anxiety. “People ARE bolder when they dream they are doing God’s work!”
Being bold doesn’t require that every act be large. There is power and strength in small acts as well. When we stop to listen to a student who is struggling to be heard on their path to self-discovery, when we volunteer our time and talent to assist on a committee that does God’s work for our community, or when we forego a little something for ourselves and donate to make a Saint Viator education more available or more impactful, we are being bold. As graduates of Saint Viator and Sacred Heart of Mary, I hope you see your continued involvement in our community as a means to help those who follow, listen to, understand, and act upon God’s invitation for their lives.
Our annual report shines light on the many alumni and donors who have embraced the Mission, Vision, and Values of Saint Viator High School. Looked at individually, we are grateful; looked at collectively, we are inspired. Together we make a difference not only in where this school is at today, but where it will be in the future. Looking back just a year, we could not have imagined what the world would look like today. Looking forward, we can dream of what it will be as we all continue to act boldly, and transform our community in God’s name.
Thank you for your generosity and support. May God bless you and keep you well.
Adored and loved be Jesus!
Br. John Eustice, CSV Vice President of Viatorian Identity and Mission