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Alumni News
Viatorians Welcoming New Associate Members to Share in Mission
In the fall of 2020, current Saint Viator High School President Brian Liedlich and three other members of the school faculty and staff made their initial commitments to serve the Viatorian Community as lay associates. This brings to six the number of lay associates in the school, a list that includes Liedlich, Cathy Abrahamian, Ann Perez, Kurt Paprocki ’00, Brian Hansen ’11, and Brigette Brankin. Two other staff members recently began their discernment with the Viatorians by beginning pre-associate formation.
The history of lay associates predates even the founding of the Viatorian Community, dating back to 1824 when Venerable Louis Querbes, then an archdiocesan priest, hired two lay men to serve as teachers and catechists to work with him.
Fr. Querbes originally intended for lay associates to be part of the Viatorians, but the Church was not yet prepared to approve this. After Vatican II invited religious congregations to reflect on their founding, the 1978 General Chapter of the Viatorians reopened the issue and adopted an article in its new Constitution.
This brought back to life Fr. Querbes’ original idea, noting, “Our Congregation accepts as associate members those who desire to share in our mission, our spiritual life, and our community life.”
Women and men interested in becoming associates apply to the community and would begin with a two-year period of discernment, that includes study, prayer, and community life. Associates then make an initial commitment of two years, which they can renew indefinitely. Upon commitment, associates become part of the Viatorian Community, sharing in the Viatorian charism through their personal lives of faith, ministry, and community life with the professed brothers and priests.
To learn more about Viatorian Association, contact Fr. Dan Lydon, CSV at dlydon@viatorians.com or Br. John Eustice, CSV at jeustice@viatorians.com.
Get to Know Your Alumni Association Board
Ryan Voyda
Graduating Class: 2008
Currently Resides: Chicago, Illinois (Lakeview neighborhood)
Profession: Accountant
Years Involved with the Alumni Association Board: 4
Reason for Joining the Board: Help grow alumni connections and continue to build a thriving network
Favorite Alumni Event: Mahoney Classic
Favorite High School Memory: Earning the 2008 Andrew Johnstone Award
Most Influential Faculty Member: Fr. Dan Hall, CSV
Classmates I’m Still Close With: Michael Wojciak ’08, Joey Tanzillo ’08, Eric Hoffman ’08
Why Should Alumni Get Involved? Current and future students of Saint Viator High School are embarking on a journey we as alumni all experienced. With more and more help and involvement from alumni, the more we can provide them a wellrounded atmosphere to learn and grow.