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Student Update


Celebrating A Safe and Successful Return to In-Person Learning
After a tumultuous spring in which COVID caused a rapid and unexpected switch to eLearning, the Saint Viator community used the summer months to prepare for a return to school unlike any other in our nearly six decade history. Through an extraordinary amount of hard work and evaluation, Saint Viator was one of the few schools to return to full in-school learning in August.
While there were several brief periods of eLearning imposed due to increasing COVID numbers, and a planned eLearning period prior to and after Christmas break, we managed to welcome students inperson for 58 days from August through December.
New school nurse Pamela Kelly was instrumental in our efforts, communicating with families on a daily basis and carefully tracking 69 reported positive instances throughout our community to prevent the potential exposure from them within the school. Her proactive work and guidance, along with the daily commitment to a healthy environment provided by Steve Burks and his staff, were instrumental in our ability to foster the best possible learning environment for our students.
Of course, we must also recognize the faculty and staff who were courageously present each day for our students. Their commitment to providing a Saint Viator education was never more on display than during the past few months.
We look forward to a return to all aspects of our experience but remain grateful to all who have made our success to date possible. n
Winter Arts Festival Goes Virtual

Thanks to the generous donations from the Schwabe Group and Patrons of the Arts, the annual Winter Arts Festival went virtual last December. “Virtually Christmas” was livestreamed on Youtube, featuring performances from Saint Viator’s Concert and Symphonic Bands, Concert and Treble Choirs, Chamber Singers, and theatre students. It also showcased art from our 3D Art Design, iPad Media Arts, and Introduction to Visual Arts classes. Watch the full festival at youtube.com/saintviatorlions.