My Book of Short Stories

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My Book of Short Stories Saket Bolisetty

The Young Working Girl Once upon a time in New York City, there lived a young girl named Tanisha. She always wanted to have fun. She always wanted to hang out with her friends and never do work. She loved going to parks and museums with her friends and loved hanging out with them at home. One day, Tanisha was going to the park to meet up with her friends when her dad said she can’t. Her dad said she had to stay home and do chores. Tanisha was upset over this . So while her parents were out shopping , Tanisha was busy washing the dishes and cleaning her room. Then her parents came home and saw all of the hard work Tanisha had done. Tanisha’s parents told Tanisha that she can go hang out with her friends. So Tanisha went out with her friends and was very proud of the hard work she has done. Tanisha and her friends lived happily ever after . The End

The Boy’s Adventure Once upon a time in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, there lived a young boy named Kanye. He loved going on adventures. He always loved playing with his cat and walking around Philadelphia. One day after Kanye was done doing his homework Kanye asked his parents if he could go out on an adventure. His parents said he must be very careful. So Kanye walked out of the house and then walked all around Philadelphia. Kanye was having fun but he did not notice it was time to go home. Kanya was lost and he needed help. Kanye called for a taxi. The taxi man drove Kanye back to his apartment. When Kanye arrived at his apartment, he was very happy to see his parents and his cat. Kanye ate dinner, brushed his teeth and then went to bed. Kanye slept happily ever after. The End

The City Musician Once upon a time in Chicago, Illinois, people were very very poor. The restaurants were closed and there was a drought. People were hungry and thirsty. There was an elementary school in the middle of Chicago. There was a music teacher named Mr.Sunnies. Mr. Sunnies had 20 students in his class. There were 10 boys and 10 girls. They went to downtown Chicago with their instruments. They played really happy music for the city. The sun was shining and the sky was becoming blue and the grass was getting green. Restaurants were opening and everyone was happy. Mr.Sunnies class brought life back to Chicago. Everyone in Chicago lived happily ever after. The End

Carlos and Frida Once upon a time in Baltimore, Maryland, there lived two twins named Carlos and Frida. They both were very different from each other. Carlos was very nervous and worried all the time while Frida was always happy and excited. One day, the two twins decided to go to the park together. Their mom said yes they can. So Carlos and Frida went to the park and saw the beautiful lake. They fed the ducks and played in the playground. Then it was time for bed. Carlos and Frida got lost so they asked a taxi driver for help. The driver drove Carlos and Frida back to their apartment and the twins saw their parents. The family ate dinner together and then went to bed. Carlos and Frida slept happily ever after . The End

Diego’s Adventure Once upon a time in Boston, Massachusetts , there lived a young Boy named Diego. He loved going on adventures. He loved going to the park and going to museums. One day, Diego asked his parents if he could go around Boston. His parents said after he finished his homework. After Diego finished his homework , he went outside of his apartment to the city. Diego saw all the beautiful buildings and played in the park. Then Diego saw that it was getting late. Diego hopped into a taxi and the taxi drove Diego back to his apartment. When Diego arrived at his apartment., he was very happy to see his parents. . They ate dinner and then Diego went to bed. Diego slept happily ever after. The End

A Gift from Aunt Rosa Once upon a time in Miami Florida, there lived a young girl named Alicia. Alicia thought about her Aunt Rosa all the time. She thought about her at breakfast , lunch , dinner, and while going to school. Alicia did not see her aunt often because she lived in Mexico City, Mexico and Alicia lived in Miami. One day, Alicia wrote a letter to her Aunt Rosa asking if she could visit Alicia. She said she can’t. Alicia cried while she was going to school. She cried while riding the bus home too. But when Alicia opened the door to her apartment she was surprised. She saw her Aunt Rosa in the kitchen. Alicia was so happy to see her Aunt Rosa and ran and gave her a big hug. Alicia and her family, and her aunt ate dinner together and then went to bed. Alicia slept happily next to her Aunt Rosa. Alicia lived happily ever after. The End

The End

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