The History of Nursery Rhymes

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The History of Nursery Rhymes by: Saket Bolisetty

BA BA BLACK SHEEP: Ba Ba Black Sheep is a nursery rhyme from England. It is about a black sheep who has three bags of wool and the kids give it to their family members. It was published in 1744.

FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS: Five Little Monkeys is a popular nursery rhyme from the US. It is about five monkeys who bump their heads after jumping on the bed. It was first published in 1989.

FRERE JACQUES: Frere Jacques is a popular nursery rhyme from France. The kids wonder if Brother John is sleeping. It was published in 1780.

HEAD, SHOULDERS ,KNEES,AND TOES: Head, Shoulders,Knees, and Toes is a popular nursery rhyme from the US. It is a game where you touch different parts of your body. It was published in the 1950’s.

HERE WE GO ROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH: Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about going around a bush that has mulberries in it. It was published in the mid 19th century.

HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE: Hey Diddle Diddle is another popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about a dish running away with a spoon and the cow jumping over the moon. It was published in 1756.

HICKORY DICKORY DOCK: Hickory Dickory Dock is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about a mouse who runs up a clock at 1:00. It was published in 1744.

HOT CROSS BUNS: Hot Cross Buns is a nursery rhyme from England. It talks about a kind of bun from different countries. It was published in 1797.

HUMPTY DUMPTY: Humpty Dumpty is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about an egg who falls and none of the kings and horses can fix him. It was published in 1803.

HUSH LITTLE BABY: Hush Little Baby is a popular nursery rhyme from The Southern USA. It is about putting a baby to sleep. It was published in 1973.

IF YOU’RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT: If You’re Happy and You Know It is a popular nursery rhyme from the US. It is about doing moves that make you happy. It was published in the 1900’s.

I’M A LITTLE TEAPOT: I’m a Little Teapot is a popular nursery rhyme from The United States. It is about a little teapot who talks about itself. It was published in 1939.

IT’S RAINING IT’S POURING: It’s Raining It’s Pouring is a popular nursery rhyme from The United States. It is about kids who sing about the rain. It was published in 1939.

ITSY BITSY SPIDER: Itsy Bitsy Spider is a popular nursery rhyme from The US. It is about a spider who tries to climb a water spout, but the rain stops him. It was published in 1910.

JACK AND JILL: Jack and Jill is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about two kids who fetch a pail of water. It was published in 1756.

JACK BE NIMBLE: Jack Be Nimble is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about a boy named Jack who jumps over a candle. It was published in 1815.

LITTLE BO PEEP: Little Bo Peep is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about a girl who loses her sheep. It was published in 1805.

LITTLE BOY BLUE: Little Boy Blue is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about a boy who does not want to blow his horn. It was published in 1744.

LITTLE MISS MUFFET: Little Miss Muffet is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about a girl who eats curds and whey and a spider sits beside her and scares her. It was published in 1805.

LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN: London Bridge is Falling Down is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about a bridge that falls into pieces. It was published in 1744.

MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB: Mary Had a Little Lamb is a popular nursery rhyme from The US. It is about a girl named Mary and her adventures with her little lamb. It was published in 1830.

OLD KING COLE: Old King Cole is a popular nursery rhyme from Britain. It is about a happy king. It was published in 1708.

OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM: Old McDonald Had a Farm is a popular nursery rhyme from USA. It is about a farmer and his animals. It was published in 1917.

ONE TWO BUCKLE MY SHOE: One Two Buckle My Shoe is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is a counting game. It was published in 1805.

PAT-A-CAKE, PAT-A-CAKE: Pat-a-Cake, Pat-a-Cake is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is a game where two people slap their hands together. It was published in 1698.

POP GOES THE WEASLE: Pop Goes the Weasel is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It uses a jack-inthe-box. It was first published in 1856.

RAIN RAIN GO AWAY: Rain Rain Go Away is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about children who ask the rain to go away. It was published in 1659.

RING AROUND THE ROSIE: Ring Around the Rosie is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is a song where you hold hands in a circle and fall down at the end. It talks about the Black Plague. It was published in 1881.

ROCK A BYE BABY: Rock a Bye Baby is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about putting a baby to sleep. It was published in 1756.

ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT: Row Row Row Your Boat is a popular nursery rhyme from USA. It is about rowing your boat across the stream. It was published in 1852.

SHE’LL BE COMING ROUND THE MOUNTAIN: She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain is a popular nursery rhyme from Britain. It is about a girl who is coming to a mountain. It was first published in the 17th century.

THE FARMER IN THE DELL: The Farmer in the Dell is a popular nursery rhyme from Germany. It is about a farmer who lives on a big farm. It was published in 1820.

THE MUFFIN MAN: The Muffin Man is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about a man who sells muffins. It was published in 1820.

THE WHEELS ON THE BUS: The Wheels on the Bus is a popular nursery rhyme from The United States. It is about a bus that rides around town. It was published in the late 20th century.

THERE WAS AN OLD WOMAN WHO LIVED IN A SHOE: There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about an old woman who lives in a shoe. It was published in 1794.

THIS LITTLE PIGGY: This Little Piggy is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about pigs who are at different places. It was published in 1760.

THIS IS THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT: This is the House That Jack Built is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is about a boy named Jack who builds a house. It was published in 1755.

THIS OLD MAN: This Old Man is a popular nursery rhyme from England. It is a counting game. It was published in 1906.

THREE BLIND MICE: Three Blind Mice is a nursery rhyme from England. It is about three mice who are blind. It was published in 1609.

THREE LITTLE KITTENS: Three Little Kittens is a popular nursery rhyme from The USA. It is about three little kittens who lose their mittens. It was published in 1853.

TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is a popular nursery rhyme from Britain. It is a song to put the little ones to sleep. It was published in 1806.


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