The Tale of the Acapella Group Once upon a time, there was a young teenage boy named Saket. He was very sick. One day, he went to the doctor’s office and the doctor checked his temperature and said” You have a high fever Saket”. The doctor told Saket’s family that he should go to the hospital to recover. So right away, Saket and his whole family drove to the hospital. Saket had to go to surgery to feel better. Luckily, the surgery went well. After the surgery, Saket stayed in his recovery room for 3 nights. The next night, Saket heard a knock at the door. He hoped it was his friends and family, but you know who it was instead? It was an Acapella group. The group was named ‘Feel Better and Rock On’. The group sang songs from kids show soundtracks to Saket and it made him feel a little better. After the song, Saket showed his artwork on his phone to the Acapella group. The whole group loved it. Finally the next day, it was time for Saket to go home. His sister was there to pick him up. Saket told his sister about the whole visit to the hospital. “ I met an Acapella group” sad Saket. “ Wow” said Saket’s sister. Saket heard a ding on his phone. It was a text from one of his best friends. She asked “How did the hospital visit go”? “ It was amazing” Saket said back to his best friend. Saket drove home from the hospital and lived happily ever after. The End