New Year Decoration For Your Home on A Budget Is your home begging for a much needed make-over? And you are worried that it will cost you a bomb? Denial will get you nowhere, trust us. Instead of pushing the ‘home make-over issue’ under the rather threadbare carpet, read up on innovative and affordable ways to reinvent your home. Till now your home may have looked like a museum with things that you bought whether you needed them or not. But no more. Decide on what theme you want for your rooms. What doesn’t match, keep it aside. Once you have zeroed down on the theme whether Victorian, contemporary or Indian, it will be much easier to make up your mind about things. The theme is decided and you are raring to go. We suggest that for an instant makeover; just paint your room in the colour of your choice. A coloured wall will change the entire feel of the room instantly. Depending on the budget, you can paint just one wall or more. And if paint seems like an expensive option, you can try distempering your walls. When you want t change the color of the wall again, you can just sandpaper the distemper away. You painted your wall a bold colour but there is a nagging doubt at the back of your mind that perhaps this is not it. We couldn’t agree with you more. Make pretty stencils of pictures, shapes or designs that you like and paint out the shapes in different colour on your walls. Decals too, can work wonders.
Most people believe that decorating your walls with artwork needs a hefty bank balance. We kind of disagree. Liked a poster in the flea market? Have postcards from around the world? Do you have some old photographs? Your child paints pictures? Just get these framed and you have unique wall decorationsfor free! So your blue lamp does not go with red-black theme of your house? You can spray paint it or use textured colours found in most stationary shops. You can treat the rest of your ‘kept-aside items’ to colours of your choice and make them a part of your décor.
Place green plants in your house. You must have heard this so many times before but believe us, it works like magic. Plants add substance to any room, plus they look so pretty. You can go for small or big pots according to your taste. The market is dotted with beautiful pots in all sorts of shapes, colours and designs. Use leftover laces and borders. Add pippins to your cushions or sew colourful borders on them. You could breathe a new life into your curtains, table cloths, chair covers and what not, the same way. Sometimes, it is the obvious that we ignore. Treat your home to beautiful candles in different sizes and colours. Float them in attractive glasses, add food colour in the water, arrange a few flowers and voila! Your home looks more awesome. It is a trick. Use a large mirror, placed at eye level. The reflections in the mirror tend to enlarge a room by brightening it. Lastly, use lamps to soften the space around you. Lamps placed at different heights accentuate the space. Spread out an assortment of lamps like floor lamps, table lamps, and ceiling lamps throughout the room. Make sure you use bulbs of different wattage to balance out the number of lamps. Try out these home decoration ideas as you ring in the New Year. Not only will the house feel new and well-done up, but also you will feel excited about the change.
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