R&D Pack 7" Vinly

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R&D PAck

Sakon Boonyakait


Development & Research BA (Hons) Graphic Design Top Up Year Negotiated Studies Student Number In Derby: 100332518 Student ID In UCK: 10719 Module Code: 6VC502 Module Leader: Jayd Kent

Competition Brief I initially started by looking to brief But I quit like to created art work about cover and created from lyric or video 7 vinyl is size of brief music name is higher than the sun, band name is KEANE I quit enjoy for this brief because competition brief always interesting. It also open project for me. I Need to refine my idea to this brief to successful In Fact, this brief just create art work for poster but I would like to do a big work that make cover album So I will do big job to make album cover that inspire from music and band KEANE.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Brainstorm ideas First of all, I need to brainstorm idea because when I get the brief I read to brief then I have to think about “ What is KEANE “ What is Higher than the sun” I have to listen music and think about Primary research and brainstorm.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7” Album Cover


Initial ideas & sketches In this one, I began to look in lyric of music and some words, I translate to my languages because of I would like to try in different ways of work, it also think about concept of work that I must decided before I stared to design my work.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Primary Research This source came from KEANE website, I look to lyric of music and listen music together because I need to listen many times as i can. In below, To explain from KEANE website about KEANE story and album story.

Keane – Higher Than The Sun - Lyrics Turn turn up the song Takes me higher than the sun Sing sing from your gut Sing until we become one Hold hold on to me Stay with me until it’s time Cos for tonight Feels like everything could turn out fine We’re higher than the sun And nothing’s gonna change the way I’m feeling now May you go on and on It’s never gonna fade the way I’m feeling Sound sound like a storm Rages in the shaken air Or whispers low Like a friend you never knew was there We’re higher than the sun And nothing’s gonna change the way I’m feeling now May you go on and on It’s never gonna fade the way I’m feeling now There’s a song to ease your fear A song to take you far from here One for joy, one for desire One for despair, yeah

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7” Album Cover


Primary Research in music video I began looking at music video because this video about Higher than the sun that I would like to see how is music video they used design in this video.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Primary Research The beach I would like to understand of the beach in UK because sometime I saw KEANE covers has story in beach maybe I would like transfer that KEANE from East Essex,

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Research of the Sun When I read to name of the lyric “Higher Than The Sun” I really need to check about sun. In my opinion, I aim to Sun in different ways So I looking to sun from Internet that make me to understand of the sun in different place may be feeling.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7” Album Cover


Research Keane cover albums This research is about cover album because of In my design cover, I would like to see cover in the past of KEANE, In my art work I would like to Put some style from KEANE.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Secondary Research of Vinyl I bought Vinyl for my research because before I design cover, I need to see about style of vinyl and idea, In this work I really like everything because style and idea quit nice. For Example, In below image, I like idea of finger to combine small sun in new style.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Secondary Research of Vinyl I like this cover vinyl very much because In my design I will do something like this because Front I will create cover then back I will put some track into it, then for inside of work maybe I will design story.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Secondary Research of Vinyl This is Fleet foxes I got vinyl 12� This research has 2 Panel of work but I quit like the idea of design because Inside Just do nothing maybe leave it pain. But In Vinyl put 2 Vinyl in different channel. it also for Pink Floyd design, This very popular in that moment, I have to look to see why that one very popular in that time.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Secondary Research of Vinyl I quit like the idea of this vinyl because of the designer create the place to became popular place then album is abbey road, it mean the name of the street when I research of this work, I can see how vinyl develop work and quality of covers. In below research, Elvis’s cover just newspaper element design quality very soft.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Secondary Research In Vinyl Layout This research is bob Dylan cover in left side work’s, this one have two side, the one is cover and back side. In another side is image of Bob Dylan. it also create vinyl in right side, before vinyl, it has cover that used hard design. In right design, Pink Floyd, it quit similar to another design because of 4 panel layout, In my work, I will design something like this but I mean two side of work.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Secondary Research In Vinyl Layout I really like in old vinyl that why I researched about layout from 1960s-2000s. I will transfer some ideas to my work some of these layout, In 4 panel.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Secondary Research of Layout After I looked in vinyl layout, I have to find new layout that can fixed with my work, In this time I look to layout from CD, First I like this one very much but I not sure if it can work with my design because of “7 INCH “ quit long and big if I will produce I need to make smaller but maybe I just check it. In another work, I like the way of simple and colour Because the designer just used two colours to design but Strongly ideas.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7” Album Cover


Secondary Research of Layout In Similar Research of Layout, I looked to 4 panel and 6 panel. I quit like 4 panel that it make beautiful way because I believe that big and good size to fix together. In 6 panel, if I will do I feel it too big for my work. In my work, I will do 4 panel that 2 side.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Secondary Research Ideas From Book I looked to old fashion in colour and World War design, I mean in Second World War to design, I like the story of that maybe my design, I will combine colour in past to create my design with it together. Some of design, it similar in simple way but some of design different colours.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Secondary Research of Music poster This researched about music lyric to design. I looked in research that to design . I quit like the ways in different design but In my design, I will like to create art work about vector style because I would like to make its my own style but still “ KEANE “ some of this work that I bring in simple and minimal style. In colours not very much not abstract style.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7” Album Cover


Secondary Research of Poster In this researched, I aimed to poster design that simple and contemporary, when I said contemporary, I mean it contemporary in colour, style and idea. In poster research, I found different style some of work only computer some start from drawing to digital, maybe it just craft style. I would say my work will be something simple but look a bit modern in 2013 style.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Secondary Research illustration works This illustration research, I would research in illustration because of I will create art work from song to images. I need to understand illustration of work to design. In this research, For example, In snow white design if we talk to snow white I will think to Bow first but this work think of object from Bow.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Research of Wild Card Some of this research, I quit like technique of poster. I need to learn and understand of technique design maybe In my design, I will find some technique to my art work. I like every this research because of thinking of work if you are not think of ideas. I need to development my work as much as I can.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Research of Wild card This research, I found something that it will similar ideas because I will design the Sun to main object So this inspiration will help me some way. I would like in ideas and caption in poster work, I really like colours that the designer used to poster.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Research in Graphic Art Research of graphic art for me, I think more graphic because In visual from image to design bery important thing for graphic designers. I starts to look at graphic art from 2010 works, I love style in print and computer So In my work, I need to think more layout and style of work, I would like to design my work about “KEANE” 10 years now.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7” Album Cover


Research Of Minimal Design If I say minimal work, I will think to one thing. For example, Library in my opinion, I think of a book inside library. In this research, I would like to see how minimal design works. I will create some my work to minimal but I need to understand my work first, before design, I need to develop research that why I choose this research to my design.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Research of Minimal Design This research shown about minimal style of design. I found this research from Pinterest site. I really like the way of word to design but In my work, I will do more work but it not very minimal style but I will just add some more my ideas to its.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Research of Movie Posters This research, I research of movie posters because some of movie became to poster design in everyday. I interested in technique that The designer used in to poster. I also research composition from poster and text to put in the best position.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover


Development Sketches Layout After I research and ideas of my work. I started to dee my real layout, I tries to sketche and check how it will be done. I also try to 6 panel it mean two sides but finally, I used 4 panel because very suit with my work than 6 panel.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Development Sketches This is my sketches from music to sketches, I quit started with different ideas, I also try different design. In my design, I shown one design that I started from sketch.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Development Sketches After first sketches, I have to try In different sketches, In this one I think about hold on to the Sun, In my hold mean, I think of hand hold, maybe music hold the Sun. I tried to develop in digital but I need do more works.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Development Sketches This one, I think in cover to used the Sun in Centre then used text below the Sun in music name is “Higher Than The Sun” I think of balloon take to higher then used something about journey of KEANE in 10 years. I tried in different composition, skills and ideas. I quit enjoy to develop this ideas to my project.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7” Album Cover development ideas

Development Sketches This sketches, I came with another ideas that about 6 panel in 2 sides, I would like to design my project about make story in long panel design but another side design font cover and back. First I would like balloon take “KEANE” higher than the sun also hand came to hold its. I design many ideas, composition, technique and sketches. In the end I got some sketches that work with my project.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7” Album Cover development ideas

Development Sketches I continue to sketches from music to sketches that very difficult time but when I got ideas, it not strong ideas. I just need to create more develop my project.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Development to Design Final sketches, I got final sketches to my project, I choose the object that I sketches before to combine together with my work. I would like to do about journey in long design in Essex that “ KEANE “ were born there because of these album is the best of Keane So I think about real KEANE very much. In cover, I will use the design from I sketched before.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7” Album Cover development ideas

Digital Development In digital development, I started from my sketches, I bring to computer and using illustrator program to design my work. In this page, I tries in different the Sun that you see because the Sun important for these project. I also tries in different composition and skills.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Digital Development As I explain in the page before, I try different layout and composition, This page I tried in 3 panel for cover but look not work. I have to think more ideas of it.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Development Design I also try print out and different layout of my work when I try to print out very helpful to me very much because if i see only in computer, it not enough for design, i need to see in 3D or 4D that print it out.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Development how to create in illustrator I used illustrator CS6 to create my work, this is inside Vinyl design.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Development how to create in illustrator I used illustrator CS6 to create my work, this is font and back cover design.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Digital Development This page, I change to 2 panel for cover and inside this quit final design because I came with ideas and illustration works but I just need to more develop. In font, I use balloon to take KEANE up then inside work, I just make story of KEANE this work has shown some digital development.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Digital Development In final, I got ideas of my project this is final design of my development in digital

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Digital Development In my work, it quit nearly done just need to print out and see how it work.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Digital Development After I nearly done of work, i continue to print out and put together for Vinyl 7 but I got few problem was size and composition that i thought my project need a bit more composition.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Digital Development I came back home with few ideas of work So planned to design of inside cover because the one idea before quit big of design.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Digital Development Nearly done for project. I started with print out, I think my work quit work very well but i need to find solution that if I put double side of work when i fold, it not any problem. I need to sort it out.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Digital Development This is development to my project. Finally, I finished of work.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover development ideas

Final Digital Vinyl 7� Finally, I finish of project, this is font cover and back cover that together and another design was story of music.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover

Final design

Final Print This is final design of album cover for “7 Vinyl” I would like to produce of Font and back cover that same page but inside of vinyl, you can fold and put Vinyl on the side of it.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7” Album Cover

Final design

Final Print More photo of works

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover

Final design

Final Print More photo of works

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover

Final design

Final Print

This is me and my design work.

Sakon Boonyakait creativeallies Brief 7� Album Cover

Final design

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