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4.5. Understanding Different Modes Of Interactions


As continuously discussed above different aspects and need of integration, social interactions are one of the important types of interaction which affect the individual directly. Throughout our lives we have many opportunities, to develop and maintain some kind of relationships. Maintaining relationships becomes very crucial as the person age. Although circumstances and relationships change, it is important that social activities remain in priority in one’s life. Those who enjoy a lifestyle in which they often interact with others benefit substantially. It can potentially reduce many health risks. There are various benefits for mental and physical health,


for example

• Increased physical health • Positive outlook towards life • Improved mental sharpness • Longer and Happier lives, etc.

6.5 % 8.5 %

16 %

Fig. 30: Graphs indicating comparative percentages due to group exercise and solo or no exercise.

Source: Medibank Research by Roy Morgan Research

It’s been well documented that exercise is great for your health, but could who

you’re exercising with also have an impact? While all kinds of exercise have been shown to improve mental well-being, the data shows the prevalence of anxiety, depression and stress may be lower amongst those engaging in group exercise. Group exercise more effective than individual workouts. Working out in a group can lower stress by 26 percent and improve quality of life, according to researchers at the University of New England.

Fig. 31: Articles, indicating, proposal of socio-cultural centers

Today, the world is fast becoming a global village, with many countries enjoying a multicultural environment. Understanding different cultures is not only critical, but it also promotes ample coexistence. One person can have diverse cultures such as; family culture, religious culture, age group culture, or work culture. When all these cultures are combined, they give each individual their personal culture. There are various ways that both children and adults can learn about different cultures.


Having a one on one interaction with people helps to hear their stories first hand. This way, one learns from each other.


The world comprises of people with diverse cultures. Where possible, being exposed to different cultures helps you embrace and appreciate people that are different from you.

CREATES OPPORTUNITY TO MEET NEW PEOPLE AND EXPOSURE TO NEWER EXPERIENCES Children can get exposed through; sampling new foods, participating in different cultural celebrations and listening to stories. Further, engaging in different activities such as art or even learning how to play a new musical instrument. Exposure to new things helps children to explore the world better.


The importance of small business to local communities is emotionally rooted in buying and selling with friends and neighbours. Apart from the social and cultural interactions, economic interactions are also one of major aspects which can promote a sense of well-being. For example, a township established by industrialists has a primary objective of housing its employees. But with employees, their families also become an important part of township. Though the economic need of the family is fulfilled by the head of the family, by working in the industry, the family members may possess some talents which could have an economic value, but it is restricted because of reach to the outside market.

By establishing various small-scale home business by homemakers and providing a platform to showcase talents would result in increased economic satisfaction of the family. It will also create an opportunity of interactions between residents of township with the exchange of home-made commodities or food products which they specialise in. It will not only create a healthy micro economic environment, but will also create a platform for learning, sharing of talents which may be restricted to the walls of the house.

Culture Connects was launched by the Mayor of Dublin in 2016 as an anchor of the city’s new

cultural strategy. The flagship project of Culture Connects is The National Neighbourhood Project which brings together citizens and community groups, artists, and the city’s eight National Cultural Institutions to co-produce original artworks and performances of relevance to the communities’


Fig. 32: Cultural Connect between people Source: World Cities Cultural Forum

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